HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03769_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 ,WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ltiernnI Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or amshipk wells 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.WAVER ZONES Stefan Smith room to OP-SG•RIPTION Wd1 C'omm:lot Nang ft. ft. 3576A ft. ft. NC Well Contractor l enitk.ili n Numttct 15.OUTER CASING(far swMi-caved w dhi OR LINER(Y ) ►ROM to DI1,Murra 11110 MESS MA1TRIA1. SAEDACCO rt. rt. ia. Cowan)Nan: 1i.INNER CASING OR TUBING tj a r _d daaidaaapj PROM TO DI\METER -T THICKNESS MATTRIAL 2.Weil Construction Permit A: 0 R. 3 ft. T 1 ++. SCB-40 PVC Liu all applicable well prtmits fie.County.S .tariarne.1r'ect,'ort tar.! ft. ft is 3.well Coe(check well■see: 17.8CR1231 - Water Supply Well: PROM TO UtAMLTRR MOTn17, TNI(1sNRNa M.4TERIAI. L1AgIwulturJl ❑MtuwcipaUPtrblk 3 ft. 13 h. 1 ha .010 SCH-40 PVC PRE-PACK OGeothennal1Heating,Cooline Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) R' rt. i. Olndustrial.Commercial OResidcnual Water Supply(shtred) 118. m 70 MATERIAL [MitLACEMENT ML71100&.4MOl:\T ❑Imp;ttron ft. R, Non•W'alcr Supply Well: anMonitonng ❑Recovcn' injection Well: R. R 0 Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundw'atcr Rcnedi:uion If. Vl1LPACIC tlTiIftI 11} j CAquiler Sit-MIgc aid Recoven ❑Salinirt Harrier /IIQM TO MATRRIAI. lHI L‘IF\IY\T Mr'TfNf It h. ft. DAquifer Test ❑Stommatcr Drainage ft. IL ❑Expenmcntal Technology ❑Subsidence Comm' N.DRILLING LOG tallish additional Ikeda if aecessan t ' ❑G othcnmd(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer roost to OSSCRIrtntN rt am%bstraw.(,rra'n:k bee.Va...t•.c*.I ❑Geothermal(Neau Rehm it Rett ❑(]titer(explain under N21 Remarks( 0 h 13 ft. sand ft. R. a���i • .: 4.Date Welts)Completed: 5/21/24 Well IDeTMW-1 ft. ft. L"' 5a.Well Location: R. If. JUN 1 2014 1 Koppers Carolina Pole Site rt. R. (f1ioil1t4A1iM1 PTGrAiDegitir I too Facility,,Du tier Nano Facile,ION Of applicable) rt. ft. DtliflatSOG 1901 Wood Treatment Rd., Leland, NC, 28451 R. rt. PMsical Address.CM.and Zip 21.REMARKS • •Brunswick temp well installed using prepacked screens. Cou*I Narelhk,narrcatisnNo IPINt 5h.Latitude and l.ongitu/k in degreesimiamterincennds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (11 well held.on.:I:o long r.sWlicknnl N W , ^""" 5/28/2024 Sisaun,:..),f t-'c. Well Contractor Daft 6.Ls(ate)the well(*: ❑Pennaaeet or R'Temporat}' $r signing Ills Jbtm,f hereby certify that the wrlf(sl ran frrrrrJ cvtwtnrcmd in accordance. with I5A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15.4 NCAC 0:C,0200 Well Couutrve oar Spaniards and the:a 7.La this a repair to as existing w ell: D 1 es or K No rope of the woof has bars prm•ided to Or styli owner. if this at o repair,fill Isar tattoos net.tHbl/((Belli injrrrnaU o,(Ind 4.VPiatn the Moire of Ill.' repair under 021 reaaris srrtsae or as the bait of this form. 23.She diagram or additional well details: You may use site back of this pap:to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of welb coastrwyed: 1 cotistniction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For nwhlpfr mfn•lltst Of ties-water supph wells ONLY with the mass constriretion.v,w(vie submit one farm. SUBMI7TA1.INS I'LJCTIONS 9.Total wdl depth below load surface 13 (p,) 24a. Fur All Wells: Submit this form within 10 days of completion of well For meldpie wells lift all depths ifdlfferent tr.rawaple-(@200 and 243'10111 constnlctton to the fattening- III.Static water let el Inflow top of casing: 5 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing I nit. 1/••;'s: ,. , . 1617 Mail Service('cater.Raleigh,N('27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter:3•75" (in.) 24h.for Irtjsction Welk ONLY: fa addition to sending the form to the address in '.la,itw\e. also submit a cops of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12•Well otosf r ictinn method:DPT :unsiniction to the follow mug ,� .u.:.r.r,,..i,,...IN. affect push.ec.; Dhfnion of Water Resources.l ndergnsand Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 13a Veld(Asps( 1Nelbsd A 2 k•For Water Sown&injection Wclh: •\lso submit one copy of this loon uithm is da\sof completion of lib.Disinfection tripe: Atarstrat: s\cll conslniction to the county health denutment of the count} where constructed Form GW I Nona Caroluia Liqattnnwtiu of Em minima and Natural Resources-Disxba of Wald Rauwrces R..Isrd August NI