HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrunswick_Well Abandonment_20240624 (5) NVELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For InwrtiilUscONIY this form can be used for singk or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Infirrntatiou W'El.l.ABANbONMENT DETAII C Stefan Smith 7a.Number of wells being abandoned: 1 we11('4111113Ltor Name tot well ureter perAmWl.N abanitanutg well an halter propent r F,w misled, auea,uu, .w +wa+-.tarer nyy4i wM( ONLt rah Nee sixty r,tminyrn,wt+d a nhutm,mr,seta c}ar a+baur wrr h,rnr 3576A NC t4'c1lCnmridnrCctlificalinnNnnbcr ?h.Approximate►olerateof ribs remaining in well(%1: -,gal.) SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONI.Y: Compare Name 7a Type of disinfectant uwtrd: 2.Well Cwtnisictbn Perini M:, 1jm.d1 mWkuh1r well permaa me.CwnA,Use.I ariawe Igtei1mov,estr.,it Amwn 7tL Amount of disinfectant iced: 3.W elI six(check w all ase): Water Nuppl% N ell: 7e.Staling mate ia1%u%ed teheek all that applt): ❑Agnculturil ❑Municipal:Pttblic ❑ Neat Cement 01"mi pp Actionnc Chips or Pellets ❑Geothermal(Hearing'Cooltnr Supph't ❑Residential Water Supph tingle) ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Un Cb—, 01ndustnal:Commercial ❑Rcsidemtal Water Supph n shared 1 ❑ Concrete Grotto ❑ Unll Cuttings ❑Im •tutu ❑ Spectalt}Grout ❑ Grdxel Nos-Water%upph Well: 11 Berionite Slim I.1 Other w;plam under 7g) Skluntto ring ❑Recover Injection Well: 7f.For each matrrial wclected abate.pt i%A—momaint,tf materials awtd: ❑Agmfer Recharge ❑Gmutdwater Rcntediatton ❑Agtafer Storage and Recm cm ❑Sahrutt Banter Bentonite. :lllb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Slonmtater Drainage — — ❑Erpenmenlal TeclmoloK% ❑Subsidence C'oniml 7g.Prmt ide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: OGeothemtal iCbsed Loops LITracer Pulled entire well and backfilled with uncoated bentonite OGeotht:mfal(Hearin 'Coolie Retum► [Other ic>: sin under 7 t pellets. r, - T 4.Date wells)abanolimed: May 24 2024 %`-- ., . Sa.Well Mtcatit►m: JUN 2 4 2024 Koppers Carolina Pole Site IIIAK l'W►VA Arft, `Vn Fxrlm(ocnerNaaw r,.;r1, 11 �:.'i,t,it. 11, S."Crnifkation: �11d 1901 Wood Treatment Rd. Leland, NC 28451 5/31/2024 Phc steal Address.Cu,..a�f r n: S �utn •.Crntlicd W'eg Cnatrxmr or Wt/Uwtser l]:r.: Brunswick At .signing this fmm, 1 hereby cerb#-thm the wellfs) was ftrerer abandoned in Rime)ldtruilRaooti No WlS i accorwhsace with I1A MAC 02C,0100 or 2C OM Well Construction VandunEx and that a dopy of&is record has beers provided to the well owner. th.Latitude and longituffc in cicgtrrs,1minu[rslsccnnds nr decimal dq;rccs: t,«r(Elul ;;tr Us w,tt•r..rdnc>*; 4.Site diagram or additional well cktails• 34.250844 78074457 You nim use she back of this page to prof ale additional well site details or well N . W abantdotumni details. You rein also attach additional pages if nec essar% CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF W'ELL(S1 HEM;ABANDONED SUBMITTAL FNSTRUCTIO14S Aikkh"ell iomvNadfw recur.(-.v it avwhatik•. t•.v malnplr ayta riser,v ream xvfrr nr,!r�, welkONLYwithrheaunrtvmrrarromaA(vnkswmmr.iwcansubmilone.1afm Itta. Fm :VI 1lells: Suhnut this form within 30 da}s of completion of well 6a.Well IUa-TMW-5 :nbatdoonicnt In the follouing Division of Water Resource,Information Pnicessing Unit, 66.'Intel.r ell depth: 13 (h.l 1617 Mail Service('cuter,Raleigh.NC 276%1-1617 lob. For Irlectieu Wells: fit addition to sending the form►to the address in Ilia abo%c. Aso submit one cop\ of ton form milim 10 dins of completion of well 6c.Sur ivoic diameter:1 tin.) abandonment to the followutg Division of Water Rewturres,I n(Ics•ground Injection Contrail Program. tiff.Water Ievel below ground wrfaee: 6 (ft.) 1636 Mail Service('enter,Raleigh.N('2769Y-1636 3 litc. For Water Svpol% & bokctMom W'rN%: In add r addition to sending the form to tic.Outcrcasingletrigthtdlmsrwal: (ft.) the address(es) abme. also subnih otk cop% of this form within On da)s of completion of well abandorumni to the count-, health department of the coutth 6f.Inner casinv'tubing length cif I:now n l: ift.l a lvrc abandoned 6g,Screen IcnLih(if t,nom n r 10 tft.l Fom►GW-Xi NookCarotina Depcnur:ta of Ems irotimem aid Naimml RcwmKcs-D%isron of Water R,sommes Rc.red August 201 A