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HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformational Provider Meeting_11-29-23_Katiea __ •. F_ "7 S3.A pa I � k _ ��-�vk 0 General Information & Concussions III LJ NORTH CAROLINA Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental quality November 29, 2023 Outline • Overview of templates • Monitoring Guidelines &changes • Site Viability considerations and consequences • Calculating project credits Trend of Buffer & Nutrient Offset Banks since 2010 120 110 100 90 80 `^ 70 U 0 v 60 50 v u 40 30 H 20 10 M 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Timeline Notes: • 2011- Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Program Coordinator position created • 2012 — 11t credit sale audit • 2013 -1st MBI template, 1st round of templates for BPDP, MCTC, ledgers, CE • 2015 — Buffer Mitigation Rule (more options) Total Banks Templates • Templates make it easier on everyone (guides one through processes) • SOA — • for providing proof that a Sponsor has credits available in a particular service area • UMBI Mod Memo • for requesting modifications to existing Banking Instruments • MCTC (2) • One for selling Permanent Nutrient Offsets in Ibs/year • One for selling non -permanent Nutrient Offsets in Ibs • Project Credit Table (2) • One for calculating both riparian buffer credits & nutrient offset credits (0295 (n) vs (o) rule based) • One for calculating nutrient offset only (pending trial runs) • Conservation Easement (2) • 404/401 Projects • Non-404/401 Projects • Credit Release Request Form • for requestinga credit release. SponsorstelIs DWRwhatthey thinktheir credit release should be so that DWR can cross-check their records for comparison and issue releases accordingly. Templates • Structural Templates lay out all Heading names, Sub -heading names, Font Styles, formatting, order of information, layouts, appendices but are not "word-for- word" templates • Buffer Mitigation Plan/Nutrient Offset Plan — not a BPDP any more • UMBI/MBI; use recently approved documents that fit your scenario (when in doubt, ask Katie). Think about what else you want or need and let us know Time for Change UMBI when at all possible (all criteria must be met) 1. Same Geographic Service Area for credits (Example: a Neuse 01 Falls Watershed Bank Parcel does not havethe same GSA as a Bank Parcel located in the Neuse 01 outside of Falls Lake WS. Therefore, there would be an UMBI for the Neuse 01 Falls Bank Parcel and a different UMBI for the Neuse 01 (not in Falls) Bank Parcel. 2. At least 1 site w/ a valid site viability letter has to be referenced in the UMBI —future sites can be added by requesting a modification (see process below). An expired viability letter is not considered a valid letter. 3. If a 404/401 combo project, then the UMBI will only be allowed for those type of projects. 4. Has a Site Viability Letter that hasn't expired 5. Land use is not affiliated with a CAFO permit, biosolids or any other site constraints that are unique to the project 6. Not abutting a DMS Full Delivery project where the Bank is not securing the easement from the top of all feature banks 7. Credit Types don't have to be the same for all Bank Parcels proposed in the UMBI). Example: If UMBI is for Both, the Banksite can have Nutrient Offset only, Buffer only, or Both. 8. Does not include a unique situation that is specific to just one Bank Parcel (Examples: pond restoration, coastal HW restoration, Stormwater Treatment Option, Joint project w/ the USACE, etc) Process for Requesting a modification to an existing UMBI (only allowed for UMBIs signed after April 1, 2020I: 1. Submit a modification request using the "UMBI Modification MEMO Template 9-2023" to DWR. This memo is to be attached as a Cover Letter to the Draft Plan. Memos not included with a draft plan will not 5-e accepted. "Beginning October 1, 2023—This may also be an option for some existing UMBIs signed after4/1/2020 Table 1. d — Bank Parcel Details Bank Parcel County Digit Sulu- P r of ect Named P`rimar�y Nam U GS watershed Location Receiving Land Project 9 Hydrulagic (if ;n Fa& (Coordinates) Stream Uses Unit Lode WS or Jordan i � Table 2.0 — Sit-e Viability Fetter Details Bank Parcel DNNR Site Visit Site Viability Site Viability Credit Types Name (Uw viability Imtter Lssued Letter Proposed Date Expiration (N OC /Both) Date Monitoring Guidelines • Height & Vigor Data • Current: Per planted stem in each plot for 5 consecutive years • Proposed: In -person voters chose C A. Keep current method B. Height of each planted stem in plot + Average Vigor of plot beginning Years 3-5 C. Height of each planted stem in plot + Average Vigor of plot at Year 1, 3 and 5 • Plot Selection • Should be representative of the different width categories (0-501, 51-100, 101- 200') and credit types (RBC and NOC) • Fixed/Rotating/Combo — as long as there is a Plan describing how this will be accomplished and it meets the intent of monitoring expectations (2% of planted area, credit types, width categories, sizes and shapes) Monitoring Guidelines cont... • Maintenance & Adaptive Management Expectations • Herbaceous vegetation is thriving at all times in all areas and efforts are documented • Erosion issues are resolved at all times in all areas and documented • Proactive soil amendments, proactive thinning of invasives or abundance in pines & gums and documented • Fence boundaries inspected and results documented • All easement encroachments (small and large) documented and any actions taken are documented. Encroachments that result in stem mortality, sediment loss, stream and buffer impacts, dumping of trash, loss of herbaceous — expect to submit an Adaptive Management Plan and expect a partial credit release until full implementation • Shared Plots w/ USACE on Combo Projects (aware of concerns, TBD) Site Viability Considerations Site Via bi I ity decisions a re not a "Catch Al I" for every site and every scenario • Easement Breaks do impact viability of credit potential • (Internal vs External vs Maintenance Area) • Public Utilities • Farm paths — keep existing footprint only • No external crossings or easement breaks allowed on ditches • Stream Determinations do impact viability of credit potential. • Ephemerals per 0295 vs SWITC method. Not all Ephemerals make it! • "Ditches" are man-made (aka Not Naturally occurring in the topography). • "Ditched streams" are modified natural features and occur "naturalLir " in the py to o ra h but have been straightened, deepened or moved from original location Calculating Project Credits • Considerations when determining your credit assets 1. Measure Perpendicular & Landward from TOB — this can look different for every Plan depending on how the Provider is determining their credits. The more confusing it gets, the more detailed the Project Credit Table & corresponding Asset Figures will be which results in an equally detailed AsBuilt Survey and $$$ 2. Non -diffused Flow calculations 1. No matter the Scenario, it will always be 4,350 ft2 or if % if only one sided 2. e-Flow-for-Buffer-M itiaation-Sites-Buffer-Clarification-Memo-20080819. pdf Non -diffused flow deductions (non-credit ditch scenario off DJ4) Landward & perpendicular measurements DJ2 = Intermittent Stream DJ4 = Secondary Ditch DJ3 = Primary Ditch Calculating Project Credits cont... 3. Width Categories are important & change EVERYTHING (depends on credit proposals & credit types) • Minimum widths (50' for NOC; 20' for RBC on streams and 30' off ditches) • Maximum widths (200' for NOC at 1:1; 200 for RBC at 33% full credit on streams & 50' off ditches) • Minimum widths on ditches, Minimum widths on streams, Maximum widths for RBC and NOC, 25% caps on Ephemerals, 25% caps on Preservation credit, etc. 4. Subject Stream vs Not Subject category (Alternative 0295 (o) vs 0295 (n)) • Won't require this category for nutrient offset only projects (see new table) 5. Caps on Credits • 25% cap on Ephemerals for buffer credits • 25% cap on Preservation buffer credits �Ogmnd4101100 ' r - ti4 Easem$nil _26.69 ige- 44 I InlerrnitlenUPeremial Sires m Channel Top -of Bank i Ephemerai Chinn nel Top of Bank f Ripal a n Fte l�ratit}n, TSB- -=e1 ' M Ripfrian ROMOrAbW t4 EphoMWall Chanrial, TOB-100 Feel f f Ripawinm Restarabon-TOE�-100 Fed •{. �r F�vaviari Rfttorallan on Ephamer*I Channel. 101-24O F-ed f 'f Fiparien Enhanc arrant, TOO-100 Feet r ' r r I Riperien Enhanc arnsrrt, U i-2OQ Feet Riperien Enhanczmarrt, ZD-29 Feat f r R;patla,n PteSerVaklorti, T0E.1Q0 Feel � • � ' R;parlan Preservadcon. 101-200 Feel- L�-' 1�1 PJperlen Presery0lon, 21)62� Feet Top of Bank Uo 2Qf$ef - - - • Top of Bank to 30+6 l Top of Bank to 50-F&A — Tap of Ban k to I00-Faet — Tap of Bank to 200-Faet 1 = s 1 1 AI JT 2 owl A LOT GOING ON: • Ephemerals (25% cap) • Preservation on Subject streams (10:1) & 25% cap • minimum widths <50 aren't convertibleto NOC • >100' widths so RBC is at 33% Gape Fear- Randleman Proje[1Jma WA IN Credit Conversion Rollo Ift'{poumd) WA P Credit Conversion patio IWt norrndl Cr"ItTyrpe lo[atlom Jtel7 ttr No III epnen+eral or FeatuaeTYpe PAIIIptlonAmNIt4 Min -Mau Bafk4e wroth [ltf ieatureName YgdlA,�p{k'� Total LQe011ame] Area al' Buffer Mkivilion (Pei IratlalCrndit r+atiojr�lj %FUN OreeRt Final Credrt %RWdbjrciM urrtibk to iparlan ulfer7 Riparian Buffer �rsxtlrt4 Conwertlble[a rauerlw7t r�fswtA vellvrred Niotrlent r4jbsf 13ell rucreu fluiner4 Offset: P pha[ OuRcr f[ural Yes lip Amtoradon 100 LJ71,LPT2,U73 474,6AS 4711,150-d6 1 100% 1.00" Yas 474.646.008 WA — — Buller Rural Yes IJP Res[#a[iorl 141-2A0 UT1,lfT2,U73 350,155 35U,155 1 33% 3.03030 Yes 115,551.215-5 MJA — — ALAer f[ural Yes Ephemeral Rrsstzratim W00 11.E2 4Z733 42,739 1 MCS 1.0"0 Ycr 42,733.004 WA — — 8L-Mer Rural No Ephemeral Re5[-0rraM,) 101-2m El,E2 K327 5k327 L 33% 3.03cm Yes 21.227.931 AI{A — — Butler Rural Yes lip Enhaneemen[ 0-110 LITi i9,941 19,941 2 103% 2.030W Yes 9,970.500 WA — — — UvFfu Pural 795 IJp EnhanuemeM 1O1.WID UT1 Ana 30I303 2 3341 6.96461 Yes 44W.902 NJA — 0urfler Rural Yes IJP Enhanoemerd 2I}29 lfT] 74 74 2 75% 2.66M7 Yes 27.750 NIA — — iowb [ft2): Total Buffer (tt2): Total NukrlentMet {ft2l: 9kF .m 9ta,la0 G59.15{ a34 a.aoa q_pQq 962,180 0 9&21180 rya Enter Preservatiorl Crtiffils Below Tall Ephgffwal Arga jft j fpr Crud . 11P3.,osa Total Elie ble Ephemeral Area (W): Z77,Li49 —Iota) fllOW for Prev"niNon (ft)_ 327,ra Grdrt77pu I.ccatlorn 9uhjudl Featurrr TYpa NAlligatlan Arirvlty MIn-MaN EkjMr Faalurw rlarrw U.'idth. [Ftf Itural Yes I.., P 0-IDD jTj Rural Yes lip un-a04 ,arc RtirA Yes 1 f P 7D.29 UTY Preserral:ionArea Subratah TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER N4TIGATION JTABhd) hAitisationTalal4 I Squamll'm I {redfS 1pfp�n 9.7% dEpherneral Reaches a %TAISM 9.6% Preservation as % TAM TO Ial Arai [rf[ Total fradirahlr) Area rflrlfwlftr f14ft4Fld� M tw7 IrN do IN:11 Ilatia�x_ij Full Gadlt radioFinglU� patia�x3M ain f4fpar ed flufFer[rrdits 74,102 74,102 LO 10 1007G lojaww 7,4102F}] SLSSD 51.VA 339f 30 3L72474i 1,711.064 266 1 255 1 10 75% 1 13.33333 19,875 126,216 - 1 126,216 25% caps are determined by data entered in two locations So far, still under 25% for Eligible credits ASBUILT REPORT -Survey must match approved figure from Mit Plan -Project Credit Table must match approved Mit Plan 0 SITE _ Ir L�j f =s VJCiNITY MA P INT$j LEGEND: STREAM ASBUILT TOE -TOB STREAM A5BU1LT EPHEMERAL TOB - TOB CaNSERVATION EASEMENT UNE STATE RQAIJ RIPARIAN FLESTORA71ON fTL76.100 FEET) RIPARIAN RESTORATION (TD&104 FEET) (EPHEMERAL CHANNEL) RIPARIAN RESTORATION (101-ap0 FEET) RIPARIAN RESTORATION (101.20O FEET) (EPHEMERAL CHAA14EL0 RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT F1`09-10O FEET) RIPARIAM ENHANCEMENT (101-200FEET) © RIPARIAN ENHANCEI.ENT(29-29FEETl RIPARrAN RRESERVATION;TDB-iOO FEET] IJ RIPARIAN PRESERVATION (101-201) FEET) RIPARIAN PRESERIATION aO-20 FEET) NO CREDIT AREA TOTAL AREA OF RIPARIAN RESTORATION MITIGATION TOTALS sO. FT ACRES RESTORATION 473759.98 10 98 {T9E100 FEET] KSrORATRNi {EPHEMERAL CHANNEL) 42732.115 111.86 (11­06-100 FEET) RESTORATION ytl174e.7S $.q1 (101-200 FEETT RESTORATION {EPHEMERAL CHARNEL) 64327.44 1.AB 001-HO FEET) TOTAL RIPARIAN 929543.15 21 1i RESTORATION TOTAL AREA OF RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT MrnOATION TOTAL& Sq. Fr ACRE21 ENHANCEMENT 18003.17 Q41 (TO&100 FEET) ENHAWAMENT I960413 0..00 (I01.200 FEET) ENHANamENT (20-24 FEET) 19975 (I005 TOTAL RIPARIAN 4TB07 t3 7 70 ENHANCEMENT TOTAL AREA OF RIPARIAN PRESERVATION MITIGATION TOTALS SG. FT ACRES PRESERVATION 77679 01 1.701 iiCE-100 FEET) PRESERVATION 001-200 FEET) 59B9129 101 PRESER4ATICN e31.35 QO2 420-21) FEET) TOTAL RIPARWI 1365W } T1 PRESER4ATICN SURVETORS GERTIFICATIOMf51 Surveyor's disclaimer. No attempt was made to locale acemeteries, wetlands hazardous maienal sites. underground or abDveground utilities or any other Ieatur" above, or below ground otharthan those shown. I oertrfy Thal the survey is of another category {as-buiH survey)• such as the recorr161nation ofxlrNftrgpa counordefed survey or other exoeplion to the de I oartrfy Thal 1114 pi: does not eat G S 47-30 amended 1, John A Rudolph eerlify that 1 map was drawn rider my direct supervision from an A"l sUNOV wapd# uM*r my supbfvisiOn Thal ratio 01 Grecision is 1:10.000 :• that this map was prepared in eccardenoe i[h the atsndards of practice for Mnd 7lrrvtyGrs in NOfth Carolina. wbbrass my hand a sell. Nis 191h day of Jam. 2029. SEAL OR STAMP 14 %ri 41 I I I 1 J +I rrr fl VAN FARM LiC. ¢#� C,A'Y() G6 7UT. PG 2PZ s ti tea; ore SrQ�,� y y ,, S L { L-A194 - 1-419d `— d7 VTXr rV EASEMENT f1u1M (ARIA LLC. O.B. 7037. PG. 2922 R1. Online Tools& Resources • Strea m,Wetla nd, Buffer, Nutrient Offset— shows service areas for Credit Types • Interactive Bank map — shows where a buffer mitigation and/or nutrient offset bank is located by either 8-digit HUC, Watershed, or Sub -watershed where applicable. Corrections made to Catawba • Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Program —templates adde ! ng/401-buffer- permitting/nutrient-offset-buffer-mitigation-program Q&A Session 1:50-2:10 DWR Panelists: Blake, Maria, Katie a j i I Processing Credit Sales Workload Distribution & Resource Management Where does it all go? NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental quality Processing BUFFER Credit Sales • Statement of Availability —Providing an SOA (compliant vs not compliant) • DWR's Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form (MRT Form) — • (sign, date, return to permittee) —see next slide • Service Area Buffer Mitigation Guidance Table —only sell in accordance with the MBI • Delegated Local Governments (Jordan and others) — do not use the MRT form, look for the information within the approval letter Statement of Availability of credits from DMS k0Y COOPER CoVeinar ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary MARC RECKTENWALD DImcior br_ NORTH CAROLINA Eny"nmenraf Qaafo June 26, 2023 Carl Wilson Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities 510C Brookshire Blvd Charlotte, NC 28216 Expiration of Acceptance: 12J28J2023 Project: Ashe Plantation WVYTP County: Mecklenburg The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below- Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued buffer approval within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS- Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location 8-di it Huc Impact Type Impact Quantity Yadkin D304D105- Goose Creek Riparian Buffer Up to 12,675 @ 3:1 Regulatory Location for Buffer Mitigation (NCGS 14 - 14. 0 & Rule 15A NCAC 0213.0295) When the regulatory authority (D1 R or a delegated or designated local government) issues an approva for an applicant to conduct an impact within a protected riparian buffer that triggers buffer mitigation, there are specific rules on where that buffer mitigation has to be located. This table applies to all types of buffer mitigation, whether the applicant is using Perm ittee Responsible Mitigation, a Payment to the Division of Mitigation Services, or a Payment to a Private ( litigation Bank. The regulatory authority shaI I document approvaI of how the applicant will satisfy the buffer mitigation requirement per a condition in the approval letter. Acronym (Vote: Sub -watershed = SWS, Hydrologic Unit Code = HU Where can mitigation be located to offset the approved buffer impacts? Buffer Impact Location Locational Ratios' Amount of mitigation required = Amount of total impact (after Zone ratios have been calculated) 0.75:1 1:1 :1 EC)MPENSATC)RY MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY TRANSFER FORM March 31, 202 Permittee: Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries LP D R Project # 20150465 v2 Project Name; Novo Nordisk Site Capacity Expansion County: Johnston The Division has received a Statement of Availability (SOA) from and for the bank sites listed on the Statement of Availability dated February 2-Sr 2023 (Mitigation Provider) to partially satisfy the mitigation requirements set forth in the Buffer Authorization with Exception issued to Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries LP, dated February 24, 2023, as provided in the table below. Compensatory Mitigation fiver and 8-digit HUC N Ljmker Neese Buffer 264,118. 51 square feet (credits) Neese /0 020201 m The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to the Mitigation Provider specifie a ove w o +ill then sign the form to verify receipt of payment and the transfer of the mitigation responsibility, Once the Mitigation Provider has signed this term, it is the Perrnittee's responsibility to ensure that a signed copy of this form and the mitigation transfer certificate is submitted to the Division before conducting any of the authorized impacts. The Mitigation Providerverifiesthat the mitigation requirements (credits) shown above, have been released and are mailable at the identified bank site(s)_ By signing below, the Mitigation Provider is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation. Asa reminderto the Mitigation Provider, no more than 25 percent of the total mitigation required by Division can be met through preservation, unless requested and approved by the Division Director (15A NCAC 02H. GS06(c)(7)). COMPENSATORY MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY ACCEPTANCE FORM August 17, 2023 Perris ttee: Town of Apex DYWR Project #20230982 Project Name: Apex Peakway Southwest Connector County. Wake The Division has received a Statement of Availability (50A) from for the itigation Bank to satisfy the mitigation requirements set forth in Jordan Buffer Authorization issued to Town of Apex, dated Augu.5t 17, 2023 as provided in the table below. Compensatory Mitigation Buffer Basin & HUC Num r Riparian Buffer 13311 sq ft (credits) Jordan Lake 03030002 HUC The Perrnittee must provide a copy} of this form to the Mitigation Provider specific will then sign the form to verify receipt of payment and the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once the Mitigation Provider has signed this form, it is the Rermittee's responsibility to ensure that a signed ropy of this form and the mitigation transfer certificate is submitted to the Division before conducting any of the authorize! impacts. The Mitigation Provider verifies that the mitigation requirements (credits} shown above, have been released and are available at the identified bank site(s). By signing below., the Mitigation Provider is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation. As a reminder to the Mitigation Provider, no more than 25 percent of the total mitigation required by Division can be met through preservation, unless requested and approved by the Division Director (15A NCAC 02H_ 0506(c)(7)). Processing NUTRIENT OFFSET Credit Sales • Stormwater Approval Letter (only from Local Governments) • Statement of Availability —Providing an SOA (compliant vs not compliant) • Service Area Restrictions —sell credits in accordance with the MBI Processing PERMANENT Nutrient Offset Credit Sales • 15A N CAC 02 B .0703 - • Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate (MCTC) template for "permanent credit" requests — NEW H • All current credits on the ledger will remain in pounds as they always have been until "application" has been accepted (next slide) • Only changes to the credit sale process for now will be whether to use the MCTC for Permanent Credits or the MCTC for non -permanent Credits • Credits (lbs) divided by 30 years =permanent credit continued.... (8) Notricrit offsct credits that wcrc approvcd prior to the adoption of this Rulc =y make application to bc rcclassi fied , The Division shall approvc the application ass.ociatcd with any nutrient of&= project to rceLassify orccli is as perrr ncnt that meet the roqu ircnw-nts for permancm ercclits at the t me of the application to hr reclassified. Other rtutricrit offset credits that were approved prior to the adoption of this Rule or that were conditionally -approved pursuant to a mitigatiorr banking instrument or other agrcemcnt with DEQ prior to the adoption o f thi s Ruic, shall be considcrod tcrm orcdits -and may he transterrcd between tcrm and per-manent Iedgm at a ratio of 30 years of tcm nutricnt offset credit to one perrnancnt nutricnt o tit credit_ DWR will create an "application" form for bank sponsors to fill out and submit per this rule requirement. Application will be electronic. Due date will likely depend on when the last round of LGs adopt new ordinance changes. Processing PERMANENT Nutrient Offset Credit Sales continued... Payment R el- ed Date Miff ation Credit Transfer 'e rtiffie to BAA P -NF O--VAJWF Company address line 1 Address lin 2 NAME Bank Parcel III: DNYQ Project 9 --------------------------),I' - ---------------------- CREDIT TYPE:: 1�L RCI- -A SE D : Tutr rent Offset redits: �]�� - N- ) and - � - P- I 0 1 1h:,vr vermanew n up-ient offset h u-vdo •n L ea uivalent to 3 01b.s from this Bari, xa mvle: 10 • = 30 fank .Syonsor viest muff.Mv all IbIyryer anent credit but•down reguests by 30 to se credits from this bank NA -ME Bank 8 digit -HI- C — XXXan d s ub-watershed wh ere app lic able per -NIBI) ME RB'ER EAR L; Workload Distribution & Resource Management Katie Merritt (Mitigation Permanent) 919-500-0683 • Site Viability Assessments • Reviews Initial Drafts of Mitigation Plans • Reviews Initial Drafts of MBI/UMBI • Credit Release Request Forms & Credit Release letters • Bonds, Conservation Easements • Bank Monitoring Reports • Credit Sale Audit • I RT engagement & other department level needs Andrew Friedman -Herring (Mitigation -Tem • Bank Monitoring Reports • Assists w/AsBuilt Walks for Task 2 reviews • Assistw/Stream & Wetland projects Blake Hartshorn (Mitigation-2 more funded years) 919-817-0360 • Stream Call/Buffer Determinations • Reviews Revised Drafts of Mitigation Plans • Reviews Revised Drafts of MBI/UMBI docs • As -Built Walks for Task 2 reviews • As -Built Reports • DMS Monitoring Reports • Credit Sale Audit for DMS CTC requests (coming in 2024) Jennie Emmons (Branch Permanen • Database management • Credit Ledger monthly posts • Website • Assists w/credit sale audit Q&A Session 3:00-3:30 DWR Panelists: Blake, Katie, Trish, Joey 4F