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GW1--03448_Well Construction - GW1_20240611
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW_] I.Well Contractor Information: Fol illtcrnal Use Only: Chris King Well Contractor Name WATER CONES — 2080-A FROMTO DESCRIPTION 11® 16/ R. /f`�ir `IC Well Comrador Certification Vlunhar — Aqua drill, Inc. IS.OUTER CASIASING(for®ulti-ca:,ed wells OR LINER if...lkablel FROM Company Namn lifilnammalliME 5-�J II. F. /Ai in. EMIIIMMEN � DIAMETER 2.Well Construction Permit#: Og V / ��© 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING Itothermal closed•Ion. NIE Lisra!/,+vplicnhln well cnn.rtrrmit t permits(i.e.U/C.C',1 Src- Variance.etc.) FROM TO DIAMETER 3.Well Use(check well use): ft• In. =—. Water Supply Well: in. — Agricultural 17.SCREEN FROM — °MunicipaVPublic FRO TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE IIEMERMIgi Geothermal(Hcating!Cooling Supply) A.asidrn6al Water Su 1 ft ft. It. Industrial•Coatmcrcial pp Y(single) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ORcsidcntial WatcrSu I ft' ft in. (triaion pP Y(shared) 18,GROUT _ Non-Water Supply Well: r•Ronl ® MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHODS AMOUNT MR 6;Monitoring We R ����,�� Injection Well: „Recovery !! is 7y 'Aquifer Recharge I®® _ OGroundwa Barrier Rentediation _}Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salim, 9 + 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK if a.•Ilcubh: Aquit r Test tY arricr I FRO11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �Stormwater Drainage _a TO MATERIAL i F.n1PI aCF.MF.NT METHOD Experimental(ClosedTechn lop I®� Subsidence Control IGeothermal Loop) Di TracerGeothermal(!lertine C'ooline Return 1 20.DRILLING LOG(attach addltionci s:teets if neeessan• 1 .iOther(ex vlain under i!21 Remarks) i FROM DCRIi9l.4'color.harda.vai ,, urorli I% c. rain,Ire.atc.l 4.Date Well(s)Completed z R, �edFS .• V Sa.Well Location: TO rt. IMMII I�/ ��NILj r���K .c A 41%)r r Facility Ow•re:Name IMI ��`� FucilitylDO(itapplicablc) ®® _ C..Ioo t y,AYeN' S ® • `' L min- Physual Address.City,and Zip O k'v Ai Z �, iz ft. ®�� . County - - Parcel Ih:mification Nn (PIN) Sb.Latitude and longitude in deal a. ens/minutes/Of well hall sac lal'long is sufficient)d seconds or decimal degrees: 22.CertificaHnn: N• W r Date 6.Is(oa-c)lac wcll(s)4 permanent or Temporary -��/`�i SignatureofC'enili Well Contractor —��- _ l 7.Is this o r epE:r to an existing well: yes or NID By signing thisfen w./herein.certify that nit ,til(,)was(were,ran.q,urtc9/In accordance If this ix a repair./UI ant know,nril rrtns,va•tla,iiJirrtaatirn,and elpIaio the ircoru•r of in, wily a/ibir reran'law lima prorrded,n Jm nxli wean repair under e2!Iw, •/,r A:Wa n or an the hark alibis jrne with/1,1 A'C:aC 0?f.'.0100 or/JA,VC.iC VC 0200(ref!Cow•4urllnn Standard.,and that a 3•For Geoprohe/DpT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells havingthe name 23.Site diagram or additional well details: donstmcl:o only I GW_1 is needed. Indicate You may tine the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well drilled: __- — TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9.Total well depth below land surface: �� SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS For multiple wells list all depths il'dy/ercnr(example-3ta?00 and?ra:100' (ft.) 24a. For All I Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 10.10.Shame water level below top of casing: [: construction to the following: tour,Static r!is thole rasing use'p (ft.) Division of Water Resources,,Information Processing Unit, I1.Borehole diameter: 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699_I617 (in.) 12.Weil coasit'ucdon method: �) 246.For Injection Wells above,also submit one copy In addition form within 30 day the s of comple to the tions of well (i.e,antler rotary.cable,direct push.etc.) _ construction to the following: FOR t.. `r,B SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 13a.!'_cld F m I 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 ("p ) Method of test: 5 J 0IL 24c.For Water SunDty& Injection lie le: In addition to sending the form to 13b.>.` i•".:i- eda l yp_; T 1 / the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: - (- 4,.Z completion of well construction to the .aunty health department of the county where constructed. Fonn CiW.1 North Comlina Department ofEnvir,mnentol Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-20I6