HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0036935_Monitoring (Report)_20240606APPENDIX A: Process Control Log: Requirements [Permit Section A. (3.)] Note: Process Controls /A. B. Cl shall be performed at a minimum 7/week NPOES No.:ycoa36.2q Naq : A. (4y vent- Facility Nana: pin. Nth. Lake WWTP "~' County: MXM W ____ ttaYn wa (E) As*e ' aytrdaar. d~ .r.a•a awrlpn trroaxa• it. t Panmal•W- A+ibisa Oaa! waatrn Wavy Flow CAC !t•o ti rt seaitr's'" arryrw ,~ am s am ~r -r Wanr~. + 9300 1 D 32 2 7 $oD ltc2 2 11733 iiWl a 11733 6 (t1 1: , 6 3.nb ti m.J 3.5" _ , /o Roo ►o3( 7 /0/00 /05$ 6 _ liA/jc 1023 • ►57oa /007 +• '1553 /2o4a ++ 9S53 +2 9c 1• s.t`1 35,M$ 3<S' _ ~q00 tTta 11 /27vp l0 34 is _ /4100 JioS +s ►Hob (tnS +7 10llele /2-13 is l0 UoL +• 1 D I to to 20 `F,51 'Jnnt.t ,.26' toeoo /203 2+ -1500 ►t t3 22 ►3 Soo /o50 26 fob ►►23 2. 37bto /053 26 £7105 48 _ 276L 27 / b•5b 3,MJ 3eS' goo 1►(Z a R.,o to z - a Rc"oO lo'-ti 70 7k00 11 t5 31 9000 /b~ Pine Mtn. Lakes WWTP Day of Week: MT WI F Date: S 4 Date: ,3, Data• 20 Analyst: £D.n pH Aanlysi Certification It FacUlty Name: Pine Mtn Lakes W WTP Permit It :N00036635 rcelereace :getuuu; aoow•rr'a n u - a. sv, I Cal. Timo - Calibration Buffer4.0 Calibration Buffer 10,0 •Check Bufer7,0 Comments 'lob i0.OZ j03 •pH butter checks are to be within is 0.1 pH units of the standards true vsign . 10 batter LoW/1&.u0lkr, g 71X.1 4 butter Lot#fld atilkr: ~'n22 S( 7 batter Lela/ideodfer ~fc ti~23 Facility/Sample location Sample Collection Time. Sample Analysis Tknee pH Restdt ►I Baf*r Cheek value Comments/Data Qualifiers /for I(ol blr, 6.13 7.oZ elf sample B measured dfrettb in the otreum and/or on slte onetime may be recorded for collection and analysis with the ootatlaa that they are measured to a/m or at the Immedhlelyat tMsampfoslte. is Calibration drift check is requlred when performing analyses at multiple sampling lotntleus. (Use Buffer 7.0) Should be within t 0.1 ants of the bufkr's true value) •AII pH results to pH units (Le., s.u.). Report aB dam values fo the unrest 41 pH unit. Annual Temperature Senior Check Date. 'ii 'Z 3. pH Instrument ID: haste ay .8f0 Total Bntda tCMndae (TRC) . Aerar r•r eels 'am Facility/Sample Location Daily Check Standard Obtained Value, ug/L or rejiL Time dick _ •.~ Standard Analyzed Samplo _. Collection Time _ ~Ssmple_— --_ Analysis Time TRC Result pg/L m mg/L Comments/Data Qualifiers L' p ef'Ijnoi lib boo IID7 pl(o K? flq ~2v 6EP/o01 /9/ o9'3 t fii ri 3o 120 + IP saorWe Is measured directly to the ena.m and/or omits. only time aaahnad would be recorded. TRC check standard true vain /9K (acceptance range L f - 7-1K mg/L) (Should te ve~Zin t10% oldie check standard's true value.) Check/Gel Standard Iat#AdeatlGrn R 2191 JWD (powder) Lop?Meatlgen H Annual Calibration Verification ~e Date: - /7 - Z B TRC Instrument ID: i-#ik4 Reagent Blank Value: (Analyze and document a reagent blank when standards are prepared In the lab.) Dissolved Ozysen (DO) I For Process Control ) LWRRRC afI C UU'4r w..14.r cc, inn t Temperature °C Adjusted Air Calibration (%ormg/L) Calibration Time Facility/Sample Location DO reading mg/L Sample Collection Time "Sample Analysis Time Comments/Data Qualifers l9•i 742lcor f°,3. 3.o& b~~l r ioyl ♦Based na appmprtnae altitude edlastncegt ♦ When performing analysis at multiple sampling locations, re'culforatloa(s) should be perfonued every four hours. ` If aamplC Is measured directly In the swum and/sr wane wly elm. analyzed would be recorded. Temperature Sensor Annual Cheek Date. ti -17-23 DO Iastrameut1D: Tttaperahre Retract Method: SM 2360 BSM Zr S. 3017 ,Facility/5ample Location Temperatmc°C Time !Collecied Time Analyzed Cononenn/ela Qualifiers !L` Q i- /r 1 1 10 •Analyab time sad sampling tbee b$he sge 3 Annual Verification Date s~ I Temperature Measuring Device H): 7 Settleable Solids Reference Method: (Include year for SM methods Ii Facility/location Sample Collection Tune Sample Analysis Time Sample volume analyzed in mis Start time 45 min. stir time End time Result ml/t. Comments/Data Qualifiers j I sl ~ ti Note: Samples must be gently agitated after 45 minutes and allowed to settle for an additional 15 min Field Personnel Notes/Equipment Maintenance 10/02/2013 Aeration Basin DO (dissolved oxygen): ~' d 4" '1 Aeration Basin MESS (mixed liquor suspended solids): Sludge Depth Clarifier: ' 'S / Percent Settable Solids: tS n?2-. li Aeration Basin Settable Soiids~, - _ Z - - 1000 ml/L 900 mi/L T 800 ml/E 700 ml/I. F 600 mi/l 500 mi/L 400 mt/t 300 mi/L 200 mi/L , — . — y— .s-- 100 5f mi/L 5 min 10 min 15 mit 20 min 25 min 30 min TIME Pine Mtn. Lakes WWTP W Day of Week: MT WI F— pate: 3 Data _ Datot Analyst: .Tc%•'1 Certification It FESfty Name: Pine Mtn Lakes WWII Permit 0:NC0036835 pH Aeayyls R.Sremce Mated: SMl 0-H+SM 2$ ad. 2011 Cal. Time hi ocoo Calibration Butter 4.0 Calibration Huffer 10.0 ~ oS /0.02.. "Check Buffar7.0 7.02 Comments 9 7 ~~v;ee i "pll bufferchecksaretobewitblat0.l p11 unfsoftbestndardstruevahte. 4 buffer LotMMsnrlBen a OAflf Ile ZZ 7 butler Lo*,idesdhler Jo( 123 10 butler (aw/Ide tIfer. %Yc? oef Facility/Somplc location Sample Collection Time. Sample Atetysis Time. pH Result ►1 Bauer Check value CommrnWDme Quatifim to 5' I 116a b42- 7.05L .Hsample Ismasured directly Mn the sirens and/or an a one Ste may be receded for calk¢ha sad analyse with the aotadoc that they are measured In sea oral the lmmed)atelyatthe mapleste. )'yyyccc CalitSbn drift check h required when performing analyses at multiple sampling locations. (Use Buffer 7A) Should be wlthla* 0.1 ant of the btfhr's true value) "All pH results In p11 units (i.e.,.u4 Report alt data value to the nearest 0.1 pH salt Annual Temperature Sensor Check flute', 9 // /, /Z. 3 pH Instrument ID: Main eM 859 Total RadduatChlarlse (TBC) ..e asdk..A. Aram, r•. rinS,t.t. Facility/Sample Location Daily Check Standard Obtained Value, ug/L or mg/L Time check Standard Analyzed Sample Colieaion Time *Semple Analysis Time TRC Result pg/L or mg/L Comments/Data Qualifiers d p 2Pf,w1 Ill if 351 /2 -fl 4 12-25 -0" 4k LZp E~F/ool 1qZ /a39 r ( 1S (1 2f /7 L2o u if sample Is measured directly In the TRC cheek standard true value Check/Gel Standard LataM Ber: Annual Calibration Verification Curve Date: 'C/to /21 TRC Instrument lD: JMC.H 111211i Reagent Blank Value (Analyze and document a reagent blank when standards are prepared in the lab.) sad/or suits, only thae zed would be recorded. atceptaett nege /(e 2.0 mg/L) (SI W n re ' eovet fn *1045 0f the cheek standard's true value.) DPD (pmyder) LaM1YhtBer. ft~i cl Y Dtwoired Osypen (DO) ( For Process Control 1 Rekreaee lkhod:4500.O GSM 2r S. 2017 Temperature • °C Adjusted Air Calibration (%ormg/L) Calibration Time Facility/Sample Location DO reeding mg/I. Sample Collection Time 'Sample Analysis Time Comments/Data Qualifiers ?g.2 /lac ,4.&. 3,x2 f//s .Based us appropriate altitude adjustment ♦ When perbrmhtg aoaysb at multiple sampling locations, re calibmdos(s) should be performed every four hour If ample Mn measured directly 1.1k. seranae, 41 roasmeyoak dma analyzed would he recorded. Tanparatureleafor Annual Cheek Date' / /1 y3 DO Instrument ID: Teapimntm Reference Method: SM 2160 ffiM Zr 5. 2017 Facility/Sample Location Tempemtare°C Tints Collected/"Time Analyzed Cotmaenls/Deta Qualifiers Ir 'YFj do! f8 "G /oSi / f1a 'Anayats Nom and sampling U~the same Annual Verification Date J Temperature Measmiag Device ID: Sertieable solids Facility/location Sample Collection Time Sample Analysis Time Sample volume analyzed in mis Start time 45 min. stir time End time Result ml/C. Comments/Data Qualifiers J I I Note: Samples must be gently agitated after 45 minutes and allowed to settle for an additional 15 min. Field Personnel Notes/Equipment Maintenance 5/13 /2y/ 10'02'2013 Aeration Basin DO (dissolved oxygen): t O ' / Aeration Basin ML.SS (mixed liquor suspended solids): Sludge Depth Clarifier: 5r /2 / Percent Settable Solids: 3~Ld' lit..-• Aeration Basin Settabie Solids 1000 ml/L 900 ml/L 600 ml/L 700 ml/L 600 mt/i 500 ml/L 400 mi/L 300 ml/L 200 ml/i t, 40 ' Yo. 3j - 'ai • 35 • 100 ml/L Sm/n 10min 15 min 20mirt 25mmn 30m/n TIME • Pine Mtn. Lakes WWTP M i Deyof MTWTF ,( Puts; cJ- OM Lei Z l Analyst: Pall l~Q~vfS~nn Cal. Time 'In Cailbrahonn 1)dGr 4.0 ea $c ebn a FAcWty Hume: Phis Mtn 4bt WWfP PenWt F PH- 1ktlr*SMSS4I Mv"d]/17 Ca►lnetionBuN10.01 °Chc4Buffet7A yL Ctttmaals "pH baferchecb unto hewahin3¢1pH Stsofaesadardstflevatvt. 4 buffer Lo*/ldeanikv f aZ24( 7 buffer t♦W ldeadSen 0112:3 10 hear ia*s1 offer. Jfl, rr yaeility/sampla location Semple Collection Urns. Semple Analysis Tent pH Raedt ►i ai Cheek vs4e CommnlDsta Qualifas it V V Ai2-S' 4,ci eta aee..mak. k n.ma..d.nw.h.la th. n.a. and/Man nits an dma cur he reeseds br nd1eetlse and Natpt wen the aaetba that thnr are matured In sUn or at the hmaedkMyat EM ample S ►Calibration drift check is rtqutredwhaptnibrmisgaaagenatauid$esmpligleStons. (Use But 7.0) Should Ww1141a*y,a el Dafk7truevalue) "Act pH nulls a pH wils(Le.,e.w). Report all data rains s the anrat 0.1 pH ni t AnnualTamperatare Sensor Check fat c7i 27J~~ pH cssmsmenl ilk Mn aM Total YesW ' cllarsc(ERC► newnua fntsat iJW N t.on a -- N. an, Feclilty/Sample Location Daily Check Standard ObteinadVakm.ujtor _ma/L Time check Standard Analyaod - Oomph Collection Time aeempte Analysis Time TkC AeuR fl it mmg/L COmircnis/Dem OS1Oad c no/ t j90 i°Y i rzn-123(, £20 ~(paI ill jd-f2 1147 6" Co y If emae Is atasmrad dlnealr in the tenant aed/araeeke only time aavad tall he rrwwdad_ TRC cheek amsdard true value _('I_I j!cetce ryaD h eW -Z41n tay/U(Skaadd7e2rwftkla t10% of the check standard's fu vNxJ CkecWBel Standard laHAdeuS 4' 1)P lAdntlSer: Annual Calibration Veridcsden Curve Date .S/.f0/ )Ina TBC lastrnmat lD: tf4C jf h/ BUD Reagent Blank Vitae (Analyze and utxtdeat a reagent blank flea standards are prepared In the lab.) DiSyad °'r (DO) I pe.Predxa (Larol J Temperatrm °C Adjusted Air Ca(Aaalon 1%ormg/L) Calibration Time Facility/Sample Location DO nadmg mg.t Sample Collection Tom 'Semple Analysis Time CoermanlslDas Qualifiers 2~rL q2,-5 q:~4 fir$ q&i n I If I`f ♦ fu.d.0 _.S_.4_ -SSV4-.wh......~. a When pertbrmiug analysb at muMlleumpllg battens. TMealbutlee(s)shoutd be pe f nnedawer9amrboss- • RfataS Is mewed dirset(y In theninam audforaaah.,anfrttm. analyzed world be regents. Taepaatnn Sensor Annual Check Beset w~Zt DOiesteumatift Tsp.. se - ~••• •••• •••, Facility/Sanpto Location , Tcmpaatum"C Time Collated/"Time Analyad Col ments/DetaQsmm ~G.~ ool 2Z' ~ 1227123(0 eAnben llrm ad nualyzad h~ita). Anneal Veeiaolbe Date J O Z. In Temperature llesutieg Devim4fls n ReH sl.le cetsa. Facility/location Sample Collection Time Sample Analysis Time Sample volume analyzed inmis Start time 45min. stir time End time Result mi/t. Comments/Data Qualifiers i C Fm an additumal 15 min Field Personnel Notes/Equipment Maintenance `d f mice- GJulfo rh /& L0 W MLJ ,aat cu/ pt& tf -t pwcL 10102/2013 Aeration Basin DO (dissolved oxygen): ~% 2y' / Aeration Basin MISS (mixed liquor suspended solids): Sludge Depth Clarifier: Z 'S / Percent Settable Solids: o3 pi t Aeration Basin Settable Solids 1 I 1000 ml/L 900 ml/L 800 mi/L 700 ml/L 600 miff 500 ml/L 400 mi/L 300 ml/I. 200 mill. 3— .. — r T _ 100 ml/L 5 min 10 min 15 m/n 2D min 25 min TIME Pine Mtn. Lakes WWTP Day of k: MT WI F Date: 7 Duet Date' Analv .~ f'~eYl Certification is Facplty Name: Pine Mtn lakes W WTP Permit 8 :NC0036035 pH Analysis 1: Sh4S00-H+S.M 20 S. 2017 Cal, Time Calibration Buffer 4.0 Calibration Buffer 10.0 "Check Buffer 7,0 Comments iO ro~ // /•* fl °)O b 'pH buffer checks are to be IjMn t 0.1 pH units of the standards tare vale. 4 buffer LotiNidtndficf Sf O7 2 % deaaaar l0bS LaW/tdesdfer. ~jN95tY) Facility/Sample location Sample Collection TTmae Sample Analysis Tbnet pH Result ►I Buffer Check valve Comments/Data Qualifiers c-FFroo► rzoi 124 7.©/c h elf sample Is measured directly in the atreaet and/area site, one time may be recorded for collection and auabsb wish the notation that they are menured In slat or at the lmmedatdyat the sample site. ► Calibratlea drift check Is required when performing analyzes at multiple sampling locations. (Use Buffer 7.0) Should be within t 0.1 aaIts of the puffer's true value) *Alt pH results In pH uaa (Le., tu.). Report all data value to the uaurnt 0.1 pH salt. Annual Temperature Sensor Check Date: !~ 8 7 n7 tJf pH lostrumeet IDC Mn nli ISO Total Reddmel Chlavf ae (TC1 1RICrtece Tvttaomr ctat t -r taxi hr CU. Lvi' Facility/Sample Location Daily Check Standard Obtained Value, ug/L or mg/I, IV Time cheek Standard Analyzed Samplo Collection T ime "Sample Analysis Time TRC Result CommenDIDataQaaIMOTS pg/L or mg/L e' r o u n /2-01 /1, Lii) G E/oar ►qii (000 [t'N Zo * If sample is measured directly In taw stream aed/er osaNw only time anajind'm id be recorded. TRC cheek standard true value., ifl — 20 sg/IJ (ShoM recov tthln *10% of the ebeck standard's true value.) Check/Gel Standard IuMWdeeflfec AZL 2-j'DI'D ) ~a e~aer. /lIJ ,,gL Annual Calibration Verifies N n Curve Date ttl / 2. TRC latrwment ID: bY Reagent Btadk Value: (Analyze and document a reagent blank when standards are prepared In the lab.) Disolved Oaygea (DO) For Process Control I Reference Methoar460O0 GSM 23" S. 2017 Temperature °C Adjusted Air Calibration (%or mg/L) Calibration Time Facility/Sample Location DO reading mg/f. Sample Collection Time •Semple Analysis Time Comments/Data Qualifiers 92.q /9gi A-'& G,s b 111 f i l l ♦ When performing aapsb atmuMplesampint station, re.cnllbmtoa(s)ahould be performed every four hors. If aample Is mwnared directly In the stream abler oOt tev 4 time aaalyzd weld he records. Temperature Sensor Ananet Cheek Dates /3O~1..Si= DO instrument 'ft !! Tespralan Re@nace Melhedr SM 2560 HBM 27 ed. 2017 Facil' /Sample Location Tempcmnir?C Time Collated/+Tine Analyzed Comments/Data Qualifiers 2Z°1151/201 -nnsgm flare aea ssmprmg ®e a art Sam Anneal Verlfmaee Date S' KJ Temperature Measuring Device ibt yenta Ceffn61e Sialtd. ..ono. tmaaac ywr mr oaa metn0Us1 Facility/location Sample Collection Time Sample Analysis Ttme Sample volume analyzed mis Start time 45 min. stir time End time Result ml/L Commentslfata Qualifiers f~ r e Y i Tote. Sampled must uv gcnuy agitated alter' minutes and allowed to settle for an addrtlonal IS mn. Field Personnel Notes/Equipment Maintenance 5/2-i) zd c-4L Q m J - Fon a. 10/02/2013 Aeration Basin DO (dissolved oxygen): ' S t' / Aeration Basin MISS (mixed liquor suspended solids): Sludge Depth Clarifier: 2 ' 5 / Percent Sellable Solidi — d3 12x S. -' 1000 ml/L 900 mill 800 ml/L 700 ml/L 600 mVL 500 ml/L 400 ml/L eon ml/L 200 mi/L ,3 — 3-• 3.. 3 % 100 _ ml/L 5 ink? 20 min 35 min 20 min 25 min 30 min TIME