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SW3230701_Stormwater Report_20240621
HT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR: THOMAS HUTTON STEWART'S GROVE SUBDIVISION WINGATE, NC PREPARED FOR: SOUTHBURY DEVELOPMENT, LLC 31540.0000 J U N E 2024 THOMAS 9 ''� = SEAL = & HUTTON •— • 53946 = = ENGINEERING 3 /, = - • CO. • 1.% A 62 -24' :^ ``�� �"��••• No. F-087I • . .• '��c%,...TO NGINEERP�Q�V�` '' %/' • ��f OF AVM`��\�� thomasandhutton.com TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Stewart's Grove Subdivision Project: Stewart's Grove Subdivision T&H Job Number: J-31540.0000 Location: Between Stewart Street, Witmore Road, and Lefsey Drive Wingate, NC 28174 Parcel ID: 09-060-002, 09-025-033 Date Prepared: June 2024 Owner: Southbury Development, LLC Address: S Main St Wingate, NC 28174 Engineer: Thomas & Hutton Address: 1020 Euclid Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 336-264-4440 H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 1 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 -Summary of Results Page 3 Section 2- Project Narrative Page 3 Section 3- Purpose Page 4 Section 4- Regulatory Summary Page 4 Section 5- Methodology Page 5 Section 6- Hydrology Page 6 Section 7- Runoff Calculations Page 6 Section 8- Existing Conditions Page 7 Section 9- Post Development Conditions Page 8 TABLES Comparison of Pre- and Post-Development Total Runoff Rates (cfs) 1 Sand Filter/Dry Pond SCM 01 2 Sand Filter/Dry Pond SCM 02 3 FIGURES Site Location Map 1 Topographic Map 2 FEMA Map 3 Pre-Development Drainage Map 4 Post-Development Drainage Map 5 APPENDICES Hydrologic Soils Report A Existing Conditions SSA Reports B Proposed Conditions SSA Reports C Sand Filter Design Worksheet D Riprap Outlet Protection E Spillway Calculations F HEC-22 Report G Channel Analysis H Swale Stabilization I BMP Stage Storage Tables J H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 2 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report SECTION 1 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS Table 1 -Comparison of Pre- and Post-Development Total Runoff Rates (cfs) Storm Event Pre-Development Post-Development DIFFERENCE 2-year 37.31 36.79 -0.52 10-Year 72.80 69.46 -3.34 25-Year 96.12 93.68 -2.44 SECTION 2 - PROJECT NARRATIVE Stewart's Grove is a proposed residential development within Wingate, North Carolina. This development consists of approximately 38 single family detached units. The site is located in Union County at the end of South Stewart Street, east of Lefsey Drive, and west of South Main Street. While the majority of the site is currently wooded with an understory of brush, the northmost section of the site contains about a 3-acre grass field with an existing pond, and there is also about a 2.75-acre area at the eastmost end of the site that contains a grass field with light tree coverage. Almost the entirety of the site naturally drains from northwest to southeast, and pre- development run-off is discharged to Rays Fork, an existing tributary to Richardson Creek. There are two additional existing ponds that are located offsite but at least partially within the pre- development drainage basins. The pre-development drainage basins are delineated and illustrated in the Pre-Development Drainage Map found at the end of this report. For the purpose of this report, we will compare the pre-development runoff rates to the post- development runoff rates as shown in the Section 1 summary above. The pre-development basins SUB-01 and SUB-03 will flow Southwest and outfall into the existing tributary to Richardson Creek, Rays Fork. The area of these subbasins that is affected by construction will be routed through one of two Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) and outfall into the existing Ray's Fork tributary. Each of these SCMs (Pond-01 and Pond-02) consists of a dry pond with a closed- bottom sand filter. Basin SUB-02 will outflow to the Northeast woodlands both before and after development and the area will remain nearly unaffected. The post-development sub-basins are delineated and illustrated in the Post-Development Drainage Map found at the end of this report. All design information for the closed bottom sand filter, dry ponds, and associated drainage pipes and structures can be found in the appendices of this report. The soils within these sub-basins consist of type B, C, D, and B/D hydrologic soil groups which are shown on the attached National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soils map within Appendix A. H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 3 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report SECTION 3 - PURPOSE The purposes of this report are: 1. To delineate all pre-development basins that are within this project and determine which drainage basins will be affected by the proposed development. 2. To develop a stormwater model that will: a. Be in compliance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. b. Simulate the pre- and post-development conditions for the project. c. Predict water elevations for all proposed ponds during different storm events d. Provide design flows (under future build out conditions) for the major drainage structures that can be used to properly size improvements, if needed. e. Provide sand filter design in accordance with NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual C-6 3. To document that the stormwater management measures and equipment installed on site will be adequate for all existing and proposed development on the site. Two drainage models are included in this report. • Pre-Development: examines the drainage basin prior to any development within the site. • Post-Development: examines the drainage basin after site improvements have been installed. The model may need to be revised and updated as the site plan evolves. SECTION 4 - REGULATORY SUMMARY North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Stormwater The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) is responsible for administering the storm water management program. Development or re-development activities are required to apply for and receive a stormwater permit from the NC DEQ. These permits address water quality and quantity. NC DEQ regulations require that peak post-development discharge rates from the basin shall be at or below pre-development rates for the 2, 10, and 25-year 24-hour storm events. The regulations also specify the 1-inch storm runoff volume treatment drawdown time shall be greater than 48 hours and less than 120 hours to achieve optimal efficiency for channel protection control. See attached Appendix C for post-development peak flow control calculations, Appendix D for water quality calculations, and Appendix E for riprap outlet protection calculations. H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 4 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report SECTION 5 - METHODOLOGY The pre- and post-development conditions of the site were analyzed using the Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) program developed by Autodesk. The program is used to model rainfall and stormwater runoff and to perform hydraulic routing through the storm drainage system (including existing and proposed storage/detention features such as wetlands, ponds, and lakes). SSA is an advanced, powerful, and comprehensive modeling package for analyzing and designing drainage systems, stormwater sewers, and sanitary sewers. The software can simultaneously model complex hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality. The SSA program is built on the highly tested and widely utilized SWMM methodologies. For this application of the SSA program, the hydrology was simulated using the NRCS (SCS) TR-55 methodology. The hydraulics were simulated utilizing hydrodynamic routing. Hydrodynamic routing solves the complete Saint- Venant equations throughout the drainage network and includes modeling of backwater effects, flow reversal, surcharging, looped connections, pressure flow, tidal outfalls, and inter- connected ponds. The SSA program graphical user interface (GUI) allows for the input of hydrologic data for each drainage sub-basin. See the appendices for input variables including runoff curve number, rainfall distribution pattern, hydrograph peaking factor, area of each drainage sub-basin, and time of concentration. The SSA program generates runoff hydrographs for each sub-basin based on these user-specified variables. Hydrographs are generated by SSA using the NRCS Unit Hydrograph (TR-55) Method. The model's hydraulic input data consists of a system of nodes and links. Nodes represent locations where flows enter or exit the system, pipe or channel characteristics change, or where stage/storage/time relationships are provided. Links represent traditional types of hydraulic conveyance such as pipes, channels, control structures, weirs, etc. The sizes, inverts, lengths, and Manning "n" values for all pipes connecting the ponds or lakes are input into the model. In addition to pipe information, all pond, lake, and detention area stage-area information and the respective control structure information is input into the model. The node and link conditions are analyzed within the model for a given storm, and flow conditions are determined. Hydrographs for each drainage area are merged within the SSA program, and the hydrologic results are then combined with the hydraulic information to model the hydraulic interactions of the entire drainage system. The results include pond area and discharge rates and stage/storage information during the storm events. The storm drainage infrastructure onsite was modeled using HEC-22 functionality within Civil 3D. This program utilizes the model rainfall and stormwater runoff through the storm drainage infrastructure to provide hydraulic grade line calculations and profiles for analyzing the proposed storm drain network.These computations can be found in Appendix G. H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 5 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report SECTION 6 - HYDROLOGY • SCS TR-55 Method was used. • The rainfall intensity used for each storm event was obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14. The following design storms are used in the model simulations: 2-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 3.64 inches 10-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 5.33 inches 25-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 6.37 inches • SCS Type II Statistical Rainfall Distribution was used. This distribution pattern is determined by the Soil Conservation Service comparing regional rain-gage data. • Soils present within the drainage basins consist of the following: Badin Channery Silty Clay Loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (BdB2) - HSG C Badin Channery Silty Clay Loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes (BdC2) - HSG C Chewacla Silt Loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (ChA) - HSG B/D Goldston Very Channery Silt Loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes (GoE) - HSG D Goldston-Badin Complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes (GsB) - HSG D Tarrus Gravelly Silt Loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (TaB) - HSG B SECTION 7 - RUNOFF CALCULATIONS Peak flow rates for the watersheds were calculated by the SSA Program for each design storm.The pre- and post-development drainage basins are shown in appendicies that follow this report. Curve Numbers Curve numbers were generated according to procedures set forth in SCS Technical Release 55. The composite curve numbers for each drainage basin were calculated using soils information from the Soil Survey of Union County, NC provided by The United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Curve numbers were weighted based on the land use and soil group within each basin. Time of Concentration Times of concentration were calculated according to procedures set forth in SCS Technical Release (TR) 55. The travel times (Tt) for overland flow, shallow concentrated flow, and channel flow are added together for the drainage basin to get the time of concentration Tc. Basin information for the area of interest was collected for use in the SSA models. Basins were delineated using surveyed topographic information. Basins were drawn and the H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 6 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report most hydarulically distant flow paths were found. The times of concentration were calculated based on the NRCS, three part travel time method documented in TR-55. The three equations used are summarized below: Sheet Flow: (hr) Symbol Dimension Units _ 0.007(nL)°•$ n Manning's n -- — P o os X So.4 L Length of flow ft z 2 yr event P2 rainfall in S Slope ft/ft Shallow Concentrated Flow: (hr) Symbol Dimension Units L L Length of flow ft t2 3600 x V V* Velocity ft/s *Based on TR-55 velocity-slope relationship Channel Flow: (hr) Symbol Dimension Units L L Length of flow ft t3 = 3600 X V V* Velocity ft/s *Assumed to be 2 ft/s Time of Concentration: (hr) t� = tl + t2 + t3 Appendices B and C with time of concentration information are attached. SECTION 8 - EXISTING CONDITIONS While the site itself is just over 18 acres, the total acreage of the drainage basins analyzed in the stormwater calculations is approximately 26.9 acres. The existing conditions described in this narrative will refer to the pre-development condition of the site. The pre-development conditions for the site consists predominantly of wooded area with an understory of brush with about a 3- acre grass field with an existing pond at the northernmost end of the site as well as about a 2.75- acre area at the westmost end of the site that contains a grass field with light tree coverage. Stormwater runoff on the site was delineated according to the existing drainage patterns found at the site and upon the field topographic survey completed within the site. The watershed delineation was conducted to provide a comparison for pre-development and post- development flows. The outfall of this site discharges into Rays Fork, an existing tributary to Richardson Creek (See Pre Development Drainage Map-Figure 4). H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 7 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report SECTION 9 - POST- DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS The post-development drainage basin is shown on the Post-Development Drainage Map located in Figure 5 of this report. The total post-development watershed area analyzed for this project is approximately 26.9 acres. The total post-development watershed area draining to Outfall 01 is approximately 8.36 acres, Outfall 02 is about 0.10 acres, Outfall 03 is about 8.76 acres, Outfall 04 is about 8.60 acres, and Outfall 5 is 1.00 acre. Although this site has more post- development discharge points than in the pre-development condition, total post-development peak flows are less than total pre-development conditions for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 25-yr storm events. See Appendices B and C for pre- and post-development SSA model input and results. See Summary of pre-development versus post-development results at the beginning of report. After development, the site will consist of approximately 38 single family lots, public roads, private driveways, and stormwater management features such as drainage swales, two closed bottom sand filters, and two dry ponds. Stormwater runoff from site will be conveyed to one of two proposed dry ponds each with a closed-bottom sand filter. The sand filters will meet North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality pre- and post-development flows for the two (2) year, ten (10) year, and twenty-five (25) year storm events as well as be able to accommodate the one hundred (100) year storm event. The proposed sand filters were designed to meet criteria found in the NCDEQ BMP Design Manual. The dry ponds as well as each respective outfall structure and spillway have been designed to accommodate up to the one hundred (100) year storm event. The spillway calculations can be seen in Appendix F.The following tables illustrate the maximum water surface elevation for the two (2) year, ten (10) year, twenty-five (25) year, and one hundred (100) year storm events. Table 2-Sand Filter/Dry Pond SCM 01 Bottom of Pond = 534 ft Crest of Emergency Spillway = 539.5 ft Top of Embankment= 540 ft Pond 01 Max Elevation Storm Event (ft) 2-Year 537.58 10-Year 538.98 25-Year 539.53 100-Year 539.88 1" Rainfall WSEL:535.09 ft H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 8 TStewart's Grove Subdivision J:31540.0000 HWingate, NC June 2024 Stormwater Management Report Table 3-Sand Filter/Dry Pond SCM 02 Bottom of Pond = 537 ft Crest of Emergency Spillway = 539.5 ft Top of Embankment= 540 ft Pond 02 Max Elevation Storm Event Of) 2-Year 538.63 10-Year 539.09 25-Year 539.31 100-Year 539.45 1" Rainfall WSEL:537.22 ft H THOMAS & HUTTON Page 9 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Figure 1 Site Location Map J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dh utlon.ocrn °a � tr*- . • K �c {Khi;' ,-'alit t `"ti_ t i ^.::f University • z o aoi 1 F W Wilson .F- . , t4.-'.-. 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TINS Map reeds Mare a..wa and up.date stream channel configuratIons than thoSe MAP REPOSITORY meas.,dent,all areas sultana to flooding,parfleularly from local drainage sources of smell RKKr to Seaton a a'Flood Protection Measures.of Me Flood InscranKK Study re,for sh.n on Me previous FIRM for Ova turissicton Tna.KKplans and floodways that were og (rei a sue The common!,map repos.,should be consulMd for possible updated or additional infon.on on..control shuctures in gas tunsalKKon tongs.,,,rye.,pp.,a,,ous pays,may,,,,,peon amt re,,,c,,,,,,.to b,es.a now orroam ,,,,,,_ ,. , , ,,u% flood haaeld s.iforma,on channel oonfturations As a result the Flood Profiles and Floachsay riate t.les in Me Flood Base'nap information and gKKsoalial de.used M.velop Ma FIRM were obtained from Imuranco Mudy N.M.,.contains eulPoningve hydraulic datal may relied stream channel EFFEII-VE' DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE NAP PANEL 0 OCTOBER la gOrn.1•....,„. ,E...C,111:1,1(111,1,IITIE,11,1.:LLAN -ro.slo moredetalled a....m mem where KKee Mond Mese..10FEet and.Botsdwalm various organintionS inClUding the partiapating KKal COMmuntlyltest stale a.federal Liston:es Mat drIfer from what is shown on Mis map 0 EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISIOMS)TO THIS PANEL =...t.wr r w we N......i.,sm.m se atm Flood insurance SI.(Flat moon Mat SCOOMperlieS 1119 FIRM Users saould be aware Mat BFEs data.supplied by.local commons..Mat mei FEMA base map specifications were layout of map panels.community map repository addresses and a Listing of Communities table .LIPV.rsZr=7,7!1,=== insurance men@ purposes only and shoutol not be used es the sole source of flood elevation me...mad e.g.!FiBM Mr st.tional.rmahon els.base map PrePara.n Panels on which each cornmunitY a tocetect This MON Flood Insurance BIB Map(FIRM)was produced through a unique cooperative par..,between Ihe SI.of No.Carolina and Me Federal EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER ort nese reap features sh.n on.map such as corporate Iln.me boo.on on,mont om If,,o.have gueetions about mi....,or.estloos....a,.,,,...1 rlo.mr.. En.e...v...a....Agency(FEIN, ITe State of Nh Carolina has date INS aVallaAN at Me erne CR IA tIliCatiOn Omen In Me Carper.linlitS May hBIB PrAS rarn in general plena Call 1-877-FENA MAP(I,.330-2627)or visit the FEW OCTOBER 16,2008 3710546400J aterAr:clgrIlinletn:::edmry7:===nr1: Boundanes of r......,hood.,snown on me FIRM for food.sources studied by data. ...red since We map was pub4i9h8d ma,users should con.the appKKriate community weheneel.KKWasylema o„ methods were competed M cross sections and Weep..between moss seceons Phe Poodways offical or welmes to ver,cure.comMona at pmaoltotoma bounden.o.base map features 01 II map floodplaln areas at Me local level As a pan of MIs effort,Me Male of No. ware based.mt..oormide.ons v.regard ..mewls on Me Natio.Ill Insurance Thrs snap may=tarn made that were nor considered 6 the hydrants analysis or streams lASre An accompanying Flood Insurance BEdy reb.Letter Of I.P Rectmon 0.0MR)or Salter ot Mal, te EScoa issuance SaKK reporl.ta M.o. 0 CarOlina haS joined in a COOpeMling TeChnical State agree..wlth FEMA to Pnogrant FlooKKay SW.and other NIB.nt floodwey data for noodIng sour.studwal by.alled non.hydraullc model was created during the pro.mron[RM.stmew.lonnat FIRM Amendment Pro..and mantaln inn 00tal FIRM methods as.11 as nonencroachment*he for toodIng sources studled by Smiled dMelled hnol.wv.,noflo.aps own.or contact the rEMA Map Service COMM'el 1-800-3584618 for wstsnes also proclaim instructIons br deterrnmIng a ilo.vey uslng non encroachment widths tor flooding nformmion on all relmed products associated yoKK this FIRM The FEMA MEI,Service Center ''''. 1 State or AN II www.ncfloodmaps.com sources se...Ended O..methods may also be reach.by Fax at 1.0,50 9620 a,ts web...Ns.mac ferna oos. '("g';',71: „,,,„,„„„=,,„,,,...,' ,.......051:l.1.=`,1,= %1 M, 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency..) HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Figure 4 Pre-Development Drainage Map J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com ;�PRE-DEVELOPMENT FLOW SCS 24-HOUR (cfs) _ G Storm Event Basin 1 Outfall Basin 2 Outfall Basin 3 Outfall Total ,, ft^ 2yr Storm 20• .18 0• .27 16• .86 37.31 �- 4° . VIII . .....0.,_, . \ A ' ,,ilk 11 . 10yr Storm 39.14 0.56 33.1 72.8 4 .O �.y 25yr Storm 51.41 0.76 43.95 96.12 > ,- 1. , - . Wah :.. 4‘ ,_ ' - , _ , *Ilk:_, . .i'' . ,,;; • illi, ..4. , *4 , %, . Ilit'r. . •"'"---- ' If F. _ r t fix.. . - - t - 0 0 rliNS' ,, ►, 01 c4► i ''�" ,:e -it 7/4 ik ' 411- ilki...- 4 6,'e . - ...._ , te% _.., _ c: t .., ijitatip. je ° ‘11: 11--' •. • is' • ,., „.• . 1 O' 4" ii -::) :, \1 0 • : ir. if ' , ,.,..•: , .14:= llhi Basin V . ' , �►. 1�2.38 ac. . .Jo � 14 i. :� 71 .64 k•, lltaplit 4 1' Va 2�3.6T7 � _�:`: ;� = iit ` — -\— W, 'Oliiiiiiitik" 43/4* \ of , f ,-- ,__. k Basing /' C1 0,:iiQ ac. A r , ' @ 70.0 0r al. Basin '] Ta5.00 � ��ip�� ` 14.40 ac. ,. �§ , ` 73.85 ,, _'` T 25.04 a . _AI ' ' * A''''''''—'".•••— ,—...._,....7. 7 ....."'' / *tY( . -\ , ...I!. ,•••• _ t . ''',-.----•----"-----.-...----/ ( .,.. , ., ilk i .+ �• - Ems, � E _. • ‘---------- -----‘ 41* \N.N.,...... .,,, < � � 744- -C° ' fitt, e. ..' :t ;: 4 i 1, 404 ,ii . 4 • Ffi E, —� °� $_ ' ledig i •\ ski �i _J Point of Analysis (Owl\4 * '• ' ., - o 0 ,`, Sheet Flow '� r '•"'44 ' Es. nd Shallow Concentrated Flow ti, ` y '. Channel Flow se t , s / r', '' l Rays Fork ,; �, 'Ilk . • • Basins ''';'•. 'em. :+r. '„ a Property Boundary : �y t, •1 '''t , R 0 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 of ,I 7 "t, Feet '• .. t�' 1 inch=200 feet O •.,,r�- - , _.t Fe zurebe.:31.0 iProd•ced:01/03/2024 iProd•ced 3v:MA3 I nn..fiea 1/2sn02a Neale 315a0\3154"C'\e'VA'd\315a0000'''' ''"'l"xtl ''D'un' — Pre-Development Drainage Area Exhibit Thomas&Hutton compiled the map information from the following sources: Data Source Date3 Aerials ESRI 01/03/202a A l/+ 1020 E U C L I O AVENUE Topography NOAA 01/03/2024 Union County, NC CHARLO TTEH ONC 28203• TT0.201.5505 WWTTE, NC 28203 UTTON.COM DISCLAIMER GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS .Ra,aII pme„oe,�e,�eetl. THOMAS yea me e m m5oee of eep eeem Ile1VOP�po�on of me ea a�oetl repRe,eo.ep,e,emamea. a,fofhea«pay p enessofrhetlCooright 02015 by Thomfo.pull°ble tlocumenfanonofifsrespecfivetlofosefs. Stewart's Grove HUTTON COPYRIGHT 2,2020 H THOMAS.HUTTON Copyright ORO15 by Thomas&XUXon No part of this document maybe reproduced without written permission from an officer of Thomas&Hutton. HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Figure 5 Post-Development Drainage Map J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com POST-DEVELOPMENT FLOW SCS 24-HOUR (cfs) 1 . Storm Event Basin 1 Outfall Basin 2 Outfall Basin 3 Outfall Basin 4 Outfall Basin 5 Outfall Total L 2yr Storm 12.1 0.19 12.87 11.32 0.31 36.79'. -'' ; ilit .. 10yr Storm 22.94 0.39 24.77 18.88 2.48 69.46 1 It. • 25yr Storm 29.93 0.53 32.7 26.3 4.22 93.68�q "�` .. / - _� • ,,, At _ . . . , , ,....____ ___- t .1. oi,,,,,, „..., ,,,• . •, .... ,,---- 0 , • . . ts .,,. . .‘:, ,‘ a \r 0, 0 `,, ,.._ ,1•71140:--- ■� ile 4►s ...••"'''Th : • .":44\,W- •• • . ' . a .40 �� 1@6lI) ik :_ , 1 6i)L., 7 :uvl :\ 4'' Basin K 1pi " 4.. r r '/ 8.926 ac. -,f. j, 76.27 a f1. 123.67 Cab k ` i A ' , '', z - /. , .40tr: — S. V e , . -----\, Af--------_____ ,,...,... , µ ,i .:'_ :, ' me . k* , . . Aillir, s . • r .i- - 2, ii fiii-1-1------.447" I 4 1 I I:10 s:/1 "\-7. - '"A' -'*Si , .• .'.' .1'. • '7 . ,.. - 1 I k' 11 I: 4 1°- 'I „ f,4 __.1.41/ Basin > G��� Al, �, S, , <<1/« _� .4_ Basin..) 8.598 ac. 11110.4��� l _ , 0)100 ac. \1 #�,I 73.00 I* , _......, ..„,,,, tek-. ...c.-- * ' - ' -. • `,, a:... \ : ril* . „..),• �� - --%/r,id / - .z.-- f. i ''', • 7. g l� ��l /7.. r� / '...---N--(111111 .00 , '°71/: / . ---- .,_.... _ f*". ' ,-, ....t yr , , :0:0-„,/ ' , ii ( �, ,\\ �Tie;%.0 - 7( . Basin q �. 8.360 ac. CQI ill � _ Basin 5 Ta[U.81 -.. 1 .002 ac. 8865 _ ,./o �109�3 min . l U Point of Analysis r: Sheet Flow 1 Shallow Concentrated Flow ' + e ° Channel Flow ° . -- Rays Fork iikli - ` * - .\ Post Basinslion . "�'r =Property Boundary *.... Proposed Pond eik.,... ` I�1�1 -_--/ 0 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 • its' •• 1.. -_� Feet r 1 1 inch=200 feet O t k i ember: s: 1 Rotlecetl:01/03/202d I R rzcs BY:Mne I nn..fiea 6/6/202d I VM:\315d0\Hutt000\GIS\pile 5thD000apinpIROatiotl icolDotum. Post-Development Thomas&Hutton compiled the map information from the following sources: Data Source Date Aerials ESRI 01/03/2024 • • 1 0 L I topography NOAA 01/03/2024 Drainage Area Exhibit CHARLOTTE2,0 NC E U 28C203DA V 980ENU.2E01.5505 W W W.THOMASANDHUTTON.COM DISCLAIMER Union County, NC GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS .Ra,all pme,•oe,ce•citea THOMAS yea me e m m'oee of eep seem���e�emo�of me ea a�a�tl mpRe��o,ep,e�emam� & as to tM1e accpa Y c p eness of tM1e Copyright 2015 M1soemefos Hutt ble tlocumentofion of its respective tlotosets. HUTTON COPYRIGHT 02020 HTHOMAS a HUTTON M1oCopyrlgh10RO156yThomas&XUXon Stewart's Grove No part of this document maybe reproduced without written permission from an officer of Thomas&Hutton. HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix A Hydrologic Soils Report J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dh utlon.ocrn a Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County,North Carolina ,, N (31540-Stewart's Grove Basin Soils) $ $ W W 549803 549300 550000 550100 550200 550300 550400 34°58'46'N .. 34°58'46"N y.'" "*.:". c :3TaB .4,'.. # ' -I, - y . s> = / ' .. g g 4044%,,, .BdB2 N / Y l I Q 4. 441,11t IN N- 1\ ,, i a, Bd0-2 Ifs it 1 ' N t ede GoE '4 r C hA1 �� / , t -.-1 f , i; R --.14‘12011- VI :.11101jOidieht or n 1 g + lir':. 8 8 "', 1. Rays F°rK ,rOO 01 AF4) i_llia-f n© bQ etird4 aid Ilt� ar_ --- 0 34°58'16"N 34°58'16"N 549800 549900 550000 550103 550200 550300 550400 r. 3 3 N Map Scale:1:4,450 if printed on A portrait(8.5"x 11")sheet - Mem a N 0 50 100 200 300rs $ Feet 0 200 400 m 800 1200 Map projection:Web Mercator Coer coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County,North Carolina (31540-Stewart's Grove Basin Soils) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) p c The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:24,000. 0 C/D Soils • D Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Soil Rating Polygons 0 A p Not rated or not available Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil n A/D Water Features line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of Streams and Canals contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed n B scale. Transportation Q B/D r4-1. Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map n C measurements. ti Interstate Highways C/D US Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: 0 D Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) n Not rated or not available Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Soil Rating Lines Background projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts • • A distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the 1111 Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more • • A/D accurate calculations of distance or area are required. ^r B This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as ,. B/D of the version date(s)listed below. • r C Soil Survey Area: Union County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 24,Sep 13,2023 • • C/D Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales • • D 1:50,000 or larger. • w Not rated or not available Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Apr 17,2022—May Soil Rating Points 20,2022 p A The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background O A/D imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor • B shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. • B/D USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County, North Carolina 31540-Stewart's Grove Basin Soils Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BdB2 Badin channery silty C 26.7 60.2% clay loam,2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded BdC2 Badin channery silty C 13.9 31.4% clay loam,8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded ChA Chewacla silt loam,0 to B/D 2.0 4.5% 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded GoE Goldston very channery D 0.0 0.0% silt loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes GsB Goldston-Badin D 1.6 3.7% complex,2 to 8 percent slopes TaB Tarrus gravelly silt loam, B 0.1 0.1% 2 to 8 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 44.3 100.0% Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/29/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 HT THOMAS HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix B Existing Conditions SSA Reports J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Pre.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration(IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 Link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting'lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 3 Nodes 3 Junctions 1 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 links 1 Channels 0 Pipes 1 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Wens 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-002 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 2.00 3.64 SCS Type ll24-hr Pre-Development 002-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 14.40 484.00 76.04 3.64 1.47 21.17 20.32 0 00:25:02 2 Sub-02 0.15 484.00 73.00 3.64 1.27 0.19 0.28 0 00:06:00 3 Sub-03 12.38 484.00 75.16 3.64 1.41 17.48 17.23 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak IvhxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Ivhx) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Hooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 6-Jun Junction 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 37.04 0.00 0.00 6.00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-06 Outfall 0.00 37.04 0.00 3 Out-07 Outfall 0.00 0.27 0.00 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 4 link Summary SN Element Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total lime Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Link-07 Pipe 6-Jun Out-06 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.0130 37.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:Sub-01 Input Data Area(ac) 14.4 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods&grass combination,Fair 1.53 D 82 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods&grass combination,Fair 4.46 C 76 Woods,Fair 7.78 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 14.41 76.04 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivkthod:SCS lR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(SP0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness If=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf 0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf 0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf 0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf'0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf^0.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf'0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(If/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=lime of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Area(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Pre-Development 002-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.5 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 4.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.75 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 197.7542 0 0 Slope(%): 7.585 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.38 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 2.39 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.035 0.035 0 Flow Length(ft): 434.7619 952.9728 0 Channel Slope(%): 5.29 0.6296 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 12 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 10 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.79 3.81 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.74 4.16 0 Total TOC(min) 25.04 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.47 PeakRunoff(cfs) 20.32 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:25:02 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 7 Subbasin:Sub-01 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 - 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 t 2.8 - _ c 2.6 — • cm 2.4 m 2.2 IX 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.4 0. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 22 21- 20- 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 o 11 0 o 10 9 8- 6. 5- 4- 3 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 002-Year Page 8 Subbasin:Sub-02 Input Data Area(ac) 0.15 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.15 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.15 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.27 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.28 Weighted Curve Number 73 Tame of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 9 Subbasin:Sub-02 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 _c g 2.8 _ 2.6 - • 2.4 2.2 2 - 1.8 - 1.6 1.4_- 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 o.z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.28 0.27 - - 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.2 0.19 0.18 0.17 w 0.16 o 0.15 0.14 0 S 0.13 K 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 002-Year Page 10 Subbasin:Sub-03 Input Data Area(ac) 12.38 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 1.05 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.34 D 79 Woods,Fair 8.37 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.16 D 84 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.37 C 79 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 12.38 75.16 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area OP): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 1.41 Peak l unoff(cfs) 17.23 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 11 Subbasin:Sub-03 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5- 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 s g c 2.8 _ - 2.6 - `c 2.4 ix 2.2 2 - • 1.6 1.4 - 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 18 17- 16 15 14 13 12 11 m 10- O • 9 O C • 8 7 6 5 4- 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 002-Year Page 12 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (m) (m) (cfs) 1 Link-07 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pre-Development 002-Year Page 13 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Trawl Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 L nk-07 37.04 0 12:15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Pre.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration(IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 Link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting'lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 3 Nodes 3 Junctions 1 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 links 1 Channels 0 Pipes 1 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Wens 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-010 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 10.00 5.33 SCS Type ll24-hr Pre-Development 010-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 14.40 484.00 76.04 5.33 2.81 40.52 39.75 0 00:25:02 2 Sub-02 0.15 484.00 73.00 5.33 2.54 0.38 0.58 0 00:06:00 3 Sub-03 12.38 484.00 75.16 5.33 2.73 33.84 34.08 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak IvhxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Ivhx) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Hooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 6-Jun Junction 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 72.24 0.00 0.00 6.00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-06 Outfall 0.00 72.24 0.00 3 Out-07 Outfall 0.00 0.56 0.00 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 4 link Summary SN Element Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total lime Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Link-07 Pipe 6-Jun Out-06 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.0130 72.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:Sub-01 Input Data Area(ac) 14.4 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods&grass combination,Fair 1.53 D 82 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods&grass combination,Fair 4.46 C 76 Woods,Fair 7.78 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 14.41 76.04 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivkthod:SCS lR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(SP0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness If=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf 0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf 0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf 0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf'0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf^0.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf'0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(If/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=lime of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Area(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Pre-Development 010-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.5 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 4.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.75 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 197.7542 0 0 Slope(%): 7.585 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.38 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 2.39 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.035 0.035 0 Flow Length(ft): 434.7619 952.9728 0 Channel Slope(%): 5.29 0.6296 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 12 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 10 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.79 3.81 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.74 4.16 0 Total TOC(min) 25.04 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 5.33 Total Runoff(in) 2.81 PeakRunoff(cfs) 39.75 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:25:02 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 7 Subbasin:Sub-01 Rainfall Intensity Graph 7.5 7 6.5- 6 5.5 5 4.5 - c 4 m c 3.5 m - IX 3 2.5 • 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 42 40- 38- 36 34 32 30 28 26- w 24 22 c 20- 18 16 14 12- 10- 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 010-Year Page 8 Subbasin:Sub-02 Input Data Area(ac) 0.15 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.15 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.15 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 5.33 Total Runoff(in) 2.54 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.58 Weighted Curve Number 73 Tame of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 9 Subbasin:Sub-02 Rainfall Intensity Graph 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 .c 4.5 . c - 4 • 2 c 3.5 3 . 2.5 . 2 1.5 • 1 0.5� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.62 0.6 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.4 0.38 0.36 40 0.34 0.32 0 0.3 c � 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 010-Year Page 10 Subbasin:Sub-03 Input Data Area(ac) 12.38 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 1.05 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.34 D 79 Woods,Fair 8.37 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.16 D 84 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.37 C 79 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 12.38 75.16 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area OP): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 5.33 Total Runoff(in) 2.73 Peak l unoff(cfs) 34.08 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Tune of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 11 Subbasin:Sub-03 Rainfall Intensity Graph 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 t 4.5 c — 4 • m c .@ 3.5- 3- 2.5 2 1.5 • 1 0.5� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 36 34- 32 30 28 26 24 22 w 20 o 18 O C 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 010-Year Page 12 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (m) (m) (cfs) 1 Link-07 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pre-Development 010-Year Page 13 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Trawl Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 L nk-07 72.24 0 12:15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Pre.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration(IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 Link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting'lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 3 Nodes 3 Junctions 1 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 links 1 Channels 0 Pipes 1 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Wens 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series IS-025 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 25.00 6.37 SCS Type ll24-hr Pre-Development 025-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 14.40 484.00 76.04 6.37 3.71 53.38 52.41 0 00:25:02 2 Sub-02 0.15 484.00 73.00 6.37 3.40 0.50 0.77 0 00:06:00 3 Sub-03 12.38 484.00 75.16 6.37 3.62 44.76 45.28 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak IvhxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Ivhx) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Hooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 6-Jun Junction 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 95.14 0.00 0.00 6.00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-06 Outfall 0.00 95.14 0.00 3 Out-07 Outfall 0.00 0.76 0.00 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 4 link Summary SN Element Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total lime Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Link-07 Pipe 6-Jun Out-06 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.0130 95.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:Sub-01 Input Data Area(ac) 14.4 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods&grass combination,Fair 1.53 D 82 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods&grass combination,Fair 4.46 C 76 Woods,Fair 7.78 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 14.41 76.04 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivkthod:SCS lR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(SP0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness If=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf 0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf 0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf 0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf'0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf^0.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf'0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(If/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=lime of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Area(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Pre-Development 025-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.5 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 4.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.75 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 197.7542 0 0 Slope(%): 7.585 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.38 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 2.39 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.035 0.035 0 Flow Length(ft): 434.7619 952.9728 0 Channel Slope(%): 5.29 0.6296 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 12 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 10 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.79 3.81 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.74 4.16 0 Total TOC(min) 25.04 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 TotalRunoff(in) 3.71 PeakRunoff(cfs) 52.41 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:25:02 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 7 Subbasin:Sub-01 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9 8.5 8 7.5 7- 6.5 6 5.5 s 5 c 4.5 c 4- 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 U 28 O 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 025-Year Page 8 Subbasin:Sub-02 Input Data Area(ac) 0.15 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.15 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.15 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.4 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.77 Weighted Curve Number 73 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 9 Subbasin:Sub-02 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9- 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c ix 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.85 0.8- 0.75- 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5- n - 1-20.45 c 0.4 0_ 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 025-Year Page 10 Subbasin:Sub-03 Input Data Area(ac) 12.38 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 1.05 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.34 D 79 Woods,Fair 8.37 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.16 D 84 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.37 C 79 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 12.38 75.16 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area OP): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.62 Peak l unoff(cfs) 45.28 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Tune of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 11 Subbasin:Sub-03 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9- 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 46 44 42- 40 38- 36 34 32- 30 28 26- 24 c 22 I• 20 18 16- 14 12 10- 8- 6- 4- 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 025-Year Page 12 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (m) (m) (cfs) 1 Link-07 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pre-Development 025-Year Page 13 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Trawl Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (min) (ft) (min) 1 L nk-07 95.14 0 12:15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Pre.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration(IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 Link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting'lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements Qty Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 3 Nodes 3 Junctions 1 Outfalls 2 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 0 links 1 Channels 0 Pipes 1 Pumps 0 Orifices 0 Wens 0 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-100 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 100.00 7.50 SCS Type II24-hr Pre-Development 100-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (in) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 14.40 484.00 76.04 7.50 4.71 67.84 66.40 0 00:25:02 2 Sub-02 0.15 484.00 73.00 7.50 4.37 0.65 0.99 0 00:06:00 3 Sub-03 12.38 484.00 75.16 7.50 4.61 57.08 57.70 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak vhxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Ivhx) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (fl) (fl) (fl) (ft') (cfe) (0) (0) (0) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 6-Jun Junction 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 120.38 0.00 0.00 6.00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Out-06 Outfall 0.00 120.38 0.00 3 Out-07 Outfall 0.00 0.98 0.00 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 4 link Summary SNElement Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Manning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total lime Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (ft) (ft) ($) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) ($/sec) (ft) (min) 1 Link-07 Pipe 6-Jun Out-06 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.0130 120.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:Sub-01 Input Data Area(ac) 14.4 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods&grass combination,Fair 1.53 D 82 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods&grass combination,Fair 4.46 C 76 Woods,Fair 7.78 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 14.41 76.04 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivkthod:SCS lR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(SP0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness If=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf 0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf 0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf 0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf'0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf^0.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf'0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(If/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=lime of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Area(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Pre-Development 100-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.5 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 4.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.75 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 197.7542 0 0 Slope(%): 7.585 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.38 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 2.39 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.035 0.035 0 Flow Length(ft): 434.7619 952.9728 0 Channel Slope(%): 5.29 0.6296 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 12 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 10 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.79 3.81 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.74 4.16 0 Total TOC(min) 25.04 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 7.5 Total Runoff(in) 4.71 PeakRunoff(cfs) 66.4 Weighted Curve Number 76.04 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:25:02 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 7 Subbasin:Sub-01 Rainfall Intensity Graph 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 t 6 c - ' 5.5 5 - 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 70 65 60 55 50 45- w 40_ U - 35 0 c o 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 100-Year Page 8 Subbasin:Sub-02 Input Data Area(ac) 0.15 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.15 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.15 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 7.5 Total Runoff(in) 4.37 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.99 Weighted Curve Number 73 Tame of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 9 Subbasin:Sub-02 Rainfall Intensity Graph 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 • 6 ca 0• 5.5 - 5 Ce 4.5 — 4 . 3.5 3 2.5 2 1- 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 1.05 1- 0.95- 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65- w 0.6- 0.55 0.5 z K 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3- 0.25- 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05- r` 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 100-Year Page 10 Subbasin:Sub-03 Input Data Area(ac) 12.38 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 1.05 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.34 D 79 Woods,Fair 8.37 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.16 D 84 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.37 C 79 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 12.38 75.16 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area OP): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 7.5 Total Runoff(in) 4.61 Peak l unoff(cfs) 57.7 Weighted Curve Number 75.16 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 11 Subbasin:Sub-03 Rainfall Intensity Graph 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 • 6 0 5.5 m _ c 5 Ce 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 0.5 � 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 wU 34 - 32 O 301 S 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 6 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Pre-Development 100-Year Page 12 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (m) (m) (cfs) 1 Link-07 289.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0130 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pre-Development 100-Year Page 13 Pipe Results SNElement Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) ($/sec) (min) ($) (min) 1 L nk-07 120.38 0 12:15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix C Proposed Conditions SSA Reports J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com Post-Development 002-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Post.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration('IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements QtY Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 5 Nodes 11 Junctions 2 Outfalls 7 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 2 links 10 Channels 0 Pipes 2 Pumps 0 Orifices 4 Wens 4 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-002 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 2.00 3.64 SCS Type ll24-hr Post-Development 002-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (n) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 1 8.36 484.00 77.84 3.64 1.59 13.32 12.11 0 00:27:48 2 2 0.10 484.00 73.00 3.64 1.27 0.13 0.20 0 00:06:00 3 3 8.93 484.00 76.27 3.64 1.49 13.26 13.17 0 00:23:40 4 4 8.55 484.00 90.69 3.64 2.64 22.60 29.47 0 00:11:31 5 5 1.00 484.00 88.65 3.64 2.46 2.46 3.72 0 00:06:00 Post-Development 002-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak MaxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 1-Jun Junction 531.50 540.00 531.50 9999.00 1.00 11.36 535.67 0.00 4.33 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 2-Jun Junction 533.00 540.00 533.00 9999.00 1.00 0.31 537.10 0.00 2.90 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Out-Ol Outfall 530.00 12.09 530.00 4 Out-02 Outfall 530.00 0.19 530.00 5 Out-03 Outfall 530.00 12.87 530.00 6 Out-04.1 Outfall 530.00 11.36 530.60 7 Out-04.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 8 Out-05.1 Outfall 530.00 0.31 530.10 9 Out-05.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 10 Pond-01 Storage Node 534.00 540.00 534.00 1.00 29.44 537.59 0.00 0.00 11 Pond-02 Storage Node 537.00 540.00 537.00 1.00 3.69 538.63 0.00 0.00 Post-Development 002-Year Page 4 link Summary SNElement Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Ivlanning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity DesignFlow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (8) (0) (8) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (8) (min) 1 Link-Ol Pipe 1-Jun Out-04.1 100.00 535.00 530.00 5.0000 36.000 0.0150 11.36 129.26 0.09 10.41 0.63 0.21 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Pipe 2-Jun Out-05.1 100.00 537.00 530.00 7.0000 36.000 0.0150 0.31 152.94 0.00 4.22 0.10 0.03 0.00 Calculated 3 Orifice-01 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 1.000 0.04 4 Orifice-01.2 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 15.000 0.00 5 Orifice-02 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 1.000 0.03 6 Orifice-02.2 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 24.000 0.00 7 Spillway-01 Weir Pond-01 Out-04.2 534.00 530.00 0.00 8 Spillway-02 Weir Pond-02 Out-05.2 537.00 530.00 0.00 9 Weir-Ol Weir Pond-Ol 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 11.32 10 Weir-02 Weir Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 0.27 Post-Development 002-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:1 Input Data Area(ac) 8.36 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 1.52 D 79 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods,Fair 3.75 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.45 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.36 77.84 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivhthod:SCS TR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(Sf`0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness 11=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf`0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf`0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf`0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf`0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf4.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf`0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/y/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Ana(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Post-Development 002-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.6 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 7.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 16.74 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 120.812 0 0 Slope(%): 4.1387 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.02 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 1.97 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.01 0.035 0.045 Flowlength(ft): 241.648 394.595 952.973 Channel Slope(%): 0.1 5.955 0.63 Cross SectionArea(ftz): 3 3 6 Wetted Perimeter(11): 3 3 8.47 Velocity(ft/sec): 4.71 10.39 2.09 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.85 0.63 7.61 Total TOC(min) 27.81 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.59 PeakRunoff(cfs) 12.11 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:27:49 Post-Development 002-Year Page 7 Subbas in:1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2- 4 3.8- 3.4 3.2 3 2.8- c 2.6 • cm 2.4- •m 2.2 • - IX 2- 1.8 1.6- 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 13 12.5 12 I 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 m 7.5 U 7 6.5 0 6 K 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 002-Year Page 8 Subbasin:2 Input Data Area(ac) 0.1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.1 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.1 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.27 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.2 Weighted Curve Number 73 Tame of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 002-Year Page 9 Subbasin:2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.2 0.19- 0.18_ 0.17 Il 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12- 40 0.11 0.1- o c - K 0.09- 0.08 0.07- 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 002-Year Page 10 Subbasin:3 Input Data Area(ac) 8.93 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 3.86 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.33 D 79 Woods,Fair 4.5 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 D 84 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.93 76.27 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2yr,24hrRainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(m) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 1.49 Peak Runoff(cfs) 13.17 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Post-Development 002-Year Page 11 Subbasin:3 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 m 7.5 5_ 7 0 6.5 c 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 002-Year Page 12 Subbasin:4 Input Data Area(ac) 8.55 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 7.6 C 90 Pond 0.49 C 99 OffsiteDrainage 0.31 C 100 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.55 90.69 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 50 0 0 Slope(%): 4 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/s ec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 8.94 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.013 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1523.617 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 1.068 0 0 Cross Section Area(IF): 7.068 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 9.425 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.78 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.6 0 0 Total lOC(min) 11.53 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 2.64 PeakRunoff(cfs) 29.47 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:11:32 Post-Development 002-Year Page 13 Subbasin:4 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472— 2 2.4 ct 2.2 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 - .20 17 16 0 15 c 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 002-Year Page 14 Subbasin:5 Input Data Area(ac) 1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 0.74 C 90 Pond 0.12 C 99 Woods,Fair 0.14 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 1 88.65 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 2.46 PeakRunoff(cfs) 3.72 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 002-Year Page 15 Subbasin:5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6- 2.4 U 2 o c 1.8 1.4 1.2- 1_ 0.8 0.6- 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 002-Year Page 16 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (in) (cfs) 1 L nk-01 100.00 535.00 3.50 530.00 0.00 5.00 5.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 L nk-02 100.00 537.00 4.00 530.00 0.00 7.00 7.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Post-Development 002-Year Page 17 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow PeakFlow/ PeakFlow Trawl PeakFlow PeakFlow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow PeakFlow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (mm) (ft) (mm) 1 Lmk-01 11.36 0 12:16 129.26 0.09 10.41 0.16 0.63 0.21 0.00 Calculated 2lmk-02 0.31 0 12:38 152.94 0.00 4.22 0.39 0.10 0.03 0.00 Calculated Post-Development 002-Year Page 18 Storage Nodes Storage Node:Pond-01 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 534.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Max(Rim)Offset(ft) 6.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 534.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft5) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (It) 1 Spillway-Ol Rectangular No 539.50 5.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-Ol Rectangular No 536.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (m) (ft) 1 Orifice-Ol Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 532.50 0.61 2 Orifice-01.2 Bottom Rectangular No 15.00 15.00 538.75 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 29.44 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 29.44 PeakOutflow(cfs) 11.36 Peak Fxflltration Flow Rate(cfm) 0 Max HGLFevation Attained(ft) 537.59 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 3.59 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 535.48 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.48 Time of MaxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:16 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-ft3) 0 Total Hooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total lime Flooded(min) 0 Total Retention lime(sec) 0 Post-Development 002-Year Page 19 Storage Node:Pond-02 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 537.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Nhx(Rim)Offset(ft) 3.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 537.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-02 Rectangular No 539.50 2.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-02 Rectangular No 538.50 1.50 1.75 0.75 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (in) (ft) 1 Orifice-02 Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 537.00 0.61 2 Orifice-02.2 Bottom Rectangular No 24.00 24.00 539.25 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak inflow(cfs) 3.69 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 3.69 Peak Outflow(cfs) 0.31 Peak afiltration Flow Rate(cftn) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(ft) 538.63 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.63 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 537.89 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 0.89 Time oftvhxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:38 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-ft') 0 Total Flooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total Time Hooded(min) 0 Total Retention Time(sec) 0 Post-Development 010-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Post.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration('IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements QtY Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 5 Nodes 11 Junctions 2 Outfalls 7 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 2 links 10 Channels 0 Pipes 2 Pumps 0 Orifices 4 Wens 4 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-010 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 10.00 5.33 SCS Type ll24-hr Post-Development 010-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (n) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 1 8.36 484.00 77.84 3.64 1.59 13.32 12.11 0 00:27:48 2 2 0.10 484.00 73.00 3.64 1.27 0.13 0.20 0 00:06:00 3 3 8.93 484.00 76.27 3.64 1.49 13.26 13.17 0 00:23:40 4 4 8.55 484.00 90.69 3.64 2.64 22.60 29.47 0 00:11:31 5 5 1.00 484.00 88.65 3.64 2.46 2.46 3.72 0 00:06:00 Post-Development 010-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak MaxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 1-Jun Junction 531.50 540.00 531.50 9999.00 1.00 11.36 535.67 0.00 4.33 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 2-Jun Junction 533.00 540.00 533.00 9999.00 1.00 0.31 537.10 0.00 2.90 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Out-Ol Outfall 530.00 12.09 530.00 4 Out-02 Outfall 530.00 0.19 530.00 5 Out-03 Outfall 530.00 12.87 530.00 6 Out-04.1 Outfall 530.00 11.36 530.60 7 Out-04.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 8 Out-05.1 Outfall 530.00 0.31 530.10 9 Out-05.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 10 Pond-01 Storage Node 534.00 540.00 534.00 1.00 29.44 537.59 0.00 0.00 11 Pond-02 Storage Node 537.00 540.00 537.00 1.00 3.69 538.63 0.00 0.00 Post-Development 010-Year Page 4 link Summary SNElement Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Ivlanning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity DesignFlow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (0) (0) (0) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (0) (min) 1 Link-Ol Pipe 1-Jun Out-04.1 100.00 535.00 530.00 5.0000 36.000 0.0150 11.36 129.26 0.09 10.41 0.63 0.21 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Pipe 2-Jun Out-05.1 100.00 537.00 530.00 7.0000 36.000 0.0150 0.31 152.94 0.00 4.22 0.10 0.03 0.00 Calculated 3 Orifice-01 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 1.000 0.04 4 Orifice-01.2 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 15.000 0.00 5 Orifice-02 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 1.000 0.03 6 Orifice-02.2 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 24.000 0.00 7 Spillway-01 Weir Pond-01 Out-04.2 534.00 530.00 0.00 8 Spillway-02 Weir Pond-02 Out-05.2 537.00 530.00 0.00 9 Weir-Ol Weir Pond-Ol 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 11.32 10 Weir-02 Weir Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 0.27 Post-Development 010-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:1 Input Data Area(ac) 8.36 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 1.52 D 79 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods,Fair 3.75 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.45 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.36 77.84 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivhthod:SCS TR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(Sf`0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness 11=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf`0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf`0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf`0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf`0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf4.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf`0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/y/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Ana(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Post-Development 010-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.6 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 7.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 16.74 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 120.812 0 0 Slope(%): 4.1387 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.02 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 1.97 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.01 0.035 0.045 Flowlength(ft): 241.648 394.595 952.973 Channel Slope(%): 0.1 5.955 0.63 Cross SectionArea(ftz): 3 3 6 Wetted Perimeter(11): 3 3 8.47 Velocity(ft/sec): 4.71 10.39 2.09 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.85 0.63 7.61 Total TOC(min) 27.81 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.59 PeakRunoff(cfs) 12.11 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:27:49 Post-Development 010-Year Page 7 Subbas in:1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2- 4 3.8- 3.4 3.2 3 2.8- c 2.6 • cm 2.4- •m 2.2 • - IX 2- 1.8 1.6- 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 13 12.5 12 I 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 m 7.5 U 7 6.5 0 6 K 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 010-Year Page 8 Subbasin:2 Input Data Area(ac) 0.1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.1 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.1 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 TotalRunoff(in) 1.27 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.2 Weighted Curve Number 73 Tame of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 010-Year Page 9 Subbasin:2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.2 0.19- 0.18_ 0.17 Il 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12- 40 0.11 0.1- o c - K 0.09- 0.08 0.07- 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 010-Year Page 10 Subbasin:3 Input Data Area(ac) 8.93 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 3.86 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.33 D 79 Woods,Fair 4.5 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 D 84 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.93 76.27 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(m) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 1.49 Peak Runoff(cfs) 13.17 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Post-Development 010-Year Page 11 Subbasin:3 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 • 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 m 7.5 5_ 7 0 6.5 c 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 010-Year Page 12 Subbasin:4 Input Data Area(ac) 8.55 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 7.6 C 90 Pond 0.49 C 99 OffsiteDrainage 0.31 C 100 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.55 90.69 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 50 0 0 Slope(%): 4 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/s ec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 8.94 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.013 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1523.617 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 1.068 0 0 Cross Section Area(IF): 7.068 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 9.425 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.78 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.6 0 0 Total lOC(min) 11.53 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 2.64 PeakRunoff(cfs) 29.47 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:11:32 Post-Development 010-Year Page 13 Subbasin:4 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472— 2 2.4 ix 2.2 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 - 40 17 16 0 15 c 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 010-Year Page 14 Subbasin:5 Input Data Area(ac) 1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 0.74 C 90 Pond 0.12 C 99 Woods,Fair 0.14 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 1 88.65 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 3.64 Total Runoff(in) 2.46 PeakRunoff(cfs) 3.72 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 010-Year Page 15 Subbasin:5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 c 2.8 2.6 • 472- 2 2.4 ct 2.2 • 2 • 1.8 1.6 1.4 • 1.2 • 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6- 2.4 U 2 o c 1.8 1.4 1.2- 1_ 0.8 0.6- 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 010-Year Page 16 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (in) (cfs) 1 L nk-01 100.00 535.00 3.50 530.00 0.00 5.00 5.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 L nk-02 100.00 537.00 4.00 530.00 0.00 7.00 7.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Post-Development 010-Year Page 17 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow PeakFlow/ PeakFlow Trawl PeakFlow PeakFlow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow PeakFlow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (mm) (ft) (mm) 1 Lmk-01 11.36 0 12:16 129.26 0.09 10.41 0.16 0.63 0.21 0.00 Calculated 2lmk-02 0.31 0 12:38 152.94 0.00 4.22 0.39 0.10 0.03 0.00 Calculated Post-Development 010-Year Page 18 Storage Nodes Storage Node:Pond-01 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 534.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Max(Rim)Offset(ft) 6.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 534.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft5) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (It) (ft) (It) 1 Spillway-Ol Rectangular No 539.50 5.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-Ol Rectangular No 536.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (m) (ft) 1 Orifice-Ol Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 532.50 0.61 2 Orifice-01.2 Bottom Rectangular No 15.00 15.00 538.75 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 29.44 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 29.44 PeakOutflow(cfs) 11.36 Peak Fxflltration Flow Rate(cfm) 0 Max HGLFevation Attained(ft) 537.59 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 3.59 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 535.48 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.48 Time of MaxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:16 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-fl3) 0 Total Hooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total lime Flooded(min) 0 Total Retention lime(sec) 0 Post-Development 010-Year Page 19 Storage Node:Pond-02 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 537.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Nhx(Rim)Offset(ft) 3.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 537.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-02 Rectangular No 539.50 2.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-02 Rectangular No 538.50 1.50 1.75 0.75 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (in) (ft) 1 Orifice-02 Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 537.00 0.61 2 Orifice-02.2 Bottom Rectangular No 24.00 24.00 539.25 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak inflow(cfs) 3.69 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 3.69 Peak Outflow(cfs) 0.31 PeakE+dfltration Flow Rate(cftn) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(It) 538.63 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.63 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 537.89 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 0.89 Time oftvhxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:38 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-ft') 0 Total Flooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total Time Hooded(min) 0 Total Retention Time(sec) 0 Post-Development 025-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Post.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration('IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Tune Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements QtY Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 5 Nodes 11 Junctions 2 Outfalls 7 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 2 links 10 Channels 0 Pipes 2 Pumps 0 Orifices 4 Wens 4 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-025 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 25.00 6.37 SCS Type ll24-hr Post-Development 025-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (n) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 1 8.36 484.00 77.84 6.37 3.89 32.53 30.06 0 00:27:48 2 2 0.10 484.00 73.00 6.37 3.40 0.34 0.54 0 00:06:00 3 3 8.93 484.00 76.27 6.37 3.73 33.29 33.65 0 00:23:40 4 4 8.55 484.00 90.69 6.37 5.29 45.17 56.74 0 00:11:31 5 5 1.00 484.00 88.65 6.37 5.06 5.06 7.41 0 00:06:00 Post-Development 025-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak MaxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 1-Jun Junction 531.50 540.00 531.50 9999.00 1.00 25.90 536.08 0.00 3.92 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 2-Jun Junction 533.00 540.00 533.00 9999.00 1.00 4.22 537.36 0.00 2.64 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Out-Ol Outfall 530.00 29.94 530.00 4 Out-02 Outfall 530.00 0.53 530.00 5 Out-03 Outfall 530.00 32.70 530.00 6 Out-04.1 Outfall 530.00 25.90 530.91 7 Out-04.2 Outfall 530.00 0.50 530.00 8 Out-05.1 Outfall 530.00 4.23 530.35 9 Out-05.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 10 Pond-01 Storage Node 534.00 540.00 534.00 1.00 56.63 539.54 0.00 0.00 11 Pond-02 Storage Node 537.00 540.00 537.00 1.00 7.33 539.31 0.00 0.00 Post-Development 025-Year Page 4 link Summary SNElement Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Ivlanning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity DesignFlow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (8) (0) (8) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (8) (min) 1 Link-Ol Pipe 1-Jun Out-04.1 100.00 535.00 530.00 5.0000 36.000 0.0150 25.90 129.26 0.20 12.64 0.99 0.33 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Pipe 2-Jun Out-05.1 100.00 537.00 530.00 7.0000 36.000 0.0150 4.23 152.94 0.03 9.07 0.34 0.12 0.00 Calculated 3 Orifice-01 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 1.000 0.05 4 Orifice-01.2 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 15.000 6.97 5 Orifice-02 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 1.000 0.04 6 Orifice-02.2 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 24.000 0.44 7 Spillway-01 Weir Pond-01 Out-04.2 534.00 530.00 0.50 8 Spillway-02 Weir Pond-02 Out-05.2 537.00 530.00 0.00 9 Weir-Ol Weir Pond-Ol 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 18.88 10 Weir-02 Weir Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 3.75 Post-Development 025-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:1 Input Data Area(ac) 8.36 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 1.52 D 79 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods,Fair 3.75 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.45 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.36 77.84 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivhthod:SCS TR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(Sf`0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness 11=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf`0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf`0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf`0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf`0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf4.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf`0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/y/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Ana(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Post-Development 025-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.6 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 7.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 16.74 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 120.812 0 0 Slope(%): 4.1387 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.02 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 1.97 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.01 0.035 0.045 Flowlength(ft): 241.648 394.595 952.973 Channel Slope(%): 0.1 5.955 0.63 Cross SectionArea(ftz): 3 3 6 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 3 8.47 Velocity(ft/sec): 4.71 10.39 2.09 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.85 0.63 7.61 Total TOC(min) 27.81 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.89 PeakRunoff(cfs) 30.06 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:27:49 Post-Development 025-Year Page 7 Subbas in:1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9 8.5- 8 7.5 7- 6.5 6 5.5 s 5 c - 4.5 . C 4_ 3.5 3 . 2.5 2 1.5 0.5- • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 - 17 16 0 15 c 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 025-Year Page 8 Subbasin:2 Input Data Area(ac) 0.1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.1 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.1 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.4 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.54 Weighted Curve Number 73 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 025-Year Page 9 Subbasin:2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- s 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c ix 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.56 0.54 - - 0.52 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.4 0.38 0.36 0.34 m 0.32 O 0.3 • 0.28 0 S 0.26 K 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 025-Year Page 10 Subbasin:3 Input Data Area(ac) 8.93 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 3.86 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.33 D 79 Woods,Fair 4.5 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 D 84 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.93 76.27 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(m) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.73 Peak Runoff(cfs) 33.65 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Tune of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Post-Development 025-Year Page 11 Subbasin:3 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- s 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 36 34 32 30 28 26- 24 22 P0- om 1 O8 C • 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 025-Year Page 12 Subbasin:4 Input Data Area(ac) 8.55 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001. Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 7.6 C 90 Pond 0.49 C 99 OffsiteDrainage 0.31 C 100 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.55 90.69 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 50 0 0 Slope(%): 4 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/s ec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 8.94 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.013 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1523.617 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 1.068 0 0 Cross Section Area(IF): 7.068 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 9.425 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.78 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.6 0 0 Total lOC(min) 11.53 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 5.29 PeakRunoff(cfs) 56.74 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:11:32 Post-Development 025-Year Page 13 Subbasin:4 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- s 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c ix 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 - 36 U 34 32 0 30 S 28 • 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 025-Year Page 14 Subbasin:5 Input Data Area(ac) 1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 0.74 C 90 Pond 0.12 C 99 Woods,Fair 0.14 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 1 88.65 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 5.06 PeakRunoff(cfs) 7.41 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 025-Year Page 15 Subbasin:5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- "1-: 5.5 5 • 4.5 c 2 4 3.5 • 3_ 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 8 7.5 — 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 N 4.5 5 4 c K 3.5 3 2.5 2- 1.5 1-0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 025-Year Page 16 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (in) (cfs) 1 L nk-01 100.00 535.00 3.50 530.00 0.00 5.00 5.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 L nk-02 100.00 537.00 4.00 530.00 0.00 7.00 7.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Post-Development 025-Year Page 17 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow PeakFlow/ PeakFlow Trawl PeakFlow PeakFlow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow PeakFlow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (mm) (ft) (mm) 1 Lmk-01 25.90 0 12:14 129.26 0.20 12.64 0.13 0.99 0.33 0.00 Calculated 2lmk-02 4.23 0 12:08 152.94 0.03 9.07 0.18 0.34 0.12 0.00 Calculated Post-Development 025-Year Page 18 Storage Nodes Storage Node:Pond-01 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 534.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Max(Rim)Offs etHI) 6.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 534.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(05) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (It) (ft) (It) 1 Spillway-Ol Rectangular No 539.50 5.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-Ol Rectangular No 536.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (m) (ft) 1 Orifice-Ol Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 532.50 0.61 2 Orifice-01.2 Bottom Rectangular No 15.00 15.00 538.75 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 56.63 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 56.63 PeakOutflow(cfs) 26.39 Peak Fxflltration Flow Rate(cfm) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(ft) 539.54 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 5.54 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 536.24 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 2.24 Time of MaxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:14 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-fl3) 0 Total Hooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total lime Flooded(min) 0 Total Retention lime(sec) 0 Post-Development 025-Year Page 19 Storage Node:Pond-02 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 537.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Nhx(Rim)Offset(ft) 3.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 537.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft') 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-02 Rectangular No 539.50 2.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-02 Rectangular No 538.50 1.50 1.75 0.75 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (in) (in) (ft) 1 Orifice-02 Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 537.00 0.61 2 Orifice-02.2 Bottom Rectangular No 24.00 24.00 539.25 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 7.33 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 7.33 Peak Outflow(cfs) 4.22 Peak E ifitration Flow Rate(cftn) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(It) 539.31 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 2.31 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 538.14 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.14 Time oftvhxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:07 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-ft') 0 Total Flooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total Time Hooded(min) 0 Total Retention Time(sec) 0 Post-Development 100-Year Page 1 Project Description File Name 31540-Post.SPF Project Options Flow Units CFS Elevation Type Elevation HydrologyMethod SCS TR 55 Time of Concentration('IOC)Ivvthod SCS TR 55 link Routing Ivlthod Hydrodynamic Enable OwrflowPonding at Nodes YES Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods NO Analysis Options Start Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 End Analysis On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Start Reporting On 00:00:00 0:00:00 Antecedent DryDays 0 days Runoff(Dry Weather)Time Step 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss Runoff(Wet Weather)Tune Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Reporting lime Step 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss Routing Time Step 30 seconds Number of Elements QtY Rain Gages 1 Subbasins 5 Nodes 11 Junctions 2 Outfalls 7 Flow Diversions 0 Inlets 0 Storage Nodes 2 links 10 Channels 0 Pipes 2 Pumps 0 Orifices 4 Wens 4 Outlets 0 Pollutants 0 Land Uses 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years) (inches) 49 Time Series 1S-100 Intensity inches North Carolina Union 100.00 7.50 SCS Type II24-hr Post-Development 100-Year Page 2 Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area PeakRate Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Factor Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac) (in) (n) (ac-in) (cfs) (days hh:mm:ss) 1 1 8.36 484.00 77.84 6.37 3.89 32.53 30.06 0 00:27:48 2 2 0.10 484.00 73.00 6.37 3.40 0.34 0.54 0 00:06:00 3 3 8.93 484.00 76.27 6.37 3.73 33.29 33.65 0 00:23:40 4 4 8.55 484.00 90.69 6.37 5.29 45.17 56.74 0 00:11:31 5 5 1.00 484.00 88.65 6.37 5.06 5.06 7.41 0 00:06:00 Post-Development 100-Year Page 3 Node Summary SN Element Element Invert Ground/Rim Initial Surcharge Ponded Peak MaxHGL Max Mn Time of Total Total Time ID Type Elevation (Max) Water Elevation Area Inflow Elevation Surcharge Freeboard Peak Flooded Flooded Elevation Elevation Attained Depth Attained Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft') (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (days hh:mm) (ac-in) (min) 1 1-Jun Junction 531.50 540.00 531.50 9999.00 1.00 25.90 536.08 0.00 3.92 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 2-Jun Junction 533.00 540.00 533.00 9999.00 1.00 4.22 537.36 0.00 2.64 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Out-Ol Outfall 530.00 29.94 530.00 4 Out-02 Outfall 530.00 0.53 530.00 5 Out-03 Outfall 530.00 32.70 530.00 6 Out-04.1 Outfall 530.00 25.90 530.91 7 Out-04.2 Outfall 530.00 0.50 530.00 8 Out-05.1 Outfall 530.00 4.23 530.35 9 Out-05.2 Outfall 530.00 0.00 530.00 10 Pond-01 Storage Node 534.00 540.00 534.00 1.00 56.63 539.54 0.00 0.00 11 Pond-02 Storage Node 537.00 540.00 537.00 1.00 7.33 539.31 0.00 0.00 Post-Development 100-Year Page 4 link Summary SNElement Element From To(Outlet) Length Inlet Outlet Average Diameter or Ivlanning's Peak Design Flow Peak Flow/ Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Reported ID Type (Inlet) Node Invert Invert Slope Height Roughness Flow Capacity DesignFlow Velocity Depth Depth/ Surcharged Condition Node Elevation Elevation Ratio Total Depth Ratio (0) (0) (0) (%) (in) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/sec) (0) (min) 1 Link-Ol Pipe 1-Jun Out-04.1 100.00 535.00 530.00 5.0000 36.000 0.0150 25.90 129.26 0.20 12.64 0.99 0.33 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-02 Pipe 2-Jun Out-05.1 100.00 537.00 530.00 7.0000 36.000 0.0150 4.23 152.94 0.03 9.07 0.34 0.12 0.00 Calculated 3 Orifice-01 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 1.000 0.05 4 Orifice-01.2 Orifice Pond-01 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 15.000 6.97 5 Orifice-02 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 1.000 0.04 6 Orifice-02.2 Orifice Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 24.000 0.44 7 Spillway-01 Weir Pond-01 Out-04.2 534.00 530.00 0.50 8 Spillway-02 Weir Pond-02 Out-05.2 537.00 530.00 0.00 9 Weir-Ol Weir Pond-Ol 1-Jun 534.00 531.50 18.88 10 Weir-02 Weir Pond-02 2-Jun 537.00 533.00 3.75 Post-Development 100-Year Page 5 Subbas in Hydrology Subbasin:1 Input Data Area(ac) 8.36 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 1.52 D 79 Pond 0.64 C 99 Woods,Fair 3.75 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 2.45 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.36 77.84 Time ofConcentration TOC Ivhthod:SCS TR 55 Sheet Flow Equation: Tc=(0.007*((n*Lf)^0.8))/((P^0.5)*(Sf`0.4)) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) n =Ivlanning's roughness 11=Flow Length(ft) P=2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(inches) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation: V=16.1345*(Sf`0.5)(unpaved surface) V=20.3282*(Sf`0.5)(paved surface) V=15.0*(Sf`0.5)(grassed waterway surface) V=10.0*(Sf`0.5)(nearlybare&unfilled surface) V=9.0*(Sin0.5)(cultivated straight rows surface) V=7.0*(Sf4.5)(short grass pasture surface) V=5.0*(Sf`0.5)(woodland surface) V=2.5*(S14.5)(forestw/heavy litter surface) Tc=(Lf/V)/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation: V=(1.49*(R^(2/3))*(Sf`0.5))/n R=Aq/Wp Tc=(Lf/y/(3600 s ec/hr) Where: Tc=Time of Concentration(hr) Lf=Flow Length(ft) R=Hydraulic Radius(ft) Aq=Flow Ana(lt) Wp=Wetted Perimeter(ft) V=Velocity(ft/sec) Sf=Slope(ft/ft) n=tvhnnings roughness Post-Development 100-Year Page 6 Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.6 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 7.5 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 16.74 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 120.812 0 0 Slope(%): 4.1387 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.02 0 0 ComputedFlowlime(min): 1.97 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.01 0.035 0.045 Flowlength(ft): 241.648 394.595 952.973 Channel Slope(%): 0.1 5.955 0.63 Cross SectionArea(ftz): 3 3 6 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 3 8.47 Velocity(ft/sec): 4.71 10.39 2.09 Computed Flow Time(min): 0.85 0.63 7.61 Total TOC(min) 27.81 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.89 PeakRunoff(cfs) 30.06 Weighted Curve Number 77.84 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:27:49 Post-Development 100-Year Page 7 Subbas in:1 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9 8.5- 8 7.5 7- 6.5 6 5.5 s 5 c - 4.5 . C 4_ 3.5 3 . 2.5 2 1.5 0.5- • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 - 17 16 0 15 c 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 100-Year Page 8 Subbasin:2 Input Data Area(ac) 0.1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 73 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number Woods,Fair 0.1 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 0.1 73 Time ofConcentration User-Defined'IOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.4 Peak Runoff(cfs) 0.54 Weighted Curve Number 73 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 100-Year Page 9 Subbasin:2 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- s 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c ix 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 0.56 0.54 - - 0.52 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.4 0.38 0.36 0.34 m 0.32 O 0.3 • 0.28 0 S 0.26 K 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 100-Year Page 10 Subbasin:3 Input Data Area(ac) 8.93 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 50-75%grass cover,Fair 3.86 C 79 Woods,Fair 0.33 D 79 Woods,Fair 4.5 C 73 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 D 84 Pond 0.09 C 99 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.93 76.27 Time ofConcentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 100 0 0 Slope(%): 3 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 0.1 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 17.46 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length(ft): 240.015 0 0 Slope(%): 5 0 0 Surface Type: Woodland Unpaved Unpaved Velocity(ft/sec): 1.12 0 0 Computed Flow Tune(min): 3.57 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.027 0 0 Flow length(ft): 1414.34 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 2.616 0 0 Cross Section Area(ft'): 3 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 3 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 8.93 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.64 0 0 Total TOC(min) 23.67 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(m) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 3.73 Peak Runoff(cfs) 33.65 Weighted Curve Number 76.27 Tune of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:23:40 Post-Development 100-Year Page 11 Subbasin:3 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 36 34 32 30 28 26- 24 22 P0- om 1 O8 C • 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 100-Year Page 12 Subbasin:4 Input Data Area(ac) 8.55 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 7.6 C 90 Pond 0.49 C 99 OffsiteDrainage 0.31 C 100 50-75%grass cover,Fair 0.15 C 79 Composite Area&Weighted CN 8.55 90.69 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Nbnning's Roughness: 0.4 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 50 0 0 Slope(%): 4 0 0 2 yr,24 hr Rainfall(in): 3.5 0 0 Velocity(ft/s ec): 0.09 0 0 Computed Flow lime(min): 8.94 0 0 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness: 0.013 0 0 Flow Length(ft): 1523.617 0 0 Channel Slope(%): 1.068 0 0 Cross Section Area(IF): 7.068 0 0 Wetted Perimeter(ft): 9.425 0 0 Velocity(ft/sec): 9.78 0 0 Computed Flow Time(min): 2.6 0 0 Total lOC(min) 11.53 Subbasin RunoffResults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 5.29 PeakRunoff(cfs) 56.74 Weighted Curve Number 90.69 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:11:32 Post-Development 100-Year Page 13 Subbasin:4 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- s 5.5 • 5 • 4.5 c ix 4 3.5 3- 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 - 36 U 34 32 0 30 S 28 • 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 100-Year Page 14 Subbasin:5 Input Data Area(ac) 1 Peak Rate Factor 484 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Rain Gage ID Rain Gage-001 Composite Curve Number 32 Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Number 1/8 acre lots,65%impervious 0.74 C 90 Pond 0.12 C 99 Woods,Fair 0.14 C 73 Composite Area&Weighted CN 1 88.65 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override(minutes):5 Subbasin RunoffRe sults Total Rainfall(in) 6.37 Total Runoff(in) 5.06 PeakRunoff(cfs) 7.41 Weighted Curve Number 88.65 Time of Concentration(days hh:mm:ss) 0 00:05:00 Post-Development 100-Year Page 15 Subbasin:5 Rainfall Intensity Graph 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6- "1-: 5.5 5 • 4.5 c 2 4 3.5 • 3_ 2.5 2 1.5- 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Runoff Hydrograph 8 7.5 — 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 N 4.5 5 4 c K 3.5 3 2.5 2- 1.5 1-0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time(hrs) Post-Development 100-Year Page 16 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Ivhnning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No.of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (in) (in) (cfs) 1 L nk-01 100.00 535.00 3.50 530.00 0.00 5.00 5.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 L nk-02 100.00 537.00 4.00 530.00 0.00 7.00 7.0000 CIRCULAR 36.000 36.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Post-Development 100-Year Page 17 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow PeakFlow/ PeakFlow Trawl PeakFlow PeakFlow Total Tune Froude Reported ID Flow PeakFlow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/ Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs) (days hh:mm) (cfs) (ft/sec) (mm) (ft) (mm) 1 Lmk-01 25.90 0 12:14 129.26 0.20 12.64 0.13 0.99 0.33 0.00 Calculated 2lmk-02 4.23 0 12:08 152.94 0.03 9.07 0.18 0.34 0.12 0.00 Calculated Post-Development 100-Year Page 18 Storage Nodes Storage Node:Pond-01 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 534.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Max(Rim)Offs etHI) 6.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 534.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(05) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (It) (ft) (It) 1 Spillway-Ol Rectangular No 539.50 5.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-Ol Rectangular No 536.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (m) (ft) 1 Orifice-Ol Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 532.50 0.61 2 Orifice-01.2 Bottom Rectangular No 15.00 15.00 538.75 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 56.63 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 56.63 PeakOutflow(cfs) 26.39 Peak Fxflltration Flow Rate(cfm) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(ft) 539.54 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 5.54 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 536.24 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 2.24 Time of MaxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:14 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-fl3) 0 Total Hooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total lime Flooded(min) 0 Total Retention lime(sec) 0 Post-Development 100-Year Page 19 Storage Node:Pond-02 Input Data Invert Elevation(ft) 537.00 Max(Rim)Elevation(ft) 540.00 Nhx(Rim)Offset(ft) 3.00 Initial Water Elevation(ft) 537.00 Initial Water Depth(ft) 0.00 Ponded Area(ft) 1.00 Evaporation Loss 0.00 Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 Spillway-02 Rectangular No 539.50 2.50 20.00 0.50 3.33 2 Weir-02 Rectangular No 538.50 1.50 1.75 0.75 3.33 Outflow Orifices SN Element Orifice Orifice Flap Circular Rectangular Rectangular Orifice Orifice ID Type Shape Gate Orifice Orifice Orifice Invert Coefficient Diameter Height Width Elevation (in) (m) (in) (ft) 1 Orifice-02 Side CIRCULAR No 1.00 537.00 0.61 2 Orifice-02.2 Bottom Rectangular No 24.00 24.00 539.25 0.63 Output Summary Results Peak Inflow(cfs) 7.33 Peak Lateral Inflow(cfs) 7.33 Peak Outflow(cfs) 4.22 Peak afiltration Flow Rate(cftn) 0 Max HGLElevation Attained(ft) 539.31 Max HGLDepth Attained(ft) 2.31 Average HGLElevation Attained(ft) 538.14 Average HGLDepth Attained(ft) 1.14 Time oftvhxHGLOccurrence(days hh:mm) 0 12:07 Total Exfiltration Volume(1000-ft') 0 Total Flooded Volume(ac-in) 0 Total Time Hooded(min) 0 Total Retention Time(sec) 0 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix D Sand Filter Design Calculations J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com Post-Construction Water Quality Design -Sand Filter PROJECT: Stewarts Grove POND 1 JOB NO.: 31540 CLIENT: Southbury Development DATE: 1/31/2024 REVISED: 6/5/2024 I. DETERMINE SAND FILTER WATER QUALITY VOLUME *METHOD ADAPTED FROM NCDEQ STORMWATER MANUAL Drainage Area 8.5975 Ac. %Impervious 54.94% Design Rainfall 1 in df 1.5 ft Rv _ 0.54446 WQV design 16992 ft3 WQV actual 12744 ft3 k 4 ft/day 1.66 day hmaz filter(ft) WQV ad)(ff3) As,-Af(ff2) 0.5 12744 25,488.01 I 12744 12,744.01 1.5 12744 8,496.00 2 12744 6,372.00 3 12744 4,248.00 4 12744 3,186.00 5 12744 2,548.80 6 12744 2,124.00 heron selected = 2 ft ha 1 ft As(min) 1123 ft2 Af(min) 1535 ft2 ®good 14500 cubic ft This spreadsheet is pieced together from multiple examples: Water Quality Protection Volume(WQ,)= 12,744 cf Filter Bed Depth(dr)= 1.5 feet Coef.Of Permeability of Filter Media(k)= 4.00 ft/day Avg.Ht.of Water above Filter Bed(hi)= 1.0 feet Design Filter Bed Drain Time Pr)= 51 hours Surface Area Calculation: from above: Surface Area(Ar)= 1,535.42 sf Proposed Surface Area(Ar,d)= 3,976.00 sf Sediment Forebay Volume Calculation: Min.Rq'd.Sediment Forebay Vol.(Vrs)= 2,548.80 cf Proposed Sediment Forebay Volume(As,d)= 8,008.00 cf Stage-Discharge for Sand Filter Calculations: Elevation Height(hf)above Discharge sand bed(feet) (cis) 534 0.0 0.0000 535 1.0 0.3068 536 2.0 0.4295 537 3.0 0.5522 538 4.0 0.6749 539 5.0 0.7977 540 6.0 0.9204 Underdrain Minimum Drawdown Flow Calculation: Minimum Drawdown Flow(Omni= I 0.000121 cfs Underdrain Perforated Pipe System Calculations: Enter#Holes per LF pipe= 20 holes/LF Linear Feet of Pipe= 100.0 feet Total#Holes= 2000 holes 50%Open#Holes= 1000 holes Dia.of Perforations= 0.375 in. Area of Single Hole(A)= 0.000767 sf Orifice Equation= Qo=C*A*(2*g*h)0 Coefficient(C)= 0.62 Area of Single Hole(A)= 0.000767 sf Total Area of Perforations(Ar,p)= 0.767 sf Gravity(g)= 32.2 Head)h)= 2.00 ft Underdrain Pipe Flow Capacity(Qo)= 5.40 cfs Post-Construction Water Quality Design -Sand Filter PROJECT: Stewarts Grove POND 2 JOB NO.: 31540 CLIENT: Southbury Development DATE: 1/31/2024 REVISED: 6/5/2024 I. DETERMINE SAND FILTER WATER QUALITY VOLUME *METHOD ADAPTED FROM NCDEQ STORMWATER MANUAL Drainage Area 1.0020 Ac. %Impervious 17.6% Design Rainfall 1 in df 1.5 ft Rv 0.2087 WQV design 759 ft3 WQV actual 569 ft3 k 4 ft/day t 1.66 day hmax filter(ft) WQV adj(ft3) AnnAF(ff2) 0.5 569 1,138.43 1 569 569.21 1.5 569 379.48 2 569 284.61 3 569 189.74 4 569 142.30 5 569 113.84 6 569 94.87 hmax selected _ • 2 ft ha l ft As(min) 50 ft2 Af(min) 69 ff2 As ff2 Af ft2 good Water Quality Protection Volume(WQ,(= 569 cf Filter Bed Depth(d))= 1.5 feet Coef.Of Permeability of Filter Media(k)= 4.00 ft/day Avg.Ht.of Water above Filter Bed(hr)= 1.0 feet Design Filter Bed Drain Time(tr)= 51 hours Surface Area Calculation: from above: Surface Area(AO= 68.58 sf Proposed Surface Area(Aral)= 1,787.00 sf Sediment Forebay Volume Calculation: Min.Rq'd.Sediment Forebay Vol.(VFs)= 113.84 cf Proposed Sediment Forebay Volume(As,d)= 3,550.00 cf Stage-Discharge for Sand Filter Calculations: Elevation Height(hf)above Discharge sand bed(feet) (cfs) 537 0.0 0.0000 538 1.0 0.1379 539 2.0 0.1930 540 3.0 0.2482 Underdrain Minimum Drawdown Flow Calculation: Minimum Drawdown Flow(Q.))= 0.000005 cfs Underdrain Perforated Pipe System Calculations: Enter#Holes per LF pipe= 20 holes/LF Linear Feet of Pipe= 100.0 feet Total#Holes= 2000 holes 50%Open#Holes= 1000 holes Dia.of Perforations= 0.375 in. Area of Single Hole(A)= 0.000767 sf Orifice Equation= Qo=C*A*(2*g*h)C Coefficient(C)= 0.62 Area of Single Hole(A)= 0.000767 sf Total Area of Perforations(A5,p)= 0.767 sf Gravity(g)= 32.2 Head(h)= 2.00 ft Underdrain Pipe Flow Capacity(Qo)= 5.40 cfs 1 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix E Riprap Outlet Protection J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com Rip Rap Apron Design Project Name: 31540.0000 - Stewarts Grove-FES Al Drainage Specialist: Ryo Yamamoto Date: February 22,2024 Checked By: Nestor Hernandez Date: February 22,2024 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from the channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classifies as minimum tailwater conditions. If the tailwater is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified as maximum tailwater conditions. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Rational Method for Flow Total Drainage Area(Acres): 7.0 Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 36 Tailwater depth(Feet) 3.0 Tailwater Method To Be Used Max TW(Fig.8.06b) Discharge(cfs) 35.9 Velocity(ft./s) 7.9 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in Step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b and determine the d50 rip rap size and minimum apron length(La). The d50 size is the median stone size in a well-graded rip rap apron. Step 3. Determine the apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Riprap d50, (ft.) 1 0.5 Minimum apron length, La(ft.) ** III .6 13 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 9 Apron shape W=Do+ .4La Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 8 **-Minimum Apron Length Is 10 Feet per CLDS 20.23 Step 4. Determine the maximum Stone Diameter. D.= 1.5 X d50 Determine the Apron Thickness,Ta= 1.5 X d,nax Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax(Inches): 9 Apron Thickness (Inches): 14 **-Minimum Apron Thickness Is 10 Inches per CLDS 20.23 Step 5. Fit the rip rap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length La. Extend the apron farther downstream and along the channel banks until stability is assured. Keep apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of the rip rap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary. Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered. Figure 8.06b: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, maximum tailwater condition (Tw>=0.5 diameter) 3D0 Outlet n W = Do + 0.4La 120 1- f pipe I ' I I diametar iD _o)� La 110 - • - - : -1: _. . i r .5D0 ;:. ,. 100 l 90 • i 1 li • ; s 1 80 - . . o, H + A Y ." • * . rAr. . 't) I. Q 70 pr 110 me 60. . Ar . .. p. _ . �'A FrO r f. 40 / j. . ....../ - 3 1pr ..r.. IF / J i . ::. ' ' •;1. ril • ir 1. ! : ' ' A „Amill 411, tt, L , 12 F- ., -;," „,.. a VA IM A a itilik .41 0 t s` Z V = 15 s ‘S ' � r ,, 64Er , :jr. olaaAll di 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Rip Rap Apron Design Project Name: 31540.0000 - Stewarts Grove-FES A26 Drainage Specialist: Ryo Yamamoto Date: February 22,2024 Checked By: Nestor Hernandez Date: February 22,2024 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from the channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classifies as minimum tailwater conditions. If the tailwater is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified as maximum tailwater conditions. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Rational Method for Flow Total Drainage Area(Acres): 1.1 Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 15 Tailwater depth(Feet) 3.5 Tailwater Method To Be Used Max TW(Fig.8.06b) Discharge(cfs) 5.0 Velocity(ft./s) 5.8 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in Step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b and determine the d50 rip rap size and minimum apron length(La). The d50 size is the median stone size in a well-graded rip rap apron. Step 3. Determine the apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Riprap d50, (ft.) 1 0.5 Minimum apron length, La(ft.) ** III .6 10 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 4 Apron shape W=Do+ .4La Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 5 **-Minimum Apron Length Is 10 Feet per CLDS 20.23 Step 4. Determine the maximum Stone Diameter. D.= 1.5 X d50 Determine the Apron Thickness,Ta= 1.5 X d,nax Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax(Inches): 9 Apron Thickness (Inches): 14 **-Minimum Apron Thickness Is 10 Inches per CLDS 20.23 Step 5. Fit the rip rap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length La. Extend the apron farther downstream and along the channel banks until stability is assured. Keep apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of the rip rap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary. Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered. Figure 8.06b: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, maximum tailwater condition (Tw>=0.5 diameter) 3D0 Outlet W = 00 + 0.4La 120 Pipe �� I� diametar (Do) • 110 i r .5D0 QQ 70 a _ J 1 me so _ . • z i:- t. � lai . t... 1 ., . .. , vi . . b r "F.,. 40, ... . / t / . ' ? . .. ..�_ 3 .... - • • ' , .::::.N. /if . . ` r 'f , _. __ 2> -..- 4 i o• , -. , , % 74- 1 - '''/ • /1 i !, N it _ ,.1;0 I I 1 F r el ra i ifft7' 14 rt Af.1 Ei . ASV 6 Abt.Apii'Arrpriirlir*:41 1 il _ lar 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Rip Rap Apron Design Project Name: 31540.0000 - Stewarts Grove-FES A32 Drainage Specialist: Ryo Yamamoto Date: February 22,2024 Checked By: Nestor Hernandez Date: February 22,2024 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from the channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classifies as minimum tailwater conditions. If the tailwater is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified as maximum tailwater conditions. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Rational Method for Flow Total Drainage Area(Acres): 0.3 Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 15 Tailwater depth(Feet) 2.1 Tailwater Method To Be Used Max TW(Fig.8.06b) Discharge(cfs) 1.5 Velocity(ft./s) 4.9 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in Step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b and determine the d50 rip rap size and minimum apron length(La). The d50 size is the median stone size in a well-graded rip rap apron. Step 3. Determine the apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Riprap d50, (ft.) 1 0.5 Minimum apron length, La(ft.) ** III .6 10 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 4 Apron shape W=Do+ .4La Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 5 **-Minimum Apron Length Is 10 Feet per CLDS 20.23 Step 4. Determine the maximum Stone Diameter. D.= 1.5 X d50 Determine the Apron Thickness,Ta= 1.5 X d,nax Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax(Inches): 9 Apron Thickness (Inches): 14 **-Minimum Apron Thickness Is 10 Inches per CLDS 20.23 Step 5. Fit the rip rap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length La. Extend the apron farther downstream and along the channel banks until stability is assured. Keep apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of the rip rap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary. Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered. Figure 8.06b: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, maximum tailwater condition (Tw>=0.5 diameter) 3D0 Outlet W = Do + 0.4La 120 �- I pipe I' I ,i , diametar (00)1 _ La 110 -- • -+• _: . . al . , . . . - _ 100 l • 90 - 1 1 cc,..-.0 _. 80.: i.. pr . rig,ir .:., 4)::..„. i. tie ,, ,,, : 01 • i.. •F b A;. . ,. me so . t. f r 411' li II il ty ti i , 40, 1'f� f Jr „, i � ` . 0 .4. il 3 A I . ' ./ .. , . .„ ._ . . A .... . •:, Fil lir r. , . . t, , , , .. , 1 viir,,,i 2 ..-J.., ///,' / , Ni • !.,Aris, 1 ' , f / „/ / •' j / <.. .",/i/ / . mwomWM=W 4 4 4 4 44.4 • :7 ' Allirr _ Alririll'i Cn.: , - ...-- -1:4:frAd 0 I I I I F ril 1 ra i 1M ' , F. AVA 'I " ,,,.. ,. .i w V _a dr a di l cc; • y.4iisp f� r �• o ' 1:... v =ho I d:!'��i % ��I IPPF F. OW CIA' 3 5 10 20 PIP- s 100 200 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Rip Rap Apron Design Project Name: 31540.0000 - Stewarts Grove-Pond 1 Drainage Specialist: Ryo Yamamoto Date: February 22,2024 Checked By: Nestor Hernandez Date: February 22,2024 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from the channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classifies as minimum tailwater conditions. If the tailwater is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified as maximum tailwater conditions. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Rational Method for Flow Total Drainage Area(Acres): 8.6 Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 30 Tailwater depth(Feet) 0.1 Tailwater Method To Be Used Min TW(Fig.8.06a) Discharge(cfs) 18.9 Velocity(ft./s) 6.3 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in Step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b and determine the d50 rip rap size and minimum apron length(La). The d50 size is the median stone size in a well-graded rip rap apron. Step 3. Determine the apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Riprap d50, (ft.) 0.5 Minimum apron length, La(ft.) ** 16 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 8 Apron shape W=Do+La Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 19 **-Minimum Apron Length Is 10 Feet per CLDS 20.23 Step 4. Determine the maximum Stone Diameter. D.= 1.5 X d50 Determine the Apron Thickness,Ta= 1.5 X d,nax Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax(Inches): 9 71= Apron Thickness (Inches): 14 **-Minimum Apron Thickness Is 10 Inches per CLDS 20.23 Step 5. Fit the rip rap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length La. Extend the apron farther downstream and along the channel banks until stability is assured. Keep apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of the rip rap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary. Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered. Figure 8.06a: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw<0.5 diameter) , ; Outlet W = Do + La 9� ..: : . .. .. . i� pipe 1- �- II . , . ` diameter (Do) �i • : ' ::. : . . , . • La --.4 3 glim • e,y.I. Laiiiiai lwater < 0.5Do i I. .... . . .. ...- -, .0iiiii. • . , - -. , • tiff 4 . a 0 `/ r p\P'v60 ..,.... , IIr.r : $ 1n11 ire P `r rail 41111111111111111 4-1 111111111111 �\t<`J � _. . .. ,�- •.,.... � • ;i _.�:. + c�i!•� y� •, v t 11 unnu 11u1 40 ,. .. _. , Ili JyIMWiI1jf �ifIM�� i . 1154 4 . . . . .� , , i'�tjll� �}f 4� j 'ill „,4. ;..4' Athi ,. Jrs r' 20 . .■■..� 1111.1.hot:: .nince -- - i 2 7 ..-1 -___. ... . ...••-,-4.11-iier- li ,.. . _mil ,., . _ 10 .z. 4 A II nnn to . ..._ . ,I I 14 • • • • • h• # i_ , 1141111 , . . , , , , IF: . . .:.' ..,., 1 i . .:: ' - -.-.:-, 1 ‘Ii01001441610:gor 1.. i I 1, i. r• _ ::: :. : :, ::: :_1 : t I1 . .:_'_ ..; t Ell !:! •. • .4•-, - D' -Aar'Al ie 2 Q _.:510010. Iri 111 . . .■■1■ . .. II . . .. . ._.._. n AK iir .... '7,77..n.• : • :4 •• -- "Ij . . .:: -.: 4,...i..., I.. • -41' cc ha v s , . c) ill 0 . 1 . 5 -_ 6 -4111111164.1... 01,51Ifir, , . . • . „• - -*. ...*... — ..•- --i----..-"-. 1 V V . s 0 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge (ft3/sec) Rip Rap Apron Design Project Name: 31540.0000 - Stewarts Grove-Pond 2 Drainage Specialist: Ryo Yamamoto Date: February 22,2024 Checked By: Nestor Hernandez Date: February 22,2024 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from the channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classifies as minimum tailwater conditions. If the tailwater is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified as maximum tailwater conditions. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Rational Method for Flow Total Drainage Area(Acres): 1.0 Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 18 Tailwater depth(Feet) 0.1 Tailwater Method To Be Used Min TW(Fig.8.06a) Discharge(cfs) 2.5 Velocity(ft./s) 4.4 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in Step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b and determine the d50 rip rap size and minimum apron length(La). The d50 size is the median stone size in a well-graded rip rap apron. Step 3. Determine the apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Riprap d50, (ft.) 0.5 Minimum apron length, La(ft.) ** 10 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 5 Apron shape W=Do+La Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 12 **-Minimum Apron Length Is 10 Feet per CLDS 20.23 Step 4. Determine the maximum Stone Diameter. D.= 1.5 X d50 Determine the Apron Thickness,Ta= 1.5 X d,nax Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax(Inches): 9 71= Apron Thickness (Inches): 14 **-Minimum Apron Thickness Is 10 Inches per CLDS 20.23 Step 5. Fit the rip rap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length La. Extend the apron farther downstream and along the channel banks until stability is assured. Keep apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of the rip rap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary. Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered. Figure 8.06a: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw<0.5 diameter) Outlet W = Do + La 90 •••••__: : .. .. . i� pipe 1- �- I : .9 `�1 diameter (Do) .. . . • La -_.I 80 f Laidi ilwater 0.500 F' fff it PQ l. ..l'.. L : ]1 ' '.rid.c -.-001/1 . N. p\ 60 ..,.... , 1 r!r� �.$ '� AIM • J V. I r J� SO ti�� :"::: ;- 1� ' rniI Allan \tom . _. . .. + ! • v t 11 unnu Nul �\ ` ' , 'Ors' >a• 1iIIMi j ' 1. 40 ill .- . . . , :.. . !I /'• . II INIiIIM I . • mils iiiimill:0011L)H. 13 .. ... ,, , 20 **** . -... :.« . ... i si .ts •• •dam,•• /� ..■.■I� 1 lull ' . �� orP;ri Irl"� '+' + . . r1.. s 2 1111111iii 1I 11� ti 000000 io ..****!,,,,. _...soPP_P_:4011_ iiiiir_ : : e. -- 0 -- ,: . ti LT.4:i ,--, :.. . . rf. J,1111111 I . ., 1111 `• w.f.. ' . ... f I I J.� / Alli0 .41 4 ■ 2 ». _.� , is ; i .: MINN _ : .: ' + ( ii I 5%Sr� ' 'all■ ICI •—• —'4-- "1 • ' • 4 - FIB : . ,:: :: 4.:. 1.9t I.. ' ..1041%rAliir . gligrgr: .': . :I ' . .. :::_ ::::. ::, if 5 X a (a / Nu01 eliggiriV470101110121140.! 4 • - • "' •'' "" 1 V 0 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge (ft3/sec) HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix F Spillway Calculations J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com 2/22/24, 1:30 PM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>Pond 1 ESW Name Pond 1 ESW Discharge 15.67 Channel Slope 0.334 Channel Bottom Width 20 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class C 6-12 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Fair 50-64% Soil Type None Rock Riprap Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Rock Riprap Straight 15.67 cfs 6.43 ft/s 0.12 ft 0.032 4 lbs/ft2 2.45 lbs/ft2 1.64 STABLE -- Unvegetated D50 of Riprap(in): 12 https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/260462/show# 1/1 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix G HEC-22 Report J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com HEC-22 Energy Grade Line Computations Struct. Q EGLo HGLo Total Pipe EGLi HGLi Ea EGLa Surface Elev. ID (cfs) (ft) (ft) Loss (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Al ! 539.53 539.53 539.33 A2 39.1 540.00 539.53 _ _ 0.30 540.30 539.83 4.1 540.64 543.18 A19 1.7 540.64 540.63 0.04 540.68 540.67 1.9 540.69 543.17_ A3 35.2 540.79 540.41 0.41 541.20 540.81 3.9 541.32 546.65_ A20 2.6 541.35 541.28 0.05 541.39 541.32 3.6 541.47 546.65_ A4 31.1 541.57 540.95 543.39 541.87 3.3 543.62 551.73 AS 27.8 543.82 543.32 0.45 544.27 543.77 3.1 544.61 554.06 A6 27.1 544.80 544.33 0.52 545.32 544.84 3.3 545.53 555.94 A7 18.2 545.74 545.22 0.94 546.68 546.15 3.2 546.83 554.74 A22 2.0 546.85 546.81 0.04 546.89 546.85 2.3 546.94 554.04_ A8 15.6 546.98 546.60 0.60 547.59 547.21 3.4 547.76 553.12_ A9 10.7 547.83 547.65 0.24 548.07 547.89 3.2 548.23 554.02 A10 10.9 548.30 548.12 0.28 548.58 548.40 3.0 548.74 555.46 All 11.0 548.98 548.37 1.07 550.04 549.44 3.4 550.23 550.93 Al2 7.6 550.35 550.06 0.46 550.81 550.52 3.7 550.99 552.69 Al3 3.7 551.05 550.91 553.71 552.79 1.4 553.71 557.89 A23 2.1 547.78 547.73 0.03 547.81 547.76 2.5 547.86 553.12 A14 9.7 545.92 544.95 2.31 548.23 547.26 4.1 548.84 554.96 A24 3.0 548.88 548.78 0.06 548.94 548.84 3.6 549.05 554.96 A15 5.1 548.94 548.68 1.08 550.03 549.76 3.4 550.20 557.78_ A16 _ 2.4 550.22 550.16 _552.06 551.05 1.4 552.06 560.21_ A17 _ 2.0 552.08 552.04 556.50 555.59 1.2 556.50 563.13_ A18 1.6 557.34 556.55 558.46 557.67 1.1 558.46 563.13 A25 2.3 550.22 550.17 0.04 550.26 550.20 3.3 550.34 557.78 A21 2.6 543.65 543.58 547.06 545.05 2.3 547.06 551.84 A26 539.53 539.53 536.94 A27 5.5 539.85 539.53 0.311 540.16 539.84 4.3 540.25 543.18 A28 4.4 540.33 540.13 543.27 542.18 1.7 543.27 546.93 A29 2.9 543.31 543.22 548.17 547.30 1.3 548.17 553.37 A30 2.1 548.19 548.14 549.04 548.80 0.9 549.12 554.20 A31 1.3 549.14 549.11 549.47 549.29 0.6 549.47 552.54 A32 539.31 539.31 538.44 A33 1.6 539.34 539.31 0.05 539.39 539.36 1.3 539.44 552.02 Ili T HOM AS& H U T T O N T:\AutoCADlReports\HEC-221HEC-22 Reporting HEC-22 Storm Drain Computations Structure ID Length Drainage Runoff Tc Rain"I" Runoff Known Q Total Q Pipe Full Q Velocity Velocity Invert Elevation Slope (ft) Area Coeff"C" (min) (in/hr) "Q" (cfs) (cfs) Dia. (cfs) Full Design From To (ac) (cfs) (in) (ft/s) (ft/s) U/S D/S A2 Al 86 0.48 0.81 8 7.42 39.1 39.1 36 51.7 7.32 _ 8.03 536.52 536.00 0.60% A19 A2 142_ 0.32 0.61 5 8.60 1.7 1.7 18 8.1 4.61 3.64 538.77 537.92 0.60% A3 A2 146_ 0.36 0.84 8 7.52 35.2 35.2 36 51.7 7.32 7.86 537.39 536.52 0.60% A20 A3 28_ 0.36 0.84 5 8.60 2.6 _ 2.6 15 6.5 5.27 5.00 537.87 537.59 1.00% A4 A3 204_ 0.19 0.82 8 7.64 31.1 31.1 30 45.0 9.16 9.88 540.34 537.89 1.20% A5 A4 98_ 0.16 0.87 8 7.70 27.8 27.8 30 45.0 9.16 9.64 541.52 540.34 1.20% A6 A5 119_ 7 7.80 27.1 27.1 30 31.8 6.48 7.27 542.23 541.52 0.60% A7 A6 144_ 0.15 0.88 7 7.93 18.2 18.2 24 17.5 5.58 6.33 543.59 542.73 0.60% A22 A7 45_ 0.27 0.84 5 8.60 2.0 2.0 15 5.0 4.08 3.82 544.61 544.34 0.60% A8 A7 127_ 0.47 0.78 7 8.05 15.6 15.6 24 17.5 5.58 6.30 544.36 543.59 0.60% A9 A8 105_ 6 8.15 10.7 _ 10.7 24 17.5 5.58 5.86 544.99 544.36 0.60% A10 A9 121_ 6 8.27 10.9 10.9 24 17.5 5.58 5.88 545.71 544.99 0.60% All A10 97_ 0.64 0.66 6 8.36 11.0 11.0 18 8.1 4.61 6.24 546.79 546.21 0.60% Al2 All 89_ 0.68 0.67 5 8.46 7.6 _ _ 7.6 18 8.1 4.61 5.23 547.33 546.79 0.60% A13 Al2 188_ 0.64 0.67 5 8.60 3.7 _ 3.7 15 10.2 8.33 7.67 552.27 547.58 2.50% A23 A8 28_ 0.30 0.80 5 8.60 2.1 2.1 15 6.5 5.27 4.71 545.39 545.11 1.00% A14 A6 103_ 0.26 0.82 6 8.26 9.7 9.7 15 7.1 5.77 7.90 544.71 543.48 1.20% A24 A14 28_ 0.44 0.80 5 8.60 3.0 3.0 15 10.2 8.33 7.26 545.41 544.71 2.50% A15 A14 175_ 0.06 0.83 6 8.42 5.1 5.1 15 7.1 5.77 6.27 546.81 544.71 1.20% A16 A15 97_ 0.07 0.83 5 8.49 2.4 2.4 15 12.9 10.54 8.09 550.68 546.81 4.00% A17 A16 115 0.06 0.84 5 8.58 2.0 2.0 15 12.9 10.54 7.63 555.26 550.68 4.00% A18 A17 28 0.22 0.82 5 8.60 1.6 1.6 15 12.9 10.54 7.11 557.38 556.26 4.00% A25 A15 28 0.34 0.79 5 8.60 2.3 2.3 15 6.5 5.27 4.83 547.09 546.81 1.00% A21 A4 28 0.38 0.77 5 8.60 2.6 2.6 15 20.4 16.66 11.36 544.75 541.92 10.00% A27 A26 42 0.23 0.64 7 7.83 5.5 5.5 15 6.5 5.27 5.92 535.92 535.50 1.00% A28 A27 150 0.30 0.65 7 7.94 4.4 4.4 15 10.8 8.82 8.37 541.62 537.42 2.80% A29 A28 187 0.18 0.62 6 8.08 2.9 2.9 15 10.8 8.82 7.50 546.85 541.62 2.80% A30 A29 229 0.16 0.63 6 8.42 2.1 2.1 15 5.0 4.08 3.92 548.23 546.85 0.60% A31 A30 105 0.23 0.64 5 8.60 1.3 1.3 15 5.0 4.08 3.42 548.86 548.23 0.60% A33 A32 78 0.30 0.62 5 8.60 1.6 1.6 15 7.9 6.45 5.06 538.17 537.00 1.50% Ili T H OM AS& H U T T O N T:\AutoCADiReports\HEC-22 HEC-22 Reporting HEC-22 Inlet Capacity Results Structure Q=CIA/Kc Known Longitudinal Cross Cross Prey. Total Depth Gutter Spread Inlet Type Grate Grate Curb Curb Intercept Bypass Bypass Remark (cfs) Q Slope Slope Slope Bypass Gutter d Width T Length Width Opening Opening Flow Flow Structure (cfs) SL Sx Sw Flow Flow (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (in) Length Height Qi Qb (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (cfs) A5 1.2 0.03 0.02 0.08 1.2 0.2 2.0 3.9 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 1.2L 0.1 A4 A4 1.3 0.03 0.02 0.081 0.1 1.4 0.2 2.0 4.3 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 1.31 0.1 A3 A18 1.6 0.03 0.02 0.08 1.6 0.2 2.0 4.6 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 1.4 0.1 A25 A17 0.4 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.4 0.1 2.0 1.7 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 0.4 A16 A16 0.5 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.4 0.9 0.2 2.0 2.9 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 0.9 0.0 A15 A15 0.4 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.0 0.4 0.1 2.0 1.6 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 0.4 A14 A21 2.6 0.03 0.02 0.08 2.6 0.3 2.0 6.4 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 2.1 0.5 A20 All 3.7 -1.00 0.20 0.20 3.7 0.4 10.0 2.6 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 3.7 A19 1.7 -1.00 0.20 0.20 1.7 0.3 5.0 1.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.7 A2 3.4 -1.00 0.03 0.08 1.0 4.4 0.3 2.0 5.9 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 4.4 A3 2.6 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.1 2.7 0.3 2.0 6.7 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 2.3 0.4 A2 A20 2.6 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.5 3.1 0.3 2.0 7.2 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 2.6 0.6 A2 A14 1.9 -1.00 0.02 0.08 0.4 2.3 0.2 2.0 2.9 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 2.3 A24 3.0 -1.00 0.02 0.08 0.4 3.5 0.3 2.0 6.2 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 3.5 A25 2.3 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.1 2.5 0.3 2.0 6.2 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 2.0 0.4 A24 A8 3.2 -1.00 0.02 0.08 0.1 3.3 0.2 2.0 5.7 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 3.3 A23 2.1 -1.00 0.02 0.08 0.3 2.4 0.2 2.0 3.3 Combination 71.0 23.6 71.0 4.2 2.4 A7 1.2 0.02 0.02 0.08 1.2 0.2 2.0 4.1 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 1.1 0.1 A8 A22 2.0 0.02 0.02 0.08 2.0 0.3 2.0 6.0 Combination 35.5 23.6 35.5 4.2 1.6 0.3 A23 A13 3.7 -1.00 0.20 0.20 3.7 0.4 10.0 2.6 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 3.7 Al2 4.0 -1.00 0.20 0.20 4.0 0.4 10.0 2.7 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 4.0 A31 1.3 -1.00 0.20 0.20 1.3 0.2 5.0 1.5 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.3 A27 1.3 -1.00 0.20 0.20 1.3 0.2 5.0 1.5 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.3 A30 0.9 0.01 0.20 0.20 0.9 0.4 5.0 1.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.9 A29 0.9 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.9 0.3 5.0 1.6 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 0.9 A28 1.7 0.03 0.20 0.20 1.7 0.4 5.0 2.0 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.7 A33 1.6 -1.00 0.20 0.20 1.6 0.3 5.0 1.8 Grate inlet 23.8 23.8 1.6 Ili T HOM AS& H U T T O N T:\AutoCADlReports\HEC-221HEC-22 Reporting HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix H Channel Analysis J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 All Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 3.630 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.640 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.66 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=1,089(cuft);0.025(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 3.63 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 All Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.85 Total Depth (ft) = 2.00 Q (cfs) = 3.630 Area (sqft) = 3.61 Invert Elev (ft) = 550.93 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.00 Slope (%) = 3.34 Wetted Perim (ft) = 8.67 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.51 Top Width (ft) = 8.50 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.87 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 3.63 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 553.00 — 2.07 • 552.50 1.57 • • 552.00 - 1.07 551.50 - 0.57 • • 551.00 0.07 • 550.50 -0.43 • 550.00 -0.93 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 Al2 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 3.916 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.680 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.67 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=1,175(cuft);0.027(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 3.92 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 Al2 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.84 Total Depth (ft) = 2.00 Q (cfs) = 3.920 Area (sqft) = 3.53 Invert Elev (ft) = 552.69 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.11 Slope (%) = 4.15 Wetted Perim (ft) = 8.57 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.53 Top Width (ft) = 8.40 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.86 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 3.92 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 555.00 - 2.31 • 554.50 1.81 • • 554.00 - 1.31 • • 553.50 - 0.81 • • 553.00 0.31 • 552.50 -0.19 • 552.00 -0.69 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A13 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 3.685 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.640 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.67 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=1,106(cuft);0.025(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 3.69 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A13 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.83 Total Depth (ft) = 2.00 Q (cfs) = 3.690 Area (sqft) = 3.44 Invert Elev (ft) = 557.89 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.07 Slope (%) = 4.00 Wetted Perim (ft) = 8.46 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.51 Top Width (ft) = 8.30 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.85 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 3.69 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 560.00 — 2.11 • • 559.50 1.61 • • • • 559.00 — 1.11 • • 558.50 — 0.61 • • • 558.00 0.11 • • • 557.50 -0.39 • • • • 557.00 -0.89 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A19 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 1.678 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.320 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.61 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=503(cuff);0.012(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 1.68 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A19 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.68 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 1.680 Area (sqft) = 2.31 Invert Elev (ft) = 543.17 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.73 Slope (%) = 2.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 6.93 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.38 Top Width (ft) = 6.80 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.69 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.68 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 545.00 - - 1.83 544.50 - - 1.33 544.00 0.83 543.50 0.33 543.00 -0.17 542.50 -0.67 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A27 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 1.265 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.230 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.64 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=380(cuft);0.009(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 1.27 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A27 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.61 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 1.270 Area (sqft) = 1.86 Invert Elev (ft) = 543.18 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.68 Slope (%) = 2.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 6.22 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.34 Top Width (ft) = 6.10 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.62 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.27 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 545.00 - - 1.82 544.50 - - 1.32 544.00 0.82 Z 543.50 0.32 543.00 -0.18 542.50 -0.68 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A28 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 1.676 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.300 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.65 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=503(cuff);0.012(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 1.68 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A28 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.68 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 1.680 Area (sqft) = 2.31 Invert Elev (ft) = 546.93 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.73 Slope (%) = 2.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 6.93 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.38 Top Width (ft) = 6.80 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.69 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.68 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 548.00 1.07 547.50 0.57 • 547.00 0.07 • • 546.50 -0.43 • 546.00 -0.93 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A29 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 0.959 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.180 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.62 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=288(cuff);0.007(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.40 - 0.40 0.30 - 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 0.96 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A29 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.56 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 0.960 Area (sqft) = 1.57 Invert Elev (ft) = 553.37 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.61 Slope (%) = 2.33 Wetted Perim (ft) = 5.71 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.30 Top Width (ft) = 5.60 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.57 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.96 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 555.00 - 1.63 554.50 - 1.13 554.00 0 0.63 553.50 0.13 553.00 -0.37 552.50 -0.87 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A30 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 0.920 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.170 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.63 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=276(cuff);0.006(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.40 - 0.40 0.30 - 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 0.92 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A30 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.62 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 0.920 Area (sqft) = 1.92 Invert Elev (ft) = 554.20 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.48 Slope (%) = 1.20 Wetted Perim (ft) = 6.32 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.30 Top Width (ft) = 6.20 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.62 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.92 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 556.00 - - 1.80 555.50 - - 1.30 • • 555.00 0.80 v 554.50 0.30 554.00 -0.20 • 553.50 -0.70 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A31 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 1.265 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.230 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.64 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=380(cuft);0.009(acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 1.27 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A31 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.70 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 1.270 Area (sqft) = 2.45 Invert Elev (ft) = 552.54 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.52 Slope (%) = 1.20 Wetted Perim (ft) = 7.14 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.34 Top Width (ft) = 7.00 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.70 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.27 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 554.00 1.46 • • 553.50 0.96 • 553.00 0.46 • • • 552.50 -0.04 • • 552.00 -0.54 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) Hydrology Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A33 Ditch Hydrograph type = Rational Peak discharge (cfs) = 1.599 Storm frequency (yrs) = 25 Time interval (min) = 1 Drainage area (ac) = 0.300 Runoff coeff. (C) = 0.62 Rainfall Inten (in/hr) = 8.594 Tc by User (min) = 5 IDF Curve = Stewarts Grove Rainfall IntensitieRecdimtcfedtd024-03-07.4DPf.00 Hydrograph Volume=480(cuft);0.011 (acft) Runoff Hydrograph Q (cfs) 25-yr frequency Q (cfs) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 Time (min) Runoff Hyd -Qp = 1.60 (cfs) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk®Civil 3D®by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, May 15 2024 A33 Ditch Triangular Highlighted Side Slopes (z:1) = 5.00, 5.00 Depth (ft) = 0.66 Total Depth (ft) = 1.00 Q (cfs) = 1.600 Area (sqft) = 2.18 Invert Elev (ft) = 552.02 Velocity (ft/s) = 0.73 Slope (%) = 2.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 6.73 N-Value = 0.150 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.37 Top Width (ft) = 6.60 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.67 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.60 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 554.00 1.98 553.50 - 1.48 553.00 0.98 552.50 0.48 552.00 -0.02 551.50 -0.52 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reach (ft) HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix I Swale Stabilization J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com 5/16/24, 10:53 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A11 Ditch Name All Ditch Discharge 3.63 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 3.63 cfs 2.7 ft/s 0.52 ft 0.04 4 Ibs/ft2 1.08 lbs/ft2 3.7 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 3.63 cfs 2.7 ft/s 0.52 ft 0.04 3.05 lbs/ft2 0.53 lbs/ft2 5.76 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265833/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:00 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>Al2 Ditch Name Al2 Ditch Discharge 3.92 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 3.92 cfs 2.77 ft/s 0.53 ft 0.04 4 Ibs/ft2 1.11 Ibs/ft2 3.61 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 3.92 cfs 2.77 ft/s 0.53 ft 0.04 3 lbs/ft2 0.54 lbs/ft2 5.53 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265840/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:01 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A13 Ditch Name A13 Ditch Discharge 3.39 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 3.39 cfs 2.64 ft/s 0.51 ft 0.041 4 Ibs/ft2 1.06 lbs/ft2 3.78 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 3.39 cfs 2.64 ft/s 0.51 ft 0.041 3.11 lbs/ft2 0.52 lbs/ft2 6 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265843/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:02 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A19 Ditch Name A19 Ditch Discharge 1.68 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 1.68 cfs 2.06 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 4 Ibs/ft2 0.84 Ibs/ft2 4.77 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 1.68 cfs 2.06 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 3.74 lbs/ft2 0.41 lbs/ft2 9.09 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265845/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:04 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A27 Ditch Name A27 Ditch Discharge 1.27 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 1.27 cfs 1.87 ft/s 0.37 ft 0.046 4 Ibs/ft2 0.77 lbs/ft2 5.21 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straight 1.27 cfs 1.87 ft/s 0.37 ft 0.046 4 lbs/ft2 0.38 lbs/ft2 10.63 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265848/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:05 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A28 Ditch Name A28 Ditch Discharge 1.68 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 1.68 cfs 2.06 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 4 Ibs/ft2 0.84 Ibs/ft2 4.77 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 1.68 cfs 2.06 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 3.74 lbs/ft2 0.41 lbs/ft2 9.09 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265850/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:06 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A29 Name A29 Discharge 0.96 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 0.96 cfs 1.7 ft/s 0.34 ft 0.048 4 Ibs/ft2 0.7 lbs/ft2 5.71 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 0.96 cfs 1.7 ft/s 0.34 ft 0.048 4 lbs/ft2 0.34 lbs/ft2 11.65 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265852/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:07 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A30 Ditch Name A30 Ditch Discharge 0.92 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 0.92 cfs 1.67 ft/s 0.33 ft 0.048 4 Ibs/ft2 0.69 lbs/ft2 5.79 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 0.92 cfs 1.67 ft/s 0.33 ft 0.048 4 lbs/ft2 0.34 lbs/ft2 11.81 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265855/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:08 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A31 Ditch Name A31 Ditch Discharge 1.27 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 1.27 cfs 1.87 ft/s 0.37 ft 0.046 4 Ibs/ft2 0.77 lbs/ft2 5.21 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straight 1.27 cfs 1.87 ft/s 0.37 ft 0.046 4 lbs/ft2 0.38 lbs/ft2 10.63 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265857/show 1/1 5/16/24, 11:08 AM ECMDS 7.0 NORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>A33 Ditch Name A33 Ditch Discharge 1.6 Channel Slope 0.0334 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 5 Right Side Slope 5 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class D 2-6 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Good 65-79% Soil Type Clay Loam(CL) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 1.6 cfs 2.03 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 4 Ibs/ft2 0.83 lbs/ft2 4.83 STABLE Vegetation Underlying Straight 1.6 cfs 2.03 ft/s 0.4 ft 0.045 3.78 lbs/ft2 0.41 lbs/ft2 9.32 STABLE Substrate https://ecmds.com/project/159783/channel-analysis/265858/show 1/1 HT THOMAS & HUTTON Stormwater Management Report Stewart's Grove Subdivision Wingate, Union County, North Carolina Appendix J BMP Stage Storage Tables J - 31540.0000 June 2024 Thomason dhutton.com BMP01 SEDIMENT CHAMBER VOLUME CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG. END(CU.FT.) ELEV (SF) i AVG.END 534.0 3273.66 N/A N/A 0.00 535.0 3988.4 1.00 3,631.03 3,631.03 536.0 4764.92 1.00 4,376.66 8,007.69 SEDIMENT CHAMBER VOLUME: 8,008 CU. FT. SAND CHAMBER VOLUME CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG.END(CU.FT.) ILEV (SF) AVG.END 534.00 3,975.97 N/A N/A 0 535.00 4,792.83 1.00 4,384.40 4,384.40 536.00 5,682.64 1.00 5,237.73 9,622.13 SAND CHAMBER VOLUME: 9,622 CU.FT TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE (ABOVE BYPASS) CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. L ELEV (SF) DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG.END(CU.FT.) AVG.END - - - 536 10,612.37 N/A N/A 0 537 11890.95 1.00 11251.66 11251.66 538.0 13,226.07 1.00 12558.51 23,810.17 539.0 14,617.74 1.00 13,921.90 37,732.07 540.0 16,065.96 1.00 15,341.85 53,073.92 TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE VOLUME: 53,074 CU. FT. BMP 02 SEDIMENT CHAMBER VOLUME CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG. END(CU. FT.) _ ELEV (SF) i AVG.END 537.0 576.17 N/A N/A 0.00 538.0 926.4 1.00 751.29 751.29 SEDIMENT CHAMBER VOLUME: 751 CU. FT. SAND CHAMBER VOLUME CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG. END(CU. FT.) ELEV (SF) AVG.END 537.00 1,787.37 N/A N/A 0 538.00 2,311.41 1.00 2,049.39 2,049.39 538.50 3,690.19 0.50 1,500.40 3,549.79 SAND CHAMBER VOLUME: 3,550 CU.FT TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE (ABOVE BYPASS) CONTOUR CONTOUR AREA INC.VOL. DEPTH(FT) CUM.VOL.AVG. END(CU. FT.) - ELEV (SF) _ AVG.END - 538.5 3,690.19 N/A N/A 0 539 4093.77 0.50 1945.99 1945.99 540.0 4,943.33 1.00 4518.55 6,464.54 TEMPORARY PONDING ZONE VOLUME: 6,465 CU. FT.