HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089435_Fact Sheet_20240513NCDEQ / DWR / NPDES EXPEDITED FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL NPDES Permit NCO089435 Sara Bassett / Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit / sara.bassett(kdeq.nc.gov / May 2024 FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Contact/Facility Name Julius Patrick, MCRWASA Chairman Martin County Water Treatment Plant Mailing Address 1001 Park St. Williamston, NC 27892 Facility Physical Address Same as mailing Max, Monthly Avg Flow (MGD) 0.285 MGD Type of Waste Conventional; backwash from media filter and sedimentation basins Facility Class PC-1 County Martin Permit Status Renewal Regional Office WaRO STREAM CHARACTERISTICS Receiving Stream UT to Sweetwater Creek Stream Classification C Stream Segment 23-50 (Sweetwater Creek Outfall Lat. 35.848056 N 7Q 10 - Summer (cfs) 0 Outfall Long. 77.044167 W 7Q 10 - Winter (cfs) 0 Drainage basin Roanoke 30Q2 (cfs) 0 Subbasin 03-02-09 Average Flow (cfs) 0 HUC 0301010704 IWC (%) 100% 303(d) List No NOTES • In the facilities application (February 2022), they noted that "For the past few months this discharge has been recycling to our onsite raw water reservoir. This has working well so far, but we anticipate need to discharge again when warmer weather is upon us, and distribution demand picks up." Their last discharge was in 2021. Flow and parameter data has been utilized up to the application date rather than the most recent data as there isn't any from mid-2021 to present. • James Bennett, the contact listed on the application, no longer works for this facility. Julius Patrick, the MCRWASA Chairman, is the new designated contact. FACILITY SUMMARY The Martin County WTP utilizes conventional technology [coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration] with a design potable flow rate of 2 MGD that draws raw water from the Roanoke River. The maximum, monthly average wastewater discharge was 0.285 MGD in the last permit cycle. The discharge produced from the treatment plant is from media filter backwash and sedimentation basins. The existing treatment components at the water treatment plant are the following: • alum sludge decant from super pulsator clarifier • a 529,300-gallon sludge storage tank for gravity thickening and decanting • a 529,300-gallon filter backwash storage take for equalization, solids settling and decanting • de -chlorination Chemical usage consists of: Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal May 2024 - NPDES Permit NCO089435 - Page 1 • Alum/Aluminum sulfate [primary coagulant] • Sodium hypochlorite [disinfection] • Ammonium sulfate [secondary disinfection] • Sodium hydroxide [pH adjustment] • Polymer [flocculation] • Sodium permanganate [oxidizer/ precipitation] • Powdered activated carbon (PAC) [adsorption of organic for taste & odor] • Zinc orthophosphate [corrosion inhibitor] • Copper sulfate [biocide for controlling algae in holding basin] • Aluminum hydroxide • Calcium thiosulfate RENEWAL SUMMARY This renewal contains the following changes: • Section A. (3) has been updated regarding electronic submission of effluent data. Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). • Whole Effluent Testing has been updated to a pass/fail limit per the Division's current strategy for conventional water treatment plants. See section A. (1) and A. (2) • The Supplement to Cover Sheet has been updated with the with new max monthly average. • The facility grade has been added to Section A. (1). • The daily total residual chlorine limit in Section A. (1) has been changed to 17 µg/L as reflected in the IWC spread sheet. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 µg/L. COMPLIANCE HISTORY No compliance concerns in the last permit cycle; 2 NODs from 2021 and 2022. NCG59 GENERAL PERMIT ELIGIBILITY (FOR CONVENTIONAL & GREENSAND ONLY) The Martin County WTP is not eligible for the general permit because there is not enough data to make this determination. The facility needs a greater than 75% passing rate for twelve (12) quarters of active discharges and passing results for the most recent four (4) consecutive quarters. [See attached Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing below]. • Conclusion: Ineligible for NCG59 General Permit. WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY (WET) TESTING In accordance with current strategy, quarterly WET testing is required in this permit as Freshwater 7 day Chronic [TGP3B] Pass/Fail Limit with Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 90%. The facility passed all (10) tests from March 2019-June 2021. They have not discharged since, so there is not WET data past this last test. REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS A reasonable potential analysis (RPA) was performed for a discharger going to a freshwater stream. A flow (Qw) of 0.285 MGD was used based on the maximum, monthly average flow between February 2019 and October 2022. Based on this analysis, the following permitting actions are proposed for this permit: Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal May 2024 - NPDES Permit NCO089435 - Page 2 • Zinc — no reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards; maintaining quarterly monitoring • Copper — no reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards; maintaining quarterly monitoring COMMENTS ON DRAFT PERMIT Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal May 2024 - NPDES Permit NC0089435 - Page 3 IWC Calculations Facility: Martin County WTP Permit No.: NCO089435 Prepared By: Sara Bassett Enter Design Flow (MGD): 0.285 <= Permitted Flow if Different from Design Enter s7Q10 (cfs): 0 Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 0 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Ammonia (Summer) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/1) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) Design Permitted Design Permitted s7Q10 (CFS) 0 s7Q10 (CFS) 0 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.285 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.285 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.44175 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.44175 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 Upstream Bkgd (ug/1) 0 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 17 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.0 < 1 MGD Policy Applies Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) Design Permitted Design Permitted Fecal Coliform w7Q10 (CFS) 0 Monthly Average Limit: 200/100m1 #VALUE! DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.285 (If DF >331; Monitor) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.44175 (If DF<331; Limit) STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 Dilution Factor (DF) 1.00 #VALUE! Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.8 Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/I, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is > 35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed " By Policy dischargers < 1 MGD get limits no lower than 2 & 4 due to BAT • From 2B .0404(c) - Winter Limits can be no less stringent than 2 times the summer limits Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 Table 1. Project Information ❑ CHECK IF HQW OR ORW WQS Facility Name WWTP/WTP Class NPDES Permit Outfal I Flow, Qw (MGD) Receiving Stream HUC Number Stream Class Martin County WTP WTP, PC-1 NCO089435 001 0.285 UT to Sweetwater Creek C ❑ Apply WS Hardness WQC 7Q1Os (cfs) 7011Ow (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) QA (cfs) 1 Q10s (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JL Effluent Hardness --------------------------------- Upstream Hardness ------------ Combined Hardness Chronic Combined Hardness Acute 46.27 mg/L (Avg) 25 mg/L (Avg) ------------------ 46.27 mgL 46.27 m /L Data Source(s) ❑ CHECK TO APPLY MODEL REQUIRED DATA ENTRY Par01 Par02 Par03 Par04 Par05 Par06111111 Par07 Par08 Par09 Par10 Par11 Par12 Par13 Par14 Par15 Par16 Par17 Par18 Par19 Par20 Par21 Par22 Par23 Par24 Table 2. Parameters of Concern Name w4s Type Chronic Modifier Acute PQL Units Arsenic Aquactic Life C 150 FW 340 ug/L Arsenic Human Health Water Supply C 10 HH/WS N/A ug/L Beryllium Aquatic Life NC 6.5 FW 65 ug/L Cadmium Trout NC 1.5929 TR 3.4551 ug/L Chlorides Aquatic Life NC 230 FW Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds Water supply NC 1 A ug/L Total Phenolic Compounds Aquatic Life NC 300 A ug/L Chromium III Aquatic Life NC 194.9119 FW 1498.4064 ug/L Chromium VI Aquatic Life NC 11 FW 16 pg/L Chromium, Total Aquatic Life NC N/A FW N/A pg/L Copper Aquatic Life NC 13.3350 FW 18.7028 ug/L Cyanide Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 22 10 ug/L Fluoride Aquatic Life NC 1,800 FW ug/L Lead Aquatic Life NC 5.8584 FW 150.3377 ug/L Mercury Aquatic Life NC 12 FW 0.5 ng/L Molybdenum Human Health NC 2000 HH ug/L Nickel Aquatic Life NC 62.6712 FW 564.2544 pg/L Nickel Water Supply NC 25.0000 WS N/A pg/L Selenium Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 56 ug/L Silver Aquatic Life NC 0.06 FW 0.8544 ug/L Zinc Aquatic Life NC 213.5003 FW 211.7681 ug/L copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefaults_full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), input 5/13/2024 H1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS H2 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Effluent Hardness Values" then "COPY" Upstream Hardness . Maximum data points = 58 Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 9/12/2017 83 83 Std Dev. 12/5/2017 44 44 Mean 3/6/2018 48 48 C.V. 6/5/2018 44 44 n 12/4/2018 78 78 10th Per value 3/5/2019 29 29 Average Value 6/4/2019 51 51 Max. Value 9/10/2019 39 39 12/3/2019 37 37 3/3/2020 38 38 6/2/2020 36 36 9/15/2020 45 45 12/8/2020 38 38 3/17/2021 42 42 6/2/2021 42 42 14.9019 1 46.2667 2 0.3221 3 15 4 36.40 mg/L 5 46.27 mg/L 6 83.00 mg/L 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use 'PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 25 25 Std Dev. N/A Mean 25.0000 C.V. 0.0000 n 1 10th Per value 25.00 mg/L Average Value 25.00 mg/L Max. Value 25.00 mg/L copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefauIts _full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), data -2- 5/13/2024 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Pall 'ECIAL roplata Copper ata ;8 Date Data BDL=II2DL Results 1 9/12/2017 < 10 5 Std Dev. 2 12/5/2017 < 2 1 Mean 3 3/6/2018 < 2 1 C.V. 4 6/5/2018 < 2 1 n 5 9/11/2018 6 6 6 12/4/2018 3 3 Mult Factor = pg/L 7 3/5/2019 < 2 1 Max. Value pg/L 8 6/4/2019 < 2 1 Max. Fred Cw 9 9/10/2019 7 7 10 12/3/2019 3 3 11 3/3/2020 < 2 1 12 6/2/2020 < 2 1 13 9/15/2020 6 6 14 12/8/2020 3 3 15 3/17/2021 2 2 16 6/2/2021 2 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Par12 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" Cyanide . Maximum data points = 58 Date Data BDL=II2DL Results 2.1134 1 Std Dev. 2.7500 2 Mean 0.7685 3 C.V. 16 4 n 5 1.60 6 Mult Factor = 7.00 ug/L 7 Max. Value 11.20 ug/L 8 Max. Fred Cw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Use "PASTE SF Values" then "I Maximum c points = 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0 N/A N/A N/A copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefauIts _full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), data -8- 5/13/2024 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Pal'20 Par21 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Use "PASTE SPECIAL Zinc Values" then "COPY" Silver Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data . Maximum data points = 58 points = 58 Date Data 1 BDL=1/2DL Results Std Dev. NO DATA 1 Date 12/5/2017 Data 25 BDL=1/2DL 25 Results Std Dev. NO DATA NO DATA 2 Mean NO DATA 2 3/6/2018 15 15 Mean NO DATA 3 C.V. NO DATA 3 6/5/2018 20 20 C.V. 0 4 n 0 4 9/11/2018 60 60 n 5 5 12/4/2018 25 25 N/A 6 Mult Factor = N/A 6 3/5/2019 20 20 Mult Factor = N/A ug/L 7 Max. Value N/A ug/L 7 6/4/2019 17 17 Max. Value N/A ug/L 8 Max. Pred Cw N/A ug/L 8 9/10/2019 13 13 Max. Pred Cw 9 9 12/3/2019 31 31 10 10 3/3/2020 26 26 11 11 6/2/2020 12 12 12 12 9/15/2020 20 20 13 13 12/8/2020 72 72 14 14 3/17/2021 41 41 15 15 6/2/2021 18 18 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefauIts _full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), data -12- 5/13/2024 Martin County WTP - Outfall 001 NCO089435 Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators Qw = 0.285 MGD MAXIMUM Qw (MGD) = 0.2850 1Q10S (cfs) = 0.00 7Q10S (cfs) = 0.00 7Q10W (cfs) = 0.00 30Q2 (cfs) = 0.00 Avg. Stream Flow, QA (cfs) = 0.00 Receiving Stream: UT to Sweetwater Creek DATA POINTS = 58 WWTP/WTP Class: WTP, PC-1 IWC% @ 1Q10S = 100 IWC% @ 7Q10S = 100 IWC% @ 7Q10W = 100 IWC% @ 30Q2 = 100 IW%C @ QA = 100 Stream Class: C COMBINED HARDNESS (m¢/L) Acute = 46.27 mg/L Chronic = 46.27 mg/L PARAMETER NC STANDARDS OR EPA CRITERIA REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION TYPE J o_ Applied Chronic Acute n # Det. Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw Standa Acute (FW): 340.0 Arsenic C 150 FW 340 ug L 0 0 N/A Chronic (FW): 150.0 Arsenic C 10 HH/WS ug'L Chronic (HH): 10.0 Acute: 65.00 Beryllium NC 6.5 FW 65 ug/L 0 0 N/A -- --------------------------- Chronic:----- 6.50 Acute: 3.455 Cadmium NC 1.5929 TR 3.4551 ug/L 0 0 N/A Chronic: 1.593 Acute: NO WQS Chlorides NC 230 FW mg/L 0 0 N/A Chronic: -----230.0-- --------------------------- Acute: NO WQS Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds NC I A ug/L 0 0 N/A -- --------------------------- Chronic:----- 1-0 Acute: NO WQS Total Phenolic Compounds NC 300 A ug/L 0 0 N/A -----300.0-- --------------------------- Chronic: Acute: 1,498.4 Chromium III NC 194.9119 FW 1498.4064 µg/L 0 0 N/A Chronic: -----194.9-- --------------------------- Acute: 16.0 Chromium VI NC I FW 16 µg/L 0 0 N/A Chronic:----- 11.0 -- --------------------------- Chromium, Total NC µg/L 0 0 N/A copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefaults_full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), rpa Page 16 of 18 5/13/2024 Martin County WTP Outfall 001 NC0089435 Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators Qw = 0.285 MUD Acute: 18.70 Copper NC 13.3350 FW 18.7028 ug/L 16 8 11.20 _ Chronic: 13.34 _ No RP , Predicted Max z 50 % of Allowable Cw No value > Allowable Cw apply Quarterly Monitoring Acute: 22.0 Cyanide NC 5 FW 22 10 ug/L 0 0 N/A -- --------------------------- Chronic:----- 5.0 Acute: NO WQS Fluoride NC 1800 FW ug/L 0 0 N/A Chronic:---- 1,800.0 —L Acute: 150.338 Lead NC 5.8584 FW 150.3377 ug/L 0 0 N/A Chronic: -----5.858-- ------------------------- Acute: NO WQS Mercury NC 12 FW 0.5 ng/L 0 0 N/A -- --------------------------- Chronic:----- 12.0 Acute: NO WQS Molybdenum NC 2000 HH ug/L 0 0 N/A — - — - — - — - — Chronic:- 2,000.0 Acute (FW): 564.3 Nickel NC 62.6712 FW 564.2544 µg/L 0 0 N/A Chronic (FW): — 62.7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - Nickel NC 25.0000 WS µg/L --------------------------------------------- Chronic (WS): 25.0 Acute: 56.0 Selenium NC 5 FW 56 ug/L 0 0 N/A Chronic:----- 5.0 -- --------------------------- Acute: 0.854 Silver NC 0.06 FW 0.8544 ug/L 0 0 N/A Chronic: -----0.060-- --------------------------- Acute: 211.8 Zinc NC 213.5003 FW 211.7681 ug/L 15 15 110.2 Chronic: 213.5 _ _ No RP , Predicted Max >_ 50% of Allowable Cw No value > Allowable Cw apply Quarterly Monitoring Acute: 0 0 N/A Chronic:---------- --------------------------- Acute: 0 0 N/A --------------------------- Chronic:---------- Acute: copy 9595 Final FW RPA w_upstream avg data column_diss to totalmetals_nodetects_limiteddefaults_full pred_ 2023_1121 (2), rpa Page 17 of 18 5/13/2024 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing and Self Monitoring Summary Marshall WWTP NCO021733/001 County: Madison Fthd24PF Begin: 7/1/2022 24hr p/f ac lim: 90% + NonComp: Single J F M A M 2020 - Pass - - Pass 2021 - Pass - - Pass >100(P) 2022 - Pass - - Pass 2023 - Pass - - Pass Martin County WTP NCO089435/001 County: Martin Ceri7dPF Begin: 4/1/2014 Chr Monit: 90% NonComp: J F M A M 2020 - - Pass - - 2021 - - Pass - - 2022 H 2023 H Maxton WTP NCO048577/001 County: Robeson Ceri7dPF Begin: 9/1/2014 Chr Monit: 90% NonComp: J F M A M 2020 Fail - - Pass - 2021 Pass - - Pass - 2022 Pass - - Fail - 2023 Pass - - Pass - 2024 Fail - - - - Mayodan WTP, Town of NCO046302/001 County: Rockingham Ceri48PF Begin: 1/1/2018 Acu Cerio 48hr PF M NonComp: J F M A M 2020 - - Pass - - 2021 - - Pass - - 2022 - - Pass - - 2023 - - Pass - - Region: ARO Basin: FRB04 Feb May Aug Nov SOC JOC: 7Q10: 535 PF: 0.40 IWC: 0.12 Freq: Q J J A S O N D - - Pass - - Pass - >100 (P) >100 (P) Pass>100 (P) - - Pass - - - Pass - - Pass - - - Pass - - Pass - Region: WARO Basin: ROA09 Mar Jun Sep Dec SOC JOC: 7Q10: PF: IWC: Freq: Q J J A S O N D Pass - - Pass - - Pass Pass - - H - - H H H H H H H Region: FRO 7Q10: J Region: WSRO 7Q10: J Pass Pass Pass Pass Basin: LUM51 Jan Apr Jul Oct PF: IWC: Freq: Q J A S O Pass - - Pass Pass - - Pass Pass - - Fail Pass - - Pass Basin: ROA02 Mar Jun Sep Dec PF: IWC: Freq: Q J A S O Pass - Pass Pass Pass SOC JOC: N SOC JOC: N C D Pass Pass Pass Pass Mayodan WWTP NCO021873/001 County: Rockingham Region: WSRO Basin: ROA02 Mar Jun Sep Dec SOC JOC: Ceri7dPF Begin: 9/1/2023 chr lim: 2.5MGD @ 5 + NonComp: Single 7Q10: 75 PF: 4.5 IWC: 8.5 Freq: Q J F M A M J J A S O N D 2020 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass 2021 - - Pass >20 (P) - - >20 (P) Pass - - INVALID Pass >20 (P) - >20 (P) INVALID Pass 2022 - - Pass - - INVALID Pass - - Pass - - Pass 2023 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass MB Industries-001 NC0000311/001 County: Transylvania Region: ARO Basin: FRB01 Mar Jun Sep Dec SOC JOC: Fthd24PF Begin: 10/1/2017 Ac P/F Lim: 90%Fthd + NonComp: Single 7Q10: 27.9 PF: 0.030 IWC: 0.17 Freq: Q I F M A M I J A S O N D 2020 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass 2021 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass 2022 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass 2023 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass Leeend: P= Fathead minnow (Pimohales Dromelas). H=No Flow (facility is active). s = Split test between Certified Labs Page 59 of 100 A K MD. � j Media of Eastem North Caroina The Daily Reflector - The Daily Advance - The Rocky Mount Telegram Bertie Ledger - Chowan Herald - Duplin Times - Farmville Enterprise - Perquimans Weekly Standard Laconic - Tarboro Weekly - Times Leader - Williamston Enterprise PO Box 1967, Greenville NC 27835 (252) 329-9500 PAID VIA ❑Cash [_]QfieUdilrd ❑Check # `ll Date Paid NCDEQ - DIVISON OF WATER RESOURCES Copy Line: NCO089435 Martin County ATTN: WREN THEDFORD Lines: 42 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Total Price: $73.50 RALEIGH NC 27699 Account: 133315 Ticket: 462823 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA Martin County C�� ex-) Dom.) 'S affirms that he/she is clerk of Wil liamston Enterprise, a newspaper published daily at Williamston, North Carolina, and that the advertisement, a true copy of which is hereto attached, entitled NCO089435 Martin County was published in said Williamston Enterprise on the following dates: Thursday, March 28, 2024 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Chapter 1, Sec- tion 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Chapter 1, Section 597 of the General Statutes of North Car Affirmed and subscribed before me this 9th day of April 2024 /(Wtta�ry Publil-Watbre) (Notary Public Printed Name) My commission expires KIMBERLY GOFF BANDY Notary Public, North Carolina Nash County My Commission Expires a� February 22, 2026 Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Man- agement Comm isslon/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit NCO089435 Martin County WTP The North Carolina Envi- ronmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) list- ed below. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Di- vision of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or informa- tion requests to DWR at the above ad- dress. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to review the information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: https:lldeq.nc.gov/pub- lic- notices-hearings,or by calling (919) 707-3601. Martin County Regional Wa- ter and Sewer Authority has applied to renew NPDES permit NCO089435 for the Martin County Water Treatment Plant (1001 Park Street, Williamston) in Martin County, This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to Sweetwater Creek In the Roanoke River Basin. Currently, total residual chlorine (TRC) is water qual- ity limited. This discharge may affect future wasteload allocations in this portion of the unnamed tributary to Sweetwater Creek. 462823 - 0328/2024 From: Nicholson, Molly To: Bassett, Sara Cc: Moore, Cindy Subject: RE: Martin County WTP (NC0089435) is ready for review Date: Friday, March 22, 2024 1:34:14 PM Attachments: image001.png Good afternoon, I have reviewed the aquatic toxicity sections of this permit, and they look great. Best, Molly Nicholson Environmental Specialist II - Compliance and Enforcement Aquatic Toxicology Branch N.C. Division of Water Resources - Water Sciences Section N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Please note that my phone number has changed: 919-743-8424 Office molly.nicholson(@deq.nc.gov 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699-1623 Submit AT Forms electronically to: ATForms.ATB(@deq.nc.gov From: Bassett, Sara <sara.bassett@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 2:02 PM To: Tankard, Robert <robert.tankard@deq.nc.gov>; Talbott, Jeffrey <jeffrey.talbott@deq.nc.gov>; Nicholson, Molly <molly.nicholson@deq.nc.gov>; Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@deq.nc.gov> Subject: Martin County WTP (NC0089435) is ready for review Hello, The Martin County WTP (NC0089435) draft renewal permit is ready for review. I see that a backup ORC is not listed in BIMS; I will email the facility to designate one. Please let me know if you have any other concerns or suggestions on this draft. Thanks! Sara Bassett (she/her) Environmental Specialist I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (919) 707 3600 sara.bassettl@deq.nc.gov E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Duality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.