HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240881 Ver 1_GRACE Christian School Apex Campus_Cover Letter and Appendix_Final_20240625-0- WithersRavenel .. Our People. Your Success. June 24, 2024 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Rachel Capito 3331 Heritage Trade Drive Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 NC Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Ms. Stephanie Goss 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Re: GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus- Request for Individual Permit Apex, Wake County, NC USACE AID: SAW-2022-02238 WR Project #23-0279 Ms. Capito and Ms. Goss, On behalf of Greater Raleigh Area Christian Education, Inc., we are requesting an Individual (IP) Permit from the USACE for 0.467 acres of permanent impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and 1.205 acres of permanent open water impacts for construction of the proposed Greater Raleigh Area Christian Education (GRACE) campus. We are also requesting an Individual 401 WQC from NCDWR for the above referenced impacts. Project Location The new GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 campus project is located on two parcels (PINS: 0741019204 & 0741119629) totaling ±52.88-acres located at 2728 Veridia Parkway, Apex, Wake County (Lat: 35.704120°N;-78.861817°W). The project is in the Cape Fear River basin and onsite waters drain to Big Branch. The Water Quality Classification for Big Branch is C and the Stream Index Number is:18-7-6-1. The cataloging unit for the site is 030300040102. Jurisdictional Waters There are 0.551 acres of federally jurisdictional wetlands, 2.24 acres of open waters, and 1,540 linear feet of streams within the project area. The site is not located within a State buffered basin but is subject to Town of Apex buffers. See attached Wetland/Buffer Delineation Exhibit. The table below summarizes the jurisdictional waters onsite: Waters in Project Area Waters Type Amount Units Wetlands 0.551 Acres Streams 1,540 Linear Feet Open Waters 2.24 Acres 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. F-1479 Asheville I Cary I Charlotte I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus Apex, Wake County Request for Individual Permit Project Purpose and Need ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. The purpose of the proposed project is the construction of a new GRACE K-12 school (TK-1211 grade) to consolidate the existing two campuses into a single larger campus to accommodate the existing and growing demand for additional students. The current Greater Raleigh Area Christian Education (GRACE) student population is approximately 825 students and current anticipated grown is such that the proposed project would accommodate approximately 1,200 students (Pre-K: 40 students; K-411: 360 students; 5' & 6": 200; 7th-12": 600). The GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus project will provide new educational facilities for the entire student population of —1,200 students. Planned core capacity for the school (gathering spaces such as the cafeteria, gymnasium, chapel) is anticipated to accommodate 460 persons. The proposed GRACE Christian School Apex campus will help address the inadequate numbers of schools, and overcrowding issues being experienced in the local area as well as addressing the needs of its own student growth. The existing GRACE schools consist of two separate campuses located at 801 Buck Jones Road (PIN: 0773851913) and 1101 Buck Jones Road (PIN: 07737427160), which are located on opposite sides of 1-40. There was no opportunity for expansion on either existing school site to create larger facilities to accommodate additional students. Both existing sites are surrounded by existing development, and there was no opportunity to purchase additional property to accommodate expansion of the existing facilities. Therefore, GRACE sold both of those facilities in order to generate the necessary capital to purchase the new school site and construction of the new GRACE Apex K-12 school campus. Proposed Proiect The GRACE School is poised to transform its student experience by relocating its existing schools to a new campus. Located in Apex, NC, at the corner of Veridea Parkway and US 1 the project will unify the GRACE community by creating a campus centered around communal shared experiences, which will comfortably transition students during their time at GRACE by offering distinct experiences for each division: Lower, Middle, And Upper School. The new campus provides new opportunities to strengthen community, grow programs, and provide a one -campus home for the GRACE students, staff, faculty, and parents. The project will occupy the east side of the approximately 53-acre site, which is split over two parcels across Veridea Parkway. The west parcel is tabulated at 29.20 acres and the east parcel at 23.68 acres. The project comprises of planned academic buildings, parking, carpool stacking, emergency access, primary football/ soccer athletic field, open space, and designated play spaces within the east parcel. The design of the school campus on the eastern tract will be the initial phase of construction. The design of the athletic fields on the western tract is still conceptual, but will not require impacts to wetlands, streams or riparian buffers to construct. Utilities not available at the project site include domestic water, which will need to be brought in from the north along Veridea Parkway. Sanitary sewer, which is available at the eastern property line from adjacent development. Additional roadway improvements include adding a signalized intersection and turning lanes both into and out of the main entrance of the site. The new facility will contain multiple buildings. The combined Lower and Middle School is a two- story facility. The three-story Upper School building will house the main business office, arts facilities, and academic classrooms. The athletics and assembly areas will include a multipurpose Page 2 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus Apex, Wake County Request for Individual Permit ::WikhefsRavenel Our People. Your Success. auxiliary gym and cafeteria, along with a full-size competition gym, and support spaces including a kitchen, restroom and locker facilities, stage, and weight room. The proposed GRACE Christian School Apex Campus requires the below listed parking, classroom, and queuing spaces: Parking spaces required: 0 Senior School (Upper): 10 spaces per classroom, or 1 per 3 seats in principal place of assembly, whichever is greater ■ 21 classrooms / 500 seat gym capacity ■ 210 spaces required 0 Elementary/Junior (Lower + Middle) School: 2 spaces per classroom, or 1 per 3 seats in principal place of assembly, whichever is greater ■ 44 classrooms / 500 seat gym capacity ■ 167 spaces required 0 377 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED Additional Parking Required 0 ADA spaces: 301-400 total parking spaces required ■ 8 total accessible spaces required ■ 2 van -accessible spaces required EV spaces ■ Elementary / Junior: 3% of all required spaces ■ Senior: 1% of all required spaces 3 spaces required ■ 9 TOTAL EV SPACES REQUIRED (including 1 van accessible space) 0 Bike parking ■ Elementary / Junior: 1 space for every 40 students above 2nd grade and employees at planned capacity (600 students and employees) 15 spaces ■ Senior: 1 space for every 40 students and employees at planned capacity (450 students and employees) 12 spaces ■ 27 BIKE SPACES REQUIRED Parking spaces provided: 380 spaces provided o ADA: 10 total ADA spaces provided, including 3 van -accessible spaces o EV: 9 total EV spaces provided, including 1 van -accessible space o Bike: 28 total spaces provided ■ Elementary / Junior: 16 spaces ■ Senior: 12 spaces Queuing length required o Lower + Middle Queuing: 4,430 LF required (high demand) o Upper Queuing: 1,930 LF required (high demand) Queuing length provided o Lower + Middle Queuing: 4,696 LF provided o Upper Queuing: 2,364 LF provided Proiect History WithersRavenel completed a delineation of the project area in September 2022. WR requested a stream/buffer determination from the Town of Apex on 12/2/2022. A site review was conducted with Town staff on 11/9/2022. The Town of Apex issued a stream buffer Page 3 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus :: WVi th ersRave n e l Apex, Wake County Our People. Your Success - Request for Individual Permit determination letter on 2/16/2022 (Apex 22-015). A copy of the Town determination is included as an attachment. WR originally submitted a PJD/AJD request on 10/13/2022 (AID: SAW-2021-02238). However, as a result of the revised WOTUS rule, the applicant is conceding jurisdictional status of all onsite wetlands, streams and surface waters, and a Preliminary JD Request is being provided with this application in support of the delineation. Please note that WR is not requesting issuance of a PJD in conjunction with issuance of the IP. WR submitted a project review letter to SHPO on 9/14/2022. SHPO sent a comment later dated 9/2/2022 indicating they were not aware of any historic resources that would be affected by the proposed project. A copy of the SHPO comment letter is attached. A pre -application meeting was held on 6/07/2024 with WR, the applicant, Rachel Capito (USACE), Sue Homewood (NCDWR), and Sam Wooten (NCDWR) to discuss the proposed site design. WR conducted a Pedestrian Survey for Threatened and Endangered Species on 6/12/2024. Proposed Impacts The proposed project will result in the following impacts: • Permanent Wetland Impacts - 0.467 ac • Permanent Open Water Impacts - 1.2 ac The proposed project will result in 0.467 acres of permanent wetland impacts for the main campus (Wetlands C, D, E) (Impacts W1-W3). Proposed wetland impacts are for grading necessary to construct buildings, the northern access road, parking, and athletic facilities. Pond 2 (1.2 ac) will be drained and filled to construct the campus (Impact OW1). No impacts are proposed on the western parcel for the future athletic facilities. Impacts to Wetland C (Impact W1) are necessary for site grading, construction of parking areas and roads (including required queuing space) and the Lower School building. Impacts to Wetland D are proposed for construction of the Middle School building. Further wetland impacts to Wetland E are necessary for site grading, the main athletic field, and parking areas. Jurisdictional Pond 2 will be permanently drained and filled to allow for construction of the main campus including the Middle and Upper Schools, and the Athletic building (Impact OW1). No stream impacts are proposed. Avoidance and Minimization Proposed permanent wetland and open water impacts for the proposed campus and infrastructure are necessary to accommodate the new consolidated campus. Reconfiguring the two halves of the campus complex would not reduce impacts. The main campus was chosen to be located on the eastern parcel primarily because the Town of Apex is constructing a new gravity sanitary sewer which will be available on the eastern parcel (See attached Sheet G impact map). Gravity sewer will not work on the western parcel and locating the main campus on that parcel would have required a lift station due to a ridge feature separating the two parcels. Constructing a lift station to serve the campus would result in an additional cost burden for the private GRACE Christian School and for these reasons the main campus will be located on the eastern parcel. The need for sewer facilities on the western parcel will be minimal and can be met using small septic systems. Page 4 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus :: WVi th ersRave n e l Apex, Wake County Our People. Your Success. Request for Individual Permit Onsite wetlands follow the drainage from an offsite pond to the north through the site to Stream 4 placing these resources within the center of the site making avoidance impossible. In order to construct the necessary campus buildings, parking, and other infrastructure, wetland impacts are unavoidable. Impacts to Pond 2 are unavoidable due to the geographic position of the pond within the project area and the need to create enough graded land area to accommodate construction of the proposed campus. On the eastern parcel that is proposed to house the main campus, all impacts to Stream 4 have been avoided by designing the site around the stream. A previous plan was explored that would have resulted in a culverted stream crossing of Stream 4. This plan was abandoned to avoid impacts to Stream 4, lower construction costs, and provide space for required Resource Conservation Areas which will also be utilized as natural environment areas. A copy of this previous site plan is included in this application. Indirect impacts to Stream 4 have been avoided by designing a clean water bypass diversion from the north to provide a hydrologic connection to Stream 4 following development in the upper area of the drainage. See attached Clean Water Diversion plan on Sheet F of attached impact exhibits. Additionally, SCM outfalls will provide additional hydrologic input to Stream 4. No impacts are proposed for construction of the athletic facilities on the western parcel. No impacts are required for improvements to Veridea Road. Construction techniques used to avoid or minimize impacts include installation of erosion & sediment control devices prior to construction. Silt fencing will be installed around all disturbed areas to prevent sediment from escaping into undisturbed areas or offsite. Existing Site Conditions The review area consists of 2 parcels (PINS: 0741119629 & 0741019204). The review area is comprised of mixed hardwood/pine forest (see Aerial Photo), former agricultural areas, and two ponds. Based on historic aerials, the site was more open in the early 1960's until the early 2000's. The site has more vegetated cover at the present time. On the eastern parcel, at least five structures are visible in historic aerials from 1964. These structures all appear to remain to the present day. On the western parcel, two dwellings are visible on the historical aerial image from 1964 that remain to this day. One of these dwellings is the Brown-Tingen House (WA0687), a 1910 triple-A cottage. In 1993, the first of four elongated structures appear on historical aerials on the western parcel just southwest of the Brown-Tingen house, but imagery shows these structures were removed in 2010. The eastern parcel is dominated by mixed hardwood/pine forest consisting of primary hardwoods. The forest vegetative composition consists of loblolly pine (Pinus toeda), sweetgum (Liquidambar styrociflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), oaks and other common tree species and various grasses and herbs. Various derelict structures such as old barns are located on the eastern parcel along with mowed/maintained areas. A former agricultural vegetative community comprised most of the review area within the western parcel. This area has been left fallow and is dominated by dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) and broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus). The remainder of the western parcel Page 5 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus Apex, Wake County Request for Individual Permit ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. consists of mixed hardwood/pine forest, a small stand of longleaf pine (Pinus polustris) and multiple vacant structures. Based on review of historic aerials, the entire review area consisted of a mixture of farmland and forest prior to the early 2000's. After that time, areas of loblolly pine were planted on the eastern parcel rendering most of the parcel wooded. In the late 1990's, several agricultural buildings were erected on the western parcel but were removed after 2010. Fish and Wildlife Use of the Proiect Site Wildlife species inhabiting the project site consists of those species typically found in woodlands, including white-tailed deer, small mammals (raccoons, opossums, squirrels, mice, fox, etc.) and various species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Federally Listed and Threatened & Endangered Species WR completed a formal survey/review for federally listed threatened and endangered species within and adjacent to the proposed project and the results determined that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect federally listed species. WR conducted an onsite pedestrian survey on the project site on 6/12/2024. The following information is provided to document how WR reached the determination that the proposed project will not adversely affect federally listed species. WR conducted a file review of records maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). An official species list was generated using USFWS' Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaQ, located at https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/ on 5/24/2024. This species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and designated critical habitat, which may occur within the boundary of the project and may be affected by the project. The IPaC specified that there are four federally listed species and one proposed endangered species that may occur within the project boundary and may be affected by the proposed project. These species include Tricolored Bat (PE), Red -Cockaded Woodpecker (E), Cape Fear Shiner (E), and Michaux's sumac (E). The IPaC list did not identify any critical habitat within the project area. WR also submitted a project review request to the NCNHP on 5/24/2024 through their Data Explorer webpage, located at: https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/, to identify known occurrences of federally listed threatened or endangered species within 1.0 mile of the review area. The NCNHP project review did not identify any federally listed species. The May 2024, NCNHP review letter has been provided as an attachment. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) maintains lists of species that receive Federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Endangered (E) status refers to "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range," and Threatened (T) status refers to any species which is "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range" (Endangered Species Act, Section 3). Plants and animals classified as Proposed (P) are currently proposed for official designation of a protected species under the ESA. Plants and animals classified as Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) by the USFWS are protected under the provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the ESA of 1973, as amended. The following table presents federally listed species from the IPaC official species list dated December 29, 2023. While the Bald Eagle is not currently listed on the ESA, it is protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) and was included in the assessment. Page 6 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus Apex, Wake County Request for Individual Permit ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Common Name Scientific Name Federal Habitat Biological Determination Status Present Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocepholus BGPA* No No Effect Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus PE Yes Not Likely to Adversely Affect Red -Cockaded Picoides borealis E No No Effect Woodpecker Cape Fear Shiner Notropis mekistocholas E No No Effect Michaux's sumac Rhus michauxii E Yes No Effect Bald Eagle (BGPA) Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of bald eagle nests within 1.0 miles of the project area. No bald eagle nests were observed within the project area. Additionally, no bald eagles were observed in flight during the 6/12/24 pedestrian survey. There are no large bodies of water suitable for potential foraging habitat within 1.0 miles of the project area. Therefore, a survey of areas within 660' of the project area was not required per the USFWS National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. Since the proposed project is not located within 660' of an eagle nest, WR concludes that the proposed project will have No Effect on Bald Eagle. Tricolored Bat (PE) The USFWS proposed to list the Tricolored Bat as an endangered species under the ESA on September 13, 2022, largely because of white -nose syndrome, a disease that affects bats and is decimating hibernating bat species. There has been no critical habitat designated for the Tricolored Bat at this time. Based on a review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of the Tricolored Bat within 1 mile of the project area. Suitable habitat for Tricolored Bat may exist in the project area within the tree canopies and vacant man-made structures. There are various man-made structures located on the site, but targeted surveys for presence/absence were not conducted. No caves, bridges, or culverts are known to be located on the project site. Targeted surveys have not been conducted for Tricolored Bats. Some tree clearing will be necessary for construction of the proposed project. However, it is our opinion that the project is Not Likely to Adversely Affect the Tricolored Bat. Red -Cockaded Woodpecker (E) Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of Red -Cockaded Woodpecker within 1.0 miles of the project area. The red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW) occurs in extensive tracts of open stands of mature pines, particularly longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat, typically 70 to 100 acres or more. The red -cockaded woodpecker is rarely found in deciduous or mixed pine -hardwoods. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. Optimal habitat is characterized as a broad savanna with a scattered overstory of large pines and a dense groundcover containing a diversity of grass, forbs, and shrub species. Midstory vegetation is sparse or absent. Frequent fires Page 7 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus :: WVi th ersRave n e l Apex, Wake County Our People. Your Success. Request for Individual Permit maintain the quality of the RCW's habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. The site consists of mixed hardwood pine forests and cleared former agricultural areas. One stand of loblolly pines is located within the project site however the trees are growing in a dense stand with a thick understory and is not considered habitat for Red -Cockaded Woodpecker. Additionally, The RCW is no longer thought to occur anywhere in Wake County, as previous correspondence with the USFWS specified that the record of RCW in Wake County was erroneous. WR concludes that the proposed project will have No Effect on Red -Cockaded Woodpecker. Cape Fear Shiner (E) Based on the review of the NCNHP GIS data, there are no known occurrences of Cape Fear Shiner within 1.0 miles of the project area. The Cape Fear shiner is a small (approximately 2" long), yellowish minnow with a black band along the sides of its body. The Cape Fear shiner is generally associated with gravel, cobble and boulder substrates and is endemic to the upper Cape Fear River Basin in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. The species is known to occur in tributaries and mainstreams of the Deep River, Haw River, Rocky River and Cape Fear River in Chatham, Harnett, Lee, Moore and Randolph Counties. The USFWS identifies the Critical Habitat Designation for the Cape Fear Shiner as being ±4.1 miles of the Rocky River from NC Hwy 902 bridge downstream to Chatham County Road 1010 Bridge, and ±0.5 river miles of Bear Creek, from Chatham County Road 2156 Bridge downstream to the Rocky River, then downstream in the Rocky River (±4.2 river miles) to the Deep River, the downstream in the Deep River (±2.6 river miles) to a point 0.3 river miles below the Moncure, NC, USGS Geological Survey Gauging Station. The USFWS designated critical area is located approximately 15.2 miles southwest of the Project. Constituent elements include clean streams with gravel, cobble and boulder substrates with pools, riffles, shallow runs and slack water areas with large outcrops and side channels and pools with water of good quality with relatively low silt loads (USFWS, Federal Register reference 9/25/87, Federal Register, 2: 36034-36039). The onsite streams were too small to be considered potential Cape Fear Shiner habitat. Furthermore, there are no proposed impacts to onsite streams. Therefore WR concludes that the proposed project will have No Effect on Cape Fear Shiner. Michaux's sumac (E) The review of the NCNHP GIS data did not identify any known occurrences of Michaux's sumac within 1.0 miles of the review area. The 6/12/2024 pedestrian survey focused survey efforts within early successional areas where existing vegetation heights and abundance of sunlight met habitat requirements. Surveys were also conducted along the shoulders of Veridea Parkway. The pedestrian survey did not identify any occurrences of Michaux's sumac within the project area. Therefore, due to the findings of the pedestrian survey and lack of nearby records, WR concludes that the proposed project will have No Effect on Michaux's sumac. Mitigation The applicant proposes to mitigate 0.467 acres of permanent wetland impacts at a 2:1 mitigation ratio. The proposed compensatory mitigation is provided in the following table: Page 8 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus :: WVi th ersRave n e l Apex, Wake County Our People. Your Success. Request for Individual Permit Wetland Mitigation Table Impact Type Impacts Ratio Mitigation Proposed Wetland Impact 0.467 ac 2:1 0.934 ac WithersRavenel coordinated with mitigation banks servicing this HUC to inquire on the availability of mitigation credits. No mitigation credits were available in this HUC from private mitigation banks, therefore a copy of a letter of acceptance from NCDMS has been provided as an attachment. Stormwater Management Plan The stormwater management plan consists of two wet pond SCM's to serve the site's stormwater needs. The stormwater management plan will be reviewed and approved by the Town of Apex as the designated authority. Cultural Resources WR reviewed the NC State Historic Preservation Office's online database, located at: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/, to determine if there were any known historic or cultural resources within or in the vicinity of the proposed project. The database review identified the Brown-Tingen House (WA0687), a 1910 triple-A cottage located within the proposed project site. WR submitted a letter to SHPO on September 14, 2022 and received a letter from SHPO on November 9, 2022 stating that they were aware of no historic resources that would be affected by the proposed project. A copy of the SHPO letter is included as an attachment. Floodplain No designated FEMA floodplain is present within the subject property (FEMA FIRM Panels: 3720074100J; effective 5/02/2006) as depicted in the attached FEMA Floodplain Exhibit. Soils The NRCS Soil Survey for Wake County classifies the onsite soils as: • MfC2 - Mayodan sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes • MfB2 - Mayodan sandy loam - 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded • GrB - Granville sandy loam - 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded • GrC2 - Granville sandy loam - 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded • GrB2 - Granville sandy loam - 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded • CrB2 - Creedmoor sandy loam - 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded • CrC2 - Creedmoor sandy loam - 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded • MfD2 - Madison sandy loam - 10 to 15 percent slopes, eroded • Wy - Worsham sandy loam Page 9 of 10 GRACE Christian School Apex K-12 Campus Apex, Wake County Request for Individual Permit ::WithefsRavenel Our People. Your Success - The current request is for 0.467 acres of permanent wetland impacts and 1.205 acres of permanent open water impacts (see attached maps and PCN for details). Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or require additional information to complete your review. Sincerely, WithersRavenel Environmental Scientist Attachments: • ENG Form 4345 • PCN Form • Agent & Access Authorization Forms • Existing GRACE School Campuses Exhibit • Aerial Exhibit • USGS Quads • Topographical Exhibit • Wake County Soil Survey • Vegetative Communities Exhibit • FEMA Floodplain Exhibit • Wetland Delineation Exhibit • Adjacent Property Owners Exhibits • USFWS IPaC Resource List (5-24-2024) • NCNHP Project Review Letter (5-24-2024) • SHPO Comment Letter • Town of Apex Stream/Buffer Determination Letter • Photo Documentation • NCDMS Letter of Acceptance for Wetland Mitigation • Impact Exhibits • Previous Site Plan with Stream 4 Impacts 1. Alternatives Analyses 2. USACE Preliminary JD Request Page 10 of 10 ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. ENG FORM 4345 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT (33 CFR 325) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, Searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10; 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States; the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine uses: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME & TITLE (an agent is not required) Greater Raleigh Area Christian Education, Inc. Rick Trone - Environmental Scientist III 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 801 Buck Jones Road 115 MacKenan Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Cary, NC 27511 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NUMBERS WITH AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NUMBERS WITH AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence b. Business 919-747-2020 b. Business 919-538-8184 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize WithersRavenel to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. — 6/22/2024 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) GRACE Christian School Apex Campus 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Big Branch 2728 Veridia Parkway Apex, NC 27502 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake NC COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Highway 1 south from Raleigh, take exit 95 to Highway 55 north. Exit left onto Apex Peakway and turn left onto Tingen Road. The site is on the right approximately 0.7 miles south. ENG FORM 4345 — ONLINE CESPK-CO-R 18. NATURE OF ACTIVITY (Description of project, include all features) Construction of a K-12 school facility, athletic facilities and associated infrastructure. See attached cover letter and PCN for additional information. 19. PROJECT PURPOSE (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The purpose of the proposed project is the construction of a new private school facilitynew GRACE K-12 school (TK-12th grade) to consolidate the existing two campuses into a single larger campus in order to accommodate the existing and growing demand for additional students. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. REASON(S) FOR DISCHARGE Construction of a K-12 school and associated infrastructure. See cover letter and PCN for additional information. 21. TYPE(S) OF MATERIAL BEING DISCHARGED AND THE AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE IN CUBIC YARDS Structural fill 22. SURFACE AREA IN ACRES OF WETLANDS OR OTHER WATERS FILLED (see instructions) Wetlands: 0.467 acres Open Waters: 1.205 acres 23. IS ANY PORTION OF THE WORK ALREADY COMPLETE? YES O NO O IF YES, DESCRIBE THE WORK 24. ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, ETC. WHOSE PROPERTY ADJOINS THE WATERBODY (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list) Please see attached Adjacent Property Owners Exhibit 25. LIST OF OTHER CERTIFICATIONS OR APPROVALS/DENIALS RECEIVED FROM OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL AGENCIES FOR WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS APPLICATION AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED Town of Apex Stream/Buffer Det. Apex 22-015 12/2/2022 12/16/2022 * Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits. 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the Ithorized agent of the applicant. 06/22/24 6/19/2024 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and will fully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, facticious, or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345 — ONLINE CESPK-CO-R ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. AGENT AND ACCESS AUTHORIZATION FORMS Our People. Your Success, The undersigned owner(s), Greater Raleigh Area Christian Education, Inc., do(es) hereby authorize WithersRavenel, Inc. to access the following parcels listed below in Apex, NC for the purpose of environmental regulatory agency review (US Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, local Municipalities, etc.) and approvals (i.e. wetland delineation, stream/buffer determination, environmental permitting, etc.) at the request of the contract purchaser: ® Wake Co. PIN: 0741019204, ±29.20-acre parcel, located at 2728 Veridea Parkway ® Wake Co. PIN: 0741119629, ±23.68-acre parcel, located near 2728 Veridea Parkway This authorization does not bind the current property owner(s) to financial responsibility for services rendered on the subject property by WithersRavenel, Inc. This agreement shall continue in effect until completion/termination of the purchase contract for the subject property. Date: -�-A- k 12- L� Contract Purchaser's Agent Info: WithersRavenel, Inc. 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Tel. (919)-469-3340 Signature of Owner(s): L ( d�aL E `y iI �N� J k c f e u Name - Print Title Signature U� I 1{Ct� JJnI S YaaNO Mailing Address City State Zip Phone: (l q 7 q .7 , )- z ) Email: I✓r-rtnc�z e 6�� c� s ; v, /" ` 1.15 MkicKen.m Drive ( Gwy, NC 37511, L 919A69,33d0 is 91.9,/10.6008 1 www,wiIIlersravenel.com 1 License No. I-111179 n lwville ( Cm-y I Charlotte G eensbrno I Lumberton I Pittsboro I Raleigh I `>outhern fines I Willnil )gion Our People. Your Success. The undersigned contract purchaser, NEMA Management, LLC (Client) does hereby appoint WithersRavenel, Inc. as his, her, or it's agent for the purpose of petitioning the appropriate local, state and federal environmental regulatory agencies (US Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, local municipalities, etc.) for: a) review and approval of the jurisdictional boundaries of onsite jurisdictional areas (wetlands, streams, riparian buffers, etc.) and/or; b) preparation and submittal of appropriate environmental permit applications/requests for the following parcels listed below in Apex, NC. ® Wake Co. PIN: 0741019204, ±29.20-acre parcel, located at 2728 Veridea Parkway ® Wake Co. PIN: 0741119629, ±23.68-acre parcel, located near 2728 Veridea Parkway The Client does hereby authorize that said agent has the authority to do the following acts on behalf of the owner: (1) To submit appropriate requests/applications and the required supplemental materials; (2) To attend meetings to give representation on behalf of the Client. (3) To authorize access to subject property for the purpose of environmental review by appropriate regulatory agencies. This authorization shall continue in effect until completion of the contracted task or termination by the Client. Agent's Name, Address & Telephone: WithersRavenel Inc. 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Tel. (919)-469-3340 Date: Vz k / 1 L/ Signature of Client: (Name - Print) (Title) (Signature) 801 RL4C1, :} JN E 5 R-a<, Mailing Address R /\ j- S-:114 A, )- 7 G U 6 City tate Zip Phone: G l 4 7117 2-o :2 Email: 3r ,Jicy C�(I s'%t r 1.15 WcKemm I:arive. I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919A69.:3340 I f: 9M/W.6008 1 mvw.wii I iersr.weneLcom I License No. F 1;179 Asheville I Cary I Charlolle I Grcensboro I Pil:khoro I kAeigh I Southeni Pines I WiliYiiiigton ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. EXISTING GRACE SCHOOL CAMPUSES EXHBIT z OEM f t Z tk OLU LU J 1 f F- M, N 5 O T 410 w �» U :D QQLU 0 o • .l' , 1+t� � �P LU O O .r1 J in N m Z U `r OY(� o U - w J Q w U m Q Cn Q7 0 I U N r, 2 C i U Uo ■ J O Cl)x � Z ti Cl) LU N H D O Z Nam= C� U U :D J w x m Q U w T x Qao V � V7 W V7 D CL Q U J 0 0 U v7 Z Q v7 2 U w U Q U U Z V7 X W J O - r z '{ 0 D �U CL Z Q , Q U Z, � N o Y = Y 3 w U Q Q /.0l1 'A31SV38 — Ad LVOZ:V VZOZ 'TZ eu-P •Aopuayl—6xp,M!giyx3 NOd\Otl0\awoegS—apuopeM\xady ,..,.S uoi,auy0 ...0 sp j!gory eMr7-6LZ0\£Z\-.f ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. AERIAL EXHIBIT lk P \ R � , r Q QPP��PJ Z ,eol, O m F- U W M ADIHIVd 'HS13M — Ad SZ:OZZ VZOZ 'BL eunr •.(opaeny—6xp�Mq!gx3 NOd\OVD\1w1e45—apulfl'M\x'dy ooy.S ...0 sp j!gory eMrl-6LZO\£Z\-.f ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. USGS QUADS dp _ µAAKH rm �'; �A rlAr IAR(LIFF ST �. is d } � cc 9 FW- Q � Z U h. F DR d� V LLI O a RN� .61 450 FUN r vuMEY LN A 076 r �I X J iL Q CII CV 0 CV un U un ODE J Y RD U o cV - - —_ - ••'ti - - __ - J CL A0IHIVd 'HS13M - Ad LL:VZZ VZOZ 'BL ...r •.(opa.ny -6xp,M ggyx3 NOd\OYJ\----4S-apuo,y-M\x-dy ,00y.S ...0 ap j!gory eMrl-6LZO\£Z\-p ki x w CL N cv O cv U O O U V) Z Q U w U Q U MOMYd 'HSU* — nd ££:CLZ KOL '81 ounr 'AoP--1—OW-V.9!4x3 NDd\=\--4S--Pu-IWIA\-WY I-5 u-9-94D —ro q--r!wro-m-scw\u\,r ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. TOPOGRAPHICAL EXHIBIT ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. WAKE COUNTY SOIL SURVEY IN ro C—) Ln 16- LL, C"i AL L) AFM % LU LU LU co < CII-j m z z CID < U < < CL z < LLJ 0 < LLJ U > V) 00 Ln YE CIA rl CL u CIQ < VSSkW '10018 — Ad ZI:69:Z IZOZ '01 �--P 'A-P ... Pm —B,p-m,e .,!I,u!.,I,o '83 — uq.!"o ...E)—Gq6Qzz\oq6Q—zz\zz\ ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES EXHIBIT ADIHIVd! 'HS13M — Ad LV:LZ:Z VZOZ '2L ... r 'A-P-onj —6mp�Mq!qx3 NOd\OVD\1-1145—'Pulfl'M\x'dV ..,.S ...0 spj!qo,V M.rl—BLZO\EZ\.p ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. FEMA FLOODPLAIN EXHIBIT ... � f � _\ 70 .k . � U _ $ . �O ± / ± E ) ) / § E ] 2 G k . § 2 S 0 \ f f 0 ƒ ƒ ƒ § ƒ \ .� .. � f \ LL f / ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ± # \ C a � & a) ± § _ C E a- \ / c CL 'a O O � Q � W LL |$ ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT x� 1 Ww a Q� / v zz wLU / / // �\ a > r>o� Q Y W 1 w o QLL v ~mow L " � Q z / / \ OwC U ` a oa m awm �v O Q Z //� w a L v z o T �\ F- Z L wWr oca ��/ �\ zm� mow° �/ oQ J //ii / 0zLL W NaW LO d aZ) o i` Q I/ / z o w LL IIILU HUZ > w W r � \\ a� Q LU m rLL m l F- Oz W p J O (7 m �wr \\\ I Z Zw CD = — Hzcri \�\ y :)rn =W = P�� o H z z 0 w LU aCC (D0 �LL� w� w NDao �W _Z U ) W \ HUH W 0CD � Z W >\ c OLUO LU z ? LLJ ZCD Zm LL 0(I -jW W I CC z w cc CL m w m I. �LL z �o w Z CN ' = Q ` m w LL z> zzz� w i�i� -- uj -o w OF-° LL LU CC z a� C� �LLpm ��F-�LU 0 ¢r��wZ= O m�\ w OCQw w Tz� �z ax�ao�z _ Z �wm �z0LL. 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USFWS I PaC OFFICIAL SPECIES 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources IPaC U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC resource list This report is an automatically generated list of species and other resources such as critical habitat (collectively referred to as trust resources) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) jurisdiction that are known or expected to be on or near the project area referenced below. The list may also include trust resources that occur outside of the project area, but that could potentially be directly or indirectly affected by activities in the project area. However, determining the likelihood and extent of effects a project may have on trust resources typically requires gathering additional site -specific (e.g., vegetation/species surveys) and project -specific (e.g., magnitude and timing of proposed activities) information. Below is a summary of the project information you provided and contact information for the USFWS office(s) with jurisdiction in the defined project area. Please read the introduction to each section that follows (Endangered Species, Migratory Birds, USFWS Facilities, and NWI Wetlands) for additional information applicable to the trust resources addressed in that section. Location Wake County, North Carolina • I �k!x Dr I 1�11 tl �.5�y Local office Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office k. (919) 856-4520 1@ (919) 856-4556 https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 1/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Endangered species This resource list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an analysis of project level impacts. The primary information used to generate this list is the known or expected range of each species. Additional areas of influence (AOI) for species are also considered. An AOI includes areas outside of the species range if the species could be indirectly affected by activities in that area (e.g., placing a dam upstream of a fish population even if that fish does not occur at the dam site, may indirectly impact the species by reducing or eliminating water flow downstream). Because species can move, and site conditions can change, the species on this list are not guaranteed to be found on or near the project area. To fully determine any potential effects to species, additional site -specific and project -specific information is often required. P t--,& Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action" for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an official species list from either the Regulatory Review section in IPaC (see directions below) or from the local field office directly. <0 For project evaluations that require USFWS concurrence/review, please return to the IPaC website and request an official species list by doing the following: 1. Draw the project location and click CONTINUE. 2. Click DEFINE PROJECT. 3. Log in (if directed to do so). 4. Provide a name and description for your project. 5. Click REQUEST SPECIES LIST. Listed speciesi and their critical habitats are managed by the Ecological Services Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the fisheries division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisheries). Species and critical habitats under the sole responsibility of NOAA Fisheries are not shown on this list. Please contact NOAA Fisheries for species under their jurisdiction. 1. Species listed under the Endangered Species Act are threatened or endangered; IPaC also shows species that are candidates, or proposed, for listing. See the listing status page for more information. IPaC only shows species that are regulated by USFWS (see FAQ). https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 3/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources 2. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. The following species are potentially affected by activities in this location: Mammals NAME Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/10515 Birds NAME STATUS Proposed Endangered STATUS Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis E g Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Fishes NAME STATUS Cape Fear Shiner Notropis mekistocholas Endangered Wherever found *, There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6063 \� —. Insects NAME STATUS Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Candidate Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 Flowering Plants NAME STATUS https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 4/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii Endangered Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5217 Critical habitats Potential effects to critical habitat(s) in this location must be analyzed along with the endangered species themselves. There are no critical habitats at this location. J You are still required to determine if your project(s) may have effects one all above listed species. Bald &Golden Eagles Bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act' and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act2. Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to bald or golden eagles, or their habitats3, should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described in the links below. Specifically, please review the "Supplemental Information on Migratory Birds and Eagles". LILT] Additional information can be found using the following links: • Eagle Management https://www.fws.gQv//program/eagle-management • Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds https://www.fws.gov/library/collections/avoiding-and-minimizing-incidental-take- migratory-birds • Nationwide conservation measures for birds https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/nationwide-standard-conservation- measures.pdf • Supplemental Information for Migratory Birds and Eagles in IPaC https://www.fws.gov/media/supplemental-information-migratory-birds-and-bald-and- golden-eagles-may-occur-project-action https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 5/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources There are likely bald eagles present in your project area. For additional information on bald eagles, refer to Bald Eagle Nesting and Sensitivity to Human Activity For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, see the PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY below to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. NAME Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus This is not a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) in this area, but warrants attention because of the Eagle Act or for potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1626 BREEDING SEASON Breeds Sep 1 to jul 31 Probability of Presence Summary The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read "Supplemental Information on Migratory Birds and Eagles", specifically the FAQ section titled "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. Probability of Presence( Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4- week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: 1. The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. 2. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability of presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 6/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. 3. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. To see a bar's probability of presence score, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. Breeding Season( ) Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time -frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort (1) Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid cell(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. To see a bar's survey effort range, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. No Data (—) A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe .� q' Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. IIIIIIIIIiIe U probability of presence SPECIES JAN FkB MAR APR MAY JUN Bald Eagle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I Non -BCC Vulnerable breeding season I survey effort — no data JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 1 1 I 1 11 11 1 1 ++ Till 1111 What does IPaC use to generate the potential presence of bald and golden eagles in my specified location? The potential for eagle presence is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN),. The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply). To see a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL) Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs of bald and golden eagles in my specified location? https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 7/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledgg Network (AKN),. The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL) Tool. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Please contact your local Fish and Wildlife Service Field Office if you have questions. Migratory birds Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act' and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act2. # 14 Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats3 should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described in the links below. Specifically, please review the "Supplemental Information on Migratory Birds and Eagles". 1. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. Additional information can be found using the following links: • Eagle Management https://www.fws.gov//program/eagle-management • Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds https://www.fws.gov/library/collections/avoiding-and-minimizing-incidental-take- migratory-birds • Nationwide conservation measures for birds https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/ documents/nationwide-standard-conservation-measures.pdf • Supplemental Information for Migratory Birds and Eagles in IPaC https://www.fws.gov/media/supplemental-information-migratory-birds-and-bald-and- golden-eagles-may-occur-project-action https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 8/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources The birds listed below are birds of particular concern either because they occur on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) list or warrant special attention in your project location. To learn more about the levels of concern for birds on your list and how this list is generated, see the FAQ below. This is not a list of every bird you may find in this location, nor a guarantee that every bird on this list will be found in your project area. To see exact locations of where birders and the general public have sighted birds in and around your project area, visit the E-bird data mapping tool (Tip: enter your location, desired date range and a species on your list). For projects that occur off the Atlantic Coast, additional maps and models detailing the relative occurrence and abundance of bird species on your list are available. Links to additional information about Atlantic Coast birds, and other important information about your migratory bird list, including how to properly interpret and use your migratory bird report, can be found below. For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, seethe PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY below to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. _,A( Vlllll%� NAME BREEDING SEASON Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus '� Breeds Sep 1 to Jul 31 This Is not a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) in this area, but warrants attention because of the Eagle Act or for potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1626 Black -billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9399 Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Eastern Whip -poor -will Antrostomus vociferus This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Breeds May 15 to Oct 10 Breeds Mar 15 to Aug 25 Breeds May 1 to Aug 20 https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 9/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/8329 Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Breeds Jun 1 to Aug 20 Breeds May 1 to Jul 31 Breeds Apr 1 to Jul 31 _-0% A Breeds May 10 to qSepD0 Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Oft Breeds May 10 to Aug 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout io range in the continental USA and Alaska. N N Probability of Presence Summary The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read "Supplemental Information on Migratory Birds and Eagles", specifically the FAQ section titled "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. Probability of Presence( ) Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4- week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: 1. The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 10/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. 2. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability of presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. 3. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. To see a bar's probability of presence score, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. g Breedin Season( 1� lk Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time -frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort ( ) Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid cell(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. To see a bar's survey effort range, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. No Data ( ) A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. probability of presence breeding season i survey effort no data SPECIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Bald Eagle +iii 6J++ +1+1 ++++ ++++ ++++ ... I I I + Non -BCC Vulnerable Black -billed ++++ ++4 ++++ +++* ++++ ++' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ++ ++++ ++++ Cuckoo BCC Rangewide (CON) Chimney Swift ++++ ++++ ++++ ++1' +111 "k+ ,++g ++++ +'++ ++++ ++++ ++++ BCC Rangewide JEM M MMMM (CON) https://ipac.ecosphere.fvvs.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 11/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Eastern Whip- + I+ I I+ I I I I I I + I I I I I I I+ I I I I I F++ ++++ T+++ ++++ T+TT poor -will BCC Rangewide (CON) l l l 1 1111 Grasshopper + I I I+ I+ I I I I TTTT + I I I ++++ T+++ ++++ T+TT Sparrow TTT BCC - BCR Prairie Warbler ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ —++, ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ BCC Rangewide I■■■■ rmmm MMM6. (CON) Prothonotary ++++ ++++ ++++ +l I -I I I I I I t+++ ++++ ++++ ++++ T+++ ++++ T+TT Warbler BCC Rangewide (CON) Red-headed ++++ ++++ ++ I I I RL161 16 1 1616 W6 F-+ ++++ ++++ + + Woodpecker BCC Rangewide (CON) Wood Thrush ++++ ++++ ++++ +1++ +'ll'���I + ++ + ++++ ++++ BCC Rangewide (CON) Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. f Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the list of migratory birds that potentially occur in my specified location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC), and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL) Tool. https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 12/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets. Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering or migrating in my area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may query your location using the RAIL Tool and look at the range maps provided for birds in your area at the bottom of the profiles provided for each bird in your results. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. I"Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likelv does not breed in vour oroiect area. �y What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 2. "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non -BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non -eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 13/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Caleb Spiegel or Pam Loring. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ "What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. Facilities *. -.- 0 National Wildlife Refuge lands Any activity proposed on lands managed by the National Wildlife Refuge system must undergo a 'Compatibility Determination' conducted by the Refuge. Please contact the individual Refuges to discuss any questions or concerns. There are no refuge lands at this location. Fish hatcheries There are no fish hatcheries at this location. https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 14/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal statutes. For more information please contact the Regulatory Program of the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District. Please note that the NWI data being shown may be out of date. We are currently working to update our NWI data set. We recommend you verify these results with a site visit to determine the actual extent of wetlands on site. This location overlaps the following wetlands: FRESHWATER POND PUBHh 01 RIVERINE R4SBC R5UBH A full description for each wetland code can be found at the National Wetlands Inventory website NOTE: This initial screening does not replace an on -site delineation to determine whether wetlands occur. Additional information on the NWI data is provided below. 411-N Data limitations The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identified based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on -the -ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classification established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verification work conducted. Metadata should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or field work. There may be occasional differences in polygon boundaries or classifications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. Data exclusions https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 15/16 5/24/24, 2:19 PM IPaC: Explore Location resources Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial imagery. Data precautions Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may define and describe wetlands in a different manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate Federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may affect such activities. �O0"\'00 FOB https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/RLU7B4BXQZBFHMDTJAYVH3YNPA/resources 16/16 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. NCN H P PROJECT REVIEW LETTER Roy Cooper, Governor ■ ■■■ r ■■ ■ INC DEPARTMENT OF ■■,■i NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ■ ■■ May 24, 2024 Troy Beasley Withers & Ravenel 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 RE: Little Architects Grace Christian School; 23-0279 Dear Troy Beasley: ❑. Reid Wilson, Secretary Misty Buchanan Deputy Director, Natural Heritage Program The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: httr)s://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or Federally - listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact the NCNHP at natural.heritage�dncr.nc.gov. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPAR7HEN7 OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 121 W. JONES STREET. RALEIGH. NC 27603 • 1691 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH. NC 27609 OFC 919.707.9120 • FAX 919.707.9121 CO _` _ t 3 / % / COa) 3 / / CO � /\ / « \ cn � \ \ CO 2 s CO / s E § \CO u �ƒ y \ § u a \I e �\ � e / \ \ t E \ ® CI. \ 4/m //® ( \ cn O /\ e eeg\o CO \ \ \ 1 \ ± xCC3o \ 3®> 2 w CO y/ 2 \e I 5 c e % e y t e z 4° G 3 © u .% x 9 \ \ CO / o Z \ / \\� / \ \» \ 2» 3 CO / /\ 0E E — cn z CO \ \ ( \ E 0 / § \\ _ \ \ 0 } CO \ / H ° E CO \ \ ( u u CO2 © \ .g u E \ % 2 y v CO = 2\z e my E E \ D / _ .± // /// CO \ C) 0 % \/ / \ \ / / CO t o / } /\D-\E \\ d\ / CO 4 \ � \ \ \ CO E § / CO \ ƒ \ \ E \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ / / 4 / �E 3 �\ 2 \ / \ + / . f { \j /§ t G} E 3/ e5 »® \/ \3 \/ /0 /U \\ 4 / /2 ca ©co ± /mo _ \ } �\ :0 )\ \\ e �\ ± u co \ \ \ \ < cc \ 3 / 0 4 3\ \ 0 / Z CO � \ \ ° J} E s: } \\ O .2 / CO � \ } / \E \ � \ x 2% E / \{ = m / % \ ( ± � \ Zg }E \ $ x : \ / < < n � \ \ '\ \ \ / / - _ = 2 3 g / / / \ / § \ c �, y� 'p U) N LO 0 St 00 N O 0 h st �. p� Taaad O T v a x p � Ud 6 -� T -yd eaPlaan G m ti J, Flint Valley Lit, Big Bran;) � NO atie S� 's �d P W z 3 m wC: 0 < o � m � v v -0 Q 7 0 � v N M O O N m d asN M O M N a ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. SHPO COMMENT LETTER North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary D. Reid Wilson November 9, 2022 Troy Beasley WithersRavenel 219 Station Road, Suite 101 Wilmington, NC 28405 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary, Darin J. Waters, Ph.D. tbeasley(2withersravenel.com Re: Construct Grace Christian -EBT Tract development, 2728 Veridea Parkway, Apex, Wake County, ER 22-2308 Dear Mr. Beasley: Thank you for your letter of September 14, 2022, concerning the above -referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submittal and offer the following comments. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.reviewgncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 t ; � I a� c n L Ell `` AFM .. Po W PQP > w a z LJ.I ¢_ LU CIA CIA J Q i i. Y I � <1 Z 0 Q S U 0 Z / m ^' Lu I Q } Z CL ~ Z Q Q 0 LLJLJ V JU U LLJ U > o co CL = o J UrA Q N o U x Q wa1 'A31SUB — nd erss:c ZZOZ 'rt ,agwaldaS 'MP-WPaM —bMD RJq[4 <3 OdHS\OV3\swsa4S—spua9aM\),—.L 183 — uspsIAPO aawO-99SOZZ\09SD—ZZ\M-"A ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. TOWN OF APEX BUFFER/ STREAM DETERMINATION LETTER PP-Y WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT tarp y c AR0 December 16, 2022 Alyssa Ricci 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Subject: Stream Buffer Determination Apex 22-015 2728 Veridea Parkway Apex, NC Cape Fear River Basin Dear Alyssa Ricci, On December 9th, 2022, you met with Jimmy McClure at the subject site to evaluate five (S) drainage features and determine if they are subject to the Town of Apex (Town) riparian buffer rules. Based on the information obtained during the evaluation and per the requirements set forth in Section 6.1.11 of the Town Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), I concur with the stream classifications as shown on the attached sketch dated October 21, 2022. Drainage Shown as Shown as on Determination made Determined Buffer Feature on USGS Soil Survey in the field Width Feature A -ID Present Perennial Intermittent 50 feet form A Feature A -ID Present Perennial Perennial 100 feet form B Feature B-ID Not Perennial Intermittent 50 feet form C Present Feature D-ID present Perennial Intermittent 50 feet form D Feature E-ID Present Perennial Perennial 100 feet form E This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the Division of Water Resources (DWR) or Delegated Local Authority in the Jordan Lake watershed may request a determination by the DWR Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to in writing c/o Paul Wojoski, DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch; 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Otherwise the appeal procedure will be in accordance with UDO Section 6.1.11. If you dispute the Director's determination, you may file a petition for an administrative hearing. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice of decision. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, except for official State holidays. To request a hearing, send the original and one (1) copy of the petition to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. A copy of the petition must also be served to the Department of Natural Resources, c/o Bill Lane, General Counsel, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days. This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulator Field Office) at (919) 554-4884. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 372-7470. Sincerely V James Misciagno, CES, CPESC Stormwater Field Services Supervisor TOWN OF APEX The Peak of Good Living PO Box 25o Apex, NC 27502 1 (919) 249-3400 1 www.apexnc.org PP�k Riparian Buffer Call a Application Q :, rirati 2 ATH CAR�� This application is required to be fully completed and submitted to Town staff prior to conducting a buffer call. Please submit the application package electronically to 'ames.miscia no a exnc.or PROPERTY INFORMATION owner(5): EBT Farms L.LC - Catherine W. Pendergraft, Member SiteAddres5: 2728 Veridea Parkway, Apex, NC 27502 CONSULTANT INFORMATION (If applicable) Name: Alyssa Ricci - WithersRavenel Address: 115 Mackenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Email: aricci@withersravenel.com Phone: 919-215-8619 CHECKLIST Please place a checkmark in the spaces provided below to indicate that the required information has been provided with this submittal. Right of Entry Form X NCDEQStream Identification Forms V (v. 4.11) /� Sketch Map* X Topo Map (most recent version) X 1970 Wake County Soil Survey Map X *Sketch map should show all drainage features on the property with all applicable riparian buffers shown. Please clearly indicate or list which features are being called with this application. NOTES SIGNATURE (Consultant or Responsible Party) By my signature below, i certify that the information provided with this application is accurate and truthful. Date:121Q2/2022 Town of Apex Water Resources Department Revised 6/30/2022 ■■ WithersRavenel N. Our People. Your Success. 2728 Veridea Parkway WR Pro'ect No. 02220965.00 Buffer Determination Request Infarmation_ Applicant - Grace Christian School Eric Bradley - Head of School 1101 Buck Jones Road Raleigh, NC 27606 919-747-2020 ebradley@gracechristian.net Property Owner - EBT Farms LLC Catherine Pendergraft - Member 472 Henrys Ridge Road Pittsboro, NC 27312 919-819-2963 caffee557@gmail.com Physical Address - 2728 Veridea Parkway Munici alit - Apex Count - Wake County PIN - Wake Co. PIN: 0741019204 Wake Co. PIN: 0741119629 Drainage Basin - Cape Fear River Basin HUC Code: 03030004 Receiving Waters - Big Branch Stream Index: 18-7-6-1 Classification: Class C Decidegrees - 35.7041070N,-78.861871°W USGS Quad Map - USGS Quadrangle (2019) - Apex Soils Ma - Wake County Soil Survey (1970) - Sheet 74 Review Area - ±52,88 acres 115 Maci<enan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 1 f: 919,467.60081 www.withersravenel.com I License No. F-1479 Asheville I Cary I Charlotte I Greensboro I Lumberton I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington WltherMwei Our People, Your Success. AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF AGENT The undersigned contract purchaser, Grace Christian School (Client) does hereby appoint WithersRavenel, Inc. as his, her, or it's agent for the purpose of petitioning the appropriate local, state and federal environmental regulatory agencies (US Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, local municipalities, etc,) for: a) review and approval of the jurisdictional boundaries of onsite jurisdictional areas (wetlands, streams, riparian buffers, etc,) and/or; b) preparation and submittal of appropriate environmental permit applications/requests for the following parcels listed below In Apex, NC. Wake Co. PIN: 0741019204, *29,20-acre parcel, located at 2728 Veridea Parkway Wake Co. PIN: 0741119629, ±23.68-acre parcel, located near 2728 Veridea Parkway The Client does hereby authorize that said agent has the authority to do the following acts on behalf of the owner: (1) To submit appropriate requests/applications and the required supplemental materials; (2) To attend meetings to give representation on behalf of the Client. (3) To authorize access to subject property for the purpose of environmental review by appropriate regulatory agencies. This authorization shall continue in effect until completion of the contracted task or termination by the Client, Agent's Name, Address & Telephone: WithersRavenel Inc. 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Tel. 919-469-3340 Date: y/slz2-- Signature of Client: fJ G R c '.P 11'7 I J( SC H.0, (Name - Print) (Title) l� (Signature) )101 l3ucl, 'Ja,jts R,-�no Mailing Address �,k&t 61, d\/L 27(-b6 City State Zip Phone: ` lei 7!�7 z-� � cf '"04tV, Nei Email: �47iZn�4bs�i @ G� 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27591 L 919,469.33401 f: 919.467.6008 1 www,withersravenel,com I License No, F-A479 Asheville I Cary I Charlotte I Gree315bOt-0 I LUrYIIJeFLOR I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington 4� WithersRavenel NoOur People. Your Success. AUTHORIZATION FOR PROPERTY ACCESS The undersigned owner(s), EBT Farms LLC, doles) hereby authorize WithersRavenel, Inc. to access the following parcels listed below in Apex, NC for the purpose of environmental regulatory agency review (US Army Corps of Engineers, INC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, local Municipalities, etc.) and approvals (i.e. wetland delineation, stream/buffer determination, environmental permitting, etc.) at the request of the contract purchaser: • Wake Co. PIN: 0741019204, ±29.20-acre parcel, located at 2728 Veridea Parkway • Wake Co. PIN: 0741119629, t23.68-acre parcel, located near 2728 Veridea Parkway This authorization does not bind the current property owner(s) to financial responsibility for services rendered on the subject property by WithersRavenel, Inc. This agreement shall continue in effect until completion/termination of the purchase contract forthe subject properly. Date: { !� Chi Contract Purchaser's Agent Info. Signature of Owner(s): _ 11 G rLiYf1iS WithersRavenel Inc. Name ! PrirAt Ti e 115 MacKenan Drive Y �� G L ` Cary, NC 27511 Signature Tel, (919) 469-3340 jr c2 Ac nr S �� c- Mailing Addres 40 to Wa a73) Z City State Zip Phone: Cj \� � j9 Email:�N+✓ 115 M acKenan Drive i Cary. NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 f: 919.467.6008 j www.witliersravenel.corn I License No. F-1479 Asheville i Cary I Charlotte I Greenshoto I Lumberton I Pittsboro I Ra3eigh I Southern Pines { Wilmington 0? Oc 8.�.aY - VLHPiFCN 1L\2t�22-WaDVMQe-0MYacn-mr ofwwo.vi,ee , A '4 A 4 N I co rri ` a n rrl rn 'r 4 r r' m 'y o tti 1`� C nrTll x `-� \ . r rn I m o 1 1 ■AVFr r CD \ r IC\�\22-97E4�2a7a5-0'°°, CFrbtian - EHf D tl InUa mmd g Tm ft. o bw k mn 7x9o5 Pu - WRm. PAma" .PM ME N V N C m fT1 D D 'U N > c�=mm nm 0 0 -< - NW �p :13 E n o N o -mno wM a 1 0 to �v -0 O m 70 0 rn A x m ��mm x C m NNz0 2 m 0 —n o��oNn� n v_ m Mzvc�n-4 N m D M r W 0 1 0 SD N v � /N �rr �vi x(D ofD Stream ID Form A Feature A NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: 9/06/2022 Projecti5ite: 2728 VeridE�:�k Evaluator: A. Ricci - WithersRavenel County: Wake Longitude: Total Points: 21 75 Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: if z 19 or Perennial if z 30" 8 A. Geomorphology {Subtotal = ) 1a- Continuity of channel bed and bank 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ri le- ool se uence 4. Particle size of stream substrate 5. Active/relict floodplain 6. Depositional bars or benches 7. Recent alluvial deposits 8. Headcuts 9. Grade control 10. Natural valley 11. Second or greater order channel a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = ss ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. Sediment on plants or debris 16. Organic debris lines or piles 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? S�tls - Qe eY\6' Us 6 S ' Rec r\+ Absent Weak Moderate 5tronc 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 No=O Yes=3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 No=0 Yes=3 ,--3 P1 /'�� / J_ llyoq- NC DWQ Stream Identification Forin Version 4.11 Date: 910612022 ProjectlSite: 2728 Veridea Parkway Evaluator: A. Ricci - WithersRavenel county: Wake Total Points: 32.75 Stream is at least intermittent 3 3n �'� Stream Determination (circle one) Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial if 19 or perennial i(>_ 30' 17 °� Absent Weak , Geomorphology (Subtotal = Ao 1 10Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, 0 1 ripple -pool sequence 0 1 4. Particle size of stream substrate 1 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 1 8, Headcuts 0 0 0.5 9. Grade control p 0.5 10. Natural valley No = 0 11. Second or greater order channel a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussians in manual B. H drolo (Subtotal = 8.5 ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 1 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0 0.5 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 No = 0 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? A6ic Stream ID Form B Feature A Latitude: Longitude: Other e.g. Quad Name: Moderate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Yes = 3 Yes = 3 Strong 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.5 1.5 3 3 0 1.5 1.5 Stream ID Form C NC DWQ Streams Identification Form Version 4.11 Feature B Date: 9/06/2022 Project/Site: 2728 Veridea Parkway Latitude: Evaluator: A. Ricci - WithersRavenel County: Wake Longitude: Total Points: 19 25 Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: if? 19 or perennial if z 30* 6.5 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = 1"- Continuity of channel bed and bank 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3, in -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ri le- ool sequence 4. Particle size of stream substrate 5. Active/relict floodplain S. Depositional bars or benches 7. Recent alluvial deposits R eadcuts rade control Natural valley Second or greater order channel a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B Hydrology (Subtotal 7.5 ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. Sediment on plants or debris 16. Organic debris lines or piles 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? C. Biology (Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in strear 19. Rooted upland plants 20. Macrobenthos (note di+ 21. Aquatic Mollusks 22. Fish r25. rayfish mphibians lgaeWetland plants in stre ennial streams may als Notes: Sketch: v Absent Weak Moderate Strong 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 i0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 No 0 Yes = 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 D.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 No=0 Yes=3 �y J/V\ 131a-I W2'a NC`. DWO lqtrenm Trlerltifiiention Fnrm Version 4.11 Stream ID Form D Feature D Date: 9/06/2022 ProjectlSite: 2728 Veridea Parkway Latitude: Evaluator: A. Ricci - WithersRavenel County: Wake Longitude: Total Points: 24.5 Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: if z 19 or Perennial if ? 30" A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = 13 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, sequence 0 1 2 3 -ripple-pool 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual R Wwriminmi iCiihtnfnl= 7 1 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 r` Rinlnmi iCirhtntnl = d r 1 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: 501�5 � Pc2rinfA-? U SGS = �(e5-el� Stream ID Form E Feature E NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: 9/06/2022 ProjectlSite: 2728 Veridea Parkway Latitude: Evaluator: A. Ricci - WithersRavenel County: Wake Longitude: Total Points: 49.5 Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: ifz 19or perennialifa3o* A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = 25.5 } Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a' Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, sequence 0 1 2 3 -ripple-pool 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = 11 ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 C. Biology (Subtotal = 13 ) 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch; ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. PHOTO DOCUMENTATION -0 WithersRavenel ,. Our People. Your Success. GRACE Christian School Apex Campus - Apex, Wake County Photographic Documentation Photo 1: Western parcel in September 2022. Photo 2: Typical conditions at field edge on western parcel as of June 2024. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 f: 919.467.6008 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. F-1479 Asheville I Cary I Charlotte Greensboro I Lumberton I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Photo 3: View of dirt track and fallow field facing north on eastern parcel. Photo 4: A view of Pond 2 facing north. Page 2 of 4 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Photo 5: A view of the area above Pond 2. Photo 6: A view of Stream 4 below Pond 2. Page 3 of 4 ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. NCDMS LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE FOR WETLAND MITIGATION ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary MARC RECKTENWALD Director W. Robert Everett NEMA Management, LLC 1020 Southhill Drive Cary, NC 27513 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality June 24, 2024 Expiration of Acceptance: 12/24/2024 Project: GRACE Christian School Apex Campus County: Wake This is a conditional acceptance letter. The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the applicable 404 Permit/401 Certification/Buffer Approval within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location 8-di it HUC Impact Type Impact Quantity Cape Fear 03030004 Non -Riparian Wetland* 0.467 *Non -riparian wetland credit is not available in this service area. In accordance with the directive from the February 8, 2011 IRT meeting, non -riparian wetland impacts located in the mountain and piedmont areas of North Carolina can be accepted as requested, but mitigated utilizing riparian wetland mitigation credits. Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly.Williams@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Kelly B. Williams In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator cc: Rick Trone, agent North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 h(h�TH :.AROI iRA IV o �nmmmenni w�a 919,707,8976 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. M PACT EXHIBITS ssanns�noA d-d... _ wmanrneal*�*�s-u I -,,a ��neuv ny AlNf10J 3NtlM�6ESLZ tlNIIOLtlJ H1LOW—V I' Jauanedsjayai/\A w Qo SNOIIIGNOD .a sndwe:) xady looy:)S /1 I uei;siayD3Jb21J JNIISIX311"3AO w ��o a C3 '� J ssanns�noA d-d... AlNf10J 3NtlM 6ESLZ tlNIIOLtlJ H1LON'X3dtl IauanebsiauyalM sndwe:) xady looy:)S ` /1 I uel;s'JU 3DVII9 I Q� .a d` V4 IDVd W 1 11"3AO 3 � s o N Z w Q u 5 b — b ssanns�noA d-d... wmanrneal**saary a®61=a��neuv ny AlNf10J 3NtlM�6ESLZ tlNIIOLtlJ 11LOW—V I' Jauanedsjayai/\A Al, /I sndwe� xady looy�S SIDVd W 1 dMdl13M /1 uel;sla4J3Jb'21J 3 a �s3 �2S U o U m v3 Qo ra 3 � s o N 3�0 ` �auanebs�ay�iM I /1 sndwe:) xady loot'°S I SIDVd W 12131`dM N3dO uells'JU 3DVII9 \ X a \ l` — \ — — _\ I I wzM !I l I I I l I I I I, zed a' // e° //� W w o�z6-a <oga lZ ssanns�noA d-d... Jauanebsj.auyalM /1 I sndwe:) xady looy:)S uei;s'JU 3DVII9 ..\... -awz \ \ ` 1 � \\\ \ �i/ v3 Qo ra SIDVd W l d NVIAM ° 3 o N 3�o w ssanns�noA d-d... Jauanebsj.auyaiM /1 sndwe:) xady looy:)S uel;s'JU 3DVII9 v3 Qo ra SS`ddA9 1131`dM NV31D o N 3�0 11� INFCIMNW-Mwi-N� \\21 ----- --11 . \ , X\,\ \ J,� \ Iu z 1 / I I / / 666— 3� � \1 e r III III /rll �U$ IIII. --�;�II/ 0 ' r \ ssanns�noA d-d... Jauanebsj.auyalM /1 I sndwe:) xady looy:)S uells'JU 3DVII9 9NISSO21D )limn 0 � " 'o a o Q M w o0P^ m \d a Q X o a w o a o Q M o� 30 J v3 Qo ra 3 u s 0m z w,Z a CQ �o X 0 < a J� w° U)w� �a o �0 m? WOOMzz oZao�Q Uw o rn� �`� \I\ / w / / om Q / 02 N r zZ w—Q \�o\LLz I �o I I \E ■■ WithersRavenel lipOur People. Your Success. PREVIOUS PLAN WITH STREAM 4 I M PACTS $8Ma i -pg oflD m 6�� c £b �6 o�mo ooS�Ymwo w=o �oo w� opp� �wwwo p as o= LL w o�p Q��oa w op p � mm�� y�pop o,a pop p p Qaw� o m a °o woa o -Wm LL o $o =� al � ��m�� �jw a ao� m paw www��o° p I wdo�z��zozs�,ew 6Ma�e�d=�e��ew-oo�,�asE�ad����,e���b��az��oou�s�oA��P3�e�uu�e�,dubro�ea,a�a�000sos�e�s�=�oou�sw���wwo���