HomeMy WebLinkAboutJackson_Well Abandonment_20240624 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD NIT lnncmalV%CONI Y This form can be used for single or multiple µells 1.%Vell Uvintr'acmr Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Brian Ewing 7a.Number of wells being abandoned: 13 tCctlt'•w:,u,tNanle lot%ella%IjLjpersojWhattan&jMlrgNrtl kill hn lrlpro[xml Ft nrulnplc nllrrrrror -w ,w.n-a<Ua•r 114p1Jr Webs ONLY vale they ,,,nrr ,'v,nlnta nr+n,rhowir.nmr•nt lor,tvvf mhrarr,ow Kim 4240-B NC WdlCotutaanrCcnificalion NMmtrcr 71).ApprnniniAte t ulume of Nato nrm Lining in Aclip L• Cgall.) SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPIA 11 I'l I.'�ONLY: Compeer)Name 7c.Type of did 6etetast rated: 2.Wdl Cwtnretiou Peru It N: fto,di epplaable well pertvttr n.e.(•recce.Sime.1 dndwe Ineeciutn.Mr..41Atn,wn 74L Aft of db)fafetitaat used: J.W'dI use(check-w ell use): R'atcr Suppl}Well: 7G Sadtalt materials u.cd(cheek all that apple): ❑Aprkultural ❑klunictpal:l'uhle; 11 Ncat Cement Groat I I Acn innitc Chips or Pellet. [Xicothcmral IHcannj4+Cooling Suppl}i ❑Rc.tdctmal Water Supphv(single) ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Dn CU% ❑hlthistnaUCommcrcial ❑Itcstdcnual Waicr Supph iskuarod) ❑ Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Callings ❑Leek olio ❑ Specialty Grout ❑ Gratel Nos-Water Supply µ'ell: U Betitoolle Slurp 11 Other(explain utder 1g) ❑Munuonnc ❑RLcot cn aj"tinn Well: ?<For each mAn•rial.c•icered abut i.part idc Amount of materials aced: ❑Aqurter Rcchsrge ❑Groundwater Retiredtatton ❑Agmler Storage and Recot en DSaluufy Harrier ❑Agmfer lea DSlortmalcrDratrnage -- DEspenntetual Trchnotiotin ❑Srbsrdctce Control - Foie 1&A brief description of tree ahAnfkrnmcnt p"Ketlurr: OGeothemral(Closed loop) UTracer OGeolhemral(HeanlivCooli Return) IOOl k:r lc. ain under 7 t BENTONZTE HYDRADLICLY PUSHED IP-B-1-25(ODDS) 4.Datewell(s)AhAndnnecl: 4-17-24 �16—11-o — mi.Well krcation: r Rays Grocery t[rid,;T.i.a!a?a-:-,w%*"4 it.Cerlifkatinn: Faciliry,'pnneeName Facility IDN(if nlrplinbke) dlti-04904 1674 Z. Main St, Sylva, NC 28779 Brian Ew i n g 5/8/2024 PMsicalAddrim-Ctt, DW Jackson BY.eigrrig this fixnt, 1 hereby certify rho;fine well(s) was(beret ahatidatted lit Conan-. ac'c'ordame with 11A WAC 02C.0100 or 2C.02W Well Constrrrc•tion,V isnAirds and that a cope of this record bar beets provukd to the well cnener. 51).I.atintde and Irurgitude in de2ne.,minutrc,.ectmd.or decimal degre•s: +,tl ncl;lild ow Lit Nat_r,.,ullizici i 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You mat use llte back,of this page to prep de additional well site details or µell N W abatdonrneni details. You Ilia% alw,notch additional pages if nectmsan. CONSTRU -nON DETAIL-S OF W'ELI1St BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS .!(tech Mrl!cnnrinUant record•.:tl.n alas/a•. Fit mnhtp7r ogee crow,v arm-n.ttav zLlryit MrikONLY with the acne,writrveranr rarhmo,,ow kwn 10a. For All k1 ell.: Stbnut this form nillim 10 days of completion of µ-ell IP-A-1-25 ODDS abandonment to the follottrng t.,t.RcII IUa: ( ) Ditision of%cater Rmtturcm Information Pniccssing Unit. trlr.'final well depth: 13 1617%1ai1 Srnicr Center,Raleigh.SC 2 7699-16 1 7 (f1.1 lob. For lahectioa Walls: lit addition to sending the fora to the address lit Ilia 2.25 abut-_ alw srbuut one copy of this form within 10 loss of completion of µell err.Rtrnhnle diantetot: (lu.) aba Bonn ew to the tbllowurre red.W atcr keel bchtw Qrrrand wrface: (ft.) Disision of Water Rewfurces,Underground Injection Costrul Program. 1636!Hail Scnice(•cater,Raleigh,NC 276"-I&% Inc. For Water Suarh .X Inkction W'eNs: In addition to sending the font to tic.Outerca.ingIcnrthlif"fin nc Utc• address(csl abooc. also submit oak copy of this Wan within Ill days of anupleltun of well abandonment n: the:ounn health depanntcut of the courts u Ir;rc:fiandnncd 6f.inner casing-'tubing knLKh(if knnwnl: 6r.Screen Length of knowa1: Iles) Fornr GW-40 Noah Carolina Depranniew of Ent ironntcin and Natural Rewunces-Dl,lsion of Rater Rcsoutcvs Rct Is"Aupsi 201 z