HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3160904_Letter of Transmittal_20160920 BOHLER ENGINEERING NC, PLLC
1927 South Tryon Street,Charlotte,NC 28203
Professional Engineering Services Telephone:(980)272-3400 Fax:(980)272-3401
VIA: FedEx Delivery
TO: NCDEQ RE: DEQ Stormwater Permit Submission
Mooresville Regional Office Proposed Cambridge Village
610 E. Center Avenue, Suite 301 NC Hwy 16 and NC Hwy 73
Mooresville,NC 28115 Denver, NC 28037
ATTN: DATE: September 20, 2016
JOB NO: NCC162006 `OUGdpF'y� okO
WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings ❑Copy of letter NAttached ❑ Prints ❑Change order S 6
2 Plan Set
1 Property Owner Consent Letter
2 Deed& Restrictions& Protective
Covenances `J/� 4 \�
1 Operation & Maintenance Agreement " /17-P,sj�>�
�fi 2 Storm Water Permit Application `
sro �tiR , ��
rQ�� �qti ?vi4 1 Storm Water Review Fee($505)
qT a 4 L
FRpF�q�� 1 Storm Water Report 1 Owner Deeds
1 USGS Map v ,
1 Geotechnical Boring Logs �0�esyQ�aG�o�ac op
These Are Transmitted: ® For approval ❑For your use As reques�e@
N For review and comment ❑Approved as submitted ❑Approved as noted
❑ Returned for corrections
If you have any questions or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact this office at(980)272-3400.
Brian Rosenfeld
DEED—LINCOLN COUNTY—SPECIAL(E.&B.No.163) Edwards&Broughton Company,Raleigh
State of North Carolina,- Winnci]n County.
THIS DEED. Made this...T.We fl.h........................day of................F.abr.) I' .... A.D. 193-7- by and between
................................................A......T.,....�e.�thErx4�?�...and..K:� e...i�dattie �.eath�?r�n.
of the County of.....................Minc-Oln...................................and State of...........i11Jx*.11...GaX0114a_................................»..part-Lea of the first part,and
.Cecil �. Lellinaer and wife Clara Dellinger............................................._.................._........................
of the County of............»»............»....Uaaala......................and state of. ..»_........»l�(2��eY)...�`rBZS�l�.na.....................................................
part}..........of the second part;
wITNESSETH:That the said partiaS..of the Brat part.in consideration of....Valv—.9 .drad....�.�?
........- . .Qtrrr....Valuable....CQr�.9�A�f��r�.S?�a�____...__............._»_..» I1�dCto.ttlefa.. .paid by the parL.3L_ of the
second part,the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged.ha.`T.e bargained and sold,and by these presents do.--grant,bargain,sell,and convey unto
said .._...._._.. Cecil..M.....Dellia6er..and...wife...Clara_Dell. 4r_tr-......._-.-............_---......._........._------- --.._..._._...._
and.....their........., hairs ail those....aer.Lain....tracts.».or_paraela._..........__...._.................._................................
»........»...........---. .__.._.....»........_.»........._.._.._._..._....____._ __—of land,situate,lying.and being inSp.&W_b.AA_"r1UA A_____.»
Township..._........___........._I,IA GOlII..__..._...._....-.-County. State ..........._-------_....__.--------
and more particularly described and defined as follows:First `Tract: Adjoining the lairds of Naney Lowe,John Bones
Alice Hager, Ada ivixon, Julia l+ixon and others and being bounaed and descrUed by metes
and bounds as follows, viz:- beginning at a rock, Robert t-s�er's line and Runs S 7_ w 31 poles
to John l-dixon's corner;theace 11 o 76 poles with John +ixon s line to a rock, his and Lowe's
corner; thence S 1 L ;59 poles to a roc:c near a persiamoa and Lowe's corner; thence a straight
line to the begis.Ang, contai_iing lbi acres more or less. Reference had and mad to deed dated
-iovember 7, tdy7, by Fedie Clark to h
. -hobert eager and wife of record in -gook 69r at pege 408,
In Office of Resister of Leeds, Lincoln County, A. C.
k Second Tract: Beginlriag aL a stake is the Yorkville road opposite site of the old blackner
' r+arwell Blacksmith shop near Salem —ethodist kr:ur it in Dellinaer's line and runs S 681 W 119
poles to a stone in old line, votin Halter's corner; tGe:ice a new line John u. bager's line S 52*
poles to a stone and pointers in old litre; thence with old line a 661 L 95i poles to a stka ein
the Yorkville road; thence with old line and with sand road N 10 W 53 poles to the beginning,
contRining a 1/3 acres more or less, an:; being; the same tract o land as conveyed to is. R. Hegez
!.y John u haler et al by deed dated •Lpril 7 1904, and which is duly recorded in book 39 at
page 176, Lincoln County -egistry.
Third Tract: begianing at a post oars -.W.L- Hager's corner and runs with his line 5 ;:e L 25
poles; the ce with tree line of it. W. L. na&er's S 75 * 15 ?oles to %J ulia -tixoa's corner; thence
S 38 h 35 poles to Lucicworthls line; tt.eace with Lie&-worth s line .i 'A b 20 poles to a pine;
thence S 61 h 16 poles; thence b 60 ►, 50 poles to the neeinaing, containing 161 acres more or
less. The above tract of land being the same tract of land as conveyed to W.R.hager by
Dixon b deed dated February 9 1901 duly recorded in nook d2, at pkEe 134, Lincoln County Regis-
try. The above threetracts of land being; inherited by r,orus G. gager from his father W.Robert
pager, the said Lorus C. Uager, being the only child of the said W.Robert Hager, deceased.
The above three tracts of land being co:iv,;ed to Arch riomacs, by deed from Dorus C. Naber dated
yecember W. 1926, which deed is duly recorded in nook Page _ Lincoln County itegistry.
Reference is also made and had to deed of trust,executed on the 28th Lecember 1926 by -hreh Womac
and wife to d.b.-*izoa,trustee wnicii is duly recorded in Book 154,at page 177,Lincoln 'Oounty Reg-
istry. Reference also made and had to deed from K.B.11ixon,Trustee to a.T.Leatherman,datt:d 25th
iebruary 1932,sad duly recorded in nooic 166 at page 658,Liaeoln county Registry. The foregoing
lards are sold subject to a prior en-um:,rance la favor of the federal Land BaaK of Colambia, as
evideaeea by a mortgage deed duly recoraed in the yIncola county iteE.istry,and on which said mort-
gage deed there is due approximately ;2LODO.00 wrlen sum the Grantees herein assume ann agree
to pay off and discharge. Said assa*ptiva of the afaesaid indebtedness beiig a part of the con-
sideration of this deed.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid.........tract.s.._Qr...¢ar,cels._..............._...................»................................................_........___....._._.._.........
of land.and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging,to the amd---w Xa...Llar8.............
................................._......L.elllagsr,...tb�fl3 .......................»...»..._.._................heirs and assi6pm to------the i......».........only use and behoof forever.
And the ....sa d....P.erties .of LII@ first aartv._for...themSel.vp_s............................................................. »..»...___ for
.t..be.L,r heirs,executors,and administrators,covenant with the said part.3f........of the second part,t...b.p j,rheirs and assigns,thattheb F._grgiaed
of said premises in fee,and ha.M..e..right to convey the same In fee simple;that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances,and thatt-hpr .
will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
#459 �
DEED—LINCOLN COUNTY—SPECIAL (E.AB.No.163) Edwards d Broughton Company,Raleigh
State of North Carolina,- lei nrQ113 County.
f THIS DEED. Made this...T]Afelf1b........................day of.._.......»»r.@ ')3&x'3t...........»......_..................................._........... A.D. 193-7— by and between
_+.....T....... epthEr ._gn ..xi�i;e.edattie �.eather>in..................
` »»... . ...............
of the County of..................tine-oln.................._................and state of_._.__A:r"...D.axaliaa..............................._—part.".%of the fast part,and
CecilM. . Lellinuer and wife Clara Dellinger................................»..............................»....»..........................._....__................ _.. »__....._...... ...............__..............._.........
of the County oL...........................AtinD.Q1A......................and State oL .....__'!.ttT h...��AZQllaB...............................
party...—.....of the second part;
WITNESSETH:That the said parti8.s..of the first part,In consideration of_.Vu.e__4M i.L.E'&...ULUK IOD-)..,I /j.QQ�Collars
.................._.... d..Zher...Malueble__ec ,��r� is .... zz cto..theca �paia by the parr..-of the
second part,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,ha.M—bargained and sold,and by these presents do--grant,bargain,sell,and convey unto
Cecil M. Dellin�t?r.and .wife Clarix DEllingwEr__
said _. »___..__...._ ......» _...... » _..».»._—----.... ................. .......... ............
and.—IlLe a,r_......, helm alLthos e....certain....tra_Qts._.= Parcel�.._ ........ ........................................_._._.
»..».»..._.__...___. _..»....._...» .»...»........__...------- land,situate,lying.and being[n��t�►�?�—s��7.S�EsS.».__ »...--
Township.»»_..........................Liaaola........................County. State oL_Aortwil.LaiuUjma..........»_..............___..._..... »_
and more particularly described and defined as follows:First 'Tract: Adjoining the lands of Nancy Lowe John cones
Alice !lager, Ada ilixon, j ulia •tixon and otters and being bounced and descrtl;ed by metes
and bounds as follows, viz:- beginning tot a rock, Robert -aer's line and nuns S 7_ rn 31 poles
to John •vixon's corner;thetice 11 to 76 poles with John •Ixoa H line to a rock, his aad Lowe's
corner; thence S 1 E 39 poles to a ruck near a persimmon and Lowe's corner; thence a straight
line to the begia.:Tng, containing lbi acres more or less. Reference had and glad to deed dated
•iovember 7, Ld`�7, by Fedie Clark to 1n. K •0
obert ha$er and wire of record in ook 6� at pege 408,
in Office of Re-inter of Leeds, Lincoln County, A. C.
Second Tract: Beginniag aL a stake is the York--ville road opposite site of the old buckner
uarwell blacksmith shop near Salem ",ethodist '.,i:ur ih in Dellinger's line and runs S 68Q sW 119
poles to a stone in old line, "ohn Hatter's corner; tt:e.ice a new line John n. Hager's line S 522
poles to a stone and pointers in old line; thence with old line ►r 661 L 95J poles to a stka eia
the Yorkville road; thence with old line and with sand road A 10 W 543 poles to the beginning,
containing 32 1/s acres more or less, an- being the same Lract o land as conveyed to to. R. Hager
1:y John u hager et al by deed dated Kpril 7 1904, and which is duly recorded in boot: 89 at
page 176, Lincoln County registry.
Third Tract: beginning at a post oaic K.W.L. Eager's corner and runs with his line S '18 K 25
poles; the ce with the line of A. W. L. pager's S 75 6 15 ?oles to 4-Alia &tixoa's corner; thence
S 38 h 35 poles to uuctcworth's line; t.euce with bic"iorth s line •* 'A b 20 poles to a pine;
thence S 81 E 16 poles; thence b 60 11 50 poles to the bet;inuing, containing 161 acres more or
less. The above tract of land being the same tract of land as conveyed to W.&.hager by I.Q.
aixon b deed dated February 9 1901 duly recorded in book 82, at page 134, -Lincoln County Regis-
try. The above threetracts of land being inherited by Lorus G. Hager from This father W.Robert
iiager, the said Dorus C. Hager, being the only child of the said Vs.Robert Hager, deceased.
The above three tracts of land being coav;ed to Arch %womacd, by deed from Dorus C. Hager dated
irecember 28, 1926, which deed is duly recorded in boo& Page Lincoln County 1egistry.
Reference is also Made and had to deed of trust,executed on the 28th Lecember 1926 by Arch Wemac
and wife to n.b.•+ixoa,trustee which is duly recorded in Book 154,at pace 177,Lincola `'ol_mty Reg-
istry. Reference also Made and had to deed from K.B.•lixon,Trustee to .T.Leatherman,dated 25th
February 1932,aad duly recorded in boo-w 166 at page 658,Liaeoln county Registry. The foregoing
lands are sold subject to a prior en:umLrance la favor of the rederal Land Bank of 031imbia, as
evideacea by a mortgage deed duly recorded in the 4incolu ',ouaty •leEistry,and on which said mort-
gage deed there la due approximately �;2000.00 which s.tm the grantees herein assume anct agree
to pay off and discharge. Said ass4ption of the afoesain indebtedness belig a part of the con-
sideration of this deed.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid........1r Ljat.B...Qom»pB�Ce13.»................_...._ ....._...............».»..»».........».....»._.........»»._....— »..........» ...
of land,and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging,to the
............................... L.@113,ngf9r�....thB1r..._................................._...............balm and assigns,to----_.. ».........only use and behoof forever.
And the ....seid...pxrties, of the first paxt �.or themselvAs.»............................ _._._». for
»................. ..............................».........._..
.t..balr heirs,executors,and administrators,covenant with the said part-y........of the second part,t...h.aLr heirs and assigns,thatt t}et5r...a.�lzed
of said premises In fee,and ha.M.B..right to convey the same in fee simple:that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances,and than_h ty..
will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.