HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03618_Well Construction - GW1_20240613 • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For l.ernal Use ONLY: The form can b used fall single or multiple reds 1.Well Contractor Information: 11/;WATER ZONES John Eisenman IROM to ar_WRIPTIN ,Wc11('ortraclor Namc ft. R. 4439 ft. ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Number MI.OUTER CASING(for ms (-cased well.)OR LINER fit likable) FROM TO D1%MFTFR —1 THR'ANFSS I MATFRPil SAEDACCO fl. ft. in. ('cizi un Name (NNE R CASING OR TURING aniernial clawed-Lwp) al - _ TO DNstiTFR THI('A\Esi M%TTRf1I. 1 2,WdI Construction Permit if: 0 R. 13 ft. 4 6.- SCH40 PVC Liu all,ipplicahlc well permits ii c.County.Saar.fitriurne frl'd00rt.a.l — - ' 53 R• 58 n• 4 ln- SCH40 PVC 3.Wdi toe(check well use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: Front TO DUMW'rFR SIMs11•T IOUANr:5X Net s flit!LI. CJAgficuhtiral ❑MtmicipalLPablic 13 ft. 53 A. 4 in. 010 SCH40 PVC OGeothennal(Heatingcooling Supply► OResidential Water Supply(single! r R. h. is I"I I dustrial/Commercial OResidentcd Water Supply(spited 1 10 FROM vrt TO MATERIAL IL111MACEMENT METRO°t AMOUNT ❑Imgation 0 ft. 10 n. Portland Pour Nor-Water Supply Well: R. ft. ❑Monitonng WRecosct) iujectior Well: rt. It. 0 Aquifer Recharge °Groundwater Reniediation r,.,%ND(.1211 I 1 r It h id'a,/Mtsilt) ►RUV _ ,�:� _ 'IciI HI SI RMIM.S('FMINT MrTHOO IiAquifcr Storagc and Rcc(nen ❑Salitlit) Hamer 11 h. 58 r. Sand #2 El Aquifer Test ❑SIonmsitcr Drainage • n. I u. ❑Expenmcntal Technology ❑Snhsidcmcc('omml 10.DRILLING LOG Iattach additional iMes•N if aece•san 1 OGeotiirmat IClusedLoupi ❑Tracer rnoM ro DF.cRlrtunN1,u6r,warder..,,.,it,w,l.lope.arau,4e,ar.t ❑Gcoihemial illeatius'C'uolnig Renato ❑Other leNplam under a21 Remarks, A. n' — ft. it. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 5-3-24 Wdl ipmR-27 ft. ft. r . ` 1� Sa.Well Location: h. n. '' r `�' GE ft rt. JUN 1 3 2024 Facility.Oo rerN,,a: Tacit'''. ink.(if.,p,l, aHl, - V._• . R. it. 1223 Fairgrove Church Road SE , Hickory, NC, 28602 R. I �II. ,rJre^'4, r cC.•.M--r.g Uwe D(trC4 3lr4i 1.,-"I \ideas.Cm.and Zip 2L REMARKS Catawba bentonite seal from 8'-11' t.nud,._.. _ Parcel Identification No.IPINI 5h.Latitude and Longitude in degrecsiminutrw.ascennds or decimal degrees: 22.(*retitle • r: 01 wilt lidd one tar lntn P.stdlkianll N W 5/12/2024 Signanue of„r::,,.. : :Ill i;.,�.,avi;C_ Date f. 6 is tan)the well(s): �Permanem ur ]Temporary ` �E •,'; fir rea.y+ Bs signo,,q dal fw K •?�•,iF 1 .�:».s.,t.:r:rl txrartnterrd in urronitannr warn I SA NCAC 02C.';,--..�-.7:.:.'.i t. ,:..'C 020n Well Conortw non Sr.i&l,,Sc and awl o 7.is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or RN. ropy of this►r+rrmi has helm provided to the well owner. If this is a repair,fill,set ftnvxw Well(ono?*lwti mlornwarant and explain the abs., of foe repair aderIII remarks section or on the hark of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of tiw,paw to provide additional cell site details or well 8.Number of wells cunalr'ucted: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages if liecessals. for malople in*,Non ce m o-wider limp!,writs ONLY n',th the Wait eoea alien.on cam sabmiu am foam. Lli�l 111.1L.b STUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below ladsrrface 58 (h.) 24a. For :All NSells: Submit this form wohm 10 days of completion of nell For multiple wells tlsi oil*Mu ifdlrrearlrxaapfr-Tla200'and 2itotorn constnictiontotlicfollowing 10.Static water level below top of casing: (n,) Dis isiirn of Water Resources,Information Processing I nit. if nuUrr!rid)a ids„r,aswr.we"+- I617 Mail Serice('eater,Raleigh.NC 2 7699-16 17 II.Berelole diameter:12/8 (in.) 24b.Fur[nacelle's Wells ONLY: in addition to sending 11te form to the address in 24aabose. also submit a coin of this form minion '4/ days of completion of well 12.Well coastrrction method: HSA/AIR construction to the folluwtng. l i e.auger.rota's.cable.direct push etc 1 Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR Vs 1 IT SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 t3a)'sill wont) Method For V.Ater'uppls .C.Injirtinn Welk:Method of test:— Also submit one copy of tins folio tsithnt ii dal a of cotnpletton of 131i.Disinfection type: Amount: well constriction to the county health department of the county where constructed I ro i(;tit-1 Noah Caroluta U.ipctnntnu of Ens uoiuuiu aid Natural Resources-Dn anon of Water Reolra6 Res iced August 2+t I l