HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuncombe_Well Abandonment_20240617 (3) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Nit trrtant.•ilUwON1Y This farm can be used for single or multiple Neils 1.Well Unntractr r Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Rich Lemire 7a,Number of wdls being abandoned: 1 i1t,.vi;aiurNanic rot wctlowu►YpeisoiWI);jAniiuung well onlua.1rrproperhl r.0 mtdo/,la mva7,.ur .v .r..rrmer ,tq,plr .eN. UNL} verb 1&, .soar r offrm,n..w„h,iml vrnirnr,i.ra trDr vlvriit sore,f,tmr 2593A NC Woll ConlwdorCntificittin Namt for 'b.Apprniniate iolurne of wither n'maininr inwcll(.,PONE (� SAEDACCO FOR N k'fER%UPPI.I N ELLS'ONIA Conpan>tame 7c.1)pc of dr.infectant u.rd:_ 2.Weil Cemstrartion Permit 0:, l-ist idl w14&u6le well pernucr n.e.(wean.J'wie.I ariamw byeoion,et,i it linlwn 'd. amount of di.infcetanl u.rd: J."ell u-se(check w ell use►: Water Supph Well: 7c,Scabs((materials used(check all that apple): ❑Agmultural ❑hlunkipal;Public ® Neat Cement Grout 0 Rcttonite Chips or Pellet. C]Gcothemul(Hcanng7C•oohng Siq*)1 ❑Rcsidenttal Water Supph fsingici ❑ Sated C'enra Groin ❑ Urn C'la,. 01ndustrial,'Commcrcial ❑Rcsiderttal Water Supph (shared) ❑ Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Cuttings Olrri •tiou ❑ Specialty Grout ❑Gomel Non-Water Supply Well: U Beruonue Shrm U()thee leXplain udder''gi ➢D 111unuonna ❑RaLu�rn Injection Well: -f.For each material idectecl Aim%e,preside anwiunt of material. ee reed: ❑AgmferRecharge ❑(irounlw'alerRetnediation Neat Cem. :4701b ,Wtr:30cal. Sand Cem. :lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Storage and Reccn en ❑Sahnih liamer Bentonite. :51b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Slommater Drntuige — - -- ❑EM. "mcmal Tbcintoloin ❑Subsidetice Cotttul - Vr-,i ide a brief description„f the abandiintncnt lo"we Burr: OGeotliential IClosed Loop) C1Tfacef TREMMIE PRESSURE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP. OGeothemial IHeatin 'Grotto Retum► [.101trerlcx sin under 7 { - i.Datewe!(s)aMaNaiiN: 5-14-2024 % `; j Sa.Wit Itwatior.: JV FORMER ALLIANCE CAROLINA TOOL/MOLD CO. Facilt},fhcrier ti,i,a Fxilih IDM(ifapplieabk{ R,(rrtificaliMt: (rAillir a4vi�eCf)BM.��j►UtR DWC 125 Glenn Bridge Rd. Arden, NC 28704 � �jyM�..t� ' 5/19/2024 P11".".i '•,a ,., Is i c;,. Srttmtane of_ :itiod W ell Cowaeuir or Well Owsrr Dare BUNCOMBE - 1 .sighing this)Firm, I herebv cerh#,that the well(s) was fweret atiividoned in Parcel Itkaidi:-vron 14o.(PISi aa'orthowe,with ISA MCAC 02C.010I1 or 2C.0200 ff*d1 Cbxxhpction Vtindurt/.. and that a crop-of this record has bear pruvk*d to the well owner. 5b.latitude and longitude in degirer.lininutcslxconds or decimal degrees: qd a cl:i itd ;u,<Lit Inn_i...nlhr tv 1 9.Site diagram or additional well detailr You ma% tee tlw back of this page to pros de addiilional welt site details or well N W abandonnietu details. You rimy also attach additional pages if nec essan. C ONSTRII(TION DETAILS OF W'ELI.IS{BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS .tt.n le soil!umarvc ir:tit nit aide.:N or whai•le. 1•.v mulhplr uyra unv cv rr,neatrr step/•ii welkiONLY with the.into• i,,w can snhmtf rurr hrnw Ina. Fnr All N eLLv Su boul Ihei form within 30 days of completion of well 64.WeN ID#:MW-5BR abandtimuent to the following Ditisian of Water Rmiurees,Information Processing Unit, 61r.Total wc•II dcptlr. 172 1617 Mail Seniee('enter,Raleigh.1NC 2 7699-16 1 7 If1.{ lob. For Imiection Weill: to addition to setdntg dr fort to the address m loa aboic.Also submit one ctipy of des form wnhm :n days of completion of well r.c.FGirrholr Aiamch r:2 tin.) rbardonnient to the lollowute Dii.Won of Water Rmurve%,Cnderge-ruund Injection Control Pnigram, i,d.\\Ater kirl hclnw grrrund wrfacc: 37 (ft.) 1636 Mail Senior('enter,Raleigh,NU 27699-1636 Itk•.For Water Suinrh & Inkction WeN.: In addition to seeding the font Iv oc.Outer ca.ing length lifknowni: (h.l ltw address(esi abme. also submit otic cop` of this form within Zti days of :ompletion of wdl abandmuneni is the:otirti health dcparneit of the count} (.f.Inner casin-_,nt' bin,- _K f I:Icnh rinn..ni: oft.) w here atmnilancd 6g.Screen len::th of know n 1: FonnGW-?ti Nunh l':uolnc Ik(arlurin al Enunnnikut aid Na[ui t Rt.nuace U, a ai a l t4at.,N luuaas Reined Augrse lril