HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8990833_Approved Plans_19990823 1442 1443 1448 1450 1443 1445 S-BORO CURVE RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH DELTA CHORD CH.BEARING 1444 / 1446 1476 1434 C 1457 -I 230.00' 17.64' 35.21' 8°46'16' 35.I8' N 47°40'24"E C-2 592.97' 80.70' 160.4/' 15°30'00' 159.93' N 44°18'32"E Ci'L 151 CiL R/W 60' 1432 SITE • 1509 35' 6' M 5' M 4' RIGHT OF WAY �c,2& 1510 1551 1552 LEGEND: I r 6' 22` WIDE 6" ABC - 6' 6' 1579 QUEENS CK. F.G.-FINISHED ROCK GRADE L — SLOPE AS REQUIRED I" SHOULDER (NO) PAVEMENT SHOULDER DITCH 1431 F -EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION _ ____ _ /F T. 3 X -FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION _---- - �- 3 / 11550•I0. 0 -FINISHED SWALE ELEVATION 3 S-SWALE I' PER FT. 1/4" PER FT. \ 5\- 1576 1506 I •4s 4,��'$ ELEVATIONS BASED ON ASSUMED DATUM PLANE. SECT ION A-A \ s-oQE 3 1428 1565 154� 1503 3' 1507 �'' 4�• 1744 1501 y O�L��6°�' RESERVED BY OWNER CROSS—SECTION I s I 1503 a !� 1566 ABC 1502 ti NC 172 1505 .C1) \ RESERVED BY OWNER 15. O 04 1 I \ 1 N/F ONSLOW COUNTY r '�' r s • e. ; s—'ma's I j VICINITY MAP—NOT TO SCALE BK. 1142, PG. 301 to Xwx /�5 R.ss, 3g� 13X?, X 4 x i \ u ! \ -i o 18" X 42' C.M.P. & 12+70.36 - `y s 3N __-�-s s -� �. �� '�11 m;n r _ C'Z1 101`I7�r;2 4 /8° X 42` C.M,P, & 3+70.46 2 s '�� _ice__s- TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC @ 16+5/.35 ~�� t800c r; acre � '. } itkva 6A51 a14� m m s-,� ~41 s �- ,,T r,,�, -~ '...�� r IM Mip � SEE •, , s-� s -s s ,.. s s s s s '� , T 12, _0 ` � .�•�!C�" •:� ►'+« -t*«,;_��,'m.r r,ax ?I\ 1 s ' • -S _- I -- __ —S -i�rS „ �• - P 5 �' , , •�" ..•�:s :`i "�'.'••" s ~ _-__--- 35 c-i+ PT 3+98.56 SETH THOMAS LANE 60' R W PRIVATE PC 10+50 + �-2 _— —` — \ •,y..••« •.:•,' XVI 4-\ __--• ,.} ------:_:---- 6-----P ---_-s �s-��--sue-s ems`---s �,�--s �c s --�—s s�--s a..,,________s T Et`1 °. E 1N 5I Cross section F ._ Ea: c .► = - s 0+00 '"� 5��-` � I ( jC C..4 _ �1E k,. 1�21 .r�t > (SCE T� d'A! . I \ o>> �4 2 !4 `� NATURAL OUTLET g DETAIL se 2' , m 0 1 -����' 66t)' ' G» L.."C 1 AIL ) :o0p rr latirT7e..-::::ed X I I I�CTlO� 1 I 2 I ® I 1.54 ACRES ' —'u _IluZ �, 56 C Du5'iR O O IRESERVED BY 0WNER ! — o` GI _ ._. Ey'[(ZpNGE {5EE DET It., 1.44 ACRES z :s,�aCOtiSTRUCT'IO\' SF,QUENCE " 1 - i, - 5Ic"' Pazc� II na,ya�cy I 3 18.3' I ma<4ia ri„-a \i ass tag:c 1.1 sCe slope below I � I \_ PJp- --- ' l nar o'cam I Obtain Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan Approval before any land distult�g N/F DESJI, LLC 2.03 ACRES I ^ v;)un.: PETERSON 8c LAWSON SUBDIVISION RESERVED BY OWNER I I 3 activities begin. t o' BK. 1469, PG. 934 \ SECTION I 1.81 ACRES I 2 Obtain permission from Swansboro Town Board to proceed with approved proje� m M.B. 38, PG. 56 I Stone section 3 Install construction entrance as shown on plan ` \ r 4 Begin clearing operations,either burning debris or hauling to approved dump sites \ I I A �— ���� p I :- \ > RAt`Y DU1Et T aTEI�IT10t� f A.SIN L.TA1L5 5 Complete grubbing and disposal of biodegradable material;- I / \ 6 Grade area of roadway and begin grading of roadside ditches 7 Install temporary sediment retention basins. , I ..... ... ' — SEDIMENTATION & EROSION CONTROL PLAN OF: 8 Install utilities(overhead electrical lines) \�` ���i ��� �. 'rSj�9 Fine grade street, making preparation to install rock. ` I / \. N. ��y�` `,� .'v�� 11. Dress all exposed areas with topsoil suitable for veg,etation �'1 _ « i ~ �� T� I SF,I1®I�iC,r�j�`j(. }II l)l I I f��•��' 10 Complete rock installation _ ` ���'� "% Peterson & Lawson Subdivision P P ✓ i 12 Apply seed,fertilizer and mulch all slopes of 4.1 or greater. I « �\ _ \�` � ILv ET1 ,h�l?�? • li Dress all exposed areas and reseed as necessary to provide vegetative ground cover r '• ( \ T j. FdBRI C /�,i{� 1�, r ! All disturbeareas within Peterson & Lawson Subdivision SWANSBORO TWSP., ONSLOW COUNTY, N.C. Date / CLEAN U1 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 100, VERTICAL SCALE: 1 = I „ 4' ` � Type Planting Rate � /• 2ii-�Ir Arjl-tE�Note. Any areas brought to final grade shall be seeded upon completion 4EN�^�j., t�ti{�T�j � --•^ filar l/ Apr 1> Fescue 1201bs/acre A 4- - SEEDItiG SPECIFICATIONS DtSTUf�BD AR11~d = 100b t.FX (oOFC - 5 -` _- y STONE ENGINEERING BY:2 QCI� � .'I • r l� - Jul ;:) Bulled Bermudaorass 1_ Ibs,'acre SURVEYED BY: � Apr 1 - Jul 1' JOHN P. McLEAN ENGINEERING ALAN BELL SURVEYING, P.A. 4G � TL.A�'C` c EXIST- c F:., 1t+;✓�EC 1. R.',(�A�' - Ac'(.. -.1 R` ni Py Sericea Lespedeza 3O lbs/acre I Spread topsoil, rake and remove all root mat, debris or foreign material, leaving surface Sept 1 - March l Unscarified Sericea seed 30 lbs/acre reasonably smooth and uniform )1 'I t.c. (�,6 _, _f- F n�k. t.! A E- Tr..t 44 I 1 )-r- A c.-TAv �' A— :august 30 March I Hulled rye(grain) 25 lbs/acre 106 MANATEE ST. 2 Apply agricultural lime in absence of soil test use 3 000 lbs/acre) rtic-&T 1 k 1 I_( . P.(— I1. n �TI_ E F(K'ts 4-t' tk. T( A n:L•r`� .'Lr�r 604E CEDAR POINT BLVD. �r,.��`�,;�� CAPE CARTERET, N.C. SWANSBORO, N.C. P (- I) y��0�-���..r :. �2 (252 -3°93,1 219 (252)-393-6101 PP.. , ( Slopes �° .��r'o�r`' . Tit ,;�f!�•i . VIAfi�>ii•� 4' : - r. ,,„ 3 Apply seed on freshly prepared bed and cover seed slightly with cultipacker or other Mar 1 - June 1 Sericea Lespedeza 50 lbs/acre I�a���'-'4k��"� ��1��M r,f� ;'`''rt)' S'e ®"„ -**$` 1, seeding equipment and Tall Fescue 60 lbs/acre FILTER e. 7, 0 • Mar I - June 30 Hulled Bermuda,rass 12S r� F lbs/acreE1 4 Mulch immediately with wheat straw or hay(at a rate of 4,000 lbsiacre) August 30- Mar I Hulled rye(grain) 25 lbs/acre FADRIC C •l A Crimp mulch with anchoring equipment or with disk set straight ,k (\ _ �J�I�i Additional information is avai a e for different grass varieties by consulting the local Soil 5ror1 r r �" , G. rr II A^ , eg' /4NA �f 5 Inspect all seeded areas and make necessary repairs or reseeding within the planting areas Conservation office ir,Jacksonville The seed schedule offered herein is sufficient for local �n E�� l"1A(� 5 �p � � ,. conditions. Allow Sericea to reseed by not cutting until the fall season and plants are mature _ MCA MMIMM — = _ , ,- , _ .. . . MEM 1......M. = .- _.: NEM MIIIMIIM :' IMMIIMINIIIMMII iiiiiiiiiiii NEM • 1•` as• _ NORTHMANAGEMENT CE, , iC?Nlr, �C..- r DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY MIME 1111111111111 mon E�IMIIIMMI .-. MIIIIMMIMMM..hmimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmmiii..miiiimiim.I. IIII......iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii.m.i.iii.m..iiiinimiiiiii...IIII.im..iiiiiiiiiiiaiaiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimi..m.i..minim....mmiour.am........o.. Pena ,a 94bg�� -._�� �� MI .� 71 ' - - RECrIVED EINEM - M11111111111111111e1111. - IIIIIMMIINIMIIMMIIIMININIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIMI fi�iiltrilmor nomoad.ir'YI air = MI MilliMiliMIMIIIMIIMMIlliMilMill..1111111MIMIMIMIMIMMIlliMilM MNIIMIIIIMMINII •�T�il�Sii'T� ''�1�1 EX:5rtic P�.v��r' 6' PaP. ir�e,ti�SS • /-� 14 - MIMI 50 r•N / / 2-J' wa5r_D STONE- MIMI I -- - - - - - - _ _ - 1 . �. ,..g...�. vim'__ _,_. , ^:%�" - - I i momom mummomm _ I' a 1.;- ---.- -_�-=-yr_ —�.-. • ---- W:Dirt OF PROPOSED.�- { � • .r`reµ...'=:ram S:.7 IMEMIIMMIEM — w --- W7Gr`ti'_2 15 G2.4T`R MIMI IMOMMEMI 1111111 MUM 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - - + TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION O - c,,, M Ct to tp 1. cD 0) O = N - _ ENTRANCE N.T.S. JOB NO., & COGO FILE: 99235 GRAPHIC FILE: 99235D PROFILE FILE: 99235