HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03725_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ��'\I FallacrnalltxONiti' m The((WRIGHT be used for sink or rnnitirk..cgs \ I.Well Contractor Information: It WATRR ZONIS Scott Hunt, Jr PIIOM TO nr S4 RIP IIt IN WellC'orrrtcu r Kink 30 ft, ft. rock facture ft. II, 4561 NC Well Contractor Ccnifaalion Number15.OUTER CASING(for shall i-cutril welts)OR LINER tit applicable) Most To nrrsrrrrit TrtictorNs , sl;iTNW SAEDACCO ft. (I. ia. Conmpm)Name 16.INNER CASING OR T LBING trualherusal closed-loop) FROM TO DLAMETER rtIKC k\E.S MATIRI.(I_ 2.Well('onstruction Permit#: 0 R. 20 fi. i 2 la- SCH-40 PVC 1.L0 tall applicable well prrmair(i.e.Cowie.Maw.Variance,Itch fie etc.i 1 f. ft. 1 in. 3.Well Use(check well laser — - 17.S('RItN Warr�pl Well: MOM TO DIAMITFR I mot sin TN1(1tt41tS% 1 MATFNIAI. ❑AgtlCulturaal OMlmicipabPubluc 20 ft. 40 ft. 2 i.• 010 SCH-40 1 PVC 71 OGeotheal(Beating/Cooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) ft n its nn , ❑hdustriaUContmercial OResidemial Water Supph,shared) 11, OUT FROM 70 MATERL(I. EMPLACEMENT METHOD i.AMOUNT El Irrigation 0 ft. 15 ft. Portland Trestle Non-Water Supply Well: ft. n. R hlonrtonn►; D Rccoc en _ infection Well: rt. ft. 0Aquifer Recharge ClCiroundwaler Rcnicdiation 19 ILISNI iGRAVEL PACK air ap}YeaMe) OAg1lifCf Storage and RccnAcn ❑lahnlft Barrier F1QM TO so ATFRtSI. rMPI.a1 ENIENT*Irmo 18 ft. 40 ft. Sand #2 ['Aquifer Test DSlommater Drainage ft. . ft. ❑Experimental Tee hooks*. DSubsrderkc Control i 2•.DRILUNG LOG l h additional sheets if uucenan 1 OGeotltcnnal(Closed Loop) El-Tracer FROM TO DirsCRtPTION,<sl•r,harms«,q.a'nnl.Npt.eraia.ips,dr.) OGeothettnal(Heating Cooling Return) DOther texplam under 1r.1 Reitutr►sl 0 ft 15 tl tan silt 15 fl. 35 ft, tan pier 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 5-29-24 Weil iDMPZ-4E 35 it 40 ft, rock 5a.Well Location: ft. ft. t'• I .• • 4!1 ."-, Toyota ft. ft, +�`I f` icy/q i. Fanlni OwnetName Faciliy ID#(if applicabk) R. JUN 9 I 20L4 5938 Julian Airport Rd., Liberty, NC, 27298 rt. It. Y Plnsical Addncss Ci[,-and zip Irkx.:4,,i rA N "+I..,' % 2l.REMARKS o-f,-;'a'il._:,t Randolph Bentonite seal from 15-18' Cowl) 1 awei Identification No IPIN1 Sb.Latitude and Longitude in de a'ers/minutes/seconds nr decimal degrees: of well field.um lat.luug is sidlictem l 22.Certification: N W 6/3/2024 Sig11.014frie r.CC1110 Wdl Conmctot [hoc 6.(s tare)the wrllls): ZiPermanent or :JTemporal-) Bs signing this fonts./hereby certify that the weeks)was(nrrrl corn/Mini in a.cr ordaracr with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 Of 154 NCAC OW.0200 Well Coustn..tirw Standards wet that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: :Li Yes or g No copy of this errant has been pr»rided to for well owner. if this as a repair,fill mai 074M l w elf.iota Ho l,,o ml,.re$eriw,:ion!r yeast;Mr manor at the repair under 1,21 remarks se,ion or on the hail at chit farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You Mai use the baci,of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells oauslneted: 1 construction details. You 111as also attach additional pages if liecessan. For malrlpre injection IN eo.i-NYIR'r aseppli wells ONLY non fhr same construction .."a<<,n .seitrmitone/aria. SiIBMiTTAL iNSTI1C11ONS 9.Total well depth below land surface 40 (f1,1 24a. For AN Welk: Submit this form within ?U dues of completion of well For multiple cells has at depths it diti'rent frra4apte-30100'and 2f1'noon) conntnrction to the following- M.Static water lesel below top of casing: 20 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,laformation Processing l nit. .. ... : ,r , ., . ,. .., ,.. . 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter:10.25"/6" tin-) 2lb.For lnketioe Welk ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abose. also submit a cops of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.well Wuslructiun awthm1: HSA/Air Rotary constnaction to the following. tie.auger.total.cab', 'U*,c,I' ' Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Scr.ice(enter.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 13a Yield Omni) Method tat test: 24c.For IA Ater Supple &Injection Wells: Also submit one cops of this form within sti dass of completion of 13b.Disinfection O pr. Amount well constmction to the count} health department of the cnrtn1A where ---. constructed Form GW-I Noah Canhrn Depannrnn of Em rloannCnu and Natural Resources-Des man of Water Roams Resod August 2013