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SW8130608_HISTORICAL FILE_20131002
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 130 bog DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS C'HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 96(3 fu Up- YYYYMMDD _ r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources - - - - - - - -- ----- -- - Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM— Pat McCrory, Governor Director John E. Skvarla, III,Secretary October 2, 2013 Anthony W. Sydes, President Carolina Plantation Development Corporation P.O. Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28540 Subject: State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130608 The Burroughs, Section II High Density Commercial Sand Filter Project Onslow County Dear Mr. Sydes: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for School Street Center on September 17, 2013. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Session Law 2008-211 and Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 130608, dated October 2, 2013, for the construction, operation and maintenance of the BMP's and built-upon area associated with the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 2, 2021, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), recordation of deed restrictions, certification of the BMP's, procedures for changing ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system, to record deed restrictions, to certify the BMP's, to transfer the permit, or to renew the permit, will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes. Per NCGS 143-215(e), the petition must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www.NCOAH.com. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Steve Pusey, at (910) 796-7215. Sinc ely, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/sgp: G:IShared\WQ\StormwateAPermits&ProjectsQ0131130608 HDQ013 09 permit 130608 cc: Tim Stewart, PE — Parker&Associates, Inc. Onslow County Inspections Department Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Phone:(910)796-72151 Fax:(910)350-2004 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 130608 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Carolina Plantation Development Corporation The Burroughs, Section 11 Ramsey Road, Jacksonville, Onslow County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of two (2) sand filters in compliance with Session Law 2008-211 and the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter collectively referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 2, 2021 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.7 of this permit. The project is permitted for 44 lots/units in drainage area 1 and 14 lots/units in drainage area 2. The sand filters designated as No. 1 & 2 have been designed to treat the runoff from 98,977 and 38,215 square feet of built-upon area, respectively. The maximum allowed built- upon area for the project is 137,192 square feet. 3. The application form, supplement forms, approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 2 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 130608 5. The project shall maintain a 50' wide vegetated buffer adjacent to surface waters, measured horizontally from and perpendicular to the normal pool of impounded structures, the top of banks of each side of rivers and streams and the mean high water line of tidal waters. 6. In accordance with NCAC 02B.0233 (9) and DWR wetland permit # 2010 0396, the Division hereby grants a minor variance for that impervious surface area at the road crossings within the 50' vegetated buffer as shown on approved plans. 7. All runoff being directed into wetlands shall flow into and through those wetlands at a non-erosive velocity per 401/404 requirements. 8. The following design elements have been approved for this sand filter stormwater facility, and must be provided and maintained at design condition: Design Criteria Sand Filter#1 Sand Filter#2 a. Drainage Area, ac. 4.273 1.356 On-site, ft2 186,127 59,072 Off-site, ft2 0 0 b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2 98,977 38,215 c. Design Storm, inches 1.5" 1.5" d. Sediment/ sand chamber depth, ft 1.5 1.5 e. Storage /top elevation, ft 42.8 /43.8 44.6 /45.6 f. Sediment/ sand chamber bottom elev., fmsl 38.6 40.2 g. Sediment/sand chamber weir elev., fmsl 40.1 41.7 h. Sediment chamber surface area, ft2 994 340 i. Sand chamber surface area, ft2 1,239 460 j. Adjusted Water Quality Volume, W 9,231 3,505 k. Maximum head on filter, ft 2.7 2.9 I. Permitted storage volume, W 11,991 5,077 m. Perforated underdrain pipe diameter, in. 6 6 n. Drawdown time, hrs. < 40 < 40 o. SHWT, fmsl - 42 - 44 p. Permeability - sand (ft./day) 3.5 3.5 q. Impermeable liner Concrete Concrete r. Receiving Stream Half Moon Creek Half Moon Creek s. River Basin White Oak White Oak t. Stream Index Number 19-6 19-6 u. Stream Classification C; NSW C; NSW 8. Per Section .1008 (h) of the stormwater rules, this alternative design provides equal or better protection under the rules because it closely follows the BMP manual sections for both open and closed sand filters; thus it is considered a "hybrid" design. This design includes a curtain drain located around the perimeter of the sand filters to provide for proper drainage under high water table conditions. The design meets the requirements for surface area, volume, and drawdown time for the 1.5" design storm. In addition, the design has an adequate sediment chamber that provides diffuse flow over the weir to the top surface of the sand chamber. Page 3 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 130608 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. No person or other legal entity shall alter the approved stormwater management system, or fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature, including swales, shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system, unless and until the permittee submits a modification to the permit and receives approval from the Division. 2. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built-upon area for the entire project does not exceed the allowable built-upon area. 3. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 4. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface. 5. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. Infiltration systems should not be used as erosion control devices, due to the potential clogging. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 6. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those.listed below: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. C. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. d. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 7. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 8. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. Page 4 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 130608 9. -The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure that all components of the permitted stormwater system function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of filter media, bypass structures, orifice, catch basins and piping. g. Access to all components of the system must be available at all times. 10. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DEMLR. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 11. Permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 12. Prior to transfer of the permit, the stormwater facilities will be inspected by DEMLR personnel. The facility must be in compliance with all permit conditions. Any items not in compliance must be repaired or replaced to design condition prior to the transfer. Records of maintenance activities performed to date will be required. 13. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The permittee shall submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change Form, accompanied by the supporting documentation as listed on the form, to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources at least 60 days prior to any one or more of the following events: a. An ownership change including the sale or conveyance of the project area in whole or in part, except in the case of an individual lot sale that is made subject to the recorded deed restrictions; b. The sale or conveyance of the common areas to a Homeowner's or Property Owner's Association, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2011-256; c. Bankruptcy; d. Foreclosure; e. Dissolution of the partnership or corporate entity; f. A name change of the current permittee; g. A name change of the project; h. A mailing address change of the permittee; 2. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this permit until such time as the Director approves the transfer request. Neither the sale of the project area in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party, constitutes an approved permit transfer. Page 5 of 8 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 130608 3. -Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.6A to 143-215.6C. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DEMLR to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. 9. The permittee shall submit a permit renewal application and processing fee at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. 10. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee at all times. Permit issued this the 2nd day of October, 2013. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Tracy vis,PPE., Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 6 of 8 PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5hapinS Hory2pnS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910-455-2414 • Fax: 910-455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 September 16, 2013 Mr. Steven Pusey NCDENR — DWQ 127 Cardinal Dr Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: The Burroughs, Section 11 Stormwater Submittal Information Onslow County, N.C. Dear Mr. Pusey: Per your request, we have revised the Sand Filter plans and the O & M forms. Please find enclosed: • Two (2) copies each of revised Sheets 7 and 8 of 10 • One (1) original and One (1) copy each ofthe O & M form for each Sand Filter If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call. Sincerely, PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Timothy ew, , P.E. Enclosures cc: Mr. Tony Sydes— A. Sydes Construction (letter only) xc: CF (P) CC TMS/mrs EC F-O VE 0.IAIS.Puxey:l'hcliun'oughsl I.StonnwatcrSubbifol-ir.9.16.13 SEP 17 2013 EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: paitext(a?bizec.rr.com MAPS AND PLANS TO: paidraft(a7.bizee.rr.com • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS • SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 9:56 AM To: 'Parker and Associates' Subject: RE: Burroughs II Sand Filters Tim, This looks fine to me. Please have the owner sign and return it by mail. Once received,and we have revised plans showing the sectional view of the sand filters, properly labeled as#1 and#2,we will process the permit. Much thanks, Steve From: Parker and Associates [mailto:oai@)bizec.rr.com] Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 2:12 PM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: Burroughs II Sand Filters Steve,attached is the O& M Agreement I revised. I added the last two items on page 2. If o.k., let me know and I will have the owner sign it and then return it back to you. Timothy M.Stewart,P.E./mrs Parker&Associates, Inc. Engineers *Surveyors *Planners (910)455-2414 Firm License Number -F-0108 y 1 Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 9:03 AM To: 'Parker&Associates, Inc.' Subject: The Burroughs, Section II Attention: Tim Stewart Tim, After discussion internally,we will allow the use of a curtain drain around the sand filters in The Burroughs Section IL This decision has been based on specific site conditions including SHWT, soil data, receiving waters classification, and location. In order to continue review of the permit,we only need the following information: 1 ./1. A modified Operation& Maintenance Agreement specifically mentioning maintenance requirements for the curtain drains and side slopes of the sand filters. 2. As mentioned in the previous request for additional information,the section view of the sand filter should be slightly different than on the School Street Center project due to its configuration. Please make the necessary adjustments and resubmit by September 12, 2013. If you have any questions or need additional time, please don't hesitate to call. Regards, Ste✓en JC.fiiSer, Environmental Engineer NCDENR-Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph(910)796-7334/Fax(910)350-2004 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/ir/stormwater � ` ' Before printing this email,please consider your budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Pusey, Steven From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Monday, August 26, 20131:51 PM To: Bennett, Bradley; Vinson, Scott; Nelson, Christine; Baker, Chris Cc: Lewis,Linda; Pusey, Steven // Subject: FW: The Burroughs Section II (Ahemative Design?) An'lelle Lti ca s yy 519_ �0)-�,3k1 Importance: High Bradley, I discussed this with you briefly on Friday.See both emails below. What is your opinion on this issue? Has anyone else encountered this design? Georgette From: Pusey, Steven lrcu L�r fort. Sent: Friday, August 23, 201312:08 PM C0011r - 54- � .S To: Scott,Georgette 9K i�/see? U.rcla;cQra ,n "�r /�rTi� 1�4s ,i Subject: FW:The Burroughs Section II Georgette, Please reference below the email request for additional information that I sent yesterday. As we discussed,this project is similar to the School Street Center project,SW8 121110,also by the same engineering firm, Parker&Associates in Jacksonville, but with a different engineer,Tim Stewart. They are proposing to use a hybrid sand filter(closed bottom, open top)to maximize storage in the upper part of the filter due to a high SHWT. The only difference on this project is that they are not using a submersible pump in a wet well to pump out the filtered water. The main problem I see is that they propose using a curtain drain interceptor to lower the SHWT by about 2 feet in order to prevent ground water seepage into the sand filter. On the School Street Center project, the top of the concrete wall was within 8"of the SHWT and the curtain drain interceptor was only used as a safety measure. I think we should require that the concrete wall height be at a minimum elevation which is no more than 6" below the SHWT, similar to the allowance of 6" less on permanent pool of wet ponds. If we allow curtain drains around sand filters,what's next? Are we going to allow them around wet ponds, infiltration basins,etc.? I think we need to discuss the issue in more detail. Steve From: Pusey, Steven Sent:Thursday,August 22, 201312:14 PM To: Parker&Associates Subject:The Burroughs Section H Attention: Tim Stewart Tim, We do not have a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the curtain drain interceptor or how much the SHWT will be lowered by the overall built-upon area of the project. Therefore,we must ask that you keep the wall height of the concrete bottom within 6"of the SHWT,similar to the polity for wet detention ponds permanent pool elevation. 1 Previously on School Street Center,we allowed the curtain drain just as a safety factor. The wall height was only about 8"short of the SHWT. We allowed this because it was"close enough." In this case,the wall height you are proposing is 1.9'short of the SHWT for sand filter#1 and 2.3'short for sand filter#2. These walls must be brought up to within 6"of the SHWT. Also,the section view of the sand filter should be slightly different than on the School Street Center project due to the configuration. Please make the necessary adjustments and resubmit by September 12, 2013. If you have any questions or need additional time, please don't hesitate to call. Regards, Steve .Sterleog.pHferJ Environmental Engineer NCDENR-Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910)796-7334/Fax(910)350-2004 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/stormwater Before printing this email,please consider your budget and the environment E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. ShypirigHori2onS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street 0 P.O. Box 976b. Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910455-2414 • Fax:910-455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 July 22, 2013 Mr. Steven Posey F T-y r-1)r NCDENR— DWQ JUL z 4 Z��3 127 Cardinal Dr Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 BY: RE: The Burroughs, Section II Stormwater No. SW8130608 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pusey: This letter is in response to comments in your email dated July 8, 2013, concerning the above referenced project. 1. I reviewed our tiles and found a Soils Report prepared by Haywood Pittman dated February 13, 2013. It shows that at about I 0"-12"below the ground surface there is sandy clay material and that the Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) is at 12" t from the soil surface for each sand filter. He went further to say that the actual static water level was 18" f below the surface. The bores were dug in the center of the sand filters. For Sand Filter#l, the ground elevation at the bore is 43.0 t, therefore the SHWT elevation is 42.0 t. For Sand Filter #2, the ground elevation is 45.0 t, therefore the SHWT elevation is 44.0 t. The first page of each of the Sand Filter Supplements have been revised to show the correct SHWT. 2. Per your requirement, since the SHWT elevations are higher than the top of the sand filter wall elevations, we have designed a curtain drain around the sand filters to intercept any possible ground water that might run through the soils and break out of the banks above the sand filter wall. I really don't believe that this will happen, but just in case, the curtain drain will intercept it. In addition, the entrance to Ramsey Road was revised as required by NCDOT. The revision caused the parking impervious area to increase by 261 SF. This amount was subtracted from the future impervious, so that the total impervious did not change. EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: DaitextPbizee.recom MAPS AND PLANS TO: Daidraft(albizec.rr.com • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS • SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS Mr. Steven Pusey NCDENR— DWQ July 22, 2013 Page 2 Please find enclosed two copies of the Revised Plans (sheets 3, 7 & 8 of 10), two copies of revised page 3 of 7 of the Application, two copies of page 1 of the Sand Filter#1 Calculations, two copies each of the first page of the Supplement showing the correct SHWT, two copies of the Soils Report by Haywood Pittman, and two copies of the Revised Impervious Areas Map. Please call or email if you have any questions or if you need any additional information. Sincerely, PARKER & ASSOCIATES, IN Timothy M. to art, E. Enclosures ec: Mr. Tony Sydes (letter only) xc: CF (P) TMS/bab 0,FMSPuscy.I henurroughsll.StormwaterRespl-tr.7.22.13 p ECO �! JUL 2 4 2013 BY:_-------- PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Shaping HoriyonS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910455-2414 • Fax:910-455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 THE BURROUGHS, SECTION II SAND FILTER #1 DESIGN CALCULATIONS JUNE 2013 REVISED JULY 2013 �p111rt111///// 1—AREAS •�Q0 CAROI/j�y. Total drainage area to Sand Filter= 186,127 SF j E�SS)U/{��'hq Proposed impervious area to Sand Filter= 89,238 SF g SEAS Future impervious area to Sand Filter= 9,739 SF 14375 ¢ ram : Total impervious are to Sand Filter= 98,977 SF % A% Q : Q : .�.flyCl NES:� Impervious = 53.2% '• p •`•....•....• too F, �.•' 2—DETERMINE WQV(WATER QUALITY VOLUME) , Rv = 0.05+ 0.009 (1) 1 = Impervious Area % Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 (53.2) Rv =0.529 WQV= Rv * Area * Design Rainfall WQV= (0.529) * (186,127 ft.') * (1.5 in) * (1/12 ft/in) WQV= 12,308 ft' - volume used to size sediment and filter areas WQV,di =Adjusted WQV = (0.75) * WQV WQV,di= (0.75) * 12,308 ft' WQV,di = 9231 ft'- required volume of water to be stored 3— DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION SURFACE AREA. (A,) A, (min) = 0.066 * WQV ft' A, (min) =0.066 * 12,308 ft2 A, (min) = 813 ft' ' CC 70VE 4—DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SAND FILTER AREA(AF) JUL 2 4 2013 Al min)= (WQV) d) (k)(t)(ha+ dl) BY; k=Permeability(use 3.5 ft/day) t= Time to drain the WQV through the media filter(40 hrs or 1.66 days) df=Depth of Sand Filter media(1.5 ft min) ho=Average Depth is %of h,„a, Try 2.7 ft for h,a,(storage depth), then ho= 1.35 ft Af (min) _ (12,308)(1.5) = 1115 ftz (3.5)(1.66)(1.35+1.5) EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: oaitextralbizee.mcom MAPS AND PLANS TO: oaidraft(albizearccom * ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS • SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Run-off will be routed to 2 sand filters. 2.a.If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights, identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordance with: ❑ Coastal SW-1995 ❑ Ph II-Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the White Oak River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 7.66 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area:0 acres 7. Total Property Area (4) -Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5)-Total Surface Water Area (6) =Total Project Area': 7.66 acres Total pro ect area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHW)line or ' Mean High Water(MHW)line,and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(orMHW)line. The resultant pro ect area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non-coastal wetlands landward oflthe NHW(or MHW)line maybe included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 =41.1 `yo 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?2 (For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered storm water BMR For low density and other projects, use I for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Drains e Area_ Drainage Area_ Receiving Stream Name Half Moon Half Moon Creek Creek Stream Class CNSW CNSW Stream Index Number* 19-6 19-6 Total Drainage Area (sf) 186,127 59,072 On-site Drainage Area(sf) 186,127 59,072 Off-site Drainage Area (sf) 0 0 Proposed Impervious Area** 98,977 38,215 (so % Impervious Area**(total) 53.2 64.7 Impervious"Surface Area Drains e Area 1 -Drains e Area 2 Drainage Area_ Drainage Area_ On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 26,751 8,512 On-site Streets (so On-site Parking (sf) 51,328 20,938 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 11,159 3,765 Other on-site (sf) 0 0 g--7P�® IF Future(so 9,739 5,000 Off-site (so 0 0 jut z 4 ZU 3 Existing BUA***(so 0 0 Total (sf): 98,977 38,215 BY:— * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at. http://portaLncdenr.org/web/wy/ps/csu/classifications Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 3 of 7 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) �� orOp WATp9OG rw• h r NCDENR � C STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out on line,printed and submitted with all of the required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist(Section 111)and the I&M Agreement(Section IV) 111P,RWECTONFORMATION Project name ;The Burroughs,Section II Contact name ,Timothy M.Stewart,P.E. Phone number i(910)455-2414 Date jMay 28,2013 Drainage area number 1 I_L DESIGN�INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area(AD) 186,12T00 i OK Impervious area 98,977001 ft' %Impervious(IA) 53.2% % Design rainfall depth(Ro) 1.50 in Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr,24-hr runoff depth 0.35 in 1-yr,24-hr intensity 0.15 in/hr Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 1.75 ft'/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 1.68 1 Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak control -0.07 ft'/sec Storage Volume Design volume(WOV) 12,308.00 113 Adjusted water quality volume(WOVAai) 9,231.00 113 OK Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter 11,991.00'ry3 Top of sand filter/grate elevation - 40.1 ft amsl Weir elevation(between chambers) 40.1 It amsl Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter(hMa=Flher) 2.70If OK Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter(hq) 1.35,11 OK Runoff Coefficient(Rv) 0.53(unitless) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filter? N Y or N SHWT elevation ft amsl Bottom of the sand filter elevation It amsl Clearance (dsHT) Closed/pre-cast sand filter? Y Y or N SHWT elevation 42.00It amsl Bottom of the sand filler elevation 38'.60 If amsl Clearance (dsHwr) If this is a closed,underground closed sand filter: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground N/A ft structure(dspaee) JUL 2 4 2013 ° BY:-- Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.5 2009Septl7 Parts I and It.Project Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 Permit Number: /to be provided by DWD) 0 W Ar�9�G NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out on line,printed and submitted with all of the required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist(Section III)and the 18M Agreement(Section IV) I:+iPRWECTdINF,ORMATION Project name !The Burroughs,Section II Contact name !Timothy M.Stewart,P.E. Phone number i(910)455-2414 Date !May 28,2013 Drainage area number !2 IL�OESIGNjINF,ORMATION r Site Characteristics Drainage area(AD) 59,072.00 ftZ OK Impervious area 36,215.00 fie % Impervious(IA) 64.7% % Design rainfall depth(Rn) 1.50 in Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr,24-hr runoff depth 0.35 in 1-yr,24-hr intensity t 0.14 'inlhr Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 0.56 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 0.53 113/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak control -0.03 ft3/sec Storage Volume Design volume(WOV) 4,674.00 ft3 Adjusted water quality volume(WOVAd,) 3,505.50 ft3 Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter 5,077.00 ft3 OK Top of sand filter/grate elevation 41.7 It amsl Weir elevation(between chambers) 41.7 It amsl Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter(hMa,rge,) 2.90 fit OK Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter(hA) 1.45 it OK Runoff Coefficient(Rv) 0,63(unitless) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filler? N Y or N SHWT elevation It amsl Bottom of the sand filter elevation It amsl Clearance (dsawr) Closed/pre-cast sand filter? Y Y or N SHWT elevation 44.00 It amsl Bottom of the sand filter elevation 40.20 It amsl Clearance (dswi) If this is a closed,underground closed sand filler: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground NIA ft structure(ds,,,) ECEIVE JUL 2 4 2013 BY:---- Fonn SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.5 2009Sept17 Parts I and 11.Project Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 1073-1 Gregory Fork Road Richlands. NC 28574 Phone(910)324-2892 Fax(910)324-6162 pitinian.voil@yahoo.com com February 13,2013 Parker&Associates Po Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28540 Ref The Burroughs at Carolina Plantation i Dear Mr.Parker, At your request a SHWT determination was conducted at the above referenced location. I land auger borings in the proposed storm water sand filters showed a SH WT of<I2" from the natural soil surface. This was determined by the presence of chroma of 2 or less from the Mansell Soil Color Chart. BORING 1 DEPTH (IN) TEXTURE STRUCTURE MINERALOGY MATRIX MOTTLES MOTTLES SHWT 06 SL GR NS.NE 2.5Y 413 12' 6-19, SL GR NS.NE 2.5Y 614 10-60" SC M VS.VP 2.SY611 10YRY 518 7.6YRSIB BORING 2 DEPTH (IN) TEXTURE STRUCTURE MINERALOGY MATRIX MOTTLES MOTTLES SHWT 04 SL GR NS.NE 2.5Y 4/3 12" 4-12" SL GR NS.NE 2.5Y 114 2.5Y 413 2.5Y611 12-6m' SC GR NS.NE 2.5Y611 10YRY SIB 7.5YR518 JUL 2 4 2013 BY: i (O' / The static water level(SHWTobserved during seasonal high water)at the time of the / evaluation was found to be 18"from the surface. The SC layers showed hydraulic conductivity values oF0 to very low. The findings are based on the conditions of the site at the time of evaluation,and any alterations may adversely impact the results. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-330-2784, Thank You. Sincerely, _ Ai R.Haywood Pittman 11 NC Licensed Soil Scientist / A „t �' ,21`�n t' �s i I it i All YO Lo III ( n� FS qso • 7 1 . kZ a' Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Monday,July 08, 2013 3:23 PM To: Parker&Associates Subject: The Burroughs, Sec. II Attention: Timothy M. Stewart, PE Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 130608 The Burroughs,Sec. 11 Onslow County Dear Mr. Stewart: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Permit Application for The Burroughs Section If on 6-6-13. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. A soils report is required for all engineered systems,including sand filters. The report should contain the estimated Seasonal High Water Table elevation at each proposed BMP location(sand filter#1 and#2) reported in FMSL,not as a depth Below Existing Ground (BEG). If it's reported as a depth BEG the bore map must include the existing ground elevation at each bore location. 2. On sand filter#1,the estimated SHWT is 0.9' higher than the walls of the sand filter. The SHWT should be less than or equal to the wall height for this type of sand filter design. After internal discussion at this office,we cannot consider the factors involving future ground water recharge. Therefore,unless the soils test confirms a lower value for SHWT,the wall height of the sand filter will need to be raised to be at least equal to the SHWT. As discussed,on a previous project for School Street Center,we allowed a curtain drain around the sand filter to lower the SHWT by 0.7 feet. Therefore,we could consider this again if necessary. Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers. Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are consistent throughout. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to July 29, 2013,or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmission of all required items,including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail,email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter.The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information.The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces,other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143- 215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent.All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910)796-7215 or email me at steven.pusey@ncdenr.ore. Sincerely, 1 Casmer, Jo From: Casmer, Jo Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 11:13 AM To: 'leahquinn@sydescommunities.com'; 'Parker&Associates, Inc.' Subject: The Burroughs at Carolina Plantation Section II, #SW8 130608 The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality received the Stormwater Permit Application and $505.00 fee on June 6, 2013. Your project will be assigned to a staff member and reviewed within 75 days of receipt. You will be notified if additional information is needed. Please be advised that the construction of built-upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued. Please contact our office is you have any question. Ja ewsruer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept.of Environment&Natural Resources Division of Water Quality-Surface Water Protection Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lawand may be disdosed to third parties. s 1 Completeness Review Checklist Project Name: o L o 1C � �ceived Date: co i 3 Project Location c any \Q SY1 L . nA511 Accepted Date: Rule(s) �208 Coastal 1:11995 Coastal ®Phase II (WiRO ) ®Universal 01988 Coastal Type of Permit: a or Mod or PR Existing Permit#(Mod or PR): nPE Cert on File? Density: HD or LD Type: Commercial or es'dential ®NCG: %: 4A(.\ (%OK?) Stream Class: ,; Map Map �Offsite to SW8 Subdivided?: on or Single Lot ORW Map Exempt Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: 0slupplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): 5ara 1 �, mO&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swoles) EDA�lication with correct/original signatures �ed error LLC: Sig] Auth r SoS or letter ®Email Address: Design Engineer ®$505 (within 6mo) Email Address: Owner ❑Soils Report with SHWT %-0-k \q w, Note to Reviewer: F—,J,CakGlations (signed/sealed) T9��Lves �1�1UYY1Q5 - QS/< � � I�? �No obvious errors C/ 5 � Density includes common areas, etc ®Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: ®Signed & Notarized Correct Template (Comm/Res & HD/LD) or Dec. Covenants & Rest. Plans F7-12 Sets El Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Grading Wetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands ®Vicinity Map Layout (proposed BUA dimensions) Legend ❑DA Maps ®Project Boundaries Infiltration Wet Pond offsite Soils Report ❑Soils Report �PE Cert for Master Lot#: SHWT: ®SHWT: Deed Rest for Master Lot# Matches Master Bottom: PP: BUA Permitted (Master): sf Visited: BUA Proposed (Offsite): sf Additional Information: Permitted Proposed: Proposed: Proposed: BUA (sf) DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT(el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Shaping HorlyanS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910-455-2414 • Fax:910455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 June 5, 2013 Ms. Georgette Scott, Stormwater Supervisor NCDENR, DWQ— Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: The Burroughs, Section II at Carolina Plantations Onslow County, NC Stormwater Submittal Dear Ms. Scott: Please find enclosed the following items related to the Stormwater Submittal for the above referenced: l. Two (2) sets of Plans (Sheets 1 —3, 7, 8 and 10 of 10) 2. One(1) original and One (1) copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form 3. Two (2)original Sand Filter Supplement Forms and Checklists 4. Two (2)original Operation and Maintenance Agreement Forms 5. Two (2) original sets of Sand Filter Calculations (Filters 1 & 2) 6. One (1) Stormwater Narrative 7. One (1)Overall Stormwater Exhibit Map S. One(1) copy of portion of Jacksonville NW USGS Map 9. One(1) copy of property Deed (D13 3370, Page 801) 10. One(1) copy of Secretary of Statc Corporations Information 11. One(1) check No. 33521 in the amount of$505.00 for the Review Fee If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, PARKER & ASSOC AT I C. A, Timothy . tewlrt, PE Enclosures xc: Mr. Anthony Sydes (w/paperwork) CF (P), LAM TMS/bab � c3.1 MS.ScoiCncCRunuughsI I.S W SubLtr.06.05.13 � JUN 0 6 2013 BY:� EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: paitext(a),bizec.rmcom MAPS AND PLANS TO: paid raR(a),bizec.rccom • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS • SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Shaping HoriyoIS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street * P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910455-2414 * Fax:910-455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 THE BURROUGHS, SECTION II SAND FILTER #1 DESIGN CALCULATIONS JUNE 2013 ,.•`'LN CARO 1—AREAS -%'i$ �i�ESSIQ�9. ( -V S'I Total drainage area to Sand Filter = 186,127 SF ¢ £� AL Proposed impervious area to Sand Filter = 88,977 SF $E S 14575 Future impervious area to Sand Filter= 10,000 SF fit. t�? Total impervious are to Sand Filter = 98,977 SF '•,,'!/ a4$IPiEE;.• Pam. Impervious = 53.2% ry�O10818 pyYlM. M;sj� 2— DETERMINE WQV(WATER QUALITY VOLUME) Rv =0.05 + 0.009 (1) 1 = Impervious Area Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 (53.2) Rv = 0.529 WQV = Rv * Area * Design Rainfall WQV = (0.529) * (186,127 ft.z) * (1.5 in) * (1/12 ft/in) WQV = 12,308 ft3 - volume used to size sediment and filter areas WQVad; = Adjusted WQV = (0.75) * WQV WQV,di = (0.75) * 12,308 ft3 WQVad; = 9231 ft3 - required volume of water to be stored 3— DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION SURFACE AREA. (As) As (min) =0.066 * WQV ftz A, (min) =0.066 * 12,308 ftz A, (min) = 813 ftz "-' — "4— DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SAND FILTER AREA(Ar) 1 JUN 0 6 2013 Armin) = (WQV) d) I I (k)(t)(ho+ dl) BY:---- k= Permeability(use 3.5 ft/day) t= Time to drain the WQV through the media filter(40 hrs or 1.66 days) dr= Depth of Sand Filter media (1.5 ft min) ha=Average Depth is% of hmo, Try 2.7 ft for hmo,(storage depth), then ha=1.35 ft Ai (min) _ (12,308)(1.5) = 1115 ftz (3.5)(1.66)(1.35+1.5) EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: naitextnbizee.mcom MAPS AND PLANS TO: oaidraftralbizec.recom * ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING * STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS * FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING * GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS * SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter#1 Design Calculations— May 2013 Page 2 5—CHECK DESIGN RESULTS AND STORAGE VOLUME Area of Sand Filter: Af(min) = 1115 ft2 required 1239 ft2 provided > 1115 ft2 required OK Area of Sediment Chamber: A, (min) = 813 ft2 required 994 ft2 provided > 813 ft2 required OK Water Quality Volume to be Stored Above Filter WQV,di = 9231 ft3 required (see previous calculations) Area at Elevation 40.1= 2461 ft2 Area at Elevation 42.8 = 5285 ft2 Average Area = 3873 ft2 Storage Volume = 3873 ft2 * 2.7 ft = 10,457 ft3 provided 10,457 ft3 provided > 9545 ft3 (min) required O.K. 6— POND ROUTING The Hydro-CAD program was used to determine the Pre-development discharge, Post Development Q(CFS) and Post Development discharge. See attached HydroCAD Pond Routing Diagram and Calculations. PROGRAM ASSUMPTIONS CN Values—98 for impervious surfaces —55 for pervious surfaces areas, see charts for hydrologic soil group and use A composite CN number is calculated for use in the development of the Runoff Depth (Q). The composite CN number is calculated by a weighted average of each surface area. CN,A,+ CNZAz...CN A❑ CAc = A +A A i z••• n CN, = Composite Curve Number CN,- CN, = Individual CN Numbers A,-A„ =Area associated with each CN value The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter#1 Design Calculations— May 2013 Page 3 TIME OF CONCENTRATION There are several methods available for determining the time of concentration for a watershed. Because of the small size of our project, the minimum time of concentration is used at 5min. POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Q runoff depth = (P-0.2S)2 where P = precipitation (inches) P+0.8S Precipitation for our site in Jacksonville is = 3.50 inches Weir Flow = Q = 3 Cd 2g * L * H3/2 Where Q = CFS L= Crest length H = Head above crest elevation g = Gravitational Constant Cd = Discharge coefficient Orifice Flow = Q = Cd a 2gh Where Q = CFS Cd = Discharge coefficient (0.6 default) a = Submerged Area h = Effective head Storage Indication method, conservation of mass I — 0 = AS or IDt — OAt = AS At I = Inflow rate O = Outflow rate Ot =Time increment Os = Change in storage Substitute a beginning and end of the At (time interval) yields 11+ 12 '1+ Oz �t — At 2 2 The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter#1 Design Calculations— May 2013 Page 4 Rearranged Results 1'a 12 At + (S1 — of Ot) _ (S2 — 2-1 Ot) = (SZ + oz Ot) Storage Indication Value This value can be calculated at any stage (elevation) using the previously calculated stage storage (pond volumes) and stage discharge (weir flow and orifice outflow). METHOD 1) The sand filter's stage discharge relationships are calculated based on the outlet devices 2) The stage storage is determined based on pond dimensions 3) Stage discharge and stage storage curves are used to create a storage indication curve 4) Pond routing is performed by using a time span and time increment. At each point in time a .storage indication value is calculated based on the current inflow, plus the previous inflow, outflow and volume in the pond 5) The current storage indication value and the storage indication curve are used to determine the new elevation 6) Using the new elevation, the stage storage and stage discharge curves are consulted to determine the new storage and discharge 7) This process is repeated for all points in the inflow hydrograph creating an outflow hydrograph. Attached is the output from the Hydro-CAD Computer Model that follows the previously outlined methods. c3.TMS.Sa ndFilter.TheBurroughsl(.Sand Filter#1Calcs.5.28.13 The Burroughs Section II-Sand Filter#1 Type 1124-hr 1 Year 224-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepared by (enter your company name here) Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 005202 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Subcatchment Al Pre: Al Predevelopment Runoff = 1.75 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 0.123 af, Depth= 0.35" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Area (sf) CN Description 185,442 55 185,442 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, SubcatchmentAl Pre: Al Predevelopment Hydrograph I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I '� I I I I I 1 1 1 1 � I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ❑RunoN 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1.]5 cfs I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I j I I I 1 II I Type;ll ;24-lir1 Year, 24-HR I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I Rai1nfall=3.50" 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Runoff Area=185 442 sf 1 1 1 1 1 i, Runoff;Volume 0,.123' of I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 III r ; ; ; ---'-- - ---- ---Runoff,IDepth=0.35,'-. 1 1 I 0 1 Tc=5.0 min 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LL I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :CN=55 � I1111 I IIIII III 11 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) The Burroughs, Section II-Sand Filter#1 Type 11 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" 15r—epared by {enter your company name ere} Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Subcatchment Al: Al Post Development Runoff = 12.41 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 0.556 af, Depth= 1.57" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Area (sf) CN Description 102,585 98 Impervious 82,857 55 grass 185,442 79 Weighted Average 82,857 Pervious Area 102,585 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment All: Al Post Development Hydrograph 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I _ __I__L_1 _ _l_J__ ORUIIOH 1 1 1 I 113 ,_zTa11 .d5 _-TI1 yI1 p_eT1 -iIf-2_ II'4-;T1 hr 1r Year_;1_ 41 -HI -R12 rRa-o 3.5OY 1 '-1-1 -r-T-l -I-r-1 -I -r-1 10 -,_ 1__1-_ ,_ 1__1 I 1Runoff'Area=_1851,-442_sf 9 _ � I _ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 _l_J RunIoff_Volume=O.556. af_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 8 l l l l - --I- --; -;-�,-;---- 1 --IRurioff-Depthl=1':571n-- 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q t Y r-T -Y--I- i I -Y - I- T -I -T--t -1-- r-1 Y LL 6 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tc=5.0-mm-- 1 1 1 r__I__r_r_7__1__r_. __r_r_T __ --r-r-T--r-r-r- -r-r- CN_-79 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 __1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 L I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 _ _1. J _L_L_J _I _L_1_J__ 1 1 3 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I 11 I 1 1 I I I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I T__1__r_ .r_r_T__1-_r_T__I__r_r_�__r_r_r__1__r_T_,__ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 11 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) The Burroughs,,Section II-Sand Filter#1 Type //24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepare by (enter your company name here) Page 1 HydroCAD®8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Pond B1: Sand Filter Inflow Area = 4.257 ac, Inflow Depth = 1.57" for 1 Year 24-HR event Inflow = 12.41 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 0.556 of Rlow = 1.68 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 0.451 A Atten= 86%, Lag= 15.3 min icarded = 0.28 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 0.341 of Primary = 1.41 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 0.110 of I Yuri 2� N11 . Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs / 2 Peak Elev= 42.92' @ 12.22 hrs Surf.Area= 5,438 sf Storage= 11,022 cf �Wf OrrVrrl.0PMPN T Plug-Flow detention time= 341.5 min calculated for 0.451 of(81% of inflow) 0vI TFw w of 1. 68 CFC Center-of-Mass det. time= 259.6 min ( 1,096.7 - 837.1 ) t 1 t ref f 7HN 141: Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description I• EDC1lE'tcpMa4r #1 40.10' 14,976 cf 17.50'W x 141.001 x 3.50'H Prismatoid Z=3.0 Flow vF �,1Sf FS Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 40.10' 4.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area above invert Excluded Surface area = 2,468 sf #2 Primary 42.80' 10.0' long x 0.70' rise Orifice/Grate 2 End Contraction(s) Discarded OutFlow Max=0.28 cfs @ 12.22 hrs HW=42.92' (Free Discharge) t1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.28 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=1.40 cfs @ 12.22 hrs HW=42.92' (Free Discharge) 't-2=Orifice/Grate (Weir Controls 1.40 cfs @ 1.14 fps) PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Shaping Hor;2pns Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 " `...... 910455-2414 • Fax:910455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 THE BURROUGHS, SECTION 11 At CAROLINA PLANTATIONS STORMWATER NARRATIVE MAY 2013 The Burroughs, Section 11 is a multi-family project consisting of 58 townhouse units located within the Carolina Plantations development in Onslow County. The 7.66 acre tract is located on Ramsey Road (SR 1324) across from the existing Carolina Forest subdivision. It is bound by Ramsey Road to the Southwest and an unnamed tributary draining to Half Moon Creek (C; NSW) that serves as the Eastern property line. The site is currently undeveloped previously cleared woodland and the existing topography is nearly level (< 2% slopes). The proposed project will involve an area of land disturbance totaling 7.1 acres and will be located within an area consisting mostly of Norfolk loamy fine sand according to the Onslow County Soil Survey. Proposed drainage for the project consists of yard inlets and catch basins inter-connected in a pipe network that ultimately discharge to two stormwater sand filters located on-site. The stormwater sand filters will act as temporary sediment basins during the construction phase. The temporary sediment basins will be cleaned out and converted to the stormwater sand filters upon final stabilization and project completion. Ofline bypass yard inlets and pipe will be provided for each sand filter to bypass runoff in excess of the 1.5" design storm. The treated stormwater will be discharged into the unnamed tributary to Half Moon Creek (CNSW) For additional information, please refer to the Plans, Stormwatcr Application, Supplement Calculations and the rest of the submittal information. c3.Forinsstormwalera*he[3urroughsll.SWNaiTative2.4.13(Iteviscd.52013) ME-CoVE JUN 0 6 2013 BY:---------- EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: Pzitextnbizec.rr.com MAPS AND PLANS TO: oaidrafKalbizec.rr.com • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS • SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. S,apin,FIoriZo�S Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 r..:::..... Jacksonville,NC 28541-0976 910455-2414 • Fax:910-455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 THE BURROUGHS, SECTION II SAND FILTER #2 DESIGN CALCULATIONS JUNE 2013 �•`� Oe issl p I. 9• . 1—AREAS Total drainage area to Sand Filter= 59,072 SF SEAL t Proposed impervious area to Sand Filter = 33,215 SF 14375 Future impervious area to Sand Filter= 5,000 SF 0 . Total impervious are to Sand Filter = 38,215 SF '•. Thy M�St��,•'�, % Impervious = 64.7% 140,I�Fn�t�xxlxx 2— DETERMINE WQV(WATER QUALITY VOLUME) Rv =0.05 + 0.009 (1) 1 = Impervious Area % Rv =0.05 + 0.009 (64.7) Rv =0.633 WQV = Rv * Area * Design Rainfall WQV = (0.633) * (59,072 ft.') * (1.5 in) * (1/12 ft/in) WQV =4674 ft' - volume used to size sediment and filter areas WQV,di = Adjusted WQV = (0.75) * WQV WQV,di _ (0.75) * 4674 ft' WQV,di = 3506 ft' - required volume of water to be stored 3— DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION SURFACE AREA. (A.) A, (min) = 0.066 * WQV ft' A, (min) =0.066 * 4674 ft' A, (min) = 309 ft' 4— DETERMINE THE MINIMUM SAND FILTER AREA(AF) A�min) = (WQV) d) (k)(t)(ho+ di) k= Permeability(use 3.5 ft/day) t= Time to drain to WQV through the media filter(40 hrs or 1.66 days) dr= Depth of Sand Filter media(1.5 ft min) ha=Average Depth is '2 of hmo, E(CEI VE Try 2.9 ft for hmo,(storage depth), then ha= 1.45 ft Af(min) = (4674)(1.5) = 409 ftz JUN 0 6 2013 (3.5)(1.66)(1.45+1.5) EMAIL ADDRESS: TEXT MESSAGES TO: paitext(a),bizec.rmcom MAPS AND PLANS TO: paidrafKa?bizec.rmeom . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING . STORMWATER, WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS • FEASIBILITY & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING . GLOBAL POSITIONING SURVEYS . SUBDIVISION & CONSTRUCTION PLANS The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter#2 Design Calculations—May 2013 Page 2 5—CHECK DESIGN RESULTS AND STORAGE VOLUME Area of Sand Filter: Af(min) =409 ft2 required 460 ft2 provided >409 ft2 required OK Area of Sediment Chamber: A, (min) = 309 ft2 required 340 ft2 provided > 309 ft2 required OK Water Quality Volume to be Stored Above Filter WQVad; = 3506 ft3 required (see previous calculations) Area at Elevation 41.7 = 881.5 ft2 Area at Elevation 44.6 = 2271 ft2 Average Area = 1576 ft' Storage Volume = 1576 ft' * 2.9 ft= 4571 ft3 provided 4571 ft3 provided > 3506 ft3 (min) required O.K. 6—POND ROUTING The Hydro-CAD program was used to determine the Pre-development discharge, Post Development Q(CFS) and Post Development discharge. See attached HydroCAD Pond Routing Diagram and Calculations. PROGRAM ASSUMPTIONS CN Values—98 for impervious surfaces —55 for pervious surfaces areas, see charts for hydrologic soil group and use A composite CN number is calculated for use in the development of the Runoff Depth (Q). The composite CN number is calculated by a weighted average of each surface area. CN,A,+ CN2A2...CN,A, CAS = A + A 1 2...An CNc = Composite Curve Number CN,- CN„ = Individual CN Numbers A,-A„ =Area associated with each CN value The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter#2 Design Calculations—May 2013 Page 3 TIME OF CONCENTRATION There are several methods available for determining the time of concentration for a watershed. Because of the small size of our project, the minimum time of concentration is used at 5min. POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIM Q runoff depth = (P-0.25)2 where P = precipitation (inches) P+0.8s Precipitation for our site in Jacksonville is = 3.50 inches Weir Flow = Q = 3 Cd 2g * L * H3/2 Where Q = CFS L= Crest length H = Head above crest elevation g = Gravitational Constant Cd = Discharge coefficient Orifice Flow= Q = Cd a 2gh Where Q = CFS Cd = Discharge coefficient (o.6 default) a = Submerged Area h = Effective head Storage Indication method, conservation of mass I — 0 = AS or IAt — ODt = AS At I = Inflow rate 0 = Outflow rate Ot =Time increment Os = Change in storage Substitute a beginning and end of the At (time interval) yields 11+ 12 o,+ 0z �t — At 2 2 The Burroughs, Section II Sand Filter 42 Design Calculations—May 2013 Page 4 Rearranged Results 11 a12 At + (S1 — °—' Ot) 1 Ot) 2 Ot)z ( z2 ( � Storage Indication Value This value can be calculated at any stage (elevation) using the previously calculated stage storage (pond volumes) and stage discharge (weir flow and orifice outflow). METHOD 1) The sand filter's stage discharge relationships are calculated based on the outlet devices 2) The stage storage is determined based on pond dimensions 3) Stage discharge and stage storage curves are used to create a storage indication curve 4) Pond routing is performed by using a time span and time increment. At each point in time a storage indication value is calculated based on the current inflow, plus the previous inflow, outflow and volume in the pond 5) The current storage indication value and the storage indication curve are used to determine the new elevation 6) Using the new elevation, the stage storage and stage discharge curves are consulted to determine the new storage and discharge 7) This process is repeated for all points in the inflow hydrograph creating an outflow hydrograph. Attached is the output from the Hydro-CAD Computer Model that follows the previously outlined methods. c3.TM5.5a ndFilter.TheBurroughsl I.SandFilter#2Calcs.5.28.13 The Burroughs Section II-Sand Filter#2 Type 11 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" repare y {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Pond B2: Sand Filter Inflow Area = 1.356 ac, Inflow Depth = 1.86" for 24-HR event Inflow = 4.65 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 0.210 of Outflow = r,�,@ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.177 af, Atten= 89%, Lag= 21.4 min iscarded = 0.13 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.152 of Primary = 0.39 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 0.025 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs /2 P011 DFVN.orMPNT Peak Elev= 44.67' @ 12.32 hrs Surf.Area= 2,314 sf Storage= 4,591 cf puTFW w of o. St CFs Plug-Flow detention time= 361.5 min calculated for 0.177 of(84% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 290.0 min ( 1,114.7 - 824.7 ) If l.P1 S TPWN �( Volume Invert Avail.Stora e Storage Description Pf DEC-I.oQ r^t�rtT #1 41.70' 5,897 cf 21.50'W x 41.00'L x 3.50'H Prismatoid Z=3.0 %.Qw OF o.S6 CFs Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Discarded 41.70' 4.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area above invert Excluded Surface area = 882 sf #2 Primary 44.60' 6.0' long x 1.50' rise Orifice/Grate 2 End Contraction(s) Discarded OutFlow Max=0.13 cfs @ 12.32 hrs HW=44.67' (Free Discharge) t1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.13 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.38 cfs @ 12.32 hrs HW=44.67' (Free Discharge) t2=Orifice/Grate (Weir Controls 0.38 cfs @ 0.88 fps) North Carolina Secretary of State http://www.secretary.state.nc.tLs/corporations/Corp.aspx'?Pitenild=9442003 Af'. North Carolina a • t ,wg Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE c , yt - Elaine F. Y` Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE •r, „po PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 2762"622 (919A07-2000 Account Login Register Date: 5/21/2013 Click here to: View Document Filings I File an Annual Report 1 JPrint a pre-populated Annual Report Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report 1 Corporation Names Name Name Type INC CAROLINA PLANTATION LEGAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Business Corporation Information SOSID: 1136487 Status: Current-Active Effective Date: 2/16/2010 Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: SYDES, ANTHONY W Office Address: 4355 GUM BRANCH ROAD, UNIT B JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Mailing Address: POST OFFICE BOX 7122 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Principal Office Office Address: 4355 GUM BRANCH ROAD, UNIT B JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Mailing Address: POST OFFICE BOX 7122 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Officers Title: PRESIDENT JUN 0 6 2(13 Name: ANTHONY W SYDES 1I Business Address: 4355 GUM BRANCH R JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 HY: 1 of2 5/21/20134:34 PM {/9�Age:' of 11) �• m1 tOwd pp�ppp�pppyp� ■ry�ppr �py�Ylla�®�IYI e.ttb,' ax : Doe to' 007Ya8aW011 TVDa: CaP L 3 1D 149 Faa°mod:$0,311 7A0 RP:o 11 0( 11 ' T Cwnir qn aav nua Tax: a 7aa.00 Dnalw county ,3370 Pa801-811 nh I it ID deeA DEED iParcels: Portion of 338-18 Revenue Stamps: $12.744.00 If checked,the property includes the primary residence of at least one of the parties depicted as party of the first part. (N.C-Gen.Stat. § 105-317.2) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ONSLOW THIS DEED,made and entered into this the 1Q day of MG rdA 20I 0 by and between ANTHONY W.SYDES,party of the first part(whether one or more) (the address of the party of the first part is as follows: PO Box 7172,Jacksonville,NC 28540); and CAROLINA PLANTATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,party of the second part (whether one or more)(the address of the party of the second part is as follows: PO Box 7122 Jacksonville,NC 285401 WITNESSETH : That the party of the first part in consideration of the aum of Ten and Noll00 Dollars(S 10.00)and other good and valuable considerations to said party paid by the party of the second part,the receipt of which hereby is acknowledged,has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain,sell and convey unto the party of the second part,said parry's successors and assigns,the following described property,to wit: Prepared by Ward and Smith,P.A., 1001 College Court(28562),Post Office Box 867,New Bern,NC 28563-0867 Please return to Ward and Smith,P.A., 1001 College Court(28562),Post Office Box 867,New Bcm,NC 28563-0867 Attention: C.H.Pope,Jr. No opinion on title is rendered by Ward and Smith,P.A.,without a separate written opinion on title from Ward and Smith,P.A. I` 6 ECEUVE " JUN 0 6 2013 I By. Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 1 of 11 n ^ Qe,2 of 11) I I All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in Jacksonville Township,Onslow County,North Carolina,and being more particularly described by Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The party of the first part saves,excepts,reserves and retains as an appurtenance to his remaining property described by the deeds recorded in Book 2149,Page 44 and Book 2347,Page 851 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow Count non-exc usive, perpetual right of way and easement for the purposes of ingress, egress,regress,access,the installation and maintenance of utilities, o f utha subdivision and the right to dedicate roads ova the easements described by Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The aforesaid property is conveyed subject to the mineral reservation reserved by Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation by deed recorded in Book 2149,Page 44 in the office of the Register 1O of Deeds of Onslow County. "o This conveyance is made subject to utility casements and unviolated restrictive covenants that do not materially affect the p= value of the property and ad valorem taxes for the current year, 7 which taxes the party of the second part;by acceptance of this deed,assumes and agrees to pay. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part,said party's successors and assigns forever. And the party of the first part covenants that said party is seized of said property in fee and has the right to convey same in fee simple;that the same is free from encumbrances except any encumbrances or restrictions mentioned above and that said party will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. 2 Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 2 of 11 go.3 0£ 11) I i IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed under seal and in such form as to be binding,this the day and year first above written. (SEAL) thony W. des 3 Book:3370 Page: 801 Page of 11 I, STATE OF NORTH C4ROLINA COUNTY OF I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day,acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing document for the purpose(s)stated therein,in the capacity indicated therein: Anthony W.Sydes. Date: WN�olaryhlic mture o i.PlL�'I Notary's printed or typfed name My commission expires: (Official Seat) "UM UG iIC' Ct)'.1h\\\` �r1011 111\1P Notary seal or stamp must appear within this box. 4 Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 4 of 11 age 5 of 11) EXHIBIT A (Page 1 of 4) All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in Jacksonville Township,Onslow County,North Carolina,and being more particularly described as follows: A pattern tract of land on the,North side of Ramsey Road.NCSR 1324.60 toot Rightof- Way,at are Intersection with Carom Forest Boulevard 80 foe Rght—e Way,and be441 more partialarty dowdied as follows; Commencing at a PK Nak taund st the apprordmate centerline Intersection of Ramsey Road and Carolina Forest Boulevard;thence with the oantedine of Ramsey Road,Norm 49 degrees 03 minutes 54 seconds West,13372D fed to a PK nail found; thence leaving said owita fe.North 02 degrees 25 mmulas 31 seconds West 40.64 feet to an eon make found on the Northern RighgaFWay tine of Ramsey Road,the Soutrnsm water of are Anthony Ar.Sydes Property es reWnded in Deed Book 2149. Page M,the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:THENCE ion sad point of beginning and leaving geld Right of-Waytine arm wire the Western tines of said Property.North 58 degrees 45 minutes 21 seconds East 70.40 tam to a point thence North 55 degrees 58 minutes 06 seconds East.140.92 teat In an ken stake fmmd;thence North 61 degrees 06 minutes 29 seconds East 143.98 feet W an iron make found; thence North 63 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds East 237.10 teat to an een male found;thence North 67 degrees 59 minutes 34 seconds East 27025 feet to a poird; then North 65 degrees 46 mimres 28 seconds East 78.70 feet to an I=make found;thence North 52 degrees 05 minutes 42 seconds East. 63.43 hoot to an iron stake found; thence North 40 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds Eas4 127.67 feet to a PoirR thence North 39 degrees 01 mnutes 02 sewMs East.463.09 feet to an eon stake found;thence Nord 37 degrees 39 minutes 35 seconds East 61.73 feet to an iron stake found;thence North 22 degrees 21 mules 32 seconds East, 74.84 feat to an iron make tound; thence North 17 degrees 50 minutes 51 seconds East,358.08 feet to an inch stake found;thence North 15 degrees 30 minutes 37 seconds East, 54.26 feet to an iron make found;thence North 03 dagraes 34 minutes 21 seconds West 50.41 feet to an eon sake band:thence Nofth 27 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds Well.38,19 feel to a Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 5 of11 /16 of 11) EXHIBIT A (Page 2 of 4) paid;Bence Ding said Western Lines.North 62 degrees 39 minutes 06 seconds , East 150.18 feet th a part thence North 55 degrees 34 minutes 06 seconds East. 57.67 feet to a point thence South 85 degrees 04 minutes 07 seconds East 3523 het to a post BMW North 55 degrees 29 MUMbas 45 seconds East,65.74 feet to a point; thence Noah 72 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds Fact 49.14 feet to a point,tense North 60 depress 06 rni utm 04 seconds East 50.33 feet to a pout thence Node 47 degrees 08 mimes 36 seconds Ear_32.87 feet to an iron stake set.:thence North 09 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds East 47.06 feat to a pair;thence North 21 degrees 54 minutes 23 seconds East,45.07 feet to a part theme North 30 degrees 41 minus,34 seconds East 107.60 feet w an icon stake got Unnnce Nand 56 degrees 28 minutes 23 seconds East 87.55 feet to m son stake set:thence Norm 41 degrees 35 minutes 19 seconds East 66.49 fsd w an hon stake set thence South 55 degrees 07 minutes 22 seconds East 27.68 feet to an iron stake set thence North 42 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds East 12027 feet to an son stake set thence Norm 17 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds East,63M feet to an iron stake set manes North 88 degrees 30 minutes 34 seconds East 346.41 feet to an son Stake set:Nance Sough 60 degrees 02 minuses 07 seconds East 705.96 teat to an son slake set thence Sohn D8 degrees K minutes 17 seconds Wed,346.38 feet w an Iron stake set thence South 09 degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds Was;238.54 fad to an iron stake set thence Sand 53 dowees 46 minutes 14 seconds East 12752 fact to a point gents South 45 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds East 37.12 reel to a point thence South 40 tlagees 19 minutes 02 seconds East 13521 feet to a point comes South 38 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds East 61.41 feet to a point thence South 11 degrees 01 minutes 05 seconds Fast 50.0 feet to a point; thence South 78 degrees 68 remiss 55 seconds Weal 12.26 feet to a point thence South 11 degrees 01 minutes 05 seconds East,150.0 het w a point thence Sand 78 dapers 58 mnutes 55 seconds West 59537 feel to a point;timle,South 03 degrees 26 minutes 19 seconds West, 28.15 het to a post thence South 42 degrees 12 minutes 28 seconds West 691.85 feet to a point Nice South 01 degraes 28 minutes 20 seconds Wed, 125.69 feet to a own; thence South 19 degrees 18 mdndea SB seconds West,186.76 feet w a point:thence South 56 depress 47 m unites 44 seconds Weal 41391 feet to a point thence South 37 degrees 12 minutes 37 wounds West 160.90 fed to a pose then South 82 degrees 04 mkwtes M seconds WeCL 181.77 fast to a paint ths, Saute 10 dog a a 22 mdutea 30 seconds West,634.01 feet to a whd on the Northam RigM4-Way line a Ramsey Road: mince with said Rigm4- Way Line.North 68 degrees 02 minutes 44 seconds West.64.57 feet to a point Bence Nonni 64 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds West,56.12 feel to a point thence North 61 degrees 08 mutes 57 seconds West 71.85 fast to a poet thence North 55 degrees Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 6 of 11 9C '1 of 11) Aft EXHIBIT A (Page 3 of 4) 45 minutes 43 seconds West 72.61 feat to a point thence North 52 degrees 16 nmanes 11 seconds West St60 feet to a point thence North 49 degrees 58 mirwtes 15 seconds West 55.02 feel to a point thence North 49 dagn as 07 minutes 36 seconds West 867.47 feet to a point thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds WesL 537.0 feet b a point fhm North 48 degrees 35 minutes 14 seconds West.B8.35 feel to the point and place of beginning. . The described bad contains 108.05 acres,moe or toss,and being a portion of that property as recorded In Deed Book 2149,Page 44.and Mat property as recorded in Deed Book 2347 Page 851. Len and except from the above described tract Mat property being described as falays: Cornnermng at the NofMaest comer of the above described tract veld point being on the Weston Lane of the aforementioned Sydes Tract as recorded m Dead Book 2149 Page 44:thence with said Western Lines.South 27 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds East,35.19 feat to an iron stake found;thence South 03 degrees 34 ntnut" 21 seconds East. 50.41 feat to an von stake found; thence South 15 degrees 30 minutes 37 seconds West. 8426 feet to an iron stake fcund; thence leaving said Western Lines,North 85 degrees 32 meatus;12 seconds East,10623 feel to a point the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:THENCE from said point of beginning, North 65 degrees 07 mantes 29 seconds East.208.58 feel to a point Mende South 36 degrees 27 minutes 38 seconds East 50723 teat to a point thence Sand 40 oegreea 23 minutes 24 seconds West 46.17 feet to a point thence&long the am of a wive having a radius of 470.0 feet and cuiving to the nghL 48.71 feet(Chord South 43 degrees 21 minutes 34 seconds West 48.69 feet)to a point;thence South 46 degrees 19 minutes 43 secede West Z30.01 feet to a pint: thence North 52 degrees 07 minutes 55 seconds West 241.02 feet to a pant dance North 37 degrees 52 minuses 05 seconds East 47,54 feat to a put thence along the arc as s wive having a radius of 25.0 feet and wr*Q to the right 21.03 feet(Chord North 61 degrees 57 minutes 47 seconds EasL 20,41 feet)M a point than along fire arc of a curve having a radius of 60.0 feet and wrong to the left 171.61 feet(Chord North 12 degrees 15 minutes 58 seconds West, 98.95 feat)to a pond;thence North 20 degrees 35 mnules 23 seconds Wes:, 276.44 fast to the pond and plow of beginning. Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 7 of 11 f/. of 11) EXHIBIT A (Page 4 of 4) The duvrbed maptmm bzl=maim 3.70 eame. mac a lae, MW beeq e potion 01%W pirw"ry m nsroed in Ded 13o0k 2149 Pepe a . All oounec o e n{erenoed to GPS Grid NodR WAD '83. 2dp7 dmimric Ths ce¢rpmr bwV prapered by Poker WO Ampdffiee,in,horn WNDyed and mrprged'mlommtmR_ . Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 8 of11 9e '9 of 11) EXHIBIT B (Page 1 of 3) cca sascanoo ra ®mlmc r. An atwess easement of vatiallie widttts thru the along proposed Carolina Plantations Boulevard, Merin Heigh-. :toad, and Sonoma Road and to innewe the 10 foot by 70 toot NCD07 Sight Triangles byinng at each side of the street vrtersection&the YY6Y�i1_ nght to extend sweat pavemettt radii to comtez� the to Ramsey Road and future expansion of the Right-ol-Way of Ramsay Road for turn lane purposes and being more parb=w1y oesUTbeC as lubu s' Commencing at a PK Nall found al the nertatar_ intersection of Ramsey P,oed, NCSR 1324,60 toot Mght-of-Way with the cettteedhe of Carolina Forest Boulevar_', BD foe:Right-of-Wsy. [enoe North 36 degrees 29 minutes 29 seconds Walt. 132-71 feet to a poet on the Northern Rigni-cf Way Line of Ramsey Road, the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE with said porn:of beginning and teeving said Right4t-Way Line and wdh tns eight triatgls in the Nortrmesl puedrarr:of ft intersection of Ramsey Road and foposed Carofma Rla ar-,Ons Boulevard, SoLm 57 ciegreas 15 minutes 24 seconds East, 67.75 Teat tc a po'rrt: thence along the and of a curve having a radius of 20.0 lea. and a.rung to the le.., 10.95 fee, (Chord North 56 degrees 34 minute's 10 seconds Fast. 10.82 fee:) to a point on the Western Pogh?d-Way tine of proposed Carolina Piardatons Boulevard,vanabic RIghl-of-Way width, thence w18t said Rigid-a{ Way Line,North 40 degrees 62 minufes 24 seconds East,130.73 feet to a point:thence North 40 degrees 39 minutes 46 seconds East 116.0 feet to a point thence atwtg the tar--of a curve having a radius of 215.0 feet and curving to the left, 10e.03 feet iChord North i6 degrees 20 minulas 24 seconds East. 10Z67 tsat)td a poimm thence North 01 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds East, 503.38 tea'to a Point.thence along the ar of a curve navinp a radius of 830.0 feet and curving to the right.644.88 feet(Chord North 24 degrees 04 minutes 13 seeord-East, 528 78 feet;to a part:thence North 46 depress 19 minutes 43 seconds East; 691.0>; feet to a prank thence along the ar_ o'a curve Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 9 of 11 .ge }0 of 11) EXHIBIT B (Page 2 of 3) having a radius of 470.0 feet and curving to the left.48.71 feet(Chord North 43 degrees 21 minutes 34 seconds East. 48.69 feel) lo a point; theme North 40 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds East.200.18 feel to a gland:theme along the arc of a curve having a radius of 20.0 feel and curving to fie Iek 11.06 fast(Chord North 24 degrees 32 minutes 29 seconds East,10.92 teery to a po6u;thence along ore sight triangle In me Sougmesl Wadiam of me inimisceon of proposed Carolina Plamalions Boulevard and Proposed Mean Height Road.50 foot Right-of-Way.North 39 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds West.67.96 feet to a pant on the Southern Right-d-Way Line of proposed Merin Height Read',thence with seed Right-of-W ay Late.and along Lim are a(a curve having a radius of 525.0 feel and curving to the right. 75.43 fuel (Chord North 40 degrees 34 minutes 36 seconds West.75.37 feet)to a point;Mence Noe 36 degrees 27 porwites 3B seconds West.486.63 feel lo a pant on the NOdhweslem Line of rile Release Tract# 1;thence with said Ime and crossing proposed Merin Height Road, North 60 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds East, 50.33 feet w a point;thence leaving said Northwestern Line and with the Northam Rlghlof-Way Line of proposed Merin Haight Road and Proposed Sonoma Road.50 foot Right-ol-Way.South 36 degrees 27 minuets 38 seconds East 480,88 feet in a poet.thence along the arc of a curve having a radius of 475.0 feet end carving to lire left. 108.01 fact(Chord South 43 degrees 02 minutes 07 seconds East,108.77 feet)m a poinC menu South 49 degrees 36 minutes 36 seconds cast.37.15 feet to a point;thence along the arc of a curve having a radius of 475.0 feet and curving to the(aft,426.19 feet(Chord South 75 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 412.04 feet) to a point: thence North 78 degrees 5B minutes 55 seconds Easl,433.60 feel w a point on the Northeast Line of the Release Trap#1; thence w4h said line and crossing proposed Sonoma Read, Soule 11 degrees 01 minutes 05 secmnas East,50.0 feat to a poet on the Southern Rightof-Way Line of Proposed Sonoma Road;thonw leaving said Northeastern line and with said Rightof. Way Lire, South 78 degrees 58 minutes 55 secems West 433.60 feet to a poet: thence along the arc o1 a curve having a radius of 625.0 fed and curving to the right. 471.05 feet(Chord North 75 degrees 18 minutes 50 seconds West,455,41 feel)to a po'in:fence Norm 49 degrees 36 mimes 36 seconds West, 22.18 feel to a point: thence with the light triangle in me Soumaesl wadrent on the Intersection of propcwd 1 Sonoma Road and proposed Carolina plantations Boulevard. Norm 57 degrees 44 minutes 24 seconds West,67.75 feet to a point.thence along the arc of a curve having a radius of 20.0 feet and curving M me left 10.96 last(Chord South 56 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds West, 10.62 feet)to a point on the Eastern Righl-of-Way Line of omposed Carolina Plmtetions Boulevard:mince wan said Rigreof-Way Lme,South 40 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds Wes..200.18 feet to a point thence along the arc of a Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 10 of 11 3e ),1 of 11) EXHIBIT B ) I (Page 3 of 3) I nave having a redwc of 530.^fret no curving In the rwhL 54.e3 fee;f Chard South 43 1 osprees 21 minutes 34 SmoM45 West,64.91 foatl n a pent,,then a South 46 dogree5 19 mmvtl5 43 sacortds Wes;,69!.M lee:to 2 pom:,theimaagrw a+a are of a carve '•i nevn: a radius of 770.0 feer and ourw s to the lot 598.26 leer fChad Soum 24 OP w minutes 13 Pa9nps Wes:.583.33 feel)to a grass I point ulx,w scum D+degreos 48 mmutes 43 ssxnds Weal.5C2.3e Foal m a pdi thenoe aion;,the we of a arrve I raving a redtus of 340.0 toot are zur ng to the right, 171.47 feet(Chord South 16 t degrees 15 minutes 35 aeennes West 169.66 feet)to a point itmrm South 30 degrees r 42 mnutes 27 se oms West- 69.73 seat to a pomt; therms Scum 40 dagreas 52 mmufas 24 wmeMs W nest,124.51 169110 A Pont:thence along dm art of a cave hating e mdus of M.0 fea:and awing to,the W_a, eft 46 feet eClard Soup 25 degrees 10 minutes seconds West,10 82 feat)to a point thence along the sight triangle,in the Northeast quadrant Or It.M1a. .dqn of proposed Caohma Plemaderm Boulevard and Ramsay Road, South a0 degrees 59 moves 49 se:vnds East 67 75100 to a point them South 49 defaass G maums 37 mconds Eost, 15.15 teal to a point theme South 49 degrees 58 mattes 15 seconds East.54.59 teat to a Pont:mane South 52 dogrecs 16 minutes 11 eaconds Eau.5:_.64 feew,to a Point.thane South 55 dafsses 45 Mauves 43 seconds East,71.44 feat m a pom^,.thence SOum 81 dogmas 07 minutes 57 seconds Ear., 70.36 feet to a point I va South 25 oeprees 50 minutes 24 seconds Wee. 16M last to a pond on ice Northern Righl-o`-WoY Line of Ramsay Road:fronts with said Rign-oil-War Lora.North 61 aegmes 08 minutes 57 seconds West,71.95 feet to a pony Ience North 55 degrees 46 minutes 43 xeonds Wast.M.61 feet to a Pont thence North 52 degrees 16 minutes 11 cecomis WasL 62.60 heal W a point; thence Month 49 aegmec 68 mmAm,15 wconds Wast.55 C2 feat to a point;thence form 49 degrees 07 meattes 36 seconds W nest.255.24 feet to the point and plane of beginning. The dasertoed a:obas easenron:am{aim,5.92 aces.man or leas,and being a opnwr o: that pnpsrty is recorped n Dead Book 2149, Page 44. All rouses ore - mre me6 to GPS rated North. WAD '8, 2007 adlusmtam. TM de8t4tpihon being Tneponse hr Pouter and Associnles. Inc. from computed sdamatwn and is fm the purpose of acsnss across bat®rrorest.• 4eatrit4d b_.• P ibis A. ( i Book:3370 Page: 801 Page 11 of 11 '' . i i SOSID: 1136487 Date Filed:5/9/2012 9:14:00 AM CD-479(4 ) Business Cor oration Annual R Elaine F.Marshall 12-6-11 .,,,Carolina Secretary of State 2012 135 00302 Name of Business Corporation: CAROLINA PLANTATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Secretary of State ID: 113 64 87 State of Formation: NC Fiscal Year Ending: 12 31 11 ❑ I hereby certify that an annual report oompleted in its entirety has been submitted and the information requested below(required by NCGS 55-16-22)has not changed and is therefore complete. Section A:Registered Agent's Information 1. Name of Registered Agent: ANTHONY W. SYDES 2. Signature of the New Registered Agent: (Signature constitutes consent to are appoirtmenq 3. Registered Office Street Address&County 4. Registered Office Mailing Address 4355 GUM BRANCH RD UNIT B PO BOX 7122 ONSLOW JACKSONV NC 28540 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Section B:Principal Office Information 1. Description of Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE LAND DEVELOPMENT 2. Principal Office Phone Number: 910-455-6956 3. Principal Office Email: 4. Principal Office Street Address&County 5. Principal Office Mailing Address 4355 GUM BRANCH RD UNIT B PO BOX 7122 ONSLOW JACKSONV NC 28540 JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Section C:Officers(Enter additional Officers in Section E.) Name: ANTHONY W. SYDES Name: Name: Title: PRESIDENT Title: Title: Address: 4355 GUM BRANCH Address: Address: JACKSONVILLE NC 28540 Section D:Certification of Annual Report Section D must be completed in its entirety by a personlbusiness entity. /) A4 Z 02151Zo(2 igmture(Form mu a signal ey an omcer M corparetian) Data ANTHONY SYDES PRESIDENT Pft or Typo Name of Ofter Trtle C- , r✓� a �� Mp ik 74W w M° � r � i f I a 1 •Pas 1� � \ \ II PXI- 0 � I 1 OR / qI I♦I 11 c !p> •52 V A\ I q�y9 ° °•a�S�J Q�/�� s n � \ ••p �\ �' � Jn ✓� n GAROU A \ \ \ � 1 r 1 zs •f r�' d�1`�f •0`s4f ` ` ��� '-7 ti \ �J T' EUQ atoN 1 a ,.' �. � •tea V >'",• ati ! . ♦� ,. p ,,�iI � ���r� •. _-�. - � s' R'4MS R.V. ------------- Iv �ti•, f r ECEIVE JUN 0 6 2013 I BY:_----- The Burroughs, Section II-Sand Filter#1 Type 11 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepared by{enter your company name here} Page 2 HydroCAD®8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Pond B1: Sand Filter Hydrograph ■Inflow izai cis ■Outflow Inflow Area=4.257 ac r-r'*-----,- , - ■Primary " Peak Elev=42.92' 1_L_1J_J_ _ 1 —I i 12 Storage=11,022 cf 11 _ I I I I I I I I _1_J_ _J_J__I_ i 10 1 f 1 1 _r_r__ .r_r_1_r___i_ _�_�__I__I_ _,_ -I _ __r _r . - r-r- r-r- r- r-r _ g 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I L_L J_J _J_J 1__I 1 e ___ ; I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 f 7 } LL 6 _I___ ___ ________r 4 �69 c1e 3 2 t<t crs 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) The Burrouahs, Section II-Sand Filter#2 Type 1124-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCAD@ 8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Subcatchment A2Pre: A2 Predevelopment Runoff = 0.56 cfs @ 11.99 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Depth= 0.35" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Area (sf) CN Description 59,072 55 59,072 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment A2Pre: A2 Predevelopment Hydrograph 0.6 ■Runoff 0 56 cls 0.65 Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR 0.57 Rainfall=3.50" 0.45 Runoff Area=59,072 sf 0.4 Runoff Volume=0.039 of F 0.35 Runoff Depth=0.35" 0.3 Tc=5.0 min LL 0.25 CN=55 0.z 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A A 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) The Burroughs, Section II-Sand Filter a Type //24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCAD®8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Subcatchment A2: A2 Post Development Runoff = 4.65 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 0.210 af, Depth= 1.86" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Area (sf) CN Description 38,215 98 Impervious 20,857 55 grass 59,072 83 Weighted Average 20,857 Pervious Area 38,215 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment A2: A2 Post Development Hydrograph 5 ■Runoff 4 5 Type II 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" 4 Runoff Area=59,072 sf Runoff Volume=0.210 of `u 3 Runoff Depth=1.86" g Tc=5.0 min LL 2 CN=83 ow 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2'0% 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) The Burroughs, Section II-Sand Filter#2 Type 11 24-hr 1 Year 24-HR Rainfall=3.50" Prepare y enter your company name here) Page 2 HydroCAD®8.00 s/n 005202 ©2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/6/2013 Pond B2: Sand Filter Hydrograph ■Inflow 4.55 c+s ❑Outflow Inflow Area=1.356 ac ■prmardscarded 5 Peak Elev=44.67' 4 Storage=4,591 cf L 3 3 0 LL 2 j 0,52 c1a 1 o asa. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours)