HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCSD0694_Sewer System Evaluation_20200311 MIKE DOWD, PE 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 Firm License No.: C-0459 MARCH 2020 PROJECT NO. 19.00309 SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Chimney Rock Village October 2019 Rutherford County, North Carolina Page i of ii Sewer Collection System Evaluation TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... 2 1.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS .................................................. 3 2.0 PROJECT AREA...................................................................................... 4 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES ...................................... 6 4.0 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES .................................................................... 10 5.0 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ....................................... 10 6.0 PRIORITIZATION SCHEDULE ................................................................ 19 7.0 EVALUATION OF FUTURE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE COSTS .... 20 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 21 TABLES Table 1.1 – Recommended Sewer System Improvements Projects………………. 3 Table 3.1 – Chimney Rock Sewer System Customer Base (CY 2019)……………… 6 Table 3.2 – Collection System Assets …………………………………………………………… 7 Table 6.1 – Prioritization Schedule ……………………………………………………………… 19 Table 7.1 – Lake Lure Sewer Rates ……………………………………………………………… 20 Chimney Rock Village October 2019 Rutherford County, North Carolina Page ii of ii Sewer Collection System Evaluation FIGURES Figure 2.1 – Location Map .............................................................................. 4 Figure 3.3 - Photographs of Existing Sewer Components……………………………… 8 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM DATA • A-1 Existing Sewer System Map • A-2: Existing Sewer System Deficiency Map • A-3: US Census Bureau 2010 Demographic Profile Data • A-4: Local Water Supply Plans (2016-2018) APPENDIX B – PROJECT ALTERNATIVES FIGURES • B-1: Alternative 1 - System Upgrades Within Existing Alignment • B-2: Alternative 2 - Combination Gravity Sewer and Force Main System Upgrade APPENDIX C – PROPOSED FUTURE PROJECT FIGURES • C-1: Southside Drive Sewer Extension • C-2: Terrance Drive Sewer Extension • C-3: Mathis Drive / Johns Road Sewer Extension • C-4: Esmeralda Inn Sewer Extension • C-5: Gravity Sewer Line and Pump Station at Dogwood RV Park APPENDIX D – FLOW DATA • D-1: Graph - Flow Monitor Results • D-2: Water Meter Data APPENDIX F – SEWER SYSTEM SMOKE TESTING DATA • No Data Collected Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 1 Sewer Collection System Evaluation INTRODUCTION Goal Statement This report has been prepared to serve as a planning tool for potential system improvements to the Chimney Rock Village sewer collection system currently owned by Rutherford County. Improvements to the system will increase the quality of service to existing and future system customers. Included in this report is an evaluation of options for future long-term ownership and maintenance of the sewer collection system by Chimney Rock Village. This evaluation will assist Chimney Rock Village in planning for ownership, maintenance, expansion, and improvements to the sewer system and its service capabilities. Scope of Work The scope of this report is to evaluate the Chimney Rock Village Sewer Collection System. This report identifies sewer system improvements necessary to remediate existing problems and maximize service capabilities to existing and future system customers. This report will provide Chimney Rock Village the ability to plan both budgetarily and logistically for sewer system improvement projects by developing a prioritized list of recommended improvements. The principal elements of this report include the following: • A GIS level survey of the existing sewer collection system from its starting point to its connection with the Town of Lake Lure system. This information includes GIS level coordinates of manholes, system bends, and pipe supports where applicable. • Analysis of data collected from sewer system visual inspection, flow monitoring, smoke testing, and video inspection (if needed) employed to identify areas of potential system damage. • An improvements plan that reflects the recommendations and conclusions resulting from the data collection and inspections described above, including cost estimates and timelines for proposed system improvements. • Evaluation and summarization of options for future long-term ownership and maintenance of the sewer collection system by Chimney Rock Village. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 2 Sewer Collection System Evaluation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Sewer Collection System Evaluation presents a complete accounting of all existing sewer system facilities and conveyances as currently owned by Rutherford County and provides recommendations for improvements to the sewer system under future ownership by Chimney Rock Village. This information will allow Chimney Rock Village to pinpoint current problem areas in the system, plan for and implement the necessary system improvements, and continue to plan and budget for continued system operations, maintenance and expansion for the foreseeable future. The primary areas of focus are as follows: Sewer System Description and Asset Assessment A detailed description and of current system facilities and conveyances was developed through site visits and review of system drawings. Assets were assessed based on noted deficiencies and compliance with current state design standards. GIS and System Map Development Sewer system mapping included in this report was generated using GIS level survey data compiled from both prior projects completed by McGill Associates and new field collected data. Compilation of Sewer System Deficiencies Documentation and analysis of all identified operational deficiencies within the system are detailed based on information collected during the evaluation. This information is found in Section 3 of this report. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 3 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 1.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Based on the identified deficiencies and projected service demands, a comprehensive list of recommended improvement projects has been developed and details are presented in this report in Section 4 “Project Alternatives”, and Section 5 “Recommended Capital Improvements”. Below is a summary of these projects in order of priority. These are also graphically depicted in figures of Proposed Projects in Appendix C. A proposed 10-year Capital Improvements Project (CIP) Prioritization Schedule is also included in Appendix C. TABLE 1.1: RECOMMENDED SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Project No. Description Estimated Cost 1 Rehabilitation of existing gravity sewer line, including addition of new line along US 64. $1,626,250 2 Gravity sewer on Southside Dr, Pump Station & Force Main $1,167,640 3 Extend Gravity sewer line along Terrace Dr / Mathis Dr / Johns Rd $1,307,290 5 Extend Gravity sewer line to Esmeralda Inn $1,127,380 6 Install Sewer Line at Dogwood RV Park – Connect to Proposed Esmeralda Inn Gravity Sewer Extension $534,690 Total $5,476,085 Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 4 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 2.0 PROJECT AREA 2.1 Location Chimney Rock Village, located in Rutherford County, North Carolina was incorporated in 1991. The village sits within Hickory Nut Gorge along the banks of the Broad River. Figure 2.1 – Location Map NOT TO SCALE Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 5 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Population The 2010 census population of Chimney Rock was 113, and the 2017 count estimated the population at 112, a decrease of 0.9%. These numbers were obtained from the latest North Carolina Office of Budget and Management demographics reports for municipalities and counties. Chimney Rock Village is a major tourist area in Rutherford County, as it is nestled at the entrance of Chimney Rock State Park. Chimney Rock State Park sees over 250,000 visitors per year. The existing sewer system currently serves 23 residential customers, 9 restaurants, 8 hotels and motels with approximately 85 rooms, and 22 other retail businesses. There is also 1 public restroom facility. 2.2 History The sewer system that serves the Village of Chimney Rock was originally constructed with 0.95 miles of sewer mains. The system was constructed by and is currently owned by Rutherford County. Sewage is conveyed to the Town of Lake Lure for treatment at their WWTP through a connection point near the Town limits of the Town of Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village. Emergency repairs to the Chimney Rock Village sewer system were completed in 1996 and were the last major renovations to the system. The system serves approximately 63 active accounts that are administered by The Town of Lake Lure. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 6 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES 3.1 General Status The Town of Lake Lure currently owns and maintains a sewer collection system and wastewater treatment facility (WQCS00131) which provides sanitary sewer service to more than 235 customers in the Lake Lure and Chimney Rock area. The treatment facilities permitted capacity is 0.9950 MGD. The Town of Lake Lure’s sewer system is currently slated for major renovations to reduce inflow and infiltration from the Broad River and Lake Lure and to improve treatment capabilities and service. The Chimney Rock Village Sewer Collection System is interconnected to and dependent on the Lake Lure Sewer System for treatment. There is no flow meter between the Chimney Rock Village Sewer System and the Town of Lake Lure System, so no accurate flow numbers from the Chimney Rock Village system are reported. Flow data for the Chimney Rock system was collected by McGill Associates staff using flow meters installed in manholes between May 21, 2019 and June 18, 2019. This data is represented in Appendix D. The original agreement between the Town of Lake Lure and Rutherford County for the sewer collection system serving Chimney Rock Village was to accept up to 27,000GPD of wastewater flow. The Chimney Rock Village sewer collection system consists of approximately 5000 LF of 8-inch sewer line and appurtenances, 14 manholes, and approximately 63 service connections. A census of existing service customers was not conducted as part of this evaluation, however approximate design flow rates have been presented in Table 3.1 and are based on 15A NCAC 02T design flow rates and population density information from the US Census Bureau (see Appendix A). Flow data recorded by McGill Associates staff is presented in Appendix D for comparison. Most of the sewer line is ductile iron with some small sections of PVC. Over 4400 LF of the sewer line and 10 of the manholes lie within the floodway of the Broad River. TABLE 3.1: CHIMNEY ROCK SEWER SYSTEM CUSTOMER BASE (CY 2019) Type Number of Connections Design Flow Rate (GPD) Residential 23 8,280 Hotel 8 12,500 Restaurant 9 22,000 Commercial 22 4,500 Public Access Restroom 1 1,625 TOTAL 63 48,905 Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 7 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 3.2 Present Conditions TABLE 3.2: COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSETS Type Quantity 8” DIP Sewer Line (LF) 5000 4’ Diameter Manhole (EA) 14 Sewer Line: The existing 8-inch sewer line begins at Manhole #1 in the shoulder of the road at #525 US-64. The sewer line and manholes continue in the shoulder of US-64 and through storefront parking to a point just in front of #447 US-64 where the line turns toward the Broad River and runs underground adjacent to it along the River Walk area of Chimney Rock Village. Beginning near #307 US-64, the sewer line becomes exposed and is installed on piers within the Broad River with bends and cleanouts for most of the remaining alignment until it reaches the tie-in point with the Lake Lure system near the banks of the Broad River behind the Geneva Hotel. Large portions of the gravity sewer system do not meet current NCDEQ minimum design standards due to bends in the alignment, lack of adequate manholes at prescribed intervals, lack of watertight lids and vents on existing manholes within the floodplain and floodway and inadequate separation from the stream bank. Manholes: Most of the existing system manholes were last replaced in 1997 and many need repair or replacement due to failure from sections separating, loose upper sections and failing materials. The existing manholes are not sealed or vented as required for their locations within the floodplain and floodway of the Broad River. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 8 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Figure 3.3 – Photographs of Existing Sewer Components Manhole #10 Not sealed or vented, broken concrete Manhole #4 Failing gasket, section pulling up Manhole #3 Washed down inner wall from I & I Manhole #9 Too Close to Structure / Inaccessible Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 9 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Manhole #12 Upper section separated, not sealed or vented Bends in sewer line below the River House Inn Manhole #8 Grouting around line failing Below Bubba O’Leary’s Washed out, unsupported sections Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 10 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 4.0 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES GRAVITY SEWER REPLACEMENT Due to the current condition of the sewer collection system it is recommended that the existing network of collection components in Chimney Rock Village be replaced. Two alternatives were explored for the replacement of the existing non-compliant gravity sewer collection system. Alternative #1 explored replacing the existing gravity sewer within the current alignment by replacing and adding system components to bring the system into compliance with current NCDEQ minimum design criteria. Alternative #2 explored replacing the existing gravity sewer system with a new gravity sewer and force main sewer combination outside of the existing alignment utilizing the shoulder of US64 through the village. Appendix B includes figures that correspond to the alternatives listed. Alternative #1 Rehabilitation of the Existing Sewer System: As described in Section 3 of this report, large portions of the existing gravity sewer system do not meet current NCDEQ minimum design criteria due to bends in the alignment, lack of adequate manholes at prescribed intervals, lack of watertight lids and vents on existing manholes within the floodplain and floodway and inadequate separation from the stream bank. This option involves replacing bends in the system with manholes where feasible, straightening the sewer line between manholes where feasible, and following a route within the existing alignment. Additional sewer line is proposed to be installed along US64 to connect into the existing sewer line. Existing customers connected to the current gravity sewer will be reconnected to the new sewer line where necessary with new service connections. New manholes within the 100-year flood zone are proposed to be sealed and vented, and existing manholes within the 100-year flood zone are proposed to be rebuilt, sealed and vented as well. Due to lower initial cost and lower on-going operating costs, Alternative #1 is the preferred alternative. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 11 Sewer Collection System Evaluation CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION, Alt. #1 Opinion of Probable Cost - MARCH 2020 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mobilization 1 LS $35,000 $35,000 2 8" DIP Gravity Sewer Line 2,700 LF $175 $472,500 3 4' Diameter Manhole Assembly, Sealed/Vented 24 EA $7,500 $180,000 4 Service Connection, Including 20 LF 4" PVC/DIP Pipe & Cleanout 40 EA $5,000 $200,000 5 4" Service Line, as Required 1,000 LF $35 $35,000 6 Packaged Parshall Flume Flow Meter & Manhole 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 7 Town Street/Asphalt Drive Trench Repair 1,000 LF $40 $40,000 8 2" Asphalt Surface Course Overlay (Non-DOT) 1,500 SY $30 $45,000 9 16" Dia. x 0.250" Wall Thickness Steel Encasement Pipe, Installed by Open Cut Complete w/Carrier Pipe 40 LF $350 $14,000 10 NCDOT Trench Repair, Excluding Overlay 250 LF $60 $15,000 11 NCDOT Asphalt Overlay 600 SY $35 $21,000 12 NCDOT Milling 250 SY $35 $8,750 13 Existing Culvert Repair, as Required 200 LF $60 $12,000 14 Washed Stone Undercut, 6" Depth 1,000 LF $8 $8,000 15 CABC (road shoulders and parking lots) 100 TN $50 $5,000 16 Miscellaneous Concrete 50 CY $250 $12,500 17 Rock Excavation 500 CY $125 $62,500 18 Select Backfill 600 CY $50 $30,000 19 Rip-Rap 500 TN $50 $25,000 20 Silt Fence 2,000 LF $5 $10,000 21 Erosion Control Matting 2,500 SY $4 $10,000 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,266,250 10% Contingency $126,700 Engineering and Permitting $101,300 Bidding and Award $12,000 Construction Administration $95,000 Funding Administration Assistance $10,000 Legal/Admin/Easements $15,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,626,250 Notes: Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 12 Sewer Collection System Evaluation Alternative #2 Reroute Gravity Sewer to Shoulder of US64, Including Pump Station: This alternative proposes a new sewer system to be constructed in by shifting the gravity sewer alignment away from the river and into the shoulder of US64. The proposed project would replace the existing gravity sewer line located along and within the Broad River with a new gravity sewer line, pump station, and force main located along US64 and out of the floodway, The new sewer line would include manholes at all system bends and meet required 15A NCAC 2T rules. Manholes located within the 100-year flood zone will be properly sealed and vented. Existing customers connected to the current gravity sewer would be reconnected to the new sewer line with new service connections. Some customers would need to install individual grinder pumps to convey their discharge to the new sewer line due to the difference in elevation between their existing discharge points and the elevation of the new sewer line. In additional the Village of Chimney Rock would need to operate and maintain the pump station and take on the cost of operation and ongoing maintenance. Electrical cost for the pump station is estimated to be $8000.00 annually, and grinder pumps would be owned and maintained by system customers. An on-call contract operator would be required to maintain and operate the pump station and sewer line at a cost of approximately $30,000 annually. Because of the higher up-front cost, extensive construction schedule, and higher operation and maintenance costs, Alternative #2 it is not the preferred project. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 13 Sewer Collection System Evaluation COLLECTION SYSTEM RE-ROUTE, Alt. #2 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. 1 Mobilization 1 LS $34,329 $40,000 2 8-inch DIP Sanitary Sewer Line 4,200 LF $125 $525,000 3 16" x 0.250" Steel Encasement Pipe Installed by Open Cut 100 LF $300 $30,000 4 4' Diameter Sewer Manholes 24 EA $5,000 $120,000 5 Manhole with Flow Meter 1 EA $8,000 $8,000 6 4-inch Sewer Service Connection 60 EA $5,000 $300,000 7 Sewer Pump Station, Complete 1 EA $375,000 $375,000 8 Connect Force Main to New Manhole 1 EA $5,000 $5,000 9 6-inch HDPE Sewer Force Main 100 LF $60 $60,000 10 Asphalt Parking Lot Repair 4,200 LF $60 $126,000 11 DOT Road Repair - Trench Repair, Milling & Overlay 500 SY $60 $30,000 12 Rock Excavation 500 CY $120 $60,000 13 Select Backfill 600 CY $50 $30,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $1,709,000 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $171,000 ENGINEERING DESIGN $140,000 BIDDING AND AWARD $15,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $120,000 GEOTECHNICAL $10,000 PROJECT/GRANT ADMINISTRATION $15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $2,180,000 Note: All opinions of probable costs are estimated in 2020 dollars and are included for planning purposes only. Actual project costs will vary based on existing utility locations, site conditions, etc. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 14 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 5.0 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Proposed Sewer System Improvements The recommended improvements projects listed below are designed to correct present deficiencies, increase system reliability, and provide capacity for future wastewater system growth. The following list includes brief descriptions and estimated capital costs of the proposed wastewater system improvement projects. Figures of each proposed project are included in Appendix C. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 15 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 1. Add Gravity Sewer on Southside Drive, Including Pump Station and Force Main. The proposed project will install approximately 2,400 LF of gravity sewer with manholes, a sewage pump station, and approximately 2,500 LF of 4-Inch force main sewer to connect the residents of Southside Drive to the proposed US64 gravity sewer line. This will add approximately 34 new customers to the Chimney Rock Village sewer system and will eliminate the need for individual septic systems along this road. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. 1 Mobilization 1 LS $5,700 $5,700 2 8-inch DIP Sanitary Sewer Line 2,400 LF $125 $300,000 3 4' Diameter Sewer Manholes 8 EA $5,000 $40,000 4 4-inch Sewer Service Connection 34 EA $3,000 $68,000 5 Sewer Pump Station, Complete 1 EA $225,000 $225,000 6 Connect Force Main to Existing Manhole 1 EA $3,000 $3,000 7 4-inch HDPE Sewer Force Main 2,500 LF $40 $100,000 8 Town Street Repair 1,700 SY $35 $59,500 9 CABC (road shoulders and parking lots) 18 TN $30 $540 10 Miscellaneous Concrete 20 CY $250 $5,000 11 Rock Excavation 240 CY $100 $24,000 12 Select Backfill 240 CY $20 $4,800 13 Erosion Control 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $875,040 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $87,600 ENGINEERING DESIGN $70,000 BIDDING AND AWARD $10,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $58,000 GEOTECHNICAL $7,000 PROJECT/GRANT ADMINISTRATION $60,000 PROJECT TOTAL $1,167,640 Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 16 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 2. Extend Gravity Sewer Along Terrace Drive, Mathis Drive, and Johns Road The proposed project will install approximately 4,050 LF of gravity sewer with manholes to connect the residents of Terrace Drive, Mathis Drive, and Johns Road to the proposed US64 gravity sewer line. This will add approximately 40 new customers to the Chimney Rock Village sewer system and will eliminate the need for individual septic systems along these roads. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. 1 Mobilization 1 LS $29,000 $29,000 2 8-inch DIP Sanitary Sewer Line 4,050 LF $125 $506,250 3 4' Diameter Sewer Manholes 27 EA $5,000 $135,000 4 Connect to Existing Manhole 3 EA $5,000 $15,000 5 4-inch Sewer Service Connection 40 EA $3,000 $120,000 6 Town Street Repair 2,700 SY $35 $94,500 7 16” Dia. X 0.250” Wall Thickness Steel Encasement Pipe, Installed by Open Cut Complete with Carrier Pipe 140 LF $200 $28,000 8 DOT Pavement Repair – Milling & Overlay 300 SY $60 $18,000 9 CABC (road shoulders and parking lots) 18 TN $30 $540 10 Miscellaneous Concrete 30 CY $250 $7,500 11 Rock Excavation 300 CY $100 $30,000 12 Select Backfill 300 CY $20 $6,000 13 Erosion Control 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $994,790 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $99,500 ENGINEERING DESIGN $85,000 BIDDING AND AWARD $10,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $70,000 PROJECT/GRANT ADMINISTRATION $48,000 PROJECT TOTAL $1,307,290 Note: All opinions of probable costs are estimated in 2020 dollars and are included for planning purposes only. Actual project costs will vary based on existing utility locations, site conditions, etc. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 17 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 3. Extend Gravity Sewer to Esmeralda Inn The proposed project will install approximately 4,900 LF of gravity sewer with manholes to connect the properties between the Esmeralda Inn and the proposed US64 gravity sewer line. This will add approximately 15 new customers to the Chimney Rock Village sewer system and will eliminate the need for individual septic systems along this road while replacing an existing aged force main that currently connects the Esmeralda Inn to the Chimney Rock Village Sewer line. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. 1 Mobilization 1 LS $24,100 $24,100 2 8-inch DIP Sanitary Sewer Line 4,900 LF $125 $500,000 3 16" x 0.250" Steel Encasement Pipe Installed by Open Cut 70 LF $300 $21,000 4 4' Diameter Sewer Manholes 24 EA $5,000 $120,000 5 Connect to Existing Manhole 1 EA $5,000 $5,000 6 4-inch Sewer Service Connection 15 EA $3,000 $45,000 7 Asphalt Drive Repair 1,100 LF $35 $38,500 8 DOT Road Repair - Trench Repair, Milling & Overlay 150 SY $60 $9,000 9 CABC (road shoulders and parking lots) 36 TN $30 $1,080 10 Misc Concrete 40 CY $250 $10,000 11 Rock Excavation 490 CY $80 $39,200 12 Select Backfill 490 CY $20 $9,800 13 Erosion Control 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $826,680 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $82,700 ENGINEERING DESIGN $75,000 BIDDING AND AWARD $10,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $68,000 PROJECT/GRANT ADMINISTRATION $65,000 PROJECT TOTAL $1,127,380 Note: All opinions of probable costs are estimated in 2019 dollars and are included for planning purposes only. Actual project costs will vary based on existing utility locations, site conditions, etc. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 18 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 4. Install Sewer Line at Dogwood RV Park The proposed project will install approximately 1,350 LF of gravity sewer with manholes to connect the residents of Dogwood RV Park to the proposed Esmeralda Inn gravity sewer line. This will add approximately 30 new customers to the Chimney Rock Village sewer system and will eliminate the need for individual septic systems in this high-density area directly adjacent to the Broad River. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. 1 Mobilization 1 LS $11,069 $11,069 2 8-inch DIP Sanitary Sewer Line 1,350 LF $125 $168,750 3 4' Diameter Sewer Manholes 7 EA $5,000 $35,000 4 Connect to Existing Manhole 1 EA $5,000 $5,000 5 4-inch Sewer Service Connection 30 EA $3,000 $90,000 6 Asphalt Driveway Repair 600 SY $35 $21,000 7 CABC (road shoulders and parking lots) 18 TN $30 $540 8 Town Street Repair 850 LF $45 $38,250 9 Rock Excavation 85 CY $80 $6,800 10 Select Backfill 85 CY $20 $1,700 11 Erosion Control 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $401,290 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $40,200 ENGINEERING DESIGN $38,000 BIDDING AND AWARD $10,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION $32,000 GEOTECHNICAL $7,000 PROJECT/GRANT ADMINISTRATION $34,000 PROJECT TOTAL $534,690 Note: All opinions of probable costs are estimated in 2019 dollars and are included for planning purposes only. Actual project costs will vary based on existing utility locations, site conditions, etc. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 19 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 6.0 PRIORITIZATION SCHEUDULE A Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is a valuable tool utilized by local governments and utility providers to schedule and plan for the financing and construction of projects to upgrade, expand, and maintain their systems and facilities. The proposed capital improvements plan projects have been prioritized to address the most urgent needs of the Town and it is recommended that these projects be designed and constructed in the order provided below as soon as project funding can be secured. The most critically prioritized system improvement projects have been placed at the front end of the CIP planning period, with lower priority projects placed later in the CIP calendar or as budget constraints allow. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 20 Sewer Collection System Evaluation TABLE 6.1 PRIORITIZATION SCHEDULE CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE – WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS OCTOBER 2019 PROJECT COST PRIORITY 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Rehabilitate Existing Sewer System $1,339,085 1 $1,339,085 Add Gravity Sewer on Southside Drive, Including Pump Station and Force Main $1,167,640 2 $1,167,640 Extend Gravity Sewer Line Along Terrace Drive, Mathis $1,307,290 3 $1,307,290 Extend Gravity Sewer Line to Esmeralda Inn $1,127,380 4 $1,127,380 Install Pump Station and Sewer Line at Dogwood RV Pa $534,690 4 $534,690 TOTAL $5,476,085 $1,339,085 $1,167,640 $1,307,290 $0 $1,127,380 $534,690 Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 21 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 7.0 EVALUATION OF FUTURE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE COSTS This section evaluates the future ownership and maintenance costs of the Chimney Rock Village Sewer Collection System. Present worth of the current collection system owned by Rutherford County is assumed to be $0 for this evaluation, due to the age and condition of the system. The Town of Lake Lure currently charges Chimney Rock residents for sewer service, with rates as listed below. Currently Lake Lure captures the entirety of this fee, and it is assumed that Chimney Rock Village will collect fees once a new system is built, with a new bulk rate paid to Lake Lure once a flow meter between the two systems is installed. TABLE 7.1: LAKE LURE SEWER RATES (MONTHLY) Type Number of Connections Rate EXT. Residential 23 $69.50 $1598.50 Hotel 8 $139.50* $1116.00 Restaurant 9 $139.50* $1255.50 Commercial 22 $218.00* $4796.00 Public Access Restroom 1 $139.50* $139.50 TOTAL 63 $8905.50 * rate assumptions made and averaged from published Lake Lure table. The cost to immediately upgrade the existing Chimney Rock Sewer Collection System is estimated to be $1.63 million dollars. The cost to service this debt over a 40-year period at 3.2% interest is approximately $6,100.00 monthly or $73,200 annually. This debt service does not consider the possibility of 0% or grant funds to pay for all or part of the rehabilitation project. System Maintenance for the linear sewer collection system assets is estimated to be $2.00 per linear foot of line annually. Additional funds will need to be set aside for pump station maintenance to the proposed Southside Pump Station. Chimney Rock Village March 2020 Rutherford County, NC 22 Sewer Collection System Evaluation 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Implementation of the recommended improvements identified in this report will address known deficiencies within the sewer system and position the Village to meet future service demands. The costs of the recommended improvements as developed have been estimated using March 2020 construction prices and include allowances for construction contingencies, technical design and administration services, and legal fees. For the purposes of this study, the recommended improvements have been placed into separate projects, which in turn have been prioritized based on relative necessity. The proposed projects may be phased over an indefinite period of years as dictated by the availability of funds, future development patterns, or changing operational priorities within the system. Accordingly, the CIP should be revisited on a regular basis for review and/or revision as the needs of the Village’s system changes over time. APPENDIX A EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM DATA US H W Y . 6 4 TE R R A C E D R . T E R R A C E D R . TERRA C E D R . MATHIS D R . JO H N S R D . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTE R L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOODW A Y 100-YEAR FLOOD ELE. 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . MH-1 POSSIBLE MH UNDER PAVEMENT MH-2 MH-3 CO-1 MH-5 CO-2 CO-3 CO-4 MH-5 CO-6 CO-7 EXPOSED PVC EXPOSED DIP BEND EXPOSED DIP EXPOSED DIP MH-6 BEND BEND BEND BEND MH-7 MH-8 MH-9 MH-10 POSSIBLE MANHOLE (NOT FOUND) BEND BEND BEND MH-12 MH-11 EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED EXPOSED 250 0 100 250 500 250DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA A-1OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER SHEET AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 US H W Y . 6 4 TE R R A C E D R . T E R R A C E D R . TERRA C E D R . MATHIS D R . JO H N S R D . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTE R L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOODW A Y 100-YEAR FLOOD ELE. 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 250 0 125 250 500 250DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM DEFICIENCIES RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA A-2OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 APPENDIX B PROJECT ALTERNATIVE FIGURES US H W Y . 6 4 TE R R A C E D R . T E R R A C E D R . TERRA C E D R . MATHIS D R . JO H N S R D . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTER L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOODW A Y 100-YEAR FLOOD ELE. 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 250 0 125 250 500 250DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA B-1OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 ALTERNATIVE #1 REHABILITATION OF EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM APPENDIX C PROPOSED FUTURE PROJECT FIGURES US H W Y . 6 4 T E R R A C E D R . TERR A C E D R . MATHIS D R . JO H N S R D . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTE R L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOODW A Y 100-YEAR FLOOD ELE. 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 150 0 75 150 300 150DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED SOUTHSIDE DRIVE GRAVITY SEWER, FORCE MAIN AND PUMP STATIONRUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA C-1OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 U S H W Y . 6 4 TE R R A C E D R . T E R R A C E D R . TERR A C E D R . MATHIS D R . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTE R L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOOD W A Y 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 150 0 75 150 300 150DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED TERRACE DRIVE SEWER LINE EXTENSION RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA C-2OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 U S H W Y . 6 4 TERR A C E D R . MATHIS D R . JO H N S R D . SO U T H S I D E D R . RIVER CENTE R L I N E 100 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 200 - Y E A R F L O O D E L E . FLOODW A Y 100-YEAR FLOOD ELE. 200- Y E A R F L O O D E L E . 150 0 75 150 300 150DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED MATHIS DR. / JOHNS RD. SEWER LINE EXTENSION RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA C-3OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 US H W Y . 6 4 250 0 125 250 500 250DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER EXTENSION TO ESMERALDA INN RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA C-4OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 US H W Y . 6 4 150 0 75 150 300 150DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE PROPOSED DOGWOOD RV PARK SEWER LINE EXTENSION RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION M. CATHEY M. DOWD I. MESSINA C-5OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE AUGUST 2019 19.00309 DATE PROJECT # P: \ 2 0 1 9 \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 - C H I M R O C V - S E W E R S Y S T E M I M P R O V E M E N T S \ D R A W I N G S \ S E W E R \ 1 9 . 0 0 3 0 9 B A S E 1 . D W G P L O T D A T E 3/ 9 / 2 0 2 0 1 : 1 1 P M IV A N M E S S I N A mcgillassociates.com 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 NC Firm License # C-0459 APPENDIX D FLOW DATA 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 IN C H E S FL O W Flow Data GPD Flow  02T Design Flow Average GPD FLow Rainfall ‐ Inches