HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03738_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fur Imcn ItheONLY The form can be used for singe or oniltiplc wells I.Well('untractur Information: 14.WATER ZONES • Brian Ewing FROM to DvsceirinlN _ W411 Contractor Nan: ft. ft ft. ft, , 4240-B NC Well Connector Certification Number IS.OUTER CASING(for sRthiraxdl nclht OR LINER of ep lea k) FROM TO DIAMtTFR THICKNrsS MSTTNI%1 SAEDACCO f. n. is. Cmnp ue Nave If.INNER CASING OR 11L'RING usher>rd cIsI estop! FROM TO DHNFTER TOMANE'S Ms1IRUI 2.Wes C..Ftntcti,.Pen.it to NI0100715 O. pi. , List all applicable well permits(Le.County.Stow.Variance.!steam ehr..r - ft. It, in. 3.Well lie ached:ern owl: 17.11012E4 WaterNnpph Wclla PROW TO DIAMPTTO .Luc o Hill rs nmW ., AiSIIRIAL I IAgit.uluu;tt OTatunicipal/Public R E is. C)Geathennal(Heating,Cooling Sutply► ❑Residential Wafer Suppl (single) R rt. to LlludustriaUCommcrcial OResidentwl Water Supph(shared) ILGillm OT ROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT ME TROD A AMOUNT ❑lrrivatinn h. ft. Non-Water Sup(t1'Wen: ' ft. ft. ElMontton op ❑Rec(wcn' Injection Well: R ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑GroundwalcrRcmedi:Ilion It$ANIIMP.AVRL.PACK(1,loalleaMt) ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover ❑Salinil< Earner F�M TO MAMMAL rNn.Ad TAUNT METHOD R. ft. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormssatcr Drainage ft. ft. ❑E:cpcnmcntal Tahnnlo}•A ❑tirrhsidersce C'otrlrol 20.DRILLING LOG firma additional sills if secow'.I OGeoihcnnal(Closed Loop ❑Tracer FROM To DESCRIPTION•mine.tawuus.,...rout.I.tr.es....r<-.di 1 OGeothcnnal iNeaung:Coolinlg Return) DOOtlier(explain under#21 Remarks) nr ft ft. l ft. 4.Date Wells)Completed: 4-21-24 well m.IP-C-2-26 (EVENS) h ! SIP Well Location: ft. ft. . ,....`•, . •• V ELi Rays Grocery ft. h. JUN 9 1 2024 Facility TN ser Name Facdin MN Of applicable) ft. 1674 E. Main St., Sylva, NC, 28779 ft Ifrfv 7 +it 1 t. Plnsical Address.Cit..and Zip Qhi's 1,-`+ 2L REMARKS Jackson DPT INSITU INJECTION; INTERVALS 6-12' t'nwn Parcel ldesuf aUon No (Mt Sb.LaNhfde and Leasiulde I.degrealmiltelteslsccnnds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification: Orwell field.uste latilona(s s ciest) N W B • rian Ewing 5/8/2024 Strohm ofCertified Well Cann,.1 Ira:; 6.Is(are)the wdks): ❑Perrwanent or RITemporat'y Ut Wining Ilea form.1 berebr•certify that the welllsl was(lanai omrbw•red in acronke nr with I SA NCAC OX.010)or 1 SA NCAC M.0.0200 Weil Construction Standards and the:a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: -.1 es or IC No ropy of Air reamed has been pmrwlyd to the iwO owner. If•his It r7 relwter,(ill loll(pawn writ.tau:•..hoe,7nlbmh,r;on aanl rt116o1 U•r n.:r:o t of ate repair ender 1,21 reenter*v section or on the hark of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well detail!: You mas use the bacl,of hits page:to proside addiliotral well site details or well 8.Number of wells coisslt'.n:ted: 13 construction details. You mos also attach additional pages if Iks.esSan. For mwluple otfeer/an err oral-inter uq+pls welts 011iLt..:rh rho same<r.gstrwrrion vr.w<(an safmnit.om•form. SIIBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 12 (ft,) 21a. For AR Wells: Submit this form whim 10 days of completion of sell For ntatople wells tall all rkpths 41 dttterenr texample-4,'ZOO'and 2@ 10'Yt eonstnretion to the following; It.Stalk water Wirt below top of casing (ff.) Division of Water Rals.reei,Information Processing I nit. If wirer kvr!es uh...r,.,r,e,; - 1617 Mail Service Ceaer•,Raleigh.N('2 7699-1 6 1 7 I I.Borehole diameter:2.25" (in) 2-lb.For Icksilea WO ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 2-la abose. also submit a cops of this form within 30 doss of completion of well 12.Well co.str.etion method: DRIVEN col is(ruction to the following. tic.auger.ratan.cable.direct push.etc 1 Ohkiun of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1634.Mail Serice Center.Raleigh,N( 2'694-1636 tie.For Water Suppl. S.Injeetiirn Wells: I3a.)Vivid rgpm I __ Method of test: Also submit one Cops of this lame ssithm ;0 doss of completion of lib.Disinfection tspe: Amount: well construction to the corms health department of the count where constructed Form GW-1 lonb Carohna Depannwiu of Ent titanium and Natural Resources- D s sloe of N ant Reotrces Re.met'August 20I r