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Onslow_Well Abandonment_20240624 (2)
WELLABAIVD.ONMENT RECORD rarlrnemalUkONLY: ' 7'tiis foini cafi be.used far si"la dr tuullipte~ells' I,WcFE.Ccinttactuc Infncmadt}n: NVLL ARAND6NI<1RNT DETAILS Stefan Smith 7st,Nuniher of wells being altandun ld: 1 15'e1t'+Ltd,cforNar>a+•(orxtilloieaicr rS�natly:ali5an(aninga.�nonitistir;r'prupcsty)' For routnple lgjerdosr to; rmn-naar�r I supla} gels ONLY wtdh the sass coaufrrrcur�ta totrdrtnmrRat,trrn&r.yubj t efirm, 3576A - !I AiG WO ContrttlorCvntitaitioir Ntiubcr 7b.Apinnsiinate v61uhm of viater retttidning in ti-eil(3): SAEDiCCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WEL S ONLY:, Canpanvhanfr 7c.T)*nf,disinfkctrutused:"% calcium hypchlorite 2;:4ittConstruction Permit A: Lf31 id1 iryipfkvble u elllmrmldr(i.e_CrnGrtl}:State.Ytrr�ifrnce.Ldrdioa�rtr.!IJttrumrt 7(LAmouut of dlalnfeetattit used:3•oZ 3,Wdl use(chhcd:Well use): Water Supply Well: 7e.Scaling matedids uied(clrccl;afl Mitt apply): pASricul(ifat! Mitinici Pellets OGcathcmral(HgatinralE Doling Suppl}) ®ttcsidentiat Watcr.Sul?pl)'(single) a Saud Centa)u Gniut ❑'qiy Clay ❑lndnstriallCammcreial ORcsidentfid Nvatcr Supply(shoed) 13 Concrete Grout ❑Drill tlitlin ❑Ini tiou O SpeciaityGrout. 134i:tt+ct Nog Water.Supply�VcH; C)Bentoai(e.5lurW ®Other(explain under 7g) I7M0tiltorfne. ❑Rec:ot•en _ - Injcetion Well. 7f.For.each material selected above,provide antanntof materials etude ❑Agrdfer[tcchane Renteiiiiltian Neat Cem.:1881b ,Witr.:15gil.. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. MAquit'ec-Stotage atxt Rekot'erV M$a iittty Darner ❑A iuifer.T,st C1SlamryvgterD'nrinu�n- Otxpetirktual Techttoto v C1Subside)�e CarHral 7^ prnvidc a.bricFil criptiain of the altaudnnmcnt pelreCdun: DGeodiennal(Closed.LooO MTricer j OGeothemtat(Head Cooliux Retum) DOther.(M lain under jr,) Grout- abandoned via tremie d.°I)atctect[(s).abandoned: 5/15/29 Si,Well tucaiiton: JUN 9 [: 2024 Richard Patane (frdt'i:7C,i: iHZ ^r-n e.4 ,, racilit°l4rtiiavNait c racili c JDM(10 limbic) 8:Corvllicaitiair 11F 215 Diane Drive; Jacksonville 28540 _ 5/27/2024 Plowsica)Address,City,-and Zip fts - Onslow, B)e.6S)lag 1hts j&zir, F lze"y cea•t,fy-that'llre Seel!{s)was!acre}ahandotwd in Caeiuiy. PM-Cl Idaaatirki0aait No:tPlN) rtrxVitdance a ffh 1114 1Czle 02C,010n Or 2C.0200 Krell GUai.,inlr.aw slagihzrcls - - nrxlllratgcdp��oflhisrcicarcl�etzsbecla;nrotivilerl.(v!!ra_trellatrrrer.• ' 5b.I.ttitude and lon�ltattain.d�nriccslnrir<utcslsceorids ar dccimal degt'acr: (ifncll f::41,oars Iiu1ou +sxplficiersl) 9.Sito diagr,mi:or additioimlvtell iletaEls:- 34.767855 * 77.491576 You-atay.tise tlie,bacle`of thus page'ta pio>idz adflitiofutltr4ll Ate.detuils or,hill lr �4 :tlianaotwteru details Yau luny also,Aack ail&ioual pages if necesm- CONO.TRUCPIONDFTAiLSOFW I,U.%BEINt:ABANDONEb CIIRRII7"IAi.i11iFTRL1CTIONS .roach N ell 6mi,•lrttclfurt r&'YMI s)1j.avW[OL For rrri ftj?&H,1ea4Vu'(jr rmil-iatitir xupplp u,eltgOVLYai•Ifhlltewuta c�usirbmfi.wrr tyre 101; Far All tlVcllc:. Submit iliEs+fatttt siithin 30 days af.caiuptctian of arll Gsi Wen IN; abaudourtunt to'the rallotving, I. Division of Water Rrs6nrct5,Infurmati6n Processing Vnit. 161711Iai1 Scnicc Ccntcr;Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 Gbr2'otatnrlldcuilr: 139 (ft. � � . 10b;Fzir inl tlon Wells: bt additiau to sefxiia�Ute;fQtnt to t[fe addt�ssitt t0a t of�ciiolc diameter:4 abatti;also subinit oiae topy�6C this form uillii t 30 days.of completion of Well fM (10.) abanriogmeW to tiu:•fallptving; I, Gtt.Water level held*grouritl surfaeci 18 owDivision of Water Resuurces,'Undergrouna Injett(uir Control Brd q=, ifi"mail Seit•iw Ccnier.Raleigh.kiC 27699-1G35 Ge.Outer casing length(if lmown): (ft) 10c Formter 1j1niv&T11fSgFan1V0l1q: M addition to sending the font to the addacss(es) above. also submit one-copy of this toim within'30 day3.of conlptetiou of tvrll abando m cut to t'he county Inc rEtk depruimertt 0611c couWy Gf:inner easinwtubiag tength(if6•nawn): (ft.) tibcrc abandortctt, Gg.Screen length(if kuoun): (ft) Faint GW-30 NanliCarolim Detnnn&A afPnrlroamem aril Mifufol Resomces—Divisionof WaterR.oiun.s Peened August 20t3