HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8170119_Historical File_20170224 Lewis,Linda
From: Jonathan L. McDaniel <jmcdaniel@bizec.rr.com>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:32 AM
To: Lewis,Linda
Cc: david_cotton@onslowcountync.gov
Subject: Re: Burton Park Shell Building SW8 170119
Attachments: ATT00001.pdf; SKM_C454e17022409240.pdf; SKM_C454e17022409241.pdf;
SKM C454e17022409242.pdf
Thanks Linda, below are my responses in red. Also attached is additional information as requested. Please let
me know if you need anything else or hard copies, etc.
Jonathan L McDaniel, PE
Vice President
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors *Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
On 2/23/2017 5:34 PM,Lewis,Linda wrote:
I'm reviewing the subject application and have the following comments.
1. The plans are OK- I prefer that the existing information be presented in a more
faded ink or a narrower line type, and the proposed information be presented in a
darker and fatter line type so that it shows up better. I
2. Please provide complete grading plans with proposed contours that tie into the
existing contour. Areas of concern include: The plans are complete for all
grading operations necessary. Because of the simple nature of this type of
grading job, it is much easier for the contractor to have spot elevations
listed. Attached is an 8 1/2" x 11" portion of the grading plan with further
clarification on slopes. Our plans are always done with the intent that they are
construction plans, and someone has to build them. It is definitely a balancing
act to show what is necessary for reviewers and permitting with what is needed
for contractors to understand the nature of the job they are supposed to
build. Since we are usually involved through the construction process (including
construction survey staking) it is often more efficient to use spot elevations
because they can then be used for the critical survey staking points.
a. The area around the building. The finished floor of the building is 35, and
there is an existing 31 contour at the back corner, only 15' away; Yes,
that back corner was the most critical grade point for the job, and how high
I could set the finished floor. All the other grading is relatively flat. At the
back left corner, the contractor will grade back to existing ground near the
silt fence just over 30 feet away. That elevation is approximately 30.2,
and the resulting tie slope would be just over 6:1
b. Between the building and the gravel driveway; That area is about 35' wide
and drops 12", and less near the side door entrance (2%)
c. From the gravel driveway to the proposed swale. This 20' width is very
gradual, and was intended to be that way just for positive drainage. The
attachment shows slopes in a couple places and the range is between
20:1 and 45:1
d. The entire length of the swale. The swale has an invert of 33 at its
midpoint, which happens to be where it crosses an existing 37 contour,
which results in a four foot deep swale. If side slopes are intended to be
5:1, then you'll need all 20 feet between the gravel driveway and the swale
to get the slope in, unless the existing grade is lowered in that area; This
area is being mass graded to eliminate the old logging road with dithes on
each side. Everything to the left of the drive will be in 33-34 elevation
range, and the high portion of the former logging road is cut down flat and
the spoils are used to fill the existing ditches.
3. The application does not include any sidewalk BUA, but there appears to be
sidewalks proposed in front and on the side. Only the sidewalk at the front is
dimensioned. The sidewalk on the side of the building is not dimensioned. Is it a
sidewalk, or is it something else? The sidewalk was lumped in with the HVAC
pads and the concrete apron on the left side. That apron is really to give the
gravel drive a flush edge to connect to before entering the building. Attached is
an updated page 3 of 6 from the application that breaks out the true sidewalk that
is in the front.
4. What is the offsite BUA listed on the application? If you considered the driveway
connection across the ROW as offsite, then that will be OK if you add the word
"driveway"to the offsite box on the application.The offsite BUA is the driveway
connection, and I've labeled it as requested on page 3 of 6.
5. The swale detail says that the maximum side slope is 5:1. It would be best if the
wording conveyed the need to have a side slope that is 5:1 or flatter, or 3:1 or
flatter. The use of the word "maximum" can mean that anything steeper than 5:1
is OK, which is not true, since 3:1 is as steep as we can allow under low
density. I agree that could have been worded better. Attached is an updated
detail listing it as 5:1 or flatter, which is what it will actually be.
Please provide the requested information as quickly as possible. Thanks.
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From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 5:34 PM
To: 'Jonathan L. McDaniel'
Cc: 'david_cotton@onslowcountync.gov'
Subject: RE: Burton Park Shell Building SW8 170119
I'm reviewing the subject application and have the following comments.
1. The plans are OK- I prefer that the existing information be presented in a more faded ink or a
narrower line type, and the proposed information be presented in a darker and fatter line type
so that it shows up better.
2. Please provide complete grading plans with proposed contours that tie into the existing
contour. Areas of concern include:
a. The area around the building. The finished floor of the building is 35, and there is an
existing 31 contour at the back corner, only 15' away;
b. Between the building and the gravel driveway;
c. From the gravel driveway to the proposed swale.
d. The entire length of the swale. The swale has an invert of 33 at its midpoint, which
happens to be where it crosses an existing 37 contour, which results in a four foot deep
swale. If side slopes are intended to be 5:1, then you'll need all 20 feet between the
gravel driveway and the swale to get the slope in, unless the existing grade is lowered
in that area;
3. The application does not include any sidewalk BUA, but there appears to be sidewalks
proposed in front and on the side. Only the sidewalk at the front is dimensioned. The sidewalk
on the side of the building is not dimensioned. Is it a sidewalk, or is it something else?
4. What is the offsite BUA listed on the application? If you considered the driveway connection
across the ROW as offsite, then that will be OK if you add the word "driveway" to the offsite
box on the application.
5. The swale detail says that the maximum side slope is 5:1. It would be best if the wording
conveyed the need to have a side slope that is 5:1 or flatter, or 3:1 or Ratter. The use of the
word "maximum" can mean that anything steeper than 5:1 is OK, which is not true, since 3:1 is
as steep as we can allow under low density.
Please provide the requested information as quickly as possible. Thanks.
From:Jonathan L. McDaniel [mailto:jmcdaniel@bizec.rr.com]
Sent:Thursday, February 23, 2017 2:13 PM
To: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: Burton Park Shell Building
Ok great! Thanks for the update Linda.
Jonathan L. McDaniel, PE
Vice President
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors*Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
On 2/23/2017 8:51 AM, Lewis,Linda wrote:
I'm going to have Jo enter the project into the database, and when I get back from the
field later today, I'll get started on the review. We've already hashed out most of the
details. The one thing I note in the "terms" of approving the project, is that it will also
require a change to the 160312 permit language. That will not be done as part of this
express review.
From:Jonathan L. McDaniel [mailto:imcdaniel@bizec.rr.com]
Sent:Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:59 PM
To: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: Burton Park Shell Building
It's not too big a deal, they have not started on the building yet. I just figured it was sent to the
County that's why. Yes, if you could please let me know as soon as you can.
I understand too... I'm swamped myself! I appreciate your help.
Jonathan L. McDaniel, PE
Vice President
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors *Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
On 2/22/2017 5:22 PM, Lewis,Linda wrote:
Jonathan- sorry I completely forgot that was supposed to be
express!! The check has not been cashed.
I'll talk to Georgette tomorrow about how to handle it. I'm swamped at the
From:Jonathan L. McDaniel [mailto:jmcdaniel@bizec.rr.com]
Sent:Wednesday, February 22,2017 3:31 PM
To: Lewis,Linda<linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Burton Park Shell Building
Just following up on the Burton Park Shell Building permit. We had that express
meeting back on January 17th. Has this already been issued? If so, can you
please send me a copy? Please let me know.
Jonathan L. McDaniel,PE
Vice President
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors *Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
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From: Jonathan L. McDaniel <jmcdaniel@bizec.rr.com>
Sent: Tuesday,January 24, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Lewis,Linda
Cc: david_cotton@onslowcountync.gov; Scott, Georgette
Subject: Re: Modify SW8 160312 Burton IDF Park
Ok, and I appreciate you looking into another option for us. I've discussed with the county, and they would like
to proceed as is with your original terms. I'm thinking the shell building sells before anything else out
there. We're all hoping so at least... if you build it they will come.
Jonathan L. McDaniel, PE
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors*Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
On 1/20/2017 6:15 PM, Lewis,Linda wrote:
Thanks. You got back to me faster than I could propose an alternate solution. If the
County prefers this alternate solution outlined below, let me know.
Alternate solution is to apply for a separate low density permit for the shell building
using a project area that is all of the available lot area that is not part of the 5.17 acre
constructed wetlands drainage area. As the lots within that project area are sold and
subdivided and permitted individually, you would modify the shell building permit each
time to reflect the loss of project area.
Hopefully, by the time you get to the end, and assuming that the shell building hasn't
sold, there will be enough land left for the shell building to be low density. If not, then
your last modification will be to high density.
From:Jonathan L. McDaniel [mailto:imcdaniel@bizec.rr.com]
Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 4:19 PM
To: Lewis,Linda <Iinda.Iewis@ncdenr.gov>
Cc:Scott, Georgette<georgette.scott`ncdenr.gov>; david cotton@onsiowcuuntvnc.gov; Benjamin
Warren <Benjamin Warren@onslowcountvrc.gov>
Subject: Re: Modify SW8 160312 Burton IDF Park
The county has agreed to the terms below for the permit. Please let me know if you need
anything else for processing.
Jonathan L. McDaniel,PE
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors *Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
On 1/18/2017 4:53 PM,Lewis,Linda wrote:
We are sticking with what we proposed. We don't want this to get
complicated. If the parcel boundary for the shell building is allowed to be
flexible while other parcels are being subdivided and sold, it starts to get
From:Jonathan L. McDaniel Imailto:jmcdaniel@bizec.i r.com]
Sent:Wednesday,January 18, 2017 4:21 PM
To: Lewis,Linda<linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov>
Cc:david cotton@onslowcountvnc.gov; Benjamin Warren
Benjamin Warren@onslowcountvnc.gov>
Subject: Re: Modify SW8 160312 Burton IDF Park
I have spoke to David and Ben regarding the terms below. We are in agreement
with the terms, except for the wording of item 2b. We would prefer to only create
the parcel when the need is there for purchase of the shell building. I understand
a concern on your end is trying to issue a permit for something nearby, and the
project boundaries having the potential to overlap. In the covenants requirement
for SW8 160312 permit, lot owners and people submitting site plans will have
their projects checked by the county to make sure they are in compliance with the
current stormwater permit. I think this would cover someone submitting a project
near the shell building? Just thinking of options,please let me know.
Jonathan L. McDaniel,PE
Parker&Associates, Inc.
Engineers *Surveyors *Planners
Firm License Number - F-0108
www.parkerengineeri nga ndsurveving.com
On 1/17/2017 11:27 AM, Lewis,Linda wrote:
I spoke with Georgette about the situation with the tentative
project boundary. The express low density permit for the
shell building will be issued contingent on the County
accepting the following terms:
1. This will be a one-time situation for the shell building
that will not be repeated. Future applications for
speculative building on any parcel within Burton IDF
Park will require a surveyed and recorded project
boundary shown on the plans for that parcel.
2. The SW8 160312 permit will be amended by adding
the following conditions:
The County will be required to submit a
surveyed property boundary for the shell
building project for whichever of the following
events occurs first:
a. The sale of the shell building and
associated property;
b. The subdivision and/or sale of any other
parcel of land within the project area
covered by SW8 160312.
3. The County will be required to modify the low density
permit for the shell building for any of the following
a. If the tentative project boundary and/or project
area changes in any way, i.e., relocated
boundary line, increase or decrease in project
area, etc.
b. If the project boundary change results in a
decrease of project area such that low density
can no longer be sustained, a suitably
designed and permitted SCM must be
Please respond with your acceptance and acknowledgement
of these terms.
Linda Lewis, E.I.
Environmental Engineer Ill
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
910-796-7215 Office
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
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Stormwater Narrative
The Burton Park Shell Building Project is for the construction of an industrial size
building(exterior only) within Burton Business and Industrial Park owned by Onslow County,
and is located off US Highway 258 just north of Jacksonville. The Shell Building and minor
site work is being constructed for marketing purposes with hopes to sell some of the County
owned land. No use is proposed at this time, and only the building exterior is being constructed
with electrical service for basic lighting. Since the County will not create the land parcel until
there is a buyer, a project area of 19.96 acres will be used as the tentative property for permitting.
If the future buyer buys more or less of the anticipated 19.96 acres, they would then have to
modify their stormwater permit in the future to account for the correct acreage.
The project will involve an area of land disturbance totaling 3.70 acres, and the limits of
disturbance for the project will be within moderately well drained soils of the Baymeade series
and in Pactolus soils according to the Onslow County Soil Survey. The site is designed with
regard to the existing topography, and will sheet flow drainage to wetlands areas to the north that
ultimately drain to the East towards an unnamed tributary of the New River(C;NSW).
StorJriwater management is provided under the low density option of the Coastal
Stormwater Rules for"Other Coastal Development",requiring the project area to have a
maximum built upon area(BUA) of 24%and to provide stormwater transfer by vegetated
conveyances. The proposed site is being graded to match existing conditions and drain towards
the north of the building, and not towards the adjacent Burton Park IDF road extension project
(SW8 160312). The front parking area and gravel access on the west side of the building is
designed to sheet flow drainage to vegetated conveyances, and the only pipe proposed is at the
driveway connection. The project is not located near any surface waters, and proposed
impervious area will be below the 24%low density threshold.
For additional information please refer to the Plans(Sheets 1 through 3 of 3), and the
stormwater submittal documents.
C1.J LM.Narrative.BurtonPa rkShellBldg.StormwaterNarrative.12.2.16
Page 3 of 3
BOOK. 1365PAGE 324
All that certain tract or parcel of land shown on a map of property of
international Paper Company entitled "J.B. Dawson Tract", surveyed by Henry N.
Martin in Hay. 1955. Said tract contains 493.45 acres, more or less and is the very
same tract conveyed to International Paper Company by Cape Fear Wood Corporation by
deed recorded in Book 248 at Page 403 of the Onslow County Register of Deeds.
0 It
A" week
All that certain tract or parcel of land shown on a map of property of
International Paper Company entitled "W. 0. Burton Tract", surveyed by V. W.
Herlevich in August, 1964. Said tract contains 137.05 acres, more or less and is
the very same property conveyed to International Paper Company by W. Dalton Burton
and wife, Grace H. Burton by deed recorded in Book 318 at Page 482 of the Onslow
County Register of Deeds.
BEING those portions of the Premises identified as Tract No. 53 (Nap No. 103) and
Tract No. 52 (Map No. 118) in that Deed to Grantor dated March 30. 1993, recorded in
the Office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Onslow. State of North J! 1
Carolina, in Book 1102, Page 392.
- • TOGETHER WITH, but without recourse, warranty or agreement of any kind or nature
being given by Grantor as to the adequacy, availability or entitlement thereof or r
thereto, all of Grantor's right, title or interest in and to all sand and gravel
remaining on, in and under the above-described premises, under that certain Deed and
Surface Use Agreement dated March 30, 1993, recorded with said Onslow County
Registry in Book 1102, page 429.
SUBJECT TO all rights and reservations of Grantor and all duties and obligations of
Grantee as more specifically set forth in the aforesaid Deed and Surface Use
mor m Ga01Jl1A.Owto,Coven Maria L. DeAndradte
The atgo6aerdenaG)er
Nauseam)Pabiie 6(re)weed ed to be correct.This instrument vas pteeteted for registration and recorded 6 this cake Io
Beek 1365 pe 322 Th6 25th dyo( Apr 41
19 ,q Oa eke A M.
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Book: 1365 Page, 1977-Current; 322 !eq: 3
Page 1of3 '
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s‘o: s.IPSO BOOK 13655PAGE 322
0 1997 APR 25 AN ID` 13 To TAX D E,.,------
t1) R.E. No. SA31-CP15 DATE 44,2 11.21
J THIS INDENTURE, made this 22nd day of April. A.D., 1997. between JoHliTillifEEPuiNs ,Qli
1 ••• MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and having its principal place of business at 200
Clarendon Street. Boston, Massachusetts 02117 (Grantor), and ONSLOW COUNTY. a North i
Carolina political subdivision. (Grantee),
WITNESSETH, That the Grantor, for the sum of Ten and 00/100 010.00)
{ Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration. to it paid by the Grantee, the
• receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED. SOLD and CONVEYED, and by
these presents does GRANT. SELL and CONVEY unto the said Grantee the following land
' and the standing timber located thereon. (Premises), situated in Onslow County.
ddd North Carolina, being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
by this reference made a part hereof. •
• The Premises described hereunder are hereby conveyed 'as is," by the tract and
i not by the acre, the acreage not being guaranteed by the Grantor, and are also
'conveyed subject to encumbrances of record; current and subsequent taxes: leases or
i the rights of any tenants or lessees, parties in possession: all outstanding mineral
rights or reservations, oil, gas or•mineral leases: water districts, water rights:
restrictions or reservations: roadways. rights-of-way, easements: any contracts
purporting to limit or regulate the use, occupancy or enjoyment of said Premises;
• and all other matters which an accurate, current survey or inspection would show
applicable to or affecting said Premises.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described Premises, together with all and singular
the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the said Grantee,
:its successors and assigns, forever.
I �And Grantor does hereby warrant and forever defend all and singular the said
Premises unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person
whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by. through or
under it, except as aforesaid, but against none other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, on the day and year first above written the Grantor- has,
caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be.signed in ' /�
T its name and behalf by Christopher M. Ford, a Vice President of Hancock Natural Z• `
Resource Group, Inc., its investment manager, duly authorized to act;•on Grailtdr's - N r{
behalf by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Directors of Grantor. �, "• ' . .R" '�nm
BY: Hancock Natural Resource Group, Inc.• �"pm
A ry.%i.:4 ' ' �a�/�.i by /. k ter"
slpirry`P r h
born, Secretary r " , Vice President
1, Maria L. DeAndrade, a Notary Public in and for said Commonwealth, hereby
certify that parry P. Sanborn tce personally came before me this day and
acknowledged that he is epmessomfent Secretary of Hancock Natural Resource Group,
Inc., the duly authorized investment manager of JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
I COMPANY, a Massachusetts corporation, and that by authority of the Board of
Directors of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, the foregoing instrument
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Book: 1365 Page,1977-Current:322 Seq: 1
Page 2 of 3
' BQOK 13G5Pas> 323
was signed and sealed on behalf of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company by
Christopher M. Ford. Vice President. and attested to by himself as Assistant
Secretary of Hancock Natural Resource Group, Inc.
• i WITNESS my hand and notarial st r seal this 2 day o il. 1997.
W ,~. ' (SEAL) Mar a L. (*Andrade. Nora is
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$ Page 2 of 2 l
• Book: 1365 Page, 1977-Current:322 Seq:2
INC. shaping Homo
Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors Planners hs
306 New Bridge Street•P.O.Box 976
Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 1
(910)455-2414•Fax: (910)455-3441
Firm License Number F-0108
VIA HAND DELIVERY JA12 4 2017 ary 17,2017
Ms.Linda Lewis,EI BY:
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
RE: Burton Park Shell Building
Onslow County,NC
Express Stormwater Submittal
Dear Ms. Lewis,
Please find enclosed the following for the above referenced Express Stormwater Submittal:
1. Two(2)copies of the plans(Sheets 1 through 3 of 3).
2.One(1)original and One(1)copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form
3. One(1)original and One(1)copy of Low Density Supplement Form.
4. One(1)copy of the Stormwater Narrative
5. One(1)color copy portion of the Jacksonville North USGS Quad Sheet.
6. One(1)copy of the Property Deed(Book 1365,Page 322).
7. One(1)Check#37432 in the amount of$2,000.00 for the review fee.
If you have any questions or need any additional information,please contact me.
Jonathan L.McDaniel,P.E
Vice President
ec: Mr. David Cotton-County of Onslow (w/paperwork)
Mr. Benjamin Warren-County of Onslow(w/paperwork)
Secretary.0 1.JLM.Letter.Lewis.BurtonParkShellBuild.ExpressStormwaterSub.1.16.17
EMAIL ADDRESS:TEXT MESSAGES TO:paitext@bizec.rrcom MAPS and PLANS TO:paidraft@bizec.rrcom
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Tuesday,January 17, 2017 11:27 AM
To: 'Jonathan L. McDaniel'
Cc: 'david_cotton@onslowcountync.gov'
Subject: Modify SW8 160312 Burton IDF Park
I spoke with Georgette about the situation with the tentative project boundary. The express low
density permit for the shell building will be issued contingent on the County accepting the following
1. This will be a one-time situation for the shell'building that will not be repeated. Future
applications for speculative building on any parcel within Burton IDF Park will require a
surveyed and recorded project boundary shown on the plans for that parcel.
2. The SW8 160312 permit will be amended by adding the following conditions:
The County will be required to submit a surveyed property boundary for the shell
building project for whichever of the following events occurs first:
a. The sale of the shell building and associated property;
b. The subdivision and/or sale of any other parcel of land within the project area
covered by SW8 160312.
3. The County will be required to modify the low density permit for the shell building for any of the
following events:
a. If the tentative project boundary and/or project area changes in any way, i.e., relocated
boundary line, increase or decrease in project area, etc.
b. If the project boundary change results in a decrease of project area such that low
density can no longer be sustained, a suitably designed and permitted SCM must be
Please respond with your acceptance and acknowledgement of these terms.
Linda Lewis, E.I.
Environmental Engineer Ill
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
910-796-7215 Office
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Nothing Compares -
subject to the
. . : e disclosed to thlrd parties.