HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8000536_HISTORICAL FILE_20221122 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8(Lb 53(o DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE2- YYYYMMDD Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 12:31 PM To: propertymanager@zdc.com Subject: SW8 000536 - Long Leaf Mall Renovations The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on November 14, 2022. The project has been assigned to Aisia Freeman and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ert�ail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Website: htt de .nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as they may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. 1 N -Tra isfer A I ation Co s Review Checklist Project Name: Date Delivered to WIRO: Project County/Location: BIMS Received/Accepted Date: Date Given to Admin: I Is Permit Action: New New Permit Nt: BIMS Acknowledged Date: It U- a Not located in the ETJ of the following delegated and functionmR programs: NHC:Carolina Beach/Kure Beach/Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland I Navassa J@/Oak Island �� Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Ja ville Pend: Surf Cit.,y��/ Ma10` / Minor Mod Renewal (Existing Permit N: plicant&Permittee are the same?3 Expiration Date°: Permit Type: �HD �LID Overall/HD&LD Combo GeneralP rmit/Offsite/Exempt + Redevelopment �Offsite to SWB: Development Ty Commercial Residenti er - ❑Is Offsite Lot approved in Master Permit?s Subdivided?: a division or Ingle L t Rule(s): F-12017 Coastal El 2008 Coastal M995 Coastal ElPhase II El Universal 1988 Coastal Permitt Type&Documents Needed: lroperty Owner(s) Purchaser Lessee OHOA Developer 'able? QViable? QViable? QViable? QViable. eed QPurchase ARmt Lease Election Minutes Pap ork plication ee: '1101OS(within 6mo) Check#(s): C-��g E]No Fee Supplement'(1 new form orfor older farms:1 original per SCM) // ///' �O&M 2 \7 Soils Report(Infil or PP) I \Vl/ Calculations(signed/sealed) Deed Restrictions,if subdivided Project Narrative F-1USGS Map(or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Y / N Plans(2 Sets) NOTES: 'Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 2For New Projects-Enter New Permit d on Supplements&Deed Restriction Templates. 3 If permittee is different,STOP.Needs to be transferred first. °If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod,S FOP. Needs a renewal first. slf Lot not approved in master permit,STOP. Master permit needs mod. EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: A Comments: -� �REVIEWER NAME: &%Reference Libra ry\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_2021 09 08 Beasley, Michelle From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 4:20 PM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 - CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 Attachments: Shipyard Blvd.pdf; Ogden Commons.pdf; Long Leaf.pdf; CVS.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Michelle, Attached please find the Permit Renewal Applications for the four properties. The originals will be mailed with checks. Thank you, Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC III Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: www.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beaslev@ncdenr.eov> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:45 AM To:Vikki Garman <propertymanaser@zdc.com> Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.Hall@ncdenr.zov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 -CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 Absolutely! Thanks! From:Vikki Garman<propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:29 AM To: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beaslev@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.Bov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 - CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 CAUTION:'External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. The Transfer Applications are already marked that the funds were previously submitted, but I'll be mailing the Renewal apps with the Transfer apps and including 4 more checks. Will that work? Vikki Montgomery t Beasley, Michelle From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:12 AM To: Vikki Garman Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 - CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 Vikki, As previously discussed, because these permits have expired, the current permit holder will need to renew the permits prior to the transfer. The renewal applications submitted did not have current permit holders listed. We will need new renewal applications also. Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley(she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 michelle.beasley@ ncdenr.gov NORTH CAROLINA R E Department of Envimnmemel Duality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:01 AM To: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946-CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 CAUTION External email Do'not click links or open attachympents unless you verify _Send all suspicious email as an}.a,}ttachment to' {' 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:29 AM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 - CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 6AUTION E tern ,ea matl Do not click finks or open attachments unless you venfy Send all suspiaous email as an attachment to -es iy_L ,y. b I'e r { K .Y. yl +r FY y�' ¢ u R2pa Spam''. _c._11:�"" . __ s, � .,..:, > h.....y's $..a a#'ax,.0 :3,.s _. r R a ,t-�''..k...?a, The Transfer Applications are already marked that the funds were previously submitted, but I'll be mailing the Renewal apps with the Transfer apps and including 4 more checks. Will that work? Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC 111 Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: wlvw.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:24 AM To: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.Hall @ncdenr.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 -CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 Yes, we are holding the already submitted checks to be used for the renewals once we get the corrected applications. Then you will need to submit an additional check with each transfer application. Again, we cannot process the transfers until the permit renewals are processed. Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley(she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, INC 28405 michelle.beaslev(@ncdenr.gov 1 Beasley, Michell From: Vlkki Goxnoo <p/npertymnnagrr@o1c.cnm> Sent: Monday, November l4, 2Allll:20AK4 To; Beasley, Michelle Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: RE: [Externa|] RE: State Sto/n`wmie/ Permit SVY8990946 [VS Pharmacy 46ZZ'02 UP Dopm need k) send io checks with the transfer applications? } previously sent checks with the renewal applications, but i1looks like there's also u fee 10 transfer. ls that correct? \/ikkiMocKgooutry Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, [LC l|} Princess Street Wilmington, NC2840l [)ffiux: (9|0) 244-k273 Cell: (9lA) 5l2'7638 Fax: (4lA) 763'0374 Web: From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Monday, November 14, Z022ll:llAM To: Vikki Garman< Cc: Hall, Christine < ; 3anos, Dan < > Subject: RE: [Externa|] RE: State StorrnvvaterPermit SVV8998946 CVJ Pharmacy 462I'OI Vikki, As previously discussed, because these permits have expired,the current permit holder will need to renew the permits prior to the transfer. The renewal applications submitted did not have current permit holders listed. VVe will need new renewal applications also. Information, applications and forms can be found on our vvebsitekhere\. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments nr need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley (she/her/hcrs) Jtonx,voto/Environmental Specialist Division uf Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality � 0ffice: (9l0)796'7Z1S I Direct: (9l8)796'7287 x Beasley, Michelle From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:24 AM To: Vikki Garman Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946 - CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 Yes, we are holding the already submitted checks to be used for the renewals once we get the corrected applications. Then you will need to submit an additional check with each transfer application. Again, we cannot process the transfers until the permit renewals are processed. Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley(she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 michelle.beasley@ncden r.gov R E Q::� Nlpa H nt Envi OLINA Ueparh�reni W Environme�l Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:20 AM To: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 990946-CVS Pharmacy 4622-02 :CAUTION:Extt na email Do not cT li k links or open attachments unless.y�o enfy:Send all suspiuous e a as a attachment to ReportSoam.�'+ Do we need to send in checks with the transfer applications? I previously sent checks with the renewal applications, but it looks like there's also a fee to transfer. Is that correct? t Beasley, Michelle From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:02 AM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 000536 - Long Leaf Mall Renovations Attachments: Long Leaf.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Michelle, Attached please find the signed Transfer Application for this property. The originals will be mailed out today. Thank you, Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC I I I Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Office: (910) 294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: www.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle<michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:22 PM To: propertymanager@zdc.com Cc: Hall, Christine<Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: State Stormwater Permit SW8 000536 - Long Leaf Mall Renovations Our office is in receipt of a renewal application request for state stormwater permit SW8 000536—Long Leaf Mall Renovations, currently owned by ZP NO. 73, LLC and having expired 8/3/2014. It appears that your application has been submitted listing ZP NO. 183, LLC as the owner of the current permit("permittee"). Further search of both entities on the NC Secretary of State Business Registration website lists both entities are "Current-Active" and does not indicate a connection between ZP NO. 73, LLC and ZP NO. 183, LLC (i.e. business name change, formerly known as, merger, dissolution, etc.). Additional research with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds website indicates that this property is currently owned by ZP NO. 183, LLC. As stated in our letter dated 9/30/2022 (entire letter attached as reference): "Permits are not automatically transferred when the property ownership changes. If this property has had an ownership change, a permit transfer application form along with the submittal requirements will also need to be submitted. This form can also be found on the website provided above." 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 12:58 PM To: Property Manager Cc: Freeman, Aisia L; Smith, Ashley M Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits Yes,two original transfer applications per property. The checks we have can absolutely be used for the transfers. Yes, confirmed, we have the SOS, deed and 0&M agreements on file. Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley(she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 michelle.beaslev@ncdenr.gov EMUMONNUMN."UMN 2� NORiH CAROLJNA OepaMent of Enviranmenfal Uuali Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Property Manager<propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 2, 2022 11:31 AM To: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Freeman, Aisia L<aisia.freeman@ncdenr.gov>; Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits CAUTION 4Extemal emaiif.Do not click Inks or open attachments unless you verify-.Send all suspicious email as an attachment t07-' # ,' iw 'T!Y k^�"&:" ZL.,,'£dyi±[ w is,�trX"�Sy`' aAiP:�Y"3 ,1+vx"3' fi43ie^ice ♦i _ 'v"�ih..5 } ]^+!S. 4. ReoortSoam.s, < x 1 �,s. #. r f` 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Property Manager <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 11:31 AM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: Freeman, Aisia L; Smith, Ashley M Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits UTION ,External email::Do not click links or open attachments unless[you venfy�s5endII spmouSemad as�an attachment fo I can submit the transfer applications. You need two originals for each property, correct? So the checks that were submitted would not be credited to the transfer applications because those forms are just transferring the ownership and the other fee renews the permit? Your office already has the SOS proof, deed and O&M agreement for the properties and correct owner, correct? Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC I 1 I Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 763-4669, ext. 223 Direct: (910) 294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: www.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle<michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:45 AM To: Property Manager<propertymanager@zdc.com> Cc: Freeman, Aisia L<aisia.freeman@ncdenr.gov>; Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits Vikki, Yes, you can indicate O&M agreements are on file. Yes,you can also mark deeds and Secretary of State information are on file. And,yes,we are holding the checks submitted with the applications until advised otherwise. As these applications are initially intended for renewal of the applications,we can renew each permit as long as the applications are submitted reflecting the entities that we show as the current owners of the permit (even if the Register of Deeds indicates different property ownership). It would be wonderful if we could also get transfer applications (and supporting documents and fees)to move the permit ownership to match the property ownership. However,this is a secondary priority for us at the moment. Our primary focus in maintaining current and up-to-date permits. Completing the renewal application process will meet that primary objective. I hope this helps! Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:45 AM To: Property Manager Cc: Freeman, Aisia L; Smith, Ashley M Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits Vikki, Yes, you can indicate 0&M agreements are on file. Yes,you can also mark deeds and Secretary of State information are on file. And,yes, we are holding the checks submitted with the applications until advised otherwise.As these applications are initially intended for renewal of the applications, we can renew each permit as long as the applications are submitted reflecting the entities that we show as the current owners of the permit(even if the Register of Deeds indicates different property ownership). It would be wonderful if we could also get transfer applications (and supporting documents and fees)to move the permit ownership to match the property ownership. However,this is a secondary priority for us at the moment. Our primary focus in maintaining current and up-to-date permits. Completing the renewal application process will meet that primary objective. I hope this helps! Information, applications and forms can be found on our website (here). Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley (she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.,Wilmington, NC 28405 m i ch el I e.beasley@ ncden r.gov NORTH CAROUNA Oepartrneni of EnYiranmelital Oualiry Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Property Manager<propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:37 AM 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Property Manager <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:37 AM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: Freeman, Aisia L; Smith, Ashley M Subject: RE: [Externall Storm Water Permits CAUTION .E Bernal ffipVDo not click 1riks of open attachments unless,you venfy':Send all suspiaous email as an attachment 20 X's ,t' 'a«r, - k 5.� .r. ..r The Zimmers refinance properties and when they do, they change the legal entity of them, which is why it looks like there's a new owner for several of them. With that being said, since the Zimmers actually still own all of the properties, the O&M agreements that your office has on file have not changed, so can I mark that line item that they're already on file? Your emails mentioned that you looked at the Secretary of State's website as well as the recorded deeds, so can I mark those items as already being on file? I'll need to submit two applications for each permit, correct? Is your office holding the checks that we sent the other week? Thank you! Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC III Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 763-4669, ext. 223 Direct: (910)294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: www.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beasley@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday, November 2, 2022 10:16 AM To: Property Manager<propertymanager@zdc.com> Cc: Freeman,Aisia L<aisia.freeman@ncdenr.gov>; Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Storm Water Permits Good Morning Vikki, What types of questions do you have? I believe there were several Zimmer properties that we had issues with so I want to make sure who would be the best person to provide guidance and be prepared with all of the necessary information to answer your questions. Thanks! Information,applications and forms can be found on our website (here). t Beasley, Michelle From: Property Manager <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 9:56 AM To: Freeman, Aisia L Cc: Beasley, Michelle; Smith, Ashley M Subject: [External] Storm Water Permits UTION.,Ext� �I;D�o not c ick Imks oropen attachments unless"you verifySend all suspiaous email as an:at_tachmentao, All— I have questions regarding the permit transfer process. I have left voicemail messages and sent emails last week, but have not received any kind of response. Will one of you please contact me at 910-5 12-763 8. Thank you, Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC I I I Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 763-4669, ext. 223 Direct: (910)294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: ",",.zdc.com NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any reading,dissemination,distribution, copying,or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof. Thankyou. 1 Beasley, Michelle From: Vikki Garman <propertymanager@zdc.com> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 9:46 AM To: Beasley, Michelle Cc: asaia.freeman@ncdenr.gov Subject: [External] RE: State Stormwater Permit SW8 960902 CAUTION: External�ema!L Do notclick Imks oropen attachmentr unless4you ven en fy'Sd all suspiaous email as an;a�ttachmentito,,ag� zR 6 b rtjS �+ Michelle/Asaia, I have several questions about the transfer application. Can one of you please call me on my cell? Thank you! Vikki Montgomery Property Manager Zimmer Development Company, LLC 111 Princess Street Wilmington,NC 28401 Office: (910) 294-8223 Cell: (910) 512-7638 Fax: (910) 763-0379 Web: www.zdc.com From: Beasley, Michelle <michelle.beaslev@ncdenr.eov> Sent:Tuesday, October 25, 2022 12:28 PM To:propertymanaRer@zdc.com Subject: State Stormwater Permit SW8 960902 Our office is in receipt of a renewal application request for state stormwater permit SW8 960902, currently owned by Zimmer Development Company, LLC and having expired 11/28/2021. It appears that your application has been submitted listing ZP NO. 337, LLC as the owner of the current permit("permittee"). Further search of both entities on the NC Secretary of State Business Registration website lists both entities are "Current-Active" and does not indicate a connection between Zimmer Development Company, LLC and ZP NO. 337, LLC(i.e. business name change, formerly known as, merger, dissolution, etc.). Additional research with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds website indicates that this property is currently owned by ZP NO. 337, LLC. As stated in our letter dated 9/30/2022 (entire letter attached as reference): "Permits are not automatically transferred when the property ownership changes. If this property has had an ownership change, a permit transfer application form along with the submittal requirements will also need to be submitted. This form can also be found on the website provided above." t Beasley, Michelle From: Beasley, Michelle Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:22 PM To: propertymanager@zdc.com Cc: Hall, Christine; Sams, Dan Subject: State Stormwater Permit SW8 000536 - Long Leaf Mall Renovations Attachments: 2022 09 req_ren 000536.pdf Our office is in receipt of a renewal application request for state stormwater permit SW8 000536—Long Leaf Mall Renovations, currently owned by ZP NO. 73, LLC and having expired 8/3/2014. It appears that your application has been submitted listing ZP NO. 183, LLC as the owner of the current permit ("permittee"). Further search of both entities on the NC Secretary of State Business Registration website lists both entities are "Current-Active" and does not indicate a connection between ZP NO. 73, LLC and ZP NO. 183, LLC(i.e. business name change, formerly known as, merger, dissolution, etc.). Additional research with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds website indicates that this property is currently owned by ZP NO. 183, LLC. As stated in our letter dated 9/30/2022 (entire letter attached as reference): "Permits are not automatically transferred when the property ownership changes. if this property has had an ownership change, a permit transfer application form along with the submittal requirements will also need to be submitted. This form can also be found on the website provided above." (-Unfortunately,we will need the current permit owners,ZP NO. 73, LLC,to submit the renewal application c: request. Subsequent to the renewal, we can process a transfer application request that includes all required documents- and fees, moving the permit ownership from ZP NO. 73, LLC to ZP NO. 183, LLC. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions and/or comments or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Michelle Beasley(she/her/hers) Stormwater Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (910)796-7215 1 Direct: (910)796-7287 Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 m iche I le.beasley(@ n cde n r.eov NORTH GAROLINAME Q�� Department of Environmental Duality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. i PARID' R06114-004-001-000 ZIP NO 183 LLC 2800 COLLEGE RD S Parcel Alt ID 313611.55.7206.000 Address 2800 S COLLEGE RD Unit City Zip Code - Neighborhood CIBSO Class COM-Commercial Land Use Code 531-Community Retail Living Units Acres Zoning RB-REGIONAL BUSINESS Legal Legal Description TRACT LONG LEAF MALL SUBDIVISION Tax District WM Owners (On Januarylst) Owner ZIP NO 183 LLC n City WILMINGTON State NC Country Zip 28401 THE DATA IS FROM 2022 • File.an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal Name ZP NO. 183, LLC Information Sosld: 1194213 Status: Current-Active O Date Formed: 3/17/2011 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentgnnuaL Report Status: Registered Agent: Zimmer, Herbert J. Addresses Principal Office Reg Office Mailing 111 Princess St 111 Princess St PO Box 2628 Wilmington, NC 28401-3948 Wilmington, NC 28401-3948 Wilmington, NC 28402-2628 Reg Mailing PO Box 2628 Wilmington, NC 28402-2628 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Manager Zp No. 183 Member, Inc. PO Box 2628 Wilmington NC 28402 ROY COOPER S Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER `• n. Secretary BRIAN WRENN NORTH CAROLINA 6vector Environmental Quality September 30, 2022 ZP No. 73, LLC Attn: Jeffrey L. Zimmer, Registered Agent PO Box 2628 Wilmington,NC 28402 Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal Request and Transfer Request Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 000536 Long Leaf Mall Renovations New Hanover County Dear Mr. Zimmer: Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit SW8 000536 for the subject project expired on 08/03/2014. This is a reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to their expiration per 15A NCAC 2H.1045(3).North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater permit. Failure to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties. More information about the Post-Construction State Stormwater Program can be found on the following website: deq.nc.2ov/S W Please submit a complete permit renewal form along with a$505.00 fee and other submittal requirements within 30 days. The permit renewal form can be found under the Post-Construction section of this website or at: https•//deq nc nov/about/divisions/energv-mineral-and-land-resources/stormwater/storrnwater-proeram/post- construction-2 Permits are not automatically transferred when the property ownership changes. If this property has had an ownership change, a permit transfer application form along with the submittal requirements will also need to be submitted. This form can also be found on the website provided above. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact Ashley Smith or Aisia Freeman in the Wilmington Regional Office either via email (ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov or aisia.freeman@ncdenr.gov)or phone at(910) 796-7215. Sincerely, G ,_ WA. ,,Brian Wrenn, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources DES/mgb: \\\Stovnwater\Pertnits&Projects\2000\000536 HD\2022 09 req_ren 000536 cc: ZP No. 183,LLC,Attn: Herbert J.Zimmer,New Property Owner,PO Box 2628,Wilmington,NC 28402 Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File rolft Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 I uamH uaauw, om.mawr�wm.wmr+ 970.796.7215 � r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 25, 2011 Jeffrey L. Zimmer, Manager ZP No. 73, LLC 111 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: Permit Extension, Session Laws 2009-406 and 2010-177 Stormwater Permit #SW8 000536 . High Density — Long Leaf Mall New Hanover County Dear Mc Zimmer: On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacts any development approval issued by the Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which is current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extends the effective period of any stormwater permit that is set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010- 177 which grants an extra year for a total of four (4) years extension. Accordingly, Stormwater Permit # SW8 000536 which has already expired on August 3, 2010, is now in effect until August 3, 2014. Please resubmit the renewal application and fee at least 180 days prior to August 3, 2014, which would be February 3, 2014. A copy of the Renewal Application can be obtained from the following website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms—docs. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Quality in the Wilmington Regional Office at 910-796-7215. Sincerely, _ Georgette colt Stormwater Supervisor Division of Water Quality S:\WQS\STORMWATER\RENEWAL\SL2009-406 2010-177\000536.mar11 cc: Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 _ o0e Phone:910-796-72151 FAX:910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 North Caron na Internet:www.ncwateryualiry.org Naturally An Equal Opportunity l Amrmalive Action Employer `( P'.U: TRANSACTION REPORT FEB-04-2008 MON�O3�37 PM ,j FOR: NCDENR 9103502004 � I I SEND DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP FEB-04 03:27 PM 916196780206 9' 42" 30 FAX TX OK 701 � I � TOTAL 9M 42S PAGES 30 i VC MR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources . Wilmington Regional Office ' Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: February 4,2008 No.Of Pagea:(excluding cover) ?jO To: S,Shayne Leathers,P.E. From:Azita Sartipi CO: Chas H.Sells CO:Expross Permitting Fax No. 919-679.0206 Tel No. 919-678.0035 Tel No.:910-796.7500 ext.7377 FAX No.910-350-2004 1 E-mail:azita sartipQ ncmail ueS ' REMARKS:SWS000536MOD/Long Leaf Mail 1 Yi Dear S.Shayne Leathers. I I will mail you a hard copy of the following pages. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. - Best regards, � t Azita I � 127 Cm inel Dmv Extrneien,Wllminyvn,N.C.21405-3845 Talephone(910)7%-72215 Far(910)1504M Av Equal Opportunity Affirmative ACtion Employer NCDENR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: February 4, 2008 No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) `o To: S. Shayne Leathers, P.E. From: Azita Sartipi CO: Chas H. Sells CO: Express Permitting Fax No. 919-678-0206 Tel No. 919-678-0035 Tel No.: 910-796-7500 ext. 7377 FAX No. 910-350-2004 E-mail: azita.sartipi@ncniail.net ncmail.net REMARKS: SW8000536MOD / Long Leaf Mall Dear S. Shayne Leathers, I will mail you a hard copy of the following pages. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Azita 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845 Telephone(910)796-7215 Fax(910)350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer