HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03329_Well Construction - GW1_20240603 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD W-1 Print Form For Internal Use On�` __ 1.Well Contractor Information: David L. Hardy, Jr. -, - Well Contractor Name t4.WATER ZONES OM TO DESCRIPTION. 2. , NC Wen Contactor Certification Number R ,...7 � � Aqua Drill, Inc. Is.OUTER CASING(for muW.c walls OR LINER MOS ro me..., . Cotapaay Name -- /.ilii c ,�A a� lm f i �f 2.Well Construction Permit#: r.2� I Ci I-,FROMCASING OR TUBING .r, Ltrtall applicable well connruu/an its TO tt �; In. RtL= permits Re WC County.State,Yanmrce,etc) ft. MATERML 3.Well Use(check well use): R • in. Wafer Supply Well: n SCREEN -- - Agricultural °MunicipaUPublic FROM DIAagIEa. tt[tIT 0 R Rt in. �— 1ffitS MATERIAL a Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) Industrial/Commercial }Residential Water Supply(shared) ft.Ill ;r Int I.;on is.GROAT _ Non.Water Supply Weit: RUN— MATMUALoD& MINT Monitoring R' Q 1 Injection Well: a'Recovery ft. 2t /� f1�O�s yie"' O�I� )11 Aquifer Recharge °Groundwater Remediation 8 IL -a -.uifer Storage and Recovery - ()Salinity Barrier �.S41 GRAVEL PACK(if sPP8ahleli al. °SAquifer FROM TO MATERIAL — EMPLACEMENT1nETROD tonnvater Drainage B ft Experimental Technology °Subsidence Control — *Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTiaeer 20. Geothermal(Healing/Cooli Return) DRQ.LpYGI,OG(aimdeed�floyDs>eeralP Other(ex.lainttnder#21Remadrs) PROM TO 1° �4ae►meta sFeae�) 4 Date Well(s)ComptetedJy sZ t 4 �� r4 , e✓ 1 ell ID# Se.Well Location: ��- ���e%� • ei -%sad !� Facility/Owner Nnme Fealty fDk(if applicable) ft t g C /42.41,L ` e, e i l/ 4 A X/G%,l 4,C/. ft.P sisal Address,City,and Zip ft. R. 21.REMARKSCounty Parcel identification No.(PIN) Sb Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifweil id,one lat./tong is sufficient) /2/m7( O, - 9-N Wea 6.Is(are)the well(s)0Permanent or C3Temporacy Signature ofCenified Wait / 2 r e 7.Is a repair to 00 existing Yes or By signing this form,1 hereby c the wells)war(Were)constructed In accoodaoee If this thisi r repair not brown wall well:l:ecrlon 1 ONO with 1SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 1 C 02C'.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a repair under 421 remarks section or on the bock of far otn and erploin the neuxrr of the ropy of fhb record liar bean provldead to oho will"Wei.- repair 23.Site diagram a.For Geoproloe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You ay use the or additional of this well details: construction,only 1 GW i is needed. Indicate TOTALconstruction details. You ��to provide additional nal pages well site details or well drilled: NUMBER of�ells may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9.Total well depth ` SUBMITTAL.IN_-_ UCTIONS below land surface: (a) For multiple wells i O aidepOu fidigerens(exampl 3e 3@200' 2 100 24a.$or+ Walla Submit this form within 30 ® 7 construction to the following: days of completion of well 10.Static water level below top of sating; �/,� I10. tie!is chore casing,use"+^ ( ) Division of Water Resources, Processing Unit. 11.Borehole diameter. ( ) 1617 Mail Service Center,Information 27699-17 246.Forjniection Wells: In addition to raiding the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: l/' / 7� ' above,also submit one copy of this torn within 30 (in.auger,rotary,cable,direct posh,etc.) construction to the fallowing days of completion of well FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, l� 16361Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) -�--f-___Method of tesh� �- 24e For Water Supply&Igieetion Weljg In addition to sending the form to DisYnlection type n Amount the address(es) above, also submit one.copy of this form within 30 days of�1111 _ completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. t North Catalina De partment of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 242.2016