HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC241650_Site Plan or Location Map_20240531 Before acquiring a building permit for lots marked by an * IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED TOTAL NET AREA IN SITE: 54.495 AC. 2548050 SF " I, CLYDE T. PEARCE, certify that this plat was drawn under 15 (asterisk) the builder may need to obtain a Flood Hazard Area Use mysupervision from on actual surveymade under mysupervision 0 Permit from Wake County Environmental Services. The builder's IMPERVIOUS SHOWN ON THE LOT. IMPERVIOUS P P s engineer, architect and/or surveyor (as appropriate) must AREA IN STREET: 188342 SF (deed description recorded in Book page etc.)(other), Z r• / Y SURFACE LIMITS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED that the boundaries not surveyed ore clearly indicated as drawn certify that all flood hazard requirements are met. �o„ G 2548050 SF — 188342 SF = 2359708 SF from information found in Book • page , thgtota Fp[I fhiri �0 of precision as calculated is 1:10000, that this plat,O s Ore •yy 61 �ff,� NOTE: NO NCGS MONUMENT WITHIN 2000 FEET. 15 There shall be no filling or the erection of permanent struc- 2359708 SF X 0.15 = 353956 SF pored in accordance with G.5 47-30 as amended.? t O �,, tures in the areas of Wake CountyFlood Hazard Soils or Federal NOTE: AREAS COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. original signature, registration number and seal i �t• s/,•'•'•D O 9 9 9 #$ }1 1•f0 U 9Q 0� Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100 year flood zones until a NOTE: PROPERTY SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS do RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. 353956/27 = 1 3109 SF PER LOT MIA day of SEPTEMBER A.D.2023. �� 'L'•2 flood study is approved by Wake County and/or FEMA. REFERENCE: DEED BOOK 11080 PAGE 2203 r\ � •Q SEAL :::: �pp� DEED BOOK 10919 PAGE 2762 = iDEED BOOK 2814 PAGE 566 \A` D( s't t"�48t—V� Woke Count hereb acce ts, for use and benefit of the BOOK OF MAPS 2004 PAGE 1948 G� ,� StsveyvC�,rCo y y p general public, the rights-of- BOOK OF MAPS 2003 PAGE 485AEOND(�IVIV ��G �' L-'$4C1'�,T'{'� -1way easements, open spaces, and recreation areas shown or otherwise provided for on ( /N0 Seal or Stam Registrotiatf ,� b�rt�UR 1 ,,:•' this plot as dedicated for public roads, public utilities, public recreation facilities, and other BOOK OF MAPS 1989 PAGE 460 REFERENCE �C` 6 p 40 "........... �� O public improvements. This acceptance does not include the county's acceptance of any �\� Q� ...„ !,` .T }� t�•0`, Ct- responsibility to construct, install, or maintain the roadway, utility line, recreation facility, ��(. 11 "ff4f1{taaft{�Q``tt.c T� QQ' or other public improvement intended to be constructed or installed within the right-of- C / O6 I, CLYDE T. PEARCE, PROFESSIONAL Land Surveyor No. L-1481, ��lv way, easement, open space, or recr area. `-' 8 4° 1 0�O9 '�E certify that this plat is of a survey that creates a subdivision of 1 �,g I��'I N 1 •.J land within the area of a county or municipalit that has an ordinance I ""I v, DateWing Director/Review Officer that regulates parcels of land. VICINITY MAP —I 000 • S 87.49'40"E m144.62, • S s 1‘10. ttt t"nr „ ,, �[�\I, DAB t �AQ. S Planning Director and Review Officer of Wake County �g. (, O 7S s8• �`���,+ G , ��'� �- ,a sr S , CLYDE T. PEARCE, PROFESSIelS , NO. L-2481 certify that this plat creates a subdivision subject to and approved in accordance o N o 31 150 SF '87'8E' O = O,''Q `''3/with the Wake County Unified Development Ordinance, and that it meets all statutory zm 8000 sF MIA u' / .?• ' i" C%vi'.�A NG� • :0.21'z136.76' •oSF \ - :Q Z requirements for recording. I also certify that copies of all necessary approvals of o •, • o, pg -p=s'r s°��' other state and local a encies havin ursidiction over the roads, utilities, and other z� 87'0 16"W 216.98' LA �„ 1359mail k;osk�, oZ _ s { p r°� �s°o-, 9 9 1 m a z 1 rn nctudes oro EA L• 1 '. �. F improvements have been submitted a and are file in my office. This approval 'I'sSO N SFMIA py ��Q `," I— L-24311000• �G �0 mil (" R 50 F fA O. ¢' 2i Q-NrF s�.d• ex ires if not recorded before Z O 32821 SF 33 °->• \2. 1 * so cP 3S_ F-' `:TerOJ�v h^ .� • �(�,2SJZ.y 8000 SF MIA o `�7, • • ,• b ems.,, •it0i9. 0 ts, % !'O •vy0. ``• �i�l aQ wiry ,9sTOs Dote nning Director/Review Officer N • 316.71' '�i • ✓ �A ` w C^ oc^�'ti �'ti�" '•••`SURNl�,"..' 44/ .? sr 70, .8?. N 86'42'37"W • s C �i �` O� .� ���',ti 4 4,vy:NE ", y?� t•9"'' 6'. •Ss, • I, QArhey /3(p k6Urh , certify that the plat shown hereon complies with ® o �' F CI 5 �7 < G y�% 4r��rr• P P,.�M`SN pR 9, ry9ti �, �� 0�s Article 9, Stormwater Management of the Wake County Unified Development N frrl -• SF 5' o✓ �• .000 \,1°4 y 1O St- """"""'' NP 09 q`• 1y Ordinance and meets all statutory requirements for recording in the + 35272 2 ° `do Lt20 ‘%.6.c,',.‘4` 9l\i9<i ;Py�s .. 69.-.3 �� Register of Deeds office. O + 8000 SF MIA p2�. �s L 'A �o +e • 606 s 5 I5 ��� 9 Z �l ''E 0 °>��, �� w, �O 1) z • N P !k2 �0.— C� 7 ao �`� O� -� 'L N, 693�9 �Fp4- WAKE COUNTY. NC 21 / —f rl -aoa -o o N 6656 oo�O cj \ 04o G�� ,��? 1D =N o �` Ate. o� s l005 •• TAMMY L. BRUNNER Date S arm er Management Z 2`D 63• °s .,,� a1 /% C)�o��•• �'�oIv\51 / ID cR c, v.�r'`` °° REGISTER OF DEEDS Cn z 00 •��'° `;63 �� o"�/� c�, I� rn I S `�� 1 PRESENTED 8 RECORDED ON Note: At the time of recordation, the roads identified as public were built to public road 0 0 a 60•) 0 4 ` / �t ��'t / m <� o 5 \g standards per NCDOT. Roads identified as private were certified as cam lets bythe t32 8' / G ! ` trs z a_ W / �,,,, . °� 01r 18/2024 10:37:39 surveyor/engineer of ;� his development. In each case, Wake County maintains n S 62. 800099 S l /• 4' 27 / O� o. N r z I II I III I I II I I I I III I I I I I II responsibility for maintenance of the roads. J 3 02 sF Ar F o / 47 * SF I o N GAY FA MIL o ss �8 F // ��`SF ��' bc� z ��< o_ N Q BOOK:BM2024 PAGE:00161 DBM,'LY LP 11 o , /�; 90°0 \op w a WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA �� 10919 PG 2762 O o 00-6 sP SF ^ �/• �0 4 h-5 m ofI cthefy that I am property shown and owner >z N 295.08' a S 83° 1 9 "43» • 2g 44,1 a / •� N 79'S 60, • . y �•LO, \Odescribed hereon, which is in -Vo 260. � �j ^ 25' TREE N 4.S6, oe 15 SF lc o �?`,the subdivision jurisdiction of �- 39556 00' O"•`t 2 PROTECTIO VEG�grION 7s o?,,3 ~ / .08, 0 62781 , 9� 2the Count of Wake and that wV • SF N BU S 84� ' 00 MIA^�I hereby adopt this plat with �� o0 8000 SF M!A N 33953 SF - u d FFER 634 E W • 4`' y o g0 �� 4 4, ��u S" . av SF 'I t^ \ -O tJy ��o 87.11' SQ o � �I 65i.3 149.7�' ! ^���'n �/ � � 26 * �� 0�� dy o�� �m free consen . • B000 5F MIA CP cit)CL V 85'14'37"W 9Al2p�j �j 1 184'O1'52" •;nl `9� 3Owner: '+�•� Ao h co 6 * \' n��' tJ H2O•2� coOo /.g 7 N9 F'• 111.77' '1 m1 QJs �� / `.��• t9 �6j \9ic^ Z' •� D \ 2 • 434 1 E, I+,\ rri sr sJ•-b1 s SF / s 2 5 ,`r CI4 o \ \ o ID Date: 1 - !�-?0 80006) SF `� / �� )1 SF I �� I a$sF ��P // G 2 A?e� Dv6 �aP ,4)�F, �7.-. \ Za) NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY SF M/q O • • r� J2`ZO SF M\A Ais. !. �00° y'\ / '� G,� 'L • '�%�y �:r 1�p0 SC �b G v�� \ \`�� iii C" . N 10 $p0o 9 `',s '°p`ip, o ,� o� cJ ,s\ s d>. c 9 h �o. F \ \ < I.T«r•.•ir t i. 4 iR�dlee�a S 4 '1� M a N� F o' ,k A o J 5 5 Q NotaryPublic for said County �� o �� ,y N �� p/�b2o� cer\ �� O� o��y,L �o� ��P �r� \ •0, and tate do herebycertify 3 43s9 C' !k �, N 83'27'24 E sssoti C C., N �p o� O 0 . (' 0, S ' , that JohnnyWatson personally C� °S•SO• ,e W tv• ,,, 269.48. ,..,, �_ N / QJ �'' \ °� �OQ 1y Ste• �9p° \0�' \ +3, W P Y y N C 0 5 s.F • s. / / 20 0: q appeared before me this day (Q r o •. I c.� • O �o�'e\'' .. ! `'�� \`` 5'4• and acknowledged the due '� •W N sA O • / h S ',+jam F ul. \ AG % 5� �50 1 S �4/ z 3 t. �v /' S 46708 SF \ s . os CD, N5 execution of the foregoing tl [v \ instrument. Witness myhand —► c� w g * ,. `� O ^� 2 O J O F < / zv S O 8000 SF MIA m cP Z tJ U Q �9 �� ^o z 7. ',\\ •cs `'� 23 d IN TENG �' �. SF / st •• 9 2023. N 854 �. I N J M Q 900020 MIA •o '�`fiR\Ngae ��l 0;3i�r'� p�'; �SFAO/` 0�, 7`�c`, • n ! O CH G6244 ����aW. a�-k�� h",f "' 81 SF �, t� A i� 9000 SF MIA 1 Y a ml� - 2�8��\y�ror ;-'-// s� • ��c'� ryp✓,js• <0Tc S/7 R �6Q oo�`Lti� cs8 • 0 64001 SF ffi PB 268 ��O�p cS`',_ SIG RY PUBLIC I'- t„a o+ is) CO 4/ r / .. j 7� F `l •S 1b tij� a." o,C� \ 9000 SF MIA ,, '� �� i LL O) °O '1W [103011 N v' — • �C36 Tor-----....,_M ARC LaQ• — /j sr' r3r •S�'T r 61 •ass, •c� 1 �QOo CO 1D ��•�;o�sy) /OZ N Q 386.•6 BACKw 293.641 o. G !//• NV L22 •2�2y ,, Q _ I`7 a• ___ s S4'12 46'W 1 ER r ✓ DB 1 2 2 PG 650 sr i /A` a s�1Y t]] ° 15' PUBLIC DRAINAGEM��~'mil rb rr2' C18 S 77'1g'37'W �' �JO�(i y� • • N7 DELLA PEAC O` PUBL\G V C - •11 ' • ' BACKWAT •7�23llWI _el • �+ ,o !i�C,". tics' �° 2.1 . 811.95 • C, ° �a,• o° 21 W [4001]4'AS•D�0 N 20z°•r °' -1.‘ • g 84'12 46 W 29h.07 10 X70C SIGHT TRIPNGLES `— 3 5 N 84'12'46 E _ Q5..22----— 003051 w �1031�1 i It 119• :a��L! 'C\ ,,�`0 ,\ ,�h r��'p� \� , ^_ 1L �� BUC DRAIN GE EASEMENT r' • t10320' Cj`eFF�'F�'`p�� D, 2 • .7MV �� a19. 9l __ z 91913 SF STDRMWAT DRY�' ¢ I� ,7 /r(�N COv �� 7• ;y — 15' PU [10300] m 10000 SF MIA 37 //�//1 I I \��� ` I ` [10296] N d O O I� �,� O �{ ACCESS PONDN,�'' tL — i PAVED rn _ \°ram CItD CD * ASEMENT • 2 PROTECTION ZONE ON 6� TURN-I� [lozea] ca oL COMMON AREA • a, 5' TREE & VEGETATI w � 1 17 in co ,' \d SF Is3 4 Mt -P 42 S . N SrOkMWq l�EtsF�, Cn O R0UNDI 16 o w 0 tv 70 \P9r 67955E M1A o 1379 MIAOlt �: -- �, o q'Y FOR FIRE * Z STDRMWAT 'G 49000 o cA 110p0 a.SF Z cv u]°' LP ACCESSI STORMVAT f rTl ACCESS 0 GZ O00 ACCESS T 15 85753 SF ASEMENTLs)d a00 G ASEMENT ° O 10000 SF MIA 73120 SF SE ,..• r.,6.5,--‘, N� , Yp 22 CD N d % I 10000 SF MId- p DRYD N71ON `to 142626 SF - POND ON ZGT - _ u G �• Iv * ^ Z I "Ir1 POND 2 .� 0..'� DUN: .—G7 r U'' • FPONDI3 _ 11000 SF MIA (n 1� COMMON AREA W —>\ COMMON AREA (a O1°b• ,nj`� A00�E�sMt_dO �_ N `P�� 0�JJ7 ` '��O ,� ° a N07•-Lv; LOr✓5 W/44ig j° CZ 14To ro �� cNn' S 65�2 `� ,�i,d'� rr'rs'N ��--� F� �-� "' O PIN 270761 1 41 0 �/ °9� aiP �• N - :w �� / 65 •GF- > >� w Z N ZONED: R-30 5�rP (/�t J < 4,_ c (-, '.� L 63 1�S r u�i • .Q. U /v�/ /��v�� W �L(� r m "' � 60 L68 L66 L64 .6 OK c 10 �� 2 4,. `'' 9�j y -' 6' EDGE OF VnV•T '`gyp L62 L6Q L581-56 °'L50\.,N D,`�4 i79 . 1__ -- -- •--. o SETBACKS: S C�7 /� !ri f/f elf l 'is- , r r ` r P K`5 L73' �-59 <��S1<S 45\" rL40•kt9 L37<0 'r n3 L17 \ FRONT 30 AND rr4 r3� r L1o8(ro : I, �o� oM ° 05L74 \'l` 0 `9L48L�7 `4364 6L33 ico \.42 w '76 SIDE 10 'rr�ros <,0066.. s • $3���`-�� �"� �-�6 REGULAR SUBDIVISION FOR ��` L1.3�, <2(1)1.�4rs 'st kr2 4r REAR 30' Li10 o 'A 4 5 \- e o � 2• L2 L r07 S La Lai LOT BY LOT L27 v �Zo f3 r r o L8 Ls LEGEND i LOTS 1, 23, 24, 25, 26, AND 27 WILL NOT <0 0,ro °' / \-aaS7 0a6 Lao Lae ROSINBURG GLEN SUBDIVISION c9 L7 L5 • EXISTING IRON PIPE DIRECT ACCESS TO ROSINBURG ROAD. 99 9 �90 Note: Easements for storm drainage shwon on the mop are not made 0 NEW IRON PIPE ,HAVELag LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP to wake County but are irrevocably mode to the subsequent owners of <�� rnL91 any and all of the properties shown hereon for their use and benefit FILE: JOHNNY WATSON\ROSINBURG RD\FINAL NOTE: THERE IS A 15' PUBLIC DRAINAGE <- L9, Lg2_N WAKE COUNTY public acceptance. JHP885 EASEMENT ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAY s Lg3 —i NORTH CAROLINA It shall be the responsibility of the property owners to maintain the SCALE: 1 " = 150' drainage easements and any drainage structures therein, so as to OF EVERY LOT. maintain the integrity of the drainage system and ensure positive drainage. DATE: 09-1 1 —2023 150 0 150 300 450 Easements may not be piped without receiving plan approval from ' NOTE: APPROVAL AND A TREE SURVEY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY ACTIVITY ••••� wake County. SHEET 1 OF 2 \Mr Lic. # C-0243 AND/OR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TREE AND VEGETATION PROTECTION ZONE. GRAPHIC SCALE — FEET Williams—Pearce and Assoc., Professional Land Surveyors, P.A. P. O. Box 892, Zebulon, N. C. 27597 Tel. (919) 269-9605 p L_46 V 50 - 2 OZ.-3 As a condition of record plat approval, the owner is required to construct stormwater device(s). The plat contains a disclosure statement indicating the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible Curve Radius Length Chord Chord Bear. for construction of the stormwater device(s) g Course Bearing Distance L66 S 87°48'24" W 26.90' and the deed book and page of the recorded C1 25.00' 40.88' 36.47' S 17°25'27" W L1 S 27°44'38" E 102.54' L67 N 89°25'24" W 31 .05' stormwater maintenance agreement. The C2 413.84' 67.27' 67.20' S 68°55'27" W L2 S 24°26'23" E 100.67' L68 S 77°48' 15" W 24.71 ' disclosure statement indicates that the C3 335.00' 80.87' 80.68' S 66°39 S3" W L3 S 21 °28'50" E 102.62 ' L69 S 46°28 '54" W 44.63'stormwater device will be constructed by a specific date. The statement indicates that the C4 25.00' 35.95' 32.93' N 79°03'05" W L4 S 20°12 '50" E 62.25' L70 S 39°58'48" W 14.40' County holds a performance guarantee to insure C5 25.00' 21 .03' 20.41 ' N 13°45'27" W L5 N 89°31 '23" W 20.47' L71 S 32°19' 13" W 17.28' completion of the required stormwater treatment. C6 50.00' 88.87' 77.63' N 40°35'01 " W L6 N 88°34'39" W 34.53' L72 S 51 °25'02" W 14.56 ' C7 285.00 97.08' 96.61 ' N 17°28 19" W L7 N 86°1 1 '30" W 12.75' L73 S 79°13'35" W 35.12' A performance guarantee is in place for this development phase to ensure all required stormwater improvements are installed in accordance with approved construction plans and C8 50.00' 35.76' 35.00' S 68°00'30" W L8 N 77°47'22" W 16.68' L74 S 77°52 '49" W 40.49 ' subdivision plats. This performance guarantee will not be released until an as built survey C9 50.00' 35.76' 35.00' S 27°02 '01 " W L9 N 67°47'27" W 33.46' L75 S 73°52 '25" W 22.68 ' has been accepted and the required improvements are certified as installed in accordance C10 50.00' 35.76' 35.00' S 13°56'28" E L10 N 65°33'36" W 22 17' L76 S 57°53'12" W 15.13' with the approved preliminary and construction plans by the appropriate public agency. C11 50.00' 45.04' 43.53' S 60°14'07" E L11 N 75039'39" W 19.83' L77 S 67'22'02" W 51 .65 ' As subdivider/owner, I, Johnny Watson C12 25.00 ' 21 .03' 20.41 ' S 61 °56'50" E L12 N 71 °17'28" W 33.74' L78 N 71 °47'29" W 9.55' Johnny Watson Builders 6220 Forestville Rd., Raleigh, N.C. 27604 Ph 919-819-5509 C13 25.00' 35.62 ' 32.68 ' S 02°57'54" W L13 N 80°35'59" W 31 .54' L79 S 68°17'46" W 27.42 ' am responsible for providing each prospective buyer of any lot on this set of maps written C14 335.00' 98.18' 97.83 ' S 35°23' 11 " W L14 N 56°10'07" W 17.61 ' L80 S 80°26'46" W 15.42 ' disclosure of the following: C15 335.00' 112.71 ' 112.18' S 17°21 '06" W L15 N 65"49'33" W 19.56 ' L81 S 61 °37'08" W 16.54' I am responsible for maintaining required improvements including rights-of-way, to the standards of this ordinance until such time as a unit of government, public or private C16 285.00' 123.52' 122.56' S 39°38'43" W L16 N 62°37 03" W 18.46 L82 S 85°43'05" W 12.88' utility, homeowner association, property owners association, lot owner or other legal entity C17 567.12 ' 223.80' 222.35' S 40°45'34" W L17 S 85°58'52" W 10.09' L83 S 67°22 '35" W 24.29' assumes formal, legal responsibility for maintenance of the improvements. C18 368.32 ' 195.29' 193.01 ' N 87°28'59" W L18 S 21 °05'20" W 5.89 ' L84 S 83°54'42" W 21 .82 ' C19 430.89' 95.45' 95.25 ' S 78°38'21 " E L19 S 13°33'38" W 16.23 ' L85 S 69°23 '44" W 34.95 ' C20 430.89' 81 .24' 81 .12 ' N 89°36'S1 ' E L20 S 54"24'33" W 9.06 ' L86 S 65°56 '22" W 67.51 ' Signature C21 25.00' 39.27' 35.36 ' N 50'47' 14" W L21 N 75°11 '25" W 11 .46' L87 S 83°59'23" W 16.49 ' WAKE COUNTY, NC 22 C22 2427.48' 76.82 ' 76.82 ' N 06°32 '37" E L22 N 73.13'07" W 54.23' L88 S 64°01 '48" W 38.62 ' TAMMY L. BRUNNER NORTH CAROLINA, ra__ C r�ryr,Ytl I l/ 1, C23 361 .10' ' 98.82 ' 98.51 ' N 02°03' 11 " E �� /� L23 S 68°25'44" W 10.79' L89 S 71 °50'00" W 33.45 ' REGISTER OF DEEDS I, � �4.'4 �u.) Pc) tit, ����,i I�ab lz-rEpt4/, C24 25.00' 21 .32 ' 20.68 ' N 34°19' 10" E 39°29'03" ° _p L24 S W 15.00' L90 S 62 21 'S0 W 38.64' PRESENTED & RECORDED ON FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE Do HEREBY C4R�ih�" 11iAr ��- C25 50.00' 83.00' 73.80' N 11°11 ' 17" E L25 N 56'26'45" W 16. 12 ' L91 S 71'12 '56" W 17. 18 ' 01/18/2024 10:37:39 cA > 'Lj Q �4A_ghfRs4L: C26 50.00' 45.97' 44.36' N 62°42 '23" W L26 S 71 '32'05" W 12.70' L92 S 67°38 '08" W 73.16' III III 111111111111111111 APPEARED BEFORE E This DAY AND ACKtw EDc THE DUE - C27 50.00 ' 35.76' 35.00' S 70°28' 1 1 " W L27 N 76°35'29" W 8.62 L93 S 73°24'05" W 16.92' EXECUTION OF THE FOREGOING IQNSTRUMENT:WITNESS \G U - C28 50.00' 76.45' 69.22 ' S 06°10 40" W L28 N 38°25'28" W 1 1 .90' L94 N 86°1 1 '30" W 15.00' BOOK:BM2024 PAGE:00162 HAND _ -1 _ �2U �. C29 338.07' 35.02' 35.00' N 33'25'43" E L29 N 54'11 ' 13" W 16.51 ' L95 N 34°07'52" W 9.35' --- %�Q� v \"‘ C30 25.00' 20.75 ' 20.16 ' S 13°51 ' 13" E L30 N 66°57'00" W 14.03' L96 N 14°25'56" W 23. 16 ' �NfCLII GO �� C31 411 .10 ' 23.41 ' 23.41 ' S 08°25 '20" W L31 N 78°33' 12" W 10.34' L97 N 28°42 '56" W 10.23 ' -1� - T 1n>AVO. UBLIC C32 411 .10' 90.24' 90.07' S 00°30'04" W L32 N 84°04'38" W 22.01 ' L98 N 46°58'22" W 51 .65' Note: At the time of recordation, the roads identifie as public were built to public road C33 480.89 ' 73.67' 73.60' S 88°36'05" W L33 S 05'47'14" E 82.62' L99 N 50°38'33" W 26.88' standards per NCDOT. Roads identified as private were certified as complete by the C34 25.00' 39.27' 35.36' S 39°12 '46" W L34 N 61 '36'35" W 12.92 ' L 100 N 61 °14'44" W 25.53 ' surveyor/engineer of this development. In each case, Wake County maintains no C36 480.89' 123.52 ' 123.18' N 79°39'05" W L35 N 54°01 ' 12" W 27.47' L101 N 65°34'48" W 19.73 ' responsibility for maintenance of the roads. C44 418.32' 124.58' 124.12 ' S 85°51 '32" W L36 N 62°06' 14" W 14.24' L102 N 39°20'08" W 18.28 ' Note: The road system shown on this plat includes one or more stub roads that are intended C45 418.32 ' 97.22 ' 97.00' N 78°57'04" W L37 N 84°59'58" W 9.00' L103 N 26°26'52" W 18.86 ' to be connected to the adjacent property at such time that the property is developed. The interconnection of neighborhoods with a road network ensures the efficient flow and dispersal of C46 338.07' 241 .51 ' 236.41 ' N 56°51 '42" E L38 N 52°25 '06" W 24.06 ' L104 N 45°13 ' 12" W 18.87' traffic and provides for additional points of ingress and egress for emergency vehicles. C48 370.07' 260.95 ' 255.58 ' S 57°24'34" W L39 N 57°48' 13" W 19.32 ' L105 N 57°59 '31 " W 21 .56' C49 517.14' 73.57' 73.51 ' N 33°25'51 " E L40 N 80°25 '36" W 26.13 ' L106 N 71 °21 '58" W 17.00 ' C50 517. 14' 131 .38' 131 .03' N 44°47'29" E L41 N 67°18 '56" W 35.93 ' L107 N 78'36 ' 17" W 10.23' C51 335.00' 45.82 ' 45.78 ' N 48°08'42" E L42 S 85°40'34" W 8.84' L108 N 85°23 '09" W 34.68 ' CERTIFICATION OF REVIEW BY LICENSED SOIL SCIENTIST C52 25.00' 42.66' 37.67' S 86°53 '32" E L43 S 56°12 '32" W 27.45 ' L109 N 75°08 '08" W 22.16 ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT LOTS) I-rh"I� 1y-1b..}.1q"11 f 15'2 , C53 25.00' 21 .03 ' 20.41 ' S 13'54'58" E L44 S 40°26'51 " W 15.50 ' L110 N 79°03 '56" W 19.15 ' SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR 121251fflevill. (sLEn) HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AS C54 50.00' 66.00 ' 61 .31 ' S 27°38' 12" E L45 S 82°39'24" W 13.25 ' L111 N 65°52 '25" W 28.26 ' APPROPRIATE AND WITH RESPECT TO MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN C55 50.00' 52.00' 49.69' N 84°45' 15" E L46 S 53°12 '30" W 9.22 ' L112 N 58°52 '08" W 16.88 ' SECTION V OF THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL C56 50.00' 45.66' 44.09' N 28'47'52" E L47 S 69°20'09" W 10.71 ' L113 N 67°54'24" W 34.47' SYSTEMS IN WAKE COUNTY AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME. AS OF THIS DATE, AND C57 50.00' 70.34' 64.68 ' N 37°39'55" W L48 S 87'35'05" W 23.64' L114 N 70°04'56" W 33.33 ' BASED ON THIS REVIEW OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THE LOTS NUMBERED ABOVE C58 25.00' 21 .02 ' 20.41 ' N 62"06 '21 " W L49 N 43°20'56" W 10.57' L115 N 58°50'06" W 32.37' ON THIS PLAT WILL PRESUMABLY MEET THESE REGULATIONS. C59 25.00' 28.63 ' 27.09' N 05°12 '09" W L50 N 89°53' 16" W 22.30 ' L116 N 50°21 '20" W 11 .10' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT LOT(S) 3.'1 1t i %'Lit Si tl i fir 'VI Y2,4171 C60 335.00' 81 .49' 81 .29' N 20°38 ' 14" E L51 N 69°35'59" W 19.04' L117 N 29°51 '25" W 35.84' SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR RoSiN Gal, &L.EN HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AS C61 335.00' 34.82' 34.81 ' N 10°41 ' 10" E L52 N 25°32 '58" W 9.18' L118 S 29°25 '09" E 75.80' APPROPRIATE AND WITH RESPECT TO ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN C62 285.00 ' 327.64' 309.90' N 40°38'50" E L53 N 06'03'37" W 7.30 ' L119 S 27°44'38" E 25.06' SECTION VI OF THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL C64 463.84' 80.83 ' 80.72' N 68°35 '20" E L54 N 03°48'30" E 7.62 ' L120 S 73°34'51 " W 93.52 ' SYSTEMS IN WAKE COUNTY AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME. AS OF THIS DATE, AND C65 25.00' 38.68 ' 34.94' S 72°04'24" E L55 N 51 "33'09" W 11 .55 ' L121 N 37°51 '08" W 68.94' BASED ON THIS REVIEW OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THE LOTS NUMBERED ABOVE C67 361.10' 2.38' 2.38' N 05'35'54" W L56 S 88'54'31 " W 35.13 ' L122 S 37°51 '08" E 69.60' ON THIS PLAT WILL PRESUMABLY MEET THESE REGULATIONS. C68 288.07' 235.63' 229.12 ' S 53°53'39" W L57 S 72°09' 12" W 9. 15' L123 S 65°56'22" W 23.01 ' C69 50.00' 7.19' 7.18' N 82°05'00" WL58 S 89°40'36" W 11 .28 ' L124 S 65°56'22" W 44.50' PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATION DOES NOT REPRESENT APPROVAL OR A PERMIT FOR ANY SITE WORK, NOR DOES IT GUARENTEE ISSUANCE 0. ;����'''�"��� ENT PERMIT FOR ANY C70 358.07' 253.66' 248.39 ' N 57°12 '56" E L59 S 68°27' 16" W 23.79' L125 S 64'01 '48" W 10.3.6' LOT. FINAL SITE APPROVAL FOR ISSUANCE OF I :" , :h 11. ii . IS BASED ON C71 288.07' 112.95' 112.23' S 66"05'38" W L60 N 81 °57'40" W 24.57' L126 N 38°00'40" W 94 .20' REGULATIONS IN FORCE AT THIS TIME OF PE' r •e' • •4, , 41 '• `I:, NT ON L61 N 70°05'22" W 25.24' L127 N 73°34'51 " E 93.52' SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF INDIVIDUAL SI!rekr ,'••R!+ ,90 .1 • '''i As a condition of record plot approval, the developer is required to L62 S 89°22 ' 18" W 29.09 ' L128 N 05'47'14" W 82.62' APPLICATION FOR AN IMPROVEMENT PERMIT .i �e. •° -= ( \ND SITING. construct stormwater devic (s). The plat contains a disclosureu statement L63 N 69°59' 11 " W 33.54' L129 S 71 12'56" W 13.12' indicating the name, address and telephone number of the person L64 N 79"03'06" W 31 .28 ' L130 S 33'22'35" W 45.73' ANY CHANGE IN USE OR ANY SITE ALTERA I►N ! ,� �`1; :.ION OR j �'� 5 responsible for construction of the stormwater device(s) and the deed REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION. ` i�e� l _ hook and page of the recorded stormwater maintenance agreement. The L65 S 81 °46' 16" W 26.07' L131 N 67°05'39" W 89.82' �cA yy .' disclosure statement indicates thot the Countyholds a performanceg L132 N 44°17'00" W 18.39' ], . % ert•.d rip, y guarantee to ensure completion of the required stormwater treatment. L133 S 44"17'00" E 50.78 ' -..,,.�"c�.�. L134 N 84°06'08" W 11 .81 ' DATE NC L•� �:.k � .i ,` (SEAL) Before improvements ore accepted for maintenence by the property T T owners association or lot owner, the developer or the developer's engineer .1?F G lJ LAR SUBDIVISION FOR • or other representative, as authorized by Statute, must certify to the property owners association or lot owner and to the county that improvements are complete and functioning as designed. LOT BY LOT Stormwater BMPs to be maintained by Johnny Watson Builders, Inc. Notes: 1 1 1 per stormwater agreement recorded in DB 19484 pg 2551 " I, CLYDE T. PEARCE, certify that this plot was drawn under 1. Only NCDOT approved structures can be ROSINBURG GLEN SUBDIVISION 19484 2553 my supervision from an actual survey mode under my supervision placed within the right-of-way. Maintenance documents recorded in DB Pg (deed description recorded in Book ,page , etc.)(other), DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2. All lots must be served internally. LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated as drown from information found in Book that ie o , 3. Sight distance triangles take precedence over page ��h�i44dlt�r� DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS g g of precision as calculated is 1:10000, that this plat ti qre r ,,,,, all other easements. pared in accordance with 0.S 47-30 as amended�,�'' itr\ess;, ' O ,,, 4. Maintenence of the Public drainage Easements is the WAKE COUNTY original signature, registration number and seal Vy�,ltt�•:'' jgf'i•.,,'/ ',, PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ROAD day of SEPTEMBER A.D.2023. `�` `(J�� 'l' mil, responsibility of the underlying property owner(s). The f;',- = easement allows NCDOT the right to access the drainage T DESIGN STANDARDS CERTIFICATION NORTH H CAROLING SQL easement performwork itdeems necessary or andes --- - -- -- ---� -- = prudent to alleviate any issues jeopardizing the integrity51.1 rveyQr ` of the roadway. It is the responsibility of the underlying FILE: JOHNNY WATSON ROSINBURG RD\FINAL SHEET 2 L �48 F:74 -O:`4L `? APPROVE " property owner(s) to maintainp the easement to y g 1 " = ' \ \ Seal or Stamp Registrotrpn�flliY $r ,_ :,,, DISTRICT ENGINEER p ySCALE: 1JO ',,,, <L,'..."''SJ\„•,, .L; allow positive conveyance of storm water. 150 0 150 300 450 DATE: 09-1 1 -2023 C , �� 42 1, 26�_3 5. Property frontage shall not be piped without an ■ ■ • ■ ■ SHEET 2 0 I 2 ��',,' � T. r,».�.,, �� DATE P ■ a ■ ■ ''rice •,,,,,, approved encroachment from NCDOT. GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET Lic. # C-0243 INI- Williams-Pearce and Assoc., Professional Land Surveyors, P.A. P. O. Box 892, Zebulon, N. C. 27597 Tel. (919) 269-9605 PLC - 4750 - 2023