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SW8890112_CURRENT PERMIT_19890125
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 B`10112 DOC TYPE © CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION' DOC DATE \°1% 9 OIZ5 YYYYMMDD l (( V� O� State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Renal Office James G. Martin, Governor 13ob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 25 , 1989 Ms . Sherrell Futral Chris-Dale, Inc . P.O. Box 506 Richlands , NC 28574 Subject: Determination of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations Project # 890112 Carriage Hills Subdivision Onslow County Dear Ms . Futral: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater Management submittal for the subject project on January 20 , 1989 . Based on our review of the project documents , we have determined that the project complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15 NCAC 2H. 1003 ( a) ( 3 ) . If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mark Hawes or me at ( 919 ) 256-4161 . Sincerely, Original Signed By 4, PRESTON HOWARD, jR A. Preston Howard, Jr . , P. E. Regional Supervisor APH:MH:cwc CC : Bill Mills John P. McLean WRO, CF 7225 Wrightsville Avcnuc, Wilminµvm, N.C. 28,103-3696 • Iclephonc 9192564161 An Lquld Oppnttunhv Aihm llativc Achim lintployet DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 4 •, Submittal Form for Projects Using Density Limits fot9rmUA Control JAN 9 J 1989 DD PROJECT DATA U G itl Name of Project: Carriage Hills Subdivision -R01 # 7— Location (County, Township/Municipality, Address) : Onslow County , Richlands Township , Catherine Lake Community Applicant Name: Chris-Dale , Inc . Sherrell Futral , Agent Mailing Address: P .O . Box 506 , Richlands , N .C . 28574 Phone No. : 298-4719 or 324-5171 Submittal Date: 18 January 1989 Brief Description ( include map and appropriate drawings ) : Residential subdivision - see map enclosed Water Body Receiving Stormwater Ru Name of Water Body: N/��-l ribJ .y i ��� 1�Qc�wQ o�e Classification of Water Body: -$ Total Area of Proposed Project (acres) : 7 . 17 ACres State/Federal Permits and Approvals Required: (Check Appropriate Blanks ) CAMA Major Sedimendation and Erosion Control X 404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal Other ( specify) : CALCULATION OF BUILT-UPON AREA (Built-upon area means that portion of an individual development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover including buildings, pavement, recreation facilities, etc. but not including decking. ) a) Built-upon area: 0 . 28 acres b) Total project area. . 17 acres % built-upon = built-upon / total project area * 100 % built-upon area = ',�4' % 125- If the water body receiving stormwater runoff is classified as SA, is the % built-upon area < 25%? Yes No x If the water body receiving stormwater runoff is classified other than SA, is the % built-upon area < 30%? Yes X No STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Is the only kind of stormwater collection system grass swales? Yes X No (Grassed-line swales should have a side slope of 3 : 1 (H:V) or less . ) If .no, please'provide ,a detailed description. jGi'6 BUFFER AREA Is the built-upon area at 1,east 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes No If no, please provide a detailed description. (Note: Only 'boat ramps, public roads, public bridges and walkways to Water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of mean high Water if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits. ) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Do the deed restrictions and protective covenants ensure that .• ; subdivisions maintain the development consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the division and include the State as a beneficiary of the restrictions? Yes X No (See attached statement & calculations) (Include a copy of the restrictions and covenants with this . form. ) CERTIFICATION I Sherrell_ Futral certify that the information included on th s submittal form is correct, that the project will `p be constructed in conformance with this information, and that to the best of my ' khowled the proposed project complies with the requriement of 15 2A.1003 1-13-89 nature-owner or ge Date P .O . Box 506 Richlands , North Carolina 28574 Address If agent, please list owner' s name and address below: Chris-Dale , Inc . P.O. Box 506 Richhlands , N .C . 28574 btIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN-OFF Regional Office Da a Individual ENfaluatirig Forms/Plant Original Signed By D,ONALD SAFRIT Dat-�to Regional water Quality Supervisor cc: Applicant/Region/Mills/CF L1�1G� CG� � °u � ^U U Information pertaining to Covenants & Restrictions JAIN 1989 for CARRIAGE HILLS Subdivision , Onslow County Total Area of development = 7. 17 Acres "1:0.) laRD112 Less 1 . 13 Acres in R/W 6.04 Acres (Te lots) 6.04 ac . after removal disturbed area x 25 % = 1 .51 Acres 1 . 51 acres for 16 lots = 1 .51 x 43,560/16 = 4, 110 sq ft Restricted Amount per lot = 4 , 110 sq ft/lot I , Sherrell Futral , an agent of Carriage Hills Subdivision , in Onslow County, do hereby state that the restrictive covenants for said subdivision will contain a statement of restriction of that area built upon , limiting the residents to no more than 4, 110 square feet per lot impervious areas; additionally, there will be no built upon areas within 30 feet of any surface waters, and the State of North Carolina will be the beneficiary of �tha t ' on . - i� Agent Date 1 NORTH CAROLINA, CARTERET COUNTY I , Lim A � XY.\,� . a notary of Onslow County State of North Carolina do hereby certify that Sherrell Futral did appear before me and affix his signature this ;8 day of Witness my hand and seal : My Commission Expires 4Alu