HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5230802_Plansheet - Other_20240612 (8) PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE Seeding Date: Best Possible Fall: August 25- September 15 August 20- October 25 Late Winter: February 15- March 21 February 1- April 15 W Seed Type Rate �D Tall Fescue 100 lbs./acre Z Sericea Lespedeza 30 lbs./acre w Kobe Lespedeza 10 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 lbs./acre co Lime 3,000 lbs./acre N Mulch 4,0001bs./acre � =���a •,4. .. -{� ,� v°° ° N/T�°oho;; I r Q Note 1: Fertilizer and lime application rates may deviate from above if soils are analyzed = = J = = Q° 9 Pp Y Y a .� — _ � - for optimum rates. y v". Note 2: Mulch shall be tacked with emulsified asphalt at rate of 14 to 28 gallons/1,000 sq. ft. �,do °:.• . . p `; on slopes of 3:1(H:V) or steeper. �fl -rrrriirrrt� Note 3: After August 15, use Unscarified Sericea seed for permanent seeding period. ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH LINER 10'-0"MIN. A o OCDO 0 OR STAPLEDGS TYP.) w 0 La= 10.5' W= 10' + 1 .5' = 11 .5' z o 010 MIL Q 1:1 PLASTIC SANDBAGS(TYP.) Z Z q O SIDE SLOPE ININGJ OR STAPLES O Q Figure 6.17d Temporary Channel Liners:Washington State Department of Ecology o O O (TYP.) _ �xc¢voYe chomel to design g I ^ Overlap 6"min, grade end cross-section 0 O O o Z_X v , O �z Outlet V • oat t, 9"1 .� lb-A J diameter(Do) l ff w Q Design depth �K H� ....:.. Longitudinal r 0.SDb ; \�`• anchor trench ` Z `off .y .�'itl !, a. l Z Overcuf channel 2"Fo allow hulking - ,y, c ��,A ` CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE SECTION A-A during seedbed preparation 1., ��t�c I ! CONCRETE NOTING DEVICE(18"X24"MIN.) Q Z R1 t. 1. WASHOUT Q s 4olgtr NOTES:ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD Q fr O 4 h a^ �" ' + p 2.THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES SHALL BE ( l t Typical installation I MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID AND/OR SOLID REACHES �J with erosion cordrol ;:ij 1 .4 75%OF THE STRUCTURES CAPACITY. blankets or turf A' • 't1 reinforcement mots PLAN 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE. ng 1fl......... - II� .•. ,. 3 Intermittent check slot Longitudinal anchor trench 1 I d BELOW GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE Shingle-lop spliced ends or,begin NO new r T TO SCALE tall in an intermittwTt check slot • ry p 2 fl} w Preporesoil and apply seed be -� I ��'^ ' a '� '� yCL HIGH ( LL installing blankets,mots or at -+ ofII `5 OUTLET PROTECTION FOR PIPE #1 AND PIPE #2 10'-0"MIN. temporary chonnel liner - rim { Q. COHESIVE& OR STAPLE STYP.) V -.'5 ` I LOW FILTRATION B 10 MIL (- SOIL BERM HIGH O COHESIVE& 0 1 - 0 CDO O PLASTIC LINING LOW FILTRATION J 1:1 SIDE SLOPE SOIL BERM W z O O (TYP.) m ~ > L- , Z J io 20 50 Igrt zoo spa tnao o 0 Q � o z x Q Discharge(flaisec) 4.5 ft. O 0� � g '� O O CU"S may not be extrapolated. `Q 0O 2'-0" � r �stern Co � � O O SECTION B-B � � lw/� z ro S 'obi e- 11.5 ft. 6" Q Q = F(pun 6.e6r()oa qn of outlet protection pratact on Irani tt rpund plpv flewlnp lull,mlr>amum taflwatoe Condit on IT„ O.tS darn0lort n�� B 1,1]esrgn velocities exceeding 2 ftlsec require temporary blankets,mats or similes liners to piercer - SANDBAGS(TYP.) NOTES: seed and soil until vegetarion hecomes established, O OR STAPLES 1.ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD Q 2.Gross-fined channels with design velocities exceeding 6 ftlsec should include turf reinforcement �/" mats CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE 2.THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES Z CONCRETE NOTING DEVICE(18"X24"MIN.) SHALL BE MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID V U1 6.[7.10 e"r.snrs Rwv.11-93 L".3 10 ft. � WASHOUT AND/OR SOLID REACHES 75%OF THE � STRUCTURES CAPACITY TO PROVIDE O ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY WITH A MINIMUM 12 INCHES OF FREEBOARD. PLAN &CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE. ABOVE GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE W NOT TO SCALE M TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE Z Z N O Seeding Date: August 15 to December 15 Seeding Date: January 1 to May 1 Seeding Date: May 1 to August 15 Q > Cn c� 0 Seed Type Rate Seed Type Rate Seed Type Rate 4. Rock ri ra limn Practice 6.15,Rr' -" c� Yp Yp YP rip rap &�= P F > 0 � U CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Rye (grain) 120 lbs./acre Rye (grain) 120 lbs./acre German Millet 40 lbs./acre 5. Place Fitts.-rw, brddin#s, and foundatia�n drains to fine and grade in Ilse Z 0 O U man4er s lfrct . Place Filter and bidding.mafenals iramediutely after slope O ct 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 tbs./acre Lime 2,000 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 750 lbs./acre V) bA vs - preparation_ For synthetic filter fabrics, overlap the downs edge by at W Lime 2,000 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 750 lbs./acre Lime 2,000 lbs./acre U •� a; lil:dk5t 12 inr•jq with thr upstream edge which is buried a ininimum 12 [rlfihiES Mulch 4,000 lbs./acre Mulch 4,000 lbs./acre Mulch 4,000 lbs,/acre its a trench. Ser figure 6.14a, page 6.14.6. Sgaec amr bor piris every3 feel � U 00 � � � ct � along the overlap. Spread granular materials in a uniform layer. When rnorc Cd W Q z N Q than one gradafion is requirr� spread the lavers so there L% minimal mixing. n••d W Vegetation PIan mFalter material shouldd onsEsL of`at tcsst tofihes oC maeeraa) on all gid of ¢ '�the drain pipe. The drain pipe coulduit should fir a minimum of inches in Z O — � O diameter. AccEpLuble matenals include perforated, canitnuous, closed-joint O Q) OT) I.Spread topsoil over disturbed areas and leave surface reasonably smooth and uniform. conduits of clay- eonercte, nickel, pl�stie,or arbor suitable material (Practice Z W 6.S 1,Subsurface Drain), r1/ � l 2.Scarify surface to prepare a seedbed four to six inches deep. Use such equipment as 6. P�f� atf channel cunstructian to kccp r-resion and water pollutioo W �nJ Co a miai.murrl. Imrncdiatcly upon completion of Ll1c cllanncf, v¢gctatr s11 v J �•-� tilling, discing, tracing, or the teeth on a front end loader. disiL rbed areas or cthcrwise profat them against soil erosion. Wh=chawl-1 W 4� construction will LAo longer than 10 days,stabilize channels lay machics. r 3.Mix lime and fertilizer with the soil during seedbed preparation. Z Maintenance Inspect channels at regular infervals as well as after major rains, and matte. 4.Seed on freshlyprepared seedbed following the application rates for the appropriate r pL in promptly. Give 9mcia) sttuation to the outlet and inlet sections and p re P ow g a PP e a pp pate season. Litho-paints where canccntrated flow enters_ Careful ly chnelc stability at road Z 5.Mulch all seeded areas immediately. crc+�ings, and look for indications of piping, scour holes, or bmik failures_ lr r r X Make repairs.immediately. Maintain a0 vegetation adjacent to the cha mel in W Q P••I I-3 6.Tack mulch on slopes 3:1 (Horizontal : Vertical) or steeper by spraying with emulsified asphalt. a healthy,vigarmo condition to protect the area from erasion and scourdunng w Use an anchoring tool such as a farming disc set in a vertical position on slopes less than 3:1. °�'`"° ° ` O - N %P Mulch netting may also be used on slopes. Z coarse egg.-agwo References &irf�ceSlabilLattan 7.Inspect seeded areas and make repairs within the planting season. If vegetation is over 60% &11, Pe n orient Setding. ,r. damaged, repeat steps 2 through 5. 15.15, LCipTap Runoff C'arrlwyance Meanirm 8.Permanent revegetation shall be accomplished at the specified times of the year. Temporary 6.30.Grass-lined Chanrie9s vegetation shall be applied outside of the optimal times for establishment of permanent vegetation