HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8940805_HISTORICAL FILE_19941128 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 °►y0805 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE Mc1 1-1112g YYYYMMDD State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager November 28, 1994 Mr. Richard C. Andrews Andrews Mortuary Post Office Box 131� Z6�I°v Wilmington, North Carolina 2-8401 Subject: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE with Stormwater Regulations Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Andrews Mortuary Hampstead Chapel and Access Road Pender County Dear Mr. Andrews: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater Submittal for Andrews Mortuary Hampstead Chapel and Access Road on August 4, 1994, with final information on November 14, 1994. Staff review of the plans and specifications, including the intent to restrict the allowable built-upon area to 1.65 acres for the project as shown on the approved plan, has determined that the project as proposed will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(a)(3). Due to the presence of a collection system, the runoff will be treated in an innovative system consisting of 3 existing wet ponds located on the site. Any modification of the plans submitted to and approved by this Office or further development of this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than 1 acre, will require an additional Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built-upon surfaces, addition of built-upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area as .shown on the approved plans. . This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification does not supersede any other permit or approval. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland Permit, NPDES stormwater permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency permits under their local ordinances, or others that may be required. 127 Cardinal Drive Emension, Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Andrews November 28, 1994 Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 ----------------------------------------------- Deed restrictions, including the allowable built-upon area per lot, must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions, including deed book number and page, must be forwarded to this Office within 30 days of the date of the recording. Failure to record and/or submit the deed restrictions to this Office is considered a violation of this Certification. An Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification (copy attached) must be received at the time the recorded Deed Restrictions are submitted. The Certification will verify to this Office that the stormwater controls, general layout of the project and the amount of impervious area are in substantial compliance with the approved Stormwater Plan. This site is subject to the monitoring requirements as set forth in the approved Operation and Maintenance plan. 3900. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395- Sincerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAnCERTIFIC\940805.NOV cc: Dan Dawson, P.E. Ron Covil, Pender County Inspections Bradley Bennett Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files Andrews Mortuary Hampstead Chapel and Access Road Pender County Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Engineer/Designer/Owner Certification I, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction of the stormwater control system for this project such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the plans and specifications approved by the NCDEM Water Quality Section. The layout of the impervious surfaces and the road details, as constructed, conform with the layout and road details shown on the approved plans. (Note: if a copy of the recorded deed restrictions has not been forwarded, you must provide a copy along with this form.) Signature Date DIVISION OF ENVBRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DENSITY X ( Innovative ) ENGINEERED PROJECT DATA Andrews Mortuary, Hampstead Chapel & Project Name Andrews Property, Sea Lawn Memorial Park Access Road Location(County,Township/Municipality,Address,State Road) T7750-U: S. Highway . 17 Hampstead North Carolina Pender County Owner's Name Andrews Mortuary, Inc. Mailing Address Post Office Box 13 , Wilmington, NC 28402" Phone Number ( 91 0 ) 762-7788 Submittal Date August 1 , 1994 Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings) Site work for funeral chapel and cemetery access road ( see sheets C-1 , C-2 , C-3 & C-4 Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff Unnamed Creek Classification of Water Body N/A If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is <0.5 miles, attach report of chloride sampling results N/A mg/1 State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks) CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal Other (Specify) CALCULATION OF BUILT UPON AREA Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by impervious.or partially pervious cover including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project includes areas draining to different water classifications, please note them separately below. Subwatershed Subwatershed Classification N/A Built upon area 1,. 6 5 AC Total Project Area 17 . 10 AC % Built upon Area 9 . 5% AllowableB/U Area 30% (w/o collection syste i� Is the Project B/U Area 5 the Allowable B/U Area? YES Of no, an engineered system is required.) % Built upon area = (built upon area / total project area) * 100 Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters -25%, Other —30% ,_�v Office use-only STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM d� R Describe how the runoff will be treated The mortuary runoff will be treat I Ul E. 6 El ,W L UD in three existing onsite ponds and wetlands. The cemetary It�(`U\ runoff will be treated by more than 300 ft o_f grassed swale. AUG 0 4 1994 This project is proposed as an innovative Rystem_ (See Attachments) D E M rztoJ 9 glGdGS nurrk;x AK1:A Is the built upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes If no,please provide a description (Note: Only boat ramps, public roads,public bridges, and walkways to water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of the mean high water line if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits.) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS By my signature below,I certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall limit the allowable built-upon area per lot to N/A square feet inclusive of right-of-way, structures, pavement, walkways or patios of brick, stone, or slate, not including wood decking, state that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore, the covenant cannot be changed or deleted without consent of the State. CERTIFICATION I Richard C. Andrews certify that the information included on this submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15 NCAC 2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below named person or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf, and agree to abide by the deed restriction statement ab ve. wner's Signature Date Provide authorized person or firm name and address below: Daniel E. Dawson, P.E. , dba Dawson Engineering 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 128403 ( 910) 762-4200 I, Lck k. A r4 40 -,r C/� allotary Public for the Stateof_ County of MP.-) No~oue-r �o hereby certify that personally appeared before me this _I t+ day of 19i; tl ackno ie'dges the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand ahb official seal, S Q t,�ojq� m Y < = = & PU800 j y commission expires -2 b -ni QVE ''�nvnamn"' DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN-OFF Regional Office p 28 kov 94 Date 'vidual Evaluating�/Plans Z9 �/Jr4-�w AS✓ Date Regio`nal-Water Quality Supervisor cc: Applicant/WiROBradley Bennett/Central Files STORMWATER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR ANDREWS MORTUARY - HAMPSTEAD CHAPEL AND ACCESS ROAD FOR SEA LAWN MEMORIAL PARK HAMPSTEAD, NORTH CAROLINA 1. The owner will be responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of the stormwater collection and treatment facilities. 2 . Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, which ever comes first, the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales will be inspected, trash will be removed, and eroded areas will be repaired before the next rainfall. 3 . Quarterly, the collection system will be inspected for proper functioning. Accumulated trash will be cleared from catch basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared as required. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting, riprap or other energy dissipation structures will be replaced and broken pipes will be repaired. 4 . Semi-annually, accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. The pond depth will be checked at various points. If depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, 3 feet, or whichever is greater, sediment will be removed to at least the original design depth. Grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, will be reseeded twice a year as necessary. 5. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height will be 611 . 6 . All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan. 7 . Every six months after the site construction is finished and the site is stabilized, beginning in April or October, samples will be collected from the ponds at the locations noted on the enclosed sketch. If there is no data to be collected at collection point 3 due to insufficient rainfall, the sample at this location will not be taken until the next collection period. The following monitoring tests will be performed by �a�(?n certified lab: APPROVED I pl ECE OWE I�l NORTH CAROLMA ENIV'RONMENTAL AC U NMNEM jQ V;;.%-S10N DIVISION OFENViRUltiiENTALMANAGEMENT moo 1 .6 1994 Date 28 WV 19R4 StormwaterCediticationNo.5vsggo8Q5 pR,OJ ;¢ B ��OS TEST METHOD NUMBER Hydrocarbons(Oil & Grease) SM17th Ed 5520F NO3-N SM17th Ed 353. 1 NO2-N SM17th ED 354 . 1 NH3-N SM17th Ed 350.2 Total Phosphorous SM17th Ed 365.2 Fertilizer (TKN+PO4+K) EPA 600/4-79-020. Results of the tests will be forwarded to the Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section, within 30 days of the month the samples are due. After monitoring the water quality for one year, the owner may request termination of the testing. Andrews Mortuary, Inc. P.O. Box 13 n //�� Wilmington, NC 28402 I, Lo �& H y�e� ,s (; a: a � , a Notary Public for the State of /y, ��� �, I; a , Count of �u N 2 B, o� do hereby certify that ) 7CJ,a�Q �,County personally appeared before me this I t,+A day of Nove,, 19,qq , and acknowledges the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my 0. ,�and and /official seal, w ( G a �,••�`p lip fl c'!y� •4• Mycommi Qy o ssion expires 'Z i qqq �� ,�oTAr, i .... . ., .J:i SILT FENCE •J -y \ I I I •\ 6 I \ \ \ .\ QPxoroscu eULINUG \ ' G . \ s b 6 4 ROCK CHECK DAM t: r _ .. ...... _. _.. ♦ 11 i i r ' Vs wu .. 1, � ATTACHMENT TO ANDREWS MORTUARY APPLICATION FOR INNOVATIVE LOW DENSITY STORMWATER PERMIT Andrews Mortuary proposes to construct a new mortuary in Hampstead. The purpose of this attachment is to discuss the advantages of utilizing the existing ponds and vegetative filters to, treat the storm water runoff from the proposed project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project was originally planned to be limited to the construction of the proposed mortuary and did not include new access roads in the cemetery. The mortuary project will establish 0.73 acres of new impervious surfaces. To improve the access to the adjacent cemetery a connecting access road and loop road have been added. The proposed roads and mortuary will result in 1 .65 acres of impervious surfaces on 17 . 10 acres (or 9.5 percent) . The proposed projects will cover less than 30 percent of the site with impervious surfaces. The projects may be considered for approval as low density projects if the proposed surfaces do not generate runoff from the site with water quality characteristics that are normally associated with high density clustered developments and unfiltered collection systems. Stormwater runoff from the mortuary project will drain through three onsite ponds and leave the owner' s property through two 24- inch culverts at the rear of the site. Stormwater runoff from the proposed cemetery access road project will drain through more than 300 ft of onsite grassed swales before leaving the owner' s property. MORTUARY SITE DRAINAGE The mortuary is adjacent to three borrow pits that were excavated when the adjoining cemetery, Sea Lawn Memorial Park, was constructed by the previous owners in the early 19801s. Dense vegetation is well established between the borrow pits ponds. In addition to providing settling and suspended solids removal, the existing ponds and dense vegetation also provide significant nutrient uptake. The borrow pit pond system consists of three ponds. The upstream pond has a surface area of approximately 7,000 square feet with an average depth of three feet. The middle pond has a surface area of approximately 5,000 square feet with an average depth of four feet. The downstream pond has a surface area of approximately 4,000 square feet with an average depth of five feet. The ponds are connected in a series by densely vegetated, undefined water courses which provide significant littoral zones for the uptake of dissolved nutrients. The outflow from the owner' s borrow pit ponds is via two 24" diameter pipes under the neighbors private access road behind the rear of the site. Except during heavy rainfall periods the normal pool elevation of the downstream pond is at or below the invert of neighbor' s culverts. In addition to the pond surface area, the side slopes of the pond banks along the southeast sides are relatively flat. These low side slopes provide additional contact areas with the vegetation as well as detention. Upstream of the Andrew' s mortuary property approximately 75 additional acres drain into the ponds via a 4x6 foot box culvert under US Highway 17 . Approximately 8 acres of impervious surface from the school are included in the upstream runoff area ( 11 . percent impervious) . As proposed the stormwater runoff leaving the owner' s property after receiving treatment in the owner' s borrow pit pond system will include 1.5 acres from the existing cemetery, 1.8 acres from the proposed mortuary site, 5.9 acres from the undeveloped southeast side of the borrow pit ponds and 75 acres from offsite areas. The runoff leaving the owner' s property, via the ponds and two 24-inch culverts, will include 0. 11 acres of impervious surface from the existing cemetery access road, 0.09 acres of impervious surface from the connecting access road, 0.73 acres of impervious surface from the proposed mortuary site and 8 acres of impervious surface from offsite areas. The stormwater runoff leaving the owner' s site, which includes the proposed mortuary, has a composite drainage area of approximately 84 .2 acres with approximately 8.93 acres of impervious surfaces ( 11 percent) . Even though the impervious surfaces of the proposed mortuary and the school may represent isolated pockets of impervious areas, the quality of the stormwater runoff leaving the owners site should be considered for low density approval because the stormwater leaving the site will not have water quality characteristics that are normally associated with high density clustered developments and unfiltered collection systems. ACCESS ROAD The existing cemetery is composed of two sections - the front section and the rear sections. The front section has an existing access road which connects to US Highway 17 and loops through the cemetery. The only access to the rear section of the cemetery is from the existing access road in the front section. During funeral services this is a problem. The access needs to be improved. Except. for grave markers, mausoleums and sidewalks, the site is covered by grass. The asphalt surface of the proposed access road will increase the impervious surface area in the cemetery by 0.36 acres. The rear section of the cemetery contains 7 .9 acres. Based on the owner' s previous experience utilizing the existing access road in the front section, the proposed access road needs to have a drainage collection system in order to properly conduct funeral services during unexpected rain storms. The proposed collection system is designed to collect runoff from both grassed and asphalt areas. The stormwater collected by the system will exit the collection system on the owner's property and will not be released from the site without first flowing through a grassed swale along the rear of the site. The grassed swale is more than 300 feet long and 10 feet wide. Even though the impervious surfaces of the proposed cemetery access road is proposed to include an onsite storm drainage collection system, the quality of the stormwater runoff leaving the site of the access road should be considered for low density approval because the stormwater leaving the site will not have water quality characteristics that are normally associated with high density clustered developments and unfiltered collection systems. CONCLUSION We feel that the proposed project as currently designed will successfully protect the water quality. The project is not located near high quality waters. We currently do not feel that a specific monitoring program is necessary; we certainly will cooperate with any monitoring program or studies the State may wish to conduct on this practical solution. Alternative measures are available if the Director determines that the system has failed. NOV 161994 DAWSON ENGINEERING Engineering -- 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Land Planning Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Surveying (910) 762-4200 November 15, 1994 Linda Lewis State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Subject: Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Andrews Mortuary - Hampstead Chapel and Access Road for Sea Lawn Memorial Park Pender County Dear Ms. Lewis: In response to your request for additional information concerning the Stormwater Submittal for the Andrews Mortuary - Hampstead Chapel and Access Road for Sea Lawn Memorial Park, please find enclosed the signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Plan. Sincerely, � Daniel E. Dawson, P.E. Enc. : As noted above EodE �ni WWWUU NOV 1 6 1994 U D E M PROJ sw 3 '�t 40 SU S sw a Lf-o aos P6¢ c-�� & �Cre2se �eor B� 1//7 q 5 �Ipn -es cc�l(ecfec( hmn o-P Faun � Z h_u� W� EL Yne2su�es ;�Pace , ' � O (Item 5 c e/e, C/ Cc>rn�?12fe 0 a )l Prw -Zr� fU us, DAWSON ENGINEERING Engineering 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Land Planning Wilmington, N.C. 28403 Surveying (910) 762-4200 October 6, 1994 r�PF1{�`���1( -� (�'�ll`u i� u�C1J�1 t611 tLLL("n»(F1,111u1 Inl � � DU � Ind Ms. Linda Lewis IunU( U N.C. Department of Environment, OCT 0 71994 Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management D EIVI 127 Cardinal Drive Extension PROJ Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Control Permit for Construction of Andrews Mortuary - Hampstead and Access Road for Sea Lawn Memorial Park UCDEM Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Dear Ms. Lewis: We submitted this project to the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources for approval on August 4 , 1994 . We were notified by a letter dated August 9, 1994 that the Department would either approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of the Department receipt of the plan. Prior to receiving the letter of approval from the Land Quality Section of the Division of Land Resources of the Department, dated August 22, 1994, Mr. Andrews spoke by telephone with the Land Quality Section personnel and was told that the plan had been approved and that construction could proceed. Mr. Andrews immediately notified the contractor to proceed and informed the Land Quality Section that construction was starting the next day. By the time the August 22, 1994 letter was received, construction had begun. Prior to being told the project was approved by the Land Quality Section, Mr. Andrews and I made it clear that we were available to discuss the project with Department personnel in order to expedite the approval of the project. We were informed that this type of submittal (low-density innovative) had not been reviewed by the regional office before and that we would be contacted when needed. When I received my copy of the August 22, 1994 approval letter from the Land Quality Section site construction work had already begun. The approval letter contained some comments and, conditions. Condition number 3 indicated that a permit could be required from the Division of Environmental Management under stormwater regulations. Since no impervious surfaces were to be constructed NCDEM - Linda Lewis October 6, 1994 Page 2 immediately, we decided to wait until after the full 30 days had expired for the Department to approve or disapprove the plan before allowing the contractor to construct any impervious surfaces. After Labor Day, September 5, 1994 , we presumed the Department was satisfied with the plan and no longer restricted the contractor from constructing the impervious surfaces. On September 22 , 1994 we received your letter, dated September 20, 1994 , informing us that the project submittal was incomplete. Since receiving your letter of September 20, 1994, I have been researching your request for semi-annual monitoring of the stormwater from the site by a certified lab. After discussing item 1 of your letter with a chemist at a state certified lab, it is our understanding that in item 1 you are requesting the following monitoring tests at three locations twice a year. TEST METHOD NUMBER PRICE PER TEST Hydrocarbons (Oil & Grease) SM17th Ed 5520F $ 25 .00 NO3-N SM17th Ed 353. 1 17 .00 NO2-N SM17th Ed 354 . 1 13 .00 NH3-N SM17th Ed 350. 2 14 .00 PO4 SM17th Ed 365.2 18 .00 Total Phosphorous SM17th Ed 365 .2 22 .00 Fertilizer (TKN+PO4+K) EPA 600/4-79-020 33 .00 Fecal Coliform EPA 600/8-78-017 20.00 Sampling 130.00 COST PER LOCATION PER TEST $ 292 . 00 ANNUAL COST $ 1, 752 . 00 The sketch enclosed with your September 20, 1994 letter indicates three proposed sampling points. We are concerned that sampling point number 3 will not have sufficient stormwater to sample except during extreme storm events. We had originally intended to apply for NCDEM certification as a low-density project because the project will cover less than 10 percent of the property with impervious surfaces. Prior to submitting the project to NCDEM, Mr. Andrews and I met with you and Mr. Sams in your office. During our meeting we discussed the project as currently designed and you advised us to submit the project as a low-density (innovative) project and to attach a narrative explaining the existing and proposed hydrologic conditions. The narrative was included with the submittal. In the meeting we also discussed eliminating the catch basins and collection pipe systems, except culverts crossings, and dispersing the stormwater runoff from the impervious surfaces onto turfed areas in order to change the project to a typical low-density NCDEM - Linda Lewis October 6, 1994 Page 3 project. We would consider making this change, except the change will increase the potential for standing water during funeral services on rainy days which is unacceptable. Please note that, as currently designed, the collection systems within the site do not discharge stormwater directly offsite without flowing through 300 feet of grassed swales or at least two ponds with dense vegetative littoral zones. It is my opinion that if the facility is properly operated and maintained the quality of the offsite stormwater will not be degraded by the project as currently designed. We are working on an Operation and Maintenance Plan, but can not complete it until we have resolved the monitoring requirements. Please confirm that our understanding of your request in item number 1 of your September 20, 1994 letter is accurate. Also please note that Mr. Andrews informed me today that he has received a notice of a violation from the Department concerning this project. I would appreciate being sent a copy of this notice so that I can assist him with his response. Very truly yours, DAWSON ENGINEERING Daniel E. Dawson, P.E. cc: Andrews Mortuary, Inc. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager September 29, 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL-P 389.047-356i) RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Richard C. Andrews Andrews Mortuary, Inc. Post Office Box 13 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Sea Lawn Memorial Park Pender County Dear Mr. Andrews: On August 4, 1994 this Office received a stormwater submittal for Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations, Number SW8 940805, for Sea Lawn Memorial Park, located in Hampstead. NCGS 143-215.1 (a) (1) states in part that: No person shall make any outlets into the waters of the State until such person shall have applied for and shall have received from the Commission a permit therefor and shall have complied with such conditions as prescribed by such permit. On September 28, 1994, Regional Office Staff conducted a compliance inspection of the project's stormwater facilities and found construction underway. Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of the inspection. On September 20, 1994, this Office sent an Additional Information request letter to your engineer, outlining the monitoring requirements to be included as a part of the Operation and Maintenance plan necessary in order to approve this project. No response to that letter has been received to date. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900• Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer R, 389 047 356 Receipt for Certified Mail �. No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse o No. .0.,State and ZIP C,of Postage Carded!Fee Special Delive,y Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Reactor Showing d, to whom&Date Delivered or Return Receipt stwvung to Whom, e Date, 'AO -s Address � Fe ro e �d s a3 �CY�y l u 10 1 " QIL lam j m SENDER: 1 also wish to receive the V • Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I q < Complete items 3,and as&b. following services (for an extra u I y • Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can feel: I m return this card to you m • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space 1. ❑ Addressee's Address N , m does not permit. m • Write"Return Receipt Requested'on the mail iece below the article number. 6 p 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery m Ij I L • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date e delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 'Cl : Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number E m m n 4b. Service Type 2 E Mr. Richard C. Andrews [I Registered ❑ Insured 1 00 Andrews Mortuary, Inc. Im..�( c Certified ❑ COD ,on P.O. Box 13 Return Receipt for 3 ❑ Express Mail ❑ Merchandise Wilmington, NC 28402 0 O 7. Date of Delivery o Q O T ¢ 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address(Only if requested r I and fee is paid) m f I 6. Signature (Agent) I o ai PS Form 3$11, December 1991 tr U.S.G.P.0.:1992-307-530 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I i _ Mr. Andrews September 29, 1994 Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 --------------------------------------- Construction of impervious surfaces and the associated discharge of stormwater prior to receipt of the Certification of Compliance is a violation of 15A NCAC 211.1003, and NCGS 143-215.1(a)(1) and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A including the assessment of civil and criminal penalties. Failure to provide the required "Plan of Action" which designates the date by which the above items will be permanently resolved, prior to October 29, 1994, will result in the initiation of appropriate enforcement action by this Office. That action may include recommendations for the assessment of penalties. By copy of this letter to Mr. Ron Covil, this Office is requesting that he consider withholding the Certificates of Occupancy until this matter is satisfactorily resolved. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or Mr. Dave Adkins at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver, P.G. Regional Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\NOTICE\940805.SEP cc: Phil Norris, P.E. Ron Covil, Pender County Building Inspector Bradley Bennett (2) Linda Lewis Central Files STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Sea Lawn Memorial Park Project Number: SW8 940805 Control Measure: Innovative Low Density Water Body: UT ICWW Classification: SA Directions to site, address: North of Hampstead 2. Inspection Date: September 28, 1994 Weather Conditions: Clear, warm 3. Comparison of Approved plans vs. As-Built: N/A 4. Maintenance Problems: N/A 5. PE Certification Received? NO Recorded Deed Restrictions Received? N/A 6. Comments: 1. Construction of the site has commenced without the stormwater Certification. Inspector: Linda Lewis Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(919) 395-3900 DA/arl: S:WQS\STORMWATINOTICE\940805.SEP State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager September 20, 1994 Mr. Dan Dawson, P.E. Dawson Engineering 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Subject: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 Sea Lawn Memorial Park DNew Hanover County Dear M�son: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Submittal for the Sea Lawn Memorial Park on August 4, 1994. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Monitoring requirements - every six months after the site construction is finished and the site is stabilized, beginning in April or October. Please sample the ponds as noted on the enclosed sketch, prior to construction, for hydrocarbons (oil and grease), nitrogen and phosphorous series, (NH,, NO2, NO3, PO4, and total phosphorous), fertilizers, and fecal coliform. Have the samples analyzed by a certified lab, and forward the results to this Office within 30 days of the month the samples are due. Samples must be collected at the points noted in red on the enclosed sketch. 2. Please provide an Operation and Maintenance plan describing what measures will be undertaken to keep the ponds functional. At a minimum, provide for regular catch basin inspection/clearing, erosion repair, and a general inspection of the system. The monitoring requirements from above must also be included in the document. 3. Future development on the mortuary property must be by engineered system, or density without a collection system. Continued development will require a standard detention pond. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845•Telephone 910-395-3900• Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Dawson September 20, 1994 Stormwater Project No. SW8 940805 ----------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to October 20, 1994, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\940805.SEP cc: (2)_L-inda-Lewis Central Files 2 (� l cni4orv3, i J ... . .. .., SILT FENCE ' b JI \ \ I I I \l \ I \ \ PROPOMD 9ULLANO \ r "mn 13 s i ROCK CHECK DAM � s .. ... _.._ ._ _ ..._ - } � f i i t F i _ i it 4- 5(N 8 �( 4U 80S I� 1��o✓zhve scrb:�, ��fal �- 3 - fig- � �Is�'cl Tv{al Sl �e 17,_1(D 2c L rm orylOus �, Gs -nc �POG�ef d�l�. gcollec�o1 Sys^ G 5 1e 7� acres Ca acre school s) �e ,'rnoeru) �a CQ/nef-� or60. Horly 01- 1. zc Tot2Ii` ZM�. C /3v) �X, C ery ef2r�1kce55 �ZCI , llr ;PC 2cce 5S YO a� Prop. /{lof-1142r oqS �F(s'jde schoo� 8 /� Pond C`705r UDShre2,n ) Si¢= rJUX SF 3 c4e�� Porlcl Z ( m ,'dd lej 4 ' d eeP �t�,y aid ho�zl SW or ma u soleum S Ql annQd f r-- �t'ea —a2new G fuessL2 pje2se shocu�, I�i PrOV�� TLt� In C21GU ���'UnS, 2— Thr�V2fi✓12heyon.;n Ihe_moafti ne�res� ,ape, OCT ) eflcomPle h6/1 of �(4VrT ray�,r f�' Jae to �� Ynon, for h���oqr�„ ' P ry jJ-ov,ole a corre„-if �" of W?JZ er Sample ?M2(L4 5 —t�Yl<Jr fU s. 2 h'owS . 5e d relZrFs l� Gu; 12y Ar-ler 1 ye._ v F no — Qcscr: i6e. wh a+ rneosuies will he Uncler4zLe„ ]u keep ponds Fyn c, h'or a� . Oz Sw� �( +C)EC)5 Sez Lawn 3- I( a9 P�6v�'Ge �Gt� reGv��Y �' C(3 grzfe cleav 'n a(epf Al -! Pon c OIC5, Si �e /fre,a jr7. 10 ae (�43��3o sF� 131c1c�s . S(p 3S ¢348 Sw 13� 8 EX, 691g3x 95) +(I (OAL� + C 43Z e 20335 QC _ 1,sz Gee,-, - 5 -2,4c(4y I _ 6-F�si Ee a c 34 8_4 ED Gree+, gym' ( ac 2�1 gS20 Aq-2��h = 4 ' S_4_(P PP = l(goob S F 5� 6D 1 " (Je�fh UoI = 1132,3 84 cF �4 (2 S L FEY Ore- 0/7 mor hcG�o�5�e111?ychnoo�dne/G✓--.Yell/-o pCohh�ueclar+y mrus fn7 e e-r)5inee,rea1 5� srl( or ons, b-)l nou o vleLP.n / C+l rOOO/ 5Uh/J71-11 — / 8 2h7nc✓amen7' •e� _ T e z L eered / �(�Sf Piw III ca2c Y✓On 1 �D ri n c� � oh 27 show 5 - Ae nd5 are na� e ffecfiye Q or e subsi-: n kz l incL 2se in runoff / eros,on Fro,,,? Z4" oull sA i Dies i5 noted, Thy s G-F�ce e2nno+ zl��w downslre�, Lft*p_ne_92hye imP-2cfr � i j � i I" II! ill � I i' i ; II' 1, li DAWSON ENGINEERING Engineering P.O. Box 42 Land Planning Wilmington, N.C. 28402 Surveying (910) 762-4200 August 4, 1994 Ms. Linda Lewis N.C. Department. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Control Permit for Construction of Andrews Mortuary - Hampstead and Access Road for Sea Lawn Memorial Park Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed for your review are three prints of sheets C-1, C-2 , C-3, and C-4, dated July 11, 1994, drainage calculations and application form. Under separate cover we have submitted our request for a sedimentation control permit from the Land Quality Section. We request N.C.D.E.M. certification of compliance of this project with the stormwater regulations. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you need additional information please call . Very truly yours, DAWWSSO'N ENGIINNEERING fig'ql �' " I Daniel E. Dawson, P.E. Pi �� i l;i Cb Encl. : As noted above. cc: Land Quality Section �I JnU` AUG 0 4 1994 U PROJ SDSg4Mo�y5 7- 28- 94 hA -Dt-t( col/ech61 tZcicef o(, sch�- e �n resrowse ¢0 2S ra�e w�'fhou f F(r✓od,4 u�✓sk��., . 2 Lsy 24107- e. fhe. c)cx :5 uC, fine_ ? Cx;ss}l�ry ou fle,-f o fF' s;fe. .