HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8910702_COMPLIANCE_20231109 1/ STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 "110-702 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 0 2 3 1 1 0 c) YYYYMMDD .a•STA7E u ROY COOPER Governor J ELIZABETH S.BISER �..a.m . Secretary WILLIAM.E.TOBY VINSON,JR NORTH CAROLINA Interim Drector Environmental Quality November 9,2023 Attn: Lawrence Spell, Owner 8810 Emerald Drive Emerald Isle,NC 28594 Subject: Permit Revoked per Session Law 2021-158 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 910702 Osprey Ridge Townhouses Carteret County Dear MT. Spell: On September 16", 2021, the Governor signed Session Law 2021-158. As of January 1,2022, Section 4(b)of this law revokes all low density certifications and approvals issued prior to September 1, 1995 and considers the built-upon area as existing development for the purposes of G.S. 143-214.7(al). The Division has reviewed the file for this low density project, last approved on August 5, 1991 as a Certificate of Compliance, and confirmed that this project meets the requirements to be revoked. Therefore, in accordance with Session Law 2021-158, this permit has been revoked effective January 1, 2022 and the built-upon area associated with this project will now be considered existing development. Any future development on the project or site shall comply with the requirements of G.S. 143-214.7 and any recorded deed restrictions. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further,please contact Ashley Smith in the Wilmington Regional Office,at(910) 796-7215 or ashleym.smith@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, C ��' William E. Toby Vinson,Jr., PE, CPM,Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources DES\ams: \\\Stormwatcr\Permits&Projects\1991\190702 Inactive\2023 11 revoke 910702 cc: Osprey Ridge Townhome Association,Inc.,New Property Owners;366 Yacht Club Drive;Newport, NC 28570 Town of Emerald Isle Building Inspections;7500 Emerald Drive;Emerald Isle,NC 28594 Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File tt North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and land Resources �.E Q��" Wilmington Regional Office 1127Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 nonwcruxa.. 910.796.7215 NCDEQ/WiRO ' DEMLR-Stormwater Section US POSTAGE"PnfJe'BowES 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Ri4LEIGH NC 2?5 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 _t-y .15,.NOV OV 2O2-31P"..6 ZIP 28405 $ 00063 'g 1 0000371121 NOV 15 2023 ��` PlOV1g Attn: Lawrence Spell 8810 Emerald Drive / Emerald Is' — 111nA INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS i II n, ,! IM11 28S94-24i�$_ I rlr I Irr r l rrr a ru Ilfll r r r - I I.r I .w SrA7Eo ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S.BISEP secretary. WILLIAM F TOBY VINSON,jR NORTH CAROLINA Interim Director Environmental Quality November 9, 2023 Attn: Lawrence Spell, Owner 8810 Emerald Drive Emerald Isle,NC 28594 Subject: .Permit Revoked per Session Law 2021-158 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 910702 Osprey Ridge Townhouses Carteret County Dear Mr. Spell: On September 16°, 2021,the Governor signed Session Law 2021-158. As of January 1, 2022, Section 4(b)of this law revokes all low density certifications and approvals issued prior to September 1, 1995 and considers the built-upon area as existing development for the purposes of G.S. 143-214.7(al). The Division has reviewed the file for this low density project, last approved on August 5, 1991 as a Certificate of Compliance, and confirmed that this project meets the requirements to be revoked. Therefore, in accordance with Session Law 202.1-158,this permit has been revoked effective January 1, 2022 and the built-upon area associated with this project will now be considered existing development. Any future development on the project or site shall comply with the requirements of G.S. 143-214.7 and any recorded deed restrictions. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please contact Ashley Smith in the Wilmington Regional Office,at(910) 796-7215 or ashleym.smith@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Ca'�14�' William E. Toby Vinson,Jr., PE, CPM, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources DES\ams: \\\Stormwater\Pemlits&Projects\199 1\1 90702 Inactive\2023 I I revoke 910702 cc: Osprey Ridge Townhome Association,Inc.,New Property Owners;366 Yacht Club Drive;Newport, NC 28570 Town of Emerald Isle Building Inspections;7500 Emerald Drive;Emerald Isle,NC 28594 Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File L North Carolina Department of Envkonmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and land Resources wltmington Reglonal Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 2a405 910.796.7215