HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8900711_HISTORICAL FILE_20190409 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 q 061 11 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS © HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 01 010 L+0 9 YYYYMMDD w Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2019 4:02 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R Cc: Payne, John, Sams, Dan, Vinson, Toby; Morman, Alaina; Scott, Georgette Subject: River Island Subdivision SW8 900711 Attachments: 2018 10 CEI_deficient_copy 900711.pdf; 2019 04 letter-copy 900711.pdf; 2019 04 letter_recvd 900711.pdf; 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711.pdf; 15A NCAC 02H.1000 effective 1988 Ol Ol.pdf All: I misspoke about the transfer requirements being in the 1988 rules. I can't find anything specific in the 1988 rules about name / ownership changes. They did not appear in the rules until 1995. However prior to 1995, we believe that transfers of permits were addressed in the statute. NCGS 143-214.7 gave the Division the authority to promulgate stormwater rules. NCGS 143- 215.1(a)(11) added those discharges regulated under NCGS 143-214.7 to the list of things for which a permit is required. NCGS 143-215.1(d1) appears to require an HOA to enter into an agreement with the EMC as a condition of the permit. The agreement has to cover construction, O&M, financial solvency, and transfers of ownership. It is customary for the developer to act as the HOA until a Board is elected / appointed. There is no record of Mr. Sanders, acting on behalf of the HOA, entering into an agreement with the EMC at the time the HOA was incorporated, which was in May, 1995. In addition, the deed restrictions were recorded at the same time, almost 5 years after the permit was issued. Both Nathan and Judia Sanders (his wife) are listed as the initial Board of Directors. The recorded covenants for River Island do not mention the stormwater permit by name or by number, but they do call out North Carolina Coastal Stormwater Regulations, and they do contain the specific restrictions required by the permit, i.e., BUA limits and the state as a beneficiary. The covenants have no information about transferring ownership of the stormwater permit. The common area deed of conveyance from Sanders to the HOA does not discuss the permit nor does it assign responsibility for implementing the permit requirements to the HOA. The deed conveys all of Grantor's rights, title and interest in the common areas, the marina facility, the bridge that serves as access to the community, sanitary sewer equipment, irrigation equipment and firefighting equipment, but nothing about his right, title, interest [and obligation?) in the stormwater permit itself. I think our best argument for transfer lies in the Certification language itself, as was pointed out in our April 1, 2019 reply to Mr. Shipman. The certification of compliance is effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. Mr. Sander's has not requested that it be rescinded, therefore, it is still in effect. We would not be able to grant a request to rescind the permit because the project covered by the permit is still active. Please note that DEMLR's April 1, 2019 letter to Mr. Shipman does not advocate that Mr. Sanders keep the permit. The letter simply spells out the consequences of not transferring the permit, i.e., continued liability for compliance with the permit. I'm attaching the following files: t 1. The 1988 rules: 2. The October 2018 letter (CEI_deficient) that started this whole situation; 3. The February 19, 2019 reply letter received from Mr. Shipman; 4. DEMLR's April 1, 2019 letter in reply; 5. The April 5, 2019 reply letter received from Mr. Shipman. Doug, I'm sorry that I cannot provide you with a firm statute cite for handling ownership changes prior to 1995. But, I hope I've given you enough information to write the letter to Mr. Shipman. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewis(a)ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 %/Nothing Compares,�_ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and Inay be disclosed to third parties. 2 r r CAPeR SHIPM4N & WRIGHT, L.L.P. 0 8'2019�' t--A T T O R IY E Y S A T L A Wv575 Military Cutoff Road,Suite 106 1 Wilmington,NC 28405 �_ P:910.762.1990 F:910.762.6752 800.762.1990 wrvw.shipmanandwright.com Gary K. Shipman Jennifer D. Scott Board Certififiea Civil Trial Specialist Certified Real Property Specialist National Board of Trial Advocacy NCDRC Certified Superior Court Mediator William G.Wri ht Angeliyue Adams NCDRC Certified Court Mediator James T.Moore W. Cory Reiss Jillian C.S. Blanchard Kyle J. Nutt Author's a-mad:gshipmm@shipmanlaw.com April 5, 2019 Georgette D. Scott S. Daniel Smith, Interim Director North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 248405 Re: River Island at Tidewater Plantation Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 900711 Dear Ms. Scott and Mr. Smith: I am in receipt of and thank you for your letter of April 1, 2019 that neglects, for obvious reasons, to address a critical fact— that the State of North Carolina can take no action to compel Mr. Sanders to undertake any corrective action in connection with the above referenced stormwater management permit due to the expiration of the statute of limitations and because of the delays in notifying him of any issues with this system. We have never refused to transfer this permit. We have refused to undertake any corrective action that the Division deems necessary prior to the transfer of this permit, and again, your letter fails to address how legally the Division believes that it can compel Mr. Sanders to undertake corrective action given the passage of the statute of limitations. Your reference to the 2017 rules makes no difference whatsoever, and those rules can have no retroactive application to a system that was permitted and constructed years prior to that. Again, we're more than happy to transfer the permit to the HOA if the HOA would like to make that application and have never refused to do that. We continue to refuse to accept any responsibility for this system over which Mr. Sanders has had no control for many years. If you have any authority for the position that the statute of limitations has no application to the liability that you are seeking to impose upon Mr. Sanders, I'm happy to review it. PRACTICE AREAS Focused Trial Pracrt,a in all Federal and State Courts Complex Commercial Litigation I Personal Injury&Wrongful Death I Lender Liability I Medical Malpractice Land Condemnation Construction Litigation I Product Liability I Business Formation,Organization&Management I Equitable Distribution Mold Litigation Consumer Class Action I Real Estate Development&Transactions I Wills.Tmsts&Estates I Family Law Sports&Entertainment Law I Probate I Tax Planning&Defense Services I Commercial Loan Modifications Shipman &Wright, L.L.P. April 5, 2019 Page 2 Thanking you in advance for your continued assistance and cooperation, I am 5Ga ely yours, . ipman GKS/gks pc: Nathan Sanders Linda Lewis (via email) ROY COOPER Governor , C MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory S. DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Interim Director Environmental Quality April 1, 2019 Gary Shipman, Esq. Shipman & Wright, LLP 575 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 106 Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: River Island at Tidewater Plantation Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 900711 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Shipman: Thank you for your letter of February 19, 2019, responding to the Division's letter of October 31, 2018, requesting that Mr. Sanders make application to transfer the subject 1990 low density subdivision stormwater permit to the Homeowners Association. The letter indicates that the Division has no basis to apply the 2017 rules to the permit transfer. Per NCAC 02H.1045(2), the transfer of a permit (or a certification of compliance) is considered an "application" under the 2017 rules, and therefore, per NCAC 02H.1001(1)(d), the 2017 transfer rules do apply. Your letter also indicates that the Division has no basis for requiring Mr. Sanders to transfer the subject permit to the HOA. If the permit is not transferred, then the responsibility and liability for maintenance and for dealing with any future compliance issues associated with the subdivision, will remain with Mr. Sanders. Mr. Sanders conveyed ownership of the common areas of the subdivision to the Association on December 19, 2000, (ref. DB 2853 at PG 818), therefore, Mr. Sanders will need the permission of the HOA in order to inspect and maintain the permitted stormwater system. The conveyance of the common areas to the HOA has never been and cannot be considered an automatic transfer of the permit to the HOA. This argument has been put forth many times over the years by other permittees who conveyed common areas but who failed to transfer the certification of compliance (i.e., the permit). The Division has consistently stated that only the Division can approve the transfer of a stormwater permit to a new permittee. The New Hanover County Building Safety Department has no authority to enforce state stormwater permits or BUA limits. The ability to obtain a building permit does not imply compliance with the permitted BUA limit. While Mr. Sanders holds the permit, it is his responsibility to ensure that all lots maintain compliance with the maximum BUA limit as set forth in his permit. As stated in the August 13, 1990 certification of compliance, it "is effective from the date of issuance until rescinded..." The certification of compliance has not been rescinded, therefore, it is still in effect and it is still in Mr. Sanders' name. Whether or not the Division has communicated with Mr. Sanders or not over the last 18 years has no bearing on Mr. Sanders' obligation to comply with the provisions of the stormwater permit and the requirements of the stormwater rules under which the permit was obtained. As stated in the August 13, 1990 certification of compliance, "...the project shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications as filed with the Wilmington Regional Office." The permittee is obligated to provide the documentation requested by the Division to demonstrate compliance with the permit. DEMLR is seeking verification from the permittee that this 10-lot subdivision has maintained compliance with the BUA limit and other aspects of the permit and of the low density stormwater rules. :yam North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources eDKF Wilmington Regional Oft7ce 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 rvomrcwaura ^W^r� 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 900711 Page 2 of 2 The main take-away point of this letter is that if the permit is not transferred, then Mr. Sanders remains responsible for compliance with the permit. I hope you find this information helpful as you assist Mr. Sanders in determining if the disadvantages of keeping the permit outweigh the advantages of transferring it to the HOA. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Linda Lewis in the Wilmington Regional office at Tel. 910-796-7215 or via email at linda.lewis@ncderir.gov. Sincerely, jos S. Daniel Smith, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS\arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1990\900711 LD\2019 04 letter 900711 cc: Nathan Sanders Toby Vinson, DEMLR Alaina Mormon, DEMLR Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File ALewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 5:22 PM To: Ansel, Douglas R; Lucas, Annette (annette.lucas@ncdenr.gov); Vinson, Toby; Smith, Danny Cc: Scott, Georgette Subject: FW: River Landing Subdivision SW8 900711 Attachments: 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711.pdf; 1990 08 permit 900711.pdf; 2018 10 CEI-deficient 900711.docx; 2019 03 letter 900711.docx I need a response or advice or something on this matter, please. It's been more than 30 days and I need to reply. If I don't hear from you by COB March 22, 2019, I'm going to send out the attached draft letter next Monday. Sorry to be so blunt. Linda -----Original Message----- From: Sams, Dan Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 9:40 AM To: Ansel, Douglas R <douglas.ansel@ncdenr.gov>; Lucas, Annette <annette.lucas@ncdenr.gov>; Vinson, Toby <toby.vinson@ncdenr.gov>; Smith, Danny <danny.smith@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov>; Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: River Landing Subdivision SW8 900711 Doug et al: Please review the attached material in order to give a response to the Sanco Builders Corporation attorney Gary Shipman. We sent notification of the transfer requirements to Sanco Builders last October. Mr. Shipman is responding that because this project was permitted in 1990 prior to the implementation of NCGS 143.214.7; therefore, we had no authority to require Mr. Sanders to provide the transfer documentation since the certification of compliance was issued in 1990 before the current 2017 transfer law became effective. Our perspective is reflected within the certification of compliance, which states the certification is effective until rescinded, and that the project must be constructed in accordance with the plans and specs filed with the WiRO. The certification has not been rescinded and therefore, it is still in effect. Mr. Sanders is still the considered the permittee of record and must demonstrate to the Division that the project has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specs filed with WiRO. He'd have to do that regardless of whether he wanted to transfer the permit or not. Mr. Shipman does not give us an alternative with his response. Unless Mr. Sanders and Sanco Builders plans to retain stormwater responsibility for River Land Subdivision in perpetuity, we must get the information necessary to allow a transfer. Please let us know how we need to proceed. The attachments include a draft for response currently with Linda Lewis as the signatory that the text of which you are welcome to change as needed. If you feel that you or I should be the signatory instead, please let us know. t Thanks.... Daniel Sams, PE ` -----Original Message----- From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 6:20 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Emailing: 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711, 1990 08 permit 900711, 2018 10 CEI_deficient 900711, 2019 02 letter 900711 For your convenience, I've included a copy of the permit, the October 2018 inspection letter, the letter we received from Attorney Gary Shipman on 2-21-19 and our draft response letter. Should you elect to forward, Doug will need to see all these items in order to determine if we have adequately responded. Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711 1990 08 permit 900711 2018 10 CEI_deficient 900711 2019 02 letter 900711 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 2 Lewis,Lincla From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 8:42 AM To: Sams, Dan Cc: Scott, Georgette SS�Zw� Subject: Riv Landin ubdivision SWS 900711 Attachments: 2019 etter_recvd 900711.pdf, 1990 08 permit 900711.pdf, 2018 10 CEI_deficient 900711.docx, 2019 02 letter 900711.docx Sorry- I forgot to reference the project name in the subject line. This is the project I discussed with you yesterday regarding the letter we received from Attorney Gary Shipman, saying that we had no authority to. require Mr. Sanders to provide the transfer documentation. He bases this on the fact that the permit (certification of compliance) was issued in 1990 before the current 2017 transfer law became effective. My best thought regarding this matter is right there in the certification of compliance. It says that the certification is effective until rescinded, and that the project must be constructed in accordance with the plans and specs filed with the WiRO. The certification has not been rescinded and therefore, it is still in effect. Mr. Sanders is still the considered the permittee of record and must demonstrate to the Division that the project has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specs filed with WiRO. He'd have to do that regardless of whether he wanted to transfer the permit or not. Linda -----Original Message----- From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 6:20 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott, Georgette <georgette.scott@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Emailing: 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711, 1990 08 permit 900711, 2018 10 CEI_deficient 900711, 2019 02 letter 900711 For your convenience, I've included a copy of the permit, the October 2018 inspection letter, the letter we received from Attorney Gary Shipman on 2-21-19 and our draft response letter. Should you elect to forward, Doug will need to see all these items in order to determine if we have adequately responded. Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: 2019 02 letter_recvd 900711 1990 08 permit 900711 2018 10 CEI_deficient 900711 2019 02 letter 900711 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. r SHIPM4N & WRIGHT, L.L.P. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 575 Military Cutoff Road,Suite 106 I Wilmington.NC 28405 P:910.762.1990 F:910.762.6752 1800.762,1990I vvww.shipmanandwright.com Gary K. Slit man Jennifer D. Scott Board Cerhflert Civil Trial Specialist Certified Real Property Specialist National Board of Trial Advocacy NCDRC Certified Superior Court Mediator William G. Wni ht Angelique Adams NCDRC Certified upenor Court Mediator W. Cory Reiss James T. Moore Kyle J. Nutt Gregory M. Katzman Jillian C.S. Blanchard Writer's email: gshipmanl shipmanlaw.com February 19, 2019 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension ECEIVE Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 FEB 2 1 20`5 VIA EMAIL AND FIRST CLASS MAIL linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov Re: State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 90071 1 River Island at Tidewater Plantation Subdivision New Hanover County Dear Ms. Lewis: As you know, this office represents Sanco Builders Corp., and in that regard, I have been provided a copy of your communications with Candi Alexander of Sanco, your letter to Mr. Sanders of October 31, 2018 and I have obtained and reviewed a complete copy of DEQ's file on this matter, and reviewed other documents of record pertaining to River Island. On that basis, we offer the following. River Island is a small, performance residential subdivision, the initial section of which was platted and recorded on or about May 12, 1995 in Map Book 34 at Page 381 of the New Hanover County Registry. The Declaration of Restrictions of River Island was recorded on that same date, in Book 1882 at Page 128 of the New Hanover County Registry, and Section 19 thereof contains the required restrictions of "built upon areas' ("....each lot shall not exceed 6,350 square feet, unless and until, the State of North Carolina shall revise its Stormwater runoff regulations to permit a greater built upon area for each lot") and that "..compliance may be enforced by the State of North Carolina." Upon the "sell out" of the lots within this subdivision complete, the "common areas, access easements, utility easements, sewer easements, drainage easements and other easements" with conveyed to the River Island Owners Association, Inc., by Deed recorded on December 19, 2000 in Book 2853 at Page 818 of the New Hanover County Registry. PRACTICE AREAS Focused Trial PI'aclice in all Federal..rid Stale Courts Complex Commercial Litigation I Personal Injury&Wrongful Death I Lender Liability I Medical Malpractice Land Condemnation Construction Litigation I Product Liability I Business Formation.Organization&Management I Equitable Distribution Mold Litigation Consumer Class Action I Real Estate Development&Transactions I Wills.Trusts&Estates I Family Law Sports&Emenainmem law I Probate I Tax Planning&Defense Services I Commercial Loan Modifications Shipman & Wright, L.L.P. Februan, 19, 2019 Pagc 2 Your email communications to Mr. Sanders of October 30, 2018 and subsequent letter to him of October 31, 2018 were the first communications that anyone has had with him regarding this subdivision in almost eighteen (18) years. In the interim period, homes have been completed on River Island pursuant to building permits issued and inspections conducted by New Hanover County. The River Island Owners Association, Inc., has been a viable entity throughout this period with the duties and responsibilities contained within its duly recorded Bylaws. From and after December, 2000, Sanco nor anyone associated with Mr. Sanders had any control over this association, nor any control regarding what was constructed within River Island. As you know, it was not until July 1, 2006 that N.C.G.S. §143-214.7 was amended to insert section (cl), providing for enforcement of, among other things, storm water permits issued by DEQ, and not until July 1, 2011 that the statute was further amended to insert section (c2) regarding the transfer of a permit. These provisions regarding transfer of any permit were not in effect in 2000, and there is no indication that Sanco or Mr. Sanders failed to do anything it was otherwise required to do. Any liability of Sanco and/or Mr. Sanders would be subject to a three (3) year statute of limitations which has long expired. We find no basis, therefore, for Sanco or Mr. Sanders to be compelled to undertake any of the items contained in your email communications with Candi Alexander of November 9, 2018 in connection with a transfer, if any, of the original stormwater permit. While we would certainly cooperate with the River Island Owners Association, Inc.'s efforts, if any, to seek to transfer this permit to it, 1 find no authority for DEQ to impose upon Sanco or Mr. Sanders the obligation to gather the required documentation to do so. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of our position, I remain Sincerely yours, ts hipman c.c.: Nat . Sande Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:57 AM To: 'Candi Alexander' Cc: Nathan Sanders; Sanco Homes Subject: RE: [External] River Island SW8 900711 Candi- a transfer of a permit from the developer to the HOA requires much more than just signing a form. We will need the following documents to be submitted with the transfer application, which demonstrate compliance with the permit and the rules: 1. BUA records which verify that no lot has exceeded the permitted maximum BUA limit. These can be from Google, County property tax records, as-built surveys, etc.; 2. If not already submitted, recorded covenants which show that the required stormwater statements and BUA limits have been recorded; 3. Recorded plats which verify that the actual number of lots does not exceed the permitted number of lots and which shows the locations of the rights-of-way and drainage easements; 4. Ownership records which verify that more than 50% of the lots have been conveyed to individuals; 5. Common area deeds which verify that ownership of all common areas (if any) has been conveyed to the HOA; 6. Information that proves the HOA is a registered entity with the NCSOS and who the contact person is. Note that while a management company can be listed on the transfer application, the management company CANNOT be listed as the proposed permittee or as the HOA contact. The HOA contact must be the president or vice president of the HOA; 7. If this were a high density project, then a copy of the designer certification would be required as well. Once we receive the completed and signed permit transfer application, and all the required documentation listed above, DEMLR will conduct the compliance inspection. If the site is determined to be in compliance, the permit will be transferred. If it's not in compliance, the identified compliance issues will need to be resolved and the site reinspected and determined to be in compliance, before the transfer is approved. The post-construction permit transfer application is available at our website at this link: https://deg.nc.goy/about/divisions/energv-mineral-land-resources/energv-mineral-land- rules/stormwater-program/post-construction. It's the third document listed under New Permits and Project Modifications. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewistadncdenr.gov r Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 tit 'Nothing Compares �.;. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Candi Alexander<candi@sancohomes.com> Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:28 AM To: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Nathan Sanders <nathan@sancohomes.com>; Candi Alexander<candi@sancohomes.com>; Sanco Homes <sancohomes@sancohomes.com> Subject: [External] River Island External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified.Sentl all suspicious email as an attachment t"o Linda, We received the email about transferring the River Island permit to the HOA. From what I read it seems that we only need to sign an application. Could you please email me a copy of the application so that we can move forward and also to confirm that I am using the correct form. Thanks, Candi Alexander Candice 0 Alexander Sanco Builders Corp, President Dominion Land Corporation, VP (910) 791-1196 Ext. 2 Office candi @sancohomes.com 2 Lewi's,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 11:15 AM To: 'Nathan Sanders' Cc: Michael Dean; 'Candice Alexander' Subject: River Island Subdivision SW8 900711 Attachments: DEMLR WIRO Letterhead-Color 2018 09 OS.pdf All: Attached please find the Division's request to transfer the subject stormwater permit from Sanco Builders to the River Island Owners Association. Please let me know if you have any questions. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewist7a ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 'Nothing Compares - Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Lewis,Linda Full Name: Michael Dean Last Name: Dean First Name: Michael Job Title: President Company: River Island Owners Association Email: michaeldeanl@twc.com Email Display As: Michael Dean SW8 900711 HOA president 1 Northijarolipa Secretary of State Scarch Results Page 1 of 1 • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online • Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings Non-Profit Corporation Legal Name RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Information Sosld: 0369215 Status: Current-Active Annual Report Status: Not Applicable Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 5/8/1995 Registered Agent: Powell, Andrew J., Jr.- Addresses Reg Office Reg Mailing 123 Island Bridge Way 123 Island Bridge Way Wilmington, NC 28412 Wilmington, NC 28412 hops://N-Aw.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/13usiness_lZcgistration_lZesults 10/30/2018 SOS I D: 0369215 Date Filed: 9/19/2003 8:22:00 AEI Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA C2 00323 0001 38 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE STATEMENT OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE AND/OR REGISTERED AGENT Pursuant to §55D-31 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the ersigned entity submits the following for the purpose of changing its registered office and/or registered agent th the State ort olina. INFORMAT ENTLY ON FILE The name of the entity is: k)UT2 IS&4t c ACfW-naa�' Entity Type: ❑Corporation,❑Foreign Corporation,DKonprofit Corporation,❑Foreign Nonprofit Corporation, ❑Limited Liability Company,❑Foreign Limited Liabilitv Company❑Limited Partnership,❑Foreign Limited Partnership, ❑Limited Liability Partnership,❑Foreign Limited Liability Partnership The street address and county f the e it 's registered o tcc curre it o file is: - --` Number and Street: r� —�S�e/b=��att t t V 'S City, State, ZipCode: I Ip t 7a7C� /—rA...--- x J County:_�rw N 19,6rmV r✓j The mailing address if he strut address of the registered oilice currently on file is: The name of the current registered agent is: A)4-PM V A, 7 NEW INFORMATION ' 1. The street address and county of the new registered office of the entity is: (complete this item only if the address of the registered office is being changed) _ Number and Street: 1A2 , P��2� City, State, Zip Code:14?L( tt•t A ,l'1, W2— County: 2. The mailing address if different from the street address of the new registered office is: (complete this item only if the address of the registered office is being changed) 3. The Dame of the new registered agent and the new agent's consent to appointment appeears,b_elow:, (cooni letsI e this Item only if the name of the registered agent is being change l " Type or Print Name ojNew genA t 'Signature& Title 4. The address of the entity's registered office and the address of the business office of its registered agent,as changed, will be identical. 5. This statement will be effective upon filing,unless a date and/or time is specified: Q This is the day of 20�. 'jr R 1,5 e",4 u(t r �Cv,t•9 tCe ,�1 TT Ent awe Signature CT)uS ,U Few � tti z� � (`L5 t71� T)pe or Print Name and Title Notes: Filing fee is S5.00. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. CORPORATIONS DIVISION P. O. BOX 29622 RALEIGH,NC 27626-0622 Revised January 2002 Form BE-06 J . . • U �° �r aC STATE ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E.(TOBY)VINSON,JP Interim Director October 31. 2018 Sanco Builders Corporation Attn:Nathan Sanders, President (via email: nalhcm a sancohomes.coni) PO Box 3167 Wilmington,NC 28406 Subject: Notice of File Review Inspection and Request for Transfer River Island Subdivision State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 900711 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Sanders: Effective August 1,2013, the State Stormwater program-was transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ)to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified. Please note that this letter references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit. On October 30, 2018, the Wilmington Regional Office of DEMLR conducted a file review of the subject project currently operating under Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 900711 originally issued to you on August 13, 1990, under the 1988 version of the stormwater rules.The permit covers the construction of a 10-lot low density subdivision located off River Road in New Hanover County, with each lot limited to a maximum of 6350 sf of BUA. DE\4LR received a phone call from a resident inquiring about the allocated amount of built-upon area for the lots. DE\4LR's subsequent search of the Register of Deeds website; county tax records and NCSOS website revealed that the ownership of the common property covered by this permit was conveyed to the River Island Owners Association via 2 separate deeds, one dated December 19, 2000 and the other dated December 29, 2008, without notification to the Division. Please note that several options are now available for transferring this permit to a Homeowner's Association. Per 15A\'CAC 021-1.1045 (the 2017 stormwater rules) and NCGS 143-214.7, permit transfer applications shall be accepted by the Division under the following scenarios: 1. Upon the request of the current and proposed permittee, where both the current and proposed permittee sign the transfer application. 2. Upon the request of the current permittee to the HOA or POA, where only the current permitter signs the transfer application. Specific submittal requirements are listed in G.S.143-214.7(c2), 3. Upon the request of a successor owner of the property on which the permitted activity is occurring or will occur. Specific submittal requirements are listed in G.S.143-214.7(c5). The transfer application form is available on our website at : https://deq.nc.,ov/about/divisions/enerev- mineral-land-resources/enerey-mineral-land-rules/stormwater-program/post-construction. The transfer application form explains the submittal requirements for each type of transfer that is available. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington.North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 [insert permit number] Page 2 of 2 It is your responsibility as the current permittec to complete, sign and submit the permit transfer form. Please submit a transfer application to this Office before December 1,2018 along with the required documentation listed on the form. Anv individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. Failure to provide the requested information,or to respond to this letter by the due date, may initiate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties. If you have any questions about the transfer process, please contact me in the Wilmington Regional Office, at telephone number(910) 796-7215 or via email at linda.levisnncdenr.gov. Sincerely; z6f-&a C�euae Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1990\900711 LD\2018 10 CGI_deficient 9000711 CC' Michael Dean,President, River Island Owners Association (via email: michaeldeanl((i).amccom) Candi Alexander, Sanco Builders Corp. (via email. acanrlicelhtm nnail.conv WiRO Stormwater Permit Pile - C p rr � V m SPn$S FOP RP EC?9',C':sEG:aTEP OF pEcDS R16yi'.N EtLV�� 2000 JEC g 2Ot]By53 C PEI ax 3863 PG 8t8-a2' FEE S12 08 NO IN6TRJIIENT i 662330 Excee Tax D.OD Rewrding Pine.Book end Page Tax Lot No Parcel Identifier No RO8111-003—Wl—OOC , Verified by County on the day of by Mail after recording to RETURNED TO This n atrument was prepared by Daniel D. Mahn, .Attorney at Law Brief description for the index Common Areas— P.rrer Island NORTH CAROLINA G1 NERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 12th day of Docemher 2000 by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE NATHAN S. SANDERS ar.d wife, RIVER ISLAND CF'NERS ASSOCIATION, INC., JGDIA B. SANDERS a North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation and SANCO OF VILMINCTCN SERVICE CORPORATION, a North Carolina Corporation Enter In appropriate Week for in party name,addrrs;and, If appropriate, character of entity,e a onlination or pirineratilp The designation Grantor arid Grantee as used herein sha!t include said parties, thmr -tcrs, successors, and assigns, and shatt include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or re'ater as required by context WITNE°CSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which :s hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situatec in the City of I Federal Point Township, New Hanover County,Nort- Carolina and more perticularly described as follows Being all of that proper Cc described in Exhibit A hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference. N C bay 2 c F.—No 3 O lsl/ R—i-JkJ lo)] 1 The property heremabove described was accuired by Grantor by instrument recorded In the New Hanover County . Regis Cry A map showing the above described property is recorded In Plat Book page TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all pri ileges and appan.erances thereto belonging to the Grantee in 'ee_simple Arid the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises:n fee simple, has the right to convey :he same in fee simple, that title :s marietable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and but Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims Of all persons eiom solver except for the exceptions hereinafter stated Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions Restrictions, zoning and land use ordinances, easements and rights of way of record. �' WITNESS waeaeor. the ennmr ras nueunn set nu nano+ e x+4 or Dorau, n on a narument to be ,lanes m In corPaute ° r[.name Dy its duly authorhea officals and its seal to be hereunto allied au0 rr fly u( no+ra Dse We say +na ye+f first above written $FNCQ_C -_WT_LMINCTO\_$' GIC3-CQRPOnTIOi(.-- _ __ _ _ _ ----- _______________________<sewi.l ,j teorpoSAn s p I//J�� //l� ,�. _ - - -- — ------ n' (�N _ resident -.- Ju B. Sanders p ----iTas---- 'M (C......r seat) v--_ : 0 L' C �- �� �tD1988 eC ••"•.,•EAL-STAMP o NeyHaRoyfir- _ _ /rbY¢•,, i y L a Notary public or the county and state aforesaid, re rlltr I,., Judta B. Sanders C De(sonally appearetl Defore me His Gay and acknowlea[ed the exetunon of We role, nand..it official zumDor[cal.this_1211_ my m llecenber-_ .--_----- -iti.S•y , ....1 -- �/ October 16, 2005 -`-TF-'-`--'---l- _ �A 1 T c .xY com.m:zan eivwo __-------------_-___-__--- ____ti 4.I+eun en c ,.aeArRiM NORTH CAROLRiA, -._New Hanot_er_-_ ___---co°nry YC 4A 1, . attar: Public or one wanly one sole at.,...Id. <rrtor UO -Judie_ r �l ear 'F .'a 'h �`•. q,', p.rsnnab Came before me this war and a<anowaea[ee chat__s he Is-------------ofor, = SANCO OF WI MIPiGTON SERVICE---- a i CORPORAT'UY.m,canhn.romo..tpk� � 'e• :: _. ° -------------- Is,. ... as We act or the corporation, me Portion., mztriment real silicon 1 •` President,sulfa With its<trvtot.seal aria a0esha by --_ter-. -as us-__ _-_ '-?-I �Sp t.y�..IT•: s wine[[my hand aria mu.m .omD o, .r."cols _72eh d,y Decem er t� "a 9� '- t�.a.A4 _____ __________ G'1 a; •``y� 0¢ober i6 �00`. _ _ �• JI(yRwwrr p1Y<°mmissson uWres -: -e. - / .uorary PUDO< The rure. of ------ lira . rOfled to be correct This instrument and this rertioc— are duly registered at the date and bee,..a m be Rook and P... snavn on Car nrit Da[r artery _____ .__.- --- -REOI'eTER Or nFXD6 TOR__ _ _ -COtI.NTY R> ------------------------------ --------------------------_..-_---D....y/Aasi,out.register°1.—it. e mar>zs<t Pt)- no a if 1 wb R .d an 9 wrr ,..�.wa�..m,rn ,.. eta.,11 e..,..,..n<life, Exhibit A Tract 1: Being all of the common areas, access easements, utility easements, sewer easements, drainage easements and other easements as shown on - that map of Section 1, RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION, recorded in Map Book 34 at Page 381, as revised by that revision map recorded in Map Book 35 at Page 134 of the New Hanover County Registry, reference to said maps being hereby made for a more particular description. Tract 2: Being all of the common areas, access easements, utility easements, sewer easements, drainage easements, and other easements as shown on that map of Section 2, RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION, recorded in Map Book 35 at Page 256 of the New Hanover County Registry, reference to said map being hereby made for a more particular description. Tract 3 : Being all of the common areas, access easements, utility easements, sewer easements, drainage easements, and other-easements as shown on that map of Section 3, RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION, recorded in Map Book 38 at Page 61, as revised by that revision map recorded in Map Book 40 at Page 86 of the New Hanover County Registry, reference to said maps being hereby made for a more particular description. Tract 4: All of Grantors right, title, and interest in and to that boat marina facility, including all piers, docks, slips, pilings, ramps, and equipment associated with the said marina facility located in and on the Cape Fear River west of and adjacent to RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION at the western terminus of that access easement entitled "common area" located along the common boundary lines of Lot 7 and Lot 8, Section 2, RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION, as shown on that map recorded in Map Book 35 at Page 256 of the New Hanover County Registry. Tract 5: All of Grantors' right, title, and interest in and to that bridge and the approaches to the said bridge, and all equipment associated with the said bridge, including gates, locks, electronic gate opening equipment and all electrical apparatus associated with the said bridge, said bridge and approaches being located on Island Bridge Way west of River Road (S.R. 1100) as shown on the above referenced maps of Sections 1, 2, and 3, of RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION. Tract 6: All of Grantors' right, title, and interest in and to all sanitary sewer equipment, including pumps, lines, pipes, and other similar apparatus; all irrigation equipment, including pumps, lines, " sprinklers, and other similar apparatus; and all firefighting equipment and apparatus, including tanks, hydrants, pumps, and other similar apparatus, located at RIVER ISLAND at TIDEWATER PLANTATION as described on the above referenced maps. f NpvER co Gy �1 0F Ho,RTNGQ�° REBECCA T CHRISTIAN REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER JUDICIAL BUILDING 316 PRINCESS STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 .........................«...,,.,...,.....,.«..,......,,,.,,..,.,,,.,.,.....,,,,...,.....,.,,..,........,,...... ,.,, Filed For Registration. 12/19/2000 02:28 53 PM Book- RE 2853 Page: 818-821 Document No.: 662370 DEED 4 PGS $12 00 Recorder PATRICIA BARNES State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover The foregoing certificate of DANIEL D MAHN Not ry is rti /d to be or ect.This 19TH of December 2000 REBECCA T. CHRISTIAN , REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 Deputy/ 4ent egisterofDeeds * 662370 * 662370 Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 4:37 PM To: 'Nathan Sanders' Cc: Candi Alexander, 'Candice Alexander' Subject: FW: River Island Subdivision SW8 900711 Attachments: 1990 08 permit 900711.pdf; 1995 05 deed 900711.pdf Contacts: Amanda Thomas Mr. Sanders: I ran across another old permit that you own that has not been transferred (see attached). Please submit the necessary transfer application and fee to start the process of transferring this permit to the HOA. Thanks, Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 4:32 PM To: 'Amanda Thomas (agettier@gmail.com)' <agettier@gmail.com> Subject: River Island Subdivision SW8 900711 Ms. Thomas: Here's what I know about this project: You and your husband own Lot 7 in River Island Subdivision, covered by stormwater permit number SW8 900711. The permit was issued to Nathan Sanders, Sanco of Wilmington Service Corporation on August 13, 1990, copy attached. The permit was for the construction of a 10-lot low density subdivision, with.each lot allocated a maximum of 6,350 square feet of built-upon area. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions was received on July 6, 1998. They had been recorded on May 12, 1995 in Deed Book 1882 at Page 128 of the New Hanover County Register of Deeds. Sections 2 and 3 of the subdivision were brought into and made subject to the previously recorded restrictions in separate documents. Lot 7 is part of Section 2 which is referenced on your recorded deed as being subject to the restrictions and covenants recorded in Deed Book 1979 at Page 823, which refer back to the restrictions in DB 1882 at PG 128. The BUA limit is referenced in Section 19 on page 7 of that recorded document, along with the other required statements regarding stormwater requirements. I do note that the permit remains in the name of Nathan Sanders and has not been transferred to the River Island Owners Association, Inc. I will be contacting Mr. Sanders to initiate that process. Do you happen to know the name and contact information for the current HOA president? It will help us to know where to send copies of the correspondence. t . Hope that helps. Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer III Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7215 Office linda.lewis(d)ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 !''Nothing Compares -1 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. z t,1 II Jennifer H. MacNeish Register of Deeds New Hanover County, NC Electronically Recorded 2012 Aug 24 04:26 PM RE Excise Tax:S1,800.00 Book. 5666 Page: 1003 Fee: S26.00 Instrument Number:2012028846 Non-Standard Fee'. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $1,800.00 Parcel Identifier No. R08111-003-003-000 Property Address: 123 Island Bridge Way W lmington NC 28412 Prepared By. Baker& Colby,PLLC co Return to: 1001 Military Cutoff Rd.,Suite 204 CO o Wilmington,NC 28405 N NBrief Description for the Index: Lot 7 Section 2 River Island at Tidewater Plantation THIS DEED made this 9� day of August,2012,by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Elizabeth Ann Powell John Alexander Thomas, unmarried and husband Andrew). Powell Mailing Address: 223 Windchime Way Mailing Address: 123 Island Bridge Wav Leland,NC 28451 Wilmington,NC 28412 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context WITNESSETR that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Township, New Hanover County,North Carolna and more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book_page A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book 35 page 256. Submitted electronically by "Baker & Colby, PLLC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds. i i TO I-LAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that ude is marketable and free and dear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the tide against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: Subject to ad valorem taxes_;all applicable zoning and land use ordinances, statutes and regulations;and to the provisions of all applicable restrictive covenants and utility easements of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly execrated the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. (Entity Nune) r = C.: �., . .;<.:.r.'SF.Af) Z Elizabeth iLn Powell By y This'pr perty I'' / is not my main residence IZTitle: /. . -�..�.1�f �_; ,�'%( !SF AI By O Andrew 1.Po 3 . Title: �` This property is ✓is not my primary residence CVC Bv: .7 (SEAL) p Title: L] Ut ✓ (SEAL) SEr1L.- r.�. . .r• ,I-Vi,tJt.v. County State of o „ I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each 4 AZ Qo acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Elizabeth Ann Powell and Andrew 1. �o Dm.hO ? �o Dated J, t1 j a Printed Name: {,\ �- Li. t Nota Public � M• convitissione ties: '' � -� -� ('��- ���`- rV -STAMP County State of I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Dated: My commission expires: Printed Name: ,Notan-Public The foregoing Certificate(s) of is/are certified to be correct This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. Register of Deeds for County By: Deputy/Assistant—Register of Deeds l EXHISIT'A' BEING ALL OF LOT 7, SECTjON 2, RIVER ISLAND AT TIDEWATER PLANTATION, AS SHOWN ON THA)�eMAP CORDED IN MAP 000K 35 AT PAGE 256, OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY, REPERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION. SUBJECT TO.THAT DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS RECORDED IN BOOK 1979 AT?AGE 823 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY. TOGETHER WITH A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, AND REGRESS ON, OVER, AND ACROSS ISLAND BRIDGE WAY AND THAT BRIDGE AS SHOWN ON THOSE MAPS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 34 AT PAGE 381 AND IN MAP BOOK 35 AT PAGE 256 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY. n /O V� 1�1�1 �11�119iJ�ll'I�I�III I IIrWllll! " 2008047636 FOR REGISTR4710N REGISTER OF iX.E'JS JENNIEER H, KCNEISY I HPNOvER CCIINTY, NC M DEC 29 a4:14:17 Pr 9K:6366 K2176-20 FEE $23.601 Itk73 OF ; MI N7636 Prepared by and Return after Recording to: Nathan Sanders PO Box 3167 Wilmhuton,NC 28406 STATE OF NORTH C.AROLINA PARCEL ID frR08100-004-022-000 O�RO8100-004-021-000 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER EXCISE TAX: NO REVENUE STAMPS GIFT DEED THIS GIFT DEED, made this /616 day of December, 2008 by and between NA THAN S. t SANDERS and wife,IUDIA B.SANDERS.a North Carolina limited liability company,whether one or more,called GRANTOR and RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATON, INC.,a North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation, whether one or more, called GRANTEE, with a mailing address of 120Island Bridge way,Wilmington,NC 28412. WIMMETII TIIAT. GRANTOR,for and in consideration of a gift and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has remised and released and by these presents does give,grant,convey,remise,release and forever quitclaim unto the GRANTEE,their successors and assigns forever,all that certain real property located in New Hanover County,North Carolina,described on the attached Exhibit".A"incorporated herein by this reference. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described property and all privileges thereun-to belonging to the GRANTOR, free and discharged from all right,title,claim or interest of the GRANTOR or anyone claiming by,through or under them. - The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs, successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. IN TESTL\JONY WHFPEOF,said GRANTOR has hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above-written. N HAN S. SAT,Q. ERS, dividually JTP B. SANDERS,Individually RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION,INC. Christopher M.Jarnes,'10fcsident STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW IIANOVEER I, vbtn D. 't'i<-t'W a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid,do hereby certify NATHAN S. SANDERS, personally appeared before me this day, and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. .,'�t. p p1'J;tness my hand and official seal,this day of December,2008. ��O TAI?y P, CQtytl�ssion Expires: n. , Not Public STATE OF NORTH CAROLNA COLNTY OF NTW HANOVER 1, �Ob4-, �. �0.V1- a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid,do hereby certify JUDIA B. SANDERS, personally appeared before me this day, and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal,this U41N day of December,2008. ..... JPt NQvTvGQnj7Urti56ion-Txpires: �7-�-•�� �^^k- r' Notary Public U 'rfets CO'Jttty`�` '� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid,do hereby certify that CHRISTOPHER M.JAMES personally appeared before me this day, and acknowledged that he is the President of the River Island Owners Association, Inc., and being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument as President of the Ricer Island Owners Association,Inc. Witness my hand and official seal,this /b� day of December.2008. •'• >,? , r l',�o My Commission Expires: `_ d.,La'r._���^ Notary Pu li 'fi NAM , EXHIBIT A BEING all of that 2.17 Acres of the tract designated as "open space" and being all of that .56 Acre tract designated "Nathan Sanders" located on either side of the River Island Bridge and recorded on that Plat in Book 41 Page 359 of the New Hanover County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. And further being that property acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 3143 Page 347 of the New Hanover County Registry. rccyj 3 iz� 1RI,ISNf� JENNIFER H. MACNEISH REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 •1RffRRRf}Rlf Rif YffiflRRh}IRRRRh RIfYfYt}RR}fxl Rif RY}iflhlhhlflffifl}}Rlf ifif if RflRhRYfY}Rhh}ffhff YFf RlthffflffltYitf fi Yf Filed For Registration: 12/29/2008 04:14:17 PM Book: RE 5366 Page: 2176-2180 Document No.: 2008047636 DEED 5 PGS $23.00 Recorder: JOHNSON, CAROLYN State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover YELLOW PROBATE SHEET IS A VITAL PART OF YOUR RECORDED DOCUMENT. PLEASE RETAIN WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT AND SUBMIT FOR RE-RECORDING. * 2008047636 * 2008047636 Sanco of Wilmington Service Corp. RECEIVED P.O. Box 3167 JUL 0 6 1998 Wilmington,NC 28406 BY: July 1, 1998 NCDENR � ' l Ann. : Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed you will find the information that you requested from our office on June 15, 1998 in regards to our River Island Subdivision. Please feel free to contact me at 791-1196 if you need any further information. S?Ia,,,c� erely; Candice O. Alexander Development Coordinator State of North Carolina Department of Environment e 0 0 and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor NCDENR Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES June 15, 1998 Mr. Nathan Sanders, President SANCO PO Box 3167 Wilmington, NC 28406 Subject: REQUEST FOR RECORDED DEED RESTRICTIONS River Island Subdivision Stormwater Project No. SW8 900711 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Sanders: On August 13, 1990, the Wilmington Regional Office issued a Certification of Compliance to you for River Island Subdivision. Per the requirements of the Certification of Compliance, a copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be forwarded within 30 days of the date of recording. A review of our files indicates that a copy of the recorded deed restrictions has not been received by this Office. Failure to record and/or provide a copy of the recorded deed restrictions prior to selling lots is a violation of your Certification of Compliance, and subject to enforcement action. Please forward a copy of the recorded deed restrictions to this Office at the address below by July 15, 1998, or enforcement action may be initiated and may include recommendations for civil and criminal penalties and revocation of the Certification of Compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\DEEDREST\90071 LJUN cc: Ward Andrews, P.E.,New Hanover County Inspections Wilmington Regional Office Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845•Telephone 910-395-3900•Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer C:) Flowl 1 PH al � � _ � I1 r -1 4, N ME w it 14 wn,--4 Iz� ov"S, )MIR ti I Ynx pjRE N 5 I May ;1 q,qf v k�I all Z ,,Z 4 IQ pp- NOR 44 Rhg oil,I I I I RE.OSN EO AND VERIFIED l RE DIE TER OF DEED$ NEIV HANOVER CO.NC '95 OCT 25 FM 8 45 /- f� � '86 }g fl Jk X �(CRYT4IXNP)WI��_ �7160'YON N/YM"NI/L MH f I i i 1' 34 r It,\Q \ AW: A I o oa I c n 4 i ��SyO y��N40y iL�wTAM rwNn _ Oc✓CL(✓xFN) d)6.OP'9)'W SCN£BL<£OF L<LLS T E?�d�l/ M£1'.10,RCCUN)Y Aq�� pp A� p.30.00' CM'SFPVITJLW SETBALF(/N£ JPr9-J271 3)!'53'OTN 1,6/' 00fMn• Me yT2pYro<CFtaK 1 lPTIJH/ NI6•PT SA'A, ALB!' ` C �xLgrNKRLf2 E / J/IM1J/eP MiP•IS'P9-W IGBS' Al I.Z.1143 NF!•!1'P9'W OmIFMFNI. NSi1.1� r9/ LIA!/11 N69•Od'10-W PtJ' ! OLKyryym� 3/HJ/b : .or 4 A,CANR!• .Az ^_ 9R9S FA`P LOTS LISJ/q 16-11--_E JA/J' O.JACp£3 ; J/I)JPBB MOe'01'e0 F /.31' 4 y O' (Qy �IryO xjWN Sod,}81 + .... Q c ZQ / i/ba NI! SevrW REV/5/ON n9Bao•TRrw OF — xe3 rr�� __.. .. � N5D•31'PI'E ^ elRPe' ° G LOT 5 SECT/ON / 'J.SHERW/NO.Cp/BB,CERT/FY THIS NAP WAS OBAWN Br ME NORTH CAROLINA NEW NANOVER LOUNrY RIVER ISLAND FRON AN ACTUAL Sl49VEY AMBf O BY ME.AM OTHERS RYTY NY AT SUPERVATIDD THAT THE PREHAONO � TT(E a WA, AS GLLYM1ATfD Br CZIWA YI u W AS..: 7-5 m/S SNP CHOSE0 LAN TAAA PUBLIC D0 TH£EONY)Y AM STATE AFDW". T/DEWA TER PL AN TAT/ON MITNEPAEPARAM M' ACCOOLUMCE ACE 6.5 I)-!O AS AMENDED. CERT/FY TNIT SHERW/NO.CR/99.A RLY/MY T LAND SLWVEIOp, W/TNESf MY ON/CmAL S/6NA1[{YG REYr/fTRdr/RV M/MBER AM �' PERSOIULLY APPFApEO BEPORf Yf THAT OAY d,\L ".n A PERFORANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT JEAL THIS TNEf'3_MYOF_/1ar./99Q \W°ADO NOWLEoiEOTXEEXECVYoN OF THE TCAECO/NO INSTIAST. {"aP Wp xr /p �b�,�$'.0�t Y_SS MY MAW AM OFFICIAL STAMP OR SEAL THIS TME3�— p? pe FEDERAL Pp/NT TOWNSHIP NEW NANOVFR COUNT✓ _ J<K.SSHER`ROMB.eRieB —! eL,u \} :�pTAq� rt . NC.Wa LAND SUgY£Y6Y Na L-/099 • ! O F N°NTN LApOL/NI I YIROhDA B.MOOOEZ�MOrd PU9L/C 4q RUBL\G 3 8 MYCOMM/5f/RY EY/I.OES.NM'£)4/999 f DEVELOPED BY MATH CAROL/NA -NEWNANOVERCOUNTY "OX, NA THAN SANDERS ^! <JMERw/ND.cR/Be.CEpT/Fr. T Tmf PLAr LS CPA SURVEY OF HO mHTON AvE dN EXlSNN6/ApCEL MPdRCELI OFLAW.. pUAO THE FGNE60/N6CERT/F/G�OF MCNOA B.WOOOELL.NOTARY W/LMINSTpR N.0 NANOVER COUNTY AS CERT/F/LD TO OF CO Cr _ �rm3 mEOAY OFF /99J. { SEAL SCALE/'"00' OCIWER 0.5./995 D.CR/BB 14 i A NC RE6.LdA9 SURVFYON NA.GM099 4 *�REO FCp RfORSTRAT/°N ON TH£�y���OAY OFRLL ATB .ANO 1:1°93 ALmYpFCQPBEO/N/4P BOOK RTA AYaP(_. fCILEOFPFE) y�\a"v e0 0 e0 so /PO /60 fA MAP p SE TAXV4 LAVER ISLAND,AT TIDEWAY£?PLANTAY/OV �q1 MARY SUS 00r$REFSIEp OFDEEDf O RMOROEO AN MAP B 31•PAGE JB/C THE NEW NANOVER OUN)Y REGGS>AY, tX/3 MAP/b FOp TN£PURPOSE OF RBV/SINC 9Y Q1JQRv 1' a\~ THE AVRTNWES)RLY PRLTERtY LM£INO LOR gEVLS/NC THE M1EN -- —� SETS \ -' AMAV COUNTY CON9ERVAPbr f AACN LME. NO OTHER • IIw smwoEENMAO£. bMFNW]N 0.CR/BB NG RE4 LMNO S!/AITYO/I Nn[-/099 N e �ALAPBOW'JA / NJI SM/PYApO BLVp. •" g ���� p/ WNM/dSTRY•NC AIR O. `1N�t''P urvr� — 13 ,..,.A ,—.11 .,r s A . o,,00 woo m woo—.w M. �� �: �� J J ,pty ;Po`�/ Y , 9,B.,ac . ,� J tOi ' ).mo q'b,."•r R �. 2q ;^ ^�, Al LZL w�, � 1 ;u `` l ¢ sr+iti• 'll'a '96J9N t5eV1tl1'lo(N91 SECTION -- R/VER /SL AND Ar TIDEWATER PL AN TA T/ON At Allow --wo— NATHAN SANDERS aR o...w., n-saw°..r ......w... AggAf= Mom`.'°. "°,.." .""xrssu* .u•qk 6 K.o•. .,�.",d.".""�w „�..,..,,°..,,.. Ar ..n.,...,.rr.x,...,,.. ... r,.,w"n�.'�a•... /-yaLM1 71a6 M0,.G,..a...o M/=—w, �r [,a A..s.-^/ 25 .....mx.. q>nAw.wo.] '� — , — 35 . E L Lr ; ' - sea u rn 1107 aw[ae N/ m n �L''l�)vLVa�� e C� r•'�� ��.�¢eH nn.4y`b��i�M e,P ICI m � tea. .v�\ex � xn u'i�Q\ ' r, emva mx— rfPMQY BF,04F • I �� 0E wx di •�f, yO f ' a¢ � `u arr axr ¢rn,•n[.,r w¢mrnmr.orx.raw.rq:ue,perw. I;p i�i/ �0 p,r, ;a� „ aore �H,M,�.r.» a ,H...�,„�,rs,e•HM..;� V� I'1 ..._.._n... ��� `�` d �` � ��S' I;I i \J!y TM1i Y _,^y;A ve'" SECT/ON 3 I �i RIVER 1,5L AND w.vw wrTj7 �x'` p„axDEWA TER PLANTA T/O�N ! 1 d �mnlmrmr rvx,x u,µrx.ca,H.Me,uw¢[wn.cr e[ pIAInH LEflj1E1GiE0 AxRIMAL wM K.xUv �Fro.uw rave i -" ^�dii^ '"`H4`i"'- .., .[a .Lm ,r . H•,[,,., a,, NA THAN SANDERS H ,..mrAM.,A.aM».wa ,r..;Ho»[¢[,r,..,rr... [ : •mod;'%�� [.MH.,x.a.. . cLRnFICATE a DI EDSDRE_NEW xANOUEre LVJNIr FwW,:.IN NMAW.dr LOCATION MAP RE`VSION PLAT OF I'WIS XEREer 1.11 THAI MISER ro COMENAc MY AREEE ENT ORw v OUN- RIVER ISLAND D AT Dn.2 B ES TAI T 'AND ME 9CxRA TATE, P N.= nlE'. E RRAEST MAL ESTAI 91NL THY 9 E L a RAIfRI L MI 5 lOC REJECT LEC ESTATE OR 4 LH hEI MEK SWERE HEADER M ON xA HA S PLANTATION) � {Y(, O THE ROYERMARA MUSTMEN s.TOUT THE MEW reF TO TH OF THE uA R 1��-3 PII 3'�2 g �'�y.�fY T A T ION) I.IN N.XAP£NExi xEWrATUM INCH iD THE CE Df mWy N. (at AAr d fA AM LOT IYS RES q A A 99 EEDFRAL POINT TOWNSHIP i+o/........o(.a`• 1q NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA S \ OWNER: NATHAN S. SANDERS WARS WAS SEVER NITARIE vluuwER t*o E,P/` i 110 HINTON AVENUE RnrSTANO o0 NEry NAxauEx rwNr.MEACIAL Dy N iER Ines`AT M SUDAN R SAID NAT MAY \ WILMINGTON, N.0 CI SUCEnE 6C.1LM pYANUDIT AWN%lA 'A g ' (910) 791-1196 ory v¢snrzY Dv WATER swxv snrtus \� LONx -ADD n.ACEN N, AN AA ry1A' NIp uM AN DreAWN Y 'YYCHr w U,IT T O TADDHE SWEPNSON fPd AF KY NME U DER AND NWATE9DN. THE ERRd Ci"'AME ns c N.."tlY UTNDEs OrOF.PAPNMA,5 Q, \ D ONES�EIR IS AM WAS IMPARI A SPUR 11 SAlCYRS AITE G.S-1-SC AS fx Jww sLL.WAND AND I'll Mrs z9 7LR- �Y.L-—1999 M MN 1-3Ni9 N W__— r DNA, ,A,IHrs swHr,s OV Ax e',AW,AMMT AR INRC¢S AND Oo-S \ NOT wcAR A NEW STREET Of RAND'AN CAMINO Wtt I M AS r. PLs( W2� S rec .,H sR9 LEGEND E�� ISLAND BRIDGE WAY �. 2, "DRD SEnTYEAII DE"CESTAnd Rr MEOTSER DF W'O .LE.IMd 5El \NS - - S.RI'ddS 2, - - - - - �OMT LI'tAI.WA.-�S"T' ---- ---------- E o EAST,MEN PPE \S Jo. a`' F ' \\ ILt[_ _ 5��,�N NA oco IT-3_LLa— EC.�. KNfA[2 u Xi J)\JJ„ h r{i A M1 i I.IS 11 TOIH b (J N 89 51221'F -Y A4� D RECORD IN NA BOY cdrnElE TACO <Duireap wuuExr s\W N \ sM1ii� i tP ' 19.Sz P 25.sD R„. �'/h_ .-j� d��n,��$!-Qry1 E.. ASTE NE N4ixEA '0, JN C�tP60 �1W.•*rr -ra•-.••`J OE ORMANTE EP4MfNr 1NJ� �i L E .11ANg 1 S 8 ]' f 1 0 I. CFnnfICAR OF OWNERSHIP.OEDM1'And AMID MRSTATICA RIGHT qdw '�3� FA 5 x 14 Ss 2A 26 AS w s 13 (WC)HI EYE .r LINE AM(M PW.)mF EP5 OR THE �[ 6 N 35'1T'15'W SHO��AN'D OESTRIRED x.VOX AND n1Ai (K) ERtiv AOCGL HAS oUX POVERTY t. EMIT C, Y:\�IE.,,My SEWER I - SR1'35'JI'E 359 CF NSd M1H Y�I^ ),LE9O3N5EX^INTACEAT LEE AS' ??UQ EAYUFNT 9 9 sT io'sS•[ MA CONSERV ION oADCT.ARE OTHERS TO IUouc d.11 FIVAO VSA.NAS'YDUTI 10 M]5'1Y A5'W �.]3 ROADS, N M. ACE E ASEUENRLSR1C1fdDEDIGICO WCSCOtt U6 iR WRPosCs,FURMTMR, (Mf)cCRnN 1H �S WC.HERcd y Y L.pAD WTYN E AIRDINad f'SH urn 40 17846 SE _ R410 AD l CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL /n 2�Q S td% N,W HARRIS,CWNIV RANNII DEPr. DA 1.TNA FT.WD LINE GYP ,tpj9Y -E�p�C HEARNINIU iSg \ p o SC nd p0 C 5 % A DRTRNA7 OR OI OSURE-DOWD CAP_A_TAL MCA NANP�.N ACT .by NV j M1"'P AT OR A.Y - \ (WE)xExERr c[reTFr r1I rRIOP TO EP'IVDNG Anr ACNEENExr NCE W11X A PPOSF£CTK BURA. (WL)SHALL P9EPMr ANO R.A STA CEWETCPR Cl OIYLMURE 11 PRIVATE MILMENENIS THE BUM'A UY ME MAD REAL 61nT I CHAT,R[CFIN;ANO Sld.A SrPR- EET W ER FULLI AND ACCURAM-1 05AOSCs THAT THE RO ER NAY IAK RC- / (WE ACMNOMIDC[MPL MIMFP ME STA2 Nd THE CWNIY SPOd9Rilltt N COTUN A OEUTOPMENT IM WI INEW OR NASR)ADD SAID THE. \ $XALL DE RESPW SIRIL CM MAI.Y1L AACR CE Axi�Mf2R.PA9M5 CY TO M'AO ANY ANRLWH A uUS AT DE f1LED M CHOCR rO""REMADE- AREA LOr 1 ,y RPNMACE,OPEN SPACE ORA01 S M111d ARE OfE1dNAMIC VCRUT 15i PYWgi xC fM A ttNu1RPLTMEN TO ACT THE ♦',� F R PPIVA Y. (ME) OWLmGE MAT PRIOP TPAIT- ME"qtM CAOC \ s Ix^W N A"MomECnvE MUYFIi.1 ExAu ovf ME RuvER A WRImn 99 — sr RMervr CH asclOA5 ME Egsr E CE Ax0 LaAnd OF W SUCH MAIN M1'.AN_AN'N MEES nI NMNIENPNCE REYW- DnTE r�A slBNllCs fOfl RAYS UCADLE SiP1ENEXi SHNL NO TES� rFD w ALL DEA,1999 \ / EDT 'S MAr ME SmAWA MA A A CON ESTA O r0 9+� WdS oNAr ALL 2NNERs UXLL'PS OMCRx15E NORD. / NUM siAx0AH05 ESEE ENT SO J1TOM THER MCTO d PJRD pr N'JAWAM NCMW. xF�Si41E X..MAY SVSRu FOR uAWTE"MCC. I A PPON ANRPOS£GE MIS RFN9d PLAT 19 i0 910W A NEW U."DER'A EME 6s PL WAS PflENWAY NFKRON IX \ / s.PPdnd w I PR LIMED IS 1DC R TE A A"DI XATAPp __ 30 15 O 30 MEARAccwowc to naW IusrMAxa RATE NM(Srolse/IDs/D) y 221 L DAM 2999 9�. C� MNATURE SCALE IN FEET CGPTICAIE CF orSCLOSLRE LAW"M'MICATR CWNTr YNER COS, 1 _ �D OR�TECAM CF MM,,MAnM/p50.55URE FM HMMADIR —AT- STATE OF NRM CARWNA I LAS rl( 1 LESRII'MAT I'D.N CHMEANI Pam*ACRECH'Al CR ANr CNVEIPNCE SUED A i Cd0Inp5 AND RESIRICMMS DV PECYSIT'.N 6 O[fDS CWN,v Cf w XI.Mev l{ FR01^ECPK 9VNEW 1'AF SHALL P2PPiML AND ME ATE"NY ME SAW"RGL ESTATE AIA1J.REDFTK ARE Du. `NT MNIDIT»!JT AND CCVRA1ETr D15DSE HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. WRTx CM.A,RICH HANN.CGNm r§dam•.._WE pu GTAMM CF�[L_II`CWN,v,cERnn THE BUl£R'M l MC ASSESSES RY NEW WAND LFR nN.,F%ME I cos,Cf 'MAT THE uaP a+ ,TO NJOrr CERnE,e.nd rs ArtleEo FoMEAN' A�oA.rCr vnmENiw n1iNm Ammi+Vl"erocNAr wslmeT sExcR MEeOUEs MdESAN IS ASSUCAnd. .YAXr,CdwndS AND MEMlcnds EErs Au 01ANJMY RE�LRENE -TOR acwpxc A.S.vA LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS RFaswA ME_SAY aF At Ea+--(. . / PNJ ARID DULY RCCOECEO M SEES NNA At PAT£ _11'.GJ_QD �WSR-�BAYW[-- ry, pArC MEW J1',fFR �'1 RH E.(RI ),11_ /2=2P-99 - a• % \ %owD,aJ.N.9. xRADI RFusrzfl OF DFt00. SICXANRE OF ONA xE.(91at Su-MDD2 WIE JIID-FdWG JJ YVWP/b&,Ek_ 59 av- aAI . REOSION PLAT OF OFFIEDATE OF D'APOID,- LOCATION MAP RIVER ((Brw�.. ®j I(BE)ENTRY.111 p PRgnEY THAT PROP ro EN DRl�ANY A wlgNIOu ANWHO o- Y tl Y �/�9 ! ISLAND M PUEEiI'LL ciµ 03£CATE ACCURATELY O. (SE) TPSw 4 sln1F HN OCT I7 PH 3�42 E E SUSPECT READ ES TAT ALL R NWT :H>W F -ae,Ec P PROPOSESur PLC SUBJECT PEAL ESTATE Nr.s. qs REW.;,,f, M flIFxD 0 BUYER YMEPF RD (at TWEWATER PLANTATION) N.,RY63ELDIB DWm � PFGi 5i YLF0. us SMJC PERMITS PECULATOR rD E Ran NEW OE CMMR WANt My LOT iR N® zR SECTION .'Do D� Ria 1 ` _ FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP DATE R Y H.PRIr(,,......N � y 1 APH NEW HANOVER COUNTY \. g,JL�+'/P/�se°^q4M'• NORTH CAROLINAfs, �My4- , 1A OWNER: NATHAN S. SANOFRS !" - 110 HINTON AVENUE um. \ WILMINGTON, N-C. A A g,b�'tosomclpWp (910) 791-1196 �� ♦'"� �EaM+.....• OWNER: ROY H. BRITT Po o\ pmc\� PERn9aTE OF ACCURACY Amu MAPPING DATE: 10--10-00 \\ 5' x O LAND SUEM CUP FROM AN ACTUAL SUIRWY MADE UNDER M SLIONMEHON M 1 Ti -� HE BNRAD OF MOST BE AS CALCULATED BY IAPMDES AND aWWNRAS!R DIRECTOR 4 \ ` _a,M 1Xv WENNA HS NOT TRWFN lM OAN AS S PETER THAT RLAND . 5 M.AS P AC nl 45.♦ BROKEN TER ME¢RATE WIN.TH.L.VNFF J 5 \ 'A+Iry r xnxD AND REAL 4 M zOCci_ PAP NOT S SUADING REIN XAND.ER(COUNTY APPRSHOL INSET N N NIG.N PIS L-,Bxo I ., ____ OF .11 PIPE IDES WORK ON SPQR P:Ar NAY OrYrzTSYSTEM rzMAIM.,A,MEN,APPROVAL FOR CAN WE SUPPLY 55R'NS IN J PA ND DOES \ NOTR0AEA1E Ax NEW STREET OFCHANCE (CMMOn YRA) LECEno * ISLAND BRIDGE WAY _ x BH'A]'Ix'[ ♦ls,fiD _ _ =NL cFAm:PxE OF gEGslRAnox By POSTER OF ---- T / \ a L °° .*s x _ ° \,73 ME I&Rtiavi axc cmPtA$ rNmurY _ __ ,.LT.. E CROW.MIWLNwr ^ y +.LO.E, E45T USES PIPEo w�rs�Dd/ _aQOp_ Z ,.L. . ca+c Es ruxmw Mouuxwr %+� �� a'A as AiS°T °<e +TES PIT IT N E `7 GE�k ABCouLY PecARom N M BODX 'Ts_ eo E S AND, yiL` / 9MAPYQQLs _ By WaNAa F�n�ssxwrg �5, 1 \ 1EE v BEPRMC DISTANCE R/w glGx*- R/� e I Y\ -'w°T D - + s`i ss ze'a Ig..o roraL cEguncns rc onEgsxM.DEncanUN uRlsD:cnox E! EYlsr.RPM /O z�8 \ R I IIxFJ 5 31'AS A:, ♦ I MET EA®Y DANDIFY THATPM ERE PPE)THE OYMEAS OF ME PROPERTY FxO sAPPERY SEWER - 9 s sl M'S6 E I5A7 SHOWN ND DE CEPRED H LLD PAD THAT I(AE)FE RRYXADOPT MIS PLAN SEE INSET ( R)FHEE PENDENT.ICiMLYH ITE MPINMUM ° s N,]5 xe E ] LINES AND DrArTE ALL iO PUBLIC'A W/ s -" , R I z R ca+swvnnWµs'nr,E o oMWs W PRIVATE AS NOTED / ,a• B S BI'OV xl'E 1,RA ALL ROAM. D MANAGE EMPHASIS PPE DEDIcnTED TOP HEREON a� /,'Aq9 o I Br xa SO'L L 4R LpENTADROTH FORMER, S1.(DOESSU OUR LERTFS THE S.HE ND AS EW HANoEP SC.", /A, 0.410 SF J n sa4'a'AT'w 0D] / a.aTo A. /�'/Q O� oN Ism / �� GUOY55 DO.//DATE •ou NrAx ' TOP 2ARMFLOAL THE vJf 8 / y�y SnE ELLvnnCYl+oO c'°I CFAmCATE OF DISCLOSURE-NORTH CAPOUNA WASTAL AREA AMAZEMENT AUT a^ FERRY)FERY CERTIFY TH AT AT PRIOR TO MBINY ASSEEMEN OR My Y CIXIYEY- / I] I�~O CE Mm A PRDSPEcnN'BUYER I( G MY SHALL PREPARE AND CON.MID h L R OF / cESmCAIF OF DISCLoaRE EUx FP vaTE OEVELmwwTs TrzHD)E BUYER U ME Cr REAL ESTAn3 AHAiL RECEIVE AND 9w A STATE- MEET RAISE FULLY MET ACCURATELY DISCLOSER THATTHE BUYER NAYTAKE EBE- IOi 3 16377 SF I LAE)ACXNEENDE E MAT NETHER M PE NW THE COUNTY SPACES'EPA O OBTAIN A DEVELOPMENT PONTMA ry CGu. M.f3. SB PG. 61 fl'3/5 qt "I N wO YELL FOP OnIw NERS LOF MY SONEEIS.PAPXS AGENCY'0 WHICH AN AFFSPE70N BE FILED IN ORDER TO OBTAIN SAM '•Si S�Pd/ W U PRINIIEWUSE OTHE ''MICR ME DEIGIAIW PtRMR PRIM u ANY UNDERPANTS ql ED THE ILZUARE- Sry . I SPACE UP P MEOC£THAI ENDS O CONTRACT- ENTA OF E WM A Ip LE0y�n+2A ux yYu�w) cT ,) INS VAIN A WISH DISCUSSES ES THE EHALL ST E ROPER 10_!D•Oft_ N pyP_Nr LI INS TO DINYI DSROSEU E E.11 E IT Lannon OF f MSOYRWA— —ur��)a-�Aw BC$. W `'O` SLOW PIXVAR MEas MY SPLUTTER mE MAMANANP RESEW- DATE Ax sANOEF rL NOTES, IN SAY"PO RER NATO. L SBIUTES FOR SAME. ABLE,ME SIALWONT SHALL /jf 2 WMS SET AT ALL OWNERS UNLESS 91HERMA NOIfD. / rI DISCLOSE MAT ME sTALEIS MLL Not BE COXSTRUCTw TO /Q./l'Q O/ _/ ..y_ •� 3 AREA CONFUTED BY SOPERAXAIC MEMW. PB MIMUN STANDARDS aRICOST,IS ALLOW AID ELUSION IXI BAR q0Y H.BRltil A,OLD PURPOSE Li MS PERSON PUT 5 TOO OW ND E S 6O S ME STAFF HIC,AA,SYWIN FW ANNRNANCfR LOTULINE BETWEEN LDrs D NW AND r TE + TLTY FASFMENT ro MS UPS LOT IF WAS PRENOUSYX _T ..Anr BWrc 39 PAGE xx+ o.1 x WAS BID.. MAP S - � 1A,�/Q'On _ SB auL 61 � V'- - -- 30 1$ 0 30 S AlPognW W THS PROP ERTYY s LOCATE➢MHIW A FEES R,,MC p fP ACOAimnG To FLOW msvgµce RATE MAN(Sro+5R/I05M). NO yP,M1' 1, 11 AD ,Tg IONL QO - S s � DATE %pryxl :n{clJd DATE T - ScPLE IN FEET / MD..I UAASUEPWE FAR RES,ORNATE'E.,SEWER OUR I• _ CUD ' EERmaTT Or BEasIP PTIONA SCLOSME FOR HOMEOWNERS ASSDOnnM STALE CE NPVIH U. I(NE)THEME CERNY THAT WtIPi ro MIEARP;ANY AWEENENr W.Wv CMPAPPNCE mM W'hNANT W,U,NMs WO RFSMICMXIS BY REUSIER AT DEEDS ADUNn a• MLw w , P'OSDECTIL BDVIR,I(NE)SHALL vRdARE A.ISO..ANT I STARER W TM"AAMLY"A' NORM CANTEDA,NEW XARMEP CWYtt I�SW^1_l1_SANTA MERGED,W N{v 4 MAErz WAIT REUIK.WD SW.A STATEMENT MN[N MLY AND ACCAPAIELY ESCLOSFS 1 —L.-`M 11 P�'n� THE BITTER ARE RE 1..BY NEW xAND"H.1 FOR T E ALI Wei AF HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. M'D RES'1PICIMMS T ME NAP W PUT TO W M ECEYDFIG RW IS AFEIKD PRONOMO RENEW RASV l TO ME ADE NSW AT ME TAME THAT DISTRICT M.flFCUNE3 PLED-FO FAS STRAD ASSOCIATION CONTEMPT, DAY AM NEF IS NL SIAN10Rv REWMEMEHM FM RCO.O'OMl': AVAPABLE IN ACCAPOANCC MEN NEW HANDLE'COUNTY CWC A PLED-FOR rtEE,., W W THE_DnrW LAND SURVEMR$ ENGINEERS &LAND PLANNERS AAT�AM. / P.M.)MO OULr PECIWED DRV BW DATE RENC EI "rq'v-Er-�Q WIDOETS a U.S. To•Loy .RAND AWAI EUTI NO SO.I l I9+ti 7 PALL RE ID Rn :PUT D)3♦S-BMx �✓ ReCQY�ed �y' 2Q,r --,3O s'393S�oa M STATE OF ~� . NORTH °Y '�rY1r���,„�'�� Department of The CAROL- INA Secretary of State To all whom these presents shall come, Greetings: I, Rufus L. Edmisten, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify the following and hereto attached to be a true copy of ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 0 RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. the original of which was filed in this office on the 8t1i day of May, 1995. IIV WITNESS WDEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Raleigh, this 8th day of May, 1995. Secretary of State �,3 FI LED 9:DO AM MAY 0 8 M5 EFFECTIVE RUFUS EDMISTEN ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION SECRETARY OF STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, _ INC. In compliance with the requirements of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 55-A, the undersigned natural person, a resident of the State of North Carolina over eighteen ( 18) years of age, has hereby formed a corporation, not for profit, and does hereby certify that: ARTICLE I The name of the corporation is RIVER ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. , hereinafter referred to as the "ASSOCIATION" . ARTICLE II The period of duration of the corporation is perpetual. ARTICLE III The purpose for which the ASSOCIATION is organized is to provide a nonprofit owners association composed of the record owners of lots located upon or within that certain development of real property, developed from the property described in Exhibit "A" hereto attached, made a part hereof, and incorporated herein by reference. For the purposes hereof, the Developer of the property subject to these Articles of Incorporation is SANCO OF WILMINGTON SERVICE CORPORATION, and its successors and assigns. The ASSOCIATION shall provide for the care, protection, maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the development subject hereto and shall promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents thereof, and in furtherance of these responsibilities the ASSOCIATION shall: a. Own, maintain, preserve and care for all of the streets, other common areas, and all amenities, and the improvements thereon, of the real property subject hereto; b. Perform and exercise all of the rights, duties, privileges and powers delegated to the ASSOCIATION by the provisions of that certain DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS OF RIVER ISLAND, PHASE I , as it may be amended from time to time to include future Phases of RIVER ISLAND, hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration" , applicable to the real property subject thereto and recorded or to be recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina; said Declarations being incorporated herein as if set forth in full; C . Have, exercise and perform any and all powers, rights, privileges and duties which a corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Act of the State of North Carolina by law now or hereafter may have or exercise. ARTICLE IV All persons who own a lot or lots in the development made subject to these Articles and the By-Laws of this ASSOCIATION shall be members of the ASSOCIATION. There shall be only two classes of members: Class A: Class A members shall be owners of lots in RIVER ISLAND and any other lots made subject to the Declaration, except the Developer until its Class B membership has converted to Class A membership. Each Class A member shall be entitled to one vote for each such lot so owned. Class B: The Class B member shall be the Developer, and it shall be entitled to five (5 ) votes for each lot owned by it. The Class B membership shall cease and . be converted to Class A membership upon the sale of all of the lots in RIVER ISLAND Subdivision. ARTICLE V The Directors of the ASSOCIATION shall be elected by the members of the ASSOCIATION in the manner provided by the By-Laws of the ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE VI No part of the net income of the ASSOCIATION shall inure to the benefit of any officer, director or member of the ASSOCIATION, and upon dissolution of the ASSOCIATION the assets thereof shall, after all of its liabilities and obligations have been discharged or adequate provisions made therefor, be distributed as provided for by the Nonprofit Corporation Act of the State of North Carolina. ARTICLE VII The address of the initial .registered office of the Association is 110 Hinton Avenue, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina 28403, and the initial registered agent at such address is Nathan S. Sanders. ARTICLE VIII The number of Directors constituting the initial Board of Directors shall be three, and the names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as Directors until their successors are elected and qualify are: Name: Address: Nathan S. Sanders 110 Hinton Avenue New Hanover County Wilmington, NC 28403 Judia B. Sanders 110 Hinton Avenue New Hanover County Wilmington, NC 28403 Daniel D. Mahn 19 North Fifth Street New Hanover County Wilmington, NC 28401 ARTICLE I% The name and address of the incorporator is: Name: Address: Daniel D. Mahn 19 North Fifth Street New Hanover County Wilmington, NC 28401 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and seal, this the 22nd day of April, 1995 . (SEAL) Daniel D. Mahn, Incorporator STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, a Notary Public of the .County and State aforesaid, certify that Daniel D. Mahn, Incorporator, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this 22nd day of April, 1995. My Commission Expires: 5/13/95 Notary ublic r�rtwuf:rrasej wY'S•�lJ .......... �'f,•i' �i s, EXHIBIT A Beginning at a railroad spike in the center-line of River Road (100 foot right-of-way) , also known as S.R. No. 1100. Said railroad spike being located North 1 degree 57 minutes 18 seconds West 2701. 76 feet from a new "PKI' nail on the center-line of said River Road. Said "PK" nail being on the center-line of the bridge which accommodates the waters of Lords Creek. Said bridge being located about 2 . 7 miles southwardly from the intersection of said River Road with S.R. No. 1187 as measured along said River Road. Said beginning point being in the dividing line between a tract described in Book 1255 at Page 1409, Tract One of Exhibit A of the New Hanover County Registry and a tract now or formerly owned by Corbett. Said beginning point also being the intersection of the northerly line of Section 1, Ocean Forest Lakes with the center- line of said River Road as shown on a map recorded` in Map Book 24 at Page 44 of the New Hanover County Registry. Running thence from said beginning point: 1. North 88 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds East 50.01 feet to a point in the easterly right-of-way line of said River Road; thence 2. continuing North 88 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds East 100.01 feet along the southerly line of said Section 1, Ocean Forest Lakes to a point; thence 3. South 2 degrees 09 minutes 11 seconds East 1094. 66 feet, paralleling the center-line of said River Road and crossing Watauga Road (50 foot right-of-way) as shown on said Ocean Forest Lakes map to a point in the dividing line. between said tract described in Book 1255 at Page 1409 of said Registry and a tract now or formerly owned by J.H. Burnett; thence 4. South 89 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 100.06 feet along last said dividing line to a point in the easterly right-of-way line of said River Road; thence 5. continuing South 89 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 50.03 feet along last said dividing line to a railroad spike on the center-line of said River Road. Last said railroad spike being located North 1 degree 49 minutes 15 seconds west 1610.06 feet from said "PK" nail on the center-line of said bridge over Lords Creek; thence 6. continuing along said dividing line South 89 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds West 50.03 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of said River Road; thence - 7. continuing along last said dividing line South 89 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds West 822.08 feet to an old stone; thence 8 . continuing South 89 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds west 8 feet, more or less, to a point in the high water line of the Cape Fear River; thence 9. in a northerly direction along the high water line of the Cape Fear River to a point that is North 23 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West 1163.88 feet from said old stone. Last said point being in the northerly line of said tract described in Book 1255 at Page 1409 of said Registry; thence 10. North 88 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East 1252. 94 feet along last said northerly line to a point in the westerly right-of-way line of said River Road; thence 11. continuing North 88 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East 50. 01 feet to the point of beginning. The above descrbed tract contains 30 . 75 acres and is a portion of said tract described in a deed recorded in Book 1255 at Page 1409, Tract One, of said Registry.