HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000057_Benchmark Exceedance Notification_20240529 Peterson, Kathryn S From: Peterson, Kathryn S Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 9:52 AM To: jonna_stein@venatorcorp.com Cc: kevin_robinson@venatorcorp.com; gerri_bowman@venatorcorp.com Subject: NCS000057 Venator Chemicals Stormwater Benchmark Exceedance Notification Attachments: NCS000057_Benchmark Exceedance_20240530.pdf Hi Jonna, DEQ has received your notification of benchmark exceedance (attached document). Please continue to follow the tier response procedures listed in your permit. Let us know if you have any questions, or need technical assistance. Best, Kathryn Kathryn Peterson Assistant Regional Engineer North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Office: (704) 235-2201 Mobile: (980) 435-7852 Email: kathryn.peterson@deq.nc.gov Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 D,E Q, Iv:IRTH tAR[� N� h � 0epariment at Env'yonmental Ou 1 VENATOR May 29, 2024 Mr. Jerry Eplin, Regional Supervisor NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 le rry.ePl i nad eQ.nc.gov 707-235-2147 Sent via email on 5/29/2024 Subject: Notification of Benchmark Exceedance for Venator Chemicals Permit# NCS000057: Monitoring Period: Q2 2024 Dear Mr. Eplin, This notification is being made in accordance with our stormwater permit section D-5(d) Table 2: Tier One Response for a Benchmark Exceedance. Outfall 1 exceeds the benchmark for Aluminum, Copper and Zinc. Outfall 2 exceeds the benchmark for fecal coliform, Copper and Zinc. Please see the table below for the results versus the benchmark. Parameter Benchmark Outfall1 Outfall2 Comment 5/9/2024 5/9/2024 TSS 100 mg/I 6 6 mg/I 11.1 mg/I pH 6-9 7.5(Pace 7.1 (Pace) Oil and 15 mg/I ND mg/I ND mg/I Not required unless>55 Grease gallons/month of oil on average BOD 30 m /I 16.5 m /I 2.7 m /I COD 120 m /I 44.6 m /I 26.4 m /I Fecal 1000 col/100 927 CFU/100 2500 Coliform ml ml CFU/100 ml Total 30 mg/I 9.2 mg/I 2.7 mg/I Nitrogen Total Al 750 u /I 1300 u /I 501 u /I Total As 340 u /I 10.9 u /I ND u /I Chloride 860 m /1 8.2 m /l 1.1 m /I Total 10 ug/I 40.8 ug/I 30.5 ug/I Copper Total 32 mg/I 12.7 mg/I 2.06 mg/I Magnesium Total 865 mg/l 9.61 mg/I ND mg/I Sodium Total Zinc 126 u /I 593 u /I 136 m /I Harness None 109 m /I 1 32.6 ma/I 5910 Pharr Mill Road, Harrisburg, NC 28075, USA Tel: 704-455-5182 Fax: 704-454-7390 info@venatorcorp.com www.venatorcorp.com VENATOR Venator will begin the process of implementing the Tier One Required Response/Actions as defined in the operating permit referenced above. This is our first reporting under our new permit so if any changes to the notification procedure are required please let me know. This information will also be entered into eDMR. Please contact me at 704-455-4171 or jonna stein[cd?venatorcorp.com if you need additional information. Sincerely, Jonna Stein Environmental Health and Safety Manager