HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241707_Site Plan or Location Map_20240607 MANNS CHAPEL \ RD \ SCOTT LAWRWNCE& I .� MICHAEL&RITA TYRRELL \ ROBIN PIN:9765-00--�RAC 9LIN '' \ I PIN:9765-01-17-1238 </9��L ' D.B.A,PG.82 \\ D.B.1866,PG.388 `' EVANDER WAY S 00°03'34"E \�� S 00°03'34"E 146.87' 194.80' B.M.2022,PG.201-204 o o EX.20'VOLUNTARY I UNDISTURBED BUFFER .71 L/_• _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _L . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _1. _1 I r 1 I \ I I \ • 1 LOCATION MAP \ 1 `\ REPAIR I I w 1" = 1000' \\ p \ SITE DATA `\\ SEPTIC I CLIENT ICG HOMES,LLCI \ AREA I 1 SITE ADDRESS 128 EVANDER WAY I / I_ PIN 9765-00-07-8057 Z I / �/ 12 PLAT REFERENCE B.M.2022,PG.201-204,LOT 45 o I / 1 N / LOT 45 / / NNP BRIAR CHAPEL LLC LOT SIZE 1.93 ACRES(84,135 S.F.) I / / o, LOT46 - I 84,135 S.F. / / PIN:9765-00-06-9658 / / I o P.B.2016,PG.170 1.93 AC. / INITIAL I 28 Z IMPERVIOUS AREAS(S.F.) BUILDING SETBACKS N I °s���s� GRILLING / /I LEGEND HOUSE 3921 FRONT 35' I 04'F<c . DECK / 0 Ex.property corner CONCRETE 2148 REAR 15' •s> ,\a 2 �\\ / I • Set property corner 0 Calculated point TOTAL 6069 SIDE 15' I �1h y.� �\ /) I' \ �/ I 6 Water Meter PROPOSED ,°'°' \�� �� 8 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout �Q 2. HOUSE ^ SURVEY NOTES: I 50.2' 4 © Power Pedestal �8, 66> \ �� I ❑T Telephone Pedestal 1. All easements, right-of-way's, buffers, setbacks and adjoiners, I 4>> 677) /Nt, �4 v I © Cable Pedestal etc.,referenced from Book of Maps 2022,Pages 201-204 unless ^ \ G `\' I © Gas Meter otherwise noted. I �<;, �S' ® AC Condenser ^� I B.M. Book of Maps 2. Surveyor has made no investigation or independent search for I h� 10 co. I D.B. Deed Book easements of record, encumbrances, restrictive covenants, SO- n) PG. Page ownership title evidence or any other facts that an accurate and '1, 70 00 S.F. Square Feet current title search may disclose. I 80'2 AC. Acres I PROP. —x— Fence 3. Contours referenced from Chatham County GIS. _IN_S— Water pipe d CONC. —ss— Sanitary sewer pipe I] 5� DRIVE — —SD— Storm drain pipe • ''''"0 —ou— Overhead utility �� N • EDGE OF . ��- \\\\\\\\IIII I I IIIIIl/l////// •• PAVEMENT\___ CX —— ' \\\\�\ �N°C!�/�Q</i �/ p ���1'57"W 286.50' =OQ,°oESS/0*°°�.� / ... -��� N10 / °°Q SEAL ` ° l 7 EVANDER WAY ��0 ��— LOT44 SHEET INDEX: o L-3841 j 60'PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY v°°°94, k� ° - I : t(` °°°'. SUR`IF'°°'O� C-01 SITE PLAN CURVE TABLE C-02 EROSION CONTROL PLAN ii,„ r llln\Py\� \\ ��e 7-a �� • ' CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING D 03 D 06 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1 Cl 55.00' 76.53' 70.50' N 39°26'22"E T TAYLOR LOT DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVISIONS DATE:03/26/2024 JOB#:21006 I4 LAND CONSULTANTS, PLLC SHEET SIZE: 11x17 C_01 Nms, License#P-0829 LOT 45- RYAN'S CROSSING - PHASE 2 1600 Olive Chapel Rd.,#140 BALDWIN TOWNSHIP -� SITE PLAN Apex, NC 27502 (919)801-1104 CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1" =40 \ SCOTT LAWRWNCE& CHATHAM COUNTY SAMPLE RESIDENTIAL MICHAEL&RITA TYRRELL \ ROBIN BRENDA FRANKLIN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE PIN:9765-01-17-1238 \ PIN:9765-00-17-1079 � D.B.A,PG.82 \ D.B.1866,PG.388 I 1. Submit a Land Disturbing Permit Application at least 30 days prior to any land \ disturbing activity occurring. 2. Organize pre-construction meeting with Chatham County Watershed - Q -- -- -- -- -- _ -- _ -- -- -- - - Protection Department to review site plan prior to land disturbing activities. I — _ B.M.2022,PG.201-204 Land-Disturbing Permit and Approved Plans will be provided at this meeting. — EX.20'VOLUNTARY I — UNDISTURBED BUFFER 3. Install all temporary erosion control measures according to the information \ discussed during the pre-construction meeting. Minimal clearing may occur - • — • — • — • — • — • — — • — • — • • — 7 Ain the immediate area of all measures to provide for installation. --- 4. Permitted land disturbing activities may begin once measures are installed. _ ___ \ `r N � - 5. Complete self-inspections weekly and within 24 hours or a 0.5" or greater I _---- .\ I rainfall event. --1= �' -510, 6. Maintain all erosion and sediment control measures in good working order. II \� I \ Silt fence, inlet protection and other similar measures must be cleaned out -_ \ when they are half full.Clogged silt fence outlets must be refreshed/replaced. - \ \� I REPAIR \ y. Silt fence cannot have holes or tears. ----L______ _ _ ___-- I 1 • ` I 7. Ground cover shall beprovided as follows: I \\ I SEPTIC \ j a. Stabilize basins with ground cover immediately after installation. (If I \I \ AREA 1 applicable) \ ..,, \ I 1 ) / b. Stabilize diversion ditches intended to be in service for (14) days or tC�-�=L�_--N--�$�) I LD—L� more with temporary seeding and erosion control matting.(If applicable) — — — — — — — — — — — LD,\LD LD—LD—LD—LD o 7 \ /j c. For all areas of moderate and/or steep slopes, stabilize area with seed 0 cP / \ / �I and matting if the slope has not been disturbed for a period of(7)days. _ �CSF1� j \I / d. Provide ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion on any portion of the gQ��D N / / / NNP BRIAR CHAPEL LLC site upon which further land-disturbing activity is not being undertaken I \ LOT 45 \ / / o within(14)calendar days of temporarily or permanentlysuspending landSF��D 84,135 S.F. / / PIN:9765-00-06-9658 Y P Y P 9 LOT46 I \ / disturbing activity. ---____ �tD� \ 1.93Ac. \j / I IN:97616,PG.170 e. Establish permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion o k\ \ \ / INITIAL / of immediately following completion of construction or development and/or - ,i� \ \ . \ y I JI prior to final inspection. - -, `O / \\ \ \\ C\ 9. Re-install adequate erosion and sediment control measures and/or increase I ' / \ \ \ �� / o maintenance frequency where approved measures fail to prevent accelerated /// \ \�\ / 5I erosion,off-site sedimentation,or repetitive non-compliance issues. \ S�Q --_[ v \ N v �� 10.Measures must be installed at the back of curb to restrict all vehicle access toN the construction entrance.All measures must be installed according to the I `\ I \ \\ \\ N ` I \ \\\� /�i o '/ approved plan unless approved in the field by Chatham County Watershed I \ \ \ \ N \ j \ \ i� ' Protection Department staff(approved Field Revision). o `\ \ \ \ I \ �� /� 11.Modifications to the approved and permitted plans shall be approved, by I \ "' \\ S/iNi`k. \oI \ vSFit D�Chatham County Watershed Protection Department staff only, prior to \ \ o SFIID I removal or installation. Contact Chatham County Watershed Protection I \ SFI�D� Department staff to request an inspection and obtain a sign-off on the plans NI oN. \ I SFILD N' or an approved Field Revision. Nc \\ \\ \ `\ gFILD-�SFILD� ` 7 12.Once grading and construction activities are complete,temporary measures N\ SFILD I / are removed, and the site is stabilized call Chatham County Watershed ALL BURIED POWER,PHONE, I CONCRETE \ 13.POnceti?�eDiinlalon taff to csedule the lnal the pection. TELECOM AND OTHER permitwill be closed and no SHALL BE LOCATEDWITHINTIES I WASHOUT 496 \\ ����`` inspectioncompleteP additional ground disturbing activities can occur. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 6, \ -- I N _�O p \ ��\ I O \ \ I _—---s� r\ . \ N v v, \ \ I v N -- N • EDGE OFL, '=490,G,41071-, �FI�D \•r O\\ \ — - EROSION CONTROL LEGEND PAVEMENT __ \ �� — —330— — EXISTING CONTOURS •/ ' // � © , �� SFI�D/ \ �--�'__ I \ LD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE �// \1; ,0 ` -' SFI`D/S• _,� - \ SF/LD SILT FENCE/LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE %/ EVANDER WAY `® '0,-- - \\ LOT44 NOTES::h SILT FENCE OUTLET I 60'PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY — — J I LOT GRADES WILL CONFORM TO I 12'X50'TEMPORARY I EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY. • CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / • TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 41.825 S.F. \ / LOT DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVISIONS DATE:03/26/2024 r TAYLOR JOB#:21006 c-02 LAND CONSULTANTS, PLLC SHEET SIZE: 11x17 License#P-0829 LOT 45 - RYAN S CROSSING - PHASE 2 EROSION 1600 Olive Chapel Rd.,#140 BALDWIN TOWNSHIP ° 20 40 I CONTROL PLAN Apex,NC 27502 (919)801-1104 CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: I' =40 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. STRUCTURE WITH LINER Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. i y, " e �76ITYPJ - activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling �� or: �..� r 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the , _ j, i,i� sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The Ti g m ...",. j, r a project. 11 •, t tk"; permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the ' ..1' w � !' ,..'! y delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet 4. Collect all spent fluids,store in separate containers and properly dispose as fi•-•i•zIll -1I� v.m may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. hazardous waste(recycle when possible). • �� 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem T@ A-a _ o. mom .°°." SECTION E:GROUND STABILIZATION has been corrected. 1' I �` -m �"m' �,� - 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products I I Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes EL. -•"• EL. - to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. •..m m-a m.•.- Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations BELOW GRAB MilIT STROCT Ier near neA 4 nT STe¢n,RF days after ceasing LITTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS swales,ditches,and 7 None receptacle)on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local (b) HighWater waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. and state solid waste Qualityregulations and at an 7 Noneapproved facility. (HQW)Zones 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in If slopesare 10'or less in length and are from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within (c) Slopes steeper thang 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1,14 days are 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. allowed provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements,where applicable. If an -7 days for slopes greater than 50'in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if review and approval. If local standard details are not available,use one of the two -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk Zones 9. On business days,clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE be pumped out and removed from project. ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW Zones 1. Do not dump6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it e Areas with slopes p paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 1 1 P can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface install protection of storm drain inlet(s)closest to the washout which could receive there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spills or overflow. Note:After the permanent cessation of construction activities,any areas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. - limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. PORTABLE TOILETS 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events. Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary techniques in the table below: offset is not attainable,provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place products,follow manufacturer's instructions. Temporary Stabilization , Permanent Stabilization on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10. At the completion of the concrete work,remove remaining leavings and dispose of •Temporary grass seed covered with straw or •Permanent grass seed covered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit,if applicable,and stabilize any disturbance other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers foot traffic areas. caused by removal of washout. •Hydroseeding •Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. •Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace without temporary grass seed •Hydroseeding with properly operating unit. •Appropriately applied straw or other mulch •Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES •Plastic sheeting with mulch 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label •Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT restrictions. sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the •Structural methods such as concrete,asphalt or 50 feet away from storm drain inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls label,which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps in case of retaining walls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably •Rolled erosion control products with grass seed available. accidental poisoning. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of 3. Do not store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticidesintowells, in areas where flooding is POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile. possible or where they may spillr or eak into imm stormwater drains,ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs,clean area immediately. 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. construction,selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance - 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover t 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 'A t ` NORTH CAROLI NA 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. i or surrounded by secondary containment structures. 1: 'Environmental Quality NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 LTAYLOR CHATHAM COUNTY STANDARD EROSION �� LAND CONSULTANTS.PLLC DETAILS License#P-0829 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1600 Olive Chapel Rd.,#140 D-03 Apex,NC 27502 (919)801-1104 PART III PART III PART III SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING NIMES Stormwetergadwrpe Permitter censwnm°Adenas(Nceot) NCDENMOvision of Water duality SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTION B:RECORDKEEPING SECTION C:REPORTING NEW STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES Self-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.E&SC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrences that Must be Reported (Effective Aug.3.a011) below.When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site.The Permittees shall report the following occurrences: personnel to be in jeopardy,the inspection maybe delayed until the next business day on approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition,when a storm event of equal to or P SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be kept on site and available for greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-inspection shall be inspection at all times during normal business hours. performed upon the commencement of the next business day.Any time when inspections (b) Oil spills if: ❑ Perimeter dikes,swales,ditches,slopes 7 days None were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Item to Document Documentation RequirementsI • They are 25 gallons or more, Frequency (a)Each E&SC measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC measure on a copy • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, 4,4 High Quality Water(HOW)Zones 7 days None Inspect (during normal inspection records must include: and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or complete,date business hours) locations,dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each • They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or (1)Rain gauge Daily Daily rainfall amounts. shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved E&SC • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). maintained in If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or plan.This documentation is required upon the If slopes are le'or less in length and are good working holiday periods, and no individual-day rainfall information Is Slopes steeper than 3:1 7days order vailable,record the cumulative rain measurement for those tin- Initial installation of the E&SC measures or if not steeper than 7:1,14 days are allowed. attended days(ant this will determine if a she inspection is the E&SC measures are modified after initial (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as installation. of the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA The permlRee may use another rain-monitorMg device (Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.S.143-215.85. Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50'in length. approved by the Div'Bion. (b)A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC (2)E&SC At least once per 1. Identification of the measures Inspected, plan or complete,date and sign an inspection Measures 7calendar days 2. Date and time of the Inspection, report to indicate completion of the (d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. All other areas with slopes natter than 4:1 14 days None,except for perimeters and HOW Zones. and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the Inspection, construction phase. hours of a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating C Ground is locatedand installed Initialand event.l.O Inch in properly, () coverdate a copy of the approved E&SC 24 hours 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, In accordance with the approved E&SC plan or complete,date and sign an inspection (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the _6. Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken. plan. report to indicate compliance with approved environment. (3)Stormwater At least once per 1. Identification of the discharge curtails inspected, ground cover specifications. discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, outfalls(SDCs) and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, (d) The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an inspection report. 2.Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements hours of a rain 4. Evidence of indicators of stormwater pollution such as oil requirements for all E&SC measures event.1.0 inch in sheen,floating or suspended solids or discoloration, _have been performed. After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact 24 hours 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the site, (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the 6. Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken. other requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be (4)Perimeter of At least once per If visible sedimentation Is found outside site limits,then a record to E&SC measures. plan or complete,date and sign an inspection site 7 calendar days of the following shall be made: report to indicate the completion of the reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at(800) and within 24 1.Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left corrective action. 858-0368. hours of a rain the site limits, event.1.0 inch In 2.Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken,and 2.Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site Occurrence Reporting Timeframes(After Discovery)and Other Requirements 24 hours 3.An explanation as to the actions taken to control future In addition to the E&SC plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the (a)Visible sediment • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. releases. site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours,unless the deposition in a • Within 7 calendar days,a report that contains a description of the (5)Streams or At least once per If the stream or wetland has Increased visible sedimentation or a Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. wetlands onsite 7calendar days stream has visible increased turbidity from the construction .,,..^-,. .•,-. or offsite and within 24 activity,then a record of the following shall be made: this requirement not practical: Division staff may waive the requirement fora written report on a `''-v xa°go cow»r�... r (where hours of a rain 1. Description,evidence and date of corrective actions taken,and case-by-case basis. ,,_.. •ADDITIONAL SODDING accessible) event.1.0 inch in 2.Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division (a)a) after it is received.This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage, • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d)list as impaired for sediment- ,,,,, ,,„ sum v,.o�s� o� >w a INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND 24 hours Regional Office per Part III,Section C,item(2)0)of this permit. related causes,the permittee may be required to perform additional °^°A" THE EEC DEQ DE"SODDING"OF 6 Ground After each hale 1.The h f d (Installationf t E&SC THENCDIM NEMLREROSION () p pas o grading a perimeter monitoring,Inspections or apply more stringent practices If staff nr"e _ .°'" AND PLANNING AND CONTROL stabilization of grading s,dearirg and grubbing,installation of storm (b) Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months.The permittee shall n"n�++ °j .naaim,,,,m AND DESIGN MANUAL. measures drainage facilities,completion of all land-disturbing record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance µ Amen with the federal or state impaired-waters conditions. activity,construction or redevelopment,permanent Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of (b)oil spills and . within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification.The notification iybd'"'"' ° """ ,�r..�°,.." rraee.","""..e.. ground cover). electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if `°"'.- en-'•""^^ °,,,,„,„ u,,,"m„ 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization release of shall include information about the date,time,nature,volume and es have been provided within me required shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. hazardous location of the s III or release. ""'"°'"" "°""""""" ° E, prov quit P t meframe or an assurance that they will be provided as substances per Item s`""""""n soon as possmie. 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years ro.. a .EEra0. , All data used to complete the a-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period 1(b)-(c)above r„m,,,°,,,",,,a„ ,�. ,'....`,.,".°.n,.....",°°„- NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. i of three years after project completion and made available upon request[40 CFR 122.41] Anticipated • A reportat/easttendaysbeJoI the date ao ant c bypass,yposslhie. - _ bypasses[40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and '1 r.� 17 I .-.ill 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. m `. 1 i l oral 24 h Wit hin (d)Unanticipated • ours,an or electronic notificaton. PART II,SECTION G,ITEM(4) i 0 n L-_J bypasses[4.0)(3 CFR • Within 7 d effect of the a report that includes an evaluation of the DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect ofthe bypass. (e)Noncompliance • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notiif cation. _ ,: ""'"' """"°"'"" Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down with the conditions a Within 7calendar days,a report that contains a description of the - -_. "'^" for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible.The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare(for example,times with extended cold weather). of this permit that noncompliance,and its causes;the period of noncompliance, ,, - q-�-.: Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: may endanger including exact dates and times,and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected,the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to cxaaesscoovn I environment[40 continue;and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and "°"""`""°""" (a) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur.The non-surface withdrawal _� CFR 122.410)(7)1 prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance.[40 CFR 122.41(1)(6). SODDING INSTRUCTIONS shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a -"'0" "0'0"'"'' SHEET"ri (b) The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III,Section C,Item(2)(c)and(d)of this permit, case-by-case basis. (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include properly sited,designed and maintained dewatering tanks,weir tanks,and filtration systems, (d) Vegetated,upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above, W^ ° `fo (e) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams,sediment traps,and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices,and �; f' NORTH CAROLINA (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. 't Environmental Quality NCGO1 SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 LTAYLOR CHATHAM COUNTY STANDARD EROSION LAND CONSULTANTS.PLLC DETAILS License#P-0829 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1600 Olive Chapel Rd.,#140 D-04 Apex,NC 27502 (919)801-1104 VARIABLEP RIM ENENTSPOR EROSION DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEERSTEEL Parr FILTER WASHED ��7.s is iiy:.EVAv '�E ( 002000�Ao.m MF�suxro cxra z000M M "",r t ,xn,um.nxxa,r,:. e Species Rate(lb/acre)Dates SILT FENCE FABRIC TO oWR M N MUM I O wucE • ailtiggiitiM '`.°• STEEP CUT OR DLL SLOPE Rye din 120 an 1-May I ',E=Es II\✓A4W iiiii .4iiiii�.♦♦ii u.x MUM'A'AU' "',, +ro t.. - .. Y ) January Y E✓ ::>+ti iti +o♦ a�.�,✓F :;♦ �/ NTERMEDATE wREs STEEL FENCE POST "''�'"'�s'. '. '`." -.." (M SLOPE Annual lespedeza(Kobe) 50 rwHENHALPHELOHr [R.I,•'• >>di�'','::',°s'�.♦r:'t; jv� `O�rti 1>a°• ak??. E "R``m" ON FENCE»,RE FENCE ON a7RE PENCE STEEL FENCE POST German millet 40 May 1-August 15 MAINTENANCE NOTES: BRIO HARDWARE CLOT REMOVE SEDIM N RAD OF SILT FENCE. iP1i•-A M-I MPT=ii=TP11 rt 11 7-iNii lyi-f l-rt M -- HARDWARE CLOTH CROSS SECTION A-A NIL STABILIZE DIVERSION DITCH vnTo TEMPORARY 2.REPAIR OR _ _ _- PLAN MEW x�: Rye(grain) 120 August 15-December 31 IMMEDIATELYREPLACE ET Cs ROLES FILTERe ,w`sx'00 20 1 WHEN SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL MArnNe FRONT VIEW y III A A REPAIR r N FAILURES. R snccINc.cou DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED DEFICIENCEsmLIND ACRE AND THERE S A LOW AREA. USE sTHE DEMON MATEL OF A Y6 MONTHSur wEs. SILT FENCE MUST BE " ' GRADE s v m SILT FENCE UPSLOPE TOE O Soil Amendments DETER IS APPROXIMATELYMONTHS srEn FmcE Posr EET REPLACED. - ... .-„OW POSITIVE GRADE 1.0X MAXIMUM Follow recommendanons of soil tests or apply 2000 l6 acre and cultural REFIacEo =��- - _ APARf WIRE FENCE PPY / ago ACRE PER 100 LINEAR,.OF FENCE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF SILT FENCE FABRIC SIDE VIEW 1 B MAx vUM z FEET -- // // limestone and 75016/acre 10.10-10 fertilizer. D vn I I 1 Mulch GENERAL pores: WOVEN FIRE FABRIC I.use SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN ORAL NO AREA DOES NOT EXCEED ILL HAS - TOP RIM Apply 4,00016/ee w.Anchor w by tacking with asphalt,netting,o mulch CONCENTRATED Fwwsucxas STREAMS,DDcxFs.oawwrMLways. " "" zNevBR INSTALL SILT eexceINwETLwNos UNLESS APPROVAL xs •11,V .10 ,. € NLi FENCE ,:: iA.,':•+'SSA.4d:.+.>`�; :: sDESLOPEs k TOP RIM OF DITCH BEEN RmErvEDroDom moMaermNUATEAc 00 4 MAINTENANCE nines FAeR c a E.r IMA%MUMI uM anchonng tool.A diM with blades set nearlystraight can be used as a mulch anchoring I CURL OVERLAP WOOF s 1VHENENCE UPHILL IN FABRIC. HALF HEIGHT OSEDF WHEN - \\\\\\\\` \\ z DRLBA HExDaFFENGE UPHILL INw^I PATTERNmPREVENTEND qe x LFxFIGxTGFEroNE \ \\ r tool BECOMESSTONELODGE ��\ � Maintenance s�rWcxoRINc or TOE oF FENCE SHOULD BE aEExFoacsD WITH Lx REmrSH THAT WITH 1 w, INCHRS OF NCDOT DS OR."WASH STONE WHEN FLOW WILL RUN SEMMENrmmus STEEP cur OR ALL SLOPEI ♦ ♦ ♦ S. ♦ ♦ ♦, ♦ ♦ '. PARALLEL TO REPAIR OR a COMPACTED FILL AND HARDWARE CLOTHIL ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Refemhze If growth Is not fully adequate.Reseed,refemlize and mulch immediately 6 FOR TBAveeauL OF SILT FENCE FAILURES,USE SILT FENCE OUTLET DETAIL q MINIMUM COVER OVER SKIRT TEL NOTE _ 'IA YA ♦ N. ♦ ♦ following erosion or other damage DERCIENCES is -la II wRENmwsullsrmrrE FOR SILT FENCE. SIDE VIEW ANCHOR SKIRT as DIRECTED BY ENGINEER ` FRONT VIEW THE ALA C FAea B IEAAS Nro n^,y + ♦ ♦A ` ♦PLAN VIEW ♦ ♦ ♦ ynyc oRm ou' CNATMAM VIM,rr Cx0Tx0M COUNTY CASATHAM Comm CHA0HAM Coxxrc STANDARD SILT FENCE ....... -- STANDARD SILT FENCE OUTLET .........2018.14 z STANDARD TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH �� - TEMPORARY SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS a.TMANaM..x ALL DISTURBED AREAS 2018.020 ssmosAD .11.74112.111 R OTRR m March 1-August 31 September 10-February 28 1.TEMPORARY SILT DITCH To BE USED WHERE TOE OF ALL SLOPES EXCEEDS 3 FEET IN VERTICAL xm =CAI ..�.,�°" 5D# Tall Fescue so. Tall Fescue SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE IF THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF SLOPE, HEIGHT AND ALONG STREAMS TO INTERCEPT FLOW AND/OR DIVERT TO A CONTROLLED OUTLET. " o='W T i-I woo Centipede 1Mf Centipede PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT. ANCHOR UPSLOPE OF THE BERM. 2.SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SILT DITCH IS ONE-HALF FULL :axwu r EQUIPMENT OR COVERED BY FILL o 0 0 �. 25W BemrnaagraSR(booed) 35W BermEaagraaR(DDh,ruea) MIN'2" '41614851 ANCHOR IN fi"X G"MIN.]BENCH 1 DITCH SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED WHEN DAMAGED a A _ - .- 500. Fertilizer sm. Fertilizer STAPLING PATTERN AS OVERLAP, u�®•- AND STAPLE AT I2"INTERVALS s000W Limestone ROW.Limestone PER MANUFACTURERS 0 REcoMMENLrrAloNs a �Hi- WASTE AND BORROW AREAS MIME �MIN.65OVERLAP. VARIES QI ' -eE "°.qR >_I I'— R� Marchl-Aug:ut 31 September 30-Febnuuy 28 �` F MINIMUM ^�^�•_^^ �� 7. Tall Fescue 15. Tall Fescue �� STAPLE OVERLAPS MAX 5"SPACING. ASTE MATER I I ,11 �� rx'.E A.or,e axon.wpo smaw xaos 2. Bem:udagrass(hulled) Bermudagrass(uDhuRed) 111. MULCH AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF ETCH I'W' ... sock Fertilizer soda Fertilizer COMPACT.SEED a 11T -- VI,\t�4 took Limestone a0o5 Limestone BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL 1 N� p�/� DO NOT STRETCH BLANKETS/MATTING AREA,TURN THE END UNDER 4"AND t1� �o.ea sxcuwix. TYPE BELOW GRADE " -A x q Note:50#of Baluagrass may be substlRood for tither Cennpede or Bermudagress only upw request TIGHT-ALLOW THE ROLLS TO CONFORM TO ANY STAPLE AT 12"INTERVALS. ..:.x,..,....dr IRREGULARITIES. '�b Mlry cigiNnornocct NOTES On cut and fill slopes21 or steeper Centipede hall be applied at the rare of 5 lb/acre and add 20#of _ F R 1 ACTUAL LAYOUT TO BE DETERMINED Iry THE FIELD. per pc e3 PLOACED IN HORIZONTAL SiTRIP ROLLS MAY BE LIME,FERTILIZE,AND SEED BEFOREINSTALLATION. I�III 1'II I�IIf'll I�IIII IIWIIIW II IIllmlll IIIW II IILLI - = IUD �P-�W Seneca Lesedeza from 1 December 3l PLANTING OF SHRUBS,TREES,ETC.SHOULD OCCUR WWWWW III - 2 A CONCRETE'WASHOUT SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED Fn II P January AFTER INSTALLATION. NWITHINOBTEO 31Y OF THE TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT. 3.MATERIALS USED TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARYFY Fertilizer shall be 10 20 20 analysis.A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL OR RECYCLED REMOVED FROMrxE _ ratio is maintained and the rate aapplication adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a MAINTENANCE NOTES: a.r tllo ES DEPRESSIONS OTHER GROUND I 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. 1)INSPECT MATTING WFFKT Y AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS.REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. L X 2)GOOD CONTACT WITH GROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED,AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH r aevuun.1-I- ruv. DISTURBANCE CONCRETE BY THEETSO REMOVAL OF THE n /D.M\ MATTING.REPAIR AND SECURE AS REQUIRED IF DAMAGED OR UNDERCUT. I'.A\� /\ TE WASHOUT SHALL BE D.LI)INSPPFTPFMNANENTSTABILaATION WEEKLY AND \ 3)MONII'OR AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY UNTIL GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED. \ J BACKFILLED,REPAIRS AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT w,,w,.,•„q w....,. W,1i1WPoarvwxa / yaooeornaenseuoa'roWM IS rma¢nynory N.�owai MAING,NANDS NOT, mT'ru�aou srSaeo.�znnon"vnelnm'Eornlnrviv relTuanne EROSION onmrRa oneuer.nRrAlwrve CXA'rxAM CouNtr CxArxnrA COUNTY CxATxuA COUNTr EROSION. CXArxnm Conxrc NsrrnansN xRMANI- rOING•OPNCI,1,FM].R PROMON M.uIUAL.1,Br RI,rrRrNom MR PUN...CONSIDERATIONS AND Rcmmarmamons. —Y` STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION(SLOPES) HBm,.�. STANDARD DIVERSION BERM ..SHEET x® STANDARD CONCRETE/PAINT WASHOUT - PERMANENT SEEDING/MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS A SHEET I of 1 SH E pAa MAINTANANGBNOTEB 1,INSPECT MATTING WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANT RAIN EVENTS REPAIR IRmmurELr ISOMETRIC TO O^uxMUM zI GOOD CONTACT WITH GROUND MUST Be MAINTAINED mP cuv Ms % VIEW RUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENI.ATx MATTING REP/U "" mRuwAUR —. sr SEDIMENT ON SITE :Pr �I m 11PSTwE ace are ONES NAIN REQUIRED IF DAMAGED OR g.:0A2V8::.- —.. — x VAR Es I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE 8MONITOR o REPAIR AS NECESSARY UNTIL S � PI/sTAKP aTIT IN'm.RVAIS. zwAsxm STONE ,�^ N:::, LGxr REND �•N+Y D ROUTINELY TO AVOID ROUNDCovu is cttABL.BED c $$.9 R£L'svl warnE MAINTAINED ...N YA' a c/Sf Nx nPATrERN As w F� ,::::: i� § :I:: - _ _ - LEAVING PG PAVE ti 1.w: '':,,,,,5:Lr•F:' Exsnxc saPt b ..hut owsLOPE-0 ` °pIWS $- ," _!:•`S.-r ;2. �A 2.SmIM1mNr ENTERING ROADWAYS •x.:;,.}7,•:.-�•�• •-Ll':i%'fiiiii•Ei;eiEc sPEUPLcnnoNs n Rw-RA —0 ' , unmxO � I - _. .:�, ALL BE REMOVED o,'iS.Y,7: .f flfflY .1 _ / LLLP :%€: Mr, ' win '•- rP- IMMEDIATELY. i 'e` da:.r.,•.t§7.5 sLLLL: wN1uNC„ON WITH s". •b f �%•w •1)).••.�•:.A•%••� - .48,881 44.458lf Y SIDE VIEW STABILIZATION LINER p MOM 4N4�y•.'�•=8OZ•'••e.'fL -- m ..TA..818=M. SIRE[ 1)USE .'- I EVER IS  •,: ::_::::••••a4,L R nr �,1 `1 11 1 11 R,U.21IN LEND WOODEN STAKES MTR A 2x,NOMINAL CROSS .: ..s..... -_Mt.tt.....x RI :ec.'..;e:::::;;;::::::.sLILLL,;. wA = -_ EXCELSIOR WATTLE. ALL •Ww:'0 B O•.•'Z�• �• w BEFORE Ns-rwnnon m -- - PLAN VIEW 4)WASH AROUND SECTION. Tnc(RA TO E SO FLOW Wu No • - = _ DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS OPPESESOR ASFAL DIRECTED. ...... �� v"am INSTALL E PLAN VIEW DISCHES AND ANYWHERE CORC0Nmurin RUNVBt is CONVEYED N'il•- �••�••••••••f' ACE MIN.a STAKES ON mum)a sCADCs oN ODOMETER s) U. Es AT AN ANGLE To WEDGE WATTLE TO GROUND DRAINAGE AREA xuR�cTH UPSLOPE e)xo BOTTOM. MADE of 005 x CH DIAMETER S1EEL SIRE IN CHANNELS.ROLL OUT STRIPS OF NETTING PARAllEL rxEttn Ra ROT FORM ED INTO A U-SHAPE NOT LESS THAN 12 INCHES IN IMOTH. }:: DIRECTION OF FLOW ANDOVER THE PROTECTIVE MULCH TOTED. 1 / O_LLJI I 7)INSTALL caxsmuc • t'):1 1t,' -= I Ti y STAID NB0001,Is SODAS Aar uuuuu ."-I-. ,_ _ -I FOES aF wU.IB AnD Ar IROR ANY taus BETWEEN msnxc aonnwxr 1� 70-o MINIMUM m 1�II\.�.�ay([ ,/••tL =.K.�'i— - 'FRONT VIEW sT� pAxo au+eoPI:OUALELsvAnary .11314V-DITCHI SECTION VIEW xcsar wAiTLc"AND mDDND REAR MAmxG. ICI III HTARDCCIGiIN ( ♦��� .T"z w 1 STAKES ON a oRwsaPE l -^ s.,. `RLTm, ,,,-nxE 1Y inch L.THE DISTANCE THAT POINTS �u r u�li } T; \ A edell JOINS SBYANCHORING B(I( n>= °� 7�Ko=a-11 N; Ill v � j TANG smismels AND ANCHORED IN nrRENcxnsSHOWN ABuvE.APPLY MATTING TO BOTTOM...)SIDESLOPES OF DITCH NDDYERLAPFwG ( u�(I(--'1u�rn(_pl ,n�nl ° " e, �;�°< }- T, LSTAPLESIt yI�BRITwlail LNI_uLn=lip Ii - 4STAPI F INSTAL LMENT STAKE IN STAI SENT CROSS SECTION PROFILE VIEW TRAPEZOIDAL DITCHmNO SFINSTACTI S. CROSS SECTION cL. ‹ J SECTION VIEW CHAT., COTINTv CNATxAMGOUNTY CH911-MR:MT, cmTpmeowm' MUNTEw..CENOTE REMOE...1E.WHEN wur HECHI or WATTLE REPAIR AND usnu i::SPECVIunons ARUAENNEDIAILIN 1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MINI.200-00.3 �y STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION a.M.aa... STANDARD ROCK CHECK DAM ��wR—e STANDARD WATTLE 60,8 �x aw LTAYLOR EROSION LAND CONSULTANTS,PLLC CHATHAM COUNTY STANDARD DETAILS 1600 Olive Chapel Rd.,#140 License#P-0829 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS D-05 Apex,NC 27502 (919)801-1104