HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8970705_HISTORICAL FILE_20140513 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 / 2 I DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS XHISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE Apb YYYYMMDD MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :05-20-2014 12:55 _ FAX NO.] NAME FILE NO. 202 DATE 05.20 12:49 TO n 916122922325 DOCUMENT PAGES 12 START TIME 05.20 12:53 END TIME 05.20 12:55 PAGES SENT 12 STATUS OK `SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE*'o State of North Carollva Department vf'CnWr'ovmcv[avd Narurvl Ravvurcet WIImInQron ReQlvaal OMue , I1ar Mc[:Ynry Gvvervur FAX COVER 6I�ET Jnhn PShvorlo lLl Baa[b<ary Dnte: —t�Z/� / No.Pv6ew Cexd.ewrver): // lo101 726-7336 350-2004t lay G1md1nnl n�we[ixlaaelnn,wnmm¢tnn,,mac ahno�.(zl of Iva-n1]-.[,.S?.nnel oppwwn,sy wtv.w,nne wsoo„n...pleye J State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John ESkvarla III, Secretary Date: S�a No. Pages(excl. cover): - To: (5/O /o7t ��,�/ e S From: Jo Calmer Cc: Y�� J v 7 Phone: (910)796-7336 Fax: �— G'�Z 2 �Z zS Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: T �� s f,� 8 97D 7 oS AS ,S y-G c✓ /�J"G� O/ �A/Jy� / %7 �✓Y7"n 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405•(910)796-7215•An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :05-20-2014 12:53 FAX NO.1 NAME FILE NO. 201 DATE 05.20 12:44 TO :n 919195522043 DOCUMENT PAGES 21 START TIME 05.20 12:44 END TIME 05.20 12:53 i PAGES SENT 21 STATUS OK `SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE` State of North C—klna Depwrtmvo[of S.nvlrooment and Namrw•Rmource• wu.o•naeon Reeioaat omee ew/MCGory, Governor FAX COVLtR SIIEE9' ✓ow..SSsvn+fo.11l, S—.#.ty Date: To: //7FAJ'T 's✓6�.'d�s From: JoC - T � l27 Cvdlnel Onvv 6.evnvlom Wilm/nipon,NC 58109�(9t0)796-T215�An Hquvi OpPo.4.nity AtT1.mnHw Aa•lon EmP•oyx' State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John ESkvarla III, Secretary Date: No.Pages (excl. cover): To: �/�> �ow f% der From: Jo Casmer Co: Cy� �y n E� i9 Phone: (910)796-7336 Fax: 9/�- SS Z — ZD �74 Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: J/.�O GS � , SGy 8/��/e 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405•(910)796-7215•An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :05-14-2014 15:47 FAX NO.1 NAME FILE NO. 188 DATE 05.14 15:41 TO rt 916122922325 DOCUMENT PAGES 11 START TIME 05.14 15:44 END TIME 05.14 15:47 PAGES SENT 11 STATUS OK 'SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE- istntn..elv...tn c,.rouv. uevpra..ep.ar Eawroameat.na r..aro.ne.a..r�e. wmm�.ntaa RaB;tpnP,omee Yat/tfcGrnry.c—...nrmr FAX COVER 6t�ET Jpbn S.4Rearlp l!/ 9acratery Data: ✓ ��� / No.PnBas CuxaaL rvvcr): /� Ynona: 1 6-7336 ]2'l Ce.dinnl Delvn Rx.aeim..WIImI..plon.NC 2Be05�(9,0)")96-71,1�M t3q..a,C.pP�,"eniry A1R.'me.,ve ACLLor.Rn.ployu State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John E Skvarla III, Secretary Date: / / No.Pages (excl.cover): /O To: From: Jo Casmer Co: �� -7— �U� Phone: (910)796-7336 Fax: 40ZQ— 5 Z —ZZZJr Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: T ! > /`l �l 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405•(910)796-7215•An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MEMORY TRANSMISSION_ REPORT TIME :05-14-2014 15:44 ' FAX NO.1 NAME FILE NO. 187 DATE 05.14 15:40 TO 9191 5522043 DOCUMENT PAGES 1..� START TIME 05.14 15:40 END TIME 05.14 15:44 PAGES SENT 11 STATUS OK `SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE- . t3kaf8 of Nnet6 Carotlna nnpnrtmavt o!Envtrnv mon<avd 1V atn rnf Awourecr W11m InQron Rarlamat OfA<c Potts GTnry, Gnvnrvor FAX COVRA 9i�ST John 6Rbnrlo/J/, S-acreeary Co: //�U�/ L—C/y� rOU� Phone: ohm oeb_7336 - Fax: Fax: mini 3aU .� Re: �f� -r dill Slv� y7o �a�- . 2'l CeMlne Vrlve nxMneion.WIIm l�gnn.NC 26M9�(9l O)796--1215�M R9ad Opp yrmn{fy AlnnnerWe Aonan Pmpl�y,c Slafe of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Pat McCrory, Governor FAX COVER SHEET John E Skvarla III, Secretary Date: Jam, 7 / No.Pages(excl. cover): 1652 To: 2r— �����/`/�� From: JoCasmer Co: i der C/2 G�/D UT Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: 9�l —S�z — 2 Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: T Bl/� O �7e� 7U� 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405•(910)796-7215 0 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ' Nelson, Christine From: Janes, Frank [Frank.Janes@bestbuy.com] Sent: Friday, May 09, 2014 3:22 PM To: Nelson, Christine Cc: Coen, Broc; Jamsa, Robert; Piper, Barbara Subject: RE: Best Buy-Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Attachments: #378 Wilmington, NC SSW-Renewal-App SWU102-DEMLR-SPU-Oct 2013(signed).pdf Christine -- here is the permit renewal. Going out today via UPS. Thanks again for your assistance on this. Frank A.Janes I Corporate Counsel Best Buy I Legal - Real Estate (B-6) 7601 Penn Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423 Ph: 612-291-3022 I Fax: 612-292-2325 I frankJanes Dy bestbuy From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson(olncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 7:30 AM To: Janes, Frank Subject: RE: Best Buy - Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for it early next week. Thanks! Emoil correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Janes, Frank [mai Ito:Frank.Janes(a>bestbuy.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 5:13 PM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: RE: Best Buy - Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Ok, thanks. I made that change and will get this signed asap—hopefully Friday and overnight to you via UPS. Frank A. Janes I Corporate Counsel Best Buy I Legal - Real Estate (B-6) 7601 Penn Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423 Ph: 612-291-3022 I Fax: 612-292-2325 I frankjanesnbestbuy.com From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson(alncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 4:06 PM To: Janes, Frank Subject: RE: Best Buy - Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Frank, That was quick! Since this is being submitted along with a modification, option B should be checked (Keeps you from having to fill out the last 2 pages of the form). The SWU-101 application as well as the designers certification have already been submitted. Just need those first two pages! Thanks, Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records low and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. 1 From: Janes, Frank [mailto:Frank.Janes(a)bestbuy.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 4:58 PM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: RE: Best Buy - Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Christine—can you please look at the attached and let me know if I have missed something. I will have it signed and notarized and will to you (or where you direct). Thanks. Frank A. Janes I Corporate Counsel Best Buy I Legal - Real Estate (B-6) 7601 Penn Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423 Ph: 61'2-291-3022 I Fax: 612-292-2325 I frank.'ail tes n bestbuy.com From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson(abncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:33 PM To: Janes, Frank Subject: Best Buy - Wilmington NC permit SW8 970705 Frank, Thanks for speaking with me. As we discussed on the phone a few minutes ago, the Best Buy State Stormwater Permit is set to expire on February 21, 2015. The renewal application should be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration date, which would be September 21, 2014, with the application fee of$505. We have the opportunity now, while the permit is being modified to renew at the same time with no additional fee. The catch is that this modification has been submitted to the Express permitting program and I would need the originally signed renewal form returned relatively quickly(no later than May 13, 2014) in order to process it simultaneously with the modification and still meet the Express permitting program time frames. Also, I should note that the owners of the new outparcel are very eager to get their permit,which I will be working on next and will not be able to issue until the Best Buy permit is re-issued. Take a look and see if this renewal is something that you are interested in pursuing at the same time as this modification or if it is something you'd like to do at a later date. Thanks, Christine ** Please note the new direct phone number ** Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer State Stormwater Program NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.,Wilmington, NC 28405 Direct:910-796-7345/Main:910-796-7215/Fax: 910-350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. 2 f Nelson, Christine From: Mat Trowbridge [mat@curryengineeringgroup.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:49 AM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: RE: SW8 970705 Best Buy- info neeced Attachments: SW-SWU-101-Application-20120806-DWQ-SPU.pdf I believe this is the only page, but let me know if there is another one that needs to be updated. Thanks, Mat Trowbridge, PE, LEED AP The Curry Engineering Group, PLLC 919.552,0849 (0) 919.552,2043 (F) 919.909,3879 (C) From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson(o)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:42 AM To: Mat Trowbridge Subject: RE: SW8 970705 Best Buy - info neeced If that is the case,then please e-mail me the updated the application documents that reflect the correct DA. Thanks, Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Mat Trowbridge [mailto:mat(cocurryengineeringgrouo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:41 AM To: Nelson, Christine Subject: RE: SW8 970705 Best Buy - info neeced Christine, the drainage area is to remain at 358,600. 1 think there was some inconsistent information in the original documentation. Thanks, Mat Trowbridge, PE, LEED AP The Curry Engineering Group, PLLC 919.552.0849 (0) 919.552.2043 (F) 919.909.3879 (C) From: Nelson, Christine [mailto:christine.nelson(ancdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:38 AM To: Mat Trowbridge Subject: SW8 970705 Best Buy - info neeced Mat, I have finished reviewing the Best Buy modification and have one small item that needs to be clarified: 1 1. The drainage area listed in the supplement for the 2001 permit modification original supplement was 8.23 acres while the calculations specified the drainage area as 358,600 square feet. The application submitted for this project indicates that the drainage area is decreasing slightly to 358,499 square feet. Please confirm the project area/drainage area for this permit. Please note that if the drainage area is changing from the original 358,600 square feet, this would require an updated supplement, revised calculations, and other documentation to support the change. Please take a look and try to get me the revised info by no later than May 12. Thanks! Christine ** Please note the new direct phone number ** Christine Nelson Environmental Engineer State Stormwater Program NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Direct:910-796-7345/ Main:910-796-7215/Fax:910-350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. 2 Prepared for: PI-ID � COLLEGE , LLC Mr. Rob Hicks 3930 Max PI. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Shops at College Rd ., NCDENR Stormwater Permit Submittal Package MODIFICATION TO EXISTING PERMIT (SW8-970705) 309 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC ECEIVE APR 2 8 2014 U. By: The Cuiz NT Engineeling Group, PLLC o r CA,?���i� Prepared by: _ Mat Trowbridge, PE The Curry Engineering Group, PLLC +� hubd �°`OHIZ�!1`( PO Box 2018 205 S. Fuquay Ave. Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 (919)552-0849 CThe Curry Engineering Group, PLLC Shops at College Rd. DATE: 4/21/14 309 S. College Rd. PAGE: 1 of 1 Wilmington, NC REVISION: 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Tab I: Permit Application and Required Forms Tab II: Property Ownership Documentation Tab III: Existing Permit Information APR 18 1014 MODIFICATION TO EXISTING PERMIT (#SW8-970705) Shops at College Rd. Wilmington, NC Site Location Narrative and Stormwater Permitting Questionnaire Response Project Narrative The existing stormwater permit (SW8-970705) is being modified to update the existing permit to reflect a newly created outparcel as well as update the property owner information. The stormwater BMP has always been owned and operated by Best Buy, however the owner information is being updated to reflect the proper legal entity responsible. There is also a new 1.05 acre outparcel being created and the enclosed permit modification reflects the creation of this new outparcel as well. There is no effective increase in the drainage area or BUA draining to the existing BMP and therefore stormwater calculations have not been submitted with this permit modification. 1. General Information a. Name of Project Best Buy b. Street Address, City, County This site is located at 307 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC c. Acres in Tract 8.23 d. Acres in Wetlands 1. Wetlands Must Ile Delineated & Sign-Off Obtained From The Corps 2. Proposed Wetland Impacts Require Permits From Corps & DWQ Wetlands are not present on site. f. Ownership Information From NC Secretary of State Web Site Current Owner: Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc.,a Minnesota corporation not individually, but solely as the Owner Trustee under Price Tag Rcalty`Crust 2001-1 g. Description of Development Proposal 1. Previous or Existing Permits NCDGNR permit #: SW8970705 2. Tax parcel/D Number R04920-003-005-000 h. Pre-1988 Built Upon Area, If Applicable N/A , ECEOVE APR 2 8 2014 BY: 2. Stormwater Information a. Provide River Basin, Stream Classification & Index Number for All water Bodies On or Adjacent To The Project or Closest to The Project Area The site drains to ern existing BMP (NCDENR Permit #: SW8970705) and ultimately to Bradley Creek. Index #: 18-87-24-4-(1) Stream Class: SC; HQW: #) b. Identify Whether the Stormwater Design is High Density or Low Density, Commercial or Residential, State Stormwater or NPDES Phase 11, Address Vested Rights When Applicable; Identify Pockets of High Density The site is designated High Density Commercial. NPDES Phase II and Vested Rights are not applicable for this location. c. Proposed Total % Impervious Surface 60% impervious across entire site. d. Number of Proposed Treatment Measures, Type(s) of Collection System One (1) existing stornswater detention pond. e. Will All Built Upon Area Be Collected Yes. f. Identify Whether or Not the Project Has Buffer Requirements & Whether or Not Development Is Proposed Within A Buffer There are no buffer requirements and the proposed development is not within a buffer. g. Discuss Coastal Management Areas of Environmental Concern When Applicable There are no AEC s on this project. h. Disclose Whether or Not Off-Site Runoff Is Coming Onto The Site or Into The Proposed BMP There is off-site runoff draining to the site from Lot 1 and Lot 2B. i. Discuss Whether Road Construction Across Other property Is Necessary To Access This Project Road construction across other property is not required to access this project. j. If An On-Site Evaluation Of The Soils Has Been Done, Discuss Infiltration Rates, Seasonal High Water Table, etc., and Include Date Of Site Evaluation (This Is Required For Infiltration Projects). N/A. DRAFT-K1OHNSON Shops on College Best Buy Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Total Surface Area I Total Surface Area Total Surface Area I Total Surface Area (Before PP Credit) (After PP Credit) (Before PP Credit) (After PP Credit) Impervious Area Drainage AreaA145,738145,738 312,761 312,761 sf Hydrologic Soil Group,Percentage for Calcs 75 75 IfA or B,enter"75" I C or D enter"50' Percentage Treate As Impervious 25% 25% % Percentage Treated As Grass 75% 75% % Impervious Total(Treated as Impervious) by Proposed Design: 27,281 187,965 187,965 sf Buildings,Total 8,3361 45,520 45,520 sf Streets,Total 0 01 0 sf Streets,Impervious 0 0 01 0 sf Streets,Pervious 1 0 01 01 0 sf Amount Treated as Impervious 0 0 sf Amount Treated as Gross 0 0 sf Parking,Total 22,865 19,793 102,968 102,968 sf Parking,Impervious FII18,769 18,769 102,968 102,968 sf Parking,Pervious 4,096 1,024 0 0 sf Amount Treated as Impervious 1,024 0 sf Amount Treated as Gross 3,072 0 sf Sidewalks,Total 1,804 1,804 10,797 10,797 sf Sidewalks,Impervious 1,804 1 1,804 10,797 10,797 sf Sidewalks,Pervious ^ '' 01 0 0 0 sf Amount Treated as Impervious 0 0 sf Amount Treated as Gross 0 0 sf Other,Total 01 01 0 0 sf Other,Impervious 0 01 0 sf Other,Pervious 0 01 0 sf Amount Treated as Impervious 0 0 sf Amount Treated as Gross 0 0 sf Future,Total: 01 0 997 997 sf Offsite,Total 01 27,683 27,683 sf Existing,Total: 01 1 0 sf Adjacent Impervious Amount of"Adjacent"BUA Being Treated by Perm Pave: 2,652 rN/Asf Ratio of"Additional BUA"to"Permeable BUA", R=A,/Ap 0.65 Ratio of"Additional BUA"to"Permeable BUA",R=Aa/Ap is 1:1 or less? - YEs Total Permeable Pavement Surface Area Being Proposed(Before Credit Assigned): 4,096 sf Permeable Pavement Surface Area Being Proposed That is Treating Roof etc Runoff Draining to it 4,096 - ft' (Before Credit Assigned),A,: Additional(Adjacent)BUA(Roofs etc Draining to Perm Pave),A : 2,652 ft' SinglePointReceives<S,000sf A,(See p.18-14)?(Yor N) y - 'Total surface area after PP accounts for 75%credit for pervious concrete and adjacent BUA 'Total allowable BUA from previous permit=215,246sf "Offiste total reflects allowable BUA on Lot 1(Bank Property)based on previous permit(SW8970705) 'Best Buy Drainage Area reflects total drainage area from previous permit(SW8 970705)minus proposed outparcel(lot 2B)