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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda for 11-29Informational Meeting on DWR Mitigation Programs for Providers 11/29/2023
Welcome/Introductions/Name Tags
*enjoy complimentary coffee or hot chocolate from
the coffee bar
Katie Merritt
ROUND 1 (1:15-2:10)
How to Establish a Nutrient Offset & Buffer
Mitigation Bank
Blake Hartshorn
Status & Trends of buffer/nutrient offset projects
Joint 404/401 & Buffer Banks
Maria Polizzi
General Information & Concussions
Katie Merritt
Q&A Session with Panelists: Blake, Katie, Maria
**Open forum for questions about topics in ROUND 1***
***10 minute BREAK***enjoy complimentary coffee or hot chocolate from the
coffee bar
ROUND 2 (2:20-3:30)
Nutrient Offset & Stormwater Requirements
Trish D'Arconte
Processing Credit Sales
Katie Merritt
Workload Distribution & Resource Management
Where does it all go?
Q&A Session with Panelists: Blake, Katie, Trish, Joey
***Open forum for questions about topics in ROUND 2***
Katie Merritt— Coordinates the implementation of the Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset
Water Programs for Providers (banks, DMS, permittee responsible)
Permitting Blake Hartshorn — Review nutrient offset and riparian buffer mitigation projects, perform stream
Section call determinations, assist with reviews for DMS stream and wetland mitigation projects
Maria Polizzi — Coordinatesthe implementation of the Stream & Wetland Mitigation Program for
Providers (banks, DMS, permittee responsible)
Water Trish D'Arconte - Nutrient strategies coordination and technical support: Jordan/Falls Stormwater
Planning Accounting Tool expert; develops crediting specifications for nutrient practices; develops
Section nutrient trading framework; support to Jordan and Falls Lakes nutrient rules implementation.
Joey Hester- Lead coordinator for High Rock Lake nutrient strategy development. Coordinates
research, planning, and rule developmentforbasinwide nutrient management strategies. Leads
stakeholder engagement activities and assists in the development of cost/benefit analyses in the
design and implementation of watershed nutrient regulations.