DOC DATE 1q"�q 03 Ir
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager
March 18, 1994
Mr. Moshen Ghadimkhani
C.E.M. East Team, WalMart Stores
701 South Walton Boulevard
Bentonville, Arkansas 727,16
with Stormwater Regulations
Storrnwater Project No. 931222
Sam's Club, Jacksonville
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Ghadimkhani:
This Certification is pursuant to the application for Sam's Club, Jacksonville received on
December 29, 1993, with additional information received on March 18, 1994. Based on our review of
the project plans and specifications, we have detennined that the Sam's Club, Jacksonville stornwater
control system complies with the Storrnwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(i). The
runoff will be treated in a detention pond sized to achieve 90% reduction in Total Suspended Solids. The
pond is not designed to accept the nmoff from the outparcels associated with this project.
Any modification of the plans submitted to and approved by this Office or firrther development
of this site regardless of the fact that the modification may be less than 1 acre, will require an additional
Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include
but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built-upon surfaces,
addition of built-upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area.
This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall
be constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the
Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification does not supersede any other permit or approval. The
developer is responsible for obtaining any and all pennits and approvals necessary for the development
of this project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the
Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge
and Fill Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland
Permit, NPDES Stormwater Permit if disturbing five acres or more, local County or Town Agency
permits under their local ordinances, or others that may be required.
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal.Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Mr. Ghadimkhani
March 18, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931222
A professional engineer must certify that the stonnwater system has been installed in accordance
with the approved plans and specifications upon completion of construction. The attached certification
should be received by this Office within 30 days of completion of construction.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395-
Dave Adkins�1
Water Quality Supervisor
cc: Mr. James Byrd, P.E.
Mr. Marshall Batchlor, Onslow County Inspections
Bradley Bennett
Linda Lewis
Wilmington Regional Office
Central Files
I. The owner will provide all maintenance and operation activities for the
retention/detention basin.
II. Frequency of Inspections Tm"
The basin shall be inspected in accordance with the following:
A. After every runoff producing event I'Jn�( MAR 1 8 1994
B. Quarterly
C. Semi-annually D E M
,0J 931222
III. Operation and Maintenance Inspection Guidelines & Critical Elements
A. During every inspection, the orifice, principal spillway and trash rack should be
cleared of all debris.
B. Any eroded areas on the face of the basin should be identified and repaired.
C. Rip rap outlet protection should be inspected for signs of movement or
relocation, and weathering or deterioration.
D. The 24" RCP outlet pipe should be inspected for blockage.
E. The area around the outlet pipe should be inspected for piping.
F. If at any time the normal water depth in the basin becomes less than3•0', the
basin should be excavated to the design depth , 4,o, and vegetation
G. The basin sideslopes should be mowed regularly.
IV. I, Mohsen Ghadimkhani ,certify that this project will be constructed and maintained in
conformance with the ab ve plan.
Mos47,6n Ghadimkhani Date
Engineering Manager
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
I , i�I��r1RD C . KtK/& a Notary Public for th aS AAII
Pio '�? NOFTI+ nCo�1NA ,
County of (;eaay I t C E do hereby certify that personally
appeared before me this $fd day of — g vR ,e�y> 199 and acknowledges
the due execution of . the foregoing instrument , iw[VA mv hjnd and
official seal, _
h:\791\ll.or\misc\m-o-plan mC ��
My comm��/ �ralil �� (7 31
DEC-07-1993 16:16 FROM . :EHNR;WICM:REG OFFICE T0. aY''? w389192338031 P.02
-.r - U1VINUN Uff 1LNV11tUr4r4 KTAL MA1XAW10v2M'1
Project Name Sams: Club -
L =don(County.TownshlptMunlc1pa11ty,Address.State Road) onsiow."County/Jacksonville/
SR 1470 . (Western Blvd. ) .
Owner$Nacae Wa1=Mart .Stores , Inc.
MailingAddress 701. s. .Walton Blvd.
Bentonvi e, -
Phone Numbers 5 01 ) 2 7 3-4 9 4 0 Submittal Date 12/9 3
Brief Description (Include map and appropriate drawings) 13.87 ac. Commercial Site
Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff - Ruh — 262reli Cf eek.
_ Classification of Water Body Sc, Sw If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is C0.5
miles, attach report of chloride sampling results N/A Mg/I
State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required ((deck appropriate blanks)
CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control x
404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal
Other (Specify)
Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by Impervious or partially pervious cover
including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project
includes area draining to different water classifications, please note theta separately below.
Subwatershed Subwatersbed
Classification C
Built upon area
Total Project Area 13. 7 2C
% Built upon Area 15 010
Allowable B/U Area 4, 10
Is the Project BM Area S the Allowable BAI Area?_] ,_(if no, an engineered system is required.)
% Built upon area a (buUt upon area/total project area) • 100
Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters —25%, Other--30% pp Office use only
Describe bow the runoff will be treated All runoff is routed to " 2 - 24— aQ-
a wet retention/detention—a—sin locatea on-s n 0� �_ 93 1 �zZ�J
f 1' S�ormwa6Y[._.
ao.ao rrtu•� C."'" W1u•1 Ktu urrtlt lu ova7cAAoaAa r.w
Is the built upon area at least 30_feet from
provide a description ean m higb water of all aurfaoe waters? AO,41;eA If no
(Note: %'fY boat='amps)public roads,public bridges,and walkways to water related facilities are allowed
within 30 feet of the mean high water tine if the project is intended to meet atormwater control
requirements through density limits.).
By my signature below,I certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project
tthall limit the allowable built-upon area per lot to N/A square feet inclusive of right-0of-way,
structures pavement, walkways or patios of brick,stone,or slate, not Including wood decking, state that
the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the
land, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore, the covenant cannot be
changed or deleted without consent of the State.
I, 1nhCPn ca certify. that the Infotmadon included on this
submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and
that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed pr6ject complies with the requirements of 15 NCAC
2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below named person or firm to submirstormwater plans on my behalf, and
agree to abide by the deed m o t above.
s Signature C,E.M. E Ast TCAM Date
Provide authorized YY/M. SToKGs'
person or firm name and address below:
I, C. t NCr ,allotaryPublicfortheStateof North Carolina
County of , do hereby certify that Mohs_en Ghadimkhani persowl('
appeared before me this •'q Fehruary , 1994 and acknowledges the due execution
of the foregoing mstru t oind and official seal,
My commission expt .
9 CCpQ .A����o�
Regional Office
15 MAR 94 Ada, u
Date Individual Evaluating Forms/Plans
8 7
Date Regional Water Quality Supervisor
cc: Applicant/WiROBradley Beanett/Central Files
Project Name: Sam's Club, Jacksonville
Project Number: 931222
Location: Onslow County
Applicant: Mr. Moshen Ghadimkhani
Mailing Address: C.E.M. East Team, Wa1Mart Stores
701 South Walton Boulevard
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716
Submittal Date: December 29, 1993
Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Sandy Run
Classification of Water Body: "SC Sw"
If Class SA, chloride sampling results: N/A
Pond Depth: 4.0 feet
Permanent Pool Elevation: 42.0 MSL
Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: 456,097 square feet
Offsite Area entering Pond: N/A
Green Area entering Pond: 37,785 square feet
Required Surface Area: 39,569 square feet
Provided Surface Area: 57,200 square feet
Provided Storage Volume: 37,203 cubic feet
Temporary Storage Elevation: 42.67 MSL
Controlling Orifice Type/Diameter: 3" pipe
1. Yes No The design storage is for the runoff from all impervious surfaces resulting from
1-inch of rainfall and is located above the permanent pool.
2. Yes No The permanent pool is designed for 90% total suspended solid (TSS) removal.
Therefore, no vegetative filter is required.
3. Yes No The runoff completely draws down to the permanent pool in 5 days, but not less
than 2 days.
4. Yes No The mean depth of the permanent pool is a minimum of 3 feet.
5. Yes No The inlet structure is designed to minimize turbulence and short circuiting.
6. Yes No An appropriate operation and maintenance plan has been provided for the
OF 15A NCAC 2H.1003 (g), (i), (k), and (1) (For Yes, 1 through 7 must all
be highlighted Yes.)
Brief Explanation: This detention pond is designed to remove 90% total suspended solids without the
aide of a vegetative filter.
Wilmington Regional Office
18 M 94 adct d�
Date Individual Evaluating Form/Plans
18 H,wa 1994 AJL
Date _Regional Water Quality Supervisor
cc: Applicant/Bradley Bennett/arl/WiRO/CF
, t5U1[n�
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager
March 15, 1994
Mr. James Byrd, P.E.
McKim and Creed
5625 Dillard Road
Suite 117, Building 1
Cary, North Carolina 27511
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Sam's Club Jacksonville
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Byrd:
The Wilmington Regional Office received partial requested information for the Sam's Club
Jacksonville on February 24, 1994. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the
submittal for the subject project is not complete. Per our phone conversation the following information
is needed to continue the stormwater review:
1. Three copies each of sheets 6 and 14. A review of these sheets must be done prior to
issuing the Certification.
2. Revised Operation and Maintenance plan with the depth change.
3. I have redone the calculation of impervious area and am in agreement with the new
numbers you propose. The pond calculations are also in order.
127 Cudiael Drive Extemion,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845 •Telephone 910-395-3900• Fax 910-350-2004
An Egml Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Mr. Byrd
March 15, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The
requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 15, 1994, or the submittal will
be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me
at (910) 395-3900.
Ms. Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: (2) Linda Lewis
Central Files
Drainage Basin: SANDY RUN BRANCH Classification.SC SW Chlorides: N/A
Site Area 603977 square feet
Drainage Area 603977 square feet
Area in Acres 13.8654040 acres
Runoff Coefficient
Buildings 111863 1 Adjusted SA 111863
Concrete 5069 0.95 Adjusted SA 4815.55
Asphalt 339165 0.95 Adjusted SA 322206.7
Other 0 Adjusted SA 0
TOTAL 456097 square feet TOTAL 438885.3
% IMPERVIOUS 75.52%; Pond Depth: 4 TSS: 90
SA/DA 6.552%
Req. SA 39569.93 square feet
Prov. SA 57200', square feet [From plan Contours]
Impervious square feet
Green 37785 square feet
Bottom 39 MSL
Perm. Pool 42 MSL
Design Pool 42.67 MSL
Design SA 59388 square feet [From plan Contours]
Req. Volume 37203.525 cubic feet
Prov. Volume ? 39056.98 cubic feet
Flowrate 02 0.21529817 Area 11 .12464 Diameter 2 3.763554'
Flowrate 05 0.08611927 Area 4.449858 Diameter 5 2.380280'
Engineer uses 3 Inches Drawdown Time in Days: 3.147631
�l tl5 Po Wl) I5 IJoT" De-51<�; N t�n f � TRE- OUTPA[WZ ,L.
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager
March 7, 1994
Mr, James A. Byrd, P.E.
McKim and Creed
5625 Dillard Road
Bldg. I, Suite 117
Cary, North Carolina 27511
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Sam's Club Jacksonville
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Byrd:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a requested additional stormwater information for the
Sam's Club Jacksonville on February 24, 1994. A preliminary review of that information has determined
that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue
the stormwater review:
1. The reason I asked for a breakdown of the calculations is I am getting 55,300 square feet
more of impervious area as shown on the drawings than you are. I would like to know
where the difference lies.
2. Please complete all portions of the submittal form, including the calculation of built-upon
area. I have taken the liberty of completing this part rather than wait to have it returned.
3. The Operation and Maintenance Plan still reads that sediment removal is necessary when
the depth is reduced below 2.5'. To repeat, the pond depth must be maintained at a
minimum depth of 3.0' or 75 k of design depth, whichever is greater. Sediment removal
is necessary if the depth is 3.0' or falls below the minimum.
4. Please provide 3 copies of the revised sheets 6 and 14. 1 realize that I originally required
only sheets 3 and 9, however, I assumed that the appropriate detail sheets would be sent
regardless. It is difficult to approve plan sheets with requested revisions if I don't have
127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845•Telephone 910-395-3900 a Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Mr. Byrd
March 7, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The
requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 7, 1994, or the submittal will be
returned as incomplete.
If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900.
Sincerely, o
Ms. Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: (2) Linda Lewis
Central Files
M&C Project No. 791-00ILOR
� ., FEB'2 4 1994
FEB 9, 4 1994
E A is
• 15764 e
M&C Project No. 791-0011.OR
15764 e
FNc ��,
INE , >�
DEC-07-1993 16:16 FROM .s;EHNRrWICM.REG>OFFICE TO -,i'.�1. ' ;�.=89192338031 P.02
Project Name Sam' s: Club
Location(County,Township/Municlpality,Address,State Road) Onsl'ow;;'County/Jacksonville/
SR 1470 . (Western Blvd. )
Owner's Name Wal_Mart Stores , Inc. '
MailingAddress 701 S. :Walton Blvd.
Bentonva e,
Phone Number ( 5 01 ) 2 7 3-4 9 4 0 Submittal Date 12/9 3
Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings) 13 .87 ac : Commercial Site
Name of Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff M-i1-1-0reek-5--47�y RUh /ae e�.
Classification of Water Body SC,. Sw If SA waters, engineered system, and distance is C0.5
mites, attach report of chloride sampling results N/A m&1i
State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks)
CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control x
404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal
Other (Specify)
Built upon area means that portion of a development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover
including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, gravel, etc., but not including wood decking. If the project
Includes areas draining to different water classifications, please note them separately below.
Subwatersbed wSub atersbed
Classification C
Built upon area lo. 42 -or—
Project Area i 3•d q 2c
% Built upon Area 1,5610
Allowable B/U Area 4.10
Is the Project B/U Area S the Allowable DIU Area? b( Q of no, an engineered system is required.)
% Built upon area = (built upon area / total project area) x 100
Built upon area limits for projects to meet density: SA waters ---25%, Other—30% Office use only
Describe how the runoff will be treated All runoff is routed to - 2 - 24- �`r
a wet retention/detention-a-sin located on-site
Pr 9 31 2 22,
� °J
5-�or to w a�eY'
UCI.-G I-1».a Lo•io rRUi•i MM%M W1U•1 Kill urrl� IU
Is the built upon area at least 30 feet fro
provide a description in mean.higb water of all surface waters? 40'-NiA If no,please
(Note:Only boat ramps,public roads;public bridges, and walkways to water related facllfties are allowed
within 30 feet of the mean .high water •line if the project is intended to meet stormwater control
requirements through density limits.).
By my signature below,I certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project
sball limit the allowable built-upon area per lot to N/A square feet inclusive of right-of--way,
structures, pavement, walkways or patios of brick, stone,or slate not Includingwood decking
the covenants will be bindingon all aides and ' state that
l run with the
hand, and that benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina, therefore,re ththat covenant u cannot be
changed or deleted without consent of the State.
I, Mnhsan (ha ni certify that the Information Included on this
submittal form is correct, that the project Will be constructed In conformance with this information, and
that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed pr6ject compiles with the requirements of 15 NCAC
2H.1003 (b). I authorize the below named person or firm to submirstormwater plans on my behalf, and
agree to abide by the deed res o sta t above.
, ,
e s Signature �/ 2/
C. E.M. Ep6r TAM Date
Provide authorized person or firm name and address below: .YV/M, SToges
I, 1Vi�i AEU C I NCs ,allotary Public for the5tateof North Carolina
County of GV-AK L - do hereby certify that Mohsen Ghadimkhani personally
appeared before me this ., February 1g94— and acknowledges the due execution
of the foregoing insW �� $qnd and official seal,
IMy commission expi t� _
Regional Office
Dam Individual Evaluating Forms/Plam
Date Regional Water Quality Supervisor
cc, Applicant/WiROBradley Bennett/Central Files
I. The owner will provide all maintenance and operation activities for the
retention/detention basin. }
II. Frequency of Inspections
The basin shall be inspected in accordance with th/followin/g:
A. After every run��duc1n�g event
B. Quarterly
C. Semi-annually
III. Operation and Maintenance Inspection Guidelines & Critical Elements
A. During eve v ry inspection, the orifice, pT��al spillway and trash rack should be
cleared lof all debris.
B. Any eroded areas on the face of the basin should be identified and repaired.
C. Rip rap outlet' protection should be inspected for signs of movement or
relocation, and weathering or X eterioration.
D. The�24'�-RCP outlet pipe should be inspected for blockage.
E.�The area around the outlet pipe should be inspected for piping.
F. If,,�tMany time the normal water depth in the basin becomes less than 2.5', the
basin\\should be excavated to the design depth 3.0' and vegetation
G. The basin sideslopesshould be mowed regularly.
IV. I, Mohsen Ghadimkhane ,certify that this project will be constructed and maintained in
conformance with/
7ve plan.
C t 2 Sl
Mo n Ghadimkhani Date
Engineering Manager
//Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ,, I
Ketd& a Notary Public for the��9`t"�
N '[!"q; I 041k CAA-ouNA
CountyHof (;ea � � LLE do hereby certify tha ; -UU gN�personally
appeared before me this Srd day of fe�u/}�i ,Cy> 199' an2i� acknowledges
the due execution of the foregoing instrument, i$ � m hind and
offi/c ial seal , ,/ � •
!791\1LoAmisc\m-o-plan My comm �156
E.,, l C
A. Design a stormwater impoundment facility that will control the increased
runoff created by the site development so that the 10 yr developed runoff does
not exceed the 10 yr runoffprior to development.
B. The facility must also retain and release the "]-inch Storm over a 2 to 5 day
Pre-Development Runo((
Drainage Area, (DA) = 13.87 acres
Elevation of most remote point, (HI) = 46.0 feet
Elevation of point of design, (I12) = 40.6 feet
Length of travel, (I) = 1000 feet
Mult.factor= 2
Time of Concentration, (Tc) _> 23.8 minutes
Intensity, (I) = 4.6 inches
Area I (Impervious) = 0.00 acres
Area 2(Pervious) _> 13.87 acres
CI = 0.95
C2 = 0.25
Composite Runoff Coefficient, (C) _> 0.25
Maximum Release Rate, (Qo) _> 15.95 cfs
Post-Development Runo((
Drainage Area, (DA) = 13.87 acres
Elevation of most remote point, (III) = 48.70 feet
Elevation of point of design, (I12) = 45.60 feet
Length of travel, (L) = 1000 feet
Mult.factor= 0.4
Time of Concentration, (Tc) _> 5.9 minutes
Intensity, (I) = 7.30 inches
Area 1 (Impervious) = 10.42 acres
Area 2(Pervious) _> 3.45 acres
Cl = 0.95
C2= 0.25
Composite Runoff Coefficient, (C) _> 0.78
Peaklnflow, (Qp) _> 78.56 cfs
Inflow Nydrograph
Peak Inflow, (Qp) _> 78.56 cfs
Time to Peak, (Tp) = 25.00 minutes
(SCS TR-55)
Estimated Storage Required, (Sr) = 93913 cf
Contour Contour Incr. Accum. Stage
Elev. Area Storage Storage(S) (Z) In(S) In (Z)
Ut) (SfI (ef) (ef) (ft)
42.00 57,552
43.00 60,739 59,146 1.00 10.99 0.00
44.00 63,982 121,506 2.00 11.71 0.69
45.00 67,282 187,138 3.00 12.14 1.10
Regression Output:
Constant 10.9861
Std Err of Y Est 0.00547
R Squared 0.99996
No. of Observations 3
Degrees of Freedom 1
X Coefficient(s) 1.0474
Sal Err of Coef. 0.00696
Stage-Storage Equation is of the form:S= (Ks)(Z)
Where Ks = 59049.25
b = 1.05
1-Inch Storm
Drainage Area, (DA) = 13.87 acres
Area 1 (Impervious) = 10.42 acres
Area 2(Pervious) _> 3.45 acres
%Impervious => 75.1 %
Intensity, (I) = 1.00 inch
Composite Runoff Coefficient, (C) _> 0.78
Volume ofRunoff=> 39064 of
Estimated Depth in Basin, (dl) _> O G ee
SAIDA For 90%TSS Removal-No Vegetated Filter
SAIDA Required @ d2=4.0'(Elev=42) _> b�Jf �?�p""�, 0.90 acres
SAIDA Provided @ d2=4.0'(Elev=42) _> 1.32 acres
Stage-Discharge Relationship
Primary Outlet
Estimated Maximum Release Rate, (Qo) = 15.95 cfs
Discharge Coeffient, (Cw) = 3.30
Length of Weir, (W1) = 3.00 feet
Height of Weir, (HI) = 0.67 feet
1 -Inch Drawdown
Discharge Coeffient, (Cd) = 0.58
Approximate Orifice Dia. (2-Day Static Drawdown) _> 3.3 inches
Approximate Orifice Dia. (5-Day Static Drawdown) _> 2.1 inches
Diameter of Orifice, (DI) = 3 inches
Stage Storage Discharge
----- ----------
0.00 0 0.00
0.25 13823 0.08
0.50 28570 0.14
0.75 43687 0.40
1.00 59049 2.09
1.25 74596 4.62
I 1.50 90293 7.75
1.75 106114 11.40
2.00 122043 15.50
2.25 138068 19.99
2.50 154176 24.86
Inflow Hydrograph
Peak Inflow, (Qp) => 78.56 efs
Time to Pear (Tp) => 25.00 minutes
(SCS TR-55)
Op Q1QP t Q
0.00 0.000 0 0.000
0.10 0.024 2.50 1.922
0.20 0.095 5.00 7.502
0.30 0.206 7.50 16.192
0.40 0.345 10.00 27.142
0.50 0.500 12.50 39.280
0.60 0.655 15.00 51.418
0.70 0.794 17.50 62.368
0.80 0.905 20.00 71.057
0.90 0.976 22.50 76.637
1.00 1.000 25.00 78.559
1.10 0.976 27.50 76.636
1.20 0.905 30.00 71.057
1.30 0.801 32.50 62.911
1.40 0.703 35.00 55.242
1.50 0.617 37.50 48.508
1.60 0.542 40.00 42.594
1.70 0.476 42.50 37.402
1.80 0.418 45.00 32.843
1.90 0.367 47.50 28.839
2.00 0.322 50.00 25.323
2.10 0.283 52.50 22.236
I 2.20 0.249 55.00 19.526
2.30 0.218 57.50 17.145
2.40 0.192 60.00 15.055
2.50 0.168 62.50 13.220
I 2.60 0.148 65.00 11.608
2.70 0.130 67.50 10.193
2.80 0.114 70.00 8.951
2.90 0.100 72.50 7.860
3.00 0.088 75.00 6.901
3.10 0.077 77.50 6.060
3.20 0.068 80.00 5.321
3.30 0.059 82.50 4.673
3.40 0.052 85.00 4.103
3.50 0.046 87.50 3.603
I 3.60 0.040 90.00 3.164
3.70 0.035 92.50 2.778
3.80 0.031 95.00 2.439
3.90 0.027 97.50 2.142
4.00 0.024 100.00 1.881
4.10 0.021 102.50 1.652
4.20 0.018 105.00 1.450
4.30 0.016 107.50 1.273
4.40 0.014 110.00 1.118
_ 4.50 0.012 112.50 0.982
4.60 0.011 115.00 0.862
4.70 0.010 117.50 0.757
4.80 0.008 120.00 0.665
4.90 0.007 122.50 0.584
5.00 0.007 125.00 0.513
5.10 0.006 127.50 0.450
5.20 0.005 130.00 0.395
5.30 0.004 132.50 0.347
5.40 0.004 135.00 0.305
5.50 0.003 137.50 0.268
5.60 0.003 140.00 0.235
5.70 0.003 142.50 0.206
5.80 0.002 145.00 0.181
5.90 0.002 147.50 0.159
6.00 0.002 150.00 0,140
6.10 0.002 152.50 0.123
6.20 0.001 155.00 0.108
6.30 0.001 157.50 0.095
6.40 0.001 160.00 0.083
6.50 0.001 162.50 0.073
6.60 0.001 165.00 0.064
6.70 0.001 167.50 0.056
6.80 0.001 170.00 0.049
6.90 0.001 172.50 0.043
7.00 0.000 175.00 0.038
7.10 0.000 177.50 0.033
7.20 0.000 180.00 0.029
7.30 0.000 182.50 0.026
7.40 0.000 185.00 0.023
7.50 0.000 187.50 0.020
7.60 0.000 190.00 0.017
7.70 0.000 192.50 0.015
7.80 0.000 195.00 0.013
7.90 0.000 197.50 0.012
8.00 0.000 200.00 0.010
8.10 0.000 202.50 0.009
8.20 0.000 205.00 0.008
8.30 0.000 207.50 0.007
8.40 0.000 210.00 0.006
8.50 0.000 212.50 0.005
8.60 0.000 215.00 0.005
8.70 0.000 217.50 0.004
8.80 0.000 220.00 0.004
8.90 0.000 222.50 0.003
9.00 0.000 225.00 0.003
9.10 0.000 227.50 0.002
9.20 0.000 230.00 0.002
9.30 0.000 232.50 0.002
9.40 0.000 235.00 0.002
9.50 0.000 237.50 0.001
9.60 0.000 240.00 0.001
9.70 0.000 242.50 0.001
9.80 0.000 245.00 0.001
9.90 0.000 247.50 0.001
10.00 0.000 250.00 0.001
10.10 0.000 252.50 0.001
10.20 0.000 255.00 0.001
I 10.30 0.000 257.50 0.001
10.40 0.000 260.00 0.000
Storm Routing Table
(min) (cfs) (¢n Ut) (efs)
---------- --- ------- -
0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
2.50 1.92 0 0.00 0.00
5.00 7.50 288 0.01 0.00
7.50 16.19 1414 0.03 0.00
10.00 27.14 3842 0.07 0.00
12.50 39.28 7914 0.15 0.03
15.00 51.42 13801 0.25 0.08
17.50 62.37 21501 0.38 0.12
20.00 71.06 30839 0.54 0.15
22.50 76.64 41475 0.71 0.27
25.00 78.56 52931 0.90 1.30
27.50 76.64 64520 1.09 2.90
30.00 71.06 75580 1.27 4.80
32.50 62.91 85519 1.42 6.74
35.00 55.24 93944 1.56 8.56
37.50 48.51 100947 1.67 10.16
40.00 42.59 106699 1.76 11.55
42.50 37.40 111356 1.83 12.71
45.00 32.84 115061 1.89 13.65
47.50 28.84 117939 1.94 14.41
50.00 25.32 120104 1.97 14.98
52.50 22.24 121656 1.99 15.39
55.00 19.53 122682 2.01 15.67
57.50 17.15 123260 2.02 15.83
60.00 15.06 123458 2.02 15.88 Peak Outflow
62.50 13.22 123334 2.02 15.85
65.00 11.61 122940 2.01 15.74
67.50 10.19 122321 2.00 15.57
70.00 8.95 121514 1.99 15.36
72.50 7.86 120553 1.98 15.10
75.00 6.90 119467 1.96 14.81
77.50 6.06 118281 1.94 14.50
80.00 5.32 117016 1.92 14.16
82.50 4.67 115690 1.90 13.82
85.00 4.10. 114318 1.88 13.46
87.50 3.60 112914 1.86 13.10
90.00 3.16 111489 1.83 12.74
92.50 2.78 110053 1.81 12.38
95.00 2.44 108613 1.79 12.02
97.50 2.14 107176 1.77 11.66
100.00 1.88 105748 1.74 11.31
102.50 1.65 104333 1.72 10.97
105.00 1.45 102935 1.70 10.63
107.50 1.27 101557 1.68 10.31
110.00 1.12 100202 1.66 9.99
112.50 0.98 98872 1.64 9.68
115.00 0.86 97568 1.62 9.38
117.50 0.76 96291 1.59 9.08
I20.00 0.66 95041 1.58 8.80
122.50 0.58 93821 1.56 8.53
125.00 0.51 92629 1.54 8.26
127.50 0.45 91467 1.52 8.01
130.00 0.40 90333 1.50 7.76
132.50 0.35 89228 1.48 7.52
135.00 0.30 88151 1.47 7.30
137.50 0.27 87102 1.45 7.07
140.00 0.23 86081 1.43 6.86
142.50 0.21 85087 1.42 6.66
145.00 0.18 84120 1.40 6.46
147.50 0.16 83178 1.39 6.27
150.00 0.14 82262 1.37 6.08
152.50 0.12 81371 1.36 5.91
155.00 0.11 80503 1.34 5.73
157.50 0.09 79659 1.33 5.57
160.00 0.08 78838 1.32 5.41
162.50 0.07 78039 1.31 5.26
165.00 0.06 77261 1.29 5.11
167.50 0.06 76504 1.28 4.97
170.00 0.05 75767 1.27 4.83
172.50 0.04 75050 1.26 4.70
175.00 0.04 74352 1.25 4.57
177.50 0.03 73672 1.24 4.45
180.00 0.03 73010 1.22 4.33
182.50 0.03 72365 1.21 4.21
185.00 0.02 71737 1.20 4.10
187.50 0.02 71125 1.19 4.00
190.00 0.02 70528 1.18 3.89
192.50 0.02 69947 1.18 3.79
195.00 0.01 69381 1.17 170
197.50 0.01 68828 1.16 3.60
200.00 0.01 68290 1.15 3.51
202.50 0.01 67764 1.14 3.42
205.00 0.01 67252 1.13 3.34
207.50 0.01 66752 1.12 3.26
210.00 0.01 66264 1.12 3.18
212.50 0.01 65788 1.11 3.10
215.00 0.00 65324 1.10 3.03
217.50 0.00 64870 1.09 2.96
220.00 0.00 64426 1.09 2.89
222.50 0.00 63993 1.08 2.82
225.00 0.00 63570 1.07 2.75
227.50 0.00 63157 1.07 2.69
230.00 0.00 62753 1.06 2.63
232.50 0.00 62359 1.05 2.57
235.00 0.00 61973 1.05 2.51
237.50 0.00 61596 1.04 2.46
240.00 0.00 61228 1.04 2.40
242.50 0.00 60867 1.03 2.35
245.00 0.00 60515 1.02 2.30
247.50 0.00 60170 1.02 2.25
250.00 0.00 59832 1.01 2.20
252.50 0.00 59502 1.01 2.15
255.00 0.00 59179 1.00 2.11
257.50 0.00 58863 1.00 2.06
260.00 0.00 58553 0.99 2.02
262.50 0.00 58250 0.99 1.98
265.00 0.00 57953 0.98 1.94
267.50 0.00 57662 0.98 1.90
270.00 0.00 57377 0.97 1.86
272.50 0.00 57098 0.97 1.82
275.00 0.00 56824 0.96 1.79
277.50 0.00 56556 0.96 1.75
280.00 0.00 56293 0.96 1.72
282.50 0.00 56036 0.95 1.68
285.00 0.00 55783 0.95 1.65
287.50 0.00 55535 0.94 1.62
290.00 0.00 55293 0.94 1.59
292.50 0.00 55054 0.94 1.56
295.00 0.00 54820 0.93 1.53
297.50 0.00 54591 0.93 1.50
300.00 0.00 54366 0.92 1.47
302.50 0.00 54145 0.92 1.45
305.00 0.00 53928 0.92 1.42
307.50 0.00 53715 0.91 1.39
310.00 0.00 53506 0.91 1.37
312.50 0.00 53301 0.91 1.34
315.00 0.00 53100 0.90 1.32
317.50 0.00 52902 0.90 1.30
320.00 0.00 52708 0.90 1.27
322.50 0.00 52517 0.89 1.25
325.00 0.00 52329 0.89 1.23
327.50 0.00 52145 0.89 1.21
330.00 0.00 51964 0.89 1.19
332.50 0.00 51786 0.88 1.17
335.00 0.00 51611 0.88 1.15
337.50 0.00 51438 0.88 1.13
340.00 0.00 51269 0.87 1.11
342.50 0.00 51103 0.87 1.09
345.00 0.00 50940 0.87 1.07
347.50 0.00 50779 0.87 1.05
350.00 0.00 50620 0.86 1.04
352.50 0.00 50465 0.86 1.02
355.00 0.00 50312 0.86 1.00
357.50 0.00 50161 0.86 0.99
360.00 0.00 50013 0.85 0.97
362.50 0.00 49867 0.85 0.96
365.00 0.00 49724 0.85 0.94
367.50 0.00 49582 0.85 0.93
370.00 0.00 49443 0.84 0.91
372.50 0.00 49306 0.84 0.90
375.00 0.00 49171 0.84 0.88
377.50 0.00 49039 0.84 0.87
380.00 0.00 48908 0.84 0.86
_ 382.50 0.00 48779 0.83 0.85
385.00 0.00 48652 0.83 0.83
387.50 0.00 48528 0.83 0.82
390.00 0.00 48405 0.83 0.81
392.50 0.00 48283 0.83 0.80
395.00 0.00 48164 0.82 0.78
397.50 0.00 48046 0.82 0.77
400.00 0.00 47930 0.82 0.76
402.50 0.00 47816 0.82 0.75
405.00 0.00 47703 0.82 0.74
407.50 0.00 47592 0.81 0.73
410.00 0.00 47483 0.81 0.72
412.50 0.00 47375 0.81 0.71
415.00 0.00 47268 0.81 0.70
417.50 0.00 47163 0.81 0.69
420.00 0.00 47060 0.81 0.68
422.50 0.00 46958 0.80 0.67
425.00 0.00 46857 0.80 0.66
427.50 0.00 46758 0.80 0.65
430.00 0.00 46660 0.80 0.64
432.50 0.00 46563 0.80 0.64
435.00 0.00 46468 0.80 0.63
437.50 0.00 46374 0.79 0.62
440.00 0.00 46281 0.79 0.61
442.50 0.00 46189 0.79 0.60
445.00 0.00 46099 0.79 0.60
447.50 0.00 46009 0.79 0.59
450.00 0.00 45921 0.79 0.58
452.50 0.00 45834 0.79 0.57
455.00 0.00 45748 0.78 0.57
457.50 0.00 45664 0.78 0.56
460.00 0.00 45580 0.78 0.55
462.50 0.00 45497 0.78 0.54
465.00 0.00 45416 0.78 0.54
467.50 0.00 45335 0.78 0.53
470.00 0.00 45255 0.78 0.52
472.50 0.00 45177 0.77 0.52
475.00 0.00 45099 0.77 0.51
477.50 0.00 45022 0.77 0.51
480.00 0.00 44946 0.77 0.50
482.50 0.00 44871 0.77 0.49
485.00 0.00 44797 0.77 0.49
487.50 0.00 44724 0.77 0.48
490.00 0.00 44652 0.77 0.48
492.50 0.00 44580 0.76 0.47
495.00 0.00 44510 0.76 0.47
497.50 0.00 44440 0.76 0.46
500.00 0.00 44371 0.76 0.45
502.50 0.00 44303 0.76 0.45
505.00 0.00 44235 0.76 0.44
507.50 0.00 44168 0.76 0.44
510.00 0.00 44102 0.76 0.43
512.50 0.00 44037 0.76 0.43
515.00 0.00 43973 0.75 0.43
517.50 0.00 43909 0.75 0.42
520.00 0.00 43846 0.75 0.42
522.50 0.00 43783 0.75 0.41
525.00 0.00 43722 0.75 0.41
527.50 0.00 43661 0.75 0.40
530.00 0.00 43600 0.75 0.40
532.50 0.00 43540 0.75 0.39
535.00 0.00 43481 0.75 0.39
537.50 0.00 43423 0.75 0.39
540.00 0.00 43365 0.74 0.38
542.50 0.00 43308 0.74 0.38
545.00 0.00 43251 0.74 0.37
547.50 0.00 43195 0.74 0.37
550.00 0.00 43139 0.74 0.37
552.50 0.00 43084 0.74 0.36
555.00 0.00 43030 0.74 0.36
557.50 0.00 42976 0.74 0.36
560.00 0.00 42922 0.74 0.35
562.50 0.00 42870 0.74 0.35
565.00 0.00 42817 0.74 0.35
567.50 0.00 42765 0.73 0.34
570.00 0.00 42714 0.73 0.34
572.50 0.00 42663 0.73 0.34
575.00 0.00 42613 0.73 0.33
577.50 0.00 42563 0.73 0.33
580.00 0.00 42514 0.73 0.33
582.50 0.00 42465 0.73 0.32
585.00 0.00 42416 0.73 0.32
587.50 0.00 42368 0.73 0.32
590.00 0.00 42321 0.73 0.31
592.50 0.00 42274 0.73 0.31
595.00 0.00 42227 0.73 0.31
597.50 0.00 42181 0.73 0.31
600.00 0.00 42135 0.72 0.30
602.50 0.00 42089 0.72 0.30
605.00 0.00 42044 0.72 0.30
607.50 0.00 42000 0.72 0.30
610.00 0.00 41955 0.72 0.29
612.50 0.00 41912 0.72 0.29
615.00 0.00 41868 0.72 0.29
617.50 0.00 41825 0.72 0.29
620.00 0.00 41782 0.72 0.28
622.50 0.00 41740 0.72 0.28
625.00 0.00 41698 0.72 0.28
627.50 0.00 41656 0.72 0.28
630.00 0.00 41615 0.72 0.27
632.50 0.00 41574 0.72 0.27
635.00 0.00 41533 0.71 0.27
637.50 0.00 41493 0.71 0.27
640.00 0.00 41453 0.71 0.26
642.50 0.00 41413 0.71 0.26
645.00 0.00 41374 0.71 0.26
647.50 0.00 41335 0.71 0.26
650.00 0.00 41296 0.71 0.26
652.50 0.00 41257 0.71 0.25
655.00 0.00 41219 0.71 0.25
657.50 0.00 41181 0.71 0.25
660.00 0.00 41144 0.71 0.25
797.50 0.00 39573 0.68 0.17
800.00 0.00 39547 0.68 0.17
802.50 0.00 39522 0.68 0.17
805.00 0.00 39496 0.68 0.17
807.50 0.00 39471 0.68 0.17
810.00 0.00 39445 0.68 0.17
812.50 0.00 39419 0.68 0.17
815.00 0.00 39394 0.68 0.17
817.50 0.00 39368 0.68 0.17
820.00 0.00 39343 0.68 0.17
822.50 0.00 39317 0.68 0.17
825.00 0.00 39292 0.68 0.17
827.50 0.00 39266 0.68 0.17
830.00 0.00 39241 0.68 0.17
832.50 0.00 39215 0.68 0.17
835.00 0.00 39190 0.68 0.17
837.50 0.00 39165 0.68 0.17
840.00 0.00 39139 0.68 0.17
842.50 0.00 39114 0.67 0.17 Begin I-Inch Drawdown
IDrawdown Routing
Stage-Storage is of the form:S=(Ks)(z)
Where Ks = 59049.25
b = 1.05
Discharge Coefficient, (Cd) = 0.58
Diameter of Orifice, (DI) _ 3 inches
(hrs) (cfs) (qQ (/1) (cfs)
------- ------------ ------------- ---------- ---------------
0.00 0.00 39114 0.67 0.17
0.50 0.00 38808 0.67 0.17
1.00 0.00 38504 0.66 0.17
1.50 0.00 38202 0.66 0.17
2.00 0.00 37901 0.65 0.17
2.50 0.00 37602 0.65 0.17
3.00 0.00 37304 0.65 0.16
3.50 0.00 37007 0.64 0.16
4.00 0.00 36712 0.64 0.16
4.50 0.00 36418 0.63 0.16
5.00 0.00 36126 0.63 0.16
5.50 0.00 35835 0.62 0.16
6.00 0.00 35545 0.62 0.16
6.50 0.00 35257 0.61 0.16
7.00 0.00 34970 0.61 0.16
7.50 0.00 34685 0.60 0.16
8.00 0.00 34401 0.60 0.16
8.50 0.00 34118 0.59 0.16
9.00 0.00 33837 0.59 0.16
9.50 0.00 33558 0.58 0.15
10.00 0.00 33279 0.58 0.15
10.50 0.00 33002 0.57 0.15
11.00 0.00 32727 0.57 0.15
11.50 0.00 32452 0.56 0.15
12.00 0.00 32180 0.56 0.15
12.50 0.00 31908 0.56 0.15
13.00 0.00 31639 0.55 0.15
13.50 0.00 31370 0.55 O.15
14.00 0.00 31103 0.54 0.15
14.50 0.00 30837 0.54 0.15
15.00 0.00 30573 0.53 0.15
15.50 0.00 30310 0.53 0.15
16.00 0.00 30049 0.52 0.14
1650 0.00 29789 0.52 0.14
17.00 0.00 29530 0.52 0.14
17.50 0.00 29273 0.51 0.14
18.00 0.00 29017 0.51 0.14
18.50 0.00 28763 0.50 0.14
19.00 0.00 28510 0.50 0.14
19.56 0.00 28258 0.49 0.14
20.00 0.00 28008 0.49 0.14
20.50 0.00 27759 0.49 0.14
21.00 0.00 27512 0.48 0.14
21.50 0.00 27266 0.48 0.14
22.00 0.00 27022 0.47 0.14
22.50 0.00 26779 0.47 0.13
23.00 0.00 26537 0.47 0.13
23.50 0.00 26297 0.46 0.13
24.00 0.00 26058 0.46 0.13
24.50 0.00 25821 0.45 0.13
25.00 0.00 25585 0.45 0.13
25.50 0.00 25351 0.45 0.13
26.00 0.00 25117 0.44 0.13
26.50 0.00 24886 0.44 0.13
27.00 0.00 24656 0.43 0.13
27.50 0.00 24427 0.43 0.13
28.00 0.00 24200 0.43 0.13
28.50 0.00 23974 0.42 0.12
29.00 0.00 23749 0.42 0.12
29.50 0.00 23526 0.42 0.12
30.00 0.00 23304 0.41 0.12
30.50 0.00 23084 0.41 0.12
31.00 0.00 22865 0.40 0.12
31.50 0.00 22648 0.40 0.12
32.00 0.00 22432 0.40 0.12
32.50 0.00 22218 0.39 0.12
33.00 0.00 22005 0.39 0.12
33.50 0.00 21793 0.39 0.12
34.00 0.00 21583 0.38 0.12
34.50 0.00 21374 0.38 0.12
35.00 0.00 21167 0.38 0.11
35.50 0.00 20961 0.37 0.11
36.00 0.00 20757 0.37 0.11
36.50 0.00 20554 0.37 0.11
37.00 0.00 20352 0.36 0.11
37.50 0.00 20152 0.36 0.11
38.00 0.00 19953 0.35 0.11
38.50 0.00 19756 0.35 - 0.11
39.00 0.00 19.560 0.35 0.11
39.50 0.00 19366 0.34 0.11
40.00 0.00 19173 0.34 0.11
40.50 0.00 18982 0.34 0.11
41.00 0.00 18792 0.34 0.10
41.50 0.00 18603 0.33 0.10
42.00 0.00 18416 0.33 0.10
42.50 0.00 18230 0.33 0.10
43.00 0.00 18046 0.32 0.10
43.50 0.00 17863 0.32 0.10
44.00 0.00 17682 0.32 0.10
44.50 0.00 17502 0.31 0.10
45.00 0.00 17324 0.31 0.10
45.50 0.00 17147 0.31 0.10
46.00 0.00 16971 0.30 0.10
46.50 0.00 16797 0.30 0.10
47.00 0.00 16625 0.30 0.10
47.50 0.00 16453 0.30 0.09
48.00 0.00 16284 0.29 0.09
48.50 0.00 16115 0.29 0.09
49.00 0.00 15949 0.29 0.09
49.50 0.00 15783 0.28 0.09
50.00 0.00 15619 0.28 0.09
50.50 0.00 15457 0.28 0.09
51.00 0.00 15296 0.28 0.09
51.50 0.00 15137 0.27 0.09
52.00 0.00 14979 0.27 0.09
52.50 0.00 14822 0.27 0.09
53.00 0.00 14667 0.26 0.09
53.50 0.00 14513 0.26 0.08
54.00 0.00 14361 0.26 0.08
54.50 0.00 14210 0.26 0.08
55.00 0.00 14061 0.25 0.08
55.50 0.00 13913 0.25 0.08
56.00 0.00 13767 0.25 0.08
56.50 0.00 13622 0.25 0.08
57.00 0.00 13479 0.24 0.08
57.50 0.00 13337 0.24 0.08
58.00 0.00 13196 0.24 0.08
58.50 0.00 13057 0.24 0.08
59.00 0.00 12920 0.23 0.08
59.50 0.00 12784 0.23 0.07
60.00 0.00 12649 0.23 0.07
60.50 0.00 12516 0.23 0.07
61.00 0.00 12385 0.23 0.07
61.50 0.00 12254 0.22 0.07
62.00 0.00 12126 0.22 0.07
62.50 0.00 11999 0.22 0.07
63.00 0.00 11873 0.22 0.07
63.50 0.00 11749 0.21 0.07
64.00 0.00 11626 0.21 0.07
64.50 0.00 11505 0.21 0.07
65.00 0.00 11385 0.21 0.07
65.50 0.00 11267 0.21 0.06
66.00 0.00 11150 0.20 0.06
66.50 0.00 11035 0.20 0.06
67.00 0.00 10921 0.20 0.06
67.50 0.00 10808 0.20 0.06
68.00 0.00 10697 0.20 0.06
68.50 0.00 10588 0.19 0.06
69.00 0.00 10480 0.19 0.06
69.50 0.00 10374 0.19 0.06
70.00 0.00 10269 0.19 0.06
70.50 0.00 10165 0.19 0.06
71.00 0.00 10063 0.18 0.06
71.50 0.00 9963 0.18 0.05
72.00 0.00 9864 0.18 0.05
72.50 0.00 9767 0.18 0.05
73.00 0.00 9671 0.18 0.05
73.50 0.00 9576 0.18 0.05
74.00 0.00 9483 0.17 0.05
74.50 0.00 9392 0.17 0.05
75.00 0.00 9302 0.17 0.05
75.50 0.00 9213 0.17 0.05
76.00 0.00 9126 0.17 0.05
76.50 0.00 9041 0.17 0.05
77.00 0.00 8957 0.17 0.05
77.50 0.00 8874 0.16 0.04
78.00 0.00 8793 0.16 0.04
78.50 0.00 8714 0.16 0.04
79.00 0.00 8636 0.16 0.04
79.50 0.00 8560 0.16 0.04
80.00 0.00 8485 0.16 0.04
80.50 0.00 8411 0.16 0.04
81.00 0.00 8339 0.15 0.04
81.50 0.00 8269 0.15 0.04
82.00 0.00 8200 0.15 0.04
82.50 0.00 8133 0J5 0.04
83.00 0.00 8067 0.15 0.04
83.50 0.00 8002 0.15 0.03
84.00 0.00 7939 0.15 0.03
84.50 0.00 7878 0.15 0.03
85.00 0.00 7818 0.15 0.03
85.50 0.00 7760 0.14 0.03
86.00 0.00 7703 0.14 0.03
86.50 0.00 7648 0.14 0.03
87.00 0.00 7594 0.14 0.03
87.50 0.00 7542 0.14 0.03
88.00 0.00 7491 0.14 0.03
88.56 0.00 7442 0.14 0.03
89.00 0.00 7395 0.14 0.03
89.50 0.00 7348 0.14 0.02
90.00 0.00 7304 0.14 0.02
90.50 0.00 7261 0.14 0.02
91.00 0.00 7219 0.13 0.02
91.50 0.00 7179 0.13 0.02
92.00 0.00 7141 0.13 0.02
92.50 0.00 7104 0.13 0.02
93.00 0.00 7068 0J3 0.02
93.50 0.00 7035 0.13 0.02
94.00 0.00 7002 0.13 0.02
94.50 0.00 6971 0.13 0.02
95.00 0.00 6942 0.13 0.02
95.50 0.00 6915 0.13 0.01
96.00 0.00 6888 0.13 0.01
96.50 0.00 6864 0.13 0.01
97.00 0.00 6841 0.13 0.01
97.50 0.00 6819 0.13 0.01
98.00 0.00 6800 0.13 0.01
98.50 0.00 6781 0.13 0.01
99.00 0.00 6764 0.13 0.01
99.50 0.00 6749 0.13 0.01
100.00 0.00 6736 0.13 0.01
100.50 0.00 6724 0.13 0.01
919/343-1048 FAX 919/251-8282
CARY,NO 27511
9191233 8091 FAX 9191233 8031
PO.BOX 1749
9191934 7154 FAX 9191828 0501
„ � � u � �
MCKIM& FEB 2 4 1994
�oi # `�31Z22
February 22, 1994 M&C791-0011.OR
File 03
Ms. Linda Lewis
ENGINEERS Division of Environmental Management � 'y @c-a��t�j��
127 Cardinal Drive Extension rL�' %
SURVEYORS Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 FEB 2 4 1994
ARCHITECTS RE: Stormwater Project No. 931222 ---------------------------
Sam's Club - Jacksonville, NC
Onslow County
Dear Linda:
Pursuant to your letter of January 7, 1994 to Dan Simmons, we have reviewed your
comments and offer the following response to each of the items listed:
G1� A typical pond section is shown on sheet 6 of 14. - 6I4 r4 rece I Ve,
G2? A revised submittal form is enclosed. Pzrf•
G3? A revised M & O plan is enclosed. The minimum pond depth has
been revised to 4.0'. - wC,11 V09ed in G TFi'•1,
Three (3) sets of plans and calculations are forwarded for your
3 0� 2G5 A detail of the "emergency spillway" has been added to sheet 14-of 14.
N� •as ti 6. The 42 contour has been shaded on sheet 6 of 14. Q°
The construction sequence has been revised per your comment.
2�8? A detail of the outlet ditch has been added to sheet 6 of 14.
Stormwater discharged from the pond will flow into the proposed
2 drainage system along Western Boulevard.
SUITE 117 �? The bottom of pond dimensions have been added to sheet 6 of 14.
BUILDING Calculations
5625 DILLARD ROAD mil? Pursuant to our telephone conversations, revised calculations are
CARY.NO 27511 enclosed for your review and approval.
G2:p The revised calculations utilize a 3" orifice.
PHONE 919/233 8091 e,,3. The pond is sized specifically for the Sam's Club site.
e,4'-' Pursuant to our conversations, this comment was deemed to be invalid.
FAX 919/233 8031
Ms. Linda Lewis
February 22, 1994
Page 2
As previously stated three (3) sets of partial plans and calculations are enclosed for
your review and approval. Should you have any questions, please call Dan Simmons
or me.
Very truly yours,
James A. Byrd, P.E.
Project Engineer
cc: Dan Simmons
♦ . ,,..SUT[
,ter � .�n"•6
�` ✓t N State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Regional Manager
January 7,L1994
Mr. A. Dan Simmons
McKim and Creed Engineers, P.A.
5625 Dillard Road
Cary, North Carolina 27511
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Sam's Club Jacksonville
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Simmons:
The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Submittal for the Sam's Club Jacksonville
on December 29, 1993. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for
the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater
/� �h�° �01 Q
2 /_1! A pond cross-section detail indicating side slopes and normal water and storage elevations.
V !J
/2- Since you have signed the submittal form as agent for Wa1Mart, a notarized submittal
authorization from Walmart must be received. Also, all areas of the form that apply must
be completed. (Original enclosed for revision)
3.\ The Operation and Maintenance Plan for the stormwater pond must be signed and notarized
\ by the responsible party. A minimum depth of 3' or 75% of design depth must be
maintained at all times, therefore the 2.5' depth you specify for sediment removal is
U` invalid, and must be revised to 3'. Most engineers design for 4 or 5 feet of depth which
gives a little leeway for sediment removal. You may need that additional depth after
reading Item 1 below.
4. Three sets of plans are required for submittal. Only sheets 3 and 9 are needed by this
Office. `
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C.28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
S Mr. Simmons
January 7, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931222
5. An emergency spillway detail.
6. Delineate and label the storage contour on the plan. 43.00
7. The construction sequence must be revised to indicate that permanent vegetative cover must
be established on the pond banks prior to the construction of impervious surfaces. The few
times that sediment removal will be necessary during construction cannot be considered
prohibitive to providing permanent cover.
8. Outlet ditch detail and flow direction. Where will this water end ug?
{?¢yradinq IDW VP4 rO2d — d fch — Pcl
9. Pond dimensions.
1. The calculations you have submitted are based solely on volume. The Coastal Stormwater
\ Regulations require a pond surface area to site area ratio be met (table enclosed).
According to my calculations, the pond is deficient in both surface area and volume. You
must provide a breakdown of your calculations including the total amount of impervious
surfaces, the SA/DA ratio, the overall percent impervious, and the TSS chart you use to
\ determine surface area. Providing additional pond depth will require a smaller SA/DA
ratio, however, the storage elevation must be revised.
�n(5 2. The calculation of orifice size is not explained. My calculation gives a size of between 2.4"
and 3.8". The 4" orifice you propose would draw down the pond in less than 2 days. The
State requires a minimum of 2 days detention time.
�0^ 3. You do not include the outparcels in the pond sizing. If those outparcels flow to the pond,
�k then they must be accounted for in the pond design. If WalMart is planning to lease those
v (� areas, again, they must be accounted for in pond design. If the outparcels will be included,
�" ,� • a deed restriction must be placed on those properties restricting the site to the amount of
impervious area accounted for in the pond design. (See back of submittal form)
i4. The outlet structure must be designed to bypass the volume in excess of the 1" design
storm. This means that at the temporary storage elevation, a weir or pipe must be placed
so as to drain the pond back down to the temporary storage elevation. You have provided
only an emergency spillway at elevation 44.25, well above the temporary storage elevation.
2 _72,3- d'0�( � �md Nacj
t. Mr. Simmons
January 7, 1994
Stormwater Project No. 931222
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The
requested information should be received by this Office prior to February 7, 1994, or the submittal will
be returned as incomplete.
If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900.
Ms. Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: C(2)Linda_Lewis
Central Files
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