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NCC241652_Site Plan or Location Map_20240611
SITE DATA It1! (i TOTAL AREA 23.51 ACRES sill NO.OF LOTS 20 MN _ \ LINEAL FEET IN STREET 1,514.89 'on 1a �1-E to mildW. II MIN ZONING RR .s, SMALLEST LOT SIZE 25,32'7 SF �/` OPEN SPACE REQUIRED 26,136 SF OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 30,94o SF I PN 63451 No / / �`%1C\DEWAYNERUMPHLETT `��; WESTWIND SUBDIVISION �� 1,J/DB 1156 PG 619 SECTION if MB 52 PG 119 MB 52,PG 119 ZONE PN 63452 LINDA B VINES I• - Q' 1,13 DB 1386 PG 427 MB32 PG119 VICINITY MAP z PN 63p ZONE RR 00 / N VALERIE L V DIAZ DB 3387 PG 69 h PN 62139 \/ / BOBBY) PN 61591 HOLLOWAY KAMEKYAD 11) DB 1167 PG 173 p HADDOCK p '1 � MB 52 P6119 I`O) DB1866 PG240 N 63001 PN 62999 ZONE RR ZONE E R 119 N:651,035.2160 (��_ 1 a/)14fi ) PN 62412 ZONE RR E:2,462,981.1044 JEFFREY HINSON PAULINE THOMAS / IPN 62411 I '°� I I,2) PN 10640 DB 2801 PG 93 BELLAMY JDBEPH M MAIN PROJECT BENCHMARK MILTON SMITE{ pN 62410 PN 62261 MB 52 PG 119 DB 3738 PG 510 DB 4103 PG 92 DB 1091PG 707 BANDRA AVERY HAZELTON IRREV TRUST = MB 52 PG 119 �`-"\ MB 52 PG 119 _,,/ C JEREMY MICHAEL PN 61515 x �-y M DB 3765 PG 871 / WILLIAM LEE BOYD ZONE RR ZONE RR 7 ZONE RR \J! ZMB ONE PG 119 HEATH JENNIFER MCROY HEATH L�/, ^./ 00 �S ZONE RR DB 1068PG 9156 '-' ZONE RR DB 3390 PG 380 W V MB 52 PG 119 PN 65002 PN 61392 PN 62039 DB 3380 PG 377 MB 52 PG 119 r,NCSR 1125 POCOSIN ROAD JOHNNIE RAY ROSS MB 52 PG 119 m O U 01 ZONE RR KELLY L WILLIAMS JOSHUA ONEAL ZONE RR PN 57963 NO REF ZONE RR O DB 3641 PG 582 ZONE RR -ZO 3295 PG 78 - - DRANDY25 PG 361 ON `^ / MB 52 PG 119 MB 52 PG 119 DB 825 PG 361 �6U'RW ASPHAL�F PULIC)I ZONE RR / ZONE RR / /\ MB 48 PG 67 RLW- I PP - - ZONE RR �L \ 40 MBL yI10 LAN OSCAPE BU FFER/ 1 _ P \ 40'MBL 15 LAN DSC'PE AND \ >\ i \ INDN ACCS EASEMENT - I.-1--� \ / -f I INya71.0'•-'•____ IS ECLL FRT7711/ la PP 'AV v UTILITY EAS MENT p p \ \ry ' / \\ 20'DRH AGE EASEMENT �' 10'LANDSCAPE BUFFER \'' �\ \ _ \ I \a• / '-2,,' - EASE ENT r ( NON-ACCESS EASEMENT PN 38551 \� . \ \ \ ` \ LOT 13 `- / °: A m I.! 2 ' ^ I \\I I OLLIE NICHOLSON LANGSTON \ \ \ SEPTIC -\ / r✓ of N o / I % - Ed-,'; EXISTING 6" Y49-583 1 \ \ m \ 2 `J I WATERLINE ZONE RR ♦� \ 12 \ \� \ N / 11 10 O ® O © �') \ ' ® O O 30,163 cP 3 \ v zas0s SF N n \a� \ \ \ \ 1 I O 2ssas SF u�, � TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION 95'PITT COUNTY DISTRICT 4 __ 160,860 SF \ \ \ LOTS 27,993 SF 27,993 SF 28,069 SF 27,992 SF 27,998 SF 27,925 SFF. / 31,630 SFN 31,420 SF `\ `� T xTBAx� I ENTRANCE DRAINAGE EASEMENT,LATERAL 4B \'�\` PROPOSED SEPTIC raNs,KUmax 60'EAST AND 35'WEST OF CL OF CANAL " \ \ "' \ FLUS'BING •\ / / \ PROPOSED 6" \ xnce °( 6"X 6"CUT-IN-TEE \Q , RIPARIAN BUFFER s \ \ RANT _? L 4 O_ PROPOSED WATERLINE \ M; 3-6"GATE VALVE 1� / \0'FROM T g L, \ ( -i BOAC 6 G'TE VALVE � FLUSHING ( ) \ _-��7 \T\ \ '\ \\ ' CLYIV 1\V�_72�-6 - �INV=70.0/ I HYDRANT BAWC \� . sd,\ \ \ \ I I i(60'RW 20'ASPHALT PUBLIC) CL INTE' E.ION I � - 12D.7 I O \ \\ \ \ Y �L .� - - s4 aCEEo•• �^ °1'__- -,-�- nsoo L` m `\\1 \ \ PROPOSED 6'WATERLINE �1- 3�'2''�12• $TATIONr]*18.44 /� 593 I 115.00 �p0 ��8 0.3%\ -Of=73.6 ,\iWA \ \ \ ' I a 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' 10000' 100.00' ,18D.00' 'e 9727/L2678 T�t a I]- _ `P \* �� 493.41' \ \ 6 X6 TEE r ) JA ' -_� �. - j 26.11' \ \6 GATE VALVE I 1 �0.3% _ i /,. 1 4 70.90X i"�.9% 7 S8 .-0 3% / ]93 0 3, 120 00' : \\� \ \ X4 REDUCER I P - 77- I/ -1 /I �� _ �` 4\ \ \ 4.,GATEV,ALVE 1 p P332 LF 18"RCP @0.3% ; 30'It� 30R NV 68.09 ' I18818•�- \ _ --�i�l 1 \ \ N W1 PN 44125 RIPARIAN BUFFER \ > \ \ Pk/POSED 4 WATERLINE 11 ��,Y /f/ // / Y///%i� / I% Y /��I 142.16 �I'- 427: _- __ \ 1 / ( \ I �I ,'.y Q BOBBY RUSSELL EDWARDS JR 50'FROM TDB 1 \ INS 6724 - x5' -tve O nAc L3 / NCGS MONUMENT"EMERALD" �V _ _ �LT� 1 -- - - 10 ELEE 7,. ZONE 6°0 586°57'00"E-4131.82'(GRID 20EAS AGE _,CY ELELT• -'� N �� \ I (/ DB 1187,PG • �\ 13 \ EASEMENT 1•�•fa - ;ssv oPp't"- O�,J: TRI _� / II I ../ d. ERR (N)650755.6544 ) \ \. �. tit �\ s^ppo CASEMENT MAIL w';�' \ 19 -z_I_ VCn'4 O o NCGS MONUMENT"WINTERVILLE" \ \ x KIOSK P132 LF 24"RLP @0.3%� \ (E)2459271.5680 �\���-��. s3,a1 sF t; � � °_ e is - I n I L.o.D.= 1$ \1�. r ` �/ ,p ss / ,'ASPH T p. 6.0AC 25,327 SF fn O � U pCl �� \w�' z0'DRAmacE � PROPOSED - __ _ 0 I rY-�� (N)653550.7728 FIELD GPS \ \ �I, '7 061 SF ABC/ WATERLINE 38,038 SF N I H ®(E)2473782.4022 NAD83(2011) 2 I \ \ °'\ \,\ \\ ,` \\ \ -N2 E •SE EASEMENT ISy - N 26,988 SFm M.. ��/ \ POST FLUSHING c m I V PROPOSED 47,338 SF ��\ 2_1 It(I G0.10\ FIELD GPS j , \ \ \v„4 \ IN 67.5 HYDRANT 16 ry Ca NCRETE _ I BARR •Y \ n 6'I .\A\ I PROPOSED SILT FENCE WASHOUT N �1 ,.n� FLO ST3b� NAVD 83(2011) \M111111 i PROPOSED s Y AB99" �t \m ��� Y ( 53,627 SF L FLUSHING \ .I ' PN57494 Y\\0 ) m '' I 14 / /\ I OPEN SPACE- I ► Y-DBANT� / - / FIP/0.757N S&SFAR10 1 i / �' LOp=60 AC 30,940 SF EXISTING VEGETATION TO III MB 2,PG 10 \\\' �� �� I 53,22915E '- , n YM� \ DB 4187 P6Tz3 ��\\W ca'i, I s -�.... RIf�-FER.Y FRO OB - i i / fl ,_ MB 48 PG 17 , 'NV=6 50 !• • BE REMOVED I ZONE RR J,b / p_b-m_b. -^ ^� \ Y II I '1`\ 60 R/W `�� p 1 EXI NG DI H _: 'I- e I I\I ' 6' _ 6' 2D 6 6• 535°D136„W ,••Il ' ' ` ,, \, � - - INV=65.9 COLT ROAD 1L �.I`� 39.48' PN 49306 DITCH SHOULDElR PAVEMENT SHOULOEA DITCH �- -�=-3-�� - �� (60 RW 20 ASPHALT PUBLIC) m BRUCEDTAYLOR 2"SF 9.SA / / �,{ ����� / I I DB 2197 PG 114 1/$PER FT 527°3Tz8.3]' - o • TEMPORAY I LEGEND r, 5,, 3, x:+ / / CHECK DAMS �' ZONE RR / RIPARIAN BUFFER 50`F••M OB ;1 s"'AB' ^` I LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 21' -- TB TB PN 03172 I -_- ' STONE //�� `�2`I I DB P-39,PG 454 N� PROPOSED BARRICADE TYPICAL STREET SECTION �/ AVIS BURNaEY PEARSON,ETAL \cc W PROPOSED WATERLINE / PN57494 ZONE RR \ A / I EXISTING DITCH W EXISTING WATERLINE II I ■-- PROPOSED WATER METER 404 PROPOSED FLUSHING HYDRANT GENERAL NOTES I 1639 I, I -.-A ._ PROPOSED SILT FENCE 1.CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY BELL ARTHUR WATER CORPORATION FIP/11N-\yIY I I TEMPORARY CHECK DAM AND PITT COUNTY PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY STORM DRAINAGE. 2.ALL REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO PITT COUNTY SUBDIVISION r I CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ORDINANCE AND THE MANUAL FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures: I r,1 ) 1 OF WATER AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF EASTERN PINES WATER CORPORATION. .ALL LOTS SHALL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE&SETBACK The following measures e sure re proposed for the site.If it b comes evident that additional erosio and 3 1. INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(B). REQUIREMENTS OF PITT COUNTY. sedimentation control needed,they shall installed immediately.It is intense hat all 1 MB 53 PG 38 I R E V I S I 0 N S grading and excavation activities within a certain area will be potected as soon as that activity is BY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 2.CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE SWALES AND STABILIZE 4.SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE BY INDIVIDUAL LOT SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS OR IN SRS 1 5/8/24 PC COMMENTS SLOPES. SEED CONSTRUCTED DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 7-14 DAYS OF LAND OFF-SITE NITRIFICATION FIELD EASEMENTS. complete. SEEDING SCHEDULEDISTURBANCE.DETENTION BASIN TO BE UTILIZED FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE. 5.EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1. Sediment Fence-Sediments fence will be utilized as necessary in locations as shown on plans or as deemed necessary by the engineer to insure that off-site sedimentation is controlled. ALL ROADWAY AREAS 3.INSTALL SILT FENCING WHERE SPECIFIED ON PLANS WITHIN AREA 6.ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. 2. Seeding-All disturbed a will be seeded within 14 days following construction in accordance (MARCH 1-AUGUST 31) (SEPTEMBER 1-FEBRUARY 28) OF CONSTRUCTION. with the seeding schedule shown on the plans. TALL FESCUE 50LBS/AC TALL FESCUE 50LeS/AC 7.STREET LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. CENTIPEDE 1oLBs/Ac CENTIPEDE 10LBs/Ac 4.ROUGH GRADE AREA WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY. 3. Stone Construction Entrance-Stone cono-uction entrance will be used to reduce transport of BERMu0AGRAss(HULLED) 25LBS/ac BERMUDAGRASS(HULLED) 3nLB5/aC 8.NCDOT DRIVEWAY PERMIT REQUIRED FOR MAIN ENTRANCE. sediment off site. APPLICATION RATES APPLICATION RATES PERMITS REQUIRED FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS. FERTILIZER 10-20-20 50aes/AC FERTILIZER 10-20-20 500LBs/ac 5. INSTALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 4. Inlet protection will be provided where roadside ditches run into proposed pipes. LIMESTONE 4000LES/AC LIMESTONE 4000LP5/AC 9.HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED. 5. Rock Check dams will be provided in the roadside ditches to slow velocity. STRAW MULCH-(AFTER SEEDING)--4000LBs/AC STRAW MULCH-(AFTER SEEDING)--4000keS/AC 6. PLACE STONE BASE ON STREETS. 6. Rip Rap Aprons will be provided at all pipe discharges. ASPHALT TACK 200 GAL/TON OF MULCH ASPHALT TACK 200 GAL/TON OF MULCH 10.ZONING FOR ALL LOTS WILL ADHERE TO"RA'DISTRICT. ALL WASTE ANC/BORROW AREAS 7. PLACE CURB AND GUTTER. 11.THIS MAP IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF LAND. Maintenance Plan: (MARCH t-AUGUST 31) (SEPTEMBER 1-FEBRUARY 28) CONSTRUCTION PLAN 8. PAVE STREETS. 12.NO PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD 1. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be checked for stability and effective operations TALL 00EcnESCUE 75LB5/AC TALL FESCUE 75L65/AC AMBROSE BAY AREA AS DETERMINED BY THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. BERMUOAGRA55(HULLED) 25LBS/Ac BERMUDAGRASS(HULLED) 35LBs/AC following every runoff producing rainfall or at least once per week.Repairs required shall APPLICATION RATES APPLICATION RATES 9. FINE GRADE SHOULDERS. REF:FIRM 3720466500K.DATED JULY 7,2014. FERTILIZER 10-20-20 500LBS/Ac FERTILIZER 10-20-20 500LBs/AC REFERENCE:BEING LOT 3,SUBDIVISION OF J.L.NOBLES ESTATE AS be completed immediately to the dimension and functions indicated on the plans. LIMESTONE 4000LBS/AC LIMESTONE 4000LB5/AC 13.WATER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY BELL ARTHUR WATER CORPORATION. 2. Sediment sale be removed from behind the sediment fencing when it becomes 0.5 feet deep at STRAW MULCH-(AFTER SEEDING)--4000LBs/AC STRAW MULCH-(AFTER SEEDING)--4000LBs/Ac RECORDED IN MB 1,PG 156 AND IN DEED BOOK 4459,PAGE 358 OF THE 10. PLACE CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. the fence.The fence shall be replaced o repaired asnecessary to maintain a barrier. ASPHALT TACK 200 GAL/TON OF MULCH ASPHALT TACK 200 GAL/TON OF MULCH 1 r PITT COUNTY REGISTRY. 14.ELECTRICAL SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY GREENVILLE UTILITIES COMMISSION. r `,,1 t,,, 11. PERFORM FINAL SEEDING AND MULCHING. 3. All seeded areas shall be fertilized,seeded and mulched within 14 calendar days of SEED BED PREPARATION: ` N`MDA/7Q'' 15.PROPERTY IS LOCATED ONE EXISTING IMATLY 6.5 MILES FROM BELL D APPROXIMATELY ea OnuEor OR OTHERWISEECTE LOOSEN THE SOIL To A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 5"EXCEPT As ACCEPTABLE SE 000 BY BELOW OR 'l 4 �' WINTERVILLE TOWNSHIP PITT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WATER CORPORATION. EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY disturbance.Disturbed areas shall be fertilized,reseeded and mulched as necessary according OTHERWISE DIRECTED.BREAK CLODS AND WORK THE TOP 2"TO 3.OF SOIL INTO AN SEEDBED BY THE USE OF -�01-$ 1"" „</...' 12. ONCE DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED WITHIN THE DRAINAGE AREA REMOVE 275 NORTH OF OUR ENTRANCE. to the Contract documents to establish and maintain a dense vegetative cover. SOIL PULVERIZERS.DRAGED OR HARROWS:OR BY OTHER APPROVED METHODS.REMOVE ALL ROCK AND DEBRIS Ti OR LARGER 2e Q ", , ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND REGRADE WET DETENTION BASIN TO DESIGN ON MEDIAN,SHOULDER AND DITCH CUT OR FILL SLOPES WHICH ARE 3:1 OR FLATTER.BEFORE THE APPLICATION OF SEED _ < GRIMES BUILT CONSTRUCTION,LLC SPECIFICATIONS AND RESEED AS NEEDED. 80%+/- STABILIZATION MUST BE 16.NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL APPROVAL BY THE PITT COUNTY AND FERmrzER.REMOVE ROCK 5'AND LARGER DISPLACED DURING SEEDING OPERATIONS. _A=#PE36845 = = OWNERS)C/O CHAD GRIMES REACHED BEFORE REMOVING ALL MEASURES. PLANNING DEPARTMENT. c?Z. ADDRESS 1202A EAST FIRETOWER ROAD 17.NO POINTS SET ALONG DITCH,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5""Cxft0HE`r-,oA0O* 18.ALL ELEVATIONS ARE RELATIVE TO NAVD88. 100 50 0 100 200 �'�44s WOA""g�0.` PHONE (252)717-1418NC 27858 19.THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN A VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. 1. DESIGNED:RAB DATE: 03/01/2024 PROJECT NO.. 1799-001 STROUD ENGINEERING,PA. DRAWN: SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=100' SRS 1"=100' 107-B COMMERCE STREET DRAWING NO.: 001 RICHARD A.BROWN,P.E. GREENVILLE,NC 27858 APPROVED:RAB SHEET IOF 4 (252)756-9352 LICENSE NO.C-0547 PROPOSED r,l PROPOSED 6" I WATERLINE I FLUSHING s I /I I (BAWC) L.O.D= HYDRANT 6.0 AC r + 6"GATE VALVE I / I FLUSHING 30'M8- J N 6"TEE HYDRANT ---- -= - -- I I CLEO ROAD - __,.�� I 120.73' I 60'RW 20'ASPHALT PUBLIC) EO AN DC OLT _ 30'u: - - _ - ENRANCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION m L - - - - 30'MBL - - - - - - - - STATION 7+18.44 - - - / INV=]0.0 ----- 11500' • �, + :1 PROPOSED 6"WATERLINE N 33.23' S95' 115 °., [�.R' I 1 �/ 115.00' 1+00 L26.78' Cl..-"' NA I I / 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' 300.00' 100.00' 97.27' 2.00 - 28'R INV=67.53 INV=67.34 6"GATE V W W W W W W W W W V W W W 126.n' - 6"GATE VALVE I N 6"GATE VALVE ER I: . 70.2 0.3 '.• '. 7..: : .• ,. -'G G 4 GATE VALVE 120.00" - I 13*7.463 13+00 r 12+:: +00 :+:: 9 8+:: c J«00 BP:0.00.0 , / m- •NV=68.09 _ °' I 1 8' _ - P332LF18"RCP@0.3% '-: 30'R 30'R F PROPOSED4 WATERLINE o •'1_ P232 LF 16 RCP @0.3% ` 30'R _ ' - �18L ---- - I I ) C4r ~ ♦� _- _ / , -- __ _A ',• /• 142.16� / 1 - _ - - II 28'R 11 .J _- I III I Z 3 INV=67.43 - _- __ " �' 10'ELECTRIC INV-6].2 RIP RAP _ 2O DRAINAGE I APRON EASEMENT 30'MBL RWJ AP ---- / I APRON r r-- - " - 0'E E RIC EASEMENT I I III I - - APRON 1 O-1 I - _ '� 11 EASEMENT I D'3' 7 D=r 1 - a / 0=INIM, / I L-13' MAIL L-15' P132 LF24"RC•@0.3% I I LL-13' KIOSK W-15'I I/ / I I - IO /VI6ABCHALT'l0'R c 6.0 AC1$ �9 IIV/ L--- - -J5 PROPOSED6" 66..+ N25,327 SFWATERLINE6. I / 47,061 SF 20'DRAINAGE I I 1/4 1 3a,o3e sF I / ��/ NV=67.5 02:CLIPSE EASEMENT V°' 3 0 U I 1J 2O II • � j POS FLUSHING I I, A - O N 26,988 SF /� HV•RANT (8d \ / h'Ny x 47,338 SF /X\ PROPOSED / / I ry I CONCRETE [•--( o. BARRICADE /,,/ 16 WASHOUT m PROPOSED SILT FENCE O I I a 3 I FIRIlOSH NEG o I 39„E-SO 91'+�LG0.101 / 53,627 SF I O - __ Ae. OPEN SPACE I U I HYDRANT 3° INV=66.50 4 S• EXISTING DITCH I 53,229 SF L.O.0=60AC / 30,940 SF !• �"��;;, 1 �GSs%. o '�.h _ - -" 4�� I I "��� �� ''� EXISTING VEGETATION TO -ilk �� =z�- =R FFER •�' FRO 0B �� ...,t,.;„ \ I :, I -tiNIN..- +34.67 BE REMOVED "- - RIAN ------7- T / / / EXISAN :ITCH 'ji_ I I \ / ` -- TEMPORARY CHECK DAMS CLEO ROAD PROFILE -EDP -CL INTERSECTION FROG LEVEL RD CLEO RD ST 0+00 76 1 P01ES73786 I 76 -CL IN TERSE CTION CLEO AND COLT STA 7+18.44 e:0.12 FE:73.66 100.00'VC PVI STA: 46 PSI STA:7+21.46 PVI STA:6+:4.46 PVI EL:,70.97]0.97 PVI STA:8+89.46 PVI EL 71.00 pVI ES 70 74 I e:0.07 PVI EL:70.50 e:008 e:0.06 74 - PE:70.90 _ e�.a7 • 3 Fe70.a1 74 100.00.VC FE:70.58 100.03'VC _ 50.00'VC 0.30% 100.00'VC EXISTING GRADE Z 72 ]2 m - u.3D% -o A 0.30%olo% PROPOSED GRADE • 70 1 Z 70 P1 PROPOSED GRADE P-2 24°RCP . NM" 1 M 32 LF @ 0.31% P}3 68 ssRR11,RCP 30 LF@O.33% - 68 P"OPOSE06" EXISTING 6" 11_ - �/ 'TERLINE WATERLINE 14 i 66 2 - I 66 • A"DIP DROP ASSEMBLY 64 W/MJ BENDS AND RESTRAINTS _ -646"DIP CROP ASSEMBLY (SEE DETAIL) 6"DIP DROP ASSEMBLY W/MJ BENDS AND RESTRAINTS W/MJ BENDS AND RESTRAINTS • (SEE DETAILz) (SEC DETAIL 43) 62 14+00 13+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 8+oo 7+00 6+oo 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 62 REVISIONS BY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CL INTERSECTION CLEO RD AND eTRAVaaj s� SRS 1 5/8/24 PC COMMENTS COLT DRIVE PROFILE 8 COLT DR STA 0+00 72 72 Z 17, -0.30% • • (oaM[r') 70 z I /0 f PROPOSED GRADE CLEO ROAD AND COLT DRIVE PLAN&PROFILE r-E-XISTI GGRADE M ` ,,,,,��I Fuig,,,92^ < 68 I 68 ,2Qy ;',. AMBROSE BAY s, O - - - - - - - / -p #PE36845 = E. WINTERVILLE TOWNSHIP PITT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA J/ 2; ,5:AGINNSPo0'c04\ OWNER: GRIMES BUILT CONSTRUCTION,LLC - PROPOSED 6"WATERLINE 'T';gRp frTios 5+ , ADDRESS: C/O CHAD GRIMES 66 66 50 25 0 50 100 I:A'„ 1202A EAST FIRETOWER ROAD . PHONE: GREENVILLE,NC 27858 (252)717-1418 GRAPHIC SCALE:1"=50' DESIGNED: RAB DATE: MARCH 12,2024 PROJECT NO.: RICHARD A.BROWN,P.E. STROUD ENGINEERING,PA. DRAWN: 64 -64 SRS SCALE:H= 1"=50' DRAWING NO.: 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 -0+50 107-GREENVILLE,RC 2785E APPROVED: V= 1"=2' GRE E COMMERCE STREET (252)756-9352 LICENSE NO.C-0547 RAB SHEET 2 OF 4 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MSITE CONCRETE VASHOUT PART III PART III PART III THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge offluids. STRICTURE V1TH LOFR SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling jF%`7.w . <<T7' tila SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTION B:RECORDKEEPING SECTION C:REPORTING 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the ". sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The 1 I; .., C.4•' «j■'G,g Self-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.E&SC Plan Documentation I.Occurrences that Must be Reported permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control Ian a y project. •_••_ The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site.The Permittees shall report the following occurrences: pia p approved the below.When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection 4. Collect all spent fluids, in separate containers and properly dispose as delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet y personnel toe in jeopardy,the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. hazardous waste(recycle when possible). approved E&SC plan must be kept heUSate throughout be kept on site and available permit (a) Visible sediment deposition in.stream or wetland. - 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction: t from service until the problem ..5� t.�'o tA,..�e�, Beater is saf than epertccurso inspection.normalb addition,whenhors th self-inspection to or The following items pertaining to the E85C plan shallbekept on site and available for gve quipmen pro '7--p' _ mil performed thench ommenceient f of the businhours,thes time when inspectihall ons inspection at all times during normal business hours. SECTIONE:GROUNDSTABIUZATION has been corrected. Pains• performed upon the commencement of the next business day.Any time when inspecions _ (b) Oil spills if: 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants, hydraulic Fluids and other petroleum products � � were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Item m Document Documentation Requirements • The are 25 gallons or more, Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes e. ere - - Y to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. @.9i'I6=A dfi (a)Each E&SC measure has been installed mural and date each E&sc measure on a copy Stabilize within this a &ewe n' • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, I der TImefreme variations reaped Murky nom,. twwwn raardsmustinewe- and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or corn pile,date Stye Area Descri many ca en 4arvr m•$YET sTpxnw sin munl •loratnns,dimensions and relative and sign that lists each • They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or ption gn an inspection report[ days after ceasing UTTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE (1)Rain gaaum Daily Daily rainfall amounts shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved F&SC • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste.Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. daily ram sauce observations are,coca: plan.Thisdocun stininn is required upon the goad(a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS over 2 initial installation of the F&SC measures or if wales,ditches,and 7 None receptacle)on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. this rainfall site pecconva the E&SC measures are modified after initial (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet awe from storm drain inlets and surface ..tine).m m recorded das evice installation. of the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA Y 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local nuereg aedce Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.5.143-215.85. (b) High Quality Water waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. and state solid waste regulations and at ana approved -Mr, The the DimMnmw use a,w:corncob (b)A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC PProve facility. (HOW)Zones 7 None 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in (2)MSC east once per cation or the measuresb ceu, plan or complete,Gate and sign an inspection from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and.Rhin Measures 2cleidaraays to Identification dmme of the inspecwnsce repots to indicate completion of the (d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10'or less in length and are construction phase. 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1,14 days are 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter siltfence. soon or a rain 4.Indite.,of whether the measures were operating (C)Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date acopy of the approve.E&sC allowed provide secondary containment.Repair or replace damaged waste containers. q, Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements,where applicable.If an event n-10 nth in properly, -7 days for slopes greater than 50'in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for 4 o"" Descdption of mointenance needs for Me on,eence, enarrec .taken in accordance with the approved E&SC plan or complete,date and sign an inspection (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the lengthand with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow.Clean up immediate) f and approval.If local standard details are not available,use one of the two lie inspected, Plan grreounrt d cover specifications. with approved environment. -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, containers overflow. immediately types of tern eich.ge grouts coverspecifiratrons. temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. a ( s) (d)The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an inspection report. 2,Reporting TImeframes and Other Requirements (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk °" hoursrain4.Evidenceindicatorsstorruwaterllutionsuch as. requirements foran E&x measures Zones 9. On business days,cleanup and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. sections.Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or inch a on, have been performed. After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact -SO de, for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters.Liquid waste must 24 hours of 5.sheen, of.islmeusedinmenteavingM discoloration, the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the days be d out and removed from project. Darnptbn,evidence,and dare of correct,.actbns taken. (el Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of me approved F&SC -7 dos for ter dikes,swales, PAINT AND OTHER WASTE pumps proj outside sneh en a. to measures. plan or complete,date and sign an inspection ocher requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours mayalcobe y perimeter (q Perimeter or once per If visible sealmemnbn is found record reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center I t80D ditches,perimeter slopesand HOW Zones 1. Do not dump6. Locate washo thats t least 50 alternfeet atives mstorarem reasonably eaininlely and surface aatioimomers ssH site calendar days of the following shall be nude report to indinte the core knots of the r po pa genty personnel a( ) paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. p (e) Areas with slopescan belshown otherthatnormdrain inlet(s) closest so the washout w At a minimum, dean up or zoeuee mesa,mem core nasletr corrective action. 858-0368. flatter than 4:1 14 -here is zero Falls lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint ess no outsother at least 5ves feet are way reason in storm drain inlets and surface install protection of storm drain inI[))closest to the washout which could receive hours of a rain Mei.liM hi, there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spins or overflow. sevent ots_ nchm toin actions nk t control rut ana Z•Addkional Documentation to he Kept an Site l Visible ce Reporw,gnmehames[After Discovery)and Other Requirements Note:After the permanent cessation of Construction activities anyareasithtern ore 3. Contain liquid wastes in.controlled area. r ours ariasthe ohs en to ore Inge andontotheE&SC plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the (a)Visiblesediment • kYNKn M an doral or a,elenronitnntairsion. P temporary 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and installastone site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours,unless the deposition ina • widen 2 calendar a s,a repod that contains.description of the ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout.Additional controls may be required by the (SI Streams ar At leaSt Once per If the stream or wettandhas practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the dischargeof soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes authority. rite turbidity increased ohs.cons... activity. Division provides.site-Specific exemption based on unique site condhions that make stream or wetland sediment and actions takenwaaaretsine wore of the deposition. Temporaryground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. P B q approving ry steam viable ord of the fit this requirement cowl: lithe stream staff may waive me requirement mrawnnen fora on o sign directingconcre projectprom, 1.Des then cams:the following of corrective clw mate quiremen pro surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. 8. ITtall at least onaeeto trucks to the washout within the Iws"" rain ncnb ard e-by ebasis. li Its.Post sig g onthe washout itself to identify this location. ac Mel _ Record.elm .eulmdreports to the aPappm...nw„islonant (a) This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage,after it is received. •if the streams named on the NC 3o3(dilbtas impaired forsediment- PORTABLETOILETS 9. Remove leavingsfromthe washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit Regional Office per Part Ill,Section C.Item l2hai of this pemd. related causes,the cermitree may be required to perform additional GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events.Replace the tar,sand bags other temporary structural (6)Ground phase Ing(installation of perimeter Case b Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months.The ermittee shall monitoring&Inzpenbns Or apply more stringent practices if staff Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil.Use one of the reasonably p P g er ary of grading () P H P P streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonabl available.If 50 foot determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance techniques in the table below: components manufacturer's is instructions.tt When utilizing alternative or proprietary measures :vision orrequired observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the with the federal or sate impaired-waters conditions. q offset is notattainable,provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place products,follow manufacturer's sc..,drainage or redevelopment,permanent Division a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements.Use of TemporarySablbation I PansanmkstaHlEaesn on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10.At the completion of the concrete work,remove remaining leaving and of eov`ri' electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if Ibl on spills and • Within Ze Fours,an oral or electronic notification.The notification •Temporary grass seed covered with Shaw or •Permanent grass seed covered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring f sable toilets during cis of high or in high B Bs anthattherequiredgroundstabilization release of hall include information Mots[the date,time nature,volume and go portable during g 8 n approved disposal facility.Fill pit,if applicable,and stabilize any disturbance measureS have teen pros..Within the required shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. hazardous location of the spill cr release. other mulches and learners other mulches and ackifiers foot traffic areas. caused by removal of washout. timeframe or an assurance that they will be pronged as substances per Item tile•Hydroseeding •Rotes fabrks such as permanent soil 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. toots a&Pos:a1.. 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years 11l Ass easy •Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting Utilize a licensed sanitarywaste hauler to remove leakingportable toilets and replace All data used to ompletethe a-NOl and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period is report shall mioagan,llore medate pfineAYPaa HPossfbfe P Id Antdpated •a without temporary grass seed •Hydroseeding with properly operating unit. NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required?calendar day inspection requirement. of three years after project completion and made available upon request[40 CFR 122.41) bypasses[40CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and •Appropriately applied straw or other mulch •Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES Id)Onamo3R effect of the bypass. •Plastic sheeting with mulch 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label PART II,SECTION G,ITEM(4) Unanticipated • Hgmkr 21 vases,an oral or electronic notification. •Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT restrictions. DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT bypasses[40 CFR • Within1calendarbys.a report that includes an evaluation of the sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans.locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 122a1&11311 quality and effect of the bypass •Structural methods such as concrete,asphalt or 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the retain, walls 0fsut ace away storm drain inlets,Sediment basins,perimeter Sediment controls label which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps in case of Sediment basins one traps receive runoff from drainage areas one acre or more shall use outlet withdraw water from surface when these devices need[o be drawn down le)Noncompliance • ktTrlKn 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. retaining and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably p g area with me conditions • noncompliance, a mom,matcomains a descripaocs. n. accidental poisoning. •Roled erosion control products with grass seed available. for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible.The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare(for example,times with extended cold weather). of this permit that ounce,and its causes:the period of noncompliance. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with.minimum offset of 3. Do not store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: may endanger including exact dams and times,and if the nonmmplance has not POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCUUN75 five feet from the toe of stockpile. possible or where they may spill or leak into wells,Stormwater drains,ground water health or m ct e been corrected,the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to or surface water.If a spill occurs,clean area immediately. env ronment[IO continue:and steps.ken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and 1. Select flocculanu that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. (a) The BSC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface withdrawal and the speck time periods or conditions in which itwill occur.The non-surface withdrawal onstruction,selecting from the NC Lis[of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 4. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, CFR 122.41(IN711 prevent case barena of the noncompliance.kW CFR lzz.410K61. Stabilize stockpile withinthetimeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report ona 2. Apply flocculants at or before the Inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements.Soil stabilization is defined (b) The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III,Section C,Item(2)(c)and(d)of this permit, case-by-case basis, 3. Apply Flocculantsatthe concentrations specified in the NCDWB List o)cApproved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from Stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin.Examples of appropriate controls include PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. properly sited,designed and maintained dewatering tanks,weir tanks,and filtration systems, 4. Provide din for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. pun garea H H 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment (eI Vegetated,upland areas of the sites ore properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at e outlet of all de atering devices, devices described in Item([)above, offsite. •'r--• (e) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams,sediment traps,and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering anddevices, ,NORTH CAROLINA 5. Stareflocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover iy{� NORTH CAROLINA 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. Environmental Quality or surrounded by secondary containment structures. I}1 Environmental' Quality (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. Q ty NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE:04/01/19 NCGO1 SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDICEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE:04/01/191 PAINTED WHITE s 0,oNlir ©DN S HE,GHT CJ DaA SANDBAG II coNc III LAG SCREWS © ® 'ore"P'" M3.0 REVISIONS WASHOUT I A BY N0. DATE DESCRIPTION 313. WOODPOa lesis 'm if:I II': F° ° SRS 1 5/8/24 PC COMMENTS h.V /� �o;:o°s�A nr(TOLLFFREE;DI 'EIII€I IIII=III(=III€1i 11®P Q �� as es LJ I` V �/IITIII CONCRETE WASHOUT .- erne 6rrt'-{-a SIGN DETAIL Q I 0 ❑ �UU//Q (OR EQUIVALENT) REQUIRED FOR ANY OPTION (GPIs 5�o,Iv Y: to and PLASTIC LINING TYPE"BELOW GRADE" NOTES _ +a MINIMUM nTHAtvcAoE METER WIRE t.ACTUAL LAYOUT TO BE DETERMINE lit THE FIELD. CONSTRUCTION PLANS Tp,���� .��aaac��n PER BALE) ,o mil PLAsnc LINING *., 2.A CONCRETE WASHOUTS.SHALL BE INSTALLED - G7®®®CS7 NATIVEirvfloossi MATER"Lill W MAN 30.OF FACILITY. 1HE 1ESPonARv CONCRETE WASHOUT NCGO1NOTES 3.MATERIALS USED TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY R® ®R SECTION WASHOUT FACILITIES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM cane �N11C'ARo`/ . AMBROSE BAY m� MINE,N1ya+lL! WnDDDR"° sA HOLES.DEPRESSIONS MOVAL OF THE Tony ePAIHeDANDBANCE ..........:„‘.R.Q a.' IWI oecOe _z� �9 _ METAL2 PER BAL. MAINTENANCE .7 p #PE36845 II 111 1'nIgIPAITgngiraFELMROWIrDY5rOVETROTEENCEnggekt ToxFUNCTIONAL CONDITION AFTER `2` WINTERVILLE TOWNSHIP PITT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AND RETURN THE STRUCTURE 'Y��°�'FNGINE x1.O�� OWNER: GRIMES BUILT CONSTRUCTION,LLC 4,44Qnmm�l0� ; ��,��®® REACHix°Tsx CAPACITY.Re FOR DAMAGE AND MAINTAIN FOR A' C/O CHAD GRIMES 2.INSPECT WASHOUT I 1 I I ADDRESS: EFHCnvENEss WEEKLY. 1202A EAST FIRETOWER ROAD STRAW D E REMOVE CONCRETE STRUCTURE AND SIGN ON PROJECT PHONE: GREENVILLE,NC 27858Io mu PLASTIC LINING NDTPrIoAa DsPosse of CONCRETE IN LANDFILL she OR RECYCLE. sec (252)717-1418 AcconD,uO ro Purer sclscouLE.MutcN AarAAcconDiNOLr DESIGNED:RAB DATE:03/01/2024 RICHARD A.BROWN,P.E. �` STROUD ENGINEERING,P . PROJECT NO.: .A DRAWN: SRS SCALE TITS CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL 3 107-B COMMERCE STREET TYPE"ABOVE GRADE"WITH STRAW BALES 3 DRAWING NO.: GREENVILLE,NC 27858 APPROVED: (252)756-9352 LICENSE NO.[-0647 RAB SHEET 3 OF 4 TABLE 6626 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEDIMENT FENCE FABRIC NC DEQ . NOTES. TEMPORARYTEMPORARYrz v MATERIAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS 1 LUMLLANCE TO BE PLUMB IF T vaLW IS NECESSARY AFTER A PRESSURE TEST. MATTI RLLS UMO EPOFTEST. Astu 0.2 NOM ortTLa RETESTING MAYBE REQUIRED VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY ENGENDER NATURE DIRECTOR I MARV z FIRE HYDRANT SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED (6(8M T BEEROCET x-NAcxxE DIRECTION II 1505 NARY PIPE# L W DEPTH TONS IN SLOPE SECTION. sees, o 0 2 9 10.5 1' 6.5 STREET RIGHT OF WAY IIMMENNEMMEN■l01I APPARENT OPENING SUET ASIM a 47 ems OR AS NOTED ON PLANS 3, MINIMUM OF 2'-6"FROM TOP OF �' \,: ..0 WI WI EI SLOPE TO FIRE HYDRANT OR EXTENDED FINISH GRADE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�/.�NI ULlxnwol'S A'ttI As.o asss A• n ° •.TX Awe 4'-0" L FRE HYDRANT,PUMPER NOZZLE TO TO RIGHT OF WAT,WHICHEVER IS GREATER. OH \ \ it�1 BE PERPENDICULAR1// II���������I �� ON EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE MTH A Exa STMZ CONNECTION EASEMENT TO BE GRANTED TO BELL ARTHUR PRECAST 6'THICKCIRCULAR II■■■■■■■■■I0I4l1 A A VE ANO uu[s aAE sasn WATER CORPORATION BY THE DEVELOPER IF HYDRANT CONCRETE COLLAR/PAD DIN ACC. D R/W (3000 PSI) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIFIIIIIII,III - MEASURED x ACCORDANCE OPEN DM METHOD o ae.u. STORM DRAIN 0 Illl SHOWNaov wxs EXTENDS BEYOND — i�I /, /,//�.�/ /V/V/./v/, v\,/i °TEs. d---PIPE °QO q 'o O VALVE BOX SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. a O CHARLOTTE 855 2J4 s'EMUL 75TEEL POST 2 SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRC r°Manna IEAST 95%BT WE I°S a U o0 OR TYLER 6B55 1.2 LB NEAR FEET POINEI NS°POLYESTER COINECtFG TO ASIM D SXI SYNTHETIC 18'MN � TYPICAL STNBILIZERS i0 PRONOE A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS 6 E%PCCIED USABLE RIP RAP 24 MAX. VALVE BOX B TATTER o 171 NOTE: CO STRUCTIOF UFE AT TEMPERaTHRE RANG NC OF 0 TO 120"F °o rip o AX (SEE DETAIL) rCl°IR IF VALVE BOX EXTENSION 3 S1EEL POSTS ARE i0 BE 1 25 Lb//UNEAR Gi UM S1EEL W11H A W / f11l UTL IS REQUIRED USE CHARLOTTE LYyRE ONCE-14 GAUGE MINIMUM LENGTH OF,FEET'. ,sL EL POSTS AANTO HAVE PROJECTIONS o o O a0 6.r• RE FABRIC T°FAauATE FASTEN Fc aF THE FaBR c. FLARED END o O a BIEIII III I I I IIII- GRADE ER I 4. WRE FENCE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 14 GAUGE AND A MAXIMUM MESH SECTION 1 1_O a o Oo O oa o AND TER FABRIC 5M SEC NG EF 6 TALL HAVE 2 -III(= ill NEW GATE VALVE CES SHALL HAVE AN 18"OVERLAP FOR SPLICE AT ENO OF PLAN VIEW PROM L �� \ 6.SILT FENCES SHALL NOT BE STAPLED/NAILED TO TREES. AROUNDIIII1f11_ .. I LOCKED '-PAVEMENT NANCE. E�-TOP OF BANK"1II 1"L'1 HYDRANT TEE WATERLINE ABE COM TRENCH FINISH GRADE LLL IIItlIlE311�I1E311�11'�IIE= I SEE IHROUGHLT 1. NSPECT SLT FEN�E Hi LREANOi CE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH MAJOR 1 CHART OW aaNN s,.c7 WATER MAN RA FFALL EMErvT l'th RE). PIPE FLOW LINE _ • 2.REPLACE FENCE IMMEDIATELY IF THE FABRIC pF THE SILT FENCE W SLOPE TOP OF GONG NOTE. j, IIICU u.'jJ�I/// /,/ x7, /�/�`. 3. q5 NECECLASS"B"FROM HYDRANT DRAn _ I If B"MIN. LEARA L ERgl E F°N EHs aiT Ta sEAuu AI EN o o�R Nc RIP RAP / L FILTER FABRIC UUNFORMED NFORMED GATE CALVE GATE VALVE&BOX DETAIL O I CIEAN 0U* x G A PEON COMPLEl10ry OF vnJRK AFD ADEOUAIE vECETATON GROWTH AS SECTION A-A I1Ea TA�E°o SgDCM°ENLL iHy CPe SxFRN GRADED FND°STFoILIZED AND NOTE: W1 DR GRIPLEGS ALL BE RESTRAINED TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL O RIP RAP APRON DETAIL 420 C4 FLUSHING HYDRANT DETAIL FINISHED GRADE— was ROLL TYPE ROLL TYPE at, STREET RIGHT OF WAY URB URB MOUND BACKFILL OVER TRACING TAPE 1'BELOW OR AS NOTED ON PLANS _______ TRENCH TO ALLOW FOR FINISHED GRADE KYB/B I I I SETTLEMENT Hydrants shall be self droning,non-freezing.compression type B■p� with 2 3/16"man Valve opening. Intel connectors shall be + FINISH GRADE + wit MJ,3"MJ OR 4"valve Outlet shall be 1 1/4 1 shall b - - METER B•x FURN SHED ■■■■■■■■ H TUNCLASSFIED BACKFLL Hydrants shall FlNISH GRADE LI-N'E�OARSE AGGREGATE D-" ORPORATION STOP SELECT BACKFILL COMPACTED o O..O 8° 6NER e'vinEMT LE /V/'-' \�� Hydrants shall be set in 4 cubic feet of crushed stone to 1"WAT SERVIC =_IIII \ \ \ \ ry✓El � TO 953 MODIFIED PROCTOR- O OOo� allow for proper drainage a the wh hydrant. Recommendations of USE HAND OPERATED EQUIPMENT O WIT �Iy Lys gOx the AWWA should be followed when installing the hydrants. KEEP LINE SLACK IWTT AFp1EDABASE IX4LY. WATER MAIN O� ° 6 DUCTILE PIPE SPECIFY Post hydrants shall be Eclipse No.2 Post Hydrants as POLYETIIELENE G HLECE TUBING oo�((��((������������yy���((((QQ O OCb° DEPTH OF BURY manufactured by John C.Kupferle Foundry Company,St.Louis. LENGTH AS READ ��IJ37f.! o O _ M0. / TRENCH BOTTOM SHALL CONSIST O 0 00 ° ° �° O"u�$ I r 2'SCH BO PVC SUPPLY PIPE All fillings 4"and larger should be Pitied with Grip Rings OF FIRM STABLE MATERIAL&SHALL ° �° (I 1 ai all c nneciions. 16" PRONDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDISTURBED EARTH Ill,'-"— 0 NOTES: THROUGHOUT LENGTH OF PIPE. I` 1)SERNCE SADDLES SHALL BE USED ON ALL WATER LINES FROG LEVEL RD THRUST BLOCKS III �II —I CONNECTION TO MAIN 4"AND SMALLER IN DIAMETER. 2)SERVICE SADDLES SHALL ALSO BE USED ON 6'AND LARGER TH 2uS0UARE OPER�ING SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK PVC WATER MAINS WHICH DO NOT MEET E REQUIREMENTS CRUSHED ROCK NUT OF AWWA C-900.CLASS 150. (SPECIFY SIZE OF INLET 3)MINIMUM COVER OVER SERVICE LINES SHALL BE 24" or 3"MJ&4"MJ) 4)ALL LONG SERVICES SHOULD BE PRONDED WITH A PVC SLEEVE UNDER T1E ROADWAY FOR MAINTENANCE. WATER PIPE TRENCH DETAIL ® TYPICAL 1" WATER SERVICE e (OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION � NO. 2 ECLIPSE POST FLUSHING HYDRANT 41 ENTRANCE DETAIL l I J.\t, XARO< '. 0%Q FSS/0.v l,9', _ #PE36845 =za sa, '5'../YCIREF-Ro"p*,: Roadway Width Varies 2 Max. RICHARD A.BROWN,P.E. 0 0 z uox. REVISIONS F1N15HE°GRP°E "" ® ® ® BY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION aAHEXCEEPaveO HB MJ 45'BEND 4'Min.— AL SRS 1 5/8/24 PC COMMENTS �J 4S BEND (DIP) Profile Grade BEFORE FRE ON) (TOLLCONEE TREE) (OIP)DIP A—STORM L,L L bM1,lvMIL F N 4�• OOeE�,M'mb ,cl SEWER �((�VV///// ` gli uSELECT BACKEILL COMP.'. 1 JOINT 1 JOINT DIP •��� �6" •�j�DIPDIP �•�� � ., }��•%�� �• O Dellineator post 2'-C min.embedment tTO 97.MODIFIED ED EQUIPMENT •CPI^\�/'•,i, \, ••\ •\ �� HAND 24"MIN. • El ON, OPERATED 24" (oRiT s�H[nwiP451 T 2,MIN. DIP NO1E- ♦•�\•\\•\•ief,"0#04 '/ 'WI _4 T.DIA TRENCH BOTTOM sHALL CONSIST �I� �I� RESTRAINT W1TH GRIP RINGS 'v OF FIRM,STABLE MATERIAL ALL W II y yk CONC.BLOCKING MJ 45 BEND DIP ,�•ii1..t�T:I� Approach View (DIP) REQUIRED. THRDUGHOVT LENGTH OFPIPE. \ gQ 0 EreeYecpleecy Veil'glneerB) 0 11. .neatdeAmett2 6 CONSTRUCTION PLANS NOTE: DETAIL SHEET 1. 1.PIPE LENGTHS SHALL BE AS REQUIRED TO 6'#5 WASHED STONE. 2'0" CONSTRUCT CROSSING.ALL INTERNAL JOINTS — TO BE RESTRIAED. : ... General Notes0 AMBROSE BAY CLASS A RIPRAP ,xy�.' jihy, Th. a closure layout is intended for O WATER PIPE TRENCH DETAIL •. ;!�� dead-end streets In man or other residential Q •, • f•~.V:•° 24" areas.ink fencel Pegiare closure,such as o O 0 DR AREA TO BE PAWED, S WA L E DETAIL • FLOW .: .�' •,:.: hairs-oink fence ar mrdrail,should be crosidered ® WATER MAIN & STORM DRAIN ..,'s:'r.' ' is .!• . �1:t;y,. is uapplemem thes<uymMam wnen a canmtian r -.. such as a natural stream or deep excavation exsts. Q Q O WINTERVILLE TOWNSHIP PITY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA CROSSING DETAIL ® ee MurcD Chapter 3c for aemas or Tea Ten«md:ea buttons on a black or red background sign 0 OWNER GRIMES BUILT CONSTRUCTION,LLC PERMANENT BARRICADE 0 ADDRESS: C/O CHAD GRIMES ROCK CHECK DAM e 1202A EAST FIRETOWER ROAD PERMANENT BARRICADE DETAIL 411111 PHONE' (2 2)17-1418-141,NC 27858 DESIGNED: RAB DATE: 03/01/2024 PROJECT NO.: STROUD ENGINEERING,P.A. DRAWN: SRS SCALE:NTS 107-B DRAWING NO.: G EENVIILLE,NC COMMERCE STREET 27858 APPROVED: RAB (252)756-9352 LICENSE NO.C-0647 SHEET, OF 4