HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAW-2023-02126 NWP Verification 20240523DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT ASHEVILLE REGULATORY 151 PATTEN AVE #208 ASHEVILLE NC 28801 May 23, 2024 Regulatory Division SAW-2023-02126 Sent Via email: blair.sheppard@duke.edu Blair Sheppard SHFT, LLC 202 Carramore Lane Durham, NC 27705 Dear Ms. Sheppard: This letter is in response to the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) you submitted to the Wilmington District, Asheville Regulatory on February 23, 2024, for a Department of the Army Nationwide permit (NWP) verification. This project has been assigned the file number SAW-2023-02126 and is known as Eagle Rock Cove. This file number should be referenced in all correspondence concerning this project. A review of the information provided indicates that the proposed work would include the discharge of fill material in 122 linear feet (0.010 acre) of stream and temporary dewatering of 42 linear feet (0.005 acre) of stream to facilitate the installation of two culverts and replacement of an existing culvert, which would be used to build roadways which would access a residential development. The review area is located along Eagle Rock Cove Road; parcel number 979032122200000, at Latitude 35.635900 and Longitude -82.394400; in Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina. We have determined that the proposed work is authorized by Nationwide Permit 29 pursuant to authorities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C § 1344). The proposed work must be accomplished in strict accordance with the general permit conditions, any regional conditions, the special conditions listed in this letter, the application materials, and the enclosed plans. If the extent of the project area and/or nature of the authorized impacts to waters are modified, a revised PCN must be submitted to this office for written approval before work is initiated. Any violation of permit conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to enforcement action. This verification is valid until March 15, 2026, unless prior to this date the subject NWP(s) is suspended, revoked, or is modified such that the activity no longer complies with the terms and conditions of this NWP. If you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant NWP is modified or revoked, you will have 12 months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this NWP. Project Specific Special Conditions: 1. If additional impacts to waters of the U.S., either on this property and/or future subdivisions of this property, are proposed at a later date then those impacts will be combined with the current impacts to waters of the U.S. and will be reviewed cumulatively. Generally, compensatory mitigation will be required if individual or cumulative (i.e. past and present) losses or degradation of waters of the U.S. that exceed mitigation thresholds outlined in current Wilmington District Guidance. Additionally, cumulative impacts that result in the loss or degradation of greater than 0.5 acre of waters, will typically be processed under an Individual Permit unless otherwise determined. This verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit Program for this project does not imply that this office will necessarily approve any future proposal to impact waters of the U.S. on this property and/or properties associated with the development of the property. 2. The Permittee shall provide a disclosure to prospective buyers of properties with jurisdictional waters/wetlands prior to the conveyance of the properties as shown on the attached Delineation Map (Figure 5) as prepared by ClearWater, an EnviroScience Co. The disclosure for each lot shall be completed using the following format: Portions of this lot, as determined by the Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under Action ID# SAW-2023-02126, contains waters of the United States which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Any placement of dredged or fill material within these waters without Department of Army authorization may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). Prior to any work within the jurisdictional areas, you must contact the USACE, Wilmington District Regulatory Division, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, at 828-271-7980. This NWP verification does not preclude the necessity to obtain any other Federal, State, or local permits, licenses, and/or certifications, which may be required. If you have any questions related to this verification or have issues accessing documents referenced in this letter, please contact Mitchell Anderson, Regulatory Specialist of the Asheville Regulatory at (828)271-7980 x4231, by mail at the above address, or by email at mitchell.l.anderson@usace.army.mil. Please take a moment to complete our customer satisfaction survey located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/. Sincerely, Mitchell Anderson Regulatory Specialist Enclosures Cc (w/enclosures) Tyson Kurtz, ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. (via tkurtz@enviroscienceinc.com) Compliance Certification Form File Number: SAW-2023-02126 County: Buncombe Permittee: SHFT, LLC, Blair Sheppard Project Name: Eagle Rock Cove Date Verification Issued: 5/23/2024 Project Manager: Mitchell Anderson Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Attn: Mitchell Anderson Asheville Regulatory 151 Patten Ave #208 Asheville, NC 28801 or mitchell.l.anderson@usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work, and mitigation (if applicable), authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit including any general or specific conditions. Date Authorized Work Started: ___________ Completed: ___________ Describe any deviations from permit (attach drawing(s) depicting the deviations): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ *Note: The description of any deviations on this form does not constitute approval by the Corps. __________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Permittee Date SA SB SC SD SE SC SG SF WB ^_ ^_ ^_ ° DP-UPL-1 Wetland and Stream Map Delineated Aug. 14, 16, Sept. 28 2023 Figure 5 Project Boundary ^_Data Form Contours 20ft Culvert Stream Wetland Project Boundary Jurisdictional wetlands and waters identified on this map have been located within sub-meter accuracy utilizing a Trimble mapping grade Global Positioning System (GPS) and the subsequent differential correction of that data. GPS points may demonstrate uncorrectable errors due to topography, vegetative cover, and/or multipath signal error. Note: The illustrated wetland and stream locations are approximate. These areas have been flagged in the field; however, they have not been surveyed. Although EnviroScience is confident in our assessment, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the only agency that can make final decisions regarding jurisdictional wetland and waters of the US delineations. Therefore, all preliminary determinations are subject to change until written verification is obtained. EnviroScience strongly recommends that written verification be obtained from the Corps prior to closing on the property, beginning any site work, or making any legal reliance on this determination. This map was prepared by EnviroScience using the best information available to EnviroScience at the time of production. This map is for informational purposes only and should not be used to determine precise boundaries, roadways, property boundary lines, nor legal descriptions. This map shall not be construed to be an official survey of any data depicted. Source Data: Project Boundary - Buncombe Co. GIS Parcels & Landworks Eng. PLLC (access road survey); Contours and Aerial Imagery - NC OneMap DP-UPL-2 WA Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SA - 976 L.F. (0.128 Ac) Da t e : 2 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 4 P a t h : N : \ 1 8 2 7 0 - E a g l e _ R o c k _ C o v e - G I S \ G I S \ M a p D oc \ E a g l e r o c k c o v e _ d e l i n m a p . a p r x NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Ft USBasemap courtesy of NC OneMap. 0 200 400100 Feet 0 100 20050 Meters Dr a w n b y : T J K ^_ 0 50 10025 Feet WA Eagle Rock Cove (+/- 166 Ac) Buncombe Co. NC Acres Linear Feet Acres (Stream bed) WA 0.0004 SA 976 0.128 WB 0.003 SB 1007 0.173 SC 1646 0.355 SD 1118 0.322 SE 158 0.019 SF 198 0.025 SG 23 0.002 Total 0.003 Total 5,126 1.024 StreamWetland Potentially Jurisdictional Waters of the US DP-WET-1 Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SB - 1007 L.F. (0.173 Ac) Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SC - 1646 L.F. (0.355 Ac) Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SD - 1118 L.F. (0.322 Ac) Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SE - 158 L.F. (0.019 Ac) Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SG - 23 L.F. (0.002 Ac) Potential Wetland Waters of the US WA - 0.0004 Ac Potential Wetland Waters of the US WB - 0.003 Ac Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US SF - 198 L.F. (0.025 Ac) DP-WET-1 Figure 6.0  [ 1ț 57ț 7   $țgț55  $ț Z$3Zț ZH<țZț †Ƅț   ˆț  ț 7ț ț ț S  $ț /‘ț[ ț/ț ‘7  ‘ț  7 Ɠț Z ț Łț 3 ț:   âț 57ț : 1ț /ƪ ț ƥ$ț  gq27ț ǭț  GI  ċțēĔ  Z MZț MZ$ƞ eț ‘ț / 1țg5  âț          Wț /Sƨ$2z ț Ƈ hț $HƦ ț 2ț 25ț 2 Ʃ ­ț TWț  /ț / y5LƔț ½ț 2$ ț 7SƉț z /ț ¨ț $   Dzț țT¹ț 5 ț ƬțĜ ’ƚț ƛ 7 ­ț zè ț łęĖțưƱƲțHDț/ yț L/ț3 ț'¹ț 2ț ƀyț/ț      3ț  [:q ț : 5 ț ČĝĞǬ ûüýĴț Ń ț 5ț 7 ț q3 ț 2ț $ [ț  ț [: ț ’MJț oțQŠțÍț ț$ HJț Eț ŲÖÖų××ØØŵdzėğ›Ŀ ŕț @ț ț  ț ¨2 țz3 ț ®L1ț ½ț 3 ț q3fț ǴĠ ț [ 7 ț g27    ǵū2HSțg / ț 34/.#I&# "8 **I"#4 '+I 2š723čț  :’țƟ: ț2ț Sț 2ț W$ 5LWț@Q%ț  ț ƗœƢœƠœț ț  ! ț -ț ț  ț ț Ž XFț  ț ț l!=ț -l- ț ț  ț  Uț  ! ț  !ț !ț ț ț KX Xț !ț ț rț      @J 4+."Oëț…I+.?"Cț+"4;s"iț V0]]?;"C+Jț 4+Ǥ?ț .t".țV0]ǁ?;"CI?–íǠ+ț]O0jț ǂǚ0Cț ?"Vt•Ǒiț.tț j0?êț"?"<ț/i>4ț;>–?.>4i]O0jțò+•íițsôI"++țI…CI< < 4+."OOț Iƒ0I0+;ț I•Iț 04Vț+.?"Cțs;ț t"+țsîț;j".ƒ; j>.t>4ț.tț;"CC;ț "?"JțOCs;ț >4–?.ț 'Wț>4.0țVƒêțs;J E< 5>OOț "4;țV0CI"V.țǩ>+.>4ițVLJ"44Oț j>ñLjț +…>."sOțC".?>"Oț>4țTW ë•].+Dț QJ C0–țV0]]?;"C+ț "4;țIòCI+ț+0ț .t".ț ]O0jțƒ+…C+J &< 0CIO.ț V04+.?…Vñ>04ț 0]țƒ0";j"ôț "î;ți?";>4iț 0I?".>04+< ț -l!ț (Çț K(ț  ț (ț G ț =Kț  ~ț Xț = ț ț K ț  ț rFț  rț __ț ț _¾Èț  !ț    F -ț  ț  ț  ț KÄț    ț  ț wț lț ț  ț ț  { ț  !ț ț  =ț   !ț  ț -  `,`,ț `,Pnț   ()b86ț B)¦Rț Pț H 1ț $/ ț  ț ț /ț: ț ț  ț  è7 ețț qț'ț †$ț @%¿ț 7L[ˆDț E%āț  ț  $Mț Mț qMț'<ț `,P,ț `,Ynț `,Y,ț  *#)ț )ț Båț `ț *bB8Rț xa©ț }k·|„}ðéï²ț ì³µ|°„¶k*nț   ƭț ƁH MLț Y,Â,,ț d9ț *c)ț !( #Aț ¢^ț    1ț !ț 5L hț Êț Ƕț ǟț Ņ[ț Ƌąİ Ƿ  3ÓE%ț %J%ț 3ÓE%ț %D%ț     +ț    Ă&ț %ƌțgțljƺWǏț ǥǝț oț@<%uț 342# -I'-0 !4I 2# II 3! *#II 3'.%*#I"2(7#8 :I4/I+/4II ¬(*#(9ț ț 2ț 7 ț Y,Ân,ț &ț  ț :3 ț %5ț 5ț E'Wț țoț @<%uț M$ eț Æ ¤Qț Üț MM ț /e ț:$ț : M  qț / 1 Jț H 1ț S  $ț  ț ț   ț 2Sț ț 8BGd#ț 8BGd#ț 6a6\ț *6R)ț 6a6\ț *6R)ț G9cAț P,^ț G9#Aț ()b86ț \R96Þț PÎ^ț Îț -ț  ț  ț  Åț   À\xÁț ()b86ț \R“96Aț À*xÁț Y¢fț¡Y £D,, ȉĪ ț  ț wț kț ț  ț ț  {  ț  ț K ! ț  ț   ț B ț K  ț !Nț U ŠŠŠŠƳěƣƒ-Ŗ ț  ț ĒħĨĩij  !ț KUrț p ț _ - _ț K ț ! 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