HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240204_Response To Comments_20240617 azeri Hazen and Sawyer 9101 Southern Pine Blvd,Suite 250 Charlotte,NC 28273•704.357.3150 June 17,2024 Brianna Holland 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 625Y Raleigh,NC 27604 Re: Grassy Branch WRF Expansion Post Construction Stormwater Application—SW3240204 Dear Ms. Holland, This response letter addresses the comments received on April 12, 2024. These responses were previously emailed and uploaded on June 4,2024. Included are two(2)hard copies of the revised drawing set and one(1)hard copy of the revised narrative. Please note some of the calculations related to Comments 3 and 4 uploaded on June 4 have been updated in this submission. Review Comment 1: Application Section IV, 8-Accounting for the surface water area results in a project density that is greater than is allowed for a low density permit. (22,715 SF total impervious area = 0.52 acres, 0.52 acres/1.40 acres = 37.2% impervious). Utilizing the rules below can reduce the percentage of impervious area,while meeting the requirement to omit the surface water area from the project area. (This rule can be applied because it appears that the existing BUA was installed prior to the rules going into effect in the area.). 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (1) (b) A project with existing development has the option of calculating project density as the difference of total built-upon area minus existing builtupon area divided by the difference of total project area minus existing built-upon area; (c)(i)Total project area shall exclude the following: areas below the Normal High Water Line(NHWL). 13,245 SF of existing BUA=0.30 acres of existing BUA. 0.52 acres—0.30 acres _ 1.40 acres—0.30 acres —20% • Can you clarify the issue with how the 4/4 resubmittal documents calculated the%impervious area? • As denoted on Sheet C6 (submitted as Plansheet — BUA), the Project % Impervious was calculated using the described method(c)in your comment letter. • There seems to be a comment being made regarding the conversion of the existing BUA values from square footage to acres not being accurate. I'd like to acknowledge rounding up of the acreage values were used to allow for the summation of the individual drainage areas to equal that of the total drainage area—this is true for the Existing BUA line item. This has happened 7, due to the small drainage areas seen on our project site when converting from square footage 2 to acres. • Based on the previous two comments,we believe no updates are necessary. Review Comment 2: The calculations reflect the North American Green — P300 polypropylene mat — TRM. Different TRM types have varying maximum velocity allowances. While the brand doesn't need to hazenandsawyer.com Hazen Brianna Holland June 17,2024 be included in the plans,the specifications listed must be detailed enough to ensure the chosen mat allows for a maximum allowable velocity equal to or exceeding the value calculated. • We addressed this comment by updating the minimum shear stress value to 2.0 lb/ft2 in paragraph 2.05F3 of the Erosion and Sediment Control specification to account for this, and match what is described in the calculations and shown on the Drawings. Review Comment 3: Per 15A NCAC 02H.1002(50) "Ten-year storm intensity"means the maximum rate of rainfall of a duration equivalent to the time of concentration expected, on the average, once in 10 years. Ten-year storm intensities are estimated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS). The NOAA Precipitation Frequency Data Server table was provided, but the time of concentration could not be verified based on the information provided. The calculations stated that the 10-year storm utilized was based on StreamStats, but conformance with this definition must also be demonstrated. If the flow for the 10-year storm needs to be revised, please revise the swale and rip rap calculations accordingly. • Based on your comment,we confirmed the sizing of the swale using the Rational Method and calculating a time of concentration. • The updated Low Density sheet has been uploaded. The Q, Vactual, and Additional Information sections were updated. • We have confirmed that the original rip rap design is sufficient. Review Comment 4: Verify the flow from the culvert. The provided Culvert Report reversed the slope of the culvert from what is indicated on the plans and could result in a different discharge condition. Per 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (5), stormwater outlets shall be designed so that they do not cause erosion downslope of the discharge point during the peak flow from the 10-year storm event. • See the updated Culvert Sizing calculation based on the updated flow calculated mentioned in the Comment 3 section. Thank you very much for your consideration of the enclosed resubmittal. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions by email(zkemak@hazenandsaywer.com)or telephone(704.941.6044). Respectfully submitted, Zachary Kemak,PE Enclosure cc: Thomas Mann (Union County Water) Fred Braun (Union County Water) Page 2 of 2 hazenandsawyer.com