HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060703 Ver 1_Application_20060406ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. ~ ~~4~~~ ~~ ~[~LaC~~L~J~~I LILaC~ Planning for A Better Environment. I, P.O. Box 3368 KILL DEVIL WILLS, NORTW CAROLINA 27948 i (252) 44Y-0239 FAX (252) 441-.0721 ~yeSeDl~ ~~ DATE _ J06 NO. ~ ~ - I~ / , ATTENTION / /j ~~. /\ ~ ~!~ l~l 7 Q RE ( ~' ~ ~ ~~. WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ^ Under separate cover via the following items: ^ Shop drawings `~ Prints ^ Plans ^ Samples ^ Specifications Ci Copy of letter ^ Change order COPIES DAT E NO. DESCRIPTION ,r ~ f ACV ~ /~+ ..,L r d~ ~ v i f',l ~ ~, ~'VY=!'C ~ t~a~ ~/c C ~ ~C' !'° l~'t~ I 't- ~ ! `~ ~f~~- ~ ~ ~ !/l. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: i For approval ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit copies for approval ~; For your use ^ Approved as noted ^ Submit copies for distribution -As requested ^ Returned for corrections ^ Return corrected prints C~,, For review and comment ^ /^'fOR BIDS DUE ^ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ...REMARKS r 5 i /4 GC ~~ 1/' rr ~ ~ R.,( ~ ~G ~'r'y~ ~~°~. fi.!°cZ,$ .~iC ~ %N't , ~t`~r" ~' '~Z~ ~-~-~' ~- r,m ~ ~^ '-~a t` > in :` vt'c~c.f-i d ~~ ' t v1 .~c1 F ~ e f~ ~~ ~ ..~ f COP y APR. ~ .. ~ SIGNED: ~ `°~t-r~ ~, ~~~}¢~ . rJh l ~ ~ ~ ~ I'r /f enc/osures are not as noted, kintl/y notify us at once. 'VVfrTLAtdG~ RND ST~Ir'ati~lVwl~it ~~HW~H f J .I a ~ 2 0 0 6 0 7 0~ ,}~., { [j"`t ° fl 1~~~~i~~D I p AP7'L1t;A7lON F'OR 7D7iLPA~TivIJvN'C OJB THE ARMY ly1RMI!' '•. [?M73 APFRC]VA'L NO.0710-03 ' _ YY 4 (33 Op'~ 325) ~ gxpires October 199E ~~~ II ~ , Fublic reporting bµrden for this coIloation of in:Carmation is esti~nAtcd ta! Average 5 hours der response, 1 Ud1IYQ, tl1'e'"`~+•tw lr.:ras~;,•.~i,.y . ~y,.,~;.b~~n:arM"yfx,., time 1'dr reYietxrini; instructions, sctirChing existing data sources, gatherir~g• and tnamtaimng the data noodc ,and completing andsoviowing the coileet°ian of information. Send corrnnentsirogsrding this burden estitnatc. or uqy other aspect of this callcetibri of info:ttxiation, includin;~ s'uggestians for reducifig this burden, to '13apartmenC of Defi~ise, 'VVushington I3cadquartcrs Service 'b•i~rectaratc bf infarmatioic Operations and Reports, 1215 J'offcrsan laaW]S ,highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Nlanagen~ent and Budget, paperwork Red'uctio'n 1?rojecfi (0'710.0003}, W2shington, DC 20503. please 770 NOTRE'I."[JJ~'+f your fi~nu to either afihosa addresses, Corcrpleted applications must be submitted to the district engineor having j'urisdictiak~ ovor the Iacation of the proposed Activity.. P1tIVACY AC'f S i'A fE7vfEN'f ' Authority: 33 'USC 401, Section 10; 1413, Section 4(a4. I'rinoiple purpose: These laws require pornvts authorizing activities in, oz aEfCOting, navigublz waters of rho 'United Scares, ibe discliargo oi'dredged or fill •rnatorial into waters of the 'United StBteti, and. the. h't~rrspartation of dredged material far the purposo ofdurnpinS it into ocoan waters. Routine L~ 1ses; Inforn~atian provided a~, this form will bo used in evaluating the a piic$tiort Far tt permit. I)isclasure: Disclosure of rccluo~ted itrLamtatian is voluntary.tf information is xot provided, ho~cver, the permit. application oatutot be processed rror can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or gv,d reprt~ducible copici; which show_the location and character of tho proposed t~ctivity must bo attached to Chis t~plication (see sample druwin~s and instructions) and bc+ subtritted Co the District t?nginaor having jurisdictioh aver the location othee ps~a}~oscd nativity. An application that is not oomnleta[l in'fu11 will be returned.. ' ~ (TZ,E.1V.lS X ~".KRCf ~! 7'D BE F7.LL,~'1.7 ~Y 7'H~ CG>RPS) l . ,Ap!'1.ICATIDN N0. 2. FIELD OFF1C7`s Cp1713 3.1]A'f1~. RECENED 4.4A'fE APP1rIGA.~XL?'N CCIMPLBTEI) I (r~.~~~~~,awrr~,~.~.~.~z~L.i~~~.~~-~xrc~nr~1 S. AF'P;f .tCANT'S NAly~ ,~ CaAStal I,And Developrnont ~~ Attn:1V,[r. Bob ~Artis i 6. AFPL,ICANT'S Abl7:RES5 '~ . 20 Y l:,ane 17r. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 7. ~'I'LI~.~N'T'S :PI:TONI; N'C?S. W/AREA Ct~77E .i 252-2643222 ,~ D $. AiCT!'IIORIZEJ],RGENT'S 1~A1V1E ANl7 7TITLI~ (an s,~erit'is not required) APR ~ ~ 2Q06 ' KendaIX'Itiunage, )E;nvirannxetxtnl Consultant, Environmental I'raf~ssionsl3, Ina. 9. AGENT' S Ari.1~Ti:ESS ~I DENR - vV~1"~~ c~i~~r.i~r~ Ft:3 7~ax 3~b$ Kill cavil ~IiIls, NC 2794$ '~ WEt'LANDS ANO STfrFdMVd~+'I~R BRANCH 10. AG~1V"t''S :PT~ONIr T30S. W/ AItE,~. CODE A. Residence 252149-8890. ~ .I b. J3usiness 252.441-0239• 11. S'T'A'X'I;MENT C?k' AU'~k1(7ktiZA.'1'ION / .- • I het'eby muthorize, ~~+, v r<.;rmc~~w4t t ,~,~~x~, f/G4M y.t~ ~~~• tb pct in my hehati'as my &gont 1tt lho pracassitYg of this appl;cation and to furnish, upon request, supplemental informAt,YOn in support ai' this parrrlit applioalitan. AI' . IC SI+GIV'ATlJIt~ DAVE ~v o .W. -- - -- . ~_ ~' fi(1(1 /7(1A.'.?. AICT.# rrnvna anvnn ~ ,. ~ ...... ,I ;i ~~ ;~ NA1~1~, IC.t?CAT~pN AND D>CSCRYPTYC"~N 4JF ZyItO~J1~,CT QR ACTY~'Y1'T'Y •~ 12.1'7tcJ:fEC'!' NAME C~7t'fI7"i.E (see instruatior~sj '~ ThG 12:ivors Edge '. l3. N.A.ME dF WATER.T~O7'3'Y, TJ~ ~N'a'VVN (if applicable) LitCle Ttiver ,~ 14. F7tOJECT STRE.E t A'L1:DRESS (if applicable). :i NrA I.5.1:.(7CA'1'YO7~' t7F p7'tQ:t'LxCT ~ Sourlyeast of the. eastern terminus of 7acock's ,Road 7*lCSR 132 in ;Covers Edge' ~ubdivisan, tots 33 and 55 .~' Cd'tl'N Y''Y, STATE I?'erquimans County, North Catalina ' 16, Q~'FiER r,OCAT1t7N"1]:~SCItT:PT14N~S, IE I{.NQWN, (seeinstrue~tans): Sdbdivision i~ located an the vveste~in shores of the LittleRiver in kexquimans County. hots ~3 and SS. l7. l~:tt~CTI4IVS L'tJ TZ313 ST~'E: '[kavc~Iing sa•nrh an rrs rIwy! 17 South towards the torvix of.bTertford at the stag lift for ETwy 17 bvsin~oss, turn Ir+ft onto New Hape Raad South.. Follow this road thrauSl~'N'e:w~ ,Dope and. then ~t$ke a left onto Jacoclc's Lane. NCSR 7325. Ne~lr tho aastern terminus of Jaaoelt's :Larxe tfilce right onto Sterling; Colson Way. Lot 33 is the last lot opt tho 1et~ before the road crossuag. ~.ot 5'S islacated aii the end of the cul-de-sac ai~er the road crossing. ,i ~~ 18. N'ATCr1tE OF AC'C:C'V!'rY (Description of project, inclttdo si11 featc~es): Earthen till of 0.22 acres a£Q04 jtuigdiclianal wetlands an Y.ot~3 and .0.42 acres ofwetlands on Lot 55 to attain adecluatc soptie setbacks and building space to allow fur thy, single farriily residences to bc~ constructed an these existi~n~ .cats. 1~. pYtdJ13CT 7''ITR:Cy(OSl; (Describe the reason or puipose of ~,e project, see i'nstructiaxts): ThG wetland f"d1 areas`are requestedta allow fox me septio systerns'ta meet t'he SO ft health dOpartmt~nt set'hacl€s tv wetlands requisr~d by thc: Stater of North Carolina. .~ 20.72.LASON(S) FfaR ~ZSCHARfrE .I Eamon flt in 404 we~lands.(above the normal, water level) ro g$1ow for single family residential borne to and septic. system to meet local zoning and stew rnr~udat~ed septi,l setbacks.: 27.:rY1?,E(Sj OF 1t~1A'CERiAL BEING DISC.I:fA'EtC~~ED AND '1~3E A.1vZQUNT (~F EAC'r:T 1"i'PE IN C'O~TC'YA t1~S „ Lot 33-- approx 1600 CY' Larthea fi71 '' Lot 55-- approx 2030 CY Earthentill J~ 22. SUR>~,A.C~ AREA IN ACRES dF '~LTLANUS OR OTHER WA'tETtS !'O BE 17:[LLED (see iristrucrions) T,ot 33: 0.22 acres of404 wetlands abavu the nairnal wvater level Lot 55: 0.42 acres uf404 wetlands above the nomal water Revel 23. IS AN'Y 1'C17tT7(]N OF 1"I~ WOR.K AZ,1tFA.UY +COMPLE'tE7 'YES ,~ NC1 _,; IF ~'.ES, 1)ESC1~Il3ly T7~IE COMPLETED WORK ii i II ~,nn /cnn •s ni er# ,i a ~~ ~4. ADDRESSES Ole AD:I.OINING I'R()P~T2't"Y OWNIrR.S, VESSELS, E~'C., WHOSE l~l.LaP~lt'I,Y AD7C)1NS THE WA,TERBOT;-'Y" (rf mare than c$n be entered here, ploase attach a supplenien'¢al list}. ° sots 32 rued 45:CoASts-l Land Devr~lopmerxt,201 Lane Dr. l;liza~etll City, NC 27rJ0~] Lots 54 antf 56:Ca~stal Land Davelapxnent,~0'1 Line Dr. EIiza~icth City, ~C 27909 Property to the SSE of tlza subdivisan::faxnes and Marjorie Hamer PO Box 130,. S'uribury, NC y7979 2S. LIST Uk' Q~'HER C]r~t.7'IPTCATIONS i:1lt A:PPROVALS/DENTAl:,S Ii.EC:E;[VED >?TLOM O:i'HEIt, FEDERAL, STA 1'L OR LOCAL AGIrr*tCTES FOR. WORK D ~SCR:[BEI7 TN' THrS APPT.ICAT70N'. N/A ,i A+GL-~1~iCY E Al'I'ROVAL'~ INDEN~'IFICATION NUMB~It DATE. AFP~Z)rT~ :DATA APPROVBI~ DATE DENYEI] ~~ *Wou1d includo bnt is not restricttacl to xonin~, buildirt~ and ~ic~od plAhz pettxuts ' ~ 3ti. Application is horchy awd~ for: s permit ar;~onnit~ ko anilwrize Ure work da~tcribixt is thte aisplioation. I herdby ocktify 'th4k the ' int Wm~Ytibn iii #hiB appilGadon is boryplete unrl fJC4lU'AW. ,f afiuthcr aattit~ thbtT 1lasaaas'the uathariky to undertnlce the work dGaorihed ' ~1GL a auly Autborirc Beak OP k11P $l k ,~ ~~ 9 ~ },,; ~• ;~ ~ 0, .~v~s~,. 4.~~~~~.P ~ ~'.r c.~~r~~r~~ ATUttE 0 APP:II ANA' DA'I'H STCN'A , OF AG lrl'1' ~ ATE ,. ,,~ :fh ' ~' •,~~~~~ ~,~ b gprili~ation rr~u9k bo nigncd by llu! person wlw cicairca kq ur-dert'nte tllse pm~nscit aatiWity (atrplicanl) ar it may' be eignsd'6y a duly aWborizbcl agent F tiro Kttrpembr-ktn bXoclc L t 'huu b~cin'Lillod ouk and signed. 1S U.S.G. ~Cotion 1001 pmvidvis that: 'Wha~ver, in rury rllumwr within t(w jurisdibiibrY+lFarry ~pattmcttt or agency of'the TJluted Stated knowingly and wiiltuliy fulaiCee, cRUlebetls, or oover:s ng nny 'trick sclterne, ~r disguis4x a rnnteriul fnut ar malues any iuise, ~atitiou.,ir ~raudulcnt stbtemvnts ar,kep~rnaerytetiotu~ 4r makes or aces anY false writiryg or document lelulwir~g same to aantuin ~tt3y false, iSCtitioub ar #'raudtilont stutni;ne3lYs car at~+ry, sha11 be l4nad~nak mores than 1510,00b or imprisoned rtbG rnurtl r~Cen ljvp y~lars or bath. :i .~ ~I ,I i i ,I i i ,~ ~I ,I ,I i~ ;~ it i it inn/ann•a ninY# vcc nn ~anvcr; c~rTr~r~o-v as•nz nnn'i' .~.~*~ a. - w :a ~Y •~ U.S. AR1dIY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action;ID 200411313 County Perauimans NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Agent: Coastal Land Development Address: 201 Lane Drive Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 Telephone No.: 1252)"264-3222 -Size and location of property (waterbody, road.name/number, town, etc) Property is a 119 acre tiract off of North Carolina State Road 1325 adiacent'to the Little River which flows into Albemarle ' Sound m Perauirnans County Indicate Which of the Followin Apply: _ There. are waters of the U:S. and/or wetlands on the above described property which we strongly suggest should be delineated and surveyed. The surveyed wetland lines must be verified by our staff before the :Corps will make a final jurisdictional deterrx~ination on your property. .Because of the size of yourpropertyand our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wetlands cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to obtain a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlands. Once. the consultant has flagged a wetland line on the property,. Corps staff will review it,;and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your pxoperty without an approved survey. X_ The waters of the U.S. and/or wetlands on your property have been delineated, and the limits of the Corps ' jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless thexe is a change in the law or our published regulations, this deternnation maybe relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands,: present on the above.described pxoperty which are subject to tlae pernrit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean. Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification.. _ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Washington, NC,-at (252) 946-6481 to determine their requixements 'Placement of dredged or fill material in waters of the. US and/or wetlands orr this property without a Department of the Army permit may. constitute a violation of Section 301. of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 131.1). A permit is not required for work restricted entirely to existing non-wetland area., If you have any. questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Tracey L. Wheeler at 252-975-1616 extension 24. Basis For Determination: Described tract contains wetlands as defined by the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual. Site is immediately adiacent to the Little River which flows into Albemarle Sound. Property Owner/Authorized Agent Signature. /~`~~ ~~~ ~l7ur~G. ,,.~ ~u~-- Corps Regulatory Official ~ c~..e Q ~, ~(`9~Q, ,,s,, Date 03/29/2004 Expiration Date 03/29/2009 SURVEY PLAT OR FIELD SKETCH OF TI3E DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND DELINEATION FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM ,ii ~, ., ~.; ~~ h^. t ~ re. -1~ '~ ^^`~^~ }' 12815000 FEET ~~NN W '• f 'jfti 1i~t~lY p'4 ~ Yi ,. ~ h :i r ~ ; J ;.. ~ k y. t ~Y ~ ~^ 3 Y } prey "~ ~ t ~'~'] Y t r: 1 }`~ ' 3. 'f'~ i. t~ ) 1 a~ t = ~ ~ Shy. ? r 1` `y.. ij R~; ~ ~. k~ i. ~s~ ~Y~ ~Sy[~~Ri ie4F)~~~X~e;~~i 5a`~~~ Y 4 C +t~ ~ r ., -`v~FL ti's :. q S~:S T ~ C~ ~ r~ r~~~S r~ ?, 4.~ ~ ' ~~ , ti a Y ; ~ ~~ ~~ ~ t ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ r z ~t ~: `? :' „ ~ T t y< 11 Y 4 X978 .-i~~.~ ~ ,yt,~t ^~ Y '. F 'z1 Pr F '~ r ~ ~ cY~` ~ ~ ~ ^ ;et ~~ '~~ t~ ~: c• ~,e a ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ '$ ~ } c a~ ~'~~vRf ~' k ~ t~ i ~3~. f ~y-+ t 1 Ysr .."~ 7' y: ti~iF r ~~ 41 ~b~~ir_ +._ ~ ~. ;t ~ t r n ~ _ '~ ~~ '~"~-~~~~ ~~~ } _" tt~ ~ t7C f t 1 ~ : ; t ~ 'Y }t~ { ~ ~:l' .f: ~~~ -~ r t ~,~q~ .a~~'~~.ct,~a~'~ :. ~~~ w r ~ c S ~ Y T, r f 1 ^ ~~ ~rr~. ~a x~ ~ fah a,. ~~'~' , r ,t , ~~ ~ r ~ ' ~ ~~ ; r a ,. a ~ ~ ~t ~ n ~'~-~~~ k ~ ,.1.~ n F~~". '~~~ Gh~ ~ Sao ~` 1 ' .d":~ _ ~ - r .,fit ~ ~ a 5r' ~a t Y'' ~ ~ ~ ~ , Jacocks F F ~' 4 ~ ~ r~ ». rlx r ~' d j,T ~~ - i~' ;r ~ ~,'^i''~ ~ ~o f47~y ~ ei~ Pik ` ~t c o Ho- v ~ E'r '~ ~S 3 ^ E Y ~` K ~ ~, ~ ~ Vim. >~~ ~~~ ~\ ~ Cif -- '~ '' ~ ~ pbA ~; / ~ ~' ~~ , l~ (~ L ~( r ~ _ t x ~° ~ J 5 \~ ~\~~. _~(0 ~ / ~ C'l~./1~r l.. ,~ ^r A~i1~, 1306 St A..: I. ~ ~ ~ J I /,~ lR - A V~ Y, i F4 1~ ~~ ~~ I ~ ~~ l~ L- ~~ , R V 4r ~ :,•'1~IL ~t \A~i3q \s1 ~j G _ ~ O ~1~ ~ ('~~ U 1~ ~ ~_~ .~ ~F }rv ~ ,t ti *~ _. ~Y z ~ " ~ ~~ 1 r y r~-it;1a ti "„ " -2810000 FE ~~ Ro ~_ ~td,^ rv AP~24 2006 a~w~- w;~ ~was~sr ~~e RAAfCH SITE p~, Glq,~s ~ ~~R ~. 1 " = 40~' LEGEND - - - - - - 404 WETLANDS BOUNDARY AS DETERMINED BY THE A.C.O.E. ON 3/29/04. i' ,~ SCUD ~~W ~n ~~ 2 ~, r~ti~C~. AREA~ryh~ h(r . aaest. ~~6~/,Q~(~L~ JAA!ES t~. ~{~ Wf. 97-E-15 FOR :ASE1.'ENT ]CICAL ~ RCGRAM ft TOTAL FILL AREA = 27,983 S.F. FILL AREA MAP THE R HERS EDGE A 61 LOT SUBDIVISION ~~L 201 Lane Dri~eNC. 27909 pA Elizcbeth Crty, ~~~~~~~ Phone; 252-264-3222 'y~ VY Fax 152-264-3022 ti - n ~~ ~ JURISDICTION 33 LOT AREA 111.:;..117 S. F.: 255 AC: FILL 'AREA 32 9 601 s F u rr~E Ri v~R N42°28'46°W 162.94' ~ ' ~ N ~ 75' CAMA LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEA~:ING L1 2075 N:33°27'D4"W L2 31,53 N22°12'3.5"E L3 37,19 N•43°04'44NW L4 29,50 N17°08'42"E L5 35;62 S73°54'12"E L6 30,91 N62°24'01"E L7 46,09 N40°28'46"E L8 25;90 N37°08'58"E L9 25,90 ' N37°08'58°'E L10 26,47 S36°.02'30"E L11 41,14 S05°19'07°W L12 59,85 N53°51'25"E L13 24,51 S34°50'20"E L14 101,68 N53°48'19°E 2 0.22 AC.. ~ 45 ;~ ~ 5 ' \ J L ~ ~ ~' y° I u7 L10 j ~ C~j \ l 0 AC IVE BED SYSTEM 12 INES @ 50'-3'OC r --~ I ~~I ~ 13 w I 0; !°? n ir) CV ~ ivi o In ~..aQ ~ _ Z J ~ n ~ Q - - 3 L3 r~-~ r R~ 4• p~ L1 30' SL f n n' C®~~~ (45' ~ ~ '' _ - ~ _ N33° ' ~ 1" = 100'. • ,27 04"W ~.~ 8.x.24'_ FILL AREA FOR ~ - - DoT 3~ e n LEGEI~ D THE RIVERS ED"GE ~ ~~ E!~ abeth~ C'tyeN.C. 27909 -- - - - - 4.04 WETLANDS BOUNDARY AS DETERMINED BY ~®~~~~®~i1~ Phone,• 252-264-3222 L~I~~ Fax; 252-264-3022.. <THE A.O.O.E. ON .3/29/04. ~. a a k SINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L15 100,11 N4f1°33'44 W L16 7580 N65°29'07"E L17 69,76 N84°52'01'°E L18 ' 98,18 N50°27'22"E L19 80,81 N76°40'04"E L20 5L29 N48°57'54"W L21 31,25 N43°30'29"E L22 40,22 S36°5b'z3"E L23 41,67 S11°46'21"W L24 288,00 S51°45'08"W \ N36°56'23"W ~ 94.24' .~ ~ ~ ~ JURISD1C7fON ~ ~ I \N L\ 2z-~ ~r_ l ~ ~~ ~_ 53 ~ 54 ` 50' ~ ~ AcrlvE gE0 sYSrEM ~' 10 LINES ®$0'-3'OC ~~I~~~~ \ w ~ a o ~ FILL AREA 17.,912 S.F. ~' w~ `\ ` 0.41 AC. Ng a . \ 2 °44 22 cr 42, 8g , 'W \\ w ~~ \ ~ ... -`.~ r~,~ ~ ` M `^~~-.,,--`'--..~.~45'. R/W) ^o~ ~ irj~~° 7, 8.~*\`s .: Z. `~ N20°40'29"E~ \ ' tea: oo : ~ ~ ~\~ 4~~~~ . \ ~ \\~ FILL AREA FOR ~'~ _ goo' LOT 55 LEGEND THE RI~/ERS EDGE - - - - - - 404 WETLANDS. BOUNDARY AS DETERMINED BY ~~ zo> Lane Orlve Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909 Phone; 252 264-3222 THE A.C_O.E. ON 3~29~04. ~~~~~~~ Fax; 2a2-264-3022. REV. 1:.70/20/05 - MOVED FILL BEHIND 75' CAMA JURISDICTION LINE ON LOT55; REVISEp BEARINGS&.AREA, NOTEDREVISION.