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GW1--03399_Well Construction - GW1_20240610
WE L CONSTRUCTION CORD GW-1 For Internal Use I.Well Contractor Information: try, — Print Form David L. Hard , Jr. Weil Cat�etar Name ta.wA raR ZONES - 2906-A •oht To _ le � � D=fir„ Wallail Contractor Cenificatioa Number e • df Aqua Drill, Inc, is.o -R CASINO ,.,. iaont TO OR REATERME Co>rFanyBlamDIAMETER-- � --��.' 2.Well Construction 0 Permitq: E: MICA Wrinnall — DVIYER CASING OR TUBING thermal-:_ ,uYriretion permits Le.U/C,County.Slate Hance. / 3.Well Use(check well use): 41. — R +T� Water Supply Well: - is a Agricultural t©© °MwieiPa►1Public 6ROht ©R !Err �Vn- VI Creathermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply tZ _ •1 MATERIAL 1.1113111161 I industria!/Commercial PFy(single) inirso _ Residential Water Supply(shared) __ •Wile lion IL GRO Non-Water Supply Well: Mom , Monitoring ��c!k i-• — I.Recovery � �erG`j r7 .,:., t Injection Well: Wfirepurgaztra il 1'Aquifer Recharge _ gtlifer Storage and Recovery OGraundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier F199. y© efa, able i Aquifer Test QSMnnwater Drainage e ©© MATERIAL —_ a Experimental Technology °Subsidence Control 1i Geothermal(Closed Loop) 111111111111111111111 Geothermal OTtacsr (Heating/Cooling Return) •that(,.lain under#2i 20.DRILLING LOG mach>�t oed bane ie -�_, Remarks) F"11.111. a .:, , Ni2-mr -. wnhod[.,_ .. - 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1 l/elf>Dfe � � Se.Well Location: '�/I L�`i* Facility ME 3 r- svrmrNoma FncBity iDk Cif h ' - < .... app cabin) •- P �t /� ,y STD aiiiaingii ? 'r \ c'~'� h$Sllal Address Ciry,and Zip /l r / •.....`/tr t 27/e‘ ©�I i..cc.w.y.A__ ._...... ...__ 21.REMARKSi ) .1: Parcel identification No.(PIN) - "-e-ed ellifhe LlRit Sb.Latitude and longitude in (if well field,one latllong is sufficient) or decimal degrees: r 1:, L:i/ ' Nei 371 ''/ w 22 ,caho, 6.Is(are)the weil(s)Cipermanent or ++��..��,, �J i i �Po�y Si,. . : ofCernfied Well C.,..7 or --- 7.Is this a repair M an existing well: ®Yes or No By signing this ant,I he , . with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NNCAr C 02C.0M0rat the IWe l Co was wl rzem statztucted In accordance that If this is a repair,fill ow brown wolf construction!nforme:ten and explain the nitre of the cap,afrhis record Ito,bean provided to the well owmir. repair under 021 remark*section or on the back ojrhls form. N�tO7' a and that a 23.Site e.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back oft is or additional well details: construction,only 1 GW-t is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells page to additional additional i fn site details or well drilled: construction details. You may also attach additional pages&necessary- 9.Total well depth SU mom_I,IIVSTRUCTIONS P below land surface: ` (ft) Far madple wells/tit all depths if-different(emmple-3 200•and 2Qa 100') �a For Wells Submit this form Within 30 construction to the following: days of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of casing:�,.,�'' !10. ta tol is above casing ran (R•) Division of Water Resources,information Process 11.Borehole diameter. �,) 1617 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 617 24b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12 Well construction method i,/^ 4 . above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i.e.cum to •=Me.direct pueb.eta.) construction to the fallowing FOR WATER SUPPLY WENS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24e.For Water Sunnty Sr Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to of Disinfection /r / the addresses) above, also submit one cosy of this form within 30 type 7 e Amount: ft completion of well construction to the coup health days county where constructed. �' department of the county Revised 2-22-2016 l North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality-Division of Water Resources