HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthampton_Well Abandonment_20240624 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD c6C\ For!Mental Use ONLY: . . . This foitn cant be used for single or nlitlti{ile Wells • 1,Well Contractor inf2rmation: 0 k?\1 .WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS • \ . Stefan Smith • 7a.Number of wells being abanda led: 1 • . • 1WeltCoutractorNa,itc crudlouter ,tall'ohsnda goell.onlustyr crt For mulnplc nteellon or vonyiiater supply wells 'OVLY with i!e cane ( P S > waa, 9) consoiretta,:abm�rlru:ment,yo+cam nitm,ur age farm 3576A " NC�VcI1 ConlraaorCcnificalionNanUies 71►•Apprnxtmate s'lume of~rate•retraining in u•cll(0 (all) SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Cottpany Name" 7e.Type of disinfectant used: . .2.Well Construction Permit 0:, ,- List ell nppitrvblc urll parnatr(i a.Curlrrp;Stets l'unavice,In erhok.etc)r/,t',wwra 7d.:ltrionnt of dLilnfectlnt used: • • 3.Well use(eiteckn"efl use): . Water Supply Well: - . 7c.Scaling materials used(Check all ilIat a)iplr):. " " ' OAgricnitnrd• ❑Mimicipal/Public CD_Ne at Cement Groitt -El Bcnuonite Chips or hfi)icIs - I:Geo' thermal(HeatingiCooling Supply) 17Rcsirlential Water Supply(single) ❑.Sand Centeni Grout. • ❑Dry Clay' Dhoti iallComtncrcial. _ . ' ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) , Cl Conctntc Grout Ef Dull ❑irrigation Cl Specinity Grout I • ' 0 Gravel. " • Non Water Supply Well:' CI Bentonite Slurry- Cl Other(cxplainunder 7g) .1gMonitotiug • . ❑Rectnwiy . injection Well: " ' . - . 7f.For each material selected ab'o'c,provide amountof.materials Used: . OAquiferRecharge' I]GmundnalerRemedinlion Neat Cem.:1881b ,Wtr:l5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. -❑Aquifer Stomiie atrJ Recovery ❑Salinity Battler . °Ai)uife:Test • bStotnnrater Drsinaee '' ❑Experiretent tl Toclmologv •OSubsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) CiTracer . Tremie.grout from the bottom.up• OGeothenual(Heating/CoolingReturn) ❑Otlter(explain under 7g) �, ',1-...-. .:,�.... ;, 4, G� Date I iN 2 1. 2e24 . . . is Welllucation: . Info..:. ,7 i 7:7*:-..ra:.:c.,_;unit.. . . Gaston Refuse Disposal - . '9`(.or • .F.cility/O,r•rurNattc• , FaciliiyIDOrfappli:able) • . S.Certifications DGrer •. 250 Porch Dr.. Gaston, NC 27832 ' 5/28/2024 .• . Physical Address,Cit and Zip ;S• Irue:--Celt tried Well Co orglgor 6t Well asrtr ' ' Dole Northampton 11y suing flail form,.I herby certify►hat the irellfs)iras•terere)abandoned in- ' Cont.*- Parsel l,L^iufiendo'n No.(PIN) accordance With I5.4 NCAC 02C1.01 t?a.or 2C-0200 Weil.Cons ruction Staudari4- • and that a copy ofdris record lads been provided"lo lire h ell oiler.. b.Latitude and longitude in degtccs/nilatutcslsceonds or decimal degrees: 1 1 - (trivet'tUilon tahlnn issniriticrl) 9.Site diagramor.additional well details: 36.526815 77.653562 TunW aTunmay'me the back Of this page to provide adtlitienal mull site,details or.well. • 1\ andonment details.'You may also attach additional pages if necessary.- CONSTRitCI'ION DETAILS OF WELLS)BEING ABANDONED SUBMiTTAT.INSTRUCTIONS ' . tllaci'i,tell corslrncliun nkrrd(sa'ij•ove,l ub14-'For,r.ulliplie infection or two-if sir snppip - i • ' wells O,VLY uitli Ai-sale evnsLrxfemwii)miialiuri niL_ind ear:submit one tbnrc • IO.t Fur All Welts: Submit this form within 30 data of completion of well 6g Weil IDg.TMW_1 abandonment to the follos�ing: ' Diyisinn of Water Resource,Information Prue sin,;Unit; 20 1617 Mail Service,Center,Raleigh,1 C 27699-1617 6h.Total well depth: (fit,)- . 10b.For Iniectirrn.Wells: In addition to sending the fonit to-the address in tca 6c.Borehole diameter:2. (in.) • *Ow:also submit one zopy of this form uithin'30 days of-completion.'af well abandonment to the following: • Division of Water Resources,Undeiground Injection Control Program. • fill Water!ever bclort tprountl surface: 2 (It.) 1636 Mail ScnicelCcntcr;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 tic Outer casing length(dimo`i a): (NJ- We,Fnr•Water Sunnly&Injection Wells: In addition tosending the form to . the address(es) abote: also submit one copy of this form within 30•dads of completion of Well abandonment to the county health deparunent-of the county • where abandloned. 61.Inner casingftub to rn;Length(if lawn): (ft.) : • 6g.Screen length(If known): (It.) . Farm GIW--30 NonliCarnllm Derdrui cnm ofEnvironnient and Natural Resoo yes—Envision of W3icr,R4onio s Revised August 2013 . WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For!menial Use ONLY: ' This'foitiranlie used for Single orMuhipliWeis' I.Well Contractor information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS ' Stefan Smith 7a.Number of hilts being ahando led: 1 . Vell'Coutmelortlamc(or vellon piactely.abauituinoueflon his";her propnry) For nrulnple alec:ear o 'roiluater -supply kreis ONLY with .the some eonsrnienrKr nbakiontnL'nt;iur,acne srlalut iviefirirn, 3576A NC WcI1 ContraaorCcitlftatlion Number74.Approilnlate Tali int:of watea retiuining in well(s)?? (;uL) sAEDACCo • FOR WATER SUPPL.Y WELLS ONLY: . Company Dirac 7e.Type of disinfectant used: ' . . • •2.Well Construction Permit fix, ,' i' . List di alrpLriible well permits(i e_.Cuui t};.."tote;l uririnrx.h*atla14.etci jkimwu 7 d.amour t of dlsinfectsint used: 3.Well use(check:well use):. Water Supply Well;' . 7c.Sealing matcririls used(check all tiiat apple):_ . ' DAgricuinirat ❑Mimicip liPtibhic. Neat Cement.Gtaat l7 Rcntonitc Chips or Pcllcts, ❑G odtcrmal alcatinziCooling Supply) . EIRcsidential Water Supply(single) ❑.Sand Cement Gtnnt • 0 Dry Clay Olndnsirial/Comntcieial. 0Residentiw.Water Supply(shad) .0 Concrete Grout ❑DullCutting •• . , • ❑hriFittion - . . ❑Specialty'Grout . ❑.Grout! . . . Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Shiny El tither(explain under 7g) NMonitotvrg ❑Recovery • ' tnjcction-Wcil: e- • 7f.For each material selected ab ,plrnide aurount of materials used: ' . OAgidferltediarge . ❑Gniundst.rterRentediation Neat Cem.:1881b ,Wtr:15gal. Sand Cent.:lb ,Wtr:gal. OAqui&r Storage aril Reeoven• °Salinity Barrier . • ❑Aynifetr Teti OSlormwater Dntinage OE.xperintental Technotoev • ❑Subsidetxe Control 7g.Pturide a hricf,description o• if the ahandanment pnicc)lure: .OGeothertml(Closed.Loop) OTracer Tremie grout from the bottom up . U rn Geothett(Heating/Cooling Return) COther(explain under 7a) .t.riatciccu(s)abandoned:.5/22/24 JL'N 2. 202 Sa Well[oration: Gaston Refuse Disposal Ifi1`$fInrr:it'err aittiny lilti,7 Facilil)•/ihrncrN.amc - Fa.liiy Ito(fappliabte) 8.Certification: D'h'(K!'1+C 250 Porch'Dr._ Gaston, NC 27832 • • • 5/28/2024• Physica!Address.•City.and Zip •5. lure_.Ceollied Well Cotnrw;.ior or Well Owmr. Date Northampton By signing this Arm, 1-hereby certify that the.it-eli(s)was-(were)abandoned in - 'Couuiy Pareel Idciuifiictidu No:(PCN1) iicenr lace With'1$4.:V CACO26'i'.O1Q0 or 2C.()200 i ell Co tstratetion Standards: . and An a copy oftltis record has';been provided to tire-Weil ornier.. Sh.Latitude Ibngitutle In dcgrectilminrtteslsccondsbrdecinlal degrees: • . - (ifhi'e1i C Id,due liailon issailUicll) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: 36.526815 77.653562 You may use the back of this page to pioside additional well site details driven. 1\ �4 abandonment details:.You may also•attachadditional:pu esifuecessaty. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELLS)BEING ABANDONED SURM1TFAL INSTRUCTIONS • - .tttad,11e11 cornirodian rrcord(sr'if ovultobte.'Air nnrttiplc infection or non•tnrtcr snpplp veils ONLI'with dye svrimewtstniction%ruaiuloyofe rt_ivu trim zabmit litre oarc Ina...Far All Wells: .Submit tins fano within 30 dais of completion of well abandiiutucol to the fa11o}virig • 6a.Well IDl:TMW-2 I . Division of Water Rrsourccs;Informntian-Processing Unit, 1617• ?.Lail Sc lie Center Raleigh I\C 27099-1617 • 6b.Total well depth: 25.5 - (ft.) ' �.: . • 10h.For TOleellon Wells: In addition to sending the fault to to axidtess In[Oa . •Ge.Borehole dlantctcr 2 Ru:} above;also,submit one Copy of ibis•fornr}sithiii'30 days of coniptelioir.'of well. ab ndotin ent tattle following: i - { • fd.Waterfowl ct below ground surfacer 7. O.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, - 1636 Mail SeniceCcnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 l' •6c.nutcr:casin lengthIOe Fn r Water Sourly&Insertion Wells: In addition to sending the form to g (if known):): (ft.) the address(es) above. also submit one-copy of this form within-30'days of completion of well-abandormient tq the county health department of•the county GEInn!r-casing/tnhing length(if[mown): (ft.) whew;abandoned. • 6g.Screen length(if[mown): (114 I Fonts GW-1O North Carolina Dcpoitnicm dfEnvirounicm and Natural Resources-Division of Waic4Re,mmees Revised August 2013 r d AVELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lmemal Ilse ONLY: . • This form can be used for single or nntltipte hells " I.Well Contractor I<nfon iiuiun: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS • Stefan Smith 7a.Nw g;nher of wells beinabando ed: 1 ' • Weleear rorNante(orwellmompesonallyalunloninguellanliktlterpreperly) Far multiple. t?Jertiar or nonldnter •supply uelk ONLY with the sane construed ivt.aivoisloirrne }brt am mihnit was fiunr. 3576A NC Well ConlmporCenlTtdBoaN�mber 7b.Atiproiiniate taluine of slat q•remaining in well(s)?? .(Oil) SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLYWELLS ONLY: Con anyName 7c.• Type of disinfectant used:. a 1 • - - " .2.Well Construction Penult#:, Ltd v11 npphratt1e well peranitr tics.Cunirlit Sw e t arlitmee ItrJentinr;•elat ij ;con Id Amount of dlslnfect int used: 3.Well use(cbcekwell use): - • . Water Supply well: ' ' . '7e.Sealing n►aterials used(circa,:all that apply):. ' OArgrieulturil CiMuniciptUPtililic DI,Neat Cement Grout " El Rcntonitc•Chips or fellers, ❑Geothennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ••❑[residential Water Stipph•(single) ❑:Saud Contend Grout ❑Dry Clay " ❑Industrial/Commercial- ' . ❑Residential WitterSuppiyl(shaicd) • 9,Concre(CGrout i '❑Drill Cuttings ❑Lriginion . ❑Specially Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: .❑.Bentonite Shiny• ❑Other(explain!ruder 7g) CBMunitorine, . . - ❑Recovety . . I • Injection Weil: . .. "7f.For each material selected above,peoside amohot of,materials used: OAgrtiferRecharge ❑G,riiundnnlerRemedi:dion Neat Cam.:1881b ,Wtr:15 gal. Sand Cele.:lb ,Wtr:gal. oAquifer Stontge•and Recioven� • . ❑Salinity Barrier - I j, .UAgniferTest UStormnsnterDrnin:ige ❑E.pperitrteittal Technoloev 17Subsidence Control 7g,Provide:a brief description of the abandonment procedure: 1Geotheunal(Closed Loop) CUTracer Tremie grout.from.the bottom up 13Geothefnlal(Heating/Cooling Return) Cattier I'm-plain under 7g) .(), 5/22/24 L•; d.Datcncll s ab;rndoncd• ti.` " Si.Well location: .. JUN ? [. 20?4 - Gaston Refuse Disposal • . - raeilitglUnet>4rNmnc ra ility Il)e(ttfapplkablc) 8.Certification. - ifir5rAlle.5T:'i:A'rcit5 0•.y u: s. d. 250 Porch Dr.. Gaston, NC• '27832 5/28/2024 ' Pl sical Andres.Cit•audZi • . -5r._Aare% Codified!Well Com:mot or Well Onar Dale S. P Northampton . . • By signing-tk(s form, 1 hereby cerl'ilmr tle.trell(s)has(were)abandoned in ' County Pared Id:miitt¢itlon No.(PIN) a corrlancc with'1 i4\CAC(12C',,0100.or 2C_4200Well Cu»s7nlaion Standards- and thatacopyoftlris.recordhas$etrtprovider!tote ellonner.. 5h.latitudeand longitude in degnruslminuteslsceonds'ordecimal degrees: , .(ifsi•ell i l4 ow-Woos nng is stilicient) 9.Site diigr•am or add _itional well details: • 3 6.526815 T You May use the bacl:of this page to provide additional well site details or well • 1\ 77.653562 W abandomiteru detanis. You may also!attach additional'pages if necessary.- . CONSTRnICTION DETAILS ON WELL(SI BEiNG ABANDONED SITBMiTTAL TNSTRUCTIONt •Attach urtl constrzi rian nkvilitrojf eiva)larite_-.For sEmltfplc ngectieri or ran-nnta•supply irons OA+LI'a nit the'swise cwutruefmmir5mrdowneat hint can a sbrat Sure fhmr_ Itja:-Fur All WelLc: Submit this'Font within 30 days of completion of well 6a.`Yet!ID :TMW-3 abau lotiti ent to the following: - I Dii•ision of Wutcr Re auras,Information-Polarising Unit,- ' 25 1617.-MailScavice Ccntcr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 6b.Total well depth: • (It:) + 10h.For,Inlection.Wclls:' In addition to sending the for*to The address in 10a 6c.Borehole diameter:2 above,-also submit.one.t of this forth.within"30 days of-completion.Of►null fin') -abandonment to.the.following: 1: , rid.�Patcrtevcl below ground Surface:.5. (ft.) Division of Water Resources,'Underground Inject[on Couttiil"Pregram, 1636 Mail Service;Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 • I • • Gc=Outer casing length(if known): (ft) 10c For Water Sunnis'&Tuiectinn Welts: In addition to"sending the form lo' the address(es) above.-also subinii One copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well ahandanmen i tci the county health depanntent of the county •6f.Innercasingltubing length(if Innnwn): (ft-) where abandoned• 6g.Screen length(If known): '(ft) Form GW-30 Noah Carolina Department uifEnvironmcsrt and Natural Rcsou:cce—Division of WaizeRcottm:s Revised August 2013 • I ' . . . 1 . . . . . . . WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Per Itaernal Use ONLY: - ' • ' . . . ThiS forriteatibe.uSed for Singleor multiple Wells • . 1.,Well Contractor Information; -WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS ._ I I i . . • ' .. • . Stefan Smith . . . 7u.Number of vie%being abandoned:, WrEeetaractarName,Mr kis.lii CitiVD.:7 teaelaY alb.jarjllifig tidi,ap IiiSiterpreproy) iiu. antrapie. tebreition,•at' nonloitirer -•suppfr wells %ONLY with 0i, sane• conmswenffliaboirdalimairoinvecuy xabmit linefiem. ' . 3576A , - I I, ,• ,, lb.Ap'proiimate'velitine ef:Out&reinainin g in weli(sr.4. NC.Well Centmet or Ceit ilon N1111bC/ , • • 1; :- - ' - . '" • . - . . . . — . . .... : • . -SAEDACCO FOR WNfFR.SpPFLY WELLS ONLY: - . . Company 14mac . 7e,Type of disinfectant used • - . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , • - .• .. 2,Well Construction f*atit ii:, , . . • • . List ori.apphcithilr wei/piymii..'s p.e..C4gasy,qtEM.Iliriarke.beertivit,.e10?flitwowa 7d.AMOutit eldiiittlechint used:, ''. ' ' • ' . , • . . ' . 3,Well use c.hech.vvell.use):: . . Water Supply Well • . . 7e.Scaling matetial.iuged(Check all that apply): ' ClAgriculorrid . • . EltdimicipaliPtiblic-,' fill,Neat;Cement Grent: - - ;; • - CI tilerdoniteEhipS orBellets . „ . -tle*.oillicirmal(Heating/CoOliog`Supply) EiResidenrial Waier Supply(single) 0•Sand Cement Gn34 i 11 .. •p Dry Ciay• . . . 1:11oduitrialitommereial. ' bit:side/4M'Water Suppliailitedi PI';cat'6tt# F6P-!: ' ' ;. ' CI Drill Cuitirrp. .. . . . . ClIrrigation- • . •- - - . . ElSpec:hike'Grout • . CI.Cravel .. . . . • . ' _ . - . - • i Non-Water Supply Well; CI Bentonite Slurry Cl Oilier(explain under 7g) • . iKIMenitorine •. .• . . . . ORecavery . . . . Injection,Well: • '' -. - . . . . .. . - 7E For each Material selected abuse,piesideamorint Of matedals used - • •- ,. I . ' E3Aanifet Itethorge.. EiCreiuruhraterRemediation Neat Cem.:1881b ;Wtr:lgal. Sand Cent lb ;Wtr:gal. - . . . , ClAguifer Storage and;Reciwery • CiSolinity Barrier . . . .13Arprifet Test . - - bStOater Diairsiee pkwerimeatal Techooloev' ' •.CISubSidence,Contoil , 7g.Proiide a brief dt*iption of the alimidonment pneOutrri, CiPeolhennal(cit4ed Loop) . E1Trarer Trerai.e grout from the hottom.up . .- . • . ' • ClGeetheniod(Heating/Cooling Return) ClOther(explain under 7g) , ' " I F27.--1- 7i—il'i•-•-•;--.. - • • . i; . 1.-...__c......c•. •v 4.., _,; ..,. ': . • - ,, . •. ,....L„,- 4,Date ive.11(s)Aban 5/22/24donedt . . , . . . . . . . 5a.Well Mullion: -, • - • ' .. , • • '.• • • • . . - e-,AMF.,,-1 .rc.- gis.c. ,:,A2 Gaston Refute Disposal . Uni.• ' - . . . • • . • , . 8.-Certillcathin: - ElViCi!IGG • , .. . IracilityithmerNanc•- Fadlity ma diapplkablel • - - - • --• '• ", • . - • . . . .. . . • - - ' A ' 0, '. . . • • 250 Porch-Dr. Gaston; NC 27832 • ' - ' • , A '5/28/2924 $ . ' - ... . . . • . . Physical AMMO.Cily.'arid Zip - • .S.`,4L-iIiire.,. al- 1%M Co.neracumor.Wc11 eater , , Mae Northampton. . . . - • — ' • ' -. By siguMg.thislorm,.I fietyby serlik ilia the.treli(s)was.(were)abandoned in CdsInly' . Paled Idzatiftlan.No:(PL/li accordance aqiit:15 1-NCAC 020110100 or 2C.0200 Writ Constinction Standards . " and Ilnit it coil,of this Petord)las been Plinided to theItell Owner.. Si.taiiittile and hinginnle in ttegimeshntiorteatsectmds'iir d keinuill-degrees: . t i- .(irivett Brill ene latilang is sailleica) - • •9.Site 4iagrain or additional well details; • . .*' . . You May use the baek of this page to provide additional well site details or well . 36.526815 • N : - . 77,6535.62 W ahatuletuttettidetaiis:You may age Mach additional'polies if necessare. !! . ' cONsTittrertoINT DETAILS OF 1,VELitifSi BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' Aitatie tir1Pcanstriicifinz realtdalif qviklidi fe..-Par)itulfiple.ittjectirm or mo.tatar sapply • • " . •• - -• .. ' • . • • ' .- oes-DitLI'witOtheyalviterturstruetiowaildaymentjtm coo sulktriit me/ono. . 10-al,For All Wells: Submit thg'for,m within 30 days of completion of well obandonritcrit to the felleWing: I • . • 6o.Weil 11)#:Tmiq-4 . . • Dgision of Water Reonras,InformationTrocessing Unit,- . 61)...TUtal'veil depth:_2 0 ((1.), •1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2.7699-1017 10h.For.inkellon Welg:•In addition to Sending the feral.to the address in Ica . ' 001V;also;submit uric tOp y of this feria within 30 days of-completion of' well 6e.Borehole diameter:2. • On.) - •abaridountria to thefollowing: . • 1 . i DitiSiottof Water Roonties,Underground Need-on Coottiil-Prcigrmu, Gd.Water!es-el-below ground Surface:.2 , - . • 1636 Mail&nice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 . 10c,For Water Sunalv.&buiesttan Wells: In addition'leRIl i diug(be form to" 6e..•Outer easiog leri.Will(if known): , '' (ft) the address(es) oboye.-also submit one-copy of this loon within-30 days of completion of well.ehatuletanene in the-county health department-of the County where abandoned. 1 6f.Innereashig/tubing hOrgth(it known): (ft.) I, ; I . 6g.Screen length or tarowo (ft.) Form GW-30 North-Carolina Dcpartmem OfEnvimonamt mxt Natural Resources-Division of Water Moores Reviscd'Augun 2013 • . • • i 1. WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD innui Use ONLY; This form can be used for Ode ormultlp ife1l I..Well Contractor Jiifortnation: 1VFLL ABANDONMENT DETAILS S • tefan Smith 7n,Number of Hells being abandoned: 1 Vi iiICoirrrctortlame or UCH Mina pcisonally xhamiordiy rsclt on Itis8kr property) For multiple tiyertiar, or rwrt.i.t ter -super wells 'ONLY 'biuh the some cothfruenrxuibandonrncrit xuu ernesark vtie fiirm 3576A 1, NC Well Canlr�aorCsnific anion Minter . 7b.Apiimziniate,°Hine of Wain-remaining in well(s)?2 (Iti)l.)• . SAEDACCO • FOR WATER.SUFFIX WELLS ONLY: Compaq Namc Te.Type of disinfectant used: ' •- 2.Well-Construction Permit#:, , • Lioolluppkethle•u-edparmiis tie L.Coonte,Startrurirrrrce.Lyertiuu.e1CiIIfkrmirn Td:Amount ofdisi fectantused: 3.:Well use(cheekit ell use): ' - -Water Supply Well: . 7c.Sealing materials used(check'all that apply); ❑Agii nitutid • cMimicipaliPublic• @t.Neat Cement.Gtout ['Beotonztc Chips or Pellets, O ieothcrmnl(HcatinriCoolingSuyply] i]R -idential Water Supply(single) ['_Sand Cement Gmut 17 Dry Clays • ❑hiduoirial/Commcrciol. . , . cltesidrntiat Water Supply(shared) , CI Concrete'Gmut ❑Drill pith* 11 ['Irtigation• . Cl Specialty Giout I - ❑Gravel.- • Non-Water Su pplyWell: CI Bentonite Shiny ®Other(esplaintinder7g) ligManitorina ['Recoven Injection Welt: - • 7G For each material selected aliose,provide autonotof materials used: • ['Aquiferltecharge cGroundnmterRemediation Neat Cem.:18811i ,Wtr:15ga1. Sand Cern.:lb ,Wtr:gal. CiAgttifer Stooge and Recoven� •.°Salinity Battier I , ,DAipriferTest • OSlonm%.ucrDrainage '' ' • ['Experimental Teclniotog_v ['Subsidence Connra! 7g.Provide a brims'description of the abandonment:procedure.: ClGeolhermal(Closed Loop) ['Tracer ^ Tremie grout.from the bottom up ®Geothernial(Heady/CoalingReturn) ['Odier(explainunder7g) a,' r�. i'�,.f'_ ,c ', ti 4.Date iell(s).abandoncd: 5/22/24 JUN � E. 2024 5a.Well lueation: Irr`9f ci 741.+°r•~'1..6ioge.i •Gaston Refuse Disposal seam 8s�tia • Ftsilitpli7n ricrN irrc' Facility IDt3(ifapplicablc) s.Cer•tllleatioir: 250 Porch Dr. Gaston, NC 27832 5/28/2024 P1 sital'Address. ;City and Zip • -St...., Inre:.Cenilicd Well Con n:m er Well Oister n ue Northampton. - By signing ties Ann; I hereby citrtifv that the irell(s}was(were)abandoned,at • Cou ty Rated ld_mitie itibu No.(PiNj dean-dance with'I I\C-IC 02CI.af 00 ark Well Conshatclion Sfttnthirds and that a copy of this record liar'be n provider!da the*ell owner:. Sb,Latitude and longitude hi des nccs(n:hiuteslscconds or deci nal degrees: E , (hest!t SW,one lofting is sniticxw) 9.Site dltlgrain or additional well detaiis: . . 36.526815 . 77.653562 Yon ntaa•use the back of this page to-provide additional well site_details or Well. N - W abaudolmteia details You may,also attach additional pages if necessary_ CONSTRIICI'ION DETAILS OFWELL(S),BEINGAI3ANDONED $LIBM17TAf.iNSTRUCTiONS Attack treli coirxtriactiou recvrd(sl 4!arviluble."For nndople mkctiw?or rmn•uiuter supply l; iieits'ONIY with t a swift!etitstrcrtrmra!uirdoitric'ru_iaoninaibmitweejorni 10a::lttrr All Wells: Submit this,Fonn within 30 days of completion of well 6a Well ID#:TMW'S abandonment to the following: i Division of Water Resuurces,Infarmation-Pructssing Un1t, 6b.Total well depth: 20 {ft.} I617-Mail Scniec;Centcr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 10b.Fo r.In leetIon.Wells: In addition to sending the fount to The address in l4a fie.Borehole diameter.2. (hi.) above.also;submit one tope of ibis Conn within'30•days af-coniplelioy'of well abandonment to tite(ollawing: I' Ertl Water.level below ground surface: 8 (ft) Dh1slon of Water Resouri C;:Underground Itijectdou Control Program, 1636 Mail ScrviceiCcntcr,Raleigh,NC.27699-1636 ti Gc.Outcrcasin Icn (iflmawu): (ft) IRc:For Water Slowly&fuieetiOn Wells: In addition to sending the form to g � the address(es) above. also siabinit one•eopv of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the County 6E.Inner easing/tubing length(if!mown): (ft) where abandoned. 6 • 6g..Screen length(if ineow n): (ft.) Fenn GUI-30 NonhCarolina Depart erd ofEnvirooaicnt and Natural Resources—Dhistan of Water Rcaowns Revised Augug 20l3 1 • WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: . This form Can be used foi slue or multiple wells l...Welt Contractor^Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS . Stefan.Smith ., 7a.Nuntberof wells being abandoned: 1 WYellCorlraclnrName.(orndlunorpelsonallyabandoningwellanitaatllerpropcfy) For mlopie Weaker -or nonluaiter •somas. wells •ONLI' with Ike sarie- C/,nI7rfetiont7boticlonm rif,1t0NCO!anlanirurrefonn 3576A I •71).Approximate volume of*attn.renuining in well(s) 1.)?? . { NC tYellContradorCcrtifrcotionilmtficr i,' • SAEDACCO . FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • . • Cancan).Name 7e.Type of disinfectant lewd: • • 2.WeU-Constnrction Permit Or f , LW 01 rtppLii hle well permits li:r..Cwoff,Pak;Fork:Nei.beertiui;.etr Orlaurwn 7d:Atliotslle of tllilnfectslilt 115141: . • 3.Well use(chedcwel use): Water Supply Well:• 7e.Sealing muted ds.used(check all that apply): t]AAriculturil ❑Mitnicipit/Ptibtic-' • ail Neat Ccment.Grout: El h3er4onite Chills or Pellets E]Gcotitcrmal(Ilcating/Cooling'Supply) . "Q El Residentint Water Supply(single) .Sand Cement Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑Endustrial/Coamicrcial, ORcsidenti:tllVatcr Supply:(shiaird) U: mro Cote Gut - ❑Drill:Cuttings . . . . ❑Tniattion ❑Specialty.Grout - : :❑Gravel • Non-Water Supply Well: Cl Bentonite Slimy + • Cl Other(explain under 7g) • • Q9Monitoring . . ❑Recovety , • Injection Well: ' 7f.For each material selected above,provide amonutof materials Used: ' U ruler Recharge. OGmiauisdwater Rentedia Lion �1 5 Neat Cem.:1881b ,Wtr:15ga1. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. . l7Agttiter Store,e:prl Recovery .❑Salinity Barrier f]ApiiferTest []SionmsaterDrrinage . ❑Experimental Technoloev lSubsideitce Control 7g,Provide a brief description of the abandonment piricedure: ElGeothemral(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 1 Tremie grout.from the bottom.up . CGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) • clOthcr(eplain under 7g) S.Date ivell(s).abandoned: 5/22/24 �L`,p IL:.3 tlor' is Well tacation: JUN ' [. 2024 Gaston Refuse Disposal 'T+ irikO gill;71.7Or,tM34.'77,w,UrA • Facilitl/hcer Name'. Facility 8.CetllRcation:Dt i p (;1C c 250 Porch Dr. Gaston, NC 27832 5/28/2024 P1r swat Mthess Ca) and Zip 5 htn..Co;ltial Well C.oturt:tarorWcIIOwner Date • Northampton fly'silpring•tkis form; 1 hereby cert/fy-that the,irell(.$)rras(here)abandoned in - Ca,io[y Parcel Ideriit'ttltiuNo.(PIN) accordance tvi111'154 NCIC Ole i:01Ud.or 2C.O200 Well Canstrueiion Sftmdrrri#s and drat a copirofllus record has'beu,pros ded to the u ell(iwner.. ' Sb.T.atitude and longitude in dega resfmihutca/seconds or decimal degrees: i I • • driven Mild,otte L:ttltmy is sulti�cra) 9.Site di. ram or additional cell derails: • 36.526915 77.653562 You iva} use the back of this Page',Mutaside additional well she details or.fell • . N W ahattrlomitettsdetaiis:;You may also ttlach additional pages if neeessat . • CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELI4SI BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTiONS :t(ludh tall cunsirectida ncvrd(sj'ij available.-;Fur irvleple injection or rsen•uiattr snpplp . . • . ' . . . 1 well ONLY midi the sinilecvirsrrtxtimeduilt fumirrwu._tad air,srrbmtt atejomi 10a.•Far All Welk: Submit this form within 30.days of completion of well Ga.Well ID§:TN4'6 abandoinncnt to the following: Diyu tn iun of Water Resources,Inferatton:Processing Unit,- 1617 Alai!Service canter,Raleigh,N•C 27699-1617 66.Tetal well depth: 15 (ft.) • r •10b.For Inlecthon.Wells: In addition to sending the form Lobe address in EAa Gc.Ba rtchole diatstetcr.2 (tit y aboi�e;also submit one Copy of kill's form within 30 days of completion.'Of Well abandonment tet,thie following: I ' • lid.Watcr.Ecvcl bc[nvv ground surface: 1; (ft.) Di islon of Water Resources,Tlnderground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Cwntcr,Raleigh,hC.27099-1636 i t Gc Outer using Ictt h(if Imon n): ( ) l0e For Water Sitnnic it;Tuici'ttan }'ells: In addition-to-sending the form to' ' the addresses) above:also submit one copy of this fonts within 30'days of. completion of well abandotunent to the county health department of the county GE Inner easing/tubing'length(if latown): (ft.) where abandoned. I 6g.Screen length(if known): • (ft.) Fonts GWV 3o NonhCarolim Deparimem ofEn iromncot mil-Natural Resources-Division of Water Rciaiuees Ltevocd Augurs 2Ut3 . • • WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For[manta UseONl.Y: • Titis:foim can be used for single or mnitiplk.wells . • I.Well Contractor Information: ♦YELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Stefan.Smith 7a.Number Ofgtclls being abandoned: 1 ' • WellCorlmctor Name,(or uciton pMsoWilly ahMitioningai;Iloulristlairproperly) For multiple ayeetiat or rOOtrafer •.rgpI walis..ONLY rc:rb .ile stare comoyermnihbo tang r'lit iim clime submit pvrefirtn. ' 3576A , ' r ' 1 C We11 ronrraaorCsititr rvon Nnirbcr 71i.Ap11ruilmate volume of Wat i meaining in well(s)?2 (;id.) SAEDACCO F OR WATER SUPPLY WEt,.LS ONLY:. • Ca'nJran}Name 7e Type Of diainfiYtant used; ` • . . 2:Welt Construction FermIt#:, , - Lival1 utiltllrableuell permits.ti:at.Cmioy,Saiie.Pa la:tee.Itr;eciiui;,etci Ifhtanra. 7d.Atttenut of dlilnfectant used: 3.Well use(cheel:•stell nie): Water Supply Well 7c.Scaling m.teri:tls:used(check all tliit appl}-):' OAgriculturtt- . ❑MitnicipaliPubbtic ID Ncat Cement Grout- El:Bcntonitc Chips or Pellet OGentlermal(HcatinntCootm Supply) .Clitesidenttal Water Supply(single) ❑.Sarin C•enieu1 Grout ❑ ry D Clay• .t]IndusitiallComntcn ial. OltcsidentialWatcrSupply(shared) . a Coiicrctr Groui . . ❑Drill-Cuttings ❑irrigation ❑Specialty Gout ;: ❑Gravel- it�tn-WatcrSupplyWe1L; ❑Bentottite5lutay ❑OIlier(e�plainunder?g) 191Nonitorinu ❑Recover_ . --Laj4°tion Weil 7f.For each material selected abo•Ve:,preside amount of.materials used: °AquiferRecharge'. . OGimtndttatetr-Rentedlition . Neat Cem.:1881b ,Wtr:15gal. Sand Cem.:lb ;Wtr:gal. OA.gtrifer Storage anti Recosety • .OSalinity Barrier . . DAguifer Test. OStormwater Drainage . . .❑E.�petimeivalTecliuolojv ❑SubsidenceContml iti•scri I'7x.Provide a hri�' ptiau of the ullrrndnnmcnt nerfrivlttrc: " ❑Geotbermat(Closed Loop) CiTracer. Tremie grout from.the bottom.up ®Geothermal(Heatine/Cooling Reim) 130ther(eaplain under 7At �i�..`,pL..,rdel .L Datcitel1(s)abimdonctl; 5/22/24 •1 i) Sa.Well location: - . . . . ' . - JUN 9 !. 20?4 . Gaston Refuse Disposal 8.Certillcatieu lr a;r,.t+rtE t" i;t.ry9a¢;?,fr 11 , .'Facrlityo hen rNarte' FaziliiyIDN(i(appl:mble) _ Dttirzr lit:; 250 Porch Dr.. Gaston, NC 27832 5/28/2024 Physical address.Ci1y,•and Zip , SI_ Ina Certified Well Grrtttactor or Well(Ircn:r • Date Northampton - fly signing the farm, 1 herby.cerflfy lliat the wents)was.(were.)abandoned in ' ' Conuty' Parcel hi_nrifielithin No:(PL\) iltcorrlaace with'I S_4?tCAC 02C'.0100 or 2C.0200 ifilf Conslratcfrun Strinrktrr is and that acopyof this record h sbeetrpmvided-(alheudtearn . • • - Sb.Latitude and iongitsde its degreevlmiifutes/seconds or iiectum'degrees: (iiti eu fwIti,One 4nJtOng.is Snitieier4) - 9.Site diagram or additiort:tivr'el details: 36.5268i5 77.6535.62 'You tuay use the back of this page to provide additional well site derails or well. • fi' W .ab:aulotuiteni details.'You may ale attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRTIC'11D'I DETAILS OF WELLiS)BEING ABANDONED S[1RbTI7'1 Ai.INSTRUCTIONS :tlfuc*marl currsrrleliera tealilia)'if avitilable_ .Pcir multiple ityectiuri 6r m n•aurtcr.wpply udlrthVLI'trig'tiresomerVntrrttoniaLarihuevat iou eau�rbmrtirefomi_ lOa For Alf Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well' • Ga Well ID :TMW-7 abandonment to the following; II; :f - Division of Water Re nurcmi Information:Processng Unit,• • 6b.Total well depth: 7 {ft.) I617 D4:ril Service Center,Raleigh,NC 37699-1617 14b.For.lnlectlon Wells: In addition to sending the forth to the address la i()a - above;also:submit one topy-of this form wiiltui'30 days of eottipletion of well 6c Borehole diatueterr 2 (in.) ;tbnndorvnenttth tie following: ' (: 6d.Water'[ct'cl heron ground sttrfacc.�2 (ft.) Division ofti tter Resources,tiudergrouud Wee. iron Control Program. '1636 Mail Scrvico Center,Raleigh,NC.2769 9-1 63 6 1, Outer casinglength(if Insets ct): (ft.) tOe For Water-Sunnli SrTefectinn'Netts: In addition'to-serxling the fort to 6c. the addresses) aboye.also suttritit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment/to'the county health department-of the county 6E tunereasingjtubing to gria(if!mown): (fL) where dkianrfonctl. 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) FOmi GW430 North-Carotins Dcpaioncra alEnvironriic:i oat-Natural Resources—I)Ivision of Water Inc oniz s Revived August 20Li 1 1 s