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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERIC Flowchart for Establishing a Bank_2023How to Establish a Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Bank t _ ER a Division of Water Resources November 29, 2023 NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental P)j Establishing a Nutrient Offset or Riparian Buffer Private Mitigation Bank in NC The first step to establishing a mitigation bank for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset is to request a site visit by DWR by contacting the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch. Multiple site visits by different DWR staff will be necessary for most projects depending on the need of the site visit requested. It is most common to have 2 site visits: 1) stream call determination, and 2) site viability evaluation. C ROLINAD_E NORTH §updated 1112812023 Stream Determination I Site Viability Request Letter Provider submits Provider Submit Site Stream Determination Viability Request Request via Packagevia Stream Determination Mitigation Project submission submission forme* form 1* 1 On site Stream Determination On -site Site Viability completed evaluation is by DWR completed by DWR Stream Determination Site Viability Letter Letter Issued issued by DWR to By DWR to Applicant Provider Continueto Banklnstrument Review Process pg. 2 Pg. 1 *see Online Resource slide (pg4) for corresponding link Banking Instrument (BI) Review Process Bank Sponsor performs the following 2 functions : Submit completed DRAFT BI for DWR review via Mitigation Project submission forme 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy Ifno publiccomments, BI is approved NORTHROLINAD_E C Q�/ oewmnem m ummnmemei owi� (1) Register w/ NC Sec. of State (per Sponsor company) (2) Complete Ba nki ng I nstrument YeS BI uses a standard language? NO DWR reviews BI and provides written Sponsor addresses comments And submits FINAL BI comments to Sponsor updated 1112812023 BI is Submitted to DWR Director for Review & Signature DWR notifies Sponsor Of BI Approval NOTE: A Banking Instrument and Project Plan must BOTH be approved before a Sponsor can implement a project as approved. See Pg3. for completing a Plan Pg. 2 DWR is not accepting BI with non-standard language DWR Posts BI to Public Comment (15 days) *see Online Resource slide (pg4) for corresponding link Buffer Mitigation &/or Nutrient Offset Plan Review Bank Sponsor performs the following function: Submit completed DRAFT Plan for DWR review via Mitigation Project submission forme *1 hard copv and 1 electronic copy* If no publiccomments, Plan is approved DWR sends written Approval letter Complete Buffer Mitigation and/or Nutrient Offset Plan (Plan) DWR reviews Plan and provides written comments to Sponsor DWR Posts the Plan and Draft Ba nking I nstrument (i fa pplicable)to PublicComment (15calendardays) Proceed to Banking Instrument Review Process(pg2) Sponsor has permission to implement project Accordingto the approved Plan NORT AAo D_E � oewhmeGAR-Nanmemai auai� � updated 1112812023 Sponsor addresses comments And submits FINAL Plan Yes No Pg. 3 DWR Accepts the Final Draft as complete Yes Has the Sponsor submitted a ba nki ng i nstrument to DWR for the Plan? No DWR sends backreview And comments to Sponsor Sponsor addresses all DWR comments satisfactorily andsubmits FINAL Draft#2 Of the Plan NOTE: A Banking Instrument and Plan must BOTH be approved before a Sponsor can implement a project as approved. See Pg2. for completing a Banking Instrument *see Online Resource slide (pg4) for corresponding link Online Resources • Helpful Links: 1. Online Stream Determination Submission Form: 2. Site Viability Form: protection/401/mitigation/via bi Iitya /surface-water- ssessmentrequestform-2023 3. Online Mitigation Submission Form: Information Upload 4. 401 & Buffer Branch Contacts: permitti ng/401-buffer-permitti ng-contacts 401-buffer- Pg. 4 Glossary • Buffer Mitigation and/or Nutrient Offset Plan (Plan) -A site specific mitigation pIanforth e Bank Parcel being proposed for generating nutrient offset and/or buffer mitigation credits as required per 15A NCAC 02B .0295. • Bank Sponsor —A company or corporation registered to do business in NC and is legally responsible for adheringto all legally binding agreements, all financial assurance requirements, and complying with the 15A NCAC 02B .0295 rule. • Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) -A legally binding agreement between the Bank Sponsor and the regulatory agency, DWR. The banking instrument should describe in detail the physical and legal characteristics of the bank, and how the bank will be established and operated. Must be in compliance with rules set forth by the EMC. • Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) -Same as the MBI except it allows for the establishment and operation of multiple bank sites. Supplemental site -specific information (e.g., individual Plans) should be addressed in this banking instrument. Must be in compliance with rules set forth by the EMC. • 15A NCAC 02B .0295 —A rule created "to set forth the mitigation requirements that apply to applicants [... ] of this Rule and to set forth requirements for buffer mitigation providers." NORTH CAROLINAD QQ !) Wmmm�m. au,1 /� Pg. 5