HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCSD0694_Historical Files-Sewer Line Information 1969 to 1997_20240624INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE BOARD 1. Title to my ( our) property is vested in the name (s) signed below. 2. The maximum number of persons using the premises is ____'il�2-i3________ 3. The premises should be assessed on the basis of________-________ --------------- _--------- unit(s). Note: (If not more than. 5 users, 1 unit; more than five but not more than 10 users, 2 units; more than 10 but not more than 15, 3 units; and so on) . 4. Give the number of separate dwellings or buildings having sewer connections. No. -_>____ 5. The dwelling (s) and building(s) (a) -------------- I-�- --------------- (c)-------- A—n----------showers; yy I L (e) liu a__V 6. Do you have a swimming pool?_____ 7. Location of property located on said property contain the following: (b) ------- ______water closets; (d) _____lavatories; (f) -----_IX � ______clothes washers. v`e�e 7�- S. Private residence__ _________ _ _ _} ____j 7 [1=____________. Commercial or business___'" Yl [Zu -'S La If commercial, state name and type of business__T17_----1 ---- t"__ 9. Do you receive water from the Town water system? ____ --------------- ____---- ___ ------------ ____. Date------ - - ------------------ --------------- - - - C_"'------- 1--------- c;I-- y Please sign The Board of Commissioners Town of Lake Lure Lake Lure, N. C. 28746 Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is check in the amount of $________________________________________, to be applied to the cost of the sewage treatment plant to be constructed by the Town of Lake Lure. It is understood that this money will be returned in the event said plant is not constructed. We understand there will be a monthly charge to cover the operating cost of said plant and that said monthly charge is now roughly estimated at $1.00 per unit, per month. i Date----- A ---- - � ------ -------------------=------- f.���.�^v --- ---- - ---------- ;J Vie T .......... CAI zleowe& .4 e-dK FIVE Alwoe&) ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF CHIMNEY ROCK SEWER ASSOCIATION, INC. ewe ge 21st May:, :�W69 60 eall �" rah „ :�3 k�,.�i��' G' A 21st May 1p 11-5ccrofaq, x1f '*-I'ltv 69. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIO2d i;,J� OF S"!� i' `= i '• C if=;l CHIMNEY ROCK SEWER ASSOCIATION, INC. �tuil 1' t iiil��..i�i; We, the undersigned, natural persons of tha tige of t*„reraty- one years or more, do hereby associate ourselves into a nonpzofiz corporation under the laws of the State of north Carolina, as contaiued in Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of tv�orth Carolina, entitled "Non -Profit Corporation Act", and the several aamencm2nts thereto, an , to that end do hereby set forth: _ ARTICLE I The name of this Corporation shall be Cnizz„ey Rack Se�:cr Association, Inc. ARTICLE II The nature of the business of the corporation and t ,c a'��• c` ._ and purposes for which, or for any of which, this corporatio„ oQ„y area a To associate its members together for theiz to t and to that end to provide sewage disposal facilities for it scici�C i i constructing, maintaining and operating a private wiser system aad cio-. posal plant for the use of said members, or ,,o p;-Gvie,, w;azge facilities for said members by doing all tl iiGva ne:ce3sary to col',,Pec'i iC properties owned by said members and located in the village of C6imt.c y Rock, North Carolina, with a municipally owned and operated ocwza�c dj.;- posal system, including, but not limited to, the purchase of Units of sewage in a municipally owned and operated sewage system, the pay:kcnt o'_ all sewage charges and fees charged by :,A7.Ci Iln9nRCipAlity and the Iiui:Cl,i::; C;, laying, installation, operation, maintenance and rear r cf a disposal facility, pumping equipment, sewage rutairec, water 21� i s, 7 i pc• lines, valves, meters and all other equipment ncce:;2ary to the maintenance and operation of a private sewage disposal cy2tcul oZ• to connect the properties of its members with a municipally � oc;.,�w- system. b, To barrow from any source, rua;nei7, 'Ocds or serv%cec a✓ith- o"t """tatiOn as to amount Of corporate indcb'i:ed"cGo oi' liabii y; to pledge or mortgage any of its property as security tLere£or !a �;;• manner permitted by laws c. To acquire, and .to hold, oum, and erercisac all ri-i;•�s of ownership in, and to sell, transfer or ledge shares of pledge caa>1t:71 ,,;:vci: or bands, Or - become a member Or a atOcki older Oi any carpgrct'i C;:a or I association engaged in any related activities. d. To buy, lease, hold and c:cercice all privileges of ;,; .,cr- ship in and to all real or personal property as mFy be ucce-scary or cort- i vonieut for the conduct and operation of the business Of the corporatjoo or incidental thereof. e. To establish reserves and to haves;: the fun, stocks, bonds and other property as the Board of Directors L; 4 c� satisfactory„ f. To make charges -aeud levy asuews .cats in suer. Ma:a6a such amount as may be provided in the bylac.s of tijis corporatio,�a g. To have and ciierci se All po.aerv, privileges a,;d ] : c02_ ferred on corporations by the laws of thy 1 ill - .State of LY©r"'a Y.E..v:�d CJY L' G'u � . Powers and rights incidental in carrying oL-c the pui:po-,; s ta; corporation is formed, except such as are I ccn_-istcint GJ:Lt e tiC.c_' ';;;���er;;c; ; provisions of the act under which this corporation is i4acarp s" i;: , h. The foregoing shall be construed bona as obccM and tine enumeration thereof shall not be held to lirai;: or manner the general powers Conferred ou t17is COFp04::.'i: �C: ] "by laws 0 Z .L State of North Carolina, all of which are hereby ARTICLE III The place where the principal busi2c_ss o;: tug be transacted is the County of 'Rutherford, Slate of 1101nc] the corporation may maintainoffices and places of Jr aieae; :;at 1 places within the State of North Carolina as the Boar& of determine. II ARTICLE 1V The period of e:c'stcnce Of this corporation -hall ARTICLE V The private property of the raembers GlIall not be Qubj-ct tc, payment of corporation debts to any extent wriatooever. ARTICLE VI Section 1. This Corporation sbalnot ha-,Tc, arzj shall issue membership certificates to its mcubers. So Under the terms anal cor.ditiozs bylaws, this Corporation shall admit as pc reasonable accessibility to, and w1ko arc in necci of, oz facilities Provided by the corporation, but tile COrPOVaticu --hall required to admit members if the capacity of its selyage dj,;pos I a is exhausted by the needs of its existing mem bers alld all sucl_k 0, el, Persons to whom it has been providing sewage disposal ,Llci li.,-i, the municipality Providing sewage disposal facilitites to t7n.e and its members will not permit additional use of its :aid 2ac,,,I�Zjt Section - 3. The membership fee in this corrAoratioa cF„ajj fixed and determined 'by its bylaws. The voting pozcr a-. and interest of each member Vj%&OGe fees are fully raid and t.jr.10 is �.-4 tc,c,� standing shall be equal and each member shall be c-,atitjcd 1.0 OT�,� v T o.,Z� Op.— . Mere shall be no voting by proxy. members upon tlleir this Corporation shall be entitled to Inie vote and to iv-1 the Property Of the corporation equally with the old has Paid his membership fee in . full, he shall receive a cQrtj,-,"cLta of Tac.mbership. Assessments against members and a dcterw �inatjo- .1 0 Z liabilities shall be fixed by the bylaws of the corpovatioa. Section-4. This corporation is ozgaui2ed Qzj a "onpuoEit bas.--- ,or the mutual benefit of its members and coasequeal:117 QO1 profits from which to pay dividends on its c�,-,, .jital. 1.2ter cjj of the corporation have bqeu paid and reasouabie zeservcs, a2 by the board Of directors, set aside, the net eamings of tLe er shall be accumulated in a surplus fu-4d for the purpose of rpin larging, eactending and repairia- t[jo -;y,:,,0r .1 aud OE t1i)- and for such Other purposes as the Board of Directors uzay for the best, interest of the corporatzozl. ne said sjvpluo f-u., or acly Portion thereof may from time to tijae, at the discretion Of—';hc' Of Directors, be distributed to the members as provided in tT= b.yja,:;2' r)74 the basis of the assessments and charges made and levicr] agaiust xad pale by such members during the year. ARTICLE-VII The address of the Registered Office Of t',US COV20zaLic-'j I S 204 Taylor Street, Rutherfordton, Rut[ ierford County, worth name of the registered agent at the above address is Rollic '14. ARTICLE VIII The number of directors cOustitutinC, the ini"--ial directors shall be five and the naues and addresses of tUCOc U4�0 Marc to serve as directors until the first meeting 02 the covPozation or their successors are elected and qualified arc: DL&ME S Zeb Dalton P. 0. Bo:: Go,. cairmey Roc:k, -Z. C� James C. Morris P. 0. 51, Chimacy Rack, Borman A. Gre'ig, ChiL:,qey LoCk, C. R. A. Jolley Gliumey 'Rock, C. Henry J. Sumner C711im-ney Rock,- W. C. At the first annual meeting of-the,mambers, oaG ejrcc, ,or for a ter -on of one year, two directors for a term of tw3 ye,c G -U directors for a term of three years. At each xanu<.I the members shall elect for a terra of three yearz; whose terms of office have expired. ARTICLE. IX The names and addresses of all of the y S ADDRESSES i Zeta Dalton P. 0. Box 68, Chimney Rock, tam C. JaMes C. Norris P. 0. 'Box 51, Chimey Pock;, r. C. I TVo;.n;a:a A. Greig Ciairtley Rock, 14. C. IN WITNESS WEiE.REOF, we have Faereu~ato sat oar ha.,ds, t ais thce d-'17 of May, 1969. b. Zeb Dalto:a Norwan A. Gr;MVi STATE OF NORTR CAROLINA COUNTY OF RUTRERFORD THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the 7� day of May, 1969, be£o_y me, a notary Public, personally appeared Zeb Dalton, Jamas C. c-3orri.;, acaa ? Norman A.. Greig, who, I am satisfied, are the peruon3 12amcd in and c, o executed the'foregoing Articles of Incorporation, and I, having first f , made known to them the contents thereof, they did each acl'..ao:alwr:;e that �• i they signed and delivered the same as their' volunta;:y act and &ed for the uses and purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 1 � clay of: sy, l-Dti i. h l/ Notary Public My coaMission expires: i Filed for Registration in the Office of Red s'car of Deeds for Rutherford Co. N.C. Book 4, 2ii.5 in Book of Corporations, this the bth. day of Septerb er 1969 at 11.45 Am. (C,""clOnes""Reg. of lleeds Ruth erforrd-'Co. N.C. t r NORTH CAROLINA RUTHERFORD COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this - day of 1970, between the Town of Lake Lure, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing under the laws of North Carolina, party of the first part (herein- after referred to as the "Town"), and Rutherford County, a Municipal Corpo- ration organized and existing under the laws of North Carolina, party of the second part (hereinafter referred to as the "County"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the year 1966 the Town acquired the lake known as Lake Lure and a system of trunk sewage lines located on the bed of said lake, and WHEREAS, the Town is building a sewage treatment plant for the purpose of treating the sewage flowing into said system of trunk sewage lines, and WHEREAS, upon completion of said sewage treatment plant, the sewer system of the Town will consist of said system of trunk sewage lines located on the bed of the lake known as Lake Lure and said sewage treatment plant, and WHEREAS, after said sewage treatment plant is completed, a maximum of 2003000 gallons of sewage can be treated in said plant in any one period of twenty-four (24) hours, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town has divided said capacity of said sewage treatment plant into 800 units of 250 gallons of sewage per unit with the owners of such units being entitled to deposit into the sewer system of the Town not more than 250 gallons of sewage per unit owned in any one period of twenty-four (24) hours, and WHEREAS, the County has requested the Town to sell and assign to the County 111 units of sewage of 250 gallons per unit and to allow the County to deposit not more than 27,500 gallons of sewage into the sewer system of the Town in any one period of twenty-four (24) hours, and to allow the County to connect a trunk sewer line owned by the County to the sewer system of the Town, and I WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town, on April 28, 1970, duly passed and adopted an ordinance governing and regulating the sewer system of the Town of Lake Lure and setting up certain charges, and will pass other ordinances from time to time governing and regulating said sewer system and changing the amounts of charges set up. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Town shall sell to the County 111 units of sewage of 250 gallons per unit for the total price of $11,000.00. 2. The Town agrees to allow the main trunk sewage line of the County to be connected to the main trunk sewage line of the Town, and will allow the County to deposit not more than 27,500 gallons of sewage into the sewer system of the Town in any one period of twenty-four (24) hours, all upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 3. The County agrees to be and remain subject to and abide by all the terms of the ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town on April 28, 1970, governing and regulating the sewer system of the Town and setting up certain charges, as said ordinance now is and as it may be amended from time to time, and any other ordinances which may be adopted from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the Town for the purpose of governing and regulating the sewer system of the Town. 4. The County agrees that the sewer service charges and sewage unit charges established by the Board of Commissioners of the Town in the ordinance adopted on April 28, 1970, or any other sewer charges which may be adopted from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the Town may be changed at any time in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners of the Town, and the County agrees to comply with any such changes. 5. The County agrees that the Town shall have absolute control and supervision over all connections to any lines owned by the County and over all connections of lines owned by the County, to the sewer system of the Town. 6. The County agrees to bear the expense of providing, installing and maintaining a central meter acceptable to the Board of Commissioners of the Town which will accurately measure the flow of all sewage from the lines owned by the County into the sewer system of the Town. 7. The County agrees that before allowing any lot, parcel of land, or premise to be connected to its lines, it will require the owner or .owners of said lot, parcel or premises to enter into a contract with it and the Town in which said owner or owners shall agree to be and remain subject to and abide by all the terms of the ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town on April 28, 1970, and all amendments thereto, and all other ordinances adopted from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the Town for regulating and governing the sewer system of the Town, and that any sewer service charges, sewage unit charges, or any other sewer charges established by the Board of Commissioners of the Town may be changed at any time in the discretion of said Board of Commissioners of the Town. 8. The County agrees not to allow any connections, directly or indirectly, to any of its lines until a permit has been secured from the Town. 9. The County agrees that at such time as it sells, assigns or transfers any unit or units of sewage held by it, it will furnish or cause to be furnished to the Clerk of the Town all information required by Section 4 and Section 11 of the Ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town on April 28, 1970. 10. The County agrees not to deposit or allow to be deposited from its line or lines more than 27,500 gallons of sewage in any one period of twenty-four (24) hours. 11. The County agrees not to assign or transfer all or any of its rights and obligations contained in this agreement unless and until the assignee or transferee of such rights and obligations has entered into a valid and binding agreement with the Town containing and embodying all of the provisions, terms and conditions of this agreement between the Town and the County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Lake Lure has caused this agreement to be signed in its name by its Mayor and duly attested by its Town Clerk, and has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, all by and under the authority of resolution of its Board of Commissioners; and Rutherford County has caused this agreement to be signed in -its name by the Chairman of its Board of County Commissioners and duly attested by the Clerk to the said Board of County Commissioners, and has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, all by and under the authority of resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Rutherford County; this the day and year first above written. TOWN OF LAKE LURE AtteS t; � /,� ) Mayor Town Clerk RUTHERFORD COUNTY By: . Attest: h i� an, Bq d of County Commi sioners Clerk to Board of Co�ity Commissioners S E re_1 E fL %—I`t R t All ( ,A, f Cry CL4t t Xe sit . OWENS AND ARLEDGE ATTORNEYS AT LAW HOLLIS M. OWENS, JR. 204 TAYLUR STREET RES. PHONE 286.9775 �i �� IIfN RUTHERFOEtDTON, N. C. 28139 PHONE 287.3338 January 28, 1971 Honorable J. Paul Wilson `favor Lake Lure, North Carolina Dear Paul: 14- La� LuJu Re: Agreement between Town of Lake Lure and Rutherford County, dated Mav 5, 1970 nclosed herewith is the original of the above referenced Agreement which should be kept with the Town's valuable paoers. You will recall that the D. S. government required the execution of this document before it would consider making a ;rant requested by the Chimney Rock Sewer Association, Inc. A. JERVIS ARLEDGE RES. PHONE 2874603 Rutherford County consented to being a oarty to the Agreement solely for the purpose of enabling the Chimney Rock Sewer Association, Inc. to obtain the requested The County intends to assign and transfer all of its rights and obligations contained in said agreement to the association. _after such assignment anv enforcement by the Town of the obl i- ;ations of the party of the second part contained in the Agreement will have to be against the association. You will note that the agreement contains a clause whereby the County has agreed not to assign or transfer all or anv of its rights and obligations contained in the agreement unless and until the assignee or transferee of such rights and obligations has entered into a valid and binding agreement with the Town containing and embodying all of the provisions, terms and conditions of the Agreement between the Town and the County_. Before the Chimnev Rock Sewer Association, Inc. can make such an agreement it will have to have a corporate seal, a set of care- fully drawn by-laws and should generally be set up and functioning in such a manner that it can le ;ally require all of its members to abide by all of its by-laws. Honorable J. Pau1 Wilson Pave Two January 28, 1971 I advise the 3oard of Commissioners of the Town -)£ Take Lure not to enter into any a?reement :with the Chimnev 'lock ewer Association, Inc. re;ardin; the use of the sewer facilities of the Town a£ Lake '.ure unless and until the Association meets the above requirements. Yours very trul'7, Hollis M. Cwens . Jr. ?lO jr/jwc Enclosure 211 GRANTEE Index to Real Estate Conveyances — Rutherford County, N. C. to" FAMILY NAME Mon N9. I-SPU' 01149 c...ti Wa St.- IM, mr9r- I „mate Family Name by Front Index Mu°ems o63e�rjPav a a°'�'°.: ceorioiu�ii� C. rA a C.e.t✓�iY�6YC• A Itl M n _.. -_ � - _._ — ___...-.:.._�.�_. �_�__� I _ =... i C=R ANTES GIVEN NAMES GIVEN NAME. GIVEN NAMES GRANT ORS Kind of gpOX PAGE i Ott'. of BRIEF DESCRIPTION SURNAME ABCBEFCH IIKLMNO I PCRSTU4WXYT C Roc Twp. S/s USHyr74 basement 3?1 '23�+ ,1969 ��s RockyBroadRiver_il - IThe Chimney Rock Sewer Association L B _Brown 'RockTwp S/s USHyr74 !:a F ; vLaug hlinasemen-3 I 1235�John ig ldRiver WRoekTwp S/s IISHy #7IiW jdo R Alma_C_Lo1]y i li asement36 /s Rock Broad River 69 Y— ,�— C^.RockTvjp S/s USHy#74 ; ado j lChimney Rock Association Rk S R G! & Frances C Richardson asement 321 837 1g6g/s Roc1�BroadRiver _ v'RockTwp-S/s USITY 74 ' Mrs T B Freeman ' asement 21 2 8 1 o Y1s Rock B� roadve_�_� �do b'RockTtap S/s IISHy#74 11 ( do �— M Ouida Murphy I�Eaaaseemmeennt�321; i I asement 2�9 lq� �j'1s ock�Bzoad Rivezlj� C'RockTwp The Back Tract ' 'do Edward C & Jean D Owenb}p ��— 240 1g69,1ot of ld/owned by grantc N'/'s Rbek;J-Broad R3'ver i �'RockTwp S/s USHy+ir741} I_ do f`— _� Mrs_T B Freeman Easemnn 2�T 241 1��;PLLs Hock�Bsead�iizer i�C�_RockTwp S/s USHy�r74 iI Cleo Elliott IlEasemen_ 21 242 '; 1969 :N/s�2c_$road��ve;I— The Chimney Rock Sewer Association Chimney Rock Sewer Association a, 'Julia R Logan Mar• E Logan Freeman _1 i Mrs F H Thorpe — T L Justices Admr —i LEasemen' _ asemen' 321 u24, ; 211 241+ ;��2NLs�%s1t�Bnoad�i�ze�� i C'RockTwp N/sRoclnfBrR'i a 1 6 back Tract of l ran o s- 1I ; 'C'RocDcky S/sUSHy#T4 . ii _ j�C'ROckTwp S/s USHy74'j ?Easemen_ 21 1 24 �b2 s RoSky_B �ad�ive I The Chimney Rock Sewer Association wirgiRia 47 dustire,dec' d _ 'RockTwp S/s USHy74 �,. ,ChimneyRock Sewer Association Chimney Rock Park asemen 21 246 ; _�__ 1969 , /s Rocker Broad River 1970) C'RockT�•rplS/sUSHy#74,N/s 1 do 11' 1 Mrs Ruth Whitesides ! Easement jI asement;344 344 1709 11972 1710 I,RockyBrR,LJ'/LakeLure 1970) jCRTwp 2W/LakeLure S/sUSHy, 1972 74,N/sRockyBroad iverij Polly P Hanson L �do Charles M & Ruth C Shaffer asement (970) 344 'Z11 C'RockTwp,W/LakeLure,S/sL 1972 xy�z7 N/sYockyBroadRiver - ! �� i � CF624&t 1AIC. 344- PNil �s c-lyfl60e-' kL, Af-c5 Rcs ,-WEIQ t-pVC-- A-t-VM; P-Ccj VIE I 94XI—I 'P7 4114-16'�( WA A(D W171-( -art- FCC 1/4' THICX STAINLESS STEEL PIPE STRAP 017H 3/4- EXPANSION BP.LTS Eqe' PLAN ►6 OOMEli Q 12' O.C. 94M2' O.CE W. S CLR- rrt- ;ACTION B-B 05,01, 4.[E.W. } �.� SECTION A -A oOwELL o 1Y O.C. TYP- za- 1/a' THICK STAINLESS STEEL P[PE STRAP WITH 3/4- CKPANSION BOLTS MATD, OUTSIOE 1 DIAMETER OF PIP I. 2m 0 C E.W. PIER DETAIL NOTES. } 1. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED EDGES. 2. HEIGHT VARIES (SEE PROFILE) 3- CUR3. 1 1 I I 1 �5012' o cE w. IF BEDROCK IS NOT PR£sETi7, EXCAVATE YINIu11M 3 FEET BELOW WATER LEVEL AND FILL WIN 20OD0 CONCRETE To ANCMOR DOWELLS. CONCRETE SHALL 16 DCWELL O 12' O-C- BE MINIUUU ElEVAT1ON G11WT INTO ELDROGi 24• YINNAV51 PRpJECTILYI 4.SiRtHlE55 STEEL STRAP TO 8E 1/4 THtLXw tC E1 PIER IER DETAfL B WIDE PLATE s PLACE 1/4' THICK EXPANSION i01NT MATERIAL NOT TO SCALE -1--i BETWEEN PIPE AND CONCRETE j A I t El �°E _ Q 1� � �� zz.s• BEND •� �������� =1TIv. � ;� � r PLAN SCALE 1- 50' rY� ASPPALT CONNECT TO . ,� ram NOS OwPA%EuENT P'Po DUCTILE IRON PIPE LOT WITH 22-5' BEND 22. s• BEND7In n.25' BENDS '•� \\ E AND RAISETOP OF MANHOLE 2 F MANHOLE 2 FEET. INVERT TO — 22.5 BEND -r E - ,o.,"e; REMAIN AT EXISTING ELEVATION \ ` CONSTRUCT NEW INVERT pAD AVER � Rocs" BR i _ 1 NOTE: LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UIMITIES AS 910MN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY EXACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD ST THE CONTRACTOR PROFILE w - - - -- SCALE: �TZ I-- ^'A Tey 1CP V vtRC -ttDR-F (IE, 12R06 Ayxatl Prig w+. L0 1 0_ 'c - Oi -- — - - - - ---- DUCTILE IRON PIPE- - - Inv. EIe .- 1D5.10 - - Inv Elev.- 1C 1 - LONG SP LIN PIPE (TYPICAL --- — — - - - - - - - LL- - - - - PIPE SUP .0RT PIER ( k� r�6 o^xx x�} L.t x z z Mir u 10+00 10+56 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 15+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 SE TOP I JHOLE 2' 96.41 W J_ LL 0 cc D_ Z Q J SHEET 1 OF L eq r � CA VE MANHOLE V-DUCTILE IRON PIPE d E T TO DUCTI RON PIPE WITH M.J. LEEVE`� ftOpC FACE WITH MEGA UG •• PLAN SCALE: 1`- 20 U.S. HIGH\NA MaTSM: TOP OF FIRE HYDRANT ELEV. 128.06 ROCK FACE 4DI 13 D61' 4� 5 YV[T11.� / �- 22.5• _ ems. BEND _ i' PIPE SUPPORT PIER -- (SEE SP1T. 1 FOR DETAIL) ti �—•TBM: NAIL IN PAVEMENT a _ ELEV_ 108.83 6•x4`WYE ASPHALT PARKING LOT ASPHALT PART(,NG LOT B'x4' WYE \\ WITH CLEANOUT DECK TOM: tt7? OF B�4k ELEV- 105. 105.84 ` LONG SPAN PIPE - ` ` BEND _ram ZO°E ' ~ �, o TBM: NAIL `\ �r SEND LONG SPAN PIPE 4' 8"x4" WYE � LSPAN PIPE \ Q �Wz • �y E- r- a az z U 0. O uREU3 w x d m (nLru�z V z, ir W U x GRASS `—�cc w i z (� I } U cr Lu O REMOVE DROP AND RAISE TOP OF W Z LL FMANHOLE 2 FEET. INVERT TO REMAIN ¢ w AT EXISTING ELEVATION W = co SAkD ° U 9 V u►.IeHOLE a Fo r v¢ R N ER SHEET 2oF2 WMRD-DRA MAY MY STA 14+94.113 UNE A PROPOSED MANHOLE TIE TO EIGSnNG SEWER LIVE (PROVIOE WATERTI0 r COVE) PLAN PROPOSED SCALE 1 50' STA. 10+70.68 CLEAN OUT 22.5' BEND PROPOSED TA. 10+00.00 UNE B 22.5' BEND CONNECT TO E)InNG 1EE roP OF LARGE a[lr oRluEo PROPOSED CLEAN Ol�1I INTO LARGE ROES[ ELEV=102252 �Pft25D$EN D 4 r f � HAUL in sOUTrI soE OF 22"uI. POPLAR ELEV..1014.76 a 1 �r51q'. ?�• 1 r �Ng�`'WR 1 } i£1:E i<dS5 ` OOM TRX5 �.Ivx ,KIn a NOTE: LOCATIONS OF E:GSTiRG unurlES AS SHOVM ARE APPROx1u ATE ONLY. ExACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE VEPoTIEO IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PROFILE - - SCALE_ HOR1Z 1'- 50' VERT. 1'= 5' � N 7 � S 4 On L! I long MEN moon 1035 1036 1025 W � •�Fw STA 13+91.42 LINE B c7 PROPOSED MANHOLE 6 � TrE TO £>aSnNG SEWER LINE Z , (PROVOE WATERnGHT COVER) m U n. f �Qx W 1 f -�•� � Q sa 5 LTittlNEY _ IRK 1 9 RE 57 ERA PROPOSED A� PIPE SUPPORT PIER �� (TYPICAL)5(Rr i L �,- AURA T i f ours[ rvjLS 20 a ¢ � a � s W J IE a 11c PROFILE SCALE HORIZ 1'- 50' VERT. 1'= 5' ci 2 0 1,1 J 4 OH 1020 1 1015 w r _ _ROPO to m IPE SUP ORT PIER m � TYPICAL) tOIO w 2 N a oOU� n x m LINE B a o Sri rJ a z a Y1 CL y z - 10+00 10+50 11+00 1t+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 W z `Yl V v o� U fl W Z 0, w = N c -5 m A G O n � O b > _ a 1035 0 y C 5 �o`liri M1 N m 1030 ionJ_ ILL cr 1020 a. ad Z 1015 Q J 1010 1— SHEET 2 5 OF TE TO SEWER LINE � (WATERnGKT COVER) ROCK WINDROW r r 5TA 10+00-00 LINE A MANHOLE — T f jA us.cw P1PC SUPPORT PIER (TYPICAL) ' ` r y CONTRACTOR ATlaw NA1L It! SOUTH SIDE OF 22i-. POPLAR ELEV-1014.76 ti a 44 its C3 PLAN SCALE 1'- 50' CLEAN OUT CIA 1 R R�5 THE Rt Fc u Elw r z 11.25' BEND F u. STA 13+91,42 LIME S cs MANHOLE 4 z LEAN OUT nE To SEWra LINE z 3 Top OF LARGE DOLT DRILLED (WATERTIGHT COVER)z INTO LARGE ROC( ELE1-102252 per, 1 22.5' BEND f U 0. 0. Sol f � EAN OUT � fJ/ f.� r: O O_ i• f. T �1HHE AEST NOTE. LOCATIONS OF EbSTINC UTIUTIES AS SHOWN ARE APPROIWJATE ONLY. EXACT tOCATIONS ARE TO DE 1FRR ED IN THE nzLD BY THE CONTRACTOR PROFILE SCALE HDRI2. 1'a 50' VERT. 1'- 5' cq Or U W J O 1020 1Cn5 / 1015 8. L SPAN D- .P. a - 1010 I 4 1610 1005 1005 - IPE SAJPP T PIER ¢ TODO a ( ICAL} 1000 x PIPE WALL SUPPORT ^^ ^ -�-^- (TYPICAL} PIPE SUPPORT PI - I 11.25' BEND (TYPICAL)strWr IN �r �c + { pErrSC rFc[5 - - =s = a PROFILE SCALE- HOR)Z 1 50• VERT. 1-- 5 SQ35 ��P?E WAL SUPPORICAL) la3a ca,•?-�IE wu1-- .O +Ozs 1020 Vol i 1015 1010 m LJ m w m z z t005~j Q� �~ m oaoa 1. m Q W 0 4r rO d 1O� rrep■ m I (TYPIC Y o ; LINE IB N - W z a �0 W J a a: } r L Q W a F } 7 U W Z LL m N W = F N C rn c 5 VA J rn Qi x 77 N C N ¢ ¢t p +o3a -- — - 1025 � LLLy J L���111rrr 1024 CL w a J N �_ z tOtS Q + n J a m 1Q10 1 SHEET ED D AWING 191i1 2 5 OF ra.m ".., qs lr PLAN -• STA 1 OUT ••.1 j' �.` 1'IL�.. "rP p..`-� JY" i STASTA 1 s Cam. I ` AN T " �!/ff TA 10+0i.50 � STA 1+GT Y STA 12+07 � CLEAR m STA T0+00.00 LINE 13 /-1 ' PWE SUPPORT PIER MANHOLE 1 S4 37' W w * TO 8-3 LINE 0 L MAN STALR! STA 11+04.85 LINE 0 CONNECT Td 8 OIP ti r CLEAN OUT D. .arcs � STA 12+76.01 UNE C L 0' i33' v STA 124-95.86 UNE 0 r---- f ,rpv a' r•■rcx MANHOLE { _ ,.:+` - - MANHOLE r` - --�. 1 ❑ MI.4 Ur Ira1M cra•r sh,� r -- FEfiLf y 4 pHNYs �. I :%% l 6 O SDP e y-Ti • 1. . c F U t Z 4` u lDa9.47 I 'r0'3 EMERY •i v` 'r•Wrtr o ,.,r 2 w •' W Y�f v Aa 1 1T C3 c EIRE i} 7 8 4 S 1 .A'rkT �¢ AU CONTRACTOR ACCESS �j q 6 4 liiG TOP OF CAIE-H N63'.11 32'w CONTRACTOR ACCESS u '.a :°i cmNAAION unTH VILEACE G1vEE5 f - FORO"e FEATHER SWARE 15 ELLS I;LII�A•f �' TRADERS � .�� GEK04AL �_ REST. NEAOS pnuYEY STA 11+71.35 " SYlE£f5/ �? MANHOLE 7i ox rx.r /i - _ - J TRADINGgS 1 ROC,CY pQ51 m W ICE MAlJ . I__.� L�H RftLES I C l�f 7, r TEB ' 1 1 uApjwrwt F65.98 LINE 0 PROFILE SCALE HHO 1T. '5 - 50' Ld Z1 W Z W W z z 2 Ld 1n 1 r. J J J TOP EL r O55 f- In 1 n n M wa�.n 1063 BB' TOSS 000 + + + + +0 U) M N La H fl 1050 1~A 1~!1 N s 0 Vl � On0 r fA toQ N ii 1050 7,553 - A3I p �• "At 0— V. OUT 10+5 8 LC:. " 1045 1oQ 4425fYJ 1-35 LF 18' SIM ENCAOMENT io4O — LINE C 1035 1035 PIE SUPPOIT PIER (1 MCAL) U d U U V U a R = 8W 0 Z ZED W W Z La 0 -A NgoLm m- 2m Tym q- - G� G\N� h• %n Gd Tom` bus 2 �wQne n n w -n N `ram H F • F . • 2z F .n ..... .n. an •.. V1 (n r,n 11�cn CDV e9�m Ll) ,7aY, %.nn I� 11 I - i I adTsc r� v G _x x 1071. 0 ~ 170 VIA TOP EL �. 5 IOBk.4$' �S\? INV. T 1068 o TOP E1_ J IDS&4w— 1A 9% .. NV. OUT 1 OSE.3si' 0 5O Nv. IN 11*2.4 z YTY. EL J I WaN' A 10-00 10+50 11+00 11+50 4 �JJ i 0 PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. 1'- SW WRT. 1'= 5' ou U W d 5 0 po" ai x �z C1 R �Qz [n w � z STA 17+59A4 LINE 0 MANHOLE N n O a 15 Pc x o� b nS�f4 W a Q o WCC CC J v F 0 a NOTE LOCATIONS Cr VOSTwC UTILITIES AS SHOYM AAE APPROIauATE ONLr W CYACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE vERnEO ,N THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR } 7 U LU a: Q W Z u r �v sOIm-t— E m- cWp 51 Lr1 x INV. oLr Q1P 107&W NV. WF 1066.47' 10A iY. IN m.s3' IN Tomce -- 0 1 1 1 10 2 JzmI � T rn m LINk D �r 1 f~A mIn t+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 �j w c_ 1085 W 2 F 1W EL y� 1061.04' L J CC 1080 a u� x i^a Op ----- -- Y 1075 �N 289 6 LF OF S w n g' 0.67Z o n¢ as a 1NV. w t065 J li 0 CC lsaea IL co Z LOSS Q J +� d �0 C� SHEET 3cf 5 NOTES- 1. NEIG iT To M 41N,UVU 2'-0- ABOVE SEWER LINE 2 WINDROW TO 8E CONSTRUCTED OF E)O$T114 ROCK ■ITNW WOW AREAS. TYPICAL ROCK WINDROW NOT TO SCALE Ej L OD \L\\ 115- y.1fGp{WAY 74 •w9LM�9 , • -ja f6Y 10' Cr tt<T .,wma COKNECT TO SEWER LIRE WORK DOt11LE IRON PIPE HOT IN CONTRACT os Los WTH 22.5' BEND �.yMui v0., r� 22 5' DENOr"'- --'- - PLAN 22 5' BEND �. �� SCALE. 7 50' \\ 1$V IIAL N PR1i1N71T G1P/1y' lLLv t0667 LOi SEWER LINE WORK SEWER UNE WORK - 11.25' SENDS n� NOT IN CONTRACT NOT IN CON CF -� \ �LfAhHVE DROP AND REAr TOP OF \\ � YAIYNOLE 2 FEET >M,ERr � TO REMAAI AT EYISTING ELEVATION C'ONSTRVCT NEW INVERT _ ROCK WINDROWJ OAO R��ER [5EE DE 7ruL THIS SHEET) ROCKY BR TOTE. LOCATIONS OF EOsTINO UTIUMEs AS 940YM ARE A➢PROOUATE ONLY EXACT LOCATIONS ARE TO BE vMnED IN THE FlELO BY THE CONTRACTOR 110 105 100 5 40 1 o OUCRLF RON PIPE Inv_ Eta .— 105.10 -- Inv. Elan— 10 .1 -- PROFILE SCALE; HORIZ. 1 5O' go vERT_ 1'— 5' a 1 _- - -- - CL a v O� LONG SPkN PIPE SICTION (TYPICAL TOP[\\\'�RSE M . KOLE V ��►�! III lei � 1 II III.,1 i lev. 96.41 100 LL a. N�� az 17 SHEET { REM D AWI Q T 07 40F 4+SO t0+00 10+50 11+00 14+50 12+OD 12+50 13+DO 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 WATER AND SEWER RATE STUDY TOWN OF LAKE LURE, NORTH CAROLINA hk,Al,k McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA LAKE LURE RATE STUDY PAGE 10 system is the abnormally high number of unmetered sewer -only customers. These users have been treated as two separate groups, the individual sewer -only users and the Mountain Utility Company users, which are viewed as a contract account. In fact, these two groups exhibit essentially the same type user characteristics, except that the ownership of the collection systems are different. The majority of these customers are residential and their seasonal and quantity use characteristics are probably very similar. However, these are assumptions which cannot be verified, since the individual services are not be metered. 12. The following tabulation summarizes the general users numbers, by type for each of these two major groups. SUMMARY OF UNMETERED SEWER -ONLY USERS LAKE LURE, NORTH CAROLINA MAJOR GROUPING RESIDENTIAL USERS COMMERCIAL USERS TOTAL INSIDE OUTSIDE INSIDE OUTSIDE USERS TOWN'S UNMETERED USER 151 4 1 39 195 MOUNTAIN UTILITY CO. 378 0 52 * 0 430 TOTAL USERS 529 4 53 39 625 PERCENT OF TOTAL 84.6% .6% 8.5% 6.3% 100% * Denotes equivalent user units. Several conclusions from the above table are of interest. On the Town's system, the great majority of the users, within the corporate limits of Lake Lure, are residential. Most of the unmetered users are located outside of the corporate limits, with the majority of these businesses being on the Rutherford County sewer line which serves the Chimney Rock area. The Mountain Utility Company system actually serves as many users as the Town's entire sewer system. The system has 430 customers, as opposed to some 351 users on the Town's sewer system (includes metered and unmetered customers). About 85% of the Mountain Utility Company users are residential. The 52 users classified as commercial include the various nonresidential and support activities in the Fairfield Mountains Community which discharge into the system. There appears to be no potentially large commercial users on this system, except for possibly the clinic facility. LAKE LURE RATE STUDY PAGE 27 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION There are three principal steps in the implementation of the recommendations of the water and sewer rate study for the Town of Lake Lure. 1. Acceptance of the rate study report, in its final form. 2. Adoption of the recommended rate schedule. 3. Modification of the Town's billing and accounting system to reflect the new rate structure and fee schedule. During the course of preparing this report, several other considerations have arisen which should be recommended for implementation as elements of this process: 1. The current agreement with Rutherford County regarding the acceptance and treatment of wastewater from the County line serving Chimney Rock should be carefully reviewed. The County is currently attempting to transfer ownership of the Chimney Rock line to the Town of Chimney Rock. It appears to be in the interest of Lake Lure to change the billing procedures dictated in the present agreement, so that the ultimate owner of that facility would pay Lake Lure its fees based on the metered quantity of wastewater deposited into the Town's sewer system. The recommended rate structure is designed to continue to accommodate the current flat rate procedure; however, the metered procedure would probably result in better maintenance to the line, greater equity in user fees and less controversy in the future. 2. Regardless of the future procedures for charging Chimney Rock users, the Town should begin to read the metering device on the Chimney Rock sewer line routinely and begin to keep historic records of quantities of wastewater originating from that point of connection to the Town's system. 3. The existing agreement governing the procedures for charging for I sewer services provided to the Mountain Utility Company should also be reconsidered by the Town. The present methodology is based on a rather complex flat rate system which assigns user units to points of discharge. These units are periodically �' reviewed by the Town and Mountain Utility Company to insure that LAKE LURE RATE STUDY PAGE 28 the unit count is accurate. The user unit system should be revised to consider the proposed sewer rate structure. The Town should also study the advantages and disadvantages of converting the user fee agreement with the Mountain Utility Company to one based upon metered quantities. 4. Regardless of the final fee structure adopted for the Mountain Utility Company system, the Town should repair the meters at the connection points with the Mountain Utility system and begin to uread and record the wastewater flow originating at these source points. 5. The Town should take this opportunity to review its computer billing program to determine if other changes are warranted in its water and sewer system billing and accounting program and procedures as it prepares to implement the newly adopted rate structure. 6. It is recommended that the Town adopt its revised rate structure ordinance in time to allow for at least sixty (60) days to modify its software and implement the system. A trial billing should be accomplished to identify problems and check each account before actual bills are prepared for the initial billing cycle. 7. It is recommended that the adopted rate structure be officially in place by March, 1993 in order that it may have the effect of helping to balance the current water and sewer budget and avoid the potential for the Town having to supplement the departmental budget with other funds. J I Town of Lake Lure P. O. Box 255 • Lake Lure, NC 28746-0255 • 704/625-9983 • FAX 704/625-8371 Incorporated 1927 MEMORANDUM TO: John Lewis FROM: John Strutner DATE: 6 November 1995 SUBJECT: Smoke testing of Chimney Rock sanitary sewer lines Thank you for your memorandum regarding the above -styled matter which I received via FAX this A.M. As you are aware from our past correspondence and discussions on this subject, ground and strom water infiltration and inflow into the Town of Lake Lure's sanitary sewer system via cracks, breaks and illegal connections to the sewer lines in the Village of Chimney Rock has been an ongoing problem. Rutherford County's cooperation and assistance, as evidenced by your memorandum of -i today, in assisting us to resolve these problem areas is most appreciated. Notices of this smoke testing will be mailed late this week to all sewer customers in Chimney Rock. A public notice will appear in the Rutherford Daily Courier next week. We will also advise the Village of Chimney Rock today via a similar memorandum. For the record, please note that there are business/commercial sewer customers in Chimney Rock, in addition to residential customers. I trust that your reference to "lines of residences" in your memorandum can be assumed to include these other non- residential sewer service lines as well. We appreciate the willingness of Barry Jones of your Maintenance Department to be present during the smoke testing on November 15 & 16. Also, please advise Mr. Jones that once again our Town personnel have found the master flow meter for the Chimney Rock main trunkline to be non-functional. Again John, thank you for your assistance in this endeavor. NOTICE The Town of Lake Lure, in cooperation with the Village of Chimney Rock and Rutherford County, will be conducting smoke tests on sewer lines in Chimney Rock during the third week in November. The smoke used in this testing is non -hazardous, non -toxic and fairly odorless. Anita H. Taylor, CMC/AAE Customer Services Supervisor Deputy Town Clerk Town of Lake Lure P. O. Box 255 • Lake Lure, NC 28746-0255 • 704/625-9983 • FAX 704/625-8371 Incorporated 1927 February 22, 1996 Mr. John Lewis County Manager Rutherford County 601 N. Main Street Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Dear John: As I promised you during the recent NCCCMA meeting in Chapel Hill, enclosed please find a copy of Chimney Rock Area Sewer System Evaluation for the Town of Lake Lure and a videotape record of the actual field smoke testing. This evaluation was performed by McGill Associates, P.A. under contract with the Town late this past November. Town personnel assisted with the smoke testing and Barry Jones, the County's Maintenance Director, was present. By copy of this letter, the Village of Chimney Rock will also receive a copy of McGill's evaluation report for its information. (I only received two copies of the videotape, but if the Village desires its own copy I'm sure McGill will be glad to supply one.) On behalf of the Town, I now request that Rutherford County proceed as agreed upon in your memorandum to me dated November 6, 1996. Please keep us advised as to the progress made in repairing or correcting the infiltration/inflow problems identified in this report. I trust that all necessary corrective actions will be completed by either the property owners, or the County in the event any party fails to respond, within a reasonable timeframe, e.g. three months from now. Your cooperation, assistance and attention to this matter is most appreciated. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions, or if further information is desired. Sincerely, John R. Strutner Town Manager Enc. cc: Village of Chimney Rock Roger Edwards, NC DEHNR County Commissioners t Toot Helton. Chairman Robert Luekadoo, vice Chairwm Danny D. Daniels Franklin Geode Aden Lynch Rutherford County To, John Strutner From: John Lewis Date; November 6, 1996 Re: Smoke dusting of sewer lines Jobn W_ Lawis, Jr, Coumry Afamager Baxa1 S. Hayne% Clerk to the Board Walter Dalton, Comy Arrornry This is to confirm that if there are problems found in the lines of residences, Rutherford County will slot so much time for the residence to have them repaired, if they fail to do so, then Rutherford County will hire this done, and bill the residence. dec 601 N_ Main Street, Rutherfordton, NC 28139 * 704-287-6045 • 704-287-6262 (FAX) 1/1 'd 9H9 'ON IIN11O0 QHOAHHHI H WM:01 9661 '9 'AON FROM fJHn%TL_1Tr' 1704E2;;R771 1S9E.02-22 1', :C'Src #140 P.02/02 g I INTRODUCTION 'The "Village of Chimney hock is located on the western side Rutherford County on US Highway 74 approximately two miles northwest of the Town of Lake Lure. Sanitary sewer service is currently provided to the business and residences along US 74. The existing sewer system within the Village of Chimney Rack area is currently owned and maintained by Rutherford County. Wastewater collected by the system, is transported to the Town, of Lake Lure sewer system for treatment. 'Wastewater flow to the Town of Lake Lure is currently measured by an existing flow meter prior to discharge to the Town of Lake Lure system., The Town, of Lake Lure sewer system has experienced excessively high flows due to extraneous water entering the sewer system over -the past several years. This water is believed to be a combination of direct inflow of storm water and some infiltration of groundwater. These high flows have resulted in violations of the `X'own's NPDES permit at the wastewater treatment plant. In an effort to reduce low at the Wastewater Treaunent Plant the Town of Lake Lure undertook a major repair of their sewer system over the past two (2) years. Repairs included sealing both the interior and exterior of approximately 60 manholes on the sewer system located at the edge of the lake, Spot repairs were also made to broken sewer lines during this repair prqjeet. As a part of this repair project the sewer system was evaluated through the use of smoke testing to identify areas where the existing sewer lines may be broken or where puaC storm sewers or house gutters may be tied into the system. This testing indicated that there were several areas where repairs were required on the system within the Chimney Rock area. The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the Chimney Rock area and to identify those areas where sewer system improvements are required. An evaluation of the Chimney Rock area sanitary severer system, was conducted on Friday, November 17, 1995. The evaluation consisted of smoke testing the existing sanitary sewer system. Smoke Testing consisted of placing a blower on top of each manhole in the system, to transmit smoke through all connecting sewer lines and service lines. At those points where the sewer system is open to the atmosphere, smoke will rise and exit the system ( i.e. broken, laterals or service connection vents). The purpose of this evaluation was to locate service connections to identify areas of the sewer system in need, of repair. Smoke testing is not a definitive method for locating all service connections. Traps or low spots in service lines which always contain wastewater will prevent the smoke from escaping through the vent. Therefore, visual evidence of that connection cannot be provided by smoke testing. The following tables and reap summarize the sewer system evaluation . Table One lists all service connections detected and their respective property owners. Table Two lists the damaged locations along with a description of the problezxr. The accompanying map indicates the location of all, service connections and damaged areas referenced in these tables. A video tape of the smoke test accompanies this report. This video tape shows those areas which need repair. Included also is photographs of some of the smoke testing, including areas needing repair. P:q C 7