HomeMy WebLinkAboutMecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20240529 (3) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD 1`11r111111CrM1UNONtY. Tim,form can be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contr rater Information: W'F L.L ABAVDONNIENT DETAILS Stefan Smith 7&Number ofNells being abandoned: l Hell Cotr<actar Nave for well rywaY pzrwnalfi a(urdonua Nell on Ms lier propitm) For wuffopk rn7eol„r rr .r: ,.,rr .,, ONLY rtn4 die seen croVtslnratHrs aitarwhwtntrru.taw(,of IM uUr sot.klrm 3576A NC Well CotamcttxCcrrlRcalba Nsnlscr 7h.Approximate vnimme of water remaining in wrll(slT2 Irat.) SAEDACCO FOR WATERSUPPIA N%ELLSONLY: Contpmy Name 7C.TN pe of disinfectant nsed: 2.W'cil CNatt,rctiun Pmnit M:1000417, , 1 w;lie wv4,uhh•w•ef/+rr...... nn,.4hwe.I anwre.L ye'lir w,etc..rl Ain.rw 7d.Amrinnt of disinfectant used: 3.W'dl use(check well usel: Water Supph Well; - 7e,Seating materials used(check all that apple): ❑Aprwniturd ❑MunicipalrPub4c f7 Neat Cement Grout M Acntonitc Cho or Pellets 06cothcmcd(Ncatuic-C•oohu Supph I ❑Rcsidrnttal Water Suhpi� t.ur 1. ❑Sand Cement Grunt ❑ Dn(ta.. ❑hductnal.Commcmal ❑RcmdcntialWato Supph i,h:rrca 11 CaK7eteGrml ❑ Unit Cuttings ❑Ire uott ❑Spectalt}Grail ❑Gran el Non-Water Supph Welt: U Bernoatte Slor'n U Chher(explain under 7g) l9Motatonui ❑Reco%en Injection Well: ?<For each material ackcted abitrc,prmidc anutunt of materials owd: ❑A4utler Recharge OGromdwcuet Rmttetttamm ❑Aquilor Storage and Recrnm ❑Salmi" (Barrio Bentonite.:331b ,Wtr:gal. DAymkr'1'rst OSlonmsarrr Ursitutve —. ❑Eymnmental Iechuolokn OSdisidetre C'oiarul 7g.Prmide a brief descriptitm of the abandonmcat pnwedure: ClGcolhertal/Closed hoop► tlTracer ( , r OGtttthcmwl(Nptin �t"lx�lio�Rsyom! f IOtticrlCc lam older'�I Pour i i OttMwclltslatraudntxd_ 4-26-24 5a.W'ell hiCarion: x ,' J _. Metropolitan Redevelopment Facilm,ri„trr Name Facilm m.,i:q,I,1.;;rbk► ti.Certification: 1200 Metropolitan Ave. Charlotte, NC 28204 4/30/2024 Ph,sical Address.Coy,and Zip We- Centf«ed Wen(bapacaw isr Wen(warr Dole Mecklenburg By sagitung this form, 1 hereby cernA,than the wellfs) was(Were)ditwidaned in C'oau) Pwd Wa dlimloti No.(PINI a(xanhtra-e with 114 NUAC A1(",A100 or 1C.0.V0 Well Crnnlivroon Staudt r/,s and than a(vpy aJ(hiss imrird bar heeii privuidterl to the well owner. 51L Latitude and Inngitltdc in de rveominutrslscconds ordeclwal degrees: ufwell field oik:Lit Ire_i,.,du_ -+a 9.Site diagram or additional well 4k4aAs: You our, the the back of this page to pKnide additional well site details or well 35.211309 N 80.835742 W, abatdot meta details. You may also mlach additional pages if necessan C'ONSTRIY-HON DIET AILS OF WELLISI BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL,tNSTRUCTfONS .Hui. :aiW ahk. Par multiple rnlec8rm ar rnn-xauT sujy.iv n�r.t ahumk..«ea meyewaun wAmrr.ore Ionic l0a. For All WCIb: Suhmu Ihes farm wuhm +0 da-s of completon of well bi.Weil I U=- TMW-3 ah:ndounicnt to the following Di%Won of Water Resatnrccti.,Information Procesang Unit, 61/.Total well depth: 24 tft.l 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.M'2 7699-16 1 7 10b.For lnleclion Wells: [u aWilion to seidutg live fort to the address in l0a abocc.also subnm orte col* of Ihes loon wnhtu zit dins of completion of well t.c.RiirrMrlc dlariiMCr,2 (tn.l abudoumetu to the following. y 12.35 Di%Won of Wafer Rewtuttes,Gnderuntund Injection Conlnll Program. W.Water kstl below .rrtltrtd surfarr (Ih.) 1636 Mail Serniee Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 9 lac.For Water� tih Di & I n d nject4in Wells: lit to sendng th e form to Cic.(later casing Length!if lanes at: (ft.) the address(esi above. also submit one cop} of this form nitltin ill dm s of completom of well ahardmimcm to the cousin bailth dcpannieat of Ibe count where ahar.1ti M U.Inner casing.+ta hang length lif►imnwn): (ft.) t.g.Screen length It(kwown1:1s (ft.) Fi mi GW-in Nonh t'a..4un lklnnn>n of En,(moored aid Natw l Rcwu.tres Un tsntfl aI N'atrr R wtrta Re,Tied Augusi?oI t