HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8940602_HISTORICAL FILE_20080729 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 gy01�02 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS IK HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 200ce 01 2 O� YYYYMMDD wAT F9o(r Michael F. Fasley,Governor 1 Y William G.Boss Jr.,Secretary r North Carolina Department of Fnvuonment and Natural Resources p Y Coleco If.Sullins Director Division of Water Quality July 29, 2008 Carolyn Gnam, Church Council President St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 5869 Ocean Highway West Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 940602MOD St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church High Density Project Brunswick County Dear Mrs. Gnam: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church on July 29, 2008. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 940602MOD dated July 29, 2008, for the construction of the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 29, 2018, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Chris Baker, or me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Edward Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENB/csb: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\940602MOD.ju108 cc: Chris Russell, East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. Brunswick County Building Inspections Chris Baker CWilmington Regional Office Central Files �` NhCarolma Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Phone(910)796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet: www_ncwaterqualilvorg Fax (910)350-2004 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffinnative Action Employer—50%Recycled110%Post Consumer Paper State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Carolyn Gnam and St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 5869 Ocean Highway West, Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of a wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 29, 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.6 on page 3 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 87,120 square feet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built-upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 5. The runoff from all built-upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD 6. The following design criteria have been provided in the wet detention pond and must be maintained at design condition: a. Drainage Area, acres: 6.03 Onsite, ft : 262,667 Offsite, ft2: None b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 87,120 C. Design Storm, inches: 1.5 d. Pond Depth, feet: 7 e. TSS removal efficiency: 85% f. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 28.65 g. Permanent Pool Surface Area, ft2: 5,574 h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 14,785 i. Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: 30.75 j. Controlling Orifice: 1.38"0 pipe k. Permitted Forebay Volume, ft3: 3,700 I. Fountain Horsepower, HP N/A M. Receiving Stream/River Basin: Cool Run / Lumber n. Stream Index Number: 15-25-2-3 o. Classification of Water Body: "C;Sw" It. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all time provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and re-vegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device, flow spreader, catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 5. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in a stormwater treatment system with a permanent pool volume less than 30,000 cubic feet. 6. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become void unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 7. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 8. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times. 10. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built-upon area, details, etc. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 11. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction. 12. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 13. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and re-issuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 8. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 9. The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. Permit issued this the 29th day of July, 2008. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Stormwater Permit No. SW8 940602MOD Brunswick Countv Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project, construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date Page 6 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 940602MOD Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built-upon area. 3. All the built-upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 13. All required design depths are provided. 14. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay. 15. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Brunswick County Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name(specify the name of the corporation, individual,etc. who owns the project): St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title(person legally responsible for facility and compliance): Carolyn Gnam,Church Council President 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 5869 Ocean Hwy West City:Ocean Isle Beach State:NC Zip:28469 Phone: (910 ) 579-0107 Fax: ( ) Email: 4. Project Name(subdivision, facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 5. Location of Project(street address): 5869 Ocean Hwy West City:Ocean Isle Beach County:Brunswick Zip:28469 6. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): From the intersection of Ocean Hwy West and Union School Rd (SR1319)south of Shallotte, travel west on Ocean Hwy West for approximately 0.1 miles and site in on the left. 7. Latitude33°57 13" N Longitude:78°27' 62" W of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name:Tyler Phillips Telephone Number: (910 ) 754-8029 Email:!Vhillips@eces.biz II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): ❑New ❑Renewal ®Modification FormSWU-101 Version03.27.08 Page I of 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit numberSWB 940602 and its issue date(if known)1une 28,1994 3. Specify the type of project(check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Redevelop ❑General Permit ❑Universal SMP ❑Other 4. Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks; information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑CAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control ❑404/401 Permit ❑NPDES Stormwater III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. Stormwater runoff will sheet flow from impervious areas to curb inlets via curb and gutter and curb cuts to grass lined swales then to an on-site wet detention basin. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 3. Total Property Area: 6.03 acres 4. Total Wetlands Area: 0 acres 5. 100' Wide Strip of Wetland Area: 0 acres (not applicable if no wetlands exist on site) 6. Total Project Area**:6.03 acres 7. Project Built Upon Area:33.2 8. How many drainage areas does the project have?7 9. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. For high density projects,com fete the table with one drainage area for each engineered stormwater device. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Cool Run Stream Class&Index No. QSW Total Drainage Area (sf) 262667 On-site Drainage Area (so 262667 Off-site Drainage Area (so N/A Existing Impervious*Area (so 45,997 Proposed Impervious*Area (so 41,123 Impervious*Area(total) 33.2 Impervious*Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings (so 18,903 On-site Streets (so On-site Parking (so 64,119 On-site Sidewalks (so 3,251 Other on-site (so 847 Off-site (so N/A Total (so: 87,120 *lnpervious area is defined as the built upon area including, bill riot limited to, buildings, roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. Form SWU-101 Version 03.27.08 Page 2 of **Total project area shall be calculated based on the current policy regarding inclusion of wetlands in the built upon area percentage calculation. This is the area used to calculate percent project built upon area (BUA). 10. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived?N/A IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS One of the following deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly,a table listing each lot. number,size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. Forms can be downloaded from ham://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm - deed restrictions. Form DRPC-1 High Density Commercial Subdivisions Form DRPC-2 High Density Developments with Outparcels Form DRPC-3 High Density Residential Subdivisions Form DRPC-4 Low Density Commercial Subdivisions Form DRPC-5 Low Density Residential Subdivisions Form DRPC-6 Low Density Residential Subdivisions with Curb Outlets By your signature below,you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required in the above form,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at(919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Forms can be downloaded from htto://l12o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm. Form SW401-Low Density Low Density Supplement Form SW401-Curb Outlet System Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SW401-Off-Site System Off-Site System Supplement Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SW401-Infiltration Basin Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SW401-Infiltration Trench Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SW401-Bioretention Cell Bioretention Cell Supplement Form SW401-Level Spreader Level Spreader/Filter Strip/Restored Riparian Buffer Supplement Form SW401-Wetland Constructed Wetland Supplement Form SW401-Grassed Swale Grassed Swale Supplement Form SW401-Sand Filter Sand Filter Supplement Form SW401-Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 03.27.08 Page 3 of VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. (Appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map athttp://h2o.enr.slate.nc.us/so/msi mans.htm) 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initi Is • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • Original and one copy of the Deed Restrictions&Protective Covenants Form (if required as per Part IV above) • Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) and O&M agreement(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of$505 (Express:$4,000 for HD,$2,000 for LD) payable to NCDENR • Calculations& detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Copy of any applicable soils report • Two copies of plans and specifications(sealed,signed &dated),including: -Development/Project name -Engineer and firm -Legend -North arrow -Scale -Revision number&date - Mean high water line -Dimensioned property/project boundary -Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers -Original contours, proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations -Details of roads,drainage features,collection systems, and stormwater control measures -Wetlands delineated,or a note on plans that none exist -Existing drainage(including off-site),drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations -Drainage areas delineated -Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. (ex. designing engineer or firm) Designated agent(individual or firm):East Coast Engineering&Surveying, PC Mailing Address:Post Office Box 2469 City:Shallotte State:NC Zip:28459 Phone: (910 1 754-8029 Fax: (910 ) 754-8049 Email:tphillips@eces.biz VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) Carol)tn Gnam Church Council President certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .700 Signature: c/ ✓ 2a2 a Date: Pone SWU-101 Version 03 27.08 Page 4 of • Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) NCDENR ~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out,printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part 111)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name St.Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Contact person Tyler Phillips Phone number 910-754-8029 Date 28-Jul-08 Drainage area number 1 II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 262,667.00 ft' Impervious area 87,120.00 ftZ %impervious 33.17 % Design rainfall depth 1.50 in Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Minimum volume required 11,442.67 ft' Volume provided 14,785.00 ft' Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr,24-hr runoff depth N/A in Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff N/A ft' Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff N/A ft' Minimum volume required #VALUE! ft' . Volume provided N/A ft' Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth 3.60 in Rational C,pre-development 20.70 (unilless) Rational C,post-development 17.40 limitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hrstorm 3.60 in/hr Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 4.50 ft'/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 6.21 ft'/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control 1.71 ft'/sec Basin Elevations Basin bottom elevation 21.65 ft Sediment cleanout elevation 22.65 ft Bottom of shelf elevation 28.15 ft Permanent pool elevation 28.65 ft SHWT elevation ft Top of shelf elevation 29.15 ft Temporary pool elevation 30.75 ft � E C E 1 V ED �unSu JUL 2 8 ?198 Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.4 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 DWO PROJ ft Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) I:.' DESIGN INFORMATION Volume and Surface Area Calculations SAIDA ratio 0.02 (unitless) Surface area at the bottom of shelf 3,914.00 ft' Volume at the bottom of shelf 2,372.00 fl' Permanent pool,surface area required 5,573.00 ft' Permanent pool,surface area provided 5,574.00 fit' OK Permanent pool volume 19,299.00 ft' Average depth for SAIDA tables 3.46 ft OK Surface area at the top of shelf 7,409.00 ftz Volume at the top of shelf 3,245.00 ft' Forebay volume 3,700,00 ft' Forebay%of permanent pool volume 19.17 % OK Temporary pool,surface area provided 9,232.00 ft' Orawdown Calculations Treatment volume drawdown time 3.68 days OK Treatment volume discharge rate 0.04 ft'/s Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr discharge 4.50 ft'/s OK Post-development 1-yr,24-hr discharge 6.21 ft'/s Decrease discharge rate Additional Information Diameter of orifice 1.38 in Design TSS removal 85 % Basin side slopes 2.00 :1 Side Slopes are too steep,maximum 3:1 Vegetated shelf slope 10.00 :1 OK Vegetated shelf width 10.00 it OK Length of flowpalh to width ratio 3.00 .1 OK Length to width ratio 3.00 A OK Trash rack for overflow&orifice? Y (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 1.00 ft OK Vegetated filler provided? Y (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? N (Y or N) Need a recorded drainage easement Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies )RAIN&MUD HOG PUMP nE C E I V ED JUL 2 8 K08 DWq PROJ n Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.4 Parts I.&II.Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 State of North Carolina < PIVID Q-),<I Departmen ' g`o nn ent and Natural Res rces 6 � t, William G. Ross, Jr-, Michael F. Easley, Governor FAX COVER SHEET No. Pages(excl. cover): Express Permitting DDate: From: Sandra To: Phone (910) 7`5 Co: Fax:. (910�3l, 50-2�04 Fax: zswd Re: 910 796-7215 •An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action I'mpli l27 Cardinal Drive Extension,W ilmmgton,NC 28405•( ) East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P. C. Engineers, Planners, & Surveyors TRANSMITTAL RECEIPT DATE: July 29, 2008 TO: Mr. Chris Baker, Division of Water Quality, NCDENR FROM: Cynthia Blankenship, Admin Asst SUBJECT: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, #0826 Please find enclosed the revised information requested for the subject project: • Two (2) copies of revised Stormwater Plans RECEIVED JUL 2 9 2008 Signature Date Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 Past Cast Engineering & Surveying, P. C. Engineers, Planners, & Surveyors RECEIVED TRANSMITTAL RECEIPT JUIL- 28LD8 DATE: July 28, 2008 PROJ # °_Q TO: Mr. Chris Baker, Division of Water Quality, NCDENR FROM: Cynthia Blan�Aship, Admin Asst SUBJECT: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, #0826 Please find enclosed the revised information requested for the subject project: o Two (2) original of revised sheet C2, Stormwater Plan; o One (1) copy of the revised grassed swale calculations; e One (1) copy of the revised Wet Detention Basin Supplement; and ® One (1) original of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement. pc: Ms. Carolyn Gnam, Church Council President Signature Date Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Stonnwater Calculations Revised July 2008 CA 9a SEAL ' 8948 � �'•,�� r6 Prepared by: East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. Engine ers, Planners& Survevors Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 Post Office Box 2469 712 Village Road,SW Offie: 910.7548029 nE C E 1 V ED IUnB� JUL 2 8 DWO PROJ #----- ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering and Surveying, PC Swale Calculations JTP SWALE CALCULATIONS - GRASSED LONGITUDINAL SIDE BOTTOM DEPTH OF DEPTH OF WIDTH OF ACTUAL CHANNEL AUEUUAIL LINLN SWALE# Q(10) I DA CONTRIBUTING GRADE(%) SLOPE WIDTH WATER SWALE SWALE VELOCITY CAPACITY CAPACITY? REQUIRED? 1 1.51 DA-tA 0.98 5 0.5 0.50 0.50 5.50 1.25 1.88 YES NO 2 3.03 DA-1A+DA-1B 1.65 5 1.25 0.50 0.50 6.25 1.73 3.25 YES NO 3 4.55 DA-1A+DA-1B+DA-1C 1 4.24 5 1 0.50 0.50 6.00 2.72 4.77 YES NO FILTER 10.65 OUTLET VOLUME 1 1.50 5 0 1.00 1.00 10.00 2.32 11.58 YES NO (1E C E 1 V ED AIL- 2 8 20108 SWALES GRASSED - Liner Coeff. =0.049 DWQ Last Revision Date 7/28/2008 PROJ # St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Stormwater Calculations Revised July 2008 -'oQ-N\\..CARo QOF Es'so m9 e ra SEAL �. 8948 O �tiGINE�Q'�Q Prepared by: ��1�j�y D � _Z 8 2008 East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. Engineers, Planners& Surveyors Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 Post Office Box 2469 712 Village Road,SW Office: 910.7548029 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering Surveying, PC Wet Detention Basin Calculations JTP Pond 1 Drainage Area (DA) I 262,667 sf or 6.03 ac Impervious Area (IA)= 87,120 sf 2.00 ac Percent Impervious(I) IA/DA 0.332 or 33.2% SAIDA; 90% TSS Pond Depth= 6 1 0. 2121 or 2.12% AVERAGE POND DEPTH = #REF! Min. re 'd SA @ PP (SA/DA)x(DA) 5,573 sf Min. req'd storage volume Rv= 0.05 + (0.009 x 1) = 0.349 DESIGN STORM (Rc) in. 1.500 Volume= 3630 Rc` Rv"A 11,442.67 cf SA provided @ PP Oval Pond Elev = 29.15 5,574 1 sf Enough SA provided9 YES 1" ITERATION-STORAGE DEPTH Min. storage volume/SA provided @ PP 2.05 ft Final Storage depth set above top of veg. shelf 1.6 ft Elevation of temporary pool 30.75 ft SA @ Temporary ool 9,232 1 sf Storage volume provided Average of SA @ temp. pool & PP x storage depth 11,844.80 cf Outlet Sizing Q-2 day drawdown time Min. re 'd storage volume x(1 in. /2 days) 0.066 cfs Q-5 day drawdown time Min. re 'd storage volume x(1 in. /5 days) 0.026 cfs Height h (1/2 Min. Storage Depth) 0.80 ft C e Constant 0.6 Required Area for Q-2 A = Q/(C x(2gh) ) 2.21 in Required Area for Q-5 A= Q/(C x (2gh) ) 0.89 in Orifice Choosen 1-1/4" SCH 40 1.38 in CHECK Area Provided by Orifice Choosen A= nr2 1.50 in' Area Provided by Orifice Choosen 0.010 ft The Average head h = 1/2(Temporary Pool depth- 1/2(orifce diameter)) 9.255 in The Average head 0.771 ft Q provided Q = Ca(2gh)' 0.044 cfs OK Revision Date:7/22/2008 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering Surveying, PC POND VS. FOREBAY JTP POND 1 VOLUME TO FOREBAY COMPARISON FOREBAY VOLUME IN VERTICAL SECTION BOTTOM SF 9.67 SURFACE SF 1291 DEPTH 6 VOLUME 3902 POND VOLUME ABOVE VERTICAL SECTION BOTTOM SF 859 SURFACE SF 5574 DEPTH 6 VOLUME 19299 FOREBAY % OF POND 20.2% East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P. C. 40 Engineers, Planners, & Surveyors July 22, 2008 Mr. Chris BakercEly Water Quality Section �04 2 E� NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 13y. $ Z��B 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Subject: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina High Density Project— Express Submittal Comment Response Dear Mr. Baker: We received your comments for the subject project and offer the following. 1. Concerning the elevation of the temporary pool reported on the wet detention basin supplement form and what is reported on the plans is not the same, please correct. a. Please see the revised Wet Detention Basin Supplement form included with this submittal package. The Wet Detention Basin Supplement form has been revised to reflect the temporary pool elevation of 30.75 as shown on sheet C2. 2. The outlet orifice reported on the we/ detention basin supplement form and the plans is not the same, please correct. a. Please see the revised Stormwater Outlet Structure Detail shown on sheet C2 that reflects that calls out the 1 ''/d' SCH. 40 pvc orifice pipe as well as the actual Inside Diameter which is 1.38 of the 1 '/a" SCH. 40 pvc orifice pipe . 3. An independent calculation shows the stormwater pond surface area to be undersized, please correct. a. The permanent pool surface area has been recalculated to increase the size as requested. A copy of the revised calculations have been included with this submittal package. Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 I Mr. Baker Page Two St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church •. - = July 22, 2007 Stormwater Comments The following represents the various components of the enclosed submittal package: 1. Revised calculations. 2. Revised Wet Detention Basin Supplement. 3. Revised sheet C2 of the Stormwater plan. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, �;P Tyler Phillips Enclosures pc: Mr. Marshall Cutsforth (St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church) File: 0826 (St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church) �FCF �tVED JUL 2 3 2008 By Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P. C. Engineers, Planners, & Surveyors TRANSMITTAL RECEIPT DATE: July 22, 2008 TO: Mr. Chris Baker, NCDENR-SWQ-SW FROM: Cynthia Bla kenship, Admin Asst SUBJECT: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, #0826 Please find enclosed the additional information requested for the subject project: • Two (2) copies of revised stormwater plan • Revised calculations • Revised Wet Detention Basin Supplement • Revised C2 sheet of the stormwater plan CEIVED JUL 2 2 2008 Signature Date Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte,North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 \OQD[U F W T� G Michucl F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr,Secretary co r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Q Coleen H.Sullins Director Division of Water Quality July 21, 2008 Carolyn Gnam, Church Council President St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 5869 Ocean Highway West Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 940602MOD St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Brunswick County Dear Mrs. Gnam: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church on July 16, 2008. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Elevation of the temporary pool reported on the wet detention basin supplemental form and what is reported on the plans is not the same, please correct. 2. The outlet orifice reported on the wet detention basin supplemental form and the plans is not the same, please correct. 3. An indepdent calculation shows the stormwater pond surface area to be undersized, please correct. Because the application has significant permitting issues/deficiencies, a resubmittal fee of $500 will be required in order for this project to remain in the express program. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a partial, preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 28, 2008, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. No`hcarolma 11 aturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Phone(910)796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet: www.ncwaterquality ore Fax (910)350-2004 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAf(rmative Action Employer—50%Recycled110%Post Consumer Paper Carolyn Gnam, Church Council President July 21, 2008 Stormwater Application No. SW8940602MOD Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7304. Sincerely, Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II ENB/csb: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\ADDINFO\2008\940602MOD.ju108 cc: Tyler Phillips, East Coast Engineering and Surveying, PC Chris Baker East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P. C. ;0 Engineers, Planners, & Surveyors July 16, 2008 Mr. Chris Baker Water Quality Section NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Subject-. St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina High Density Project— Express Submittal Dear Mr. Baker: On behalf of our client, enclosed is a submittal package for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church located in Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. Our client is requesting that this application be processed with the Express Permitting Process. The project is a high density commercial project, and runoff will sheet flow from impervious surfaces to curb cuts to grass lined swales and curb inlets to a stormdrain collection system before being directed to an on-site stormwater pond. The pond is sized for 90% TSS removal and as such a treatment swale at the outlet of the pond has been provided. An express fee of S4,195.00 was being submitted to Ms. Carol Miller on 7/l/08 to cover the fees. The following presents the various components of the enclosed submittal package: 1. One original and one copy of the SlormwalerManagemenl PermilAppk'caliou Form. 2. One original and one copy of the Vel Detention Basin Supplement to the Stormwater Plan. 3. Two sets of plans to include the following sheets that are relevant to the stormwater application: Cover sheet, sheets Cl — site plan, C2 —stormwater plan/grading plan,C3 - erosion control plan. 4. A Project Narrative, sheet 1 of 1. 5. Calculations (Sheets 1-7) 6. Deed restrictions for High Density Commercial Subdivisions 7. Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, Tyler Phillips Enclosures copy: Mr. Marshall Cutsforth (St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church) Pile: 0826 (St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church) Red Apple Professional Park * 712 Village Road SW, Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 * Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 * Tel.: 910-754-8029 * Fax: 910-754-8049 PROJECT NARRATIVE for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. July 16, 2008 St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 5869 Ocean Hwy West Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina on Ocean Hwy 17 West, approximately 0.1 mi south of the intersection of Union School Rd (SR 1319) and Ocean Hwy 17 West. The Tax ID number for the property is 2120002405. The total project area is 6.03 acres, and consists of an existing brick church building and existing asphalt parking lot. The total limits of disturbance for this project will be 2.75 acres. The existing church building's waste water on the property is currently treated by an existing septic system. The proposed building additions waste water will be treated by an additional septic system. The water supply for the site is being served by the Brunswick County Utilities department. The property gently slopes towards the rear of the property. Temporary diversion swales, temporary check dams will be used to direct the sediment to the sediment basin. Temporary silt fence will be installed along the rear exterior boundary of the project. A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan was submitted to the NCDENR — Land Quality Section Regional Office in Wilmington, NC on 7/1/08. The primary permanent erosion control measures that will remain after all disturbed areas have been stabilized and the temporary measures are removed will be permanent grassing. A seeding schedule along with a construction sequence, project description and erosion control notes will be included on the plans. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE The project was previously permitted on June 28, 1994 as Low Density project permit # SW8 940602. The proposed development will be a modification to Permit #SW8 940602 as a High Density project located on a 6.03-acre tract. The development includes an existing 5,829 square foot Church building, an existing 952 square foot picnic shelter, an existing 419 square foot columbarium, and an existing 38,797 square feet of associated asphalt parking. There will be a proposed 3,858 square foot Administrative building, a proposed 5,408 square foot Worship Hall building, a proposed 25,322 square foot additional asphalt parking, a 2,856 addition to the existing picnic shelter, an additional 428 square foot columbarium and 3,251 of proposed sidewalk for a total of 87,120 square feet of impervious area. The proposed project is located within the Lumber River Basin. The proposed project drains to Cool Run which is classified C;S W. Stormwater runoff will be allowed to sheet flow to curb and gutter and then to curb inlets. The stormdrain system will direct the runoff to an onsite detention pond. The discharge orifice is a 1-1/4" SCH 40 pipe with an internal diameter of 1.38". This allows for a drawdown time of between 2 and 5 days. The pond has been sized to provide 90% TSS removal. The proposed stormwater pond will drain to an existing ditch along the rear property line. PROJECT NARRATIVE for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. July 16, 2008 St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 5869 Ocean Hwy West Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina on Ocean Hwy 17 West, approximately 0.1 mi south of the intersection of Union School Rd (SR 1319) and Ocean Hwy 17 West. The Tax ID number for the property is 2120002405. The total project area is 6.03 acres, and consists of an existing brick church building and existing asphalt parking . lot. The total limits of disturbance for this project will be 2.75 acres. The existing church building's waste water on the property is currently treated by an existing septic system. The proposed building additions waste water will be treated by an additional septic system. The water supply for the site is being served by the Brunswick County Utilities department. The property gently slopes towards the rear of the property. Temporary diversion wales, temporary check dams will be used to direct the sediment to the sediment basin. Temporary silt fence will be installed along the rear exterior boundary of the project. A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan was submitted to the NCDENR — Land Quality Section Regional Office in Wilmington, NC on 7/l/08. "the primary permanent erosion control measures that will remain after all disturbed areas have been stabilized and the temporary measures are removed will be permanent grassing. A seeding schedule along with a construction sequence, project description and erosion control notes will be included on the plans. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE The project was previously permitted on June 28, 1994 as Low Density project permit # SW8 940602. The proposed development will be a modification to Permit #SW8 940602 as a High Density project located on a 6.03-acre tract. The development includes an existing 5,829 square foot Church building, an existing 952 square foot picnic shelter, an existing 419 square foot columbarium, and an existing 38,797 square feet of associated asphalt parking. There will be a proposed 3,858 square foot Administrative building, a proposed 5,408 square foot Worship Hall building, a proposed 25,322 square foot additional asphalt parking, a 2,856 addition to the existing picnic shelter, an additional 428 square foot columbarium and 3,251 of proposed sidewalk for a total of 87,120 square feet of impervious area. The proposed project is located within the Lumber River Basin. The proposed project drains to Cool Run which is classified C;SW. Stormwater runoff will be allowed to sheet flow to curb and gutter and then to curb inlets. The stormdrain system will direct the runoff to an onsite detention pond. The discharge orifice is a 1-1/4" SCH 40 pipe with an internal diameter of 1.38". This allows for a drawdown time of between 2 and 5 days. The pond has been sized to provide 90% TSS removal. The proposed stormwater pond will drain to an existing ditch along the rear property line. St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Stormwater Calculations July 2008 CA oQ�� ......y�' :a SEA re 8948 ' �GINE: Prepared by: East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. Engineers,Planners & Survevors Shallotte,North Carolina 29459 Post Office Box 2469 712 Village Road,SW Office: 910.7549029 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering Surveying, PC Wet Detention Basin Calculations JTP Pond 1 Drainage Area (DA) = 262,667 sf or 6.03 ac Impervious Area (IA)= 87,120 1 sf 2.00 ac Percent Impervious (I) IA/DA 0.332 or 33.2% SAIDA; 90% TSS Pond Depth = 6 0.0145 or 1.45% AVERAGE POND DEPTH = #REF1 Min. req'd SA @ PP (SA/DA)X(DA) 3,809 sf Min. req'd storage volume Rv = 0.05 + (0.009 x 1) = 0.349 DESIGN STORM (RD) in. 1.500 Volume= 3630 Rc' Rv'A 11,442.67 cf SA provided @ PP Oval Pond Elev I 5,007 sf Enough SA provided? YES Min. storage depth req'd Min. storage volume/SA provided @ PP 2.29 ft Storage depth set at 2 ft Elevation of temporary ool 2 ft SA @ Temporary ool 1 10,811 Isf Storage volume provided Average of SA @ temp. pool & PP x storage depth 15.818.00 cf Outlet Sizing Q-2 day drawdown time Min. req'd storage volume x (1 in. /2 days) 0.066 cfs Q-5 day drawdown time Min. req'd storage volume x (1 in. /5 days) 0.026 cfs Height h (112 Min. Storage Depth) 1.00 ft Co Constant 0.6 Required Area for Q-2 A =Q/(C x (2gh)' ) 1.98 in Required Area for Q-5 A =Q/(C x (2gh)1 ) 0.79 in Orifice Choosen 1-1/4" SCH 40 1 1.38 in CHECK Area Provided by Orifice Choosen A=n 1.50 in Area Provided by Orifice Choosen 0.010 ft2 The Avera a head h = 1/2(Temporary Pool depth- 1/2(orifice diameter)) 11.655 in The Average head 0.971 ft Q provided Q =Ca(2gh)112 0.049 cfs OK (` Revision Date:7/14/2008 / OY7 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering Surveying, PC POND VS. FOREBAY JTP POND 1 VOLUME TO FOREBAY COMPARISON FOREBAY VOLUME IN VERTICAL SECTION BOTTOM SF 8.69 SURFACE SF 1160 DEPTH 6 VOLUME 3506 POND VOLUME ABOVE VERTICAL SECTION BOTTOM SF 785 SURFACE SF 5014 DEPTH 6 VOLUME 17397 FOREBAY % OF POND 20.2% 2 of 7 ST.LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering and Surveying,PC STORM DRAINAGE FLOW CALCULATIONS JTP Q FROM DA1 Drainage Area= 31,044 SF Q FROM DA2 Drainage Area= 7 411 SF Drainage Area= 0.71 Acres Drainage Area= 0.17 Acres Design Storm= 10 -YR storm Design Storm= 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Valuer') Surface Acres C-Valuera GRASSY 0.00 0.2 GRASSY 0.00 0.2 IMPERVIOUS 0.71 0.9 IMPERVIOUS 0.17 0.9 Total'A' 0.712672176 Total'A' 0.17 Weighted'C' 0.900 Weighted'C' 0.900 Intensity'i' 7.1 Intensity'i'P) 7.1 0.=C7A 4.55 cfs Oi=CnA 1.09 cfs Q FROM DA3 Drainage Area= 5,015 SF Q FROM DA4 Drainage Area= 14,401 SF Drainage Area= 0.12 Acres Drainage Area= 0.33 Acres Design Storm= 10 -YR storm Design Storm= 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value(') Surface Acres C-Va)ue(l) GRASSY 0.00 0.2 GRASSY 0.00 0.2 IMPERVIOUS 0.12 0.9 IMPERVIOUS 0.33 0.9 Total'A' 0,115128558 Total'A' 0,33060147 Weighted'C' 0.900 Weighted'C' 0.900 I ntensity'i'�'1 7.1 Intensity'i'"I 7.1 OI=CeA 0.74 cfs QI=C[A 2.11 cfs Q FROM DAS Drainage Area= 14,709 SF Drainage Area= 0.34 Acres Design Storm= 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value(') GRASSY 0.00 0.2 IMPERVIOUS 0.34 0.9 Total'A' 0.337672176 Weighted'C' 0.900 Intensity'i't') 7.1 Q.=CeA 2.16 cfs OF Revision Date:711a 038 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering Surveying, PC CULVERT CALCULATIONS JTP FLOW PIPE INVERT INVERT BOX RIM PIPE Total Q CONTRIBUTION SIZE IN OUT LENGTH BOX RIM IN OUT SLOPE Q MAX CHECK SD1 4.55 „r,DA1 5 26.83 2644 7 770 y}; 33.36 34.02 0.51% 4.98 OK SD2 5.64 SD1, tDA23 f- 18 26.44 25.98 t 92,000 t 34.02 32.58 0.50% 8.04 OK SD3 6.38 5D2+DA3 18 25.98 25 61 74 000 32.58 31.62 0.50% 8.04 OK SD4 8.49 ,SD3+DA4h 24 25.61 25 34 54 000 31.62 32.70 0.50% 17.32 OK SD5 10.65 fg?, SD,`4+DA5' z 24 25.34 25.00 68 000: 32.70 0.00 0.50% 17.32 OK SD6 10.65 "t"_OUTLET' r Y: 18 27.38 26 38 " 77 000,4= 32.00 0.00 1.30% 12.96 OK OF Revision Date: 7/14/2008 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Coast Engineering and Surveying, PC Swale Calculations JTP SWALE CALCULATIONS - BARE GROUND LONGITUDINAL SIDE BOTTOM DEPTH OF DEPTH OF WIDTH OF ACTUAL CHANNEL ADEQUATE LINER SWALE# Q(10) DA CONTRIBUTING GRADE(%) SLOPE WIDTH I WATER SWALE SWALE VELOCITY CAPACITY CAPACITY? REQUIRED? 1 1.51 DA-1A 0.98 5 0.5 0.50 0.50 5.50 3.06 4.60 YES YES 2 3.03 DA-1A+DA-1B 1.65 5 1.25 0.50 0.50 6.25 4.24 7.96 YES YES 3 4.55 DA-1A+DA-1B+DA-1C 4.24 5 1 0.50 0.50 6.00 6.67 11.68 YES YES SWALES WITH BARE GOUND Set` 7 Liner Coeff. = 0.02 Last Revision Date 7/14/2008 ST. LUKE LUTHERA_N CHURCH East Coast Engineering and Surveying, PC Swale Calculations JTP SWALE CALCULATIONS - GRASSED LONGITUDINAL SIDE BOTTOM DEPTH OF DEPTH OF WIDTH OF SWALE# Q(10) DA CONTRIBUTING GRADE(%) SLOPE WIDTH WATER SWALE SWALE VELOCITY I CAPACITY I CAPACITY? REQUIRED? 1 1.51 DA-1A 0.98 5 0.5 0.50 0.50 5.50 1.25 1.88 YES NO 2 3.03 DA-to+DA-1B 1.65 5 1.25 0.50 0.50 6.25 1.73 3.25 YES NO 3 4.55 DA-1A+DA-1 B+DA-1 C 4.24 1 5 1 1 1 0.50 0.50 6.00 2.72 4.77 YES NO SWALES GRASSED Liner Coeff. = 0.049 6 Last Revision Date 7/14/2008 Sti Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church STATE STORMINATER CALCULATIONS T'OTALAREA(ac) 1.11 OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH(ft) -_ LVIEAN TYPE AREA(ac) C (ft/min) %TOTALAREA PASTURE 4.974 0.2 24.8 82.5% EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 1.056 0.9 41.4 17.5% TOTAL 6.030 1 1 100.0% AREA WEIGHTED C= 41323 AREA WEIGHTED MEAN VEL= 27.71 I7/min AREA WEIGHTED Tc= 211 niin INTERPOLATED I yr INTERPOIATED 10yr TIME OF CONC.(min) Iyr(in/hr) 10 yr(in/hr) WEIGHTEDTc INTENSITY INTENSITY 10 2.46 4.66 M.7 .A 1 4.38 20 234 4.43 Si:l,E("1 Rlt:\('IJ('I'I?G\'.U.I 1;�FROM I'I L1.U(1\Y?I.IFI 30 1.93 3.64 'rC 1 YEAR 10YEAR 45 1.57 2.98 20 2.34 4.43 60 133 2.32 30 1.93 3.64 90 1.04 1.96 120 0.58 1.09 240 0.36 0.68 11 yr PEAK DISCHARGE RATE=---------------> 4511 rG 360 0.26 0.5 480 0.21 0.4 110 yr PEAK DISCHARGE RATE=------------> 8.51 rf� POST DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS TOTAL AREA(ac) 6.0 OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH(ft) (.87 MEAN FLOW VELOCI 17- TYPE AREA(ac) C (ft/min) %TOTALAREA LAWN 4.0300 0.2 34.3 66.8% EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 1,0559 0.9 49.6 17.5% BUILDINGS 0.9441 0.9 49.6 15.7% PAVEMENT TOTAL. 1 6.030 1 100.0% AREA WEIGHTED C= 0.432 AREA WEIGHTED MEAN VEL= 39.37 Ohnin AREA WEIGHTED Tc= 17.4 loin INTERPOLATED I yr INTERPOLATED 10yr TIME OF CONC.(min) Iyr(in/hr) 10 yr(in/hr) WEIGHTEDTc INTENSITY INTENSITY 10 2.46 466 17- '-.37 J.4Y '0 234 4A3 S1:I.1('I'RR%('EI':f l\(;\':\LI I:? I RON11'I I.LIHMN LI>1' 30 1.93 3.64 TC 1 YEAR 10YEAR 45 1.57 2.98 10 2.46 4.66 60 1.33 252 20 234 4.43 90 1.04 1.96 120 058 1.09 240 036 0.68 T yr PEAK UISCIIA RGE RATE------------> 6.13 cf' 360 0.26 0.5 480 0.21 0.4 110 yr PEAK DISCIIA RG E RATE=-----> 11.7n 1.0, 7 OF 1 REVISED ON 7f14/2008 RE: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Subject: RE: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran From: "Tyler Phillips" <tphillips@eces.biv Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 16:53:26 -0400 To: "'Janet Russell"' <Janet.Russel I@ncmail.net> CC: "Chris Russell" <crussell@ececpa.com> Janet, Thank you for the quick response. July 16, 2008 at 8:45 A.M. is great! Tyler Phillips East Coast Engineering & Surveying 712 Village Road SW P.O. Box 2469 Office (910) 754-8029 Fax (910) 754-8049 tphillips@eces.biz -----Original Message----- From: Janet Russell [mailto:Janet.Russell@ncmail.netl Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 4 :35 PM To: tphillips@ECES.BI2 Cc: Carol Miller Subject: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran July 8, 2008 *St. Lukes* Tyler: The Express stormwater submittal has been scheduled with *Chris Baker on July 16, 2008 at 8:45 AM *here in the Wilmington Regional Office. The applicant's representative is required to attend the meeting. Usually a church may send someone on the building committee (for example) . Please be sure to use all of the most current forms (stormwater application, supplements, operation & maintenance agreement, etc. ) from the BMP web site. See the attachment for the web address. The Express fee for an high density permit review is $4000. payable at the submittal meeting. Please respond within 2 business days to confirm and reserve the submittal meeting date & time. Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator l of 1 7/9/2008 8:41 AM yo�oz "T-urs , Lied, or wr S Mod � - _ For DENR Use ONLY North Carolina Department of Environment and Reviewer: '�11 Natural Resources Submit �2 Request for Express Permit Review Time: e 4� NC®ENR Confirm 1_6708 N n>sdio,-t FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s)you are requesting for express review. FAX or Email the completed form to Express Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative,site plan(PDF file)and vicinity map(same items expected in the application package of the project location.Include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region-Alison Davidson 828-296-4698,alison.davidson(glncmail.net • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region-David Lee 919-791-4203;david.lee(@,ncmail.net • Mooresville&-Patrick Grogan 704-663-3772 or patrick.grogan(rDncmail.net • Washington Region-Lyn Hardison 252-946.9215 or lyn.hardison(@,ncmaiLnet • Wilmington Region-Janet Russell 910-350-2004 or janet.russell(aD_ncmail.net NOTE:Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH County: BRUNSWICK Applicant: ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Company: ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Address: 5869 OCEAN HWY WEST City: OCEAN ISLE BEACH, State: NC Zip: 28469 Phone:910-579-0107 Fax9too t4 ooti Email: 5tltik�CAC ft(E)PAWf., . r%r Project is Drains into C,'SW waters Project Located in LUMBER River Basin Engineer/Consultant: TYLER PHILLIPS Company: EAST COAST ENGINEERING&SURVEYING, PC Address: 712 VILLAGE ROAD SW City: SHALLOTTE, State: NC Zip: 28459 R E C E I `t/ ED Phone:910-754-8029 Fax: :910-754-8049 Email: TPHILLIPS(a)ECES.BIZ (Check all that apply) JUL 0 3 2008 ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWO, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER:_ PRO r # DWQ ❑ Stream Origin Determination: #of stream calls—Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑Bkhd &Bt Rmp, ❑Clear&Grub, ❑ Utility ❑Low Density ❑ Low Density-Curb&Gutter _#Curb Outlet Swales El Off-site[SW (Provide permit#)] ® High Density-Detention Pond 1# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density-Infiltration _#Treatment Systems ❑ High Density-Bio-Retention _# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density—Constructive Wetlands _# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density-Other _# Treatment Systems E'MODIFICATION SW 8940602 (Provide permit#) ❑Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges&Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Manna Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ® Land Quality ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 2.75 acres to be disturbed.(CK# (for DENR use)) WETLANDS QUESTIONS MUST SEADDRESSED BELOW ® Wetlands(401): Check all that apply Isolated wetland on Property❑ Yes ® No Wetlands on Site ❑Yes® No Buffer Impacts: ❑ No❑ YES: acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑Yes ❑ No Minor Variance: ❑ No❑ YES US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑Yes❑ No Major General Variance ❑ No❑YES 404 Application in Process w/US ACOE: ❑Yes ❑ No 401 Application required: ❑Yes❑ No If YES, ❑ Regular Permit Received from US ACOE ❑Yes ❑ No Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site❑ yes❑ No For DENR use only Fee Split for multiplepermits: Check# Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES I Fee I SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA 1 $ 1 Variance ❑Ma'; ❑ Min $ SW ❑HD, ❑LD, ❑Gen $ 401: $ LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ GoP• 4v C-r o 0 r. 1 - . ^1-08 PROJECT NARRATIVE for St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina East Coast Engineering & Surveying, P.C. July 2, 2008 St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 5869 Ocean Hwy West Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina on Ocean Flwy 17 West, approximately 0.1 mi south of the intersection of Union School Rd (SR 1319) and Ocean Flwy 17 West. The Tax ID number for the property is 2120002405. The total project area is 6.03 acres, and consists of an existing brick church building and existing asphalt parking lot. The total limits of disturbance for this project will be 2.75 acres. The existing church building's waste water on the property is currently treated by an existing septic system. The proposed building additions waste water will be treated by an additional septic system. The water supply for the site is being served by the Brunswick County Utilities department. The property gently slopes towards the rear of the property. Temporary diversion swales, temporary check dams will be used to direct the sediment to the sediment basin. Temporary silt fence will be installed along the rear exterior boundary of the project. A Sedimentation and F'rosion Control Plan was submitted to the NCDENR — Land Quality Section Regional Office in Wilmington, NC on 6/30/08. The primary permanent erosion control measures that will remain after all disturbed areas have been stabilized and the temporary measures are removed will be permanent grassing. A seeding schedule along with a construction sequence, project description and erosion control notes will be included on the plans. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE The project was previously permitted on June 28, 1994 as Low Density project permit # SW8 940602. The proposed development will be a modification to Permit 9SW8 940602 as a High Density project located on a 6.03-acre tract. The development includes an existing 5,800 square foot Church building, an existing 952 square foot picnic shelter, an existing 385 square foot columbarium, and an existing 38,700 square feet of associated asphalt parking. There will be a proposed 3,858 square foot Administrative building, a proposed 5,608 square foot Worship Hall building, a proposed 26,499 square foot additional asphalt parking, a 2,856 addition to the existing picnic shelter, an additional 385 square foot columbarium and 2,952 of proposed sidewalk for a total of 87,995 square feet of impervious area. The proposed project is located within the Lumber River Basin. The proposed project drains to Cool Run which is classified C;SW. Stormwater runoff will be allowed to sheet flow to curb and gutter and then to curb inlets. The stormdrain system will direct the runoff to an onsite detention pond. The discharge orifice is a 1-1/4" SCH 40 pipe with an internal diameter of 1.38". This allows for a drawdown time of between 2 and 5 days. The pond has been sized to provide 90% "rSS removal. The proposed stormwater pond will drain to an existing ditch along the rear property line. nE C E I v ED JUL 0 3 2008 DWO PROJ # It road oma tr a3 1 3 t) 3 ® Ll 0 > d # _ �� oA� w ._�h IU 1�� � ���, --I• �n�:�'n ,�` n�� Ora __ 4� n iy _ I� a �.,n 2-4 mn r I In —' Z'�'1' z ❑ .,„... ..��..m,e.°.arr.�,a �� ..._...,n...en._..... 8 ICO�.RETIE�."EELSTOP ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH RL 6F.0 rvf 11. Site and Zoning Date: HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL _ w....r.,orrsnu.an.e.ro.mr:e.�..w,.r..• ,•ae� �. �.,e SITE PLAN St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church of Shallotte Request for Expres... Subject: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church of Shallotte Request for Express Permit Review Meeting From: "Tyler Phillips" <thillips@eces.biv Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 14:15:33 -0400 To: 'Janet Russell" <Janet.Russel I@ncmai1.net> CC: "Alan Lewis" <alewis@ececpa.com>, "Chris Russell" <crussell@ececpa.com>, "Don Butler" <dbutler@ececpa.com>, "Marshall Cutsforth" <mcutsforth a atmc.net>, "Robert Jordan" <mcclureblg@atmc.net> Janet, On behalf of our client, St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church of Shallotte, we would like to request an express permit review meeting with Mr. Chris Baker of your office. If it is at all possible to schedule the meeting at the earliest open date on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as our work schedule makes it difficult to schedule meetings on Mondays or Fridays. This project will be a modification to an existing low density stormwater permit that was obtained on June 28, 1994 to a high density stormwater permit. Please find the attached Request for express form, Detailed Narrative and Site Plan with vicinity map. If you have any questions please give me a call at the office or drop me an email. Thanks! East Coast Ltigincering c� Sur�•eF•ing, :P.C. Engineers,Platurcts,Suty r. Tyler Phillips tphillips@cces.biz 712 Village Rd.SW Suite 105 Post Office Box 2469 'Shallotte,NC 28459 Office; 910-754-8029 Fax: 910-754.8049 Content-Type: application/msword REQUEST FOR EXPRESS form 7-1-08.doe Content-Encoding: base64 SW NARRATIVE 7-2-08.doc Content-Type: application/msword .I Content-Encoding: base64 St. Luke Church Site Plan (Sent 7-3-08 by EML).pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 UUE C E I V ED jUi 0 3 2008 DWO PROJ I of 1 7/7/2008 8:37 AM P. 01 1 TRANSACTION REPORT JAM-11-2008 FRI 09:37 AM FOR: NCDENR 9103562004 SEND DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP JAN=11 09:37 AM 98428019 1'24" 8 FAX TX : OK (00 515 TOTAL I1M 2J PAGES; Zstate of North Carolina pepartmeot of F.nvi�went and Natural Resources Wilmington Reegional 0`15 Willla t G. Ross,Jr.;Secretary )Nlctlael R Easley,(iovcrvor//FAN COVER SHEET No.Pages Date: From' Ed mo .� „ '-/ 9�- 72 �5 To: Phone: Co: F� 910 j 50- 004 / I ev Re. a c/C x; A. od. Q // � s dd% <irl'S 111-04. iI b ual Omi ry mAction EtnPloY� •(910)7N 7215•An FPIP 127cardinalmvctxtnsion,Wim,ao, C 285 ., ! I ' I State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: / /��� No. Pages (excl.ccover): A5 To: LCQ� /7 L m From: ✓Qy C���e r Cc: Phone: 7 / �Z 7 s Fax: g�Z 9 Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: c�,.1�• L U �G L[/ ti a n G�r/r chi lid— 7�iCrC i5.+y ' rYlvori '10 -'4c �41'Lc So Z lcm 74Y-i I yov a /iwVr-- eeW17t 4x q re V44 ,s.',Ie- /ems dde �a ,— s .'X e- , 6� f 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405•(910)796-7215•An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer