HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4240401_Supplement-EZ Form_20240605 5UPPLFk,IE,SIT - Eb FoR ►n SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMS LOADED PROJECT INFORMATION —. — — — _< 1 Project Name Whitehall Village South 2 Project Area(ac) 6.874 I. 3 Coastal Wetland Area(ac) 0 r—4 Surface Water Area ac 0 5 Is this ro'ect Hi h or Low Density? High 6 Does this project use an off-site SCM? No ~, COMPLIANCE WITH 02H.1003(4) 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided(feet) 0 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? N/A 9 If BUA is proposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H.1003(4)(c-d)? N/A 10 10 Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: - I 11 Infiltration System 0 12 Bioretention Cell 2 13 Wet Pond 0 I 14 Stormwater Wetland - 0 15 Permeable Pavement 0 I 16 Sand Filter 0 17 Rainwater Harvesting(RWH) 0 v� 18 Green Roof 0 19 Level Spreader-Filter Strip(LS-FS) 0 �! 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface(DIS) 0 ! 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry Pond d 23 StormFilter 0 I 24 Silva Cell _ 0 25 Bayfilter 0 126 Filterra 0 -A FORMS LOADED ,DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title: Charles P.Truby,Jr.PE PLS Presidentv___ 28 Organization: CPT Engineering and Surveying,Inc. 29 Street address: —__-4400 Tyning Street _ �a 30 City,State,Zip: High Point,NC,27265 __ 31 Phone number(s): ,(336)812-8800 x 304 chuckt@cptengineering.com � 32 Email: Certification Statement: I certify,under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision;that the information provided in the form is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete;and that the engineering plans,specifications, operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer 4„A. -r'rr w,4+' Car Jo. • � s to A �� •'F E S g,• /1. t, 40. ,, , y SEAL r: M M . 14984 Signature of Designer i( t. s ••.•� < • • a": ms e iv cJy �.� A_C f1, Cj M�ry A Seal Date DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high densi project? _ Yes — 7 j 2 If so, number of drainage areas/SCMs 2 3 Does this project have low density areas? No 4 If so, number of low density drainage areas 0 1 Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? i No FORMS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site_` jr:_-__ - 9 �r_ 2 - -- L B ._.. �,v-_-�.. o-c _�.. .� 4 Type of SCM Bio-cell �F Bio-cell � Bio-cell5 Total drainage area (sq ft) if-��243936� 67953.6 175982.4 6 Onsite drainage area (sq ft) j 243936 67953.6 I 175982.4 7 Offsite drainage area (sq ft) 0 0 + 0 I 8 Total BUA in project(sq ft) 144184 sf 40511 sf 1 103673 sf ! New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to permitting) y 9 (sq ft) L sf sf I _ sf New BUA not on subdivided lots (subject to ! l 10 permitting) (sf) i _ sf sf sf 11 Offsite BUA(sq ft) ' sf I sf sf l ; 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lots: - Parking (sq ft) 470 sf 470 sf sf _ -Sidewalk(sq ft) 7805 sf 1704 sf . 6101 sf - Roof(sq ft) 83933 sf 23777 sf _ 60156 sf i - Roadway(sq ft) 35685 sf 9749 sf 1 2593E sf - Future(sq ft) sf �- sf sf V -Other, please specify in the comment box below I a (sq ft) j sf j sf ;: sf i New infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided ti ' 13 lots(sq ft) sf sf I sf 1 New infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 subdivided lots (sq ft) sf_ sf sf Existing BUA that will remain (not subject to H l 15 permitting)(sq ft) i sf sf sf 16 Existing BUA that is alread permitted s• ft ( sf sf sf 17 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq ft) sf sf ! sf 18 Percent BUA 59% L 60% ; 59% 19 Design storm (inches 1.0 in 1.0 in 1.0 in II 20 Design volume of SCM (cu ft) ! 3341 cf ! 8506 cf 21 Calculation method for design volume SCS SCSI SCS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 22 drainage area(s): BIORETENTION CELL 1 Drainage area number 1 -1 r_ 2 ' 2 Minimum required_treatment volume(cu ft),____ 3341 cf 8506 cf 'GENERAL MDC FROM 02H.1050 _ �3 3 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from a surces Yes Yes ll i 4 Is the SCM located away from contaminatedsoi s'at build out? Yes Yes ti 5 What are the side slopes of the SCM(H:V)? 3:1 ; 1:1 i 6 Does the SCM have retaining walls,gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? Yes 1 Yes Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion 1 7 ' (10-year storm)? Yes Yes 8 Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? Yesi' Yes j 9 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? Drawdown Orifice I:, Drawdown Orifice 10 If applicable,will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes ! Yes r 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC(8)? Yes 'F No _ 12 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC(9)? Yes Yes 13 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does(will?)the plat comply with General MDC(10)? N/A N/A 1 14 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC 11 ? Yes 9 P ( )• Yes 15 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC(12)? — Yes 1 Yes 1 16 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? _ _ Yes Yes I 17 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes �� Yes �� BIORETENTION CELL MDC FROM 02H.1052 1 18 SHWT elevation(fmsl) 973.00 i 969.80 19 Bottom of the bioretention cell(fmsl) 976.72 3 968.70 20 Ponding depth of the design storm(inches) 12 in 12 in 1 21 Surface area of the bioretention cell(square feet) 3459 sf i 8534 sf a 22 Design volume of SCM(Cu ft) 3341 cf 8506 cf • 23 Is the bioretention cell used for peak attenuation? Yes Yes 24 Depth of peak attenuation over planting surface(in) 25 in I 26 in -- 25 Height of peak attenuation outlet above the planting surface(in) 30 in 1 30 in, i 26 Infiltration rate of the in situ soil(inch/hour) NA i NA �i 27 Diameter of the underdrain pipes(if applicable) 6 in i 6 in f 1 28 Does the design include Internal Water Storage(IWS)? Yes '' Yes J 29 if so,elevation of the top of the IWS(fmsl) 979.5 _ ! 971.5 30 Elevation of the planting surface(fmsl) 981 T 973 -1' j What type of vegetation will be planted? (grass,trees/shrubs,other)? Grass Grass 1 32 Media depth(inches) 30 in t1 Y 30 in 33 Percentage of medium to coarse washed sand by volume 75-85% i 75-85% 1 34 Percentage of fines(silt and clay)by volume _ 8-15% 8-15% 35 Percentage of organic matter by volume 5-15% 5-15% 36 Type of organic material Pine Bark • Pine Bark 37 Phosphorus Index(P-Index)of media(unitless) 50 ' 50 _ J 38 Will compaction be avoided during construction? Yes Yes 39 Will cell be maintained to a one inch/hour standard? Yes Yes ' 40 Depth of mulch, if applicable(inches) — in in 41 Type of mulch,if applicable 0 0 42 How many clean out pipes are being installed? 5 10 43 Type of pretreatment that will be used: Rip-rap Forebay Rip-rap orebay 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION —_---,I _--.-_-- 44 Please use this space to provide any additional information about the bioretention cell(s): Proposed Bio-Cell#2 will require impermeable geo-membrane liner to top of 1i' sod(973.0) a i *retention 1= 12:15 PM 4/3/2024