HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6240604_Design Calculations_20240614 Stormwater Data For SerenityTherapeutic Center, E. Palmer St. Raeford, NC Owner: J.M.B.B., LLC i SEAL - 31459 _ v i• o` a 'VG! e'`N -j61`A. .i,`: 1-30`1 1 Prepared by: ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - DESIGNING - DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P.O. Box 53787 1333 Morganton Road, Suite 201 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305 P. (910) 483-4300 F. (910) 483-4052 www.LKandA.com NC Firm License #: C-0887 STORMWATER NARRATIVE The proposed high-density development is a new commercial building and necessary parking on an 8.26 acre parcel. The parcel is flat with roadside ditches on two sides. There is no existing impervious area in the of the project. The project will be constructed in two phases. Overall the project (phases 1 and 2) will create 56,681 sf of new impervious area. Approximately 36,158 sf will be constructed in phase 1 along with the proposed Wet Detention Basin. The basin has been sized for total buildout to include phases 1 and 2. A Wet Detention Basin is planned to capture runoff from parking lots and roof drains. The basin is intended to draw down the 1" rainfall in 3.37 days through the riser structure and drawdown orifice. Effluent will discharge through an 8" diameter pipe into an existing roadside ditch along E. Palmer Street. The wet basin in designed to route up to the 100-year storm through the riser structure without overtopping the basin. Soil bores logs and report are attached. Supporting calculations are attached. TABLE OF CONTENTS Stormwater Narrative SC-1 Pond Routing Calculations APPENDIX A Wet Detention Basin Calculations APPENDIX B Misc. Erosion Control Calculations APPENDIX C Site Maps APPENDIX D Soils Report APPENDIX E Site Deed APPENDIX F Appendix A Table of Contents E Palmer ST gpw Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday,Apr 30 2024,2:9 PM Hydrograph Return Period Recap 1 1 - Year Summary Report 2 Hydrograph Reports 3 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, POST-POND 3 10 - Year Summary Report 4 Hydrograph Reports 5 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, POST-POND 5 25 - Year Summary Report 6 Hydrograph Reports 7 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, POST-POND 7 100 - Year Summary Report 8 Hydrograph Reports 9 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, POST-POND 9 1 Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow(cfs) Hydrograph No. type Hyd(s) description (origin) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 Rational 7.16 11.06 12.42 14.40 POST 2 Reservoir 1 1.43 1.62 1.62 1.62 POST-POND Proj. file: E Palmer ST.gpw Tuesday, Apr 30 2024, 2:09 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 2 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 7.16 1 33 19,195 ---- POST 2 Reservoir 1.43 1 77 8,868 1 243.02 15,620 POST-POND E Palmer ST.gpw Return Period: 1 Year Tuesday, Apr 30 2024, 2:09 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 3 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday,Apr 30 2024,2:9 PM Hyd. No. 2 POST-POND Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.43 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Max. Elevation = 243.02 ft Reservoir name = WET POND Max. Storage = 15,620 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume=8,868 cult POST-POND 0 (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 1 Yr 0 (cfs) 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 \„...,....., 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 4 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 11.06 1 33 29,637 ---- POST 2 Reservoir 1.62 1 125 19,157 1 243.50 24,791 POST-POND E Palmer ST.gpw Return Period: 10 Year Tuesday, Apr 30 2024, 2:09 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 5 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday,Apr 30 2024,2:9 PM Hyd. No. 2 POST-POND Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.62 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Max. Elevation = 243.50 ft Reservoir name = WET POND Max. Storage = 24,791 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume= 19,157 cuft POST-POND Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 6 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 12.42 1 33 33,268 ---- POST 2 Reservoir 1.62 1 65 22,733 1 243.50 29,274 POST-POND E Palmer ST.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Tuesday, Apr 30 2024, 2:09 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 7 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday,Apr 30 2024,2:9 PM Hyd. No. 2 POST-POND Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.62 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Max. Elevation = 243.50 ft Reservoir name = WET POND Max. Storage = 29,274 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume=22,733 cuft POST-POND Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 --25 Yr Q (cfs) 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 /1\ 0.00 I 0.00 0.0 0.8 1.7 2.5 3.3 4.2 5.0 5.8 6.7 7.5 8.3 9.2 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 8 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph No. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 14.40 1 33 38,573 ---- POST 2 Reservoir 1.62 1 655 27,960 1 243.90 35,234 POST-POND E Palmer ST.gpw Return Period: 100 Year Tuesday, Apr 30 2024, 2:09 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 9 Hydrograph Plot Hydrafiow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday,Apr 30 2024,2:9 PM Hyd. No. 2 POST-POND Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.62 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Max. Elevation = 243.90 ft Reservoir name = WET POND Max. Storage = 35,234 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume=27,960 cuft POST-POND Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 100 Yr Q (cfs) 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 Appendix B ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910) 483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Stormwater Wet Pond Design Criteria Project Name: P23-031 Serenity Therapeutic Center Outlet: 1 Calculate Runoff Coefficient A= 2.46 acres 106981 sf Watershed area Ai= 1.30 acres 56,681 sf Impervious area la= 0.53 Impervious fraction Rv=0.05+0.9*la Rv= 0.53 Runoff Coefficient Calculate Runoff Volume Required to be Controlled Rd= 1 in Design storm rainfall depth (typically 1" or 1.5") V=3630*Rd*Rv*A WQV= 4,697 cf Volume of runoff that must be 1.29 Ac in controlled for specified design storm Calculate Required Pond Surface Area for Permanent Pool Elevation SA/DA= 2.09 Based 3 Avg. Perm. Pool Depth **See Table 10-1,10-2,10-3 for SA/DA SA= 0.051 Ac 2,236 sf Required Surface Area @ Perm Pool SC-3 ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910) 483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Time to Peak Calculations Project Name: P23-031 Serenity Therapeutic Center Outlet: 1 Calculate Time to Peak&Volume of Runoff Qp 11.1 cfs DA= 2.46 acres Rational C= 0.62 P= 5.51 in (10yr/24hr storm) . Cn=ab+cx"d a= 50.82581 b + x^d b= 1.461704 c= 165.6338 d= 1.350661 Cn= 81 x= Rational C S= 2.33 (1000/CN)-10 Q*= 3.45 in Tp 33.43 min Volume of Runoff(10 Year Storm) Vol=1.39 *Qp*Tp Vol= 30,838 cf HVdrograph Shape tc 7 min Ascending limb= 4.78 Decending limb= 7.98 SC-4 on ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910) 483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Drawdown Orifice Sizing Calculations Project Name: P23-031 Serenity Therapeutic Center Outlet: 1 Pond Storage= 9,888 cf Water Quality Volume Pond Depth(h)= 0.33 ft HO=H/3 Drawdown Time= 2.5 days 2-5 days Cd= 0.6 Coefficient of Discharge (typical 0.6) g= 32.2 ft/sec^2 Gravity The Orifice Equation Q= Cd A Sgrt(2 g h) Rearrange to solve for A, the minimum orifice area needed to meet drawdown requirements Q= 0.05 cfs Based on pond volume and desired drawdown time A= 0.01655 sf 2.38 si Number of Orifices= 1 Minimum diameter to meet area d= 1.74 inch diameter orifice Use: 1.5 "diameter orifice 0.0123 sf Check Outflow time Q= Cd A Sqrt(2 g h) Q= 0.03 cfs Drawdown time= 3.37 days OK SC-5 on ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910) 483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Anti-Flotation Sizing Calculations Project Name: P23-031 Serenity Therapeutic Center Outlet: 1 Riser Diameter= in (circular) Dimensions of Riser= 3 3 ft Depth of pond = 3.5 ft Required Factor of Safety= 1.5 Cross Sectional Area of Riser Circular= 0.00 sf Rectangular= 9 sf Volume of Water Displaced Depth of pond *Cross-sectional area 31.5 cf Weight of Water Displaced (assuming weight of water= 62.4 lb/cf) 62.4 *Volume of water Displaced 1965.60 lb Minimum Weight of Anti-Flotaton Device FS *WoW Displaced 2948.40 lb Riser Base Provided 6 ft x 6 ft x 1 ft(depth) Weight of concrete assumed 150 lb/cf Weight of Base Provided = 5400.00 lb FS Provided = 2.75 OK SC-6 man ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910)483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Pond Volume Calculations Project Name: P23-031 Serenity Therapeutic Center Outlet: 1 Permanent Pool Volume(Main Pool Only) Elev. Contour Accum. Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol. (ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf) 236 0.0 1,984 0 0 237 1.0 2,561 2,273 2,273 238 1.0 3,210 2,886 5,158 239 1.0 3,930 3,570 8,728 240 1.0 4,711 4,321 13,049 241 1.0 5,548 5,130 18,178 241.5 0.5 6,440 2,997 21,175 Perm Pool Elev. Forebay Only Volume Elev. Contour Accum. Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol. (ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf) 238 0.0 239 0 0 239 1.0 880 560 560 240 1.0 1,339 1,110 1,669 241 1.0 1,855 1,597 3,266 241.5 0.5 2,133 997 4,263 20% Temporary Pool Volume Elev. Contour Accum. Stage Diff Area Incr.Vol. Vol. (ft) (ft) (sf) (cf) (cf) 4,715 cf 241.5 0.0 8,626 0 0 Perm Pool Elev. 242 0.5 10,067 4,673 4,673 242.5 0.5 10,792 5,215 9,888 Temp Pool Elev. SC-7 Dis ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-DESIGNING-DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P. (910) 483-4300 www.LKandA.com F. (910) 483-4052 Georgetown Estates Section Three Pond Volumes Average Depth Equation 2 Vpp #REF! cf SA= #REF! Davg= #REF! ft Equation 2. Average depth when the shelf is not submerged or the shelf is being included in the average depth calculation VPs Davg= SA Where: D" = Average depth(feet) Vpp = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation(feet3) SA = Main pool area at permanent pool elevation(feet2) Average Depth Equation 3 VPP= 21,175 cf VShelf= 230.25 Cf ABottom of Shelf= 5,547 sf Davg= 3.78 ft Amax Over Shelf= 0.5 ft Pperm Pool= 307 ft Wsubmerged part of shelf— 3 ft VShelf= 230.25 cf Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is partially or fully submerged and the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation VPh—Vsheff Davg Abottom of shelf Where: Dav = Average depth(feet) Vpp = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation(feet3) Vsheu = Volume over the shelf only(feet3)—see below &atom ofshelf = Area of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet2) Vshor 0.5* De pt hmax over shelf*Perimeterpermpool*Wldthsobmergedpart ot shelf Where: Depthmax over shelf = Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf as measured from the permanent pool(feet) Perimeterpem,boa = Perimeter of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet) Wdthsubmerged part of shelf = Width from the deep side to the dry side of the shelf as measured at permanent pool(feet) SC-8 Georgetown Estates Section Three Percent Table 10-3: Piedmont/Mountains 90% Impervious Cover Permanent Pool Average Depth (ft) 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 >8 10% 0.51 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.27 0.25 20% 0.84 0.69 0.61 0.51 0.44 0.40 30% 1.17 0.94 0.84 0.72 0.61 _ 0.56 40% 1.51 1.24 1.09 0.91 0.78 0.71 50% 1.79 1.51 1.31 1.13 0.95 0.87 60% 2.09 1.77 1.49 1.31 1.12 1.03 70% 2.51 2.09 1.80 1.56 1.34 1.17 80% 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.82 1.62 1.40 90% 3.25 2.64 2.31 2.04 1.84 1.59 100% 3.55 2.79 2.52 2.34 2.04 1.75 SC-9 Appendix C DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JAN, PE Date: 4/30/2024 Checked By: Date: Company: Larry King &Assoc. Project Name: E. Palmer Street Project No.: Site Location (City/Town) Raeford, NC Culvert Id. DW Pipe Total Drainage Area (acres) 0.24 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified maximum condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter, Do (in.) 18 Tailwater depth (in.) 0 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW (Fig. 8.06a) Discharge (cfs) 1.01 Velocity (ft./s) 3.2 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1. enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine dya riprap size and minimum apron length (La). The dto size is the median stone size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet, the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d50, (ft.) 0.3 Minimum apron length, La (ft.) 10 Apron width at pipe outlet (ft.) 4.5 4.5 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end (ft.) 11.5 1.5 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter: dfrX = '1.5 x d50...4 Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax (ft.) 0.45 0 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness = 1.5 x Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 0.675 0 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length, L . from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary (Appendix 8.05). Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered, see page 8.06.8. Figure 8.06a: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw<0.5 diameter) 30 ;:, � Outlet W Do + le 90 PrPe t diameter(Do) t. . r itwater - 0.5Do ;1 iI It`' ��''(1 7q f, Y, ; rt=' ��. nt I , , r o : ;` 11 : �'g n'‘\ 1 , 1 1, , I , :' ;--1e i,!4, 14, 1'e l• i k.. 50 1 Y ; a f - v} '\ ` f{� , kl\v-\tn 't I '; ,' ti u t .l v t p Q I. i- ! ,1,' ..I '. +1«.. €i I{i.�„ I d 6 100 4�t 1 I {� :ArP�p ,4 ( f-4-- irOrpo t (,I,% i i ,, ,i ! { Q elo ,, � 1+. f 1 I , , , ., lei z© , ,f a fA ! l { r t� 3 pit{ + t. ' Z i =tea i`;; ' i r. '-i { i �'`v`A' 1 '! , ,.,ff. t t ,1000944 ""_ �' r'' ( ,k"r l ,P s,4 ,, I ie mow► 111�;` :, i+ t, (; r P t, ao ' Y i ij ;;I l t { , . � f , f l �' 0151121101fir 2NIi+ Itf k' • F i ' } 1i it ,iii"'�i �` 0l��1I O`t. .i I I cc ,iim '1,,' ::' •', :': : '''' ' ''' ' :- , " ' 01.11 .....41.010 . , , , , , . , . ,,„ " , , ! Mr !v-5 ,,.a 1 i ;..l. � i IIIIIIIII i I 11M U1110 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protect-on protection horn a round pipe flowing full,minimum tailwater condition(Tw<0.5 d4amnter). Rev.1_2*93 8.06.3 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JAN, PE Date: 4/30/2024 Checked By: Date: Company: Larry King &Assoc. Project Name: E. Palmer Street Project No.: Site Location (City/Town) Raeford, NC Culvert Id. Pond Inlet Total Drainage Area (acres) 2.46 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified maxinmtun condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter, Do (in.) 18 Tailwater depth (in.) 0 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW (Fig. 8.06a) Discharge (cfs) 11.1 Velocity (ft./s) 3.2 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine day,riprap size and minimum apron length (L). The dc, size is the median stone size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet, the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d50, (ft.) 0.4 Minimum apron length, La (ft.) 11 Apron width at pipe outlet (ft.) 4.5 4.5 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end (ft.) 12.5 1.5 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter: cin„ = '1.5 X Cl Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax (ft.) - 0.6 0 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness = 1.5 x dr. Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 0.9 0 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length, La, from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary (Appendix 8.05). Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered, see page 8.06.8. Figure 8.06a: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw<0.5 diameter) 3 0' _ i Outlet W m DO + La 90 ;, _ ,...� PiPr ' i tea,diameter (Do) 1 'i:', i: :-3r La a N 1 , .+srA. ilwater t, 0.5Do li �1 1,. �1 i, ijl (0C` , i I 1:j v I [x9 .{ t , 4 1 ty, y i� v\' °• 60 ,I11h `I zkiii' ,F- 'IrbD• a� l �\.�Vfi 50 1 i . , ... .. a 2'X, . '�`,`' N 1i l ,i 14. i ! I I 11 , ,' . s r i ,� t ��� 'All"i I i r0000 �� � . �� �i;i, 40 1 uG 6 3 ;�JI ,•, 4 !I , 1. '`1 {s 'i I ,i l ' b J4 if AO ' 30 A (ii HILT_, ` 1 Z Rem, r. . i . _{1 {'I f .. , ! , , I, i t l a Mr ,i { i i t+ � a d p , J 20 { ,� 5 I l 1 fr li r)f Iit. t j{ i,. , ,21 i , t , It , y t' /� .Iv�'i'�r tt}(4 J 11 ! { (1t: ..,,-1--,.- : .i :, fi �I ( 1 { .11 i f , : ::, , i ' 11 .y 1, 11� � '}" '{ r ii i ! 1 "it if i.J�i_.l, 1 •*! r 1 i {I ', ti: i s i V {I „ tf r a 0 _ , tI, { � , i , it ll f ti, i ,11� a i ,•t ry . I 2 i + 9 0, 11 I ! t t } t1 i If r il I�"" '.I II 111 .(l . + 'I, I i ,25 ,tfr1%IP ' r ;.j ;1' i13 �vp ♦;,t 1 i I I t ll I i I f i 14 I I 0 i �r� a 301 , ri - . , ,` ( .i ,. , I„ 1 v =5 .....wwrrrl i I f t I I I. I i 1 11 . 1 I _ 0 3 5 10 20 50 100 20"J 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full,minimum tailwater condition(Tw.0.5 diameter), Rev.1:±93 8.06.3 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JAN, PE Date: 4/30/2024 Checked By: Date: Company: Larry King &Assoc. Project Name: E. Palmer Street Project No.: Site Location (City/Town) Raeford, NC Culvert Id. Pond Inlet Total Drainage Area (acres) 2.46 Step 1. Determine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter, it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter, it is classified maximum condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a mininnxin tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter, Do (in.) 8 Tailwater depth (in.) 0 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW (Fig. 8.06a) Discharge (cfs) 1.62 Velocity (ft./s) 3 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1, enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine d50 riprap size and minimum apron length (La). The d,n size is the median stOne size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet, the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d50, (ft.) 0.2 Minimum apron length, La (ft.) 8 Apron width at pipe outlet (ft.) 2 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end (ft.) 8.666666667 0.666666667 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter: = 1.5 x d50 Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter, dmax (ft.) 0.3 0 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness = '1.5 x riniu Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 0.45 0 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length, La, from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary (Appendix 8.05). Where overfalls exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive, a plunge pool should be considered, see page 8.06.8_ Figure 8.06a: Design of outlet protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw<0.5 diameter) 3 a Outlet W e Do -1. La 90 i . pipe diameter (Do) , . ,. 80 i .; .- ' ; 1 ` . La ►t i i i *revel iwater O.aDo 1L Ord p , i '. . 0 0 �g� F I t ,' 'V. ' 1. I i li I . 4 1 N. ,I,. ���,� 50 ( `1 { ... _ f ,> �`'t pp it l i �. ��` 1 , `1 ,.... ;.� 1 ' F., II , I I, ` 'f6, 4 - ,L., i i µ xl 000 . ,tll . L e10:1 I ,, it 00 ¢{ II I pl. ( j M t rt' tt . PPP"' 1 ` . 1{I ,. { t i t. ry4 v�p� . I i, I hkl I d �� � li i 1, • i 111 i + {l} i��� Y � 1!` + 1 t E t i I t l !„� � -,���I4.`er 20 ii,lit 1' ! Ili . , I I i ,5. ,,,.. j �',' �., i 1 1 i ,i I i 4 f$ �;i 11. '� V pd'�,lFrIFI NI lap sit 1 ' ; - ;• ; ;;r.1; . ;: 400110 ,411 I ` ,1. , 1 ,. i ..� i I. 16 t r iiiit!j t Ifii, ! 1 ,. t I l t 1 1!I 1 ,,;,idiri-irlidi' I0l1l1 1 , 1oL i i) d s A � d� i ! E� II ,I; , ; I V a 1 — i! i kli ! ni• ,, v - t4'J pow, l �i v_5 . , i 1 l I r 1 _ IIIIII ` 1,--_ 1111111111111111111111 ■a 0 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Discharge(ft3/sec) Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection!torn a round pipe flowing full,'u niniurn tail.vator condition(Tw<0.5 diameter). Rev.12;93 8.06.3 Appendix D 4 S!Iyy r , ,„„4: ./..,,,,,,,.,,A, . o `'• � ' �,• ���+r � . i �� � �., 4_C.-% • '-- i thrall*/ .,_j . mr,../A, 4 ...., f . ,,k.:' \ ,,. ki.J.)u 6) ° 1 finH it ill i Issillck,-"'-'3: 11111 ,, ''... ". . ' ' • ;3 (7`,-. L, 4 r:Li t.-7:/Atft-c ,• S c, 4, • �\/ 5 / -• •) .'-c'--'f •i- is �1 �, _ •r• ;. - Lf ice Y ': .s .,4 :— ., . ( A, [Alb link 11 ' - -.j.i.'„J.,'',.- i •., t.„ .1.A.A..‘,. . : '.0 . 0 0 'Ill I It . C,1%" r I moi 1,^ ,,';'gin i 111 abVINGTONAVE � ' �'� t,S?C4_::'..s,�r try- ' '/./.. : �O � t t��� . rrJ 1 , 1.-. ,,_wow %'f''e-.,.ffpw40.`\::-.. - , . ik. Ili 7 I \\ . .1. ''' ,;:-•.11.F.:72::: :,i'tiva. I Sr:;%.. .4,ANItRNItti r !Ai _ }� .;i"::-.4 '2..4:',- 7:: „4'' , . r ,7.,,...4,..,.... . ....i........'"L''.---131)'''' " 3* . - 1111111 '• �.- —' 7. E PALMER ST owr -4 .. N A ,, . I \t a• b • / . 1 1t VI r t 1il 3 5 P.t 1 A PIN NO. 694341301035 OWNER NAME BARTLETT, SALLIE B &HUSB ADDITIONAL OWNER ROUSE,MARIE&HUSBAND PHYSICALADDRESS S MAIN ST Disclaimer This data was prepared for the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction,and is compiled from recorded deeds,plats, April 30, 2024 and other public records and data.Users of the data are hereby p notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources 100 2 200 Feet should be consulted for verification of the information. Hoke 0 550 1 County and mapping companies assume no legal responsibility for I I I I I I I I the information. kt fit 1 #1' Still* ?,1! UMW,4 ..._ _ 440, II ro 2'4'4' 0.i p,/, „Ed: :::, ,,, z $oursirzry ttvt r �x e (7, [; ! i i.]. t}T 4/ kilt 4h u f I ('CO41 i'— /11/t voegGe DI 4 I C P.:0 Ce Ct.t...1.1'0 .3 '011 iwo r--E a;-1 LANTERN C/4, . ', WI —, BaD� • - ••LI19 R N Z -4* CW • • FaBI 1* o l 4, LKl°LJ PIN NO. 694341301035 OWNER NAME BARTLETT, SALLIE B&HUSB ADDITIONAL OWNER ROUSE,MARIE&HUSBAND PHYSICALADDRESS S MAIN ST Disclaimer This data was prepared for the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction,and is compiled from recorded deeds,plats, April 30 2024 and other public records and data.Users of the data are hereby P notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources 2,200 Feet should be consulted for verification of the information. Hoke 0 550 1,100 County and mapping companies assume no legal responsibility for I I I I I I I I I the information. . ' , r AN. . rn %44- g I- ._ ii, t 9 .1. .. , _ vi ,—.....,...4.:4s, .prp.MVO" Z , , VII --,-'' r "'• ' , "`"'i%%b.\a q'N''''1/4.q....N. . . 1 . E PALMER RD ...„. 111 ri r,11 ,ill\ ti1 i i 1 13 a ili s all, ilz, ...0..._. iu-i, eN4 ("t' P() Ii (1 ,r ....N_Li ._ _Li., Appendix E P.O.® +.Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com January 12,2022 Ms. Lori Epler . Larry King&Associates,RLS,PA 1333 Morganton Road, Suite 201 Fayetteville,NC 28305 Re: Seasonal High Water Table determination for proposed stormwater treatment/retention areas,Bartlett/Rouse property,East Palmer Street, Raeford, Hoke County,North Carolina Dear Ms. Epler, An evaluation of soil properties has been conducted on portions of the aforementioned property at your request. The purpose of the investigation was to determine Seasonal High Water Table depths (SHWT)based on soil profiles. Soils at the proposed basin site are most similar to the Duplin and Coxville soil series(see attached boring logs). Four(4)soil borings were advanced to 4.0 feet below the soil surface. Seasonal High-Water Table(SHWT)as determined by evidence of colors of chroma 2 or less (and/or concentrations of high redox mottles)was encountered at the soil surface in all borings [0 inches below the ground surface(see chart attached)]. It should be noted that the reported SHWT does not necessarily reflect the elevation of static groundwater at the time of testing(due to variations in groundwater recharge rates,weekly and/or annual rainfall,drought conditions or other factors). The data presented in this report are limited by a number of considerations. The primary consideration is that soil formations can be highly variable. The soils found on this site can be subject to inclusions of other soil types, perched water,artesian conditions and/or layers of undulating low permeability clay seams. These and other soil conditions can have an effect on the steady state of groundwater flow. To the extent possible,we have identified the soil types that will impact the flow of groundwater and have provided a professional opinion as to the depth of SHWT. ,...0"--„-,;-- ,..„,k� Sincerely, �, ,L , : ate ,�.-.r:.Z{, �'� ., ,� ,f et r :Z\v'l , 1 7 -. Cosa ;xu.,�," AgZ Mike Eaker 1 jf/rff 'ti 1�. . NC Licensed Soil Scientist111030 '11, * 723P ' Cam , SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS •.. N io- ,6 y VISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS EVALUATION& DESIGN •K • t- r • t • ire¢ s P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville. NC 28311 Phone/Fax(910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com SHWT and Observed Water Depths, Bartlett/Rouse property, East Palmer Street, Raeford, Hoke County, NC BORING SHWT DEPT SHWT DEPTH GROUND EL. OBSERVED WATER Inches (msl—feet) (msl—feet) (msl—feet) 1 0 243.49 243.49 241.83 2 , 0 242.97 242.97 241.22 3 0 243.08 243.08 241.83 4 0 243.80 243.80 242.14 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION •SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION& DESIGN ry'on . . virs, % v S P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville. NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910)822-4540 Email mike@southeasternsoil.com Typical Soil Profile Description (Borings 1-4),Bartlett/Rouse property,East Palmer Street, Raeford,Hoke County,North Carolina This map unit consists of poorly drained soils that formed in clayey sediments on uplands. Slopes range from 0 to 1 percent. A- 0 to 10 inches;black(10YR 2/1) sandy loam to sandy clay loam;weak fine subangular structure; friable to firm; many fine, medium and large roots; abrupt smooth boundary. Btg- 10 to 24 inches; olive brown(2.5Y 4/3) sandy clay to sandy clay loam; many medium prominent gray (10YR 6/1)mottles;massive structure; firm; common fine and medium roots; gradual wavy boundary. Cg-24 to 48 inches; mixed mottled brownish yellow(10YR 6/6)and gray (10YR 6/1) sandy clay loam;firm; massive structure. SHWT @ 0 inches below ground surface SOIL/SITE EVALUATION •SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS EVALUATION& DESIGN 1 u : 44r a,_-t,t OW' ` ao.} ,o I.1 1` o'crE-'JJo 7 to , /L- IIk o ' FT, '1 P o J li JI 11 1 \ gft> of ' II 1 +fro .iJ ,� 'IrsII I.1 1 H{I O rn l 111 N p•y W .�'.. .0 7.....-pz ill I Yam.'_'\ an WO^ O} W , • 111, .__7 CT C 4 F w ''1' i p H li n �zts1 :III � i—='e-0___, /�I 11„ u , L !ii" / i� H „'I ) Z if it y,1 itit d`?�' I' j(: tzl yl it " / Il �,II I ,I ,i III /' J I,t 1 t ,I 1 e 1 i.' J`tt. n / I I g1i I I b i 1 / / 1 1�1 i /�� // i 1 DI, ; L. bA i ' ,..,_._,,,:, ;I n f i I„ o , fi ,I / a i r-1 ;f I /� I, �� i ' I 9, i I'll •.11 ,� , 16 (' v„ T 1 N I • �^w� i i l /° , I I 11 L. i I �'\ R a --\ , i g ^;In ( ', 1� l 'Io'ij= \ `\ \ v`\ i` ! I) 'AI', • l ivl� / �. -moo'' �r/�4i ov.,- l':1 _ C‘‘ 4- 1 ,-) 06 •S ?. T Appendix F J' `t,' LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 1/6/2022 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: J. M. B. B., LLC Filing Office Use Only SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 1253549 STATE OF FORMATION: NC E-Filed Annual Report 1253549 817 REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR: 2024 2/24/2024 0�00 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENTS INFORMATION IIIChanges 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: McNeill, Darrin L. 2.SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS&COUNTY 4.REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 206 S.Stewart St. 206 S.Stewart St. Raeford, NC 28376 Cumberland County Raeford, NC 28376 SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Rental Management 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (910) 583-1104 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 206 S.Stewart St 206 S.Stewart St Raeford, NC 28376 Raeford, NC 28376 6. Select one of the following if applicable. (Optional see instructions) The company is a veteran-owned small business The company is a service-disabled veteran-owned small business SECTION C: COMPANY OFFICIALS(Enter additional company officials in Section E.) NAME: Darrin McNeill NAME: NAME: TITLE: Chief Executive Officer TITLE: TITLE: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 206 S.Stewart St. Raeford, NC 28376 SECTION D:CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business entity. Darrin McNeill 2/24/2024 SIGNATURE DATE Form must be signed by a Company Official listed under Section C of This form. Darrin McNeill Chief Executive Officer Print or Type Name of Company Official Print or Type Title of Company Official This Annual Report has been filed electronically. MAIL TO:Secretary of State, Business Registration Division,Post Office Box 29525,Raleigh,NC 27626-0525 BK 1481 PG 0670 FILED ELECTRONICALLY HOAR COUNTY NC ELAINE BRAYBOY REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Mar 31, 2023 AT 03:53:35 PM • BOOK 01481 START PAGE 0670 END PAGE 0673 INSTRUMENT # 01889 EXCISE TAX $1,450.00 NL This certifies that pin:69434-13-01-035; is free of any delinquent ad valorem Tax liens charged to the Hoke County Tax Collector; but does not certify that the deed description matches the PIN. Susan L Quick Date: 03/31/2023 Collection Clerk Signature NCGS 161-31 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax$1,450.00 P&L File#3438-18 Parcel Identifier No.:69434-13-01-035 This instrument prepared by/Return to:Person&Lee,PLLC,a licensed North Carolina attorney.Delinquent taxes,If any,to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. Brief Description for the Index:10.64+/-acres Metes&Bounds off Main St. THIS DEED made this February, a,2023 by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE THE PHILLIP M. AND MARIE B. Rouse J.M.B.B., LLC , a North Carolina limited liability Revocable Living Trust dated October 18, 1996, company and any amendment thereto. Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 3508 Tree Ring Ct. 2317 Mariner's Mark Way#501 , Fayetteville,NC 28306 Virginia Beach,VA 23451 V SAAAL©©LIE B. BARTLETT and spouse DAVID BARTLETT 6510 Waconda Pt Rd. Harrison,TN 37341 Enter in appropriate block far each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g., corporation or partnership The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns, and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH,that the Grantor,for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged,has and by these presents does grant,bargain/sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple,all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in or near the City of Raeford,Raeford Township, Hoke County,North Carolina and more particularly described es follows: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. The property hereinabove described was acquired by instrument recorded in Book 359,Page 314,and Book 290,Page 241,Hoke County,North Carolina,Registry. Phillip M. Rouse and Made B. Rouse were married on June 8, 1969. At the time of Phillip M. Rouse's death on June 20,2018,Marie B.Rouse was his surviving spouse. At the time Phillip M.Rouse and Marie B. Rouse conveyed their interest in the property to The Phillip M.And Marie B.Rouse Revocable Living Trust dated October 18, 1996 and any amendment thereto,they were married to one another. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book .Page ,Hoke County, North Carolina, Registry. Submitted electronically by "Person & Lee PLLC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke county. NcGs 47-14(al)(5). BK 1481 PG 0671 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple, And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafterstated. Title to the properly hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: restrictive covenants, utility easements, permits, and rights of way as the same may appear of record IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal effective the day and year first above written. If initialed, the property includes the primary residence of at least one of the Grantors. (NC GS§ 105-317.2) The Phillip M. and Marie B. Rouse Revocable Living Trust dated October 18, 1996, and any amendments thereto. BY: Marie B. Ror se,Trustee STATE OF Vt7.49,W cvw eeetitWTY OF 11/1t'. 1-6.taC I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day and I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s)or have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph in the form of a driver's license or a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Name of Principal: Marie B. Rouse, Trustee Date: ��. 2.�231nt�-`"'fi�10E c U Printed Name of N ry Public My Commission Expires: 051' \ 0&(� CRIS11NA LEE MANGRUM NOTARY PURLED REG.16010424 **See attached additional signature page COMMONWEALTH OFVIRGNIA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY31,202A BK 1481 PG 0672 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal effective the day and year first above written. If initialed, the property includes the primary residence of at least one of the Grantors, (NC GS§ 105-317,2) — ,/�.I ///)./,� ' I, (A,, SEAL /¢, ,j'.frIll. .. ( ) Sallie B. Ba//rjletj_, • Pc�.i-mil_'' 1 '�(: f L 4 lr (SEAL) David Bartlett STATE OF r" COUNTY OF as Ntr /`f b4 I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day and I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s)or have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph in the form of a driver's license or a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Name of Principal:Sallie B. Bartlett and David Bartlett Date: ,2 PI- Z d Z 3 e.,, q/c..6,70 C,,,dy ,-.--Gh ,o e-// Printed Name of Notary Public My Commission Expires: 5-2`I-zoZ' /� 1 "' ---��iN \ f=/ ' SATE 0 ice- f 6 oF crl ENNESSEE - NOTARY , - ^y;\ PUBLIC ti` .7.0N G . BK 1481 PG 0673 EXHIBIT A • ;:.ti C at:a point in the center of N. C. : R No. 221, said point being where the centerline of State Road No. 1.149•interseeta .tom"centerline of N. C. . Highuray No. 211, and runs with the centerline of State Road No. 1149 N 86-30 W 960.2 feet to a point in the enter of'said'road, said.point being witty--sed by an iron stake 30 feet from the centerline in the northern right-of-way of said road; thence N 1-35 E 528.5 feet to an iron stake in the northern bo ,, line of Tract 2, Map Book 1, Page 223, Hoke'County Registry; thence S 82-25 3 along said boundary line 1342 feet to a.point in the oenterrline of N. C. Highway No. 211; thence with the centerline of said highway S 10r15 E 5'12 feet to the be- ginnivg, containing 10.6 acres and. b part of Tract 2 of the J. Criiciean and wife, Mary McLean Eetatie Divisioe ,• '«:.r of said division is shown in Hap Book 1, Page 223, Hoke County Registry. ' The above described tract of 10.6 acres is subject to N. C. Hi :, and Mate Road existing right-of« is (50 feet from centerline on State Highway and 30 feet from centerline on State Ro„, ). This description is ':is from Tract I of a gu,v ,y and revised dated October 1, 1973 by R. Ho (}Ruin, Registered '.r, for N. J. Covington and Fr:',cell 0..Wilkins. • Less and Except that Deed for Highway Right of Way recorded in Book 709,Page 711,Hoke CountyRegiatry.