HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0010615_Application_20240612I . 1974 v June 5, 2024 %own o f 3%ggle 'Valley Phone (828) 926-0866 • Fax (828)926-3576 • 3987 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC 28751 NCDENR DWR Water Quality Permitting Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Re: Town of Maggie Valley Distribution of residual solids permit renewal Haywood County, North Carolina RECEIVED NCDEQ/DWR 12 JUN 2024 Non -Discharge Permitting 'Unit Please find enclosed the original and two copies of the signed Distribution of Class A Residuals Form (DCAR 06-16) and attachments, including Program Information, Process Flow Diagram, Biosolids Product Information Guide, Operations and Maintenance Plan for Distribution of Residual Solids, Renewal for the Town of Maggie Valley's existing permit #WQ0010615. Also please find enclosed the original and two copies of the signed Residuals Source Certification (RSC 06-16) and attachments including Residual Source Facility Summary, Vicinity Maps, Process Flow Diagram, Residuals Source Generating Facility Information, Residuals Quality Information and Analytical Reports. • Ignitability Testing is by Method Code SW846-1030, which produces a reported value of <0.8 mm/sec. Please review the enclosed information and contact me at (828) 400-9494 or by e-mail at mmehaffeva;masgievallevnc.aov if you have any questions or if additional information is required. Thank you, Mike Mehaffey Public Works Director / ORC Town of Maggie Valley State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .1100 — DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS A RESIDUALS FORM: DCAR 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Vickie Best Applicant type: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State ® Municipal ❑ County Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .0106: Vickie Best Title: Town Manager Applicant's mailing address: 3987 Soco Road City: Maggie Vallev State: NC Zip: 28751 Telephone number: (828) 926-0866 Email Address: vbest cn+ maeaievallevnc.eov 2. Consultant's name: License Number (for P.E.): . Affiliation: ❑ On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: ) Consultant's mailing address:, City: State: Zip: - Telephone number: Email Address: 3. Fee submitted: (See Instruction B) IL PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ❑ modified, ® renewed permit 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: WO0010615 Date of most -recently issued permit: Mav 31. 2019 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A (if different than the permit): III. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Name of residuals processing facility: Town of Maggie Vallev WWTP City: Wavnesville State: NC Zip: 28785 Coordinates: Latitude: 35' 36' 59" Longitude: 830 00' 24" Datum: Level of accuracy: Method of measurement: County where facility is located: Havwood 2. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): Name: Mike Mehaffev Title: Public Works Director ORC Mailing address: 3987 Soco Road City: Maggie Vallev State: NC Zip: 28751 Telephone number: 8( 28) 926-0866 E-mail address: mmehaffevaa,maegievallevnc.eov FORM: DCAR 06-16 Pagel of 3 3. Is the residual process facility also the generator? ® Yes; ❑ No If No, please specify delivery frequency and quantity of residual to be processed: 4.. Length of residuals storage at facility: 30 days (Note: the Division requires minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.) IV. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION: 1. Specify how these residuals will be distributed: ❑ sold or given away in bags or other containers; ❑ lawn (bulk); ❑ home garden (bulk); ® other (explain); Agriculture Bulk) Note: Bulk residuals shall mean residuals that are transported and not sold or giving away in a bag or other receptacles with a load capacity of one metric ton or less. 2. Complete the following if residuals are to be mixed with other materials: Type of Materials Kiln Lime Dust Amounts to be added per 1.0 dry ton of residuals (dry ton) 1.0 tons approximately 3. Approximate amounts of the residuals received and processed at the facility: 150 dry tons per year. 4. Approximate amounts of the final product (processed residuals) to be distributed: 300 dry tons per year. 5. Provide a description of the onsite storage management plan for the treated residuals (including estimated average and maximum storage times prior to distribution): Residuals are stored on covered concrete nad. The average storage time is 30 days. and the maximum time is approximately 120 days. 6. Does the facility have a stormwater management plan? ® Yes; ❑ No Explain whether the treatment and storage areas are under roof or how stormwater runoff will be handled: 4.800 s,.ift covered residuals storage area. V. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the attached Residuals Source Certification and all,associated documentation. RSC 06-16.doc FORM: DCAR 06-16 Page 2 of 3 Professional Engineer's Certification: (Application Involving New or Changes to Treatment or Storage Units) I, , attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, Signature, and Date: Applicant's Certification: The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105. ® Yes ❑ No, Explain; I, Vickie Best (Signature Authority's Name — PLEASE PRINT) attest that this application for Town of Marcie Valley WWTP (Facility Name) Town Manauer (Title) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Resources may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature:%1- t r� /1= rr,. - Dater FORM: DCAR 06-16 Page 3 of 3 D. PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Materials Handling The wastewater treatment residuals will be produced and treated on the same site. The residuals will be pumped from the digesters through a belt filter press and then conveyed to the alkaline stabilization process equipment- The processed material will then be placed in a pile for 72 hours for PH and temperature monitoring. Upon completion of the 72-hourmonitoring period, the residuals will be windrowed on a covered concrete pad for additional drying and conditioning. Leachate from covered concrete pad will be collected and returned to the wastewater treatment plant. The dried material will be stockpiled on a portion of the pad until it is disbursed in bulk to area farmers and landscape professionals. Length of storage will vary depending on season and demand. 2. Marketability The finished product will be suited as an agricultural and landscape lime -type product and mulch additive. The volume of finished product produced at the full 1.0 MGD design flow is projected to be 793 cubic yards per year (Design Calculations, Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Town of Maggie Valley; May 1999, Revised March, 2000). The current 0.3 MGD - 0.4 MGD flow will produce significantly less finished residual product. 3. Label/Information Sheet The information sheet that will be provided to the recipients of the residuals is attached. aro tow"'t, , _-Algid ' �Te�era�0i JCS All C+�tr; er rn lut l 4*1 i- dL Z=hfft .0op r AM 4U;AoO . A� A9GdkLk LAW 313,01100 r • 1�yf ink �s 4� Cl�lo�dn �"�''L Oec� Ii�nFfotd�v f,� Torn of Maggie Valley Biosolid Product Information Guide The Maggie Valley Biosolid Product is a combination of highly treated domestic sewage sludge and either lime kiln dust or cement kiln dust. The high alkalinity and heat created by the interaction of the lime or cement kiln dust with the sewage sludge destroys pathogenic organisms and produces a safe agriculturally beneficial product. The production of this product is closely regulated by the U S Environmental Protection Agency and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The biosolid product is carefully prepared and routinely monitored to insure that all product made available to the public is in compliance with all applicable regulations. The product is an alkaline material and contains some trace plant nutrients. The Division of Water Quality has placed the following requirements on the use of this product to insure that no environmental or health impacts will occur: The biosolid product shall be used and applied only in a manner consistent with good agricultural or horticultural practice and the information contained herein. The product shall not be applied: To any site that is flooded, frozen or snow covered; Within ten feet of any public or private water supply source (including wells); Within ten feet of any stream, lake, river or natural drainage way Adequate procedures must be provided to insure that surface storm water runoff does not carry applied or stored product into any surface water body. The biosolid product shall be applied at agronomic or recommended rates for intended uses. This product is prepared by the Town of Maggie Valley, 3987 Soco Road, Maggie Valley, NC 28751. For additional information please contact Mike Mehaffey at 828-926-0866. H. Residuals Operations and Maintenance Plan Town of Maggie Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant Orr erations and Maintenance Plan Oi)erational Functions: During normal operation, mixed liquor from the aeration basins is conveyed by airlifts to the digester units. In the digesters, the aeration diffusers are periodically turned off to allow the contents of the basins to settle. Once the sludge is settled and the supernatant has risen to the top of the basins, additional mixed liquor is conveyed into the basins, thus causing the supernatant to overflow a weir into the aeration basins. The residuals are then stabilized by digestion, dewatered by the belt filter press, and then processed through the N-Viro stabilization unit. The N-Viro unit is designed to achieve Class A pathogen Reduction Requirements by "Alternative 2: Sewage Sludge Treated in a High pH -High Temperature Process (Alkaline Treatment (503.32 (a) (4)]." The alkaline admixture raises the pH of the overall mixture to greater than 12. This pH is maintained for a minimum of 72 hours. The sludge and alkaline admixture combination is retained in the heat pulse bin to insure compliance with the requirement to maintain a temperature of 52°C (126°F) at least 12 hours during the period that the pH is greater then 12. In the heat pulse bin, the sludge is monitored to ensure that the pH and temperature requirements are meet. Monitoring for fecal colifonn and/or salmonellae is also periodically conducted to ensure pathogen reduction. The processed sludge is then cured and dried to the required 50 percent solids on a covered concrete pad. The required vector attraction reduction is achieved by compliance with Option 6 [503.33 (b) (6)], the addition of sufficient alkali to raise the pH to at least 12 at 25°C (77°F) and maintain a pH greater than or equal to 12 for 2 hours and a pH greater than or equal to 11.5 for 22 more hours. This is achieved during the pathogen reduction process and the monitoring detailed above is conducted to ensure that the requirements are met. According to EPA's criteria in the 40 CFR 503 regulations, sludge may be considered Class A if both pathogen requirements and vector attraction reduction requirements can be met. The Class A product can then be made available to agricultural, horticultural, and home users. Maintenance Schedules: All equipment utilized in this process is operated and maintained in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations. Mechanical equipment is checked for proper operation prior to each use in accordance with those instruction. All bearings are greased prior to use on the belt filter press and lime stabilization equipment and all electrical switches are checked. Wei% Measures: All equipment is operated in accordance with the safety recommendations contained in their respective operations and maintenance manuals. The belt filter press is equipped with a safety Pagel of 3 rope that surrounds the press which allows the operator to disable the operation of the equipment by pulling the safety rope. In addition, all public works staff members are required to attend annual safety training pertinent to their job responsibilities including, but not limited to blood borne pathogens, fire extinguisher use, hazard communications, lock out tag out procedures, electrical safety, hearing conservation, and personal protective equipment. Svill Resconse Plan The primary constituents which comprise the residuals management process include liquid sludge, liquid polymer and lime kiln dust. Each of these liquid constituents is contained in spill - containment areas throughout the process. Through these spill -containment areas, any liquid spill is contained in these areas and is ultimately drained to the head of the wastewater treatment process. The lime kiln dust is contained in a solo immediately outside the residuals processing building (under the covered concrete pad). Any spill of this material is easily contained immediately adjacent to the silo and can be cleaned up promptly. For this reason, no formal spill response plans is necessary for this process. Inspection Plan Names and Titles of Personnel Resz)onsible for Conducting Inspections:, Mike Mehaffey, ORC, Grade 4 WWTP Operator Seth Boyd, Backup ORC, Grade 3 WWTP Operator Jordan Davis, Grade 1 WWTP Operator Frmuenc- and Location of Inspections Residuals are produced through the use of a batch process. Inspection of the equipment associated with the process is conducted prior to the start of each batch and throughout the production run. As described below, sampling and monitoring of this process is conducted on a quarterly basis with all testing being conducted at an onsite laboratory. Samoling and Monitoring Plan Names and Titles of Personnel Responsible for Conducting Sampling and Monitorinu: Mike Mehaffey, ORC, Grade 4 WWTP Operator Seth Boyd, Backup ORC, Grade 3 WWTP Operator Jordan Davis, Grade 1 WWTP Operator Detailed Descrirtion of Monitorins- Procedures including Parameters to be Monitored: As indicated above, residuals are produced utilizing a batch process. Therefore, during testing, a batch of residuals is monitored for pH and temperature throughout the process. Page 2of3 Sam,Minv, Freltuenc-, and Procedures to Assure Representative SamMins. To ensure regulatory compliance with the requirements described above, composite samples are taken from the batch process upon production. These composite samples consist of numerous smaller samples which are collected from throughout the entire batch to account for any unforeseen variations in the quality of the batch process. These samples are then combined into a single sample to be tested. Each sample is then tested daily for conformance with the standards described above. The results of these daily tests are documented on a worksheet. All equipment utilized in recording these test results including thermometers and pH meters is regularly calibrated and certified by an independent testing service. Sampling is conducted on a quarterly basis including those times that may produce the most limiting pathogen and vector attraction compliance. Typically, this testing is conducted during January, April, July and October of each year. Page 3 of 3 DWR Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION FORM: RSC 06-16 I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Facility Name: Maeeie Vallev WWTP 2. Facility permit holder is: ❑ Federal, ❑ State, ❑ Local Government, or ❑ Private. Facility permit issued by: ® Div. of Water Resources, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ Other (explain: J. 3. Facility contact person and title: Mike Mehaffev ORC Complete mailing address: 3987 Soco Road City: Mae2ie Vallev State: NC Zip: 28751-;. Telephone number: 828) 926-0866 E-mail address: mmehaffevaa,maeeievallevnc.eov 4. Facility physical address: 5320 Jonathan Creek Road City: Wavnesville State: NC Zip: 28785 Coordinates: Latitude: 35' 36' 59" Longitude: 830 00' 24" Datum: , Level of accuracy: Method of measurement: 5. Purpose of the facility: ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, (approximate percentages:. % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ Yes No 7. Facility permitted/design flow: 1_0 MGD and facility average daily flow:.298 MGD 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility 300 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: Alkaline Stabilization 300 tons Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): covered outside 4.800 sf II. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under: ED 40 CFR Part 503 or ❑ 40 CFR Part 257. Note: Only residuals that are generated during domestic/municipal wastewater treatment processes are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503, otherwise, the residuals are regulated under 40 CFR Part 257. 2. Specify if residuals are defined under 15A NCAC 02T.1102(6) as: tE Biological ❑ Non -Biological Note: Biological residuals are residuals that have been generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater, animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater (biological treatment is a system that utilizes biological processes including lagoons, activated sludge systems, extended aeration systems, and fixed film systems). FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 5 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non -hazardous under RCRA: (Note - this item does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only) a. Are the residuals listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes no. If yes, list the number(s): b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- 261.24: ❑ yes 0, no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity:: Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services - Environmental Chemists - Environmental Testine Solution - Roa_ ers & Callcott Environmental. and Date of analysis: 7-17-23 Passed corrosivity test: yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 < pH < 12.5) Passed ignitability test: yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: OF (> 140°F) Passed reactivity test: M yes ❑no. HCN: mg/kg (<250) & H2S: . mg/kg (<500) f TCLP Parameter Limit Result TCLP Parameter Limit Result (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) Arsenic 5.0 < 1.0 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 < 0.050 Barium 100.0 < 1.0 Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 < 0.050 Benzene 0.5 < 0.01 Hexachloroethane 3.0 < 0.050 Cadmium 1.0 < 1.0 Lead 5.0 < 1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 < 0.01 Lindane 0.4 < 0.0005 Chlordane 0.03 < 0.02 Mercury 0.2 < 0.0002 Chlorobenzene 100.0 < 0.01 Methoxychlor 10.0 < 0.0005 Chloroform 6.0 < 0.01 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 0.09 Chromium 5.0 < 1.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 < 0.050 m-Cresol 200.0 0.112 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 < 0.250 o-Cresol 200.0 < 0.050 Pyridine 5.0 < 0.050 p-Cresol I 200.0 0.112 Selenium 1.0 < 1.0 Cresol 200.0 0.112 Silver 5.0 < 1.0 2,4-D 10.0 < 0.01 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 < 0.01 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 < 0.050 Toxaphene 0.5 < 0.050 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 < 0.01 Trichloroethylene 0.5 < 0.01 J 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 < 0.01 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 < 0.050 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 < 0.050 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 < 0.050 Endrin 0.02 < 0.0005 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 < 0.003 Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 < 0.0005 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 < 0.01 FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 2 of 5 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For Distribution/Land Application: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services — Environmental Chemists — Environmental Testine_ Solution — Roszers & Callcott Environmental. and Date of analysis: 7/17/2023 Parameter Ceiling Monthly Average Concentration Limits Concentration Limits (ClassA & ClassB) (Class A Only) (mg1kg) Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 (mg/kg) 41 39 1,500 300 17 n/a 420 100 2,800 Result (mg/kg) < 2.80 < 2.80 46.7 6.55 0.0260 3.34 14.5 5.20 122 b. For Surface Disposal Unit (landfill): Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and Date of analysis: Distance from Disposal Unit to Boundary to Closest Property Line (meters, check one) E_ > 0 but < 25 > 25 but < 50 ] >50but <75 El >75but <100 jE] > 100 but < 125 P >— 125 Result (mg/kg) Arsenic Chromium Nickel (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 30 200 210 34 220 240 39 260 270 46 300 320 53 360 390 62 450 420 FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 3 of 5 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: 69 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: Laboratory: Earth Environmental Services — Environmental Chemists — Environmental Testing Solution — Rogers & Callcott Environmental. and Date of analysis: 7/147/23 Parameter Result (mgl'kg) Aluminum 10,100 Ammonia -Nitrogen 130 Calcium 326,000 Magnesium 3,350 ' Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 3.40 pH (Standard Unit) 12.1 fPhosphorus 2,950 IPotassium 3,930 Sodium 1,620 1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 6,800 - c. Using the results listed in Item II. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): 0.773608 [Note: If residuals contain SAR of 10 or higher, the applicant shall obtain recommendations from the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist, or an agronomist, prior to land application of residuals. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth]. d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: 20 %. This rate is a (check one): 0 default value, or n actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: , e. Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and fill the results in the following table: Application Method First (V) Year PAN Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Surface 1,460.80 2,445.56 l Injection/Incorporation 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and provide the results of the latest analyses: N/A FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 4 of 5 RESIDUALS SOURCE FACILITY SUMMARY Applicant's name: Town of Map-l?ie Valle} Status Facility Permit Holder Facility Name Code R Town of Maggie Valley Maggie Valley WWTP Maximum Dry Tons Per Year County Permit Number Current b Proposed Haywood WQ0010615 300 300 1 1 a Status Code for source facility are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ D (Deleted) b The amount of residuals currently permitted for distribution, land application, or disposal (i.e, not applicable to new facility). SUMMARY FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 • - 350 35' 59"N, 830 00' 21"W (NAD27) USGS Dellwood Quad 350 35' 59"N, 83':' 00' 21 ' "W (NAD2"'-7') ---------------------- USGS Dellwood Quad 11 -Mil 1-0 5OU 'Kw - =11Kpp" X X ... ••y ......... ...AKv 71 • K" KKRWASW. % 7X{mayr.S =-AR • • ON �,r ....... f A - ZX 'S . ... ..... '.A 6-V 9M Sr. IRQJ 3 -Ak —k:x " ' . -f I Town of Maggie Valley j.. Haywood od C6niity, NC a WO Outfall Pipe .......... 0 ......... ... ... x s R�. Y Al if 4 q qdc4K.. je� k w z. . W 'S 14 ell -- --------- --------- - - 1, X. 2-11 .......... 0.7 1.4 X INNS' 4f .. ........ ... . X. lv, C5. - UU' L1"W (NAD27) USGS Dellwood Quad MW �ii�:N7Y9L%�Nir i. � ai.rv�r • . � -fa ;:�yti•L�,;ih'L{�•.•.z:--Sirs y-r.{ti:.--- : d•L4,y�{S};:tit }� • {rq .. •.l���f •tit s. Lam•.;:.::::: :v - Lt fi n A. i � r S'•"� �'. S tV 4 S.. • v pia y • kS .`.:: Town of 1Vlaggle Valley WW�V Haywood County, NC Oidall Pipe 001 p F"If 3 ' -Liles J Y' S� x -- — ' .• - - .. _. - oci ..�. r. h -� -� -_ .- ..1 Via. erS�ii {.}•• : M1•. .:{•:L •. �•.:. {y; : y •7J}4; - ti+L'. :.:SS !;{•:s • 5: :.L, •r •r '•iV{•::•:{:.� }�' : •.;•�.� •.: h� •:: ' 1V.•f{:: •: r,V: VJ: N::: •h•: ••M1LL•: ' V. •.LY S �::: •• .V' •.} •} .S".•::•.M V:'J:: •{ {i : •.•J VJL. L WW L; : y: •:: ••:: V L•NM}h': L •:: 1 {}::.Y.Y: •{:LL .�{. .� S �}r ..},.: :•:•:LS•}•'.:: •: ••::•:•.4.' i}✓�:•.L� '• L• L.� .�L� -� �. W: :1�. •• ''L. I:}�.}� � '.,•t••S •': }�.� •.Y�.�:.• S•1 �.• Y•'}� ti'. 1 } .:� : • 4L:• •\ •L•'•i} L:Q•'ti', •:•:•:':•--------- --- -- 1. }?•}..`•f J' j{Jl.•:.1• '•� 1 J:. L �'�. {. Y: .4 {1 5hL4.' l:'.i=••: 1:.� bs ^ � •':_-_•i.wt:.\'�:'a7�1"�7�'wt.�nw5tal`L• • °4. ...... _ .. 4:vf � V:2ititiw"iL'L<}.tivs1:�<IX'L�iti '• •...{L�iLv�'wdMA.� L?.L..• Lti..• �y �":'.L L •rV;�,• •: L••• yL••;L 4� 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1�" lJ1P as 0 01 Yt/�r @� tifel�y J�`�@B�✓ rt�QI'%Q�''d �Ol low vs Wa11 T(� (. kZir'T• e1' ,1-t,�/.tlt+iX #� C.�u�/T'Qr . A" �Ied t5° hr . /fib i►1dQ 11 t .EJ4�iN ABrd�iO.� . ��v tyl6tr� ►girls e.A, ,'�/'a✓ r� Cl►1o40'.;n e eW46f ,tea .rysd = dec %rrn,�'otd �✓ v of fa/( a01 e t�: k Ave B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information Process Flow The wastewater treatment residuals will be produced and treated on the same site. The residuals will be pumped from the digesters through a belt filter press and then conveyed to the alkaline stabilization process equipment. The processed material will then be placed in a pile for 72 hours for pH and temperature monitoring. Upon completion of the 72-hour monitoring period, the residuals will be windrowed on a covered concrete pad for additional drying and conditioning. Leachate from covered concrete pad will be collected and returned to the wastewater treatment plant. The dried material will be stockpiled on a portion of the pad until it is disbursed in bulk to area farmers and landscape professionals. Length of storage will vary depending on season and demand. Marketability / Production The finished product will be suited as an agricultural and landscape lime -type product and mulch additive. The volume of finished product produced at the full 1.0 MGD design flow is projected to be 793 cubic yards per year (Design Calculations, Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Town of Maggie Valley; May 1999, Revised March, 2000). The current 0.3 MGD — 0.4 MGD flow will produce significantly less finished residual product. • Label / Information Sheet The information sheet that will be provided to the recipients of the residuals is attached. Sampling & Monitoring Plan Residuals are produced through the use of a batch process. Inspection of the equipment associated with the process is conducted prior to the start of each batch and throughout the production run. Sampling and monitoring of each batch is conducted as the batch is processed. PH and temperature testing is conducted at an onsite laboratory. Additional sampling for fecal coliform, percent solids and pH are done Quarterly. Also, TCLP testing is performed Yearly. This testing is conducted by Earth Environmental Services. The N-Viro unit is designed to achieve Class A pathogen Reduction Requirements by "Alternative 2: Sewage Sludge Treated in a High pH -High Temperature Process (Alkaline Treatment [503.32 (a) (4)]." The alkaline admixture raises the pH of the overall mixture to greater than 12. This pH is maintained for a minimum of 72 hours. The sludge and alkaline admixture combination is retained in the heat pulse bin to insure compliance with the requirement to maintain a temperature of 520C (126°F) at least 12 hours during the period that the pH is greater than 12. In the heat pulse bin, the sludge is monitored to ensure that the pH and temperature requirements are meet. Monitoring for fecal coliform and/or salmonellae is also periodically conducted to ensure pathogen reduction. The processed sludge is then cured and dried to the required 50 percent solids on a covered concrete Page 1 of 2 pad. The required vector attraction reduction is achieved by compliance with Option 6 [503.33 (b) (6)], the addition of sufficient alkali to raise the pH to at least 12 at 25°C (77°F) and maintain a pH greater than or equal to 12 for 2 hours and a pH greater than or equal to 11.5 for 22 more hours. This is achieved during the pathogen reduction process and the monitoring detailed above is conducted to ensure that the requirements are met. To ensure regulatory compliance with the requirements described above, grab samples are taken from the batch process upon production. These grab samples consist of numerous smaller samples which are collected from throughout the entire batch to account for any unforeseen variations in the quality of the batch process. These samples are then combined into a single sample to be tested. Each sample is then tested daily for conformance with the standards described above. The results of these daily tests are documented on a worksheet. All equipment utilized in recording these test results including thermometers and pH meters is regularly calibrated and certified by an independent testing service. Sampling is conducted on a quarterly basis including those times that may produce the most limiting pathogen and vector attraction compliance. Typically, this testing is conducted during January, April, July and October of each year. Page 2 of 2 Town of Maggie Valley Biosolid Product Information Guide The Maggie Valley Biosolid Product is a combination of highly treated domestic sewage sludge and either lime kiln dust or cement kiln dust. The high alkalinity and heat created by the interaction of the lime or cement kiln dust with the sewage sludge destroys pathogenic organisms and produces a safe agriculturally beneficial product. The production of this product is closely regulated by the U S Environmental Protection Agency and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The biosolid product is carefully prepared and routinely monitored to insure that all product made available to the public is in compliance with all applicable regulations. The product is an alkaline material and contains some trace plant nutrients. The Division of Water Quality has placed the following requirements on the use of this product to insure that no environmental or health impacts will occur: The biosolid product shall be used and applied only in a manner consistent with good agricultural or horticultural practice and the information contained herein. The product shall not be applied: * To any site that is flooded, frozen or snow covered; Within ten feet of any public or private water supply source (including wells); • Within ten feet of any stream, lake, river or natural drainage way Adequate procedures must be provided to insure that surface storm water runoff does not carry applied or stored product into any surface water body. The biosolid product shall be applied at agronomic or recommended rates for intended uses. This product is prepared by the Town of Maggie Valley, 3987 Soco Road, Maggie Valley, NC 28751. For additional information please contact Mike Mehaffey at 828-926-0866. SAR & ESP Maggie Valley Class A Biosolids 7/17/23 Sodium Absorption Ratio Na(MU/k(j) Ca(Mcl/kct) Mg(Ma/kq) Na: Sodium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 23 1620 326000 3350 Ca: Calcium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 20 Mg : Magnesium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 12 I Na I Ca(ME)I a (ME) I 70.43478 16300 279.1667 Milli Equivalent = Mg/L / Equivalent weight SAR= Na Milli Equivalent/[0.5 X (Ca Milli Equivalent + Mg Milli equivalent)]0.5 power I SAR = 0 773608 Jar-rom Mg/Kg entered above) I SAR= 0.773608 (From ME entered below) Na ME I Ca ME I Mg (ME) 70.43478 16300 279.1667 Exchangeable Sodium Percentage ESP = Na (Milli Equivalents) / CEC X 100 Na on NC soil test is expressed as meq. The amount of exchangeable sodium ions versus the amount of exchangeable calcium & magnesium ions in a given material. Permitting guidance is if greater than 10 require ESP in permit. The percentage of sodium ions occupying the cation exchange complex of soils Nei 1.56217 13.31 Should be less than 15% (15-20%) PAN Maggie Valley Class A Biosolids 7/17/23 Mineralization 0.2 6 00 , 1130 3.4 PAN Surface 1402.,.1 ,; ! 2.8048 lbs/dry ton 01 lbs total PAN #DIV/0! Ilbs PAN/acre PAN Injection 1467.41niyrKy I 2.9348 lbs/dry ton 01 lbs total PAN #DIV/0! Ilbs PAN/acre Dry Tons/1000 gal. 293.668 1 st year PAN lbs./acre Surface lbs. Surface IftulV/0! 1 st year PAN lbs./acre Injected lbs. Injected Jas decimal I Total dry Acres NO2 % Solids tons/year Applied on 0 70.4 MR(TKN-NH3)+ + .5(NH3)+NO3+NO2 =mg/kg mg/kg x .002 =Ibs/dry ton MR(TKN-NH3) + 1(NH3)+NO3+NO2 =mg/kg mg/kg x .002 =Ibs/dry ton 1000 X 8.34 X %solids X sn _ 2000 ons/1000gal." Maggie Valley Year Pan Spreadsheet 2019 - 2023 2019 TKN (mg/Kg) _ 1 7210 Enter numbers here only. Spreadsheet calculates. NH3-N (mg/Kg) _ 1 27 NO3-NO2- N (mg/Kg) _ 10.7 Min Rate = 0.2 Pan = (min.rate (TKN-NH3) + 0.5(NH3-N) + NO2-NO3) 0.2 * 7183 + 14 + 10.7 Pan = 1460.8 mg/Kg 2nd Year Residual Pan 2020 Pan = (min.rate*(1st year org - 2nd year min - N) 0.1 *( 7183 - 1436.6 ) 0.1 * 5746.4 Pan = 574.64 mg/Kg 3rd Year Residual Pan 2021 Pan = (min.rate*(2nd year org - 3rd year min - N) 0.05 *( 5746.4 - 574.64 ) 0.05 * 5171.76 Pan = 226.21 mg/Kg 4th Year Residual Pan 2022 Pan = (min.rate*(3rd year org - 4th year min - N) 0.025 *( 5171.76 - 226.21 ) 0.025 * 4945.55 Pan = 123.64 mg/Kg 5th Year Residual Pan 2023 Pan = (min.rate*(4th year org - 5th year min - N) 0.0125 *( 4945.55 - 123.64 0.0125 * 4821.91 Pan = 60.2739 mg/Kg 1st Year 1460.80 2nd Year 574.64 3rd Year 226.21 4th Year 123.64 5th Year 60.27 5 Year Pan = 2445.56 c ti r Murphy, NC Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Att: Mike Mehaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab ID# 352 Report Date 8/23/2023 Date and Time Received 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Date and Time Sampled 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test BIOSOLIDS Sample Time ReportLimit Units Method Analyzed Analyst NO2+NO3-N 3.40 9:50 AM 60.0 mg/kg 353.2 7/24/23 ECHEM TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN 6800 9:50 AM mg/kg 351.2 7/21/23 ECHEM TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS 2950 9:50 AM 376 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM TOTAL SOLIDS (DRY WT) 70.4 9:50 AM 0.100 % SM 2540 B 7/24/23 ECH EM SAR 0.773608 9:50 AM N/A N/A calc 8/23/23 MB PAN - SURFACE 1402.4 9:50 AM N/A mg/kg calc 8/23/23 MB PAN SUBSURFACE 1467.4 9:50 AM N/A mg/kg calc 8/23/23 MB CALCIUM 326000 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/16/23 ECHEM ALUMINUM 10100 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM CADMIUM < 2.80 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM CHROMIUM 12.6 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM COPPER 46.7 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM LEAD 6.55 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM NICKEL 14.5 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM ZINC 122 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM SODIUM 1620 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/16/23 ECHEM POTASSIUM 3930 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM MAGNESIUM 3350 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM ARSENIC < 2.80 9:50 AM 2.80 mg/kg 200.7 8/16/23 ECHEM SELENIUM 5.20 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM MOLYBDENUM 3.34 9:50 AM mg/kg 200.7 8/1/23 ECHEM MERCURY 0.0260 9:50 AM 0.02 mg/kg SW 846 7471 B 7/31/23 ECHEM Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES - Murphy CertifiedBy: r r � Eh ..Environment Services Murphy, \C Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Att: Mike Mehaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543(office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab I D# 352 Report Date 8/23/2023 Date and Time Received 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Date and Time Sampled 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test BIOSOLIDS Sample Time ReportLimit Units Method Analyzed Analyst pH IN SOIL 12.1 9:50 AM 0-14 S.U. 9045 D 7/17/23 KEK CORROSIVITY NOT CORROSIVE 9:50 AM SCA IGNITABILITY <0.8 9:50 AM 0.8 mm/sec 1030 7/28/23 ECHEM PAINT FILTER TEST <0.1 9:50 AM 0.1 ml SW846 9095 B 7/18/23 KEK TOTAL REACTIVE CYANIDE < 1 9:50 AM 1 mg/kg SM4500 CN D 8/8/23 ECHEM REACTIVE SULFIDE < 0.46 9:50 AM 0.46 mg/kg SM4500 S D 8/12/23 ECHEM AMMONIA NITROGEN ` 130 9:02 AM 5.8 mg/kg 9045 D 7/20/23 KEK TOTAL SOLIDS (DRY WT) 69 9:02 AM 0.10 % SM 2540 G 7/17/23 KEK Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES - Murphy Certified By:VJ 1 PO Box 7565 i Asheville, NC 28802 • Phone: (828) 350-9364 ICTC,, Fax: (828) 350-9368 } Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Certificate of Analysis Project name: Earth Environmental Services Project number: 230717.502 Collection date: 17-Jul-23 Date received: 17-Jul-23 Sample identification: #072319 MV Sample number: 240268 Parameter Method Result RL Units Date Analyst Footnotes Analyzed Reactive Cyanide SM 4500 CN D <1 1 mg/kg 8-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Reactive Sulfide SM 4500 S D <0.46 mg/kg 12-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Ignitability 1030 <0.8 0.8 nun/sec 28-Ju1-23 ECHEM 1 Arsenic - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Barium - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Cadmium -TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Chromium - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Lead - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Selenium - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-May-23 ECHEM 1 Silver - TCLP 200.7 <1.0 1.0 mg/L 2-May-23 ECHEM 1 Mercury - TCLP 245.1 <0.0002 0.0002 mg/L 3-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Full Scan TCLP Organics See attached sheets ECHEM 1 pH SW846 9045 D 12.1 0.10 % 17-Jul-23 KEK 2, 3 Paint Filter SW846 9095 B <0.1 0.1 ml 18-Jul-23 KEK Arsenic 200.7 <2.80 mg/kg 16-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Cadmium 200.7 <2.80 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Copper 200.7 46.7 mg/kg l-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Chromium 200.7 12.6 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Lead 200.7 6.55 mg/kg l-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Molybdenum 200.7 3.34 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Nickel 200.7 14.5 mg/kg I-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Selenium 200.7 5.20 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Zinc 200.7 122 mg/kg L-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Aluminium 200.7 10100 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Calcium 200.7 326000 mg/kg 16-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Magnesium 200.7 3350 mg/kg L-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Potassium 200.7 3930 mg/kg L-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Sodium 200.7 1620 mg/kg 16-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Mercury SW 846 7471 B 0.0260 mg/kg 31-Jul-23 ECHEM 1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 351.2 6800 mg/kg 21-Jul-23 ECHEM 1 Nitrate + Nitrate - Nitrogen 353.2 3.40 mg/kg 24-Jul-23 ECHEM 1 Total Nitrogen Calculation 6803 mg/kg 20-Aug-23 KEK Total Phosphorus 200.7 2950 mg/kg 1-Aug-23 ECHEM 1 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 70.4 % 24-Ju1-23 ECHEM 1 % Total Solid SM 2540 G 69 % 17-Jul-23 KEK Ammonia Nitrogen Stet 4500 NH3 D 130 5.8 mg,) kg 20-Jul-23 KEK This report should not be reproduced, exept in its entirety, without the written consent of Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis. • i .^pl T5 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Certificate of Analysis PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828)350-9368 Footnote: RL = Reporting Limit. Values are reported down to the Reporting Limit only. 1. Sample analzyed by Enviro Chemists, Inc. 2. Duplicate value was 12.2 S.U. 3. Sample recevied and analzyed outside hold time. Date reviewed: o9A ('; 3 /l Q a C d NC Certification Number: 600 Data reviewed by: Kelley E. Keenan SC Certification Number: 99053 !� NC Drinking Water Certification Number: 37786 Signature: i' � This report should not be reproduced, exept in its entirety, without the written consent of Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis. ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Post Office Box 7565 Asheville NC 28802 Attention: Lab ID Sample ID: #072319MV 23-37673 Site: Effluent -Camp Test Chlordane (TCLP) Endrin (TCLP) Heptachlor (TCLP) Heptachlor epoxide (TCLP) Lindane (TCLP) Methoxychlor (TCLP) Toxaphene (TCLP) 2,4,5-TP (TCLP) 2,4-D (TCLP) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (TCLP) 2,4,5-Tdchlorophenol (TCLP) 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol (TCLP) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (TCLP) Cresol (TCLP) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (TCLP) Hexachlorobenzene (TCLP) Hexachloroethane (TCLP) m + p-Cresol (TCLP) Nitrobenzene (TCLP) o-Cresol (TCLP) Pentachlorophenol (TCLP) Pyridine (TCLP) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (TCLP) 1,2-Dichloroethane (TCLP) Benzene (TCLP) Carbon Tetrachloride (TCLP) Report*: 2023-15240 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 " 910.392.0223 Lab 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ' 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 0 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environnientalchemismcoin Method Revised Report: Aug 21, 2023 Original Report Date: Aug 18, 2023 Report #: 2023-15240 Customer ID: 08100055 Project ID: Earth Environmental Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Solid/Sludge Client Results Date Analyzed SW-846 8081 B <0.02 mg/L 07/24/2023 SW-848 8081 B <0.0005 mg/L 07/24/2023 SW-846 8081 B <0.0005 mg/L 07/24/2023 SW -me 8081 B <0.0005 mg/L 07/2412023 SW-846 8081 B <0.0005 mg/L 07/24/2023 sw-w 8081 B <0.0005 mg/L 07/24/2023 sw-w 80818 <0.05 mg/L 07/24/2023 SW-846 8151 A <0.003 mg/L 07/25/2023 SW-846 8151 A <0.01 mg/L 07/25/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-848 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E 0.112 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-848 8270 E 0.112 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-846 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW4W 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW4M6 8270 E <0.250 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-M 8270 E <0.050 mg/L 07/21/2023 SW-W Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Sw-848 Method 82600 <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 SW-846 Method 82WD <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 SW-848 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Page 1 of 3 [envi7roehem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Post Office Box 7565 Asheville NC 28802 Attention: Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 1 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.3702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemismcom Revised Report: Aug 21, 2023 Original Report Date: Aug 18, 2023 Report 9: 2023-15240 Customer ID: 08100055 Project ID: Earth Environmental Chlorobenzene (TCLP) SW446 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Chloroform (TCLP) SW446 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Methyl ethyl ketone (TCLP) SW-46 Method 8260D 0.09 mg/L 08/03/2023 Tetrachloroethylene (TCLP) Sw-846 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Trichloroethylene (TCLP) SW-846 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 Vinyl Chloride (TCLP) SW-846 Method 8260D <0.01 mg/L 08/03/2023 RCI Ignitability EPA 1030 <0.8 mm/sec 07/28/2023 Cyanide SM 4500 CN D-2016 <1 mg/kg 08/08/2023 Sulfide SM 4500 S D <0.46 mg/kg 08/12/2023 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994 10100 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Arsenic EPA 200.7, Rev, 4,4, 1994 <2.80 mg/kg 08/16/2023 Cadmium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 <2.80 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Calcium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 326000 mg/kg 08/16/2023 Chromium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 12.6 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Copper EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 46.7 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Lead EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 6.55 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Magnesium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 3350 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Molybdenum EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994 3.34 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Nickel EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 14.5 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Potassium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 3930 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Selenium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 5.20 mg/kg 08101 /2023 Sodium EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994 1620 mg/kg 08/16/2023 Zinc EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 122 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 3.40 mg/kg 07/24/2023 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 a 70.4 % 07/24/2023 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Norg 8-2011 6800 mg/kg 07/21/2023 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P (F-H)-2011 2950 mg/kg 08/01/2023 Report #:: 2023-15240 Page 2 of 3 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Post Office Box 7565 Asheville NC 28802 Attention: ;environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 , 910.392.0223 Lab ^ 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 P 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 3 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemismcom Revised Report: Aug 21, 2023 Original Report Date: Aug 18, 2023 Report #: 2023-15240 Customer ID: 08100055 Project ID: Earth Environmental Mercury Sw-s46 74718 0.0260 mg/kg 07/31/2023 TCLP Metals Arsenic (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Barium (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Cadmium (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4. 1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Chromium (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Lead (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Selenium (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4,1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Silver (TCLP) EPA 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994 <1.0 mg/L 08/02/2023 Mercury (TCLP) EPA 245.1 <0.0002 mg/L 08/03/2023 Total Nitrogen (calc) Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen 6810 mg/kg 06/21/2023 Comment: 2,4,-D and 2,4,5-TP, SW846-8151, reported off manually integrated peaks due to complex sample matrix. 2,4,-D reporting limit was elevated due to matrix. Results, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH repo ed on an as received basis. AMENDED 08212023 to report TN. Reviewed by: -41 . - / Report #.: 2023-15240 Page 3 of 3 Facility Name: **TP Name: sQ� Monitoring Period: From Z ,, /,0 `f fVI�-- /— /- ol"3 Permit Number: _iWi —%D/00/J,- NPDES Number:4�t/COD,rXS' / To Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alternative 1 ❑ " Alternative 2 1 Alternative 3 ❑' sfi^ y;S Alternative 40 Alternative 5 ❑ 1 Alternative 6 ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A way) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost O I Heat Drying ig❑ Heat Treatment ❑ ThermoPhilic ❑ :t Beta Ray ❑ I Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: 4 Alternative 1 ❑ (( Alternative 2 ❑ jj Alternative 3 ❑ ,.:r5.a7 I I If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to S' ificantiy Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ f Co o Aerobic Digestion ❑ ; yy*ski.��, : „r Anaerobic Digestion❑. i ` :` _ ?, Q �i'v, t: If apulicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Numoer or Allowable Level Pathogen Density Frequency Sample Analytical Parameter �, , Excee- of Analysis Tech-ni ue in Sludge klinimum' Geo. Mean_Maximun Units iu��.q Type 9 2 x 10 to u;e 6th power MPN per gram of total solids or 2 x 10 to Fecal Coliform the 6th power CFU ver exam of 1000 mpn per c S/yl gram of total solid /95--� Z 133 T;`.•eS 9a,p G (dry weight) y Salmonella bacteria 3 WN per 4 (in lieu of fecal grams total solid coliform) (d-+. weip�t) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33) - Please indicate option performed: Option 1 C j Option 2 ❑ Option 3 E Option 4 ❑ f Option 5 ❑ Option 6 M Option 7 ❑ i Option 8 ❑ Option 9 >i x3 [Oh_eoFn 10 No vector attraction reduction options were performed ❑ CER3 IFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) 1 "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." IP&, A, /# AeV (a - Preparer Name and Title ({ype or p ' t) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Preparer Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date DENR FORM RF (512003) Earth Environmental. Services Murphy, NC Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Mtt: Mike McHaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab IN 352 Report Date 2/8/2023 Date and Time Received 1/23/2023 9:54 AM Date and Time Sampled 1/23/2023 9:54 AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test BIOSOUDS Sample Time Report Limit Units Method Analyzed SLUDGE FECAL < 117 9:54 AM 126 % SM9221E 1/23/23 Phi 11.9 9:54 AM 0.1 S.U. SM2540 G 1/23/23 % TOTAL SOLIDS 65 9:54 AM 0.1 % SM 2540 G 1/23/23 Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES - Murphy Certified ByLL�_ ut" Analyst KEK KEK KEK Earth :: 'Environmental Services Murptry, NC Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Att: Mike McHaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab IN 352 Report Date 4/14/2023 Date and Time Received 4/3/2023 9:59 AM Date and Time Sampled 4/3/2023 9:59 AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test BIOSOLIDS Sample Time ReportLimit Units Method Analyzed Analyst SLUDGE FECAL < 122 9:59 AM 122 % SM9221E 4/3/23 KEK PH 12.2 9:59 AM 0.1 S.U. SM2540 G 4/3/23 JW % TOTAL SOLIDS 68 9:59 AM 0.1 % SM 2540 G 4/3/23 KEK Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES -Murphy Certified By L2--5� 2_�/ c Eh Environmental Services Murptry, NC Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 P&: Mike McHaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-6444835 (lab) Lab IN 352 Report Date 8/23/2023 Date and Time Received 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Date and Time Sampled 7/17/2023 9:50 AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test 1310SOLIDS Sample Time Reportumit Units Method Analyzed Analyst SLUDGE FECAL < 124 9:50 AM 122 % SM9221E 7/17/23 KEK P'H 12.1 9:50 AM 0.1 1 S.U. SM2540 G 7/17/23 KEK TOTAL SOLIDS 69 9:50 AM 0.1 % SM 2540 G 7/17/23 KEK Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES - Murphy Certified By�/J, M Earth Environmental Semoces Murpby, NC Name and Address of Facility Town of Maggie Valley 3987 Soco Road Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Att: Mike McHaffey Earth Environmental 75 Bison Lane Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-9543 (office) 828-644-4835 (lab) Lab ID# 352 Report Date 10/13/2023 Date and Time Received 10/2/2023 10:30 AM Date and Time Sampled 10/2/2023 10:30AM Sampler JOHN C. BROWN CLASS A Date Test BIOSOUDS Sample Time Report Omit Units Method Analyzed Analyst SLUDGE FECAL < 133 10:30 AM 133 % SM9221E 10/2/23 KEK ?H 12.1 10:30 AM 0.1 s.u. SM2540 G 10/2/23 KEK W� TOTAL SOLIDS 74 10:30 AM 0.1 % SM 2540 G 10/2/23 KEK Lab Supervisor: Wanda G. Ladd; EES - Murphy Certified By: