HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB-0065_Start_of_Study_Package STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.R. “JOEY” HOPKINS GOVERNOR SECRETARY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 11 Telephone: (336) 903-9101 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov 801 STATESVILLE ROAD NORTH WILKESBORO, NC 28659 MEMORANDUM May 30, 2024 FROM: Daniel Adams, PE Highway Division 11 – Project Engineer SUBJECT: Project Information for the replacement of Bridge No. 691 over Stony Fork Creek on SR 1170 (Casper Hawkins Road) in Wilkes County as TIP project HB-0065 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Highway Division 11 is beginning the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 691 over Stony Fork Creek on SR 1170 (Casper Hawkins Road) in Wilkes County as project HB-0065. The project is listed in the NCDOT 2024-2033 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Right of way acquisition is scheduled for 2026, and construction is scheduled for 2027. The attached figures show the vicinity, study area and topography maps for the proposed project. The project is currently federally funded, and NCDOT is preparing a Categorical Exclusion document. NCDOT has made a preliminary determination that the project will not proceed through the NEPA/404 Merger Process. In lieu of holding an in-person scoping meeting, NCDOT is providing the attached project information and map. We welcome your input on the proposed project and would appreciate any information that may be helpful in evaluating the potential environmental effects. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your organization. Please provide your input by July 1, 2024. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact me by email at dradams@ncdot.gov or by phone at (336) 903-9136. Please include the Project Number HB-0065 in all correspondence and comments. Sincerely, Daniel Adams, PE Attachments Project Data Sheet & figures DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Data Sheet STIP Project HB-0065 Essential Project Information STIP Project Name Replace Bridge No. 691 over Stony Fork Creek on SR 1170 (Casper Hawkins Road) in Wilkes County STIP Number/WBS Number STIP No. HB-0065 / WBS No. 50735.1.1 County Caldwell NCDOT Division 11 ROW Date 9/18/26 LET Date 9/16/27 Schedule Considerations RAISE Grant Funds, stipulations on NEPA document due date 11/30/24 Cost Estimates TBD Funding Type Federal Proposed Project Details Project Description Replacement of Bridge No. 691 over Stony Fork Creek on SR 1170 (Casper Hawkins Road) in Wilkes County Project Limits From the bridges, the study area covers approximately 650 feet north of the bridge on SR 1170 and approximately 450 feet south/east Typical Section Proposed*: 2 lanes at 10 feet each, 2 foot shoulder, 7 foot shoulder with guardrail Bridge: 24 feet clear roadway, 40 feet long *coordination with IMD Complete Streets is pending; widening roadway and bridge Access Control No access control Design Speed 30 mph (Statutory Speed Limit is 55 mph, however existing horizontal geometry accommodates less than 20 mph) Right-of-Way Width 60 feet Physical or Engineering Constraints House approx. 100 feet from SE corner of bridge Other Considerations Raise structure. Survey Request Date TBD Design Plan TBD – use Subregional Tier; Use AASHTO Low Volume Local Roads (ADT ≤ 400) Guidelines. Construction Recommendation Replace on new location slightly northeast (downstream) of the existing bridge Consultant Involvement Wetherill – hydraulics, structures, utilities, roadway, project management Three Oaks – NEPA document, natural systems Terracon – Geotechnical services DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC Page 2 of 3 Project History Planning Studies Type I or II CE SPOT Description N/A Feasibility Studies N/A – Prescreening process completed to identify major constraints. Problem Statement Posted weight limit of 34 tons for single vehicles and 41 tons for TTST. Sufficiency rating of 61.35. Built in 1958 and reconstructed in 2022. One lane bridge. Functionally obsolete. Alternatives Previously Dismissed and Why No off-site detour due to dead-end road. Purpose & Need Purpose and Need Purpose: Replace Bridge No. 349 over Joes Creek on SR 1574 (CC Camp Road) in Caldwell County Need: In 2020, Wilkes County Bridge 960691 sufficiency rating was 58.30 and the bridge was deemed structurally deficient with a deck condition rating of 4, according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards. The bridge has since been maintained with regular maintenance and repairs. However, past a certain degree of deterioration, most timber elements become impractical to maintain and upon eligibility are programmed for replacement. Supporting Data Per bridge inspection report the bridge has a sufficiency rating of 61.35. The bridge was built in 1958 and reconstructed in 2022. Alternatives Currently Under Consideration Alternative 1 (Preferred) Replacement of Bridge No. 691 on new location Alternative 2 Public and Agency Coordination Anticipated Permits 404/401 Federal Agency Involvement USACE/FHWA Public Involvement Strategy N/A Merger Screening Date Project not anticipated to enter the Merger Process Potential Merger Triggers None Existing Conditions Functional Classification Local roadway Strategic Highway Corridor no AADT 70 vpd from year 2000, 90 vpd projected to 2024 Access Control None Typical Section Approach roadway – 12 ft w shoulder Bridge – little shoulders and guardrail, with a total clear roadway width of 16 ft Right-of-Way Width 60-feet Posted Speed Not posted, 55 mph statutory Structures (bridges, RCBC, etc.) One-lane structure – Bridge No. 691 – 34 feet long Railroad Involvement No Other Adjacent STIP Projects N/A Preliminary Resource Inventory Table DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC Page 3 of 3 Utilities Powerline, Piedmont EMC-Distribution, aerial in conflict Telephone, Century Link, aerial in conflict Water point for fire trucks located off end of existing bridge. Hazardous Materials No recorded sites in the PSA Known Potentially-Eligible National Register of Historic Places Sites/Districts No recorded sites in the PSA Other Cultural Resources Archaeology survey TBD Wetlands Possible wetlands in NE quadrant of study area Streams Stony Creek FEMA Floodplain Detailed Study Area 100-year flood zone Water Supply Watersheds No Riparian Buffer Rules No Active Agriculture Yes Parks, Greenways, Game Lands, Section 4(f) & Section 6(f) Properties No Environmental Justice Populations TBD Other Resources (i.e., Wild and Scenic Rivers, TVA, Scenic Byways, etc.) Trout waters – no trout moratorium. Possible tree clearing moratorium for bats. DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC NORTH CAROLINADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ^_ ´7 0 0.25 0.5 Miles Project Location Figure1 County: WBS: Date: Div:STIP# MARCH 2024WILKES COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA VICINITY MAPREPLACE BRIDGE NO 691ON SR 1170 (CASPER HAWKINS RD)OVER STONY FORK CREEK WILKES 11 HB-0065 50735.1.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC NORTH CAROLINADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS C a s p e r H a w k i n s R d ´ 0 200 400 Feet Legend Project Study Area Streets Figure2 S t o n y F o r k C r e e k Bridge 691 County: WBS: Date: Div:STIP# MARCH 2024WILKES COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA STUDY AREA MAPREPLACE BRIDGE NO 691ON SR 1170 (CASPER HAWKINS RD)OVER STONY FORK CREEK WILKES 11 HB-0065 50735.1.1 DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC NORTH CAROLINADEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ´ 0 400 800 Feet Legend Project Study Area Figure3 County: WBS: Date: Div:STIP# MARCH 2024WILKES COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA USGS TOPO MAPREPLACE BRIDGE NO 691ON SR 1170 (CASPER HAWKINS RD)OVER STONY FORK CREEK WILKES 11 HB-0065 50735.1.1 USGS Topo Grid - Maple Springs DocuSign Envelope ID: CE49C66F-CAF8-4E7D-B36D-0B03F8A611CC