HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8931222_HISTORICAL FILE_20090513 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 IS L act DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS [91HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE ',lcx l oS o YYYYMMDD NCDENR t n North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (' J Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins 7/ Dee Freeman Governor Director i Secretary May 13, 2009 � � � � Michael Gardner, Regional VP of Real Estate and Design I� �L/Sam a' And p Lj 2001 East,Iothln t tivo 2001 SE 10 Street j Y/' Bentonville, AR 72716 A U \ / . (\ P, Subject: Approved Plan Revision �t n'1, 1 Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 t Stormwater Project No. SW8 931222MOD Onslow County Dear Mr. Gardner: " On April 22, 2009, the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 931222MOD. The revisions include a reconfiguration of the stormwater pond #2. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files. Please replace the old approved plan sheets (full set) with the new ones as well as pages 2 of 8 and 3 of 8 of the previously approved permit. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on December 5, 2008, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case-by-case basis. Any other changes to this project must be submitted to and approved through the Division of Water Quality prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II GDS\csb: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\931222MODPR.mar09 cc: Justin Houston, E.I., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Onslow County Building Inspections Chris Baker ,-Wilmington Regional Office Central Files Wilmington Regional Office One 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 w NorthCarojina I Phone:910-796-7215\FAX.910-350-2004\Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 /f roli Internet: .novatemualily.org N{.�.tu�+1�Ll& State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 931222MOD STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Michael E. Gardner and Sam's East, Inc. Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 1170 Western Blvd., Onslow County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of a wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwaterrules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 5, 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of'stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.6 on page 3 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 484,410 square feet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built-upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 5. The runoff from all built-upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. Page 2 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 931222MOD. 6. The following design criteria have been provided in the wet detention pond and must be maintained at design condition: Pond #1 Pond #2 a. Drainage Area, acres: 12.49 4.08 Onsite, ft : 527,938 170,572 Offsite, ft2: 16,126 7,153 b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 405,979 78,431 C. Design Storm, inches: 1.5 1:5 d. Pond Depth, feet: 9.15 (5.32 avg) 6 (3.5 avg) e. TSS removal efficiency: 90% 90% f. Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 40.15 42 g. Permanent Pool Surface Area, ft2: 30,958 23,144 h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 54,845 14,591 i. Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: 41.7 42.6 j. Controlling Orifice, inches: 6.25 x 2 3 x 1.5 k. Permitted Forebay Volume, ft3: 26,519 14,300 I. Fountain Horsepower, HP: 1/2 114 M. Receiving Stream: Sandy Run Branch Northeast Creek n. Drainage Basin: White Oak n. Stream Index Number: 19-10-1 19-16-(0.5) o. Classification of Water Body: "SC;NSW" "SC;NSW" II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. Page 3 of 8 Jacksonville NC#6573-04- Drainage Area 2 Breakdown Subject: Jacksonville NC #6573-04 - Drainage Area 2 Breakdown From: <Justin.Houston@kimley-horn.com> Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 12:53:27 -0400 To: <chris.baker@ncmail.net> CC: <Austin.Watts@kimley-horn.com> Chris, the only area where I see the breakdown for Drainage area#2 is in the permit. Please change the sum to 78,431 square feet. Thank you. .Justin M. Houston,EI Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc. 4651 Charlotte Park Drive,Suite 300 1 Charlotte,NC 28217 704.954,7489(office) 1704.942.7639(cell) 1704.333.0845(fax) I of 1 5/11/2009 3:54 PM ® Kimley-Horn ® and Associates, Inc. REC,F'�VTE11� APR 2 2 2009 April 21, 2009 ■ BY: 300 Chris Baker 4651sure Charlotte hallotte Park OAve NCD W Q—Wilmington Office charlotte,North Carolina 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 2 8 21 7-1 911 Wilmington,NC 28405 Subject: Sam's Club Expansion, Store 46573-04, Jacksonville,NC NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management Permit Our Ref: 015476084 Dear Mr. Baker: Please find attached our submittal for the NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management Permit modification for the approved subject property. This submittal contains the following: • 2 Copies of the updated Stormwater Management Calculations (Containing Pond Supplement Form) • 2 Full Size sets of Plans(Signed and Sealed) • Check in the amount of$2,000 If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me at (704)954-7489. Sincerely yours, EY- IORN A SOCIATES, INC. stin Houston, E.I. ■ TEL 704 333 5131 FAX 704 333 0845 Permit No.�5L.l� 9 ,-,)IdA*oD (to be provided by DWQ)r III. REQUIRED ITEMS,CHECKLIST- Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Pagel Plan I s Sheet No. L 1. Plans(1'-50'or larger)of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Basin dimensions, -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, 3 -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROVV), -Overflow device,and -Boundaries of drainage easement. 2. Partial plan(1"=30'or larger)and details for the wet detention basin shoving: -Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, -Maintenance access, -Permanent pool dimensions, -Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, f -Basin cross-section, -Vegetation specification for planting shelf,and -Filter strip. f� 3. Section view of the wet detention basin(1"=20'or larger)showing: -Side slopes,3:1 or lower, -Pretreatment and treatment areas,and -Inlet and outlet structures. C o3 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction,clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. � Y 5. A table of elevations,areas,incremental volumes&accumulated volumes for overall pond and for Forebay, to verify volume provided. co3 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the �7 / I entire drainage area is stabilized. Aal 7. The supporting calculations. B. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(0&M)agreement. Y114 4/4 9. A copy of the deed restrictions(if required). Uryl°r r��• GO1 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation,soil borings,and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.5 Part III.Required Items Checklist,Page 1 of 1 ® R -:T C' t-NJ P-,1-� © qpk z i 2009 ® ° NPDES Phase II BY �31aam�� 0 Stormwater Management Calculations: m o Sa ' s Club m Store No. 6573-04 ® Jacksonville, forth Carolina Prepared for: Walmart Stores, Inc. ® Sam Walton Development Complex ® 2001 SE 10`h Street ® Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-0550 Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 4651 Charlotte Park Drive, Suite 300 ® Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 p 0 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ®Kimley-Horn and Associates,Inc.2009 ® 015476084 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN,AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE,IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OFAND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES,INC.SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 1 O O O O O O ® SAM'S CLUB STORE NO. 6573-04 JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NPDES PHASE II ® STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS ® Prepared for: ® Walmart Stores, Inc. ® Sam Walton Development Complex 2001 SE 10`h Street ® Bentonville,Arkansas 72716-0550 Prepared by: I KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ® 4651 Charlotte Park Drive, Suite 300 ® Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 April 2009 015476084 `•,�pnnppp�, •�.•`P(H CAgO '�ii Ss ig A � - 1 0 Austin L. Watts, P.E. �'�i���H111V,Ps�•y(21 /O� 1 ® TABLE OF CONTENTS ® OVERVIEW ® SITE MAPS ® SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FIGURE 2 ® USDA SOIL CLASSIFICATION MAP FIGURE 3 ® USGS QUADRANGLE MAP FIGURE 4 WATERSHED MAPS PRE-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAP FIGURE 5 POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAP FIGURE 6 WATER QUALITY WET POND CALCULATIONS WATER QUANTITY CALCULATONS ® STORMWATER POND DESIGN SUMMARY ® TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS ® PRE VS. POST CURVE NUMBER CALCULATIONS ® STORMWATER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ® PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ® PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY ® POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ® POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY I POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: (1-,2-,10-,100-YR,24-HOUR STORM EVENTS) I RIP RAP APRON CALCULATIONS U.S.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SECION 404 1 O ® OVERVIEW 49 A A i A A A A A A A OVERVIEW Background This report has been prepared to support the Site Plan Submittal for the proposed expansion of Sam's Club Store No. 6573-04. The approximately 16.57-acre project site is located at 1170 Western Boulevard in Jacksonville, North Carolina (see Figure 1). The project consists of the following components: • Expansion of the existing Sam's Club store, which includes the grading, infrastructure, and roadway improvements, required to serve the proposed lot. • A stormwater management system comprised of modifying the existing stormwater wet detention pond and the creation of a second wet detention pond. Existing Conditions The majority of the subject property is currently developed as an existing Sam's Club Store with asphalt-paved parking and drives and a concrete loading dock area. A stormwater detention pond is located on the northern portion of the site. The southeast portion of the site is undeveloped and partially wooded. Surrounding properties consist of commercial businesses and residential properties. The larger property is currently developed as a Sam's Club store with associated driveways and parking areas. The Sam's Club store includes a warehouse-type retail area, and a tire and battery replacement facility. The smaller parcel is vacant and undeveloped. This information was taken from the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, provided by S&ME, Inc. Flood plain/Flood way The proposed site does not contain areas within a 100-year floodplain boundary as determined from FIRM Panel #3720438700J and 3720438800J dated November 3, 2005 (see Figure 2). Site Topography Based off survey provided by R.B. Pharr and Associates, the existing topography of the site ranges from approximately 46 feet along the perimeter of the building to approximately 41 feet around the existing wet detention pond and 42 feet in the eastern corner of the property near the existing stream. Water Quality Water quality treatment by means of permanent Best management Practices (BMP's)will be provided using two wet detention ponds as treatment. The ponds are designed to treat the first one and a half inches of runoff per the Phase II Stormwater Model Ordinance for North Carolina and will draw down over a period of two to five days. Wet Detention Basin 1 and Wet Detention Basin 2 have been designed to provide a minimum 90% average annual removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Management Calculations 1 Sam's Club Store No. 5573-04 Jacksonville, North Carolina Water Quantity The proposed wet detention ponds have been designed using ICPR to address the City of Jacksonville and State of North Carolina's water quantity requirements to match pre- development and post-development peak runoff rates for the 1-year, 2-year and 10-year 24- hour storm events. The outlet structure for the proposed wet detention pond has been sized to convey the overflow of the 100-yr, 24-hour storm event across a spillway to divert the overflow for both wet ponds. Pre-0avalo Ppa velo menl ➢me of met-YR 2-YR 14YR Time of LYR 2RR 10YR axa0 Oainaga Lune Number Con.erttrwn peak1- peak resort pnY.rvnoH Omnape Cure Number Cm:enlralNn pak rvnc0 peak rvnpfi PoaY.runnrt Ppat<Prei mo lacl (Gll• 0.1 lo*al (dv) (tic) aea pcl (Cnl' Qol klal (tls� Itls7 O_I 14 aO 1 9a26 500 7.13 9.W I 20.16 120 95.35 500 6.81 5.83 19.90 YES D>-2 217 76.61 2700 1.68 227 468 406 9333 5,00 1.17 1.Bfi l 366 YES 0A3 071 8942 500 1.51 1,87 3,12 0,71 1 8942 900 151 1.8> 3.12 TES naa ore,alanra';a azaPlaale Conclusion The proposed Stormwater Management measures were designed using methods prescribed by the aforementioned resources. Based on the analyses provided herein, the proposed systems will be adequate to address the stormwater requirements of the City of Jacksonville and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Existing information is based on survey provided by R.B. Pharr and Associates. NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Management Calculations 2 Sam's Club Store No. 6573-04 Jacksonville, North Carolina KE\CHL LBEV\0154]6 Wal-Mart SlteCivil\084 Jacksonville\8w \Exhibits\Vic Ma DsdN 9Gs m nnoxs oa N *� �Z $ SITE ws O��O Gl' y 9 01 'EB DR b`9y jq P G 1yP Coass PVE,E Ek a£hs D90 U, �'G F � G � OR 0 r °a po N W E S ®m® WAL-MAT SU 3POERCENTER SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE Kimiey-Hom and Associates,Inc. JACKSONVILLE, NC NOT TO SCALE THIS o0C0.EM,1ECEIXER T.INE CDNLEPIS AND DESICNS PRESENTED HEREIN,.AN,NBTAa.NI Of SERVICE.IS WIENUE°ONLY FOR INE PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR X ICH IT BAS PREPARED. REOSE DF AND IN>ROPER RELIANCE ON TN5 DOCUNEM MIITN°I11 MRTEEN POTIIORIZFIIDN AND ADAPTATION BY NINLEY-HORN AND ASSOCATES.INC.S BE WITHOUT D4BILITY ED NIMLEf-HORN AND ASSOCIATES,INC. K!\CHL-LDEV\ Li 17� Ol .........I IV A, V, SITE' ' N "4 9,V ,j L M . ..... . A -IL I'A X ap l* 41 % A IN -- E S "THE SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN, FLOOD MAP INFORMATION TAKEN FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM(WWW+NCFLOODMAPS+COM)" SAM'S CLUB F.I.R.M.PANELS: FIGURE Elm #6573-04 3720438700J; 3720438800J onn and Associates, nc.Kirnley-H Te�I tl JACKSONVILLE, NC SCALE: 1 900' THIS DOCUMENT, TYBOTHER AI THE CONCEPTS AND BOSOM PRESENTED HERON.AS AN INSTRU IFNT OF KWI IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR AHICH 7 IN,R PREPARED, REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN WTHOR12ATION AND AMTATIpI By APALEY-HORN ME ASSOCRATES.INC, SHALL BE WTHOUT LLABILITY TO KIMLE`(-HORN AND ASSOCRTES,INC, IK:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Vol-HOPt SItPClvl1\OB4 JOck,RCnvlllP\Bw \EKMIbIt,R\Vlc HUDS.dw �P S n'6` p m (y'l�m�tl+" ib '6° •'d'6 IT 3$IYO'y� a a X, ' ryia p ,�`5iw�.' € y }M ,, yC nF•, ';6"� tee Rd a 96=R"h ;J +d ' � , rr 5a `'iv'1'7 'r{fYxn RRI as 1 d\d. � " �RP.%.,. I ✓ t A ER, � �F x`�'0 (}..�,C�y9 a�+ ,`1'al {x ✓ n ""�• " TT }p' x$ rYY f �;�ro�.SD A y.�y 4 yy, ee, T� J`Y�yr''?.3' t R. _ .�" +¢,a i "� ?3te R -✓e' ,�yTrl 4,� rxl n t J. *T': W[ k %" >tty " i.. k� � `g iu x �c � r'"y'K4•M s�* r,rt9�' fr .n `+ n dt roe" N. a�^w n 'i"� NI'7S+ m „✓ MP l Ybx�-0ty x n��'4 aS��FM1s ,.",1yi'ry TM`Lj' .t a'�; y r +` „CM 3L`"'$` �-1 '#a c. N iw :• t 53�R .k � xI C 2 �4 c. 1 a r, y N thk .� W E S SAM1 S CLUB ❑v❑ #6573-04 SOILS MAP FIGURE Kmley-Hom and Associates,Inc. JACKSONVILLE, NC SCALE: 1 =120 3 T'O DOCMMENT.TOCIIER MTI TNE CONCEPTS AND OESY..NS PRESENT.HEREIN.AO AN INMUMENT X SE"CE IS INTENDED ONLY MR ME PURPOSE MVO CLIENT FOR vYCH R"S PREPARED. ROUSE Of AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WOLT WRITTEN WMCRRMTION AND ODMIMTION EN KIUIET-NDRN WO ARSOCMTES.INC.SHALL BE M OCT LUBNtt TO KIMLL-HORN MNO AO=3A ES,WC. \CHL-LDEV\015476 Wat-Mart SHOFCrvI(\084 JaCk5On,RIe\D,q\Exh!bitC\ViC mapsd,q 71 .Z 71. A-1 11 \A W/ 'i4 III '!y 'r' ^ r'-+` •t5/ �+' �T'a'`: ,r ::V Ale. r eel 111H�0 RE 06 41N, I�jl 4 Z' A T, -A .A th TO 1 I 9'li q''Id" '-ga N W E S SAM'S CLUB USGS QUADRANGLE FIGURE ❑�®❑ #6573-04 JACKSONVILLE, NC (1993) Kimiey-Hom and Associates,Inc. JACKSONVILLE, NC SCALE: 1 1000' 4 .11 I.E.,I.V.PR WITH 111 CDNCPHS AND DESIENM lU.1.1 HERM AS A.INSTRUMENT OF SERRTC1 11 INTENDED DNiY FOR THE PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH T WAS PREPARED REUSE Cl AND I.TRONEW RELIATICE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTE1 AUTHOARZATIDN AND ACRITATION BY AIML-HDRA AND SSEI INC SNAHL BE WITHOUT LIABU,17Y TO KIAR[-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC, 1 1 ® P�[®" Kmley-Horn ®'® and Associates,Inc. WET DETENTION BASIN ® Project Information Project Name: Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 ® KHA Project#: 015476084 Designed by: JMH Date: 10/24/2008 ® Revised by: Date: Revised by: Date: Site Information Sub Area Location: DA-1 Post ® Drainage Area (DA) = 12.49 Acres Impervious Area (IA) = 9.32 Acres Percent Impervious (1) = 74.62 % Required Surface Area Permament Pool Depth: 5 ft SA/DA= 5.32 (90% TSS Removal via Pond) Min Req'd Surface Area = 28963 sf(at Permanent Pool) Required Storage Volume: Design Storm = 1.5 inch (Project Does Not Drain to SA waters) Determine Rv Value = 0.05 + .009 (1) = 0.72 in/in Storage Volume Required = 49073 cf(above Permanent Pool) Elevations Area (s.f.) Temporary Pool Elevation = 41.70 ft 37514 Permanent Pool Elevation = 40.15 ft 33253.5 Wet Basin Areas[Volumes Area @ Top of Temporary Pool = 37514 sf (Elevation = 41.70 ) ® Area @ Top of Permanent Pool = 33254 sf (Elevation = 40.15 ) Volume of Temporary Storage = 54845 cf ® Side Slopes of Pond =- 3 : 1 ® Side Slopes of Maintenance Shelf= 6% Side Slopes of Pond (below shelf) = 3 : 1 Is Permenant Pool Surface Area Sufficient (yes/no)? Yes ( 33254 > 28963 ) sf ® Volume of Storage for 1.5" Storm = 54845 Yes ( 54845 > 49073 ) cf 1 1 C]®" Kimley-Horn ® �1® and Ass=ales,Inc. WET DETENTION BASIN ® Project Information ® Project Name: Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 KHA Project#: 015476084 Designed by: JMH Date: 10/24/2008 ® Revised by: Date: Revised by: Date: Site Information Sub Area Location: DA-1 Post Drainage Area (DA) = 12.49 Acres Impervious Area (IA) = 9.32 Acres Percent Impervious (1) = 74.6 % (Drainage Area) Orifice Sizing 02 Days= 0.3174 cfs (Flowrate required for a 2 day drawdown) Q5 Days= 0.1270 cfs (Flowrate required for a 5 day drawdown) Width of Orifice = 6.25 in (Inches) Height of Orifice = 2.00 (Inches) Q oriFM= 0.29 cfs Drawdown Time = 2.2 days less than 5 days (yes/no) ? yes greater than 2 days (yes/no) ? yes Orifice Equation: Q=CA02gh) Q2 < Q < Q5 1 c = 0.6 A9= Area of Pipe g = gravity = 32.2 fUs2 ® In = orifice head = 1/3 (TPE-PPE-1/2D) ID TPE = Temporary Pool Elevation PPE = Permanent Pool Elevation D = Diameter 1 O O O P IJMF, rintley-Horn ' ®1® and Associates,Inc. ® WET DETENTION BASIN ® Project Information Project Name: Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 KHA Project#: 015476084 ® Designed by: JMH Date: 10/24/2008 ® Revised by: JMH Date: 4/21/2009 ® Revised by: Date: ® Site Information ® Sub Area Location: DA-2 Post Drainage Area (DA) = 4.08 Acres ® Impervious Area (IA) = 2.03 Acres Percent Impervious (1) = 49.75 % Required Surface Area Permament Pool Depth: 3.5 ft SA/DA= 4.98 (90% TSS Removal via Pond) Min Req'd Surface Area = 8843 sf(at Permanent Pool) Required Storage Volume: Design Storm = 1.5 inch (Project Does Not Drain to SA waters) Determine Rv Value = 0.05 + .009 (1) = 0.50 in/in Storage Volume Required = 11059 cf(above Permanent Pool) Elevations Area (s.f.) Temporary Pool Elevation = 42.60 ft 22834.00 Permanent Pool Elevation = 42.00 ft 20566 Wet Basin Areas[Volumes Area @ Top of Temporary Pool = 25523 sf (Elevation = 42.60 ) Area @ Top of Permanent Pool = 23114 sf (Elevation = 42.00 ) Volume of Temporary Storage= 14591 cf ® Side Slopes of Pond = 2.5 : 1 Side Slopes of Maintenance Shelf= 6% Side Slopes of Pond (below shelf) = 3 ' '1 ® Is Permenant Pool Surface Area Sufficient (yes/no)? Yes ( 23114 > 8843 ) sf ® Volume of Storage for 1.5" Storm = 14591 Yes ( 14591 > 11059 ) cf plan Kimley-Horn ®l® , and assodales,lnc. WET DETENTION BASIN � Project Information Project Name: Sam's Club Expansion Store No. 6573-04 KHA Project#: 015476084 Designed by: JMH Date: 10/24/2008 Revised by: JMH Date: 4/21/2009 Revised by: Date: 0 ' Site Information Sub Area Location: DA-2 Post Drainage Area (DA) = 4.08 Acres ® Impervious Area (IA) = 2.03 Acres Percent Impervious (1) = 49.8 % (Drainage Area) ® Orifice Sizing ® QzDays= 0.0844 cfs (Flowrate required for a 2 day drawdown) Qs Days= 0.0338 cfs (Flowrate required for a 5 day drawdown) ® Width of Orifice = 3.00 in (Inches) Height of Orifice = 1.50 (Inches) ® Q orirl�= 0.07 cfs Drawdown Time = 2.5 days less than 5 days (yes/no) ? yes ® greater than 2 days (yes/no) ? yes ® Orifice Equation: Q=CA,V(2gh) 02 < Q < Q5 c = 0.6 A9 Area of Pipe g = gravity= 32.2 fUs2 h = orifice head = 1/3 (TPE-PPE-1/2D) TPE = Temporary Pool Elevation PPE = Permanent Pool Elevation D = Diameter 1 1 D 1 STORMWATER POND DESIGN SUMMARY v ®" Km[W-Hom DSl and Ass .ftlnc. Pre-& Post-Development SUMMARY Project Information Project Name: Jacksonville Sam's Club Expansion KHA Project#: 015476084 Dat Designed by: JMH e: 10/28/2008 Revised by: JMH Date: 11/18/2008 Revised by: JMH Date: 2/26/2009 SCS Method Pre-Development Post-Development Drainage Curve Number Time of 1-YR 2-YR 10-YR Drainage Curve Number Time of 1-YR 2-YR 10-YR Outfall Concentration peak runoff peak runoff peak runoff Concentration peak runoff peak runoff peak runoff post<Pre? Area(ac) (CN)- (T) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Area(ac) (CN)' (T) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) DA-1 14.40 95.26 5.00 7.13 9.84 20.16 12.49 95.35 5.00 6.81 9.83 19.60 YES DA-2 2.17 78.61 27.00 1.68 2.27 4.48 4.08 93.33 5.00 1.17 1.86 3.66 YES DA-3 0.71 89.42 5.00 1.51 1.87 3.12 0.71 89.42 5.00 1.51 1.87 3.12 YES Therefore, detention is acceptable ' Curve Numbers from"TR-55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds," pages 2.5 to 2.8 K:\CHL_LDE\A015476 Wal-Mart SileCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\080808_Copy of Runoff Calc.xls 1 of 1 ® TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS to 40 Go I - - 96606666 ® ® ® _ _ ® see ® ® Pre vs.Post Runoff Analysis Time of Concentration pmlect Inlorma hm (TR-55 Math.d.lopy) Prayed Name:Jachsonvl0e Sams ClVb Expansion KM project 0154700M Designe0by: MIA Dale. 10115R000 ReAsed by. Data: RevlaW by Data: Manning'f Two-year. 24 Croas Sectional yya0W Average Wtlers�e0 SUO Brea Flow LengthL RougM1neef M1r rainfall,Pa paved or Ama al Flow, petlmeteq F11Eraullc Vebcity, Travel Time, Name Locallon Type of Flaw Covet D cmptbn in) Slope,f(MR) Coe r,lant.n (In) Unpavetl a(Ilr) p„(a) =a.r l0) V(Na)' PRE.DEVELOPMENT Ild DA.1 O m I.H PI Fbw pe m9 L _` 1 _...Paik swap at _ _ _ — — 500 Time of Concentration,Tr min 5.00 Groan-Rage DA-2 Oolbll SM1eel SM1otl iW 0010 '-00 `0e — N.16 SM1eM _ Concentrated Unpaved / 16a ''A.OID — — V tfi 1.92 OM1annel¢ed Natural Gnannel �.'2]0 '0012' -0.0] 21,p6 12.22 V2n ].I O.. Time of Concemmlloa,Tr)rain P.00 auraPaebne Lots rola, - OA-J O011ell Pi Flow DMenap.etc — — — — — 5.00 Time of COncecent2tlon.TC m10 = 600 K:W HL LDEWN 5476 We4Man SIIeCivirOM Jacksem,lle1Celca%StommbVET PONDW90211 Modbr.fienW80008_Copy of Runoff Calctla 1 012 ® ® @see@@ ® ® ® @Go ® ® Pre".Post Runoff Analysis Time of Concentration Project Information (TR-55 MM,coWirgy) Prolocl Name:Jacksonville Saln's CIUE Expansion KRA Proleet e: 015060ea Deel9neE 0y: JMH Date: 10115n00e Zvla 0y: Date: Reed vised 0y: Dale: MennlnBe Two-yeaq 2a Cmss Sectional Waited Avenge Watershed SuG Area Flow Leng@.L Roughness hr rain fall,Pa P.o.of Arae of Flow. Pedor.s, Hydmullc Velpclly. Travel Time, Name Location Typeof Flaw Cover Deecdpllon (on Slope.s(Nn) Co,ffi.ent,n (In) Unpaved a(n') p.On radlue,r(n) V(Nq" T,(min)"' POST-DEVELOPMENT OA 1 Oplfell IN Flow wed�reX_o,00b O f:.ooe '!- Soo Time of Lonce!1r.M.ry To(minl' 6.00 sued dek1LOla Data, �..r. . .y .. DA.2 0u0eg vl Fbw Orlvewap etc .(... 5.00 dyed a�Ung ob, wla, DAJ Outlell PI Fbw lMvrnp.ato w $00 5.00 K:CHL LDIMOI M76 Wal.Mad SdaCIvIWSd Jacksoo,MtACakatSlorm\WET PONM90211 ModI0Le11on1000900 Copy of Runoff Galin. 2 of 2 PRE VS. POST CURVE NUMBER CALCULATIONS Pre vs.Post Runoff Analysis Composite Curve Number(CN) © Projett lnforma4on ® P P Name:Jacksonville Sam'z Fspansion KHA Project#: 0156]60&186 DesiBneE, KKS Date: B13006 evis Retl M' JMH Dale: 10Q812000 Revised by: Dale' SCS METHOD mposde Daina9e Area Dralna0e Wale,ured CoveCSoil Name HyErolopiC Soit Curve Number Curve Number Name Location Area(ac) (Type) Cover Description' Group (CN) Area(ac) Peranl Area (CN) PRE-DEVELOPMENT ® sems uw eu9du,v•ua P.,wov DA4 Duilall 16.60 Ne 90 1027 71.J% 6909 Pond Na BB 128 0.9Y e70 Gnnlond:Fair GovemBe(Islentlz) Re O & 283 19.5h 1663 iAk*.:3C.�,.x+;.1.�2x � �.]il�3"i-'mc�i�a'-3"5.�..,FI' 'w..,.�U'"LL5'<'x ..-_�,.;_'.'*r H. :rit�ri i iTidP'� 1660 t.'�`i=Se ,C...s'.y,i•-99.26-. DA-2 Oullall 2.17 Ne Pnk,Lot 90 0 o6 38% 3)I Gravel Na 91. .0.16 id% 6II Br N:Fei Pn.Re - D ]] 1.95 899% 691 ' :�+�'Lu_.,:..°�`*_._,s•,etil'4'rs.GA x,:IriN�.A°'�ii.4�v ..�il�w:.g;.:. :5�».h1s:.: G _ YUJ_'13_. r:3 21] a:K:'r� _-:: :•;:..:7861 DA-3 Outlell 0,71 N. P rhnB Lm 90 D,39 A B% 53.03 P-d ' rye 90 On] 42% lH B :Fei 1 Re D � P`� •6.29 e08% 3145 ' :C.na »caE':Fu=S=,. Ir..�YJ":ei.i# 7•"z�l�3Z"m: ' 15.'r3"�'L+ 3ssk -*,"�.'*u.!3+ �.wY'Il,4.i;'.�sF - s,r»i?il 0.71 .;,ia,.w O K:\CHLLDI:l IW5 W.PMen SftC WBz JacksonvillelCala151orm1WET PON=W211 Motlificab.r=0608_Copyof R...If Cs,o. 1of2 Pre vs.Post Runoff Analysis Composite Curve Number(CN) Project Information Project Name:Jacksonville Sam s Club Evansion KHA Pmjeq k: DIU760M Designed by. KKS Dale: 8/9(1008 Revised by: JMH Date: 1028/20DO Revised by Date: SCS METHOD mposne Drainage Area Drainage Walerimed Cover/Soil Name Hydrologic Soil Curve Number Curve Number Name Location Area(be) (Type) Cover DescdpliM• Group (CN) Area(ac) Poment Area (CN) POST-DEVELOPMENT DA-1 Oudall 1249 Na WaLefad Building and Parkirp 98 9]2 Tab°A 73.13 Petlure Fev Covenpe Prt Re D 01 2.J6 IB9% I5.87 PO W W. a8 aet 6.SK 6.36 2 'w ,I :d'r..kk'ss-e 7�-;.n'f�s3'i'i�, l ,-•-'P 'u "ri"' ,sV- {f .r xLYyt'I 4'3aa ✓. 12.d9 e'Ll...�...0 %�9s]5i. DA-2 omfan COB I. POed 9e Des 131% 1345 cmawrw:Fe:cea.age . Pn Re o 1.16 33,3% 2e.Do Perk,Roll Ne 98� 2.16 52.9% 51.08 ^" ,yy�g 2,g' � n"N 5-g 1 +:d I s,Z »Y,tau ns ?' ..�'`' �'kIiiv2ti�4Iv'Ok.".FM �Jy�i' "yitlr ��l .� leif➢'�4y1iss.4 ...f �1L'"1iavae'I d OB *r14, 1 Y..19333 DA-3 Oudall 0.71 Ne P."..Lot Pond Ne 9B oDJ alit eta B.Fa: " Ra '.0 n, on' e0.6% J1 5 x�^.J ° �.: s r3p{�'# :-ta,�, d.., s le ih' rp � 't , .2 D.]1 �K.mm.-�RR..-.. . 09d2,1, S.a�Fmt..xW.c i k k'k0 ikstM;b k CHL_LDEN0150]6 WaLMad SileCIviWBd JecksonvillNCelu\Stom11WET POND\D9D311 Modid.b.n1D80808_Co,D1 Runod Calc.xls 2 of 2 1 1 1 STORMWATER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM O 1 / 1 1 ' 1 I A PRE-DEVELOPMENT STORMWATER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Nodes A Stage/Area V Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole Basins 0 Overland Flow U SCS Unit Hydro S Santa Barbara Links P Pipe W weir C Channel D Drop Structure A:DA-1 Pond _ D Bridge R Rating Curve I U:DA_1 D:cs-1 H Breach T:DA-1 POND OUT T:DA-2 U:DA-2 T:DA-3 U:DA-3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies,Inc. POST-DEVELOPMENT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Nodes A Stage/Area V Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole Basins O Overland Plow U SCS Unit Hydro A:DA-1 S Santa Barbara A:pA-zA DA-1 Links Ui OA-p D:CS-1 P Pipe _ _._ __.__ U:Spillway 1 W Weir _ e Channel P.POND 2 LINK T:pA-1 POND OUT D Drop Structure B Bridge R Rating Curve H Breach D:CS-2 K:Spillway 2 '1':DA-2 PONG JUI' T:DA-3 U:OA-3 Intercomlected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. 1 O O O ® PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT 1 I O PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT -._.. ..-.a-.==-------------=--------=---------------- --- Name: DA-1 Node: DA-1 Pond Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.D0 Area(ac): 14.400 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 95.26 Max Allowable Q(c£s): 999999.000 DCIA(8): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA-2 Node: DA-2 Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 Q Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): O.DO Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 27.00 Area(ac): 2.170 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 78.61 Max Allowable Q(c.$): 999999.000 DCIA(5): 0.00 ® -----------------------------' --___ ® Name: DA-3 Node: GA-3 Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.710 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 ® Curve Number: 89.42 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(8) : 0.00 .�.� NO des .=a --=---------------------=awa-e-------.----------------.-.._.-_.. --..-.------=-E.................=-.=s---------------=s-.ea-------a----------=a.=..-.- ® Name: DA-1 Pond Base Flow(cfs) : 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 40.150 ® Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 Type: Stage/Area ® Stage(ft) Area(ac) ® 40.000 1.0178 41.000 1.3280 42.000 1.4182 43.000 1.5103 44.000 1.7984 ® 45.000 2.1924 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ® Name: DA-1 POND OUT Base Flow(cfs) : 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 40.320 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 ® Type: Time/Stage ® Time(hrs) Stage(ft) 0.00 40.320 999999.00 40.320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: DA-2 Base Flow(c£s) : 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 42.000 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft) : 45.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 42.000 999.00 42.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies,Inc. Page 1 of 4 1 ® PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ® Name: DA-3 Base F1ow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 40.330 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 42.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(`t) --------------- --------------- ® 0.00 40.330 999.00 40.330 ® -------------------------=====__ ------------- """__===== ------------ ® -------- ---------- --- ----------------------------------===_ ===_- _-======__--- ® Name: CS-1 From Node: DA-1 Pond Length(ft): 30.28 Group: BASE To Node: DA-1 POND OUT Count: 1 ® UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Automatic ® Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.200 Invert(ft): 40.150 40.320 Exit Loss Coef: 0.500 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 - Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use on Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: ® Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ® ^a Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-1 "` TABLE ® Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in) : 0.000 ® Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 44.00 Invert(ft): 41.400 ® Rise(in): 17.50 Control Elev(ft): 41.400 "' Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-1 TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in) : 0.000 Flow: Both weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 44.00 Invert(ft): 41.400 Rise(in): 41.00 Control Elev(ft): 41.400 Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-1 TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : 0.000 ® Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in) : 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 ® Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 ® Span(in): 5.00 Invert(ft): 40.150 Rise(in): 5.00 Control Elev(ft): 40.150 ® _---_------a«----e"e=`-----_- =s_a-=---------------------------========-----""_-_--- Hydrology ® "'_ --------- --- -S= on======___S3_"----------====--------------=====------------------ Name: 02YRO24pre Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\ICPR\02YRO24pre.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 4.40 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ® -30--.-000`--------- -5.---00----------- ® Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (]CPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies,Inc. Page 2 of 4 1 1 PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ® Name: 100YR024pre Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\?CPR\100YRO24pre.R32 ® Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 f04 Rainfall File: Scsiii 6/ Rainfall Amount(in) : 9.90 oTime()rs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ ( 30.000 5.00 1� __________________________________________________________________ Name 10YR024pre 1 Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015976 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\089 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\ICPR\10YR024 pre.R32 Override Defaults: Yes ® Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii ® Rainfall Amount(in) : 6.90 1 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 30.000 5.00 ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ® Name: 1YR024pre Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 WAL-MART SITECIVIL\084 JACKSONVILLE\CALCS\STORM\ICPR\1YR024pre.R32 ® Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 ® Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 3.70 ® Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 1 30.000 5.00 Rou --------ti- = - - - gSimulations- - _6<_ ---------------- a----------------------a__ae----- ® Name: 02YR24pre Hydrology Sim: 02YRO24pre ® Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015416 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\D84 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\ICPR\02YR24pre.I32 ® Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No 1 Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 ® Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs) : 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Cato Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: ® Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ® -I-I __.__000__________ 0 15.000 14.000 5.OD0 1 30.000 15.000 OGroup Run ® BASE Yes 1 -----_----------________ ---------_----______________________________ Name: 100YR24pre Hydrology Sim: 100YR024pre 1 Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\ICPR\100YR24pre.I32 Execute: No Restart: No Patch: No 1 Alternative: No ® Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Stec Optimizer: 10.000 1 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Cato Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flouts: / Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ 1 1i.000 15.000 1 1 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of 4 PRE-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT 14.000 5.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------- Name: 10YR24pre Hydrology Sim: 10YRO24pre Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\064 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\ICPR\10YR24pre.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft) : 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs) : O.ODO End Time(hrs) : 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec) : 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec) : 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ll.ODO 15.000 14.000 5.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1YR24pre Hydrology Sim: 1YR024pre Filename: K:\CHL_LDEV\015476 WAL-MART SITECIVIL\OB4 JACKSONVILLE\CALCS\STORM\ICPR\IYR24pre.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(£t) : 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs) : 0.000 End Time(hrs) : 24.00 Min Cal. Time(sec) : 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec) : 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) "------------ --------------- 11.000 15.000 14.000 5.000 ( 30.000 15.000 Group Run BASE Yes ---- Boundary Conditions - e_ -«e_e---ems--- ------------""-------- Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 4 of 4 00 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: I YR 24 RR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft It It ft2 hrs cis hrs cfs DA-1 POND OUT BASE IYR24pre 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.65 7.134 0.00 0.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model([CPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of I PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 1 YR STORM Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 1YRO24pre Node Name: DA-2 Basin Type: SCE Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 3.60 Comp Time Inc (min): 3.60 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in) : 3.700 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 27.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (so): 2.170 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 78.610 DCIA (8): O.ODO Time Max (hrs): 12.42 Flow Max (cfs): 1.684 Runoff Volume (in): 1. 4 Runoff Volume (ft3) : 13344.242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 1YRO24pre Node Name: DA-3 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min) : 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 3.700 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (so): 0.710 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (9): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.24 Flo+ Max (cfs): 1.511 Runoff Volume (in): 2581 Runoff Volume (ft3) : 6650.965 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROOTING RESULTS: 2 YR 24 HR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs It It it ft2 hrs CIS hrs CIS DA-1 POND OUT BASE 02'tR24pae 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.59 9.837 0.00 0.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 1 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 2 YR STORM 0 ® Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE ® Simulation: 02YRO24pre Node Name: DA-2 Basin Type: SCS Unit Pydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 ® Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 3.60 Comp Time Inc (min): 3.60 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 4.400 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Cone (min): 27.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (ac) : 2.170 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 78.610 DCIA (8): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.42 Flow Max (cfs): 2.269 Runoff Volume (in). .2.2 Runoff Volume (ft3): 17800.447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 02YRO24pre Node Name: DA-3 ' Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.61 \ Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii ® Rainfall Amount (in): 4.400 Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.D0 Status: Onsite Iy Time of Cold (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 ® Area (ac) : 0.710 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (%): 0.000 ® Time Max (hrs) : 12.23 Flow Max (cfs) : 1.866 Q Runoff Volume (in): 3.247 Runoff Volume (ft3): 8352.640 I I Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of I POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 10 YR 24 HR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs DA-1 POND OUT BASE 10YR24pre 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.52 20.158 0.00 0.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model([CPR) ®2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of I PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 10 YR STORM ( Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 10YR024pre Node Name: DA-2 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 3.60 Comp Time Inc (min): 3.60 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rain'-all Amount (in): 6.900 Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Co., (min): 27.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (so): 2.170 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 7B.610 DCIA (8): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.42 Flow Max (cfs): 4.480 Runoff Volume (in):-T-777 Runoff Volume (ft3): 35044.959 ---------------------------------------------- -----' --- Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 10YRO24pre Node Name: DA-3 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 6.900 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (ac): 0.710 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (i): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Flow Max (cfs): 3.124 Runoff Volume (in): 5.651 Runoff Volume (ft3): 14578.989 v Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies,Inc. Page I of 1 POST-DEVELEOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ID i POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT BasinS =����.=z �s==---------------- -----a_------w-==-------------------------------- ® Name: DA-1 Node: DA-1 Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ® Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 ® Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 12.490 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 95.35 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ® ----- ____ ----- _____ - ------ _________ Name:_ _____________________ Name:-EA-2 Node: _ ___'___DA-2A Status:'Onsite-------`-"--'-- ® Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in) : 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 4.080 Time Shift(hrs) : 0.00 Curve Number: 92.38 Max Allowable Q(cfs) : 999999.000 DCIA(8): 0.00 _________________________ -__________________________________ _______ Name: DA-3 Node: DA-3 Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Factor: 256.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs) : 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.710 Time Shift(hrs) : 0.00 Curve Number: 89.42 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(4): 0.00 Nodes - ---------- ---_--a---==--=----------------= ---------- Name: DA-1 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 40.150 Group: BASE warn Stage(ft): 45.000 Type: Stage/Area ® Stage(ft) Area(ac) 40.000 0.7634 ® 41.000 0.8205 42.000 0.8789 43.000 0.9385 44.000 0.9995 45.000 1.0618 ______________Init'--'-lfU: 90. Name: DA-1 POND OUT 9ase Flowlcfs) : 0.000 Stage 320 ® Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) ___________ _oo ____ ------ D 40.320 ® 999999.00 40.320 ® ----"- Name-----_ : DF.--2 POND OUT Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Sta e1.0: 41.500 ® Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) ® 0.00 41.500 999999.00 41.500 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) C2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 7 ® POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------`__----------------------- Name: DA-2A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 42.000 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 37.500 0.0224 42.000 0.2513 43.000 0.3030 44.000 0.3357 45.000 0.3979 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ____-- Name: DA-2B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 42.000 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 45.ODO Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 37.500 0.0272 42.00D. 0.2793 43.000 0.3401 44.ODO 0.3782 45.000 0.4452 -----------------------------------------------------'-"'-------------------__---------- Name: DA-3 Base Flow(cfs) : 0.000 Init Stage(ft) : 40.330 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft) : 42.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 40,330 999.00 40.330 --`-Pipes --- -aea_s__--»-----------=---------------------=--------a" »-a-tea--- Name: POND 2 LINK From Node: DA-2A Length(ft): 81.00 Group: BASE To Node: DA-2B Count; 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in) : 36.00 36.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Fise(in): 36.00 36.00 Exit Loss Pont: 1.00 Invert(ft): 37.500 37.500 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 M.anning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use do Bet Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: ® Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ® Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall =Drop Structures - es ------------ ---_--_--= -_'______--=--�-- ----------- -a_e»-""""m___-as --=--«--a------------------------s�ee��� ® Name: CS-1 From Node: DR-1 Len th(ft) : 30.28 OGroup: BASE To Node: DA-1 POND OUT Count: 1 ® UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Automatic Span(in) : 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both ® Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.200 Invert(ft) : 40.150 40.320 Exit Loss Coef: 0.500 ® Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Clip(in) : 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use do ® Bot Clip(in) : 0.000 0.000 Solution Ines: 10 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) (02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of 7 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTI14G INPUT Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall '•' weir 1 of 4 for Drop Structure CS-1 "' TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in) : 6.25 Invert(ft) : 40.150 Rise(in) : 2.00 Control Elev(ft): 40.150 •^ weir 2 of 4 for Drop Structure CS-1 "' TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in) : 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 \ Span(in): 42.00 Invert(ft): 41.700 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 41.700 •'� Weir 3 of 4 for Drop Structure CS-1 ^' ABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 36.00 (ft): 43.700 Rise(in): 36.00 Controll Elev(ft):(ft): 43.700 "' weir 4 of 4 for Drop Structure CS-1 TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clipfin): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 30.00 Invert(ft): 42.250 Rise(in): 4.00 Control Elev(ft) : 42.250 ---------------------------------------- __ ____--------__------------_-_____-_ Name: CS-2 From Node: DA-2B Length(ft): 30.00 Group: BASE To Node: DA-2 POND OUT Count: 1 UPSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Automatic Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.OD Entrance Loss Coef: 0.200 Invert(ft): 42.000 41.750 Exit Loss Coef: 0.500 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use on Bot Clip(in) : 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall " Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-2 "' TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : D.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 3.00 Invert(ft): 42.000 Rise(in): 1.50 Control Elev(ft): 42.000 " Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-2 TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in) : 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of 7 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coed: 0.600 Span(iu) : 15.00 Invert(ft): 42.600 /1 Rise(in) : 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 42.600 •" Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure CS-2 "' TABLE Count: 1 Bottom C1ip(in) : 0.000 Type: Horizontal Too Clip(in) : 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 I Span(iN : 24.00 Invert(ft): 44.D00 Rise(in) : 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 44.000 -» Wairs6---=--_----- ---------a-=-____e_--- --_e«--=­--w=«--«------c----------- � --------a------=--»a-»«-s«------=-----------=--------a-w----------------------��: Name: Spillway 1 From Node: DA-1 Group: BASE To Node: DA-1 POND OUT Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Vertical: Mavis Geometry: Trapezoidal Bottom Width(£[): 60.00 ' Left Side Slope(h/v): 3.00 Right Side Slope(h/v): 3.00 Invert(ft): 44.050 Control Elevation(ft): 44.050 Struct Opening Dim(ft): 9999.00 TABLE Bottom Clip(ft): 0.000 Top Clip(ft): 0.000 Weir Discharge Cost: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 -__ ------------------- '-----------_----------- Name: Spillway 2 From Node: DA-2B Group: BASE To Node: DA-2 POND OUT Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Vertical: Mavis Geometry: Trapezoidal Bottom Width(ft): 34.00 Left Side Slope(h/v): 2.50 Right Side Slope(h/v): 2.50 Invert(ft): 44.000 Control Elevation(ft): 44.000 Struct Opening Dim(ft): 9999.00 TABLE Bottom Clip(ft): 0.000 Top Clip(ft): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 "=Hydrology Simulations -----a"-""------------_a_-=---- ----- ------__a_-n��e� «�e« --""®-_--e«--------"" ----"vae----a-- Name: 02YRO24post Filename: K:\CHL LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\02YRO24post Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in) : 4.40 Time(his) Print Inc(min) --------------- _------_-_- 30.000 5.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name 100YR024post Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\100YR024pos Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in) : 9.90 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 4 of 7 POST-D,c _LOPMENT ROUTING INPUT _______________ _______________ 30.000 5.00 __________________________________ ___-_____________-_____-__ __-_______ Name: 20YR024post Filename: N:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\10YR024post Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 6.90 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 30.000 5.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: IYR024post Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\1YRO24post. Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amountlin) : 3.70 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 30.000 5.00 ' ---------------- _____________________________________________________________________ Name: DRAWDOWN POST Filename: K:\CHL LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\DRAWDOWN PO Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in) : 0.00 Time(hrs) Print Inc(mio) _______________ _______________ 30.000 5.00 Routing Simulations a""---sue-=e___=-_-----w------ ----------=--------------__-_-- Name: 02YR24post Hydrology Sim: 02YRO24post Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\02YR24post. Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No I Max Delta Z(ft) : 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs) : 0.000 End Time(hrs) : 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec) : 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec) : 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ____ _______________ 11.000 15.000 14.000 5.000 30.000 15.000 Grow Run _______________ ----- BASE Yes __________________ ________________-_-_-____________________________-_____________ Name: 100YR24po5t Hydrology Sim: 100YR024post Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015436 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\100YR24post Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Cato Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies; Inc. Page 5 of 7 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 11.000 15 000 14.000 5.600 O 30.000 15.000 oGroup Run BASE Yes ® ® ___________Name__:--- __ 10Y___R24post____----------- _Hydrology_________Sim:__________10YR024__pos' __`--------------------------------------- f Filename: K:\CHL-LDEV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacks onville\Cal cs\Storm\WET POND\090913 Modification\SOY R29 post. Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No IAlternative: No ® Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 ® Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Floes: ® Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ ® 11.000 15.000 14.000 5.000 30.000 25.000 Group Run BASE Yes I ® ---------- ___--- __________________ _ _ ____________________________________"' Name: 1YR24post al-Marts Sim: 1YR024 post Filename: K:\CHL LDEV\01547fi wal-Mart SiteCivil\089 Jacksonville\Gales\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\1Y R24 post.I Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Ootimizer: 10.0D0 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50DO Max Cato Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Iac(min) _______________ _______________ 21.000 15.000 14.000 5.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run _______________ ----- BASE Yes ____________________________________ -____- ____________________ Name: DRAWDOWN POST Hydrology Sim: DRAWDOWN POST Filename: K:\CHL-LDLV\015476 Wal-Mart SiteCivil\084 Jacksonville\Calcs\Storm\WET POND\090413 Modification\DRAWDOWN PO Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No asAlternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 24.00 ® Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: ® Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ______ -----__________ ® 11.000 15.000 14.000 5.000 ® 30.000 15.000 ® Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline TechnologieS, Inc. Page 6 of 7 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING INPUT Group Run BASE Yes =-----------a-- --- -------------- --a------------a_--------------�we� Boundary Conditions �----— -------------------"-""""- `---_----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 7 of 7 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 1 YR STORM Basin Name: DA-1 Grouo Name: BASE Simulation: 1YRD24post Node Name: DA-1 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking rater: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 3.700 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Cone (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Azea (ac): 12.490 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 95.350 DCIA (9): O.D00 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Flow Max (cfs): 30.241 Runoff Volume (in): 3.112 Runoff Volume (ft3): 143808.342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 1YR024post Node Name: DA-2A Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking rater: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 3.700 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Cone (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (ac): 4.080 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 92.780 DCIA (9): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Flow Max (cfs): 9.393 Runoff Volume (in): 2.905 Runoff Volume (ft3): 43028.58B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 1YR024post Node Name: DA-3 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Pater: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 3.700 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): O.DO Area (ac): 0J10 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (i): O.D00 Time Max (hrs): 12.24 Flow Max (cfs): 1.511 Runoff Volume (in): 2.581 Runoff Volume (ft3): 6650.965 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 1 I POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 2 YR STORM Basin Name: DA-1 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 02YRD24post Node Name: DA-1 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator- 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Come Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in) : 4.400 Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Cone (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (ac): 12.490 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 95.350 DCIA (e): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Flow Max (cfs): 36.219 Runoff Volume (in): 3.863 Runoff Volume (ft3): 175149.655 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"- Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 02YRO24post Node Name: DA-2A Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fate.: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min) : 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min) : 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in) : 4.400 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (so): 4.080 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 92.780 DCIA (8): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Floe Max (cfs): 11.412 Runoff Volume (in): 3.586 Runoff Volume (ft3): 53103.304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 02YRO24post Node Name: DA-3 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fatou 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 4.400 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Cone (min) : 5.00 Time Shift (hrs) : 0.00 Area (ac) : 0.710 Vol of Unit Hyd (in): 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (6) : 0.000 Time M.ax (hrs): 12.23 Flow Max (cfs); 1.866 Runoff Volume (in): 3.241 Runoff Volume (£t3): 8352.840 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of I POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY: INDIVIDUAL BASIN SUMMARY - 10 YR STORM Basin Name: DA-1 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 10YR024post Node Name: DA-1 Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrocraph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in) : 6.900 Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conn (min) : 5.00 Time Shift (hrs) : 0.00 Area (ac) : 12.490 Vol of Unit Hyd (in) : 1.000 Curve Number: 95.350 DCIA (%) : 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 ' Flow Max (cfs): 57.744 Runoff Volume (in): 6.345 Runoff Volume (£t3): 287686.670 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Basin Name: DA-2 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 10YR024post Node Name: DA-2A Basin Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 6.900 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Conc (min): 5.00 Time Shift (hrs): 0.00 Area (ac): 4.OBO Vol of Unit Hyd lin): 1.000 Curve Number: 92.780 DCIA (8): 0.000 Time Max (hrs) : 12.23 Flo. Max (cfs) : 16.537 Runoff Volume (in): 6.045 Runoff Volume (ft3): 89523.624 ---------------------------------------------------------------__--_-----------_ Basin Name: DA-3 Group Name: BASE Simulation: 10YR024post Node Name: DA-3 Basin Type: SCS Unit 8ydrograph Unit Hydrograph: Uh256 Peaking Fator: 256.0 Spec Time Inc (min): 0.67 Comp Time Inc (min): 0.67 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount (in): 6.900 Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Status: Onsite Time of Co.. (min) : 5.00 Time Shift (hrs) : 0.00 Area (ac) : 0.710 Vol of Unit Hyd (in) : 1.000 Curve Number: 89.420 DCIA (%): 0.000 Time Max (hrs): 12.23 Flo. Max (cfs): 3.124 Runoff Volume (in): 5.657 Runoff Volume (ft3): 14578.989 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of I e see ® _ 90 ® ee ® ® 0-� - - eee ® e as POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 1 YR 24 MR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs It It it ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs DA-1 POND OUT BASE 1YR24post 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.61 6.812 0.00 0.000 DA-2 POND OUT BASE 1YR24post 0.00 41.500 45.000 0.0000 0 13.06 0.00 0.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies,Inc. Page I of I POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 2 YR 24 RR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft f❑ ft ft2 hrs eta bra CIS DA-1 POND OUT BASE 02YR24post 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.55 9.830 0.00 0.000 DA-2 POND OUT BASE 02YR24post 0.00 41.500 45.000 0.0000 0 12.62 1.857 u 0.00 0.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of I sees 0 es POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 10 YR 24 HR STORM EVENT Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft It It ft2 hrs cfs his cfs DA-1 POND OUT BASE 10YR24post 0.00 40.320 45.000 0.0000 0 12.48 19.806 0.00 0.000 DA-2 POND OUT BASE 10YR24po3t 0.00 41.500 45.000 0.0000 0 12.67 0.00 0.000 r Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model QCPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 10 YR 24 HR STORM EVENT ELEVATIONS Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft It ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs DA-1 BASE 10YR24post 12.48 44.005 45.000 0.0050 43551 12.25 57.225 12.48 19.806 DA-2A BASE 10YR24post 12.64 43.841 45.000 -0.0046 14402 12.25 1B.360 12.25 11.116 DA-2B BASE 10YR24post 12.67 43.832 45.000 -0.0050 16202 12.25 11.116 12.67 3.662 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of I POST-DEVELOPMENT ROUTING RESULTS: 100 YR 24 HR STORM EVENT ELEVATIONS Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs It It It ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs DA-1 BASE 1UDYR24post 12.27 44.419 45.000 0.0050 44675 12.25 82.625 12.27 14.285 DA-2A BASE 100YR24post 12.33 44.389 45.000 0.0032 15685 12.25 26.747 12.30 17.599 DA-2B BASE 100YR24post 12.38 44.203 45.000 0.0038 17073 12.30 17.599 12.35 16.322 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model(ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of I .®n=ka I OUTLET PROTECTION ® DESIGN OF RIPRAP LININGS Project Information ® Project Name: Jacksonville Sam's Club Expansion KHA Project#: 015476084 Designed by: JMH Date: 10/28/2008 Revised by: Date: Revised by: Date: 25 -; n uNa 15 7 PPPPPP ® } 7 iI O L 10 Ill 5 ,2, 1 A1i3, 4 n o .l'cxx:sepI l 0' 5' 10' 15 20' 25' DIAMETER (Ft.) Figure 8.06.b.1 All aprons sized using the New York DOT Dissipator Method as outlined by NCDENR(Erosion Control Manual,Section 8.06) Pipe 10-yr Apron Apron Stone Apron ® Description Diameter Velocity Zone Length Width Class Thickness (D) (in) (fps) (--) (L) (ft) (P) (ft) (--) (T) (in) 1-FE 24 4A7 1 8 6 A 10 4-FE 18 11.57 2 9 6 B 12 10-FE 42 4.32 2 21 12 B 12 ® 30-FE 30 4.14 2 15 9 B 12 ® Wet Detention Basin 2 Out 1 18 1 5.24 1 1 1 6 1 4 A 10 O O 1 I ® U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SECION 404 0 I® U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS R'ILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. 2008 2556 County: Onslow USGS Quad: Jacksomiille North GENERAL PERMIT(REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE)VERIFICATION Property Owner : Tony Chow Agent: Kimlev-Horn and Associates Address: 111 Henderson Drive attn:Tommv Cousins Jacksonville,NC 28540 4651 Charlotte Park Drive,Suite 300 Charlotte,NC 28217 ( Size and location of property(water body, road name/number,town,etc.): The 16.7 acre parcel(Sam's Club Jacksonville Expansion)is located off Western Blvd Oust north from the intersection with Hwy 17 with an onsite unnamed tributary that ultimately empties into the Northeast Creek.Onslow County. Description of projects area and activity: This permit covers a requested impact to 140 linear feet of a relatively permanent water to facilitate a parking lot expansion with a required stormwater pond. Applicable Law: ❑X Section 404(Clean Water Act,33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act,33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. _ Nationwide Permit Number NW-39 ATTACHED ARE THE NATIONWIDE CONDMONS AND APPROVED WORK PLAN DRAWINGS. Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans dated 10/1/2008. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order,a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended,revoked,or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced(i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify,suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404(as indicated above)may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality(telephone(919)733-1786)to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C.Division of Coastal Management. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the pernittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits- If there are any questions regarding this verification,any of the conditions of the Permit,or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program,please contact Bmd Shaver at 910-251-4611. Corps Regulatory Official Id t of UL, Date: 10/20/2008 Expiration Date of Verification: 10/20/2010 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. Io help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the attached customer Satisfaction Survey or visit http://wkti .saw.usace.amiv.mi]iWETLANDS/index.htm] to complete the survey online. Page 1 of 2 Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary information,there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. ® This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of ® Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification_ ® © There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 0 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC§ 1344), Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this ' determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference ® jurisdictional determination issued— Action ID ® Basis of Jurisdictional Determination: The subject system exhibits an ordinary hieh water mark Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations,) ® Attached to this verification is an approved jurisdictional determination_ If you are not in agreement with that approved jurisdictional ® determination,you can make an administrative appeal under 33 CFR 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP)fact sheet and request for appeal(RFA)form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn: Brad Shaver,Project Manager, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington,North Carolina 28402-1890 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps,the Corps must determine that it is complete,that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5,and that it has been received by the District Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form,it must be received at the above address by 12120/2008. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the District Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence-** Corps Regulatory Official: if#LA Date 10/20/2008 Expiration Date 1 0/2 012 0 1 0 SURVEY PLATS,FIELD SKETCH,WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS,PROJECT PLANS,ETC,,MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM,IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. ® Copy Furnished: ® NCDENR-DWQ attn:Joanne Steenhuis 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Page 2 of 2 Action ID Number:2008 2SS6 County:Onslow Permittee: Tonv Chow Date Verification Issued: 10/20/2008 Project Manager: Shaver Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT WILMINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE POST OFFICE BOX 1890 WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit,and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date Sb name=at U 012109 W Cut=11244yards F71=6590,-- t f, Net=46M yat& R Cfl - - AREA = 4.08 ACRESOL g o 11 I I \\\ 1 1 1 CN = 92.78 -J n I Tc = 5.0 Minutes LLI C7 w a I � — 1 Q Q ; - \ \ —. ,i � ,I•�®it I III II ` � � \ I _ - n- W NO.6573-04 RR435E�SAAWS EXPANSION II 1 exswu ( 27,776 SF EXPANSION(APPROX) I I 1 111,849 SF EGSTING SAMS 1 p I I 139,625 SF PROPOSED TOTAL —— — DA-3 =`s„ I I AREA = 0.71 ACRES DA 1 — < \ .ram, I CN = 89.42 0 ' AREA = 12.49 ACRES —� — — — — 1 U 1 I, =6 CN =95.35 I + Tc =5.0 Minutes — � i I �W Tc = 5.0 Minutes I C L a� r s II(( m Z t a 1 7- J . i o O \ cn U ) Ex-ROv > E%� I � _.C.�—,_— Rb., Ex-RnV nW GRAPHIC SCALE E a o �� WESTERNBOULEVARD-N.C..R�d70-- - 75 0 375 75 150 Soo <rva �wa< am •1 E%-ROV EX-ROV �L%[-RpV E%-P.n'J J ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 150 ft. 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