HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241812_Site Plan or Location Map_20240613 T E R R E L L S NOTES REGARDING CONTOURS I ALL ELEVA(TONS ON CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE ,- '. MARSHALL RD BASED ON AN ASSUMED ELEVATION OF 100.00. ( 82' ) I EXISTING CONTOURS SHOW/ HEREON ARE BASED ON FIELD l il CASTLE ROCK SURVEY DATA. • FARM RD CONTOUR INTERVALS = 2:REPRESENT CHAPEL RIDGE PHASE THREEIDASHEDUNETYPECONTOU EXISTING GROUND. P.S 2008-50 f z Nc� z v * 2-------- 9� SITE _� 1_ ! ��oo, As /,nV • a • �, ElP ' �162 4/ �/ Ps �BC4Se�oT iRFq • c� i p �1 ��• I J a / /�� ' S87 j ss �- 1S� �� sib / / sr SA��N �1 / lr— I \ • C :: c,,,...,,,,,, ,,,,.,_ C : SRO •1...... / / �) 1 i \... ........... _ : e '• SPRINGS P/ TTSB0R0 / \ :jam /.._. .-.....----. I 1 _112- ) /�X / , A ' o VICINITY M4P (NOT m SCALE) /' / ; JMBs� . ; To: SCHUMACHER HOMES Only, \ / / // / / / / I, STALEY C. SMITH, CERAFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAW/ UNDER MY SUPERVISION fROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY , / ' // / / /,1 \�0 / J Py/yACF o \ SUPERVISION AS RECORDED IN: / J J ©/ • / / _.-/ // 'pF DEED BOOK 2121, PAGE 782 ras �` / �/ '�N / / / PLAT SLIDE 2008, PAGE 50 / / / / ' / / / o tk THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED / 683 / I ©l' O AS BROKEN UNES AND WERE PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION AS _ �J // / J/ // O REFERENCED HEREON, THAT THE RAAO PRECISION AS \\ 0.93 AC. I v CALCULATED WAS 1: +10,000 AND THAT THIS PLAT MEETS THEMINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND 849 — / / : / / ., SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROUNA (21 NCAC 56.1600) \`_I / / / 4©,651 SF / / ^ S P.S 2008-50 /, STALEY C. SM/IH CERTIFY THAT THIS PROJECT WAS COMPLETED y / ---... / : / / 4 Sr I FRONT YARD 40' UNDER MY DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FROM AN ACTUAL CHAPEL R/DOE �Q, / ,' - VACANT - J/ / Z SIDE YARD 10' SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION; THAT THIS GROUND SURVEY PHASE THREEO Q o 1 ' p� ti/ / .✓ REAR YARD (TYPICAL) 30 WAS PERFORMED AT THE 95 PERCENT CONFIDENCE LEVEL TO MEET h h 1 / �Y �C n1 FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA COMM//Mt STANDARDS; THAT THIS P.S. 2008-50 Q ry s) /� / / / / : I k C.) ,� - IF ADJACENT TO BUN AIT 20' / , DP ,� aR coNSERVA noN Esxsr. SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A m .� / / /,�0/ I O A 0 Q N /F ADJACENT TO GOLF COURSE Al)' TOPOGRAPHIC/PLANIMETRIC SURVEY TO THE ACCURACY OF CLASS A : AND VERTICAL ACCURACY WHEN APPLICABLE TO THE CLASS C / / / / / / O V V STANDARD, AND THAT THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON �;--\ � / EH O 0 O Z SUBJECT TO ARCHITECTURAL RENEW 02/19/2024; THAT TH£SURVEY WAS COMPLE Itu ON 02/19/2024 ; / I U N I 43 `'ry BOARD REVIEW& APPROVAL AND /AI / / / I� ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON 100.00 (ASSUMED). /•• / /,116 // • �/, zo•UnvryFI / ti -as WITNESS MY OIRIG1NAL SIGNATURE, LICENSE NUMBER, AND SEAL ,ttk-' /' ,// /. t •oS?00--'30 gRF- THIS 28TH DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 2024. • 011111111/// - ( -P ec'tSs/©°°0-9 .'11 �,o / I?� :�� SEAL ��8 / ' // /,120� n"j. NOTES.THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON Zr- � �116-- / MAY BE SUBJECT TO COVETVAN7 CONDITIONS, e9 L-3766 00 �;w , . ' �� / /� =3 RESTR/CAONYS, RlGHT.'S'OF WAY, AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD AFFECTING THE SAME �° Q ° - 0'O 2 NO ATZE SEARCH HAS BEEN PERFORMED BY THIS ARM DURING THE i '9 °°"oSURv°°"`��$ Professional and Surma MBSL / O o, COURSE OF THIS SURVEY. C M / / h 3. THIS SURVEYOR DOES NOT CERTIFY TO THE EXISTENCE OR / L-3766 \ �116 i / i O Z B NON-EXISTENCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, BURIAL GROUNDS, //I'I111111111��` License Number / ,/' • ti �' OR ANY SUBSURFACE FEATURES THAT MAYOR MAY NOT BE J PRESENT ON THIS SITE _ ��12a I j 18�- 4. THIS IS A SURVEY OF£X/STING GROUND COND/TOWS FOR DES/ON PURPOSE'S ONLY TP �� i i' LANDSCAPE f -�' _ E • LIP 5. THIS PLAN DOES NOT MEET NCGS 47-30 REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDATION. �' PS/ � -/ • y /o PS ES �Yi P.S ZO�_SO ENT - /124 ,/ : r `� Q 6. REFERENCES: DEED BOOK 2121, PAGE 782 /f o o / �s /• �126 . 1' PLAT SLIDE 2008, PAGE 50 BENCHMARK �118 pp EM kJ L J no ' ./1..• 7 SITE ADDRESS: 32 COLON/AL RIDGE DR TOP OF E/P ~N 8673 42' W / / 7 ( DP 5 G��i' P/TTSBORO, NC 27312 ASSUMED ELEVA770N= 118.90' x ' CH-44.72' ,/ 124--� N 885835' W Srs H=4 7 /' 10•'' x 123.99' 4'METAL FENCE(TYPICAL) / 8. ALL DISTANCES ARE U.S SURVEY FOOT UNIT HORIZONTAL / ismGE GROUND MEASUREMENTS. / o/ , 0 24"CONCRETE CURB EOPNP 1 9. AREA DETERMINED USING COORDINATE G£OMtTRY METHOD. ry0 u) 6'NAIL• I e SET / v EDGE OF ASPHALT z-rn ha,,o -1 p\4 r -c r ,yk% .,cc 3'x 3'STONE COLUMN(TYPICAL) MNS $' COLONIAL RIDGE DRIVE LEGEND VAR/ABLE HfDTH PRIVATE R/W I \ PS 2008-50 t7P • - Existing Iron Pipe \ MNS o - Magnetic Nail Set R/W - Right Of Way (Approximate) MI - Water Meter PS - Pressure Sewer \ EM - Electric Meter ES - Electric Stub TP - Telephone Pedestal _ EROS/ON & SED/MENTA T/ON CONTROL PLAN FOR FH - Fire Hydrant — —____ — — HN O LOT 683 N CHAPEL RIDGE—PHASE THREE - Water Valve N UP - Ut SCHUMA CHER HOMES Utility Pole � MBSL - Minimum Building Setback Line 30 iwo 15 30 60 120 O Z HADLEY TOWNSHIP CHA THAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROL/NA Surveyed Line C) >' Surveyed Line `� C) PARCEL: p, FIELD DATE Line Not Surveyed U.S. SURVEY FOOT ~ 84722 �IIII NN . Smith C Smith, FEBRUARY 19, 2024 -- Approximate Right Of Way Line (not surveyed) 1 inch = 30 IL usTEO OHNERLi ��` iII III'' a 30' Minimum Building Setback Line /Easement Line (not surveyed) NOT A DTIE kERF/CA1/av W Surveyors, P.A. SCALE' 1 = PIN- — — — — -119- — — — — - Existing Contour Line (Minor) ANDREW W P.O. BOX 457 DRAWN BY HBH KAITUN 7EwI) APEX, N.C. 27502 FIRM LICENSE No. C-0155 —————115————— Existing Contour Line (Major) 36 PLENTY CT kJ9734-00-74-1520 (919) 362-7111 PN I52IGIR0, NC 27312 PROD. Na P2024-06 T E R R E L L S NOTES REGARDING CONTOURS I ALL ELEVATIONS ON CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE i - \,,,` MARSHALL RD BASED ON AN ASSUMED ELEVATION OF moo. ( 821 \ I EX/SANG CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON FIELD �- CASTLE ROCK SURVEY DATA. ill•' FARM RD CONTOUR INTERVALS = 2 FEET CHAPEL RIDGE i l I PHASE THREE I DASHED L/NETYPE CONTOURS REPRESENT EXISTING GROUND. P.S. 2008-50 z - N c) x m * - — c4 SUE 1 ' �100-" o �� E7P i102' Ps Zoo yENT AA,EA / c� / I11Q4i __AO SO y �,� 769.0,5• - / r - 587716„E—���_1L�� �o� z — / — — p I s��� PROPOSED /� / ——,08— ` 1 `:: y�pF��� t 683 �_110''��� I Sp.�,N,sRo DISTURBED AREA :1....... ,' ���,i N I GUM . ::o .'- I 0.93 AC. 1 _„2 �: I z). o 4 SPRINGS P/ TTSBORO / / / � : 22, 610 SF..�- � / / 40,651 SF ....�................ r — / / / h 4 VICINITY MAP ' -------/ -- (NOT ro SCALE) o ,pf / / 1+es� ... - - / y �y sp To: SCHUMACHER HOMES Only, SF \ / /, STALEY C. SMITH, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER ro¢ 100 \fir / J.,sNt` .`.° // A�'Ni�gc�` MY SVPERN570W FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY / / /� / o Fp/me_\, SUPERNSICW AS RECORDED IN: �106 3� �� s / �, I DEED BOOK 2121, PAGE 782 9' i 1 1 PLAT SUDS 2008, PAGE 50 236 4` / i VC THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY IND/CAIID o tt2 , // ©P o AS BROKEN LINES AND WERE PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION AS 4 : /08 ry S / et REFERENCED HEREON; THAT THE RA770 OF PRECISION AS / -- 0 Y� • / / O CALCULATED WAS +10,040 AND THAT THIS PLAT Mtt/S THE 849 F / l ; MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND o zoo. / 0 I P.S. 2008-50 SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROUNA (21 NCAC 56 .1600) / 11 D O HVAC 4 / / a J FRONT YARD 40' I, STALEY C. SMITH, CERTIFY THAT THIS PROECT WAS COMPLETED Q / Q j1 / / `° UNDER MY DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FROM AN ACTUAL CHAPEL RIDGE e"� PROPOSED 1 HVAC : l / . SIDE YARD 10' SURVEY MADE UNDER MY ST/PERNS/ON, THAT THIS GROUND SURVEY PHASE THREE _,','4 \p/ DWELLING "?at `..;;/ iO /I �O REAR YARD (TIP/CAL) Jo' WAS PERFORMED AT THE 95 PERCENT CONFIDENCE LEVEL TO MEET : h N IF ADJACENT TO BUFFER 20' FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA CONMI/ILE STANDARDS; THAT THIS P.S. 2008-50 N ti r� �, >j2 sL6. �•-... E/P Q OR CONSERVATION ESNT. SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A 0 ,� k p © N /F ADJACENT 'TO GOLF COiL/RSE 40' TOPOGRAPHIC/PLAN/METRIC SURVEY TO THE ACCURACY OF CLASS A 0 �4.o, o ;Ni �6 / V G �o. Q / AND VERTICAL ACCURACY WHEN APPLICABLE TO THE CLASS C :� ry B• ry o • = SUBJECT TO ARCHITECTURAL RENEW STANDARD, AND THAT THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON h RAGE f'cypsy, y ci ,10 / • o`,4 y ry I BOARD RENEW APPROVAL 02 19 2024; THAT THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON 02 19 2024 ; C� s 0 AND of ° h41:1 �1 / ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON 100.00 (ASSUMED). o � /' UPI ?D•Linz/ 0,7NESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, LICENSE NUMBER, AND SEAL • ' ` ?s ��8�/ENTgA,E THIS 287H DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 2024. h /1/4 /: h `v. ,�° s0 A how 11111/1/1/. a OP CY . .)* SS/©°°a9 ,- 114 I o "Y a PROPOSED DRIVEWAY :/i g▪ Q SEAL a - Q��2eo • k PROPOSED / 0 4 ry' - r- L-3766 �� _ ���•,�j =�0 r--1_CONCREIE/PA/NT ,,$ p oT' �� 1 �^/LA:4 ► e�� �� t_J WASHou r N� • 7°O UR °°° '� Profess'. . .Land Surveyor4e / Q m MBSL '0p q i °°°°°°°°°`�, ,`� 4,F� / 3 h ////�� 11Cttts�``\`\ L-3766 y�`d- .A1 / SF 7PF / H V 4 NOTES: License Number \ ?' '''N- O 5 •/ // / •., oI 4 41 4 Q4 -J/ /�122 / 1. THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON MAY BE SUBJECT TO COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ` • R£STRIC71ONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD AFFECTING THE SAME �.� 4 } -�' __— r �`� • BR 2 NO TIRE SEARCH HAS BEEN PERFORMED BY THIS FIRM DURING THE _ �� PS k LANDSCAPE'EA / J COURSE OF THIS SURVEY. /o k PS ISM �i P..S 2 SEA/ENT A� / : O o°o 'SO /A� 6/ * W 3. THIS SURVEYOR DOES NOT CERTIFY TO THE EXISTENCE OR �/ S /'. �12 h�k NON-EXISTENCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTIU77ES, BURIAL GROUNDS, BENCHMARK 11g ' ES p EM �4�69, a OR ANY SUBSURFACE FEATURES THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE TOP OF RP PROPOSED / /� i ETP 5 t�i�a PRESENT ON THIS S/TL� ASSUMED£LEVA770N= 718.90' - 18'RCP /_ 724_ N 88'S8 35' W R 4. THIS IS A SURVEY OF EXISTING GROUND CONDITIONS FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLY SLS ':: �� N 8673 42 W x 123.99' 4'METAL FENCE(TYPICAL) ° / / R j72 ,r itu � t 5. THIS PLAN DOES NOT MEET NCGS 47-30 REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDATION. 11 o 0 24"CONCRETE CURB P`Q 6. RLI-ERENCES• DEED BOOK 2121, PAGE 782 ry01 Lao EDGE PLAT SLIDE 2008, PAGE 50 LEGEND i 6 NAIL ryp ASPHALT Z SITE ADDRESS: 32 COLONIAL RIDGE DR E1P • - Existing Iron Pipe m th. PIT7SBORO, NC 27312 MNS o - Magnetic Nail Set INSTALL MATING& WATTLE z a / 3'x 3'STONE COLUMN(TIP/CAL) ON DOINVSLOPE SIDE r - = 8. ALL DISTANCES ARE U.S. SURVEY FOOT UNIT HORIZONTAL R/W - Right Of Way (Approximate) -` `^ .�` GROUND MEASUREMENTS. WM - Water Meter \ , '4. \ \,4e� MNS �!ICY pt 5 9. AREA DETERMINED USING COORDINATE GEOMETRY METHOD. PS - Pressure Sewer `� � COLON/AL RIDGE DRIVE 10. ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE PROPOSED. HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning �o VARIABLE WIDTH PR/VATS R/W 11. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION WILL GENERALLY CONFORM YAM EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY r?: - 057 Stone Filter /n Fence Opening \ P.S. 2008-50 0 12. ALL PROPOSED LAND DISTURBING ACT7NTY MUST BE LOCATED INS/DE THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WHICH INCLUDES HOMESITE, YARD, DRIVEWAY, INITIAL SEPTIC TANK/LINE/F/ELD, WELL, OTHER UTILITIES; AND OTHER STRUCTURES. RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe 13. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE SHOWN HEREON. ALL STANDARD DETAILS ATTACHED TO EM - Electric Meter PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA THIS PLAN SET MAY OR MAY NOT BE UTILIZED. ES - Electric Stub 14. THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ARE DELINEATED BY THE SILT/ TREE PRO7EC77ON FENCING. TP - Telephone Pedestal DWELLING/GARAGE/PORCH/DECK 4,515 SF. FH - Fire Hydrant t OR/f.FWAY/STEPS/UAUAES 4,455 SE WV — Water Valve TOTAL 8,970 SF --_____� EROS/ON & SED/MENTA TION CONTROL PLAN FOR UP - Utility Pole LOT AREA 40,651 SF. _ MBSL - Minimum Building Setback Line \ LOT COVERAGE 22.�,� —� — — N LOT 683 N CHAPEL RIDGE—PHASE THREE Surveyed Line SCHUMACHER HOMES Surveyed Line 30 0 15 30 60 120 C Line Not Surveyed Q HADLEY TOWNSHIP, CHA THAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROL/NA --- - Approximate Right Of Way Line (not surveyed) N (1 Minimum Building Setback Line /Easement Line (not surveyed) PARCEL: IIIIII� yy,, y, FIELD DATE - - - - - -119- - - - - - U.S. SURVEY FOOT `N` Smith & Smith�ll FEBRUARY 19, 2024 Existing Contour Line (Minor) 1 inch = 30 IL kJ 84722 `.'11Illlb n J ——--——115—---- Existing Contour Line (Moir) usTty oNNER W Surveyors, l- .A. SCALE 1" = Jo' NOT A 7171E VERIF7CA71aN 1. 120 Proposed Contour Line ANDREW 7EW (/) PIN P.O. BOX 457 DRAWN BY WBH SF 7PF Combination of Tree Protection and Silt Fencing (Limits Of Disturbance) KA/TLIN TE7V APEX, N.C. 27502 FIRM LICENSE No. C-0155 36 P 9734-00-74-1520 (919) 362-7111 PROD NO. p2024-06 LLD Limits Of Disturbance Only P/77SBOROBARo, N NC 27312 8'-0" MAXIMUM NM; hi 1. AU. PLANTS DESIGNATED TO BE SAVED SHALL BE VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER STEEL POST PROTECTED BY FENCING. AS ILLUSTRATED. 2. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE AT TREE DRIP UNE OR AT EDGE OF DISTURBED AREA. ASSILT FENCE FABRIC 940.044 ON PLANS, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF MINIMUM 10 GAUGE INSTALLED TO SECOND CONSTRUCTION_ LINE WIRES WIRE FROM TOP MINIMUM 12\2 GAUGE 1 3. SPACE TREE PROTECTION ZONE 9GNS A MINIMUM NTERMEDIATE WIRES OF ONE EVERY 300 FEET. THE SIZE OF EACH SIGN MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2' x 2' AND BE MAINTENANCE NOTES: 44 VISIBLE FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE_ THE 1.REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN HALF HEIGHT GRADE y OF SILT FENCE. - - - _ _ _ _ SIGN MUST THIN F LANGUAGE _ =1 1= -m I- =I I= =11=1 1=111=111=111=111=111=1 1=11=1 = = =11= =1 = =III=I I=1 = =1 =11=11=1 =1 1= 1 1- IN BOTH ENGL191 & SPANISH: 2.REPAIR OR REPLACE FENCE 11=1 I1- - I-I1=1I I -II1111111111=11I I1I I I II I111I11I 1111I 11II11 II I1= -1I III II I. "'` 8 'TREE PROTECTION ZONE. KEEaPOUG. IMMEDIATELY WHEN TEARS,HOLES, 11�1111�1 III-III 11u11 Illllll-III-III-1 -1 - - II ' I_II _ _III - E L1 11-III= III-"' "' "' y 11 I IE\SAGGING,COLLAPSE,OR OTHER i I_I= leJ ORANGE. UV RE9STANT 1a11 3. THERE SHALL BE NO STORAGE OF MATERIAL DEFICIENCES FOUND. -I 11= z HIGH TENSE STRENGTH a WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TREE 3.THE DESIGN LIFE OF A SYNTHETIC SILT 111I NE FRONT VIEW =1 I11I PROTECTION FENCING• FENCE IS APPROXIMATELY 6 MONTHS. -I II_ II II a iiW POLYETHYLENE LAMINAR ts 111 -I -1 IlEll DETERIORATED SILT FENCE MUST BE III- ATTACH BARRICADE FABRIC- g 4. TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE MAINTAINED - I11III El i1�III�lii THROUGHOUT ME DURATION OF THE PROJECT. REPLACED. - TO POST STEEL POST GENERAL NOTES: FS WOVEN WIRE FABRIC j ' T T , , 1 OP 1.USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 r ` ACRE PER 100 LINEAR FT.OF FENCE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF SILT FENCE FABRIC Io- ..------.u- •.m..0 let ; i r 1 6 A o d d CONCENTRATED FLOW SUCH AS STREAMS,DITCHES,OR WATERWAYS. Ibtl.�almi����,.lno--'u'�1••_ wcwcTON, I : a a i , 1 4•-0^ is ... a �. MSc . ie • • a _ 2.NEVER INSTALL SILT FENCE IN WETLANDS UNLESS APPROVAL HAS 1 T d MNIAIUM w =_ I - -- *UP WI „ •, , BEEN RECEIVED TO DO SO FROM APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. O N o g . ,. 3.OVERLAP 12 INCHES WHEN SPLICING FABRIC. !JflIJI' - - r s o . o - _ GRE 4.CURLEACHENDOFFENCEUPHILLINA"J"PATTERNTOPREVENTEND N z1-II-11 -II: II I = II 1 II-- - I-II-II 1- - -1Y=11 - - - _1-11::,--- g \' II-4=11=11=11-n-J=11-II-II ,1- II II-I-y-U-II-n 11- 11-11 II U-1-t-11-'1- I -11-1-u-IF=n-.I-a-11-1- 1W FLOW. 5 :e=0=11=11=11= - : L. 11 1=1- :II-1_11-11- - 1-11- - -11=11=11=r- =11::11= - ��� 11-11- - = 1 -11=1= 2•-0- MIN. 5.ANCHORING OF TOE OF FENCE SHOULD BE REINFORCED WITH 12 I N I I I I I I I 1 INCHES OF NCDOT#5 OR#57 WASH STONE WHEN FLOW WILL RUN r,' L l U U ` PARALLEL TO TOE OF FENCE. z / / /` a / / / / , GRADE 4•_,-,- 0 I 6.FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES,USE SILT FENCE OUTLET DETAIL %\� / \,�\/ COMPACTED FILL «•� ►} 1.33 Ibs/LF STEEL POST 2018-014. \ O \7 MINIMUM \�Ki 6" MINIMUM COVER OVER SKIRT 7.HAY BALES ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR SILT FENCE. 0 4 /r �, ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER _.41L •/ SIDE V EW ,, CHATHAM COUNTY CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA - DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER TREE PROTECTION FENCE 2021-001 ,_ STANDARD SILT FENCE 2018-013 SHEET I of 1 SHEET I of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER r # °o°° 6 0. a00 °o:° oOoQo 0 0•.° O ° 0° Oo °Oo 00 ° : / ISOMETRIC 57 WASHED STONE �p �''°d o oo' O\�Qp y-��pOgp�••o°� o�b°b�o °o0 8 W M ETR 0 000 00 ° ° o a'' o•� oqqQ,, o0 0•00 $o o �oQ / o0000 00 0 0 0 8,•�•rt'pV'b-,•,'g,p o 000� o O�oo�.• o 4;000000k000.0 0o°o°°pp r o°O�°°Ooo00 0°0�°° r °°pO °o•. // // / '�:'o / / // •°y ; / / / -� VIEW o°•••oo O oo•,•••�O oo`o° O o°00o •� •'o'o .o; o •,,oO�° ° pOOO USE A MINIMUM OF 2 STAKES y . USE A MINIMUM OF 4 STAKES .: '•• TOp NOTE: p8o��\ o 000°o; iQ o °°°o° Foil ON UPSLOPE SIDE o••o �� OF- o° oo n '�: • ON DOWN SLOPE SIDE B SILT FENCE FABRIC TO OVERLAP 80068 a o o °OgOO OOO.00 o °• 0q XsP,SD ..+ W .if .: .'S).N• •�,�q.: „ : k o O o 0 0.•0 •�` .:.:'' „"Y v!i`. ��� ..ice i� ,... �. •, HARDWARE CLOTH BY 12 INCHES oo O° o°°o°O' o°N.Oo O o p 0�0\ .�q. tty'.,0.*:. :0 ilkS.(11,J4., <�I i :::''il''_::44 1::: > O°o o Q o° ° ,g ° o0.O o° i `��r/f h J,i�./ice.i�..i�1 ,. n 0 00 $00°0°6°'0o 4 0 oo°o ° 4�! �.rs.t .ay�A.i..I":4?p�.yij�i�,��!ij�j' �i� if:' WATTLE ;1'; o • • o o oo . . FLOW 510.v 4 •7i.t,...*�• , Z.•.�, tte-, w.\,/S �, °moo Oo 08 O�iO�Q�Bo O°Q408 O!•O°o0•�i0��•O�p B e�•OoOo�•o��•O°0800:�°0°�0•° Z..1.• i jq; �a 4`.. i`w <�.' . �..�^ ii_.:-::: lq 00 °°OQ�°g�•oo n,�-� 0 o�c7�i ° • •�• O�°� g��•�°° •••�0� ° o g••• ° O ��ii,. •.MATTING t�j. i4vu.�.. �.;i�.,i�., DOWNSLOPE , ■ DVS °moo °° o o • �0°.o �o .!• 4o•° 4� .g o -.o�ooPaIrtep• oI••°°ado°°o {i`i�� �� '�T' • ii•�,' O oo� g o 0 oodb o°o o a �.. y' !.•�."••• v:4.,'•"i'. _:...:: < ° og�o 0 00 0 • p • : • te:%w;ry, ' ;;.A i.vs.4: .., s�1k� ,h. �io!l�::;. :1; MATTING F STEEL FENCE POST bL!IQ�!i'��:. "s. Z:)�ii� i •:Vi::>1i1�`Syts v �`<!�' HARDWARE CLOTH 04'. Ni WIRE FENCE SILT FENCE FABRIC STEEL FENCE POST �G t,' ON WIRE FENCE O\ oe :e' ON WIRE FENCE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ••.• \ \\ \ \ HARDWARE CLOTH \1 \1 \1Att1 �•F•'t NOTES: I� PLAN VIEW NOTE: GROUND 1) USE A MINIMUM 12 INCH DIAMETER EXCELSIOR WATTLE. FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER •• USE SILT FENCE OUTLETS ONLY WHEN IIIII 2) USE 24 INCH LONG WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2"x2" NOMINAL CROSS # 57 WASHED STONE .1 o�rj DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 SECTION. ° ACRE AND THERE IS A LOW AREA. USE PLAN VIEW •.:• 4) INSTALL WATTLE(S) TO A HEIGHT ON SLOPE SO FLOW WILL NOT •08 °°Oo°°°°•I 18" AS A REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. WASH AROUND WATTLE AND SCOUR SLOPES, OR AS DIRECTED. FLOW DIRECTION !•. oho•••O (§0 41 oo� !:!o% °o°t.0 I 5) INSTALL A MINIMUM OF TWO UPSLOPE STAKES AND FOUR ;a;o0o$•00°�°° '•• GRADE STEEL FENCE POST SET MIN. 2 STAKES ON UPSLOPE MINIMUM 4 STAKES ON DOWNSLOPE DOWNSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE TO WEDGE WATTLE TO GROUND • •• o 6:0 ooV 1 -III-1111111111E111=1=111E11f1/I0III III 7-- HARDWARE CLOTH MAXIMUM 2 FEET APART WIRE FENCE AT BOTTOM. III 11111 IIi III E II 6„ GROUNDPROVIDE STAPLES MADE OF 0.125 INCH DIAMETER STEEL WIRE III r - - - 6) al _ ? _ _ FORMED INTO A U-SHAPE NOT LESS THAN 12 INCHES IN LENGTH. I 1 -III- III- III 11 111-111-1 SIDE VIEW 1 - 1 1 I- -1' 7) INSTALL STAPLES APPROXIMATELY EVERY 1 LINEAR FOOT ON BOTH I .o ..': ............... .............. .. .••, ••... •• • ••• se....1..0, t� -III- SIDES OF WATTLE AND AT EACH END TO SECURE IT TO THE SOIL. ���l.t",: `� ►0ii�ii*000i`O•�O. ••�ie0•�ii�i� �••��®�i®e0i0 �i�`ii�i�OiB��,�i���i�i�ee0i�i�0�•.t- %i�i61:N s'� �" I - = 8 AFTER INSTALLATION OF STAPLES, CHINK ANY GAPS BETWEEN LJ -;I ®�� ei�i��•�1► • ®OpOee�•����p�•�®��p�����••••i�i• 0���•�0�������������®l'.4•4,;1 ►I �•O',,i4� js MATTING -j ) SILT FENCE ®.�.OI••y�..•p.❖pp.�. ®�•.®�•pp.® ;peeOe pppp�•p.®ee•oO•Oeee.••.ei�oe��0e.❖eee..•I•::.J � '•• ' �_ 1 WATTLE AND GROUND WITH MATTING. MAINTENANCE NOTES• FABRIC �` k... � i�i�i�ie� �►® ®�® • •••':�i�i::�I'•��000� `®ee%*i •�:� 1 A�.�6i -! e•OOOJO• �®•p®e�•OOOOi000i�i�0 •O•O�OOOi�i�00i�®e0•�O•®�®®•�i�i�000i�000i0eeOs!�® 0`E R LAP I-1 M, V-DITCH SECTION VIEW 1.REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN =I i!OVERLAP"S•i•iee•�Oi••00 �®Oi�i�i0•••••.••••••®•e••••••••••••ei ®•e••••••••••• i, r M�.�e��• 12 O.4.rt���O���pO�����.-•�����0�����pO�i��O00��p�O���ppO�e�I•����•������������p00��OV� ee�•p00�����������p`i�4®\-.4N. 1 2•®s0_e1 t STAKES HALF HEIGHT OF STONE. ®®� INCHES 1' '❖'p'p'®`1°e��:•'p'p�ee'❖:.�.;e •��oe�®.•p;.;.;.pp!eeo�eoppp�®� ®�`•;.;.;.pp�e®•Opj••ppp•®®®It INCHES;:1. I WEAVE STAPLES THROUGH ANGLE STAKES REFRESH STONE THAT 1��i:�•,.d'cd�ft�/11® •ip®��••O��•iiiii•�ee�i••� i•�®•iiiiiiiii•�®O��i®p•® ••iiiiiii•�ee�ii•O• � � YIliii ! �•ir ►"1 ®,••®��iiiii•Oii••� •�i• ��•ii•Oiiii•OOi••®®ie®� ��••iii•Oii••�®••• ;T', 'Emir--, MINIMUM 4 STAKES MESH CASING OF WATTLE TO W E D G E BECOMES CLOGGED WITH GRADE t'L l.'�® � �ippp�ip�0®�®p�e1.• OiO�%ippp�ip�%•� �0���000•�®�• ®tt !,.7,ww k MIN. 2 STAKES ON U P SLOP E ® ® ®® •...•Vie® ON DOWNSLOPE i WATTLE ONTO 1 111 111 - 1�"!iR`�`B_P-•If!- a;v-t..•'��iii�iZ•ii0• �••ii•d i'e_a i4 _' of 'cat: 4 .•r;.l a!'St'vioz;Imams,< P-\ZLE ®•►��♦ ul-III- 1•r e�,'a� a� ,�e •••0••••••••♦ e •r_��1�RS ii a•1 a•i aP- S E W t7 ��� GROUND SEDIMENT/DEBRIS. III'11 1 a •11og�5i1i10901�nc: i•OOip000pOiip00®e ••••'®��isj• �ri��i a ��a'i��i � �e I E1•IIz l•aiB 86 �1 11��11 ••i�'e � � 2.REPAIR OR REPLACE FENCE 1�..mmigNII II€•18f Ri 4�I06.1 •ip;•�•;�p;•�•�•;•�•�•�•;•;•�•®®® O.�eO•® -ilte f 51,6•��Tart�= Ie�;Bpetsgz114.611 OTIzie W IIk. GROUND .40',; .A gm Lwa11a Q114 lleilIiD; ®__ !!iii!e?i•Oi!!iii!_ __ !®__ ___ 9®_ Alin ali`et lei�'e9•TeA ie�all DIF V IeE•:r�Oe!s m -1-eft.. - - - - :ii0•�Oi i�i!O�'I - - - - ��' �� AND HARDWARE CLOTH -11- 1E 11= 11=II=III=111=III=11-_ I -I I 111 11=111-111=III 11=111=111-11141 11=111=1 =III 111 111=1 a 11. 1 1 1 1 1 1 -;•O:••O��•:e' 1,11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 T --- MATTING Q� MATTING i'- lIII 1=III- • i ���i•,' IMMEDIATELY WHEN 11I II111-o 111 1111II 1 II 1 II 11111 II 1 II II1111 11111 11111 II 1.1 1111111 o 11- 11 I it 111 III- "'- II III 11 11111 o IT II I II 11111 -III- - d��i��� jp0��'9• - - -III-I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _I II= 11 11 11 I- III III DEFICIENCES FOUND. IIHIII LII1=1I11I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I I1= 1 1I 11 111 IIl I1=1I1=1i' 1 - 0i®�® ��= - 1 P� =1 1=1 III-I 1=11 -1 I I I I I III III- 1=1 I�o =1 1=1 1=1 11 1="---' -I I. 1=1 1=a �I 1=1 h -I - 1 1 '1-TTI-TTI-TTI-111-I 1=1 -III , III-III=I1' -"'_'' III=III °IH11=1i 1-� I� STAPLES STAPLES I�=1111_..I=1 11-' u H �.111E11-�111E111 - -1 I I- 11= - III-III-III-II NOTE: ill-III-III-III 11 I- I 1, MATTING iT1ITiITi -' 1-111-I 1=1 BURY WIRE FENCE, HARDWARE CLOTH, STAPLE INSTALLMENT STAKE INSTALLMENT II FRONT VIEW AND SILT FENCE FABRIC 6 INCHES INTO THE TRENCH /yam\ TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH SECTION VIEW SECTIONS CROSS SECTION CHATHAM COUNTY CHATHAM COUNTY MAINTENANCE NOTE:REMOVE SEDMIENT WHEN HALF HEIGHT OF WATTLE.REPAIR AND RESTORE TO SPECIFICATIONS ABOVE IMMEDIATELY. NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER ' STANDARD SILT FENCE OUTLET 2018-014 - STANDARD WATTLE 2018-018 SHEET 1 of I SHEET I of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1.REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN HALF 50' MIN • HEIGHT OF STONE AND CLEAR DEBRIS AND SUFFICIENT 'O KEEP III-I — TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER 0.5'-1' THAT COULD CLOG CHANNEL. SEDIMENT ON SITE I—III—III—_ 2.ADD OR REFRESH STONE AS NEEDED II 1II �= =III= — - 1 MAX. � ��� 11=ll-1 1=ITI= 1="' #sV wasH ED sTON E 1 TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND VARIES CROSS SECTION. QI�o a.", 00 0 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE NOTES: - II=11I-III-I Ili 3.CORRECT DEFICIENCES IF EROSION 00 Oa0 0 ypOd O Op p EXISTING SLOPE _li' u1 =11C111 - :_ o$ 1. THIS DETAIL APPLIES ONLY TO ENTRANCES OF I-7 OCCURS AROUND EDGES OF DAM. ig!es0000e0 INDIVIDUAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS. #1 RIP-RAP 4.IF SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS ig �c�od g 2. SILT FENCE SHOULD BE INSTALLED TO ENSURE VARIES BETWEEN DAMS,ADD ADDITIONAL EXISTING dam'#:;'•IF o 0 2" - 3"STONE TO BE USED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. DAMS AND ENSURE CHANNEL IS ROADWAY "00Oo Z 3. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROPERLY STABILIZED WITH o (SURGE STONE OR o SIDEVEW,4o000o RAILROAD BkLAST� o 0 MAINTAINED ROUTINELY TO AVOID SEDIMENT EXISTING STABILIZATION LINER. _:00o o cfo 0000 o LEAVING PROJECT.I SLOPE EXISTING clii0 oo0OO�o` 0 0 0 00�00� 4. SEDIMENT ENTERING PAVED ROADWAYS FROM SLOPE 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 0 0 '=1 11= -111E111= 0 0 o p04 00 00 0 $0 00 0 00 �000 PROJECT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. IIII -III =1 I1=1I11 11 VARIES Ill l 111=11' 0/ X -,1_ - MEI' 11_PLAN =I.11 II DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS X �' DRAINAGE AREA WEIR LENGTH1 0.5'-1' I (ACRES) (FT) KEYED RIP RAP 1 4.0 2 6.0 x SILT FENCE (SCE NOTE 2) ` VARIES )� 3 8.0 � ___� 4 10.0 I, 1 I11 IMEITI i 111 1I 5 12.0 3,J� MIN. ��� NEW CONSTRUCTION ---__ -III1111111111111111111111111111111111111�1- #57 WASHED STONE 1 DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM EMS1ING ROADWAY i i `► i.: . • FRONT VIEW MATTING/ L=THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS •��•y�y�• 12" MiN• STABILAZATION A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION a' MIN• i.. 'v •. • • ../�`l�`1 OoO000 00 g%000 /4 B ♦♦♦♦ ♦ \ �-♦♦`♦, =rll�11111111_Illl_Illl= _ � °°�° ~llll= °°000°0 1iiP 84.°0 go FABRIC UNDER . ON —1111�1111= °°°°° I. =1r11=1111-1111 CROSS STLQN PROFILE VIEW CHATHAM COUNTY CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER _� RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2018-003A STANDARD ROCK CHECK DAM 2018-002 SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET 1 of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1) INSPECT MATTING WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS.REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. 2)GOOD CONTACT WITH GROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED, AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH MATTING.REPAIR ,$% 4,•4 0iiiki l AND SECURE AS REQUIRED IF DAMAGED OR UNDERCUT. ,Z.74•;..;.•�•,:�•.;•p; :15,;,014. 7-74 3)MONITOR AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY UNTIL .. �i♦♦itif••i'•'••'•••••:�:ii t.r:___=: - %3%i�i;%'���/��%/•�T. 12" GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED. ���%i;�::�%��i•�•�i'�'•� .�, :�' �i; j% elolooS STAPLE/STAKE AT INTERVALS. .=i♦•****.•,•.;••;•.••••�•;..•c;___;; _0000,90%•,%04..:: STAPLING/STAKING PATTERN AS SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE IF THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF SLOPE, i—♦AV..��♦��i••i.••i�••i••iiiiii: X 04400i0I j40 i�uii PER MANUFACTURERS ,ii 7440,,..♦•..♦�,....•4?.,..,.�. g OP*.,opoiforoo•pw� PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT. ANCHOR UPSLOPE OF THE BERM. ��i .wi1,•�♦�.4" i••�•4•�••••AZT& i -04• I/�i�%/4002= SPECIFICATIONS. .17, ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦••♦ ♦ • • / / /4040 / /.... • ....4"♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•1�1�♦♦•��1♦•♦♦•••••ffmms iri //,I/// 400 ///, iiiii♦1♦1♦1♦1♦111.1•••11.1•I•i�i�i��ii r�//,//// I / ////r... _ ♦ • . ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • swarm.. �// / /,/ / / //.■.. MIN. 2" 1♦♦♦♦♦1♦♦♦♦♦•1♦j♦••i♦.15711�ii /,///I////� �//tea. Zict•.r •♦♦♦1♦1♦1♦1♦•1♦ IIb•����r.�i. m////// /j/% .••/Oa. . - 1 1 •o v 6" 6" .��. ♦i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦•♦♦:*9.♦eq♦%•#:�C -:M".aI :i/i/i*i***** •:�_• WHEN USED IN CONJUNCTION �. ,,,...� ANCHOR IN X MIN. TRENCH ����..♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .." ♦i•*♦TIZMA D,.•I•.INV4 0/AOIi0/�/•,:�: WITH CHECK DAMS OR STAPLING PATTERN AS OVERLAP / ' �t - AND STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS. .,A �1♦♦♦1♦♦1♦��•♦♦♦4♦♦♦••.Anna ���.,Ia 0 //// / //O /%/.w. ••♦�♦♦♦♦♦i♦♦i••♦♦�♦♦♦i1♦♦••1:�����•A•••••C�/i/I�/i/ii/00$/�■�• WATTLES,INSTALL MATTING PER MANUFACTURERS r •• i.4515 �1��♦1♦�♦♦♦4••♦♦♦♦1♦♦1i♦iiiiiiii iiil%�0,000$$$000 1i=== FIRST. RECOMMENDTAIONS �/ �' ""#��••••••�:�1�j•���1��*0•j• i iiii ii••••• •oo40%00%00%%0%°�14 Z. -/ II ♦♦♦1♦1♦•t♦♦44 4Iiiiiiii i za.�♦ oI40 040401 111"11I • MIN. 6 OVERLAP. ♦..4.#��1♦♦��♦II Iiiliiiiiiiian 440400 LIME,FERTILIZE,AND SEED .��� ',= •.' ..i•- - z Aril Illoor MALTING SHOULD BE USED IN ALL �♦�:��.I��; ==:q:;=:.===•1•••• BEFORE INSTALLATION. i.: DITCHES AND ANYWHERE �1•�� ��° i ••: ,�_ STAPLE OVERLAPS MAX. 5" SPACING. CONCENTRATED RUNOFF IS CONVEYED. - IN CHANNELS,ROLL OUT STRIPS OF NETTING PARALLEL TO THE 4•:�: DIRECTION OF FLOW AND OVER THE PROTECTIVE MULCH. ••••':••i•♦••• BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL •••••••♦••♦•�• / AREA,TURN THE END UNDER 4 AND ••:�:�:%��!�.,�/��i ���' DO NOT STRETCH BLANKETS MATTING 4" AND ♦.(i .(':)1 11•00�/ ����������• • TIGHT ALLOW THE ROLLS TO CONFORM TO ANY STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS. .40'N %/�// %��4►������ IRREGULARITIES. ��I I I ANCHOR NETTING IN �!• ���. LIME FERTILIZE,AND SEED BEFORE INSTALLATION. I����� ��� / FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 3H:1V,ROLLS MAY BE II A 12-INCH TRENCH ��, PLANTING OF SHRUBS,TREES, ETC. SHOULD OCCUR In. IL 440.4 ' PLACED IN HORIZONTAL STRIPS.12-inch AFTER INSTALLATION. , overlap JOIN STRIPS BY ANCHORING APPLY MATTING TO BOTTOM AND SIDESLOPES OF DITCH. AND OVERLAPPING MATTING MUST BE INSTALLED UP TO AND OVER CREST OF MAINTENANCE NOTES: SIDESLOPES,AND ANCHORED IN A TRENCH AS SHOWN ABOVE. 1) INSPECT MATTING WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS. REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. 2) GOOD CONTACT WITH GROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED,AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH MATTING. REPAIR AND SECURE AS REQUIRED IF DAMAGED OR UNDERCUT. 3) MONITOR AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY UNTIL GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED. CHATHAM COUNTY CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION 2o1s_o10 STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION (SLOPES) 2018_010A SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET 1 of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT SANDBAG \,_, STAPLES STRAW BALE BINDER WIRE (2 PER BALE) 10 mil PLASTIC LINING 10 mil PLASTIC LINING PLYWOOD NATIVE MATERIAL PAINTED WHITE BLACK LETTERS SECTION A-A (OPTIONAL) 6"HEIGHT -1111=1- Species Rate (lb/acre) Dates 3' NOT TO SCALE M lI LAG SCREWS SECTION B-B I ICONCRE El I L I I WASHOUT.I, LATH AND _ NOT TO SCALE IIII=_IIIIIIp BERM WOOD OR FLAGGING ON METAL STAKES T (grain') 3 SIDES (2 PER BALE) 36" WOOD POST 3.5"X3.5"XS' \ Rye t�,/r ain I 1 '�_I 10'MINIMUM j anuar� 1 I ay 1 • 10'MINIMUM IIII=_ 1111=IIII=1111= III=1'' ®�® 36 -annual lespedeza (Kobe j 7)■Q 0• • ■ • © © ® B ® ® B CONCRETE WASHOUT SANDBAG ■■i1 ■1.1 (OR EQUIVALENT)SIGN DETAIL German millet 0 May 1 - August 15 ID VARIES A ■ A la 111 _.1 �2,. Rye (grain) 120 August 15 - December 31 i IMME A VARIES I' I Q ®MA®®® _� STEEL WIRE STAPLE ©> \© ■ ■ PLAN TO SCALE 10 mil PLASTIC LINING NOT PLANTOSCALE STRAW BALE (TYP) DETAIL Soil Amendments NOT TYPE"ABOVE GRADE"WITH STRAW BALES Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural A BERM limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. ■® Q O O p■ 10 mil PLASTIC LINING 10 mil PLASTIC LINING TYPE"BELOW GRADE"— I Mulch WOOD STELAE AROUND lB-B Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch FASTENED PERIMETER�/ r SECTION ALE ENTIRE NOT TO SCALE INSTALLATION& WITH TWO STAKES anchoring tool. A dist with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring CLEANOUT NOTES: NOTES I 1)INSTALL 50'FROM 1. ACTUAL LAYOUT TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. - -10'MINIMUM -{ TWO-STACKED tool. STORM DRAIN INLETS& I SURFACE WATERS UNLESS 2. A CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED • - 2X12 ROUGH WOOD FRAME REASONABLYNO ALTERNATIVE WITHIN 30' OF THE TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT. AVAILABLE. B B Maintenance 2)CLEANOUT WASHOUT 3.MATERIALS USED TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately WHEN WET CAPACITY. CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE 3)ALL DAMAGE TO VARIES STAKE following erosion or other damage. TYP) WASHOUT MUST BE MADE SITE AND DISPOSED OF OR RECYCLED. REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 4.HOLES,DEPRESSIONS OR OTHER GROUND (#1; DISTURBANCE CAUSED BY THE REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL THE BE - _ ) c BACKFILLED,REPAIRS AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT PLAN TYPE"ABOVE GROUND'" 10 mil PLASTIC LINING NOT TO SCALE WITH WOOD PLANKS CHATHAM COUNTY EROSION. CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER STANDARD CONCRETE/PAINT WASHOUT 2018-022 TEMPORARY SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS 2018-020 SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET I of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT Region of Species or Mixture Adaptation Maintenance Varieties Adaptation Annual Mowing mowing Shade Heat Cold Drought Wear Fertilizer Height (IbN/ ALL DISTURBED AREAS Cool Season Grasses: Frequency Kentucky blugrass blend' Mountains Kentucky bluegrass good fair good good good 2.5-4 (in.) .5.4 2 med. *ADDITIONAL SODDING March 1 - August 31 September 10 - February 28 Kentucky bluegrass/ good good good good good 2.5-3 3 high INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND Tall fescue blend Adventure.Brookston, Mountains Tall fescue 50# Tall "SODDING"Fescue 50# Tall Fescue Falcon.Finelawn. and Piedmont IN SECTION 6.12 OF _ Galway.Houndog, Tall fescue good good good good good 2.5-3.5 3 high THE NCDEQ DEMLR EROSION 10# Centipede 10# Centipede Jaguar,Olympic,Rebel Hybrid Bermudagrass poor good poor excel. excel. 5-6 1 high Tall fescue/KentuckyMountains Centi ede rays fair AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 25# Bermudagrass (hulled) 35# Bermudagrass (unhulled) p g good poor good poor 0.5 1 low bluegrass and Piedmont PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. St.Augustinegrass good good poor good poor 2.5 2-3 med. 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer Warm Season Grasses: Zoysiagrass fair good fair excel. good 1.5 1 high 4000 Limestone 14o00 Limestone Hybrid Bermudagrass Vamont,Tifway,Tifway Piedmont and Adapted from Carolina Lawns,NCAES Bulletin no.AG-69. MAINTENANCE NOTES: II&Trfgreen Coastal Plain 1) AFTER FIRST WEEK,WATER AS NECESSARY TO Soil preparation-Test soil to determine the exact requirements for lime and Zoysiagrass Emerald,Meyer Piedmont and MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE IN THE ROOT WASTE AND BORROW AREAS Coastal Plain fertilizer. Soil tests maybe conducted by the State soil testing lab or a reputable ZONE AND PREVENT DORMANCY OF SOD.WATER commercial laboratory. Information on free soil testing is available from the MORE DURING SUMMER MONTHS. Centipedegrass No improved varieties Piedmont and Agronomic Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture or the 2)DO NOT REMOVE MORE THAN 1/3 OF SHOOT IN March 1 - August 31 September 10 - February28 g PCoastal Plain Agricultural Extension Service. Where sodding must be planned without soil ANY MOWING.MAINTAIN GRASS HEIGHT BETWEEN 75# Tall Fescue 75# Tall Fescue St.Augustinegrass Raleigh Piedmont and tests the following soil amendments may be sufficient: 2-3 INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Coastal Plain •Pulverized agricultural limestone at a rate of 2 tons/acre(100 lb/1,000 3)AFTER FIRST GROWING SEASON,ESTABLISHED 25# Berrnudagrass (hulled) 25# Berrnudagrass (unhulled) ft2) SOD REQUIRES FERTILIZATION;MAY ALSO REQUIRE 'A large number of varieties exist-consult suppliers and your local LIME.FOLLOW SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. 500# Fertilizer 500# Fertilizer Agricultural Extension office for recommendations. •Fertilizer at a rate of 1,000 lb/acre(25 Ib/1.000 ft2)of 10-10-10 in fall or �„,, 5-10-10 in spring. ` 4000# Limestone 4000# Limestone Flow _ _ �y � Equivalent nutrients maybe applied with other fertilizer fommlations. These ---i--- -- -----1 _ ~: —� _;` Lay sod across the amendments should be spread evenly over the area.and incorporated into the �r Y' : -"-;, 4 Lay sod in a staggered ,;... direction of flow. top4-8 inches of soil bydisking.harrowing. or other effective means. If t -'-i "- pattern with strips butted Note: 50# of Bahiagrass may be substituted for either Centipede or Bermudagrass only upon request. � : g g _ 1 -- _� 1 ;-• .- tightly against eachother.A topsoil is applied.follow specifications given in Practice 6.04.Topsoiling. sharpened mason's trowel can `-• _ , .. • } •-'_ ". _ be used to tuck down the ends --� Prior to laying sod, clear the soil surface of trash, debris-roots,branches. -!_ ...•� and trim pieces. On cut and fill slopes 2:1 or steeper Centipede shall be applied at the rate of 5 lb acre and add 20# of stones.and clods larger than 2 inches in diameter. Fill or level low spots in ) lb/acre pegs or stables to fasten sod firmly at the �'- --"�'���` ends of strips and in the center,or every 3-4' order to avoid standing water. Rake or harrow the site to achieve a smooth Sericea Lespedeza from January 1 - December 31. if the strips are long.When ready to mow• . ____ and level final grade. iimol Correct Butting-angled ends caused by the automatic drive pegs or staples flush with the ground. r "-""`�"Pe or J{ sod cutting must be matched correctly. I ,r staple ! ink as Incorrect f.. --_--.,..__._._.,___..fe Complete soil preparation by rolling or cultipacking to firm the soil. Avoid using heavy equipment on the area,particularly when the soil is wet.as this Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer maybe used provided the 1-2-2 — 4 y y -. „49„,,,,a may cause excessive compaction. and make it difficult for the sod to take yZ==-:� v. root. 1 I ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted toprovide the same amount ofplant food as a . •--`-`- = , -r.... in critical areas,secure pp W..`—j['� ;t•-. sod with netting and I ^� '--`-•-`— staples. I I 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. = ~~�:� :�'_ . ' / I ',Ii lI : ' MAINTENANCE NOTES: .."::-�`-_ ~- C A ft 1) INSPECT PERMANENT STABILIZATION WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS. ,.t 2 REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADE UATE.RESEED,REFERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE,REPAIRING I JAI Roll sod immediately to Water to a depth of 4" Mow when the sod is es- 2 J achieve firm contact as soon as the sod is tablished(2-3 wks).Set ERODED AREAS PRIOR TO RESTABILIZATION.MONITOR UNTIL 90%STABILIZATION ACHIEVED. with the soil. laid,and continue the mower high(2-3"). 3)SECTION 6.11"PERMANENT SEEDING"OF NCDEQDEMLR EROSION MANUAL MAY BE REFERENCED FOR PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. watering as needed. CHATHAM COUNTY CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ` NORTH CAROLINA DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER PERMANENT SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS 2018-021 SODDING INSTRUCTIONS 2019-001 SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET 1 of 1 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT PART III PART III PART I I SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF•INSPECTION,RECORDKEFPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTION B:RECORDKEEPING SECTION C:REPORTING Self-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.E&SC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrences that Must be Reported below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection The approved E&SC plan as we I as any approved dcv-at on shall be kept on the site.The Permittees shall report the following occurrences- personnel to be in jeopardy,the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition,when a storm event of egral to a (a) Visible sediment deposition In a stream or wet and, Chatham County greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-inspector shall be The fol owing items pertaining to the F&SC p an shall be eept on site and avatlab a for Sample Residential Construction Sequence performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections inspection at all times during normal business hours. (b) OII spills if- were delayedshall be noted in the Inspectioneglirernents • They are 25 gallons or more, Record. Rem to Document Documentation R 1. Submit a Land Disturbing Permit Application at least 30 days prior to any land disturbing activity frequency 131 Each E&SC measure has been Instated Initial and date each E&SC measure on acopy • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be ceaned up within 24 hours, inspect Wring normal inspection records Mitt Include and does not signif IcanW deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or complete,date occurring. business hours[ •locatons,dimensions and relative eIevitions and sign an inspection report that lists each • They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or 2. Organize pre-construction meeting with Chatham County Watershed Protection Department to IIIiteng.,l• a.il, DON'din tell Ammon. shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved MSC • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). maintainer in it no dear rain gauge observations are made during weekend or plan.This documentation is required upon the review site plan prior to land disturbing activities.Land-Disturbing Permit and Approved Plans goad working rtaday pmiods, and no lnWAduat day rainfall ntormallon Is tram available,record the cumulative rain measurement for those un initial installation of the E&SC measures or if will be provided at this meeting. attended day.(am:its will detciosn.it a site rim.runn is the E&SC measures are modified after initial (c) Releases of nazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 needed). Days on which no rfall occurred shall be recorded as installation. of the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA 3. Install all temporary erosion control measures according to the information discussed during the p•rmi¢••may use mother ran-morrtorng deuce lb)A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC [Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.S.143-215.85. pre-construction meeting. Minimal clearingmayoccur in the immediate area of all measures to apprtmdbytheDivison. g plan or complete,date and sign an Inspection 21 tax At least once per 1. identihcabort o•tne measures inspected, forinstallation. Mcast.,cs 7calendardays 2. Date and time of thens con, report to Indicate completion of the providef. (di Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. and within 24 3, Wme of the pernn pcefomdng the Impttlbn, construction phase. 4. Permitted land disturbing activities may begin once measures are installed. hours ofarain a Memnon or whether the measures were operating Ir;Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC 5. Complete self-inspectionsand within24hoursora0.5"or reaterrainfallevent. event 1acbb p`� in plan or complete,date and sign an Inspection IeI Nonco-^ 'iancewiththeconditionsofthis rmit that maendangerhealthorthe p p weeklyg 24 howl 5. Destnptai of rrsentrrance needs for the measure, p � 6. Maintain all erosion and sediment control measures in good working order.Silt fence,inlet 6. Dadrio on.maidon'a,anddaiaetcorrectoreattranstuk,o plan. report to indicate compliance with approved environment Ili 5tnoo.•.,wr At load once per 1 identification of the dluitarge ourtalh inspected, ground cover specifications. protection and other similar measures must be cleaned out when they are half full.Clogged silt discharge ,calendar days 2 Date and time of thenspectton• o,srait:(SOC l and within 24 3. Dame of the person polonaise be inspection, Id) The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an Inspection report. 2.Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements fence outlets must be refreshed/replaced.Silt fence cannot have holes or tears. tun of a ten 4. Evidence of indicators ofstormtwater pollution such moll requirements for at E&SC measures event 7.1.o ben in sheen,floating or suspended roues or dbcdoration, have been performed. After a permitlee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact 7. Ground cover shall be provided as follows: 24 hours 5. indication of vette sedimeet leesntg the site. the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the 6. Dsmptbn,evidence,and date of correct..acmes taken. Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC other requirements listed below Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be a. Stabilize basins with ground cover immediately after installation.(If applicable) 141 Petal-atter of Atleast once per a visible sednencatlm is found outside site limits,Min a record - to E&SC measures. plan or complete,date and sign an inspection reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at(800) b. Stabilize diversion ditches intended to be in service for(14)days or more with ale 2nalendandays on the following shell bemade: report to indicate the completion of the 858-0368. and within 24 1. Actions taken to deal up or stabilise the sediment chat has lee corrective action. temporary seeding and erosion control matting.(If applicable) hoses of•rain the slteamm, event 2 1.0 itch In 2. Dscripum,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken,anc 2.Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site Occurrence Reporting Timebamgg(After Discovery)and Other Requirements c. For all areas of moderate and/or steep slopes,stabilize area with seed and matting if 24 hours 3. Aneaphn•tionas to Mea liensteken to control future In add:lion to tee E&SC plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the (al Visible sediment • WitMu24hours,an oral or electronic notification. the slope has not been disturbed for a period of(7)days. releases. site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours,unless the deposition in a • Within.7 calendar days,a report that contains a description of the IS)Streams or At lean creeper If the steam or wetland has increased visible sedimentation ora Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make stream or wetland sediment and art inns lasso to address the cause of the deposition. d. Provide ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion on anyportion of the site upon wetlands coke 7calerdar days stream has swede inrreas•dturbidlry ham tM construction p or Ohre and within 24 activity,then a record of the following mall be made this requirement not practical' Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a which further land-disturbing activity is not being undertaken within(14)calendar days 'whim hours era ear 1 owsutpiiM.miarni•and date ofconnttive actions taken.and case-by-case basis. accessible) event_10 inch In 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Melon (a) This Genera:Permit as well as the Certif cite o'Coverage,after it is received. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(dl Ilst as impaired for sediment- of temporarily or permanently suspending land disturbing activity. _ 24 hours RgianaloNRa per Fan St,Section c,neml2Ka)of this permr,. related causes,Use permitter may be required to perform additional 16)Ground After oath phase L The phase grading(installation of penaneter t&sC monitoring.Inspections or apply more stringent practices If staff e. Establish permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion immediately following (b) Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shal srebilitalien of grading measures,doors and grubbng instalhtmn on cam determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance completion of construction or development and/or prior to final inspection. metsures drainage facilities completion of all rand daturbing record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the with the federal or state impaired-waters activity.construction or redevelopment.permanent Division or a similar inspection fern,that includes all the required elements. Use of r conditions. s. 9. Re-install adequate erosion and sediment control measures and/or increase maintenance ground cover). electronically-available records it ieu of the required paper copies wi I De allowed if (b)Oil spills and • Within 24 hours,an anal or electronic notification.teation.The notification 2. Don n...uniirt IMt the t.q,*Mpnund siabduatkx, release of sisal Include information about the date,tone,nature,volume and frequency where approved measures fail to prevent accelerated erosion,off-site sedimentation, measures have been pronged within the reWlred shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. hazardous location of the spill cc release doorframe or an assurance ilsat they will be provided as substances per Item nw or repetitive non-compliance issues. 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years 1(b►�ci aware soon as possible 10. Measures must be installed at the back of curb to restrict all vehicle access to the construction All data used to complete the e-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period (c)Anticipated • A report at least tea days before the dote of the bypass,if possible. entrance. All measures must be installed according to the approved plan unless approved in the NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. of three years after project completion and made available upon request[40 CFR 122.411 bypasses 140 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and 122.41(m)(3)I effect of the bypass_ field by Chatham County Watershed Protection Department staff(approved Field Revision). PART II,SECTION G,ITEM(4) (d)Unentklpat d • WItItdII 24hours,an oral or electronic notification. 11. Modifications to the approved and permitted plans shall be approved,by Chatham County DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT Irypasses(suCFR • Within 7rdrgndw days,arevert that includes an evaluation ofthe 12241(14M quality and effect of the bypass. Watershed Protection Department staff only,prior to removal or installation.Contact Chatham (elNoncompiance • Within 24hourt.an stat or electronic notification. County Watershed Protection Department staff to request an inspection and obtain aSign-off Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water'tom the surface when these devices need to be drawn down with the conditions • Within 7ralendar days,a report that contains a descnption of the for ma-liter anceor close out unless this is infeasible.The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare(for example,times with extended cold weather). of this permit that noncompliance,and its causes;the period of nonscomplance, on the plans or an approved Field Revision. Non-su-face withdrawa s from sedi^tent basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met may endanger including exact dates and times,and if the noncompliance has not 12. Once grading and construction activities are complete,temporary measures are removed,and health or the been corrected,the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to erw'ronment(40 continue,and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and le) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface w tndrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non-surface withdrawal the site is stabilized call Chatham County Watershed Protection Division staff to schedule the CFR 12141410)J prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance.[40 CFR 122A10)(6). final inspection. shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, • (b) The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypasss -case-by-casecas may waive the requirement for a written report on a p Da in accordance with Part III,Section C,Item(])(c)and(d)of this permit, basis. 13. Once the final inspection is complete the permit will be closed and no additional ground (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include _ disturbing activities can occur. property sited,designed and maintained dewatering tanks,weir tanks,and filtration systems, (d) Vegetated,upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatenng treatment devices described in Item(c)above, -.: Velocity traps, p provided at the discharge points of aldewateringdevices,and I:'�' ' NOR T H CA R OL INA (e) dissipation devices such as check dams,sediment and riprap are [,� (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment Into waters of the United States. •s- 4V Environmental Q1.4QI1ty NCGO1 SELF-INSPECTION. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. STRUCTURE WITH LINER Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity 2, Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. -a' _ - 'm'■ SIMMS MN, being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the 0 o a o o ra• ..�� i�.�...w,�f NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).Thepermittee shall comply with 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the project. 0 c0 t'" '' T / , %•+� p Y) pY lion "ya l the Erosion and Sediment Controlplan approved bythe delegated authorityhavingjurisdiction.All 4. Collect all spent fluids,store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste U� r"s t to„' 1 RI Pp gl I ) p}ft details and specifications shown on this sheet maynot apply depending on site conditions and the (recycle when possible). a I,O i't ` en P PPY P g )lam. § _, delegated authority having jurisdiction. 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been 'a T ar corrected. - 10N"-a _ °"n'n`rra 6m� Lamm MIMI..°'SECTION E.GROUND STABILIZATION 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a r'° •"a°"a''m" tic clin or disposal center that handles these materials. IR MOO MAW TIE MUM= SOLID Kb.aPC WNW. •r 11( o I IN.TIE 130.0:1 110,91 SEW WALT'TO MIME ASIMATE Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes recycling p I I sin Ism ME Stabilize within this •••■ •>. NOUS TO le CLOW MD."n" Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations BELOW GRAII O it Clip M Mow ABOVE GRAIL gA,t liT eTRIrTi 1pF days after ceasing LITTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash receptacle)on CONCRETE WASHOUTS swales,ditches,and 7 None site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. (b) High QualityWater None 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from (HQW))Zones 7 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. If slopes are 10'or less in length and are not 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. (c) Slopes steeper than 7 steeper than 2:1,14 days are allowed-7 days secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements,where applicable. If an alternate 3:1 for slopes greater than 50'in length and with method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for review and approval. If 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. local standard details are not available,use one of the two types of temporary concrete NCDENR SELF-INSPECTION PROGRAM slopes steeper than 4:1 7 days for perimeter 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow.Clean up immediately if containers washouts provided on this detail. dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and overflow. HQW Zones 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT WAS AMENDED IN 2006 TO REQUIRE THAT 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES INSPECT A PROJECT AFTER -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:19. On business days,clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and 14di tches, dikes, -7 days for perimeter swales, removed from EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO MAKE SURE THAT THE APPROVED EROSION AND project. SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN IS BEING FOLLOWED. perimeter slopes and HQW Zones-10 days for 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available.At a minimum,install protection of RULES DETAILING THE DOCUMENTATION OF THESE INSPECTIONS TAKE EFFECT OCTOBER PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE storm drain inlet(s)closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 1,2010. 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in (e) Areas with slopes front of the washout.Additional controls maybe required bythe approving authority. flatter than 4:1 14 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters 9 pp g THE SELF-INSPECTION PROGRAM IS SEPARATE FROM THE WEEKLY SELF-MONITORING unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post PROGRAM OF THE NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THE 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. signage on the washout itself to identify this location. Note:After the permanent cessation of construction activities,any areas with temporary ground 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit overflow FOCUS OF THE SELF-INSPECTION REPORT IS THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 4. Containment must be labeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case events. Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity.Temporary ground stabilization 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes from functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products,follow manufacturer's PLAN. THE INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT, shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion construction sites. instructions. AND CONTINUED UNTIL PERMANENT GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. 10. At the completion of the concrete work,remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an PORTABLE TOILETS approved disposal facility. Fill pit,if applicable,and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal THE SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FORM IS AVAILABLE AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET FROM the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains,streams or of washout. THE LAND QUALITY WEB SITE. wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with http:/lportal.ncdenr.org/webllrlerosion sand bags. MI Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization - 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic •Temporary grass seed covered with straw or •Permanent grass seed covered with straw or areas. other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material.Utilize a license, •Hydroseeding •Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit •Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting without temporary grass seed •Hydroseeding •Appropriately applied straw or other mulch •Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES •Plastic sheeting with mulch 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. •Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label,which sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away I lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. •Structural methods such as concrete,asphalt or from storm drain inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless 3. Do not store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or retainingwalls it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. where they may spill or leak into wells,stormwater drains,ground water or surface water. If a •Rolled erosion control products with grass seed 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet spill occurs,clean area immediately. from the toe of stockpile. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/flocculants. approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.3. soils for temporary or permanent control needs. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/ Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. 5. Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover or _ 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. surrounded by secondary containment structures. err t 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directlyon the ground. $'it Ott NORTH CAROL!NA gg 10_4 Environmental Quality NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 J