HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03742_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD \ For eniiiu ONLY: ThPinform can be egad for singk orin.dtipk,tells \"�, ln I.Well Contractor Information: v�V isWAtERLONZIL Brian Ewing FIIOM ! to DESCRIPTION Nc11('olaractnr Name II. ft. 4240-13 rt. i h. NC Well Contractor Cenilicalion Number 15.OUTER CASING(for uteNi-cased web)OR LINER(R a�itaUe) ►Rom To DIAMETER 111t('KNES5 MATERIAL SAEDACCO rt• h. is. Compwh Name It INNER CASING 02TURING(giewhertaal dase4-kt a) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Weft Conotruction permit th 1110100715 ft, ft. in.. list all applicable aril perurits(ir.County.Sane.Variance.Inleebat Err.! -- -- R. ft. to. 3.Well 1-sc mcheek well user: 11 SCREEN -- Willer Niiiiiii LSrll: IROM TO DIAMETER MOT sin THICKNESS MATRIUAt. R. rt. in O Agra uhond DMunicipal/Public OGeothennal(Heating.cooling Snppty) OResidential Water Skylab'(single) R. rt i.� OledustriatiContmercial DResidentwl WaterSupph (shared) M)IW1TF IlDII TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD i AMOUNT ❑Imo:own R. ft. Non-Water Sapid)Well: R. R. ❑Monitonnt ORecosety Injection Well: ft. n. El Aquifer Rcchtrge f]Groutdwater Rentcdi:uion If.SANIP AVRLPACKtif applicable) ❑Aquifer Stoagc and Recosen' ❑Salinit).•Harrier ItWM TO )IirFRlrl F')IPI.HFHF\TNFTrN)D R. ft. � DAquifcr Test ❑SIornsatcr Drainage R. R. ❑E penntemal Tcehnologs ❑Subsidence Control 2A DRILLING LOG tallneb additional sines if seaman) OGeothennaltClusedLuopl ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION t(.t.r,r,nanc..•wit nick n pt.Vv.,a ek.) ❑Geotltent al fileaatre'C'o ling Retumt 1100ther tesplain under if21 Retnalks) h. R. ft. R. 4.Date Wells)Completed: 4-16-24 Well ID11IP-A-2-26 (EVENS) —_,--_...- Y ;a Well Location: II L-• . Rays Grocery R. R. -- � 2024 hairy.O e nor Name Faellnt ink ifappticabkt R. ft.R. 1674 E. Main St., Sylva, NC, 28779 R. it. Unit Pin seal Address.fin.and Zip — - 21.R[1NAlKS Jackson DPT INSITU INJECTION; INTERVALS 6-12' Coutah Prrcct IdciiI,l.c lt.n.l No !PIN, 5h.Latitude and Longitude in drsrnes/minuteslsccnnds or decimal demos: 22.Certification •:d...I li.)d n.<latlrou r.,.dlicrknu W Brian Ewing 5/8/2029 Signature of Certified Well Contractor 1,.::; 6.Is tare)the sell(sl: 'Permanent or XITemporarp M signing Otis form 1 hrrrby certify that the*wart war(weir)coarnmeted in a eordancr with 154 NCAC 02C.010t)or 154 NCAC 02C.0200 Well Conroe:ion Skrndords anal char a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: IYes er E.\o rugs ofthec record has berm provided to the well Metter. litho n a,rprur.till,art i;n„aa a c s....nano.coon.afo. iarion oral.•s'Lon d.r,artnrr or Mr repair wader P21 remark.)A.,lion or on the hart of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You etas use the beck of this page to pros ide additional well site details or nett S.Number of sells constructed: 13 corrstmcuun details. You min also attach additional pages if tnx ess rat For nwMpk infection Of Non-..ore...ytph wells ONLY nun the fame e,msrtrrtwut v:n on salmrir same form. S.L IJMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total Weil depth bebn land surface 12 tft.t 21a. For All Wells: Submit this form within M0 dins of completion of well For multiply arils tutall.kprhr rjdellef nrfr.rorgite-30:()0'and 2@loiTt constok lion to the following: III.Static water lose)!rhos top of casing: (DJ Division of Water Resources,Information Processing I nit. . . ,• . _ ,.. . 1617 Mad Service('enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.13..rchok diameter:2.25" tin) 24b.For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the fort to the address in —taabose. also submit a tap) of this form within 30 dass of completion of well 12.Well construction method: DRIVEN constni tiontothe followalg li e.auger.rain.cable.direct push etc I Des ision of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mad Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27694-1636 I3a.Yield(LTmt Aletbnd of test: 24c.For Water Suppis &Injection Welts: Also submit one Bops of this form nithrn t0 da_ssof completion of t3l.Disinfection hpe: Amount well conatnrctlon to the count) hcahh department of the count)where crnKtntcled. Form GW-1 North Carolina Deporunait of Eat umtorin and Natural Resources-Dn Woo of Wale!Resotrcm Re.used August Ili I I