HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023906_Historical information_20091231December 7, 2009
Dear Mr. Parks:
\ 0 2®
The Construction Grants and Loans Section has completed its technical and
environmental review of the subject Hominy Creek WWMF Replacement of Influent Screens
and Pumps. A copy of the comments resulting from this review is attached for your reference.
These comments are also being sent directly to your consulting engineer, Green Engineering,
P.L.L.C., by copy of this letter. A revised engineering report that incorporates responses to these
comments should be submitted for our review and approval as soon as possible. Providing
thorough and complete responses to these review comments in a timely manner is necessary to
avoid delay of the project approval.
Barry Parks
City of Wilson
Post Office Box 10
Wilson, North Carolina 27894
Beverly Eaves Perdue
Review Comments - City of Wilson
Preliminary Engineering Report and
Environmental Information Document
For Hominy Creek WWMF Replacement of
Influent Screens and Pumps
Dee Freeman
1633 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1633
Location; 2728 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Phone: 919-733-6900 \ FAX: 919-715-6229 \ Customer Service: 1 -877-623-6748
Internet www.ncwaterquality org
An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Coleen H. Sullins
w One, _ ,.NorthCarolina
Attachment (all cc’s)
December 7, 2009
Page Number 2
Jennifer Haynie, Supervisor
Facilities Evaluation Unit
Green Engineering, P.L.L.C. - Thomas D. Dienes, P.E.
DWQ Raleigh Regional Office
If you have any questions concerning environmental issues for this matter, please contact
Susan Kubacki at (919) 715-6203. If you have any questions concerning the technical review
issues, please contact Michael Leggett at (919) 715-6208. You may also contact me at (919)
Technical Review Comments
December 7, 2009
Page 1 of 5
Note: Please provide a response to all comments on a “comment for comment” basis.
Where appropriate, add or revise narrative in the text of the Preliminary Engineering
Report (Report) that addresses the issues discussed in the comments. In addition, the
comments and responses may be included as a part of the Report (e.g. in an Appendix).
A copy of the guidelines for the preparation of engineering reports (ER) can be found at:
Effective September 1, 2006, the Division’s rules contained in 15A NCAC 2H have
been replaced by the new 15A NCAC 2T Rules. Minimum Design Criteria for both
non-discharging and discharging facilities can now be found in the 2T Rules. A copy
of the new Rules can be found at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/lau/main.html.
Please revise the Report to include clarification and additional information included in
all responses to Construction Grants and Loans (CG&L) comments.
City' of Wilson
Preliminary Engineering Report and
Environmental Information Document for
Hominy Creek WWMF
Replacement of Influent Screens and Pumps
September 2009
Please note that approval of the Report does not constitute approval of sole source
Procurement. Plans and specifications must comply with N. C. General Statutes
Chapter 133, Section 4, prior to their approval.
a) Sedimentation and Erosion Control Permit from the Division of Land Quality, or a
letter from them stating that no permit is required for this project.
b) 401 Water Quality Certification and Army Corps of Engineers’ 404 Permit for all
stream crossings, or letters from the Army Corps of Engineers and from the
Wetlands 401 Certification Unit stating that none is required for this project.
The owner and consulting engineer should be advised that after approval of the Report,
there are several construction project permits, approvals, certifications, etc. that must be
obtained before the project plans and specifications can be approved and before the
project is advertised for bids. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that preliminary
work to obtain the following items, if applicable, begin as soon as possible:
IV. Existing Facilities:
V. Project Planning Area - Growth Areas and Population Trends:
VII.Selection of an Alternative:
Page 2 of 5
III. General: Page 2 lists the average daily flow rate of the facility at 7.85 MGD over the past
30 months. Provide flow data to validate these numbers.
II. Executive Summary: Per CG&L guidelines, provide more detail within the executive
summary' in regard to the operational problems with the plant components, the recommended
improvements, and the funding sources.
1. Provide an expanded discussion in regard to what makes up O&M costs.
2. Label Exhibit II in the appendix.
Alternative Analysis: The engineering report must include descriptions, diagrams, and
preliminary design criteria for all proposed unit processes.
Per CG&L guidelines, identify the current service population for the subject project area,
and compare service population with total population.
Per CG&L guidelines, provide an expanded discussion in regard to future growth.
Provide source data for the statistics referenced on page 3.
Per CG&L guidelines, provide an expanded discussion in regard to future flow including
the expected flow to the facility. While the current Wastewater Management Facility
may have surplus treatment capacity, discuss whether the proposed components are
adequate for the 20-year planning period.
c) A reasonable subsurface investigation that must be made available to the contractor.
If it is not included in the specifications, the specifications must advise where a
copy of the report can be observed. Typically, CG&L expects a boring about every
500 feet and at each road crossing for line work, and at all major structures like
pump stations, aeration basins, and clarifiers.
1. The existing facilities section lacks sufficient detail. Per CG&L guidelines, provide an
expanded discussion, so the reader has sufficient detail about the existing treatment
Per CG&L guidelines, describe the size and type of each unit within the existing
treatment process. Provide the current flow capacities of the current bar screens.
Discuss how the current bar screens are cleaned, and the condition of the current
conveyor belt.
Identify the capabilities and deficiencies of each unit process being replaced.
Per CG&L guidelines, provide a copy of the NPDES limits pages to validate the
provided capacities.
VIII. Proposed Project (Recommended Alternative):
Page 3 of 5
IX. DWQ Raleigh Regional Office Comments: Provide layout drawings of the proposed
3. The salvage value analysis listed in Exhibit II for the structural replacement alternative
lists a 60% salvage value at the end of 20 years. Per CG&L standards, the salvage
value for pump stations and force mains is 20 years. Therefore, the salvage value for
the influent pumps at the end of the 20-year planning period should be zero. Revise
throughout the report.
4. Alternative #1 listed in Exhibit II contains a precast concrete building in the capital
cost analysis. Explain why a precast building is contained within Alternative #1
(structural replacement) and not in the preferred alternative.
1. The Construction Grants and Loans Section requests that the anticipated funding or
funding commitments be included in the financial analysis section of the report. Until
complete funding is secured, issuance of an Authorization to Construct will not be
2. Discuss what would happen if the city does not receive the $500,000 grant from the
Rural Economic Development Center. Are additional funding sources available?
Environmental Review Comments
December 7, 2009
III.B. Existing Environment as Pertains to Project
Page 4 of 5
General: As the Project Description, Purpose, Need, and Alternatives Analysis changes in
the Engineering Report (ER), update the Environmental Assessment (EA) accordingly.
A. Proposed Project Description and Funding Status: Add a north arrow to the map in
Exhibit 1.
Preliminary Engineering Report for the
Hominy Creek Wastewater Management Facility
Replacement of Influent Screens and Pumps
City of Wilson, North Carolina
STAG Project
E. Analysis of Alternatives: The two paragraphs in subsection 4 on Page 15
(Environmental Impacts for the preferred alternative) are contradictory. The minor land
disturbance discussed in the second paragraph is a direct impact and contradicts the last
sentence in the first paragraph. Resolve this discrepancy.
1. Consider including an Environmental Features Figure to show the project area and the
location of the 100-year flood plain, public lands and scenic, recreational, and state
natural areas, archaeological and/or historic resources, threatened and endangered
species, wetlands, and streams.
2. This section needs to discuss the existing environment in a succinct manner af and
around the project site regardless of expected impacts (or lack thereof) to the
environment. In accordance with Department of Administration (DOA) guidelines, a
brief discussion of the following topics must be added: (1) Prime or Unique
Agricultural Lands, (2) Public Lands and Scenic, Recreational, and State Natural Areas,
(3) Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value, (4) Noise Levels, (5) Forest
Resources, (6) Shellfish or Fish and Their Habitats, and (7) Wildlife and Natural
3. Surface & Groundwater Hydrology: Per DOA guidelines, expand the groundwater
discussion to identify the aquifer(s) within the project area and briefly discuss the
groundwater quality and quantity.
5. Physiography, Topography, Geology Soils: Per DOA guidelines, discuss whether
soil types might be a constraint to the proposed project.
7. Air Quality: Per DOA guidelines, briefly describe the existing air quality including
the classification of the area, current emission sources from the project site and
surrounding area, and any previous odor complaints.
V.F. Environmental Consequences and Mitigative Measures
Page 5 of 5
1. Per DO A guidelines, direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts at the project site and
surrounding area must be addressed in a succinct manner. Construction and operational
activities must be considered in evaluating impacts. The following topics must be
addressed: (1) Topography, (2) Soils, (3) Land Use, (4) Wetlands, (5) Prime or Unique
Agricultural Lands, (6) Public Lands and Scenic, Recreational, and State Natural Areas,
(7) Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value, (8) Air Quality, (9) Noise Levels, (10)
Water Resources, (11) Forest Resources, (12) Shellfish or Fish and Their Habitats, (13)
Wildlife and Natural Vegetation, and (14) Introduction of Toxic Substances.
2. For any impacts discussed as indicated above, discuss mitigative measures that will be
taken. Even if impacts are expected to be minimal, projects of this nature typically do
include some mitigative measures that are associated with most construction projects.
Examples include limiting construction to daylight hours, erosion and sedimentation
control plans, dust control measures, etc.
1. Direct: This section stating that there will be no direct impacts contradicts the
discussion on page 15, regarding excavation and land disturbance. Please resolve this
4. 3. Mitigation: The erosion control measures mentioned on page 15 should be added as
a mitigative measure.
Hayes, Mitch
Mitch Hayes, DWQ/Raleigh Regional Office:
Let me know if you need additional information.
Best regards,
The City of Wilson Hominy Creek WWMF needs to take the biological phosphorous removal (BPR) tank off line in order
to clean the tank prior to installing new submersible mixers. The City will begin pumping the contents out of the BPR
tank this afternoon, August 3, 2009. The BPR tank volume is 1.59 MG and contains returned activated sludge (RAS) from
the secondary clarifiers. The amount of time this will take depends on the amount of solids that may be accumulated in
the tank. The plan is to have the tank back in service by August 6, 2009.
Most of the contents will be pumped to the biological nutrient removal (BNR)basins distribution box as usual. An empty
primary clarifier (PC)will be available in the event the solids that have settled in the BPR tank cause problems in the BNR
basins. Any solids pumped to the PC will be pumped to the solids handling facilities.
Russell Brice [rbrice@WILSONNC.ORG]
Monday, August 03, 2009 11:45 AM
Barry Parks; Jimmy Pridgen; Charles Pittman; Jerome Randolph; Dwight Newsome
Biological Phosphorous Removal Tank
Russell Brice
Water Reclamation Manager
P. O. Box 10
3100 Old Stantonsburg Rd.
Wilson, NC 27894
Tel. (252)399-2491
Fax. (252) 399-2209
April 06, 2009
Dear Mr. Brice:
Beverly Eaves Perdue
Governor Dee Freeman
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Coleen H. Sullins
Mr. Russell Brice, WRF Manager
City of Wilson
P.O. Box 10
Wilson, North Carolina 27894-0010
Compliance Evaluation Inspection
City of Wilson Hominy Creek Water Reclamation Facility
NPDES Permit NC0023906
Stormwater Permit NCG110081
Wilson County
(annual mass loading) with 78,943 pounds per year discharging into the estuary.
2. The 14 0 MOD Wastewater Treatment Facility consists of the of the following units: influent
pump sta ion, two (2) automatic bar screens; screenings compactor; automatic grit removal'
2nue?h Ultrf^onic flow niet®r: two (2) Pre-aeration basins; a biological phosphorus removal
tank, three (3) primary clarifiers; seven (7) aeration basins with seven anoxic zones and one
reaeration zone; five (5) secondary clarifiers; methanol feed facilities; five (5) deep bed
?ae„n^nflCatlOrfllte:s Wlth automatlc or manual backwashing; sodium hypochlorite disinfection
tank, reaeration basin with sodium bisulfite dechlorination; effluent ultrasonic flow meter
effluent pump station; one (1) reuse water basin; a reclaim water facility; one (1) plastic lined
reclaimed water pond; four anaerobic digesters heated by natural gas or methane generated
trom digesters; a sludge thickening and dewatering building with two (2) gravity belt
ickeners, two (2) belt filter presses, three (3) return waste activated sludge pump stations; a
ten-ton per day alkaline sludge stabilization facility capable of producing Class A dewatered
sludge, three (3) liquid sludge holding tanks; and a septage receiving station.
3. At the time of inspection, one (1) automatic bar screen, one (1) grit chamber, two (2) pre-
aeration basins, one (1) aeration basin, one (1) secondary clarifier, and two (2) RAS pump
nTTc , nS w WT nQt being USed due t0 l0W inflQW- Three (3) Qut Qf fQur W influent pumps were
SES 8C7“™“-------
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper North Carolina
Mit,Ch Hayes of the Ralei9h Re9ional Office conducted an inspection of the
J a I ?EHen Gay’Jlmmy Pndgen. and your assistance with this inspection were appreciated
Below is a list of findings and recommendations developed from the inspection.
1‘ Lhe9mQenKPermit was reissued and became effective December 01, 2009 and expires May
31, 2013. Changes to the permit include: y
a) Weekly monitoring for cadmium with a weekly average limit of 2 ug/l and a daily average
hmit of 15 ug/l. After 12 months of data, a request can be made to determine if the limit is
still applicable.
^eUr^jterly monitorir,9 for chloroform and dichlorobromomethane had been added to the
c) Total Nitrogen discharge allocation has been increased to 157,886 pounds per year
Stormwater Permit NCG110081
Hominy Creek WRF CEI
Page 2
9‘ m ^°81 Was reissued and became effective on June 01, 2008 and expires on
May 31, 2013. The reissued permit contains the following changes: The site plan must
include a general location map (or alternatively the site map) that identify whether each
receiving water is impaired (on the state’s 303(d) list of impaired waters) or is located in a
watershed for which a TMDL has been established, and what the parameter(s) of concern
are. A list of North Carolina’s 303(d) list can be found at the web site
dttp.//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/General 303d.htm#Downloads North Carolina TMDL
documents can be found at the website
ptt^://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/TMDL list.htm#Final TMDLs The definition for a rain event
has been modified. A schedule for qualitative monitoring is now implemented. Schedule for
he facility site inspection has been changed to once during January to June and once during
permits should be directed to the APS. y
’ BssliggsOs influent flow sampler temperature was 0 degrees C without freezing. The effluent flow
sampler temperature was 0.5 degrees C without freezing. The influent and effluent flow
meters are calibrated every 90 days by Pearson Controls Services from Raleigh, NC.
7. Discharge Monitoring Reports for the period June 2008 to January 2009 were reviewed for
compliance with permit limits and monitoring requirements. Monthly permit limit for ammonia
fnTho n exce,e5ied for October 2008 due to the plant experiencing an upset. The reason
for the upset is not known. There were no other violations for the review period.
8' 'T Chain °f custody records’ and bench sheets were compared with
d^crepaTCiesdwTrrneotedChar9e M0nit0rin9 RepOrt (DMR) for the month of January 2009. No
in operation at the influent pump station at the time of inspection. An electrical fire to pump #
4 circuit breaker on March 21, 2009 forced staff to take the influent pump station out of
service. Three out of four influent pumps are now operational. Auxiliary pumps have been set
up to provide back-up pumping in case electrical problems reoccur. Sludge thickening bv
gravity belts were operating normally. The digester methane-generating unit was functioning
normally. Excess methane was being ignited in the burner. There was a small leak in the
digester heat exchanger. A digester will be taken off line to check the gasket and replace if
necessary. The color of the influent was a medium chocolate brown with some foam. All air
i users in the aeration basins appeared to be operating normally. Sludge judge readinq in
clarifier number 1 was 2 1/2 feet with a sidewall depth of 14 feet. The weirs are covered and
therefore the condition of the weirs could not be checked. Weirs are checked annually and
cleaned if necessary. Effluent appeared clear in the post aeration tank.
4. Granville Farms operates the Land Application Program under permit WQ0001896 Class B
solids are land applied on private farms or transported to Eastern Composting in Battleboro
C. Class A solids are used by the City of Wilson in various landscaping projects. There
were no Class A or Class B sludge being produced at the time of inspection. The last Class A
unde^the^ WaS 0Ct°ber 2008’ C'aSS A and C‘aSS B S'Ud9e were stored seParately
changes to the facility since 2006. The last issued map for the facility
Cc: Central Files, SWP files
Hominy Creek WRF C
Page 3
Mitch Hayes
Environmental Specialist
10. There have been no (‘
shows all process units.
11. There are four stormwater discharge outfalls listed on the stormwater map. Outfall 4 drains to
a catch basin with diffuse flow near the entrance to the property. The stormwater flows to a
creek off site. Water appeared clear in the catch basin. Outfall 3 flows from the drainage area
on the southeast side of the property and is conveyed to a creek off site via a concrete flume
Water in the creek appeared clear with no indication of sediment. Outfall 2 flows from the
reuse water pump station to a small pond. Water in the pond appeared muddy most likely
due to previous rainfall. Outfall 1 flows to a storm drain by the old headworks pump station to
a settling basin (Raymond’s Pond) off site. A locked gate valve controls discharge Water at
the gate valve appeared clear.
July to December with at least sixty days separating inspection dates unless performed more
frequently. There are no other significant changes made to the permit. A review of the permit
requirements was conducted after the CEI for NC0023906. A copy of the permit was on hand
and contained all permit requirements with the exception of the new requirements noted
-Qualitative monitoring was last completed for all stormwater discharge outfalls on
09/12/2008. Please ensure to follow the qualitative monitoring schedule as stated in the
permit. Workman’s Comp. Safety meeting was completed on 10/28/2008.
I would like to thank you and your staff for you time and assistance with this inspection. You and
your staff should be commended for maintaining the water reclamation facility at top performance. If
you have any questions about this letter or the inspection, please contact me at 919.791.4261.
I I I I | | | |66
Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date
08/12/0109/03/2511:00 AMWilson WWTP
Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date
13/05/3109/03/2503:00 PM
Other Facility Data
Russell P Brice//252-399-2491 /2523992209
Russell P Brice/ORC/252-399-2491/
Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number
Storm Water
Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary)
(See attachment summary)
Mitchell S Hayes RRO WQ//919-791-4200/
Signature of Management
EPA Form 3560-
Page #1
Old Stantonsburg Rd
Wilson NC 27893
m Records/Reports
H Effluent/Receiving Waters
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D C. 20460
Form Approved.
OMB No. 2040-0057
Approval expires 8-31-98
Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s)
Inspection Work Days
671 | 69
Facility Self-Monitoring Evaluation Rating
Fac Type
Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated)
Operations & Maintenance
Inspection Type
Water Compliance Inspection Report
Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS)
_________T^/k/Z ZjC&J
Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers 7 Date
Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) /
/ Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers
(Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete.
73l I I74
75| I I | | | | | 80
Transaction Code
1 a 2 u i11
Russell P Brice,PO Box 10 Wilson NC 278940010/Plant
________________________________________ _______Section B: Facility Data
Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include
POTW name and NPDES permit Number)
______________________Section C:
■ Permit J Flow Measurement
■ Self-Monitoring Program Sludge Handling Disposal | Facility Site Review
M Laboratory
Section D:
t/ /?/? (
21| I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type
NC0023906 |11 121 09/03/25 | 17 18|c|
Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary)______
The subject permit was reissued and became effective December 01,2009 and expires Mav 31 2013
Changes to the permit include: 7
a) Week|y monitoring for cadmium with a weekly average limit of 2 ug/l and a daily average limit of 15 uq/l
After 12 months of data, a request can be made to determine if the limit is still applicable.
b) Quarterly monitoring for chloroform and dichlorobromomethane had been added to the permit
c) Total Nitrogen discharge allocation has been increased to 157,886 pounds per year (annual mass
loading) with 78,943 pounds per year discharging into the estuary.
Th® 14.° MOD Wastewater Treatment Facility consists of the of the following units: influent pump station-
two 2) automatic bar screens; screenings compactor; automatic grit removal; influent ultrasonic flow meter-
two (2) pre-aeration basins; a biological phosphorus removal tank; three (3) primary clarifiers; seven (7)
?er?lon i^sin? Wlth seven anoxic zones and one reaeration zone; five (5) secondary clarifiers; methanol
feed facilities; five (5) deep bed denitrification filters with automatic or manual backwashing- sodium
hypochlorite disinfection tank; reaeration basin with sodium bisulfite dechlorination; effluent’ultrasonic flow
meter, effluent pump station; one (1) reuse water basin; a reclaim water facility; one (1) plastic lined
rec aimed water pond; four anaerobic digesters heated by natural gas or methane generated from digesters-
a sludge thickening and dewatering building with two (2) gravity belt thickeners, two (2) belt filter presses
three (3) return waste activated sludge pump stations; a ten-ton per day alkaline sludge stabilization facility
re^vingOstat?onUCin^ aSS A dewatered sludge; three (3) liguid sludge holding tanks; and a septage
At the time of inspection, one (1) automatic bar screen, one (1) grit chamber, two (2) pre-aeration basins
infi^^Th oaS!q’\0n? f)SeC,0"daiy clarifier- and (2) RAS pump stations were not being used due
to low inflow. Three (3) out of four (4) influent pumps were in operation at the influent pump station at the
time of inspection An electrical fire to pump # 4 circuit breaker on March 21, 2009 forced staff to take the
influent pump station out of service. Three out of four influent pumps are now operational. Auxiliary pumps
have been set up to provide back-up pumping in case electrical problems reoccur. Sludge thickening bv
gravity belts were operating normally. The digester methane-generating unit was functioning normally
^10^1SZAffP9 '?nittd '? burr?er- There was a sma" leak in the d*gester heat exchanger. A
i ff ineJ° check the gasket and rePlace if necessary. The color of the influent was a
JLrS, q? h 3 6 HrOwn WJi-h SOm^ foam- AI1 air dlffusers In the aeration basins appeared to be operating
normally. Sludge judge reading in clarifier number 1 was 2 % feet with a sidewall depth of 14 feet The weirs
are covered and therefore the condition of the weirs could not be checked. Weirs are checked annually and
cleaned if necessary. Effluent appeared clear in the post aeration tank. y
Granville Farms operates the Land Application Program under permit WQ0001896. Class B solids are land
hw farms or trar,sported to Eastern Composting in Battleboro, NC. Class A solids are used
by the City of Wi son in various landscaping projects. There was no Class A or Class B sludge being
produced at the time of inspection. a
WQ0018709. Reclaimed water is irrigated on Wedgewood Golf
/c-th ♦J’ Bn? G ,Athle IC comP|ex- Reclaimed water is also used in cooling water at the
Bndgestone/Firestone Plant, Hackney Industrial Park, and the Wilco Industrial Park. J
Discharge Monitoring Reports for the period June 2008 to January 2009 were reviewed for compliance with
PSTk In}'nnon? m°n'J°ring reguirements. Monthly permit limit for ammonia nitrogen was exceeded for
October 2008 due to the plant experiencing an upset. The reason for the upset is not known. There were no
Page # 2
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
other violations for the review period.
Page #3
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE
■ Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping?
Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MORT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■
Judge, and other that are applicable?
Permit Yes No NA NE
(If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application? ■
■ oIs the facility as described in the permit?
■ o# Are there any special conditions for the permit?
Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public?■ o
Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection?■ o
Record Keeping Yes No NA NE
Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit?■
Is all required information readily available, complete and current?■
Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)?■
Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs?■ ODD
Is the chain-of-custody complete?■ o
Dates, times and location of sampling
Name of individual performing the sampling
Results of analysis and calibration
Dates of analysis
Name of person performing analyses
Transported COCs
Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters?■
Has the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ?■
(If the facility is - or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified operator on each shift?■
Is the ORC visitation log available and current?■
Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification?■
Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification?■
Page #4
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Comment: Sludge judge reading for secondary clairfier number 1 was 2 and one-half
feet with a sidewall depth of 14 feet.
Record Keeping Yes No NA NE
Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site?■ o
Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review?■
Effluent Pipe Yes No NA NE
Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained? ■
Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? ■
Yes No NA NE
# Is flow meter used for reporting? ■ o
Is flow meter calibrated annually?■
Is the flow meter operational?■
(If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?■ □00
Flow Measurement - EffIuent Yes No NA NE
# Is flow meter used for reporting?■ 000
Is flow meter calibrated annually?■ 000
Is the flow meter operational?■ ODD
(If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?■ ODD
Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE
Type of operation:Fixed cover
Is the capacity adequate?■ 000
# Is gas stored on site?■ 000
Is the digester(s) free of tilting covers?■ n n
Is the gas burner operational?■ nan
Is the digester heated?■ ODD
Is the temperature maintained constantly?■ ODO
Is tankage available for properly waste sludge?■ DOO
Page #5
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly?
Comment. Effluent was observed at the plant site. Effluent appeared clear with foam
dissipating after entering the discharge. Access to outfall is restricted to the public.
Flow Measurement - Influent
Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE
Yes No NA NE
Is there adequate drying bed space?■
Is the sludge distribution on drying beds appropriate?■
■ o Are the drying beds free of vegetation?
■ # Is the site free of dry sludge remaining in beds?
Is the site free of stockpiled sludge?■
Is the filtrate from sludge drying beds returned to the front of the plant?■
o ■ o # Is the sludge disposed of through county landfill?
# Is the sludge land applied?■ o
(Vacuum filters) Is polymer mixing adequate? ■
Solids Handling Equipment Yes No NA NE
Is the equipment operational?■
Is the chemical feed equipment operational? o ■
Is storage adequate?■
Is the site free of high level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters?■
Is the site free of sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press?■
Is the site free of excessive moisture in belt filter press sludge cake?■
The facility has an approved sludge management plan?■ o
Chemical Feed Yes No NA NE
Is containment adequate?■
Is storage adequate?■
Are backup pumps available?■
Is the site free of excessive leaking?■
Pump Station - Influent Yes No NA NE
Page #6
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Comment: Staff was trying to locate a leak in the heat exchanger. A digester will have
to be taken off line to inspect and or replace the gasket.
Drying Beds
Comment: Sludge beds are used primarly for pump station wet well cleaning and
debris from cleaning collection lines.
Comment: Sludge was being dewatered at the time of inspection. No sludge was
being pressed.
Pump Station - Influent Yes No NA NE
Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures?■ o
Is the wet well free of excessive grease?■ o
Are all pumps present?■
Are all pumps operable?o ■ o
Are float controls operable?
Is SCADA telemetry available and operational?■
Is audible and visual alarm available and operational? o
Yes No NA NE
Type of bar screen
a.Manual O
Are the bars adequately screening debris?■ o
Is the screen free of excessive debris?■
Is disposal of screening in compliance?■
Is the unit in good condition?■ O O
Grit Removal Yes No NA NE
Type of grit removal
Is the grit free of excessive organic matter?■
Is the grit free of excessive odor?■
# Is disposal of grit in compliance?■
Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE
Is the basin aerated? ■
Is the basin free of bypass lines or structures to the natural environment? ■
Is the basin free of excessive grease? ■
Page #7
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Comment: Three out of four influent pumps are operational. Auxiliary pumps have
been set up to provide back-up pumping in case electrical problems reoccur.
Bar Screens
Equalization Basins Yes No NA NE
■ Are all pumps present?
Are all pumps operable? ■
Are float controls operable? ■
■ oAre audible and visual alarms operable?
o ■ # Is basin size/volume adequate?
Primary Clarifier Yes No NA NE
■ Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater?
■ Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier?
Are weirs level?■
Is the site free of weir blockage?■ o o
Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting?■
■ Is scum removal adequate?
Is the site free of excessive floating sludge?■ o
Is the drive unit operational?■
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable?o o ■
o ■
Yes No NA NE
Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater?■ ODO
Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier?■ o
Are weirs level? ■
Is the site free of weir blockage? ■
Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■
Is scum removal adequate?■ ODO
Is the site free of excessive floating sludge?■
Is the drive unit operational?■
Is the return rate acceptable (low turbulence)?■
Is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc?■ o
Page #8
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately % of the sidewall depth)
Comment: All three primary clarifers were in operation.
Secondary Clarifier
Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE
Nutrient Removal Yes No NA NE
■ 0 # Is total nitrogen removal required?
# Is total phosphorous removal required?■
Type Biological
■ o# Is chemical feed required to sustain process?
■ oIs nutrient removal process operating properly?
Filtration (High Rate Tertiary)Yes No NA NE
Type of operation:Down flow
■ Is the filter media present?
■ Is the filter surface free of clogging?
Is the filter free of growth?■
■ ODDIs the air scour operational?
■ □00Is the scouring acceptable?
■ 0 O 0Is the clear well free of excessive solids and filter media?
Disinfection-Liquid Yes No NA NE
■ 0 DOIs there adequate reserve supply of disinfectant?
■ ODO(Sodium Hypochlorite) Is pump feed system operational?
■ ODDIs bulk storage tank containment area adequate? (free of leaks/open drains)
■ 0 O Is the level of chlorine residual acceptable?
■ ODDIs the contact chamber free of growth, or sludge buildup?
■ ODOIs there chlorine residual prior to de-chlorination?
De-chlorination Yes No NA NE
Type of system ?Liquid
Page #9
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately 74 of the sidewall depth)
Comment: The weirs are covered and therefore the condition of the weirs could not be
checked. Weirs are checked annually and cleaned if necessary. Sludge judge reading
for secondary clairfier number 1 was 2 and one-half feet with a sidewall depth of 14 feet.
Comment: Plant will be experimenting adding sugar water to the aeration basins
instead of methanol for nitrogen removal.
De-chlorination Yes No NA NE
Is the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount (1 to 1)?■
Is storage appropriate for cylinders?■
# Is de-chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers?■
Are the tablets the proper size and type? ■
Are tablet de-chlorinators operational? o ■
Number of tubes in use?
Standby Power Yes No NA NE
Is automatically activated standby power available?■
Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source?■
Is the generator tested under load?■
Was generator tested & operational during the inspection?o ■ o
Do the generator(s) have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site?■ ODO
Is there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power?■ o
Is the generator fuel level monitored?■
Generator is automticly operated on load management through out the
Pumps-R AS-WAS Yes No NA NE
Are pumps in place?■
Are pumps operational?■
Are there adequate spare parts and supplies on site?■ 0
Comment:One out of three RAS pumps were in operation due to low inflow.
Laboratory Yes No NA NE
Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory?■ 0
Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab?■
# Is the facility using a contract lab?■
■ o
Incubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/-1.0 degrees?■ O
Page #10
# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)?
Incubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius*/- 0.2 degrees?
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Laboratory Yes No NA NE
Comment:Laboratory is well maintained. All records were available.
Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE
Mode of operation Ext. Air
Type of aeration system Diffused
Is the basin free of dead spots?■ o
Are surface aerators and mixers operational?■ ODD
Are the diffusers operational?■ o
Is the foam the proper color for the treatment process?■
Does the foam cover less than 25% of the basin’s surface?■ o
Is the DO level acceptable?■ o
Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/l)o ■
Page # 11
Permit: NC0023906
Inspection Date: 03/25/2009
Owner - Facility: Wilson WWTP
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Comment: The color of the influent was a medium chocolate brown with some foam
All air diffusers in the aeration basins appeared to be operating normally.
Natural Resources
Permittee: City of Wilson Permit Number: NC0023906
Facility Name: Hominy Creek Water Reclamation Facility County: Wilson
Level of Treatment:
2<None Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Chlorination/Disinfection Only
Estimated Volume of Spill/Bypass: 374,000 gals, (must be given even if it is a rough estimate)
Yes 'C NoDid the Spill/Bypass reach the Surface Waters?
If yes, please list the following:
Volume Reaching Surface Waters: NA Surface Water Name: NA
Yes J NoDid the Spill/Bypass result in a Fish Kill?
J Yes Was WWTP compliant with permit requirements?No
Yes NoWere samples taken during event?
Source of the Upset/Spill/Bypass (Location or Treatment Unit):
Wastewater entering the treatment facility headworks.
Cause or Reason for the Upset/Spill/Bypass:
Incident Started:
Incident Ended:
Influent pump station failure causing overflow at the plant headworks. Pump #4 circuit breaker overheated the
buss bar that serves all 4 pumps causing electrical failure at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Time: 6:30 pm
Time: 7:40 pm
Date: 03-21-2009
Date: 03-21-2009
Describe the Repairs Made or Actions Taken:
The sluice gate to the stormwater retention pond located behind the influent pump station was closed at 5:30
p.m. The overflow began at 6:30 p.m. The bypass was contained in the retention pond and pumped back into
the treatment plant. The circuit breaker for pump #4 had to be removed (cut out) in order to get power to the
remaining 3 pumps. Power was restored at 7:40 p.m. and the overflow stopped at this time.
WWTP Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
(Please Print or Type Use Attachments if Needed)
to H ■ T
North Carolina Department of Environmen
Division of Water Quality
Co/Tll I IfA
> |
Action Taken to Contain Spill, Clean Up and Remediate the Site (if applicable):
Action Taken or Proposed to be Taken to Prevent Occurrences:
Additional Comments About the Event:
24-Hour Report Made To:Division of Water Quality Emergency Management
Contact Name: Chris Tant Date: 03-22-2009 Time: 11:50 am
Other Agencies Notified (Health Dept, etc):
Person Reporting Event: Russell Brice Phone Number: (252) 399-2491
Yes ^NoDid DWQ Request an Additional Written Report?
If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed:
Spill/Bypass Reporting Form (August 1997)
WWTP Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
Page 2
The spill was contained in the stormwater retention pond located on the plant site behind the influent pump
station. The contained wastewater was pumped back into the treatment plant once power was restored to the
pump station. The area around the headworks was power washed. The wash water entered the retention
pond and was pumped back into the treatment plant.
The motor control center (MCC) has been modified to operate the 3 remaining pumps. An engineering firm
has been hired to evaluate the MCC and provide a recommendation on upgrading the MCC. Thompson Pump
Service is providing auxiliary pumping (standby) in case electrical problems reoccur.
December 31, 2008
JAN-5 2009
Dear Mr. Brice:
NPDES Permit Correction
Permit No. NC0023906
Hominy Creek WRF
Wilson County
Michael F. Easley, Governor
State of North Carolina
William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coleen H. Sullins, Director
Division of Water Quality
Mr. Russell P. Brice, Water Reclamation Manager
City of Wilson
P.O. Box 10
Wilson, North Carolina 27894-0010
fl— i L
1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-161 7 - TELEPHONE 91 9-807-6300/FAX 91 9-807-6495
VISIT US ON THE WEB AT http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us
corrections have been made the attached permit.
• The sample type for chloroform and dichlorobromomethane in Condition A. (1) has
been changed from grab to composite.
. The annual total nitrogen load has been corrected to 157,886 Ibs/year in Effluent
Limitations and Monitoring Requirements A. (1) and Condition A. (4) Total Nltr°gen
Allocation. The correction is included because the supplemental allocation for the
connection of Willow Springs Country Club at 101 Ibs/year (estuary allocation)
and 202 Ibs/year (discharge allocation) had been inadvertently omitted m the
previous permit. The addition of 202 Ibs/year to the previous discharge allocation
amount of 157,684 Ibs/year is rounded to the new allocation of 157,886 Ibs/year.
If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this
permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written
request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the
form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General
Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this permit shall be final
and binding.
Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. This permit does not affect the
legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water
Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act,
or any other Federal or Local governmental permits which may be required.
?-HAL Sincerely,
Coleen H. Sullins
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact Jacquelyn Nowell of my staff at (919) 807-6386.
Raleigh Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Section
Ecosystems Unit/Attn. Jenny Atkins
NRCA/Cindy Finan
Aquatic Toxicology Unit
Central Files
Mr. Brice
Wilson- Hominy Creek WMF^^QC0023906
Page 2
During the period beginning
Effluent Characteristics
Sample Type
MonthlyMonitor & ReportTotal Monthly Flow (MG)
Daily7.5 mg/l5.0 mg/l
CompositeDaily15.0 mg/l10.0 mg/l
CompositeDaily45.0 mg/l30.0 mg/l
400/100 ml200/100 ml
TN Load7
15 pg/l2 pg/l
Monitor & Report
Monitor & Report
Monitor & Report
Monitor & Report
157,886 Ib/year (Annual Mass Loading)8
2.0 mg/L (Quarterly Average)
Recorded or
City of Wilson
Hominy Creek WWMF
NPDES No. NC0023906
sIHsasN [April 1 - October 31]
NH3asN[Nov. 1 - March 31]
Dissolved Oxygen3________
Dissolved Oxygen1
1.0 mg/l
2.0 mg/l
3.0 mg/l
6.0 mg/l
Monitoring Requirements
Influent or
Influent or
Influent &
Influent &
Influent &
Upstream &
Upstream &
Upstream &
Upstream &
Chronic Toxicity10
Total Cadmium_____
Total Copper_______
Total Zinc_________
BOD, 5 day (20?C)2
April 1 - October 31]
BOD, 5 day (205C)2
November 1 - March 31]
Total Suspended Solids2
Total Residual Chlorine5
TKN (mg/l)_________
NO2-N 4- NO3-N (mg/l)
TN (mg/l)6
Fecal Coliform (geometric mn)4
Fecal Coliform (geometric mn)1
Total Phosphorus 9
Temperature (QC)
Temperature (QC)1
1-g on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the
Permittee is authorized to discharge up to 14 MGD of municipal wastewater from outfall OO1.
Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below:
78,943 157,886Total
(1) Transport Factor = 50%
iii. If the Permittee intends to join or leave a compliance association, the Division must be
notified of the proposed action in accordance with the procedures defined in the
association's NPDES permit.
(1) Upon receipt of timely and proper notification, the Division will modify the permit
as appropriate and in accordance with state and federal program requirements.
(2) Membership changes in a compliance association become effective on Januaiy 1
of the year following modification of the association's permit.
The TN monitoring and reporting requirements in this Permit remain in effect until
expiration of this Permit and are not affected by the Permittee's membership in a compliance
City of Wilson
Hominy Creek WWMf
NPDES No. NC0023906
Assigned by Rule
(T15A NCAC 02B .0234)
Connection of Willow
Springs Country Club,
Estuary (Ib/yr)
Discharge (Ib/yr)
a. The following table lists the Total Nitrogen (TN) allocation(s) assigned to, acquired by, or
transferred to the Permittee in accordance with the Neuse River nutrient management rule
(T15ANCAC 02B .0234) and the status of each as of permit issuance. For compliance
purposes, this table does not supercede any TN limit(s) established elsewhere in this permit
or in the NPDES permit of a compliance association of which the Permittee is a Co-Permittee
b. Any addition, deletion, or modification of the listed allocation(s) (other than to correct
typographical errors) or any change in status of any of the listed allocations shall be
considered a major modification of this permit and shall be subject to the public review
process afforded such modifications under state and federal rules.